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  • If your questions are just a demand for a hand-held tour, and it is apparent you have not even attempted to research or read the existing material, your post will be deleted.
  • Commentary chitchat will automatically be deleted if it does not add to the questions already posed. The weekly Q&A chat is not a stage for opinions or rants.
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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
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  1. No debunking and disruption. Debunking and disruption will lead to suspension.
  2. The existence of Planet X and the truthfulness of ZetaTalk are not debatable.
  3. This ning does not focus on religion or politics, so these types of questions will be declined as a distraction from the issue at hand.
  4. ZetaTalk only. Posting of or discussion regarding material alleged to be channeled or otherwise relayed by entities other than the STO Zetas to anyone other than Nancy Lieder of is not allowed on this site

Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 [73] years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 45051

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Replies to This Discussion

Hey Nancy, I love you:) Any comment?
Starship troopers: US to create ‘space corps’ in radical Air Force overhaul

Members of the US House Armed Services Committee have voted to create a "Space Corps," a sixth branch of the country’s armed forces focused on military maneuvers beyond the Earth’s atmosphere.
The space corps, which has yet to gain full approval, would absorb all of the Air Force’s current space missions under the umbrella of a new US Space Command. It would also make the head of the new service the eighth member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The plan, which could be implemented as soon as January 2019, has been developed as part of a radical reorganization of the US Air Force.

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Starship troopers: US to create ‘space corps’ in radical Air Force overhaul
Published time: 1 Jul, 2017 18:26
Starship troopers: US to create ‘space corps’ in radical Air Force overhaul
© Bill Ingalls / Reuters
Members of the US House Armed Services Committee have voted to create a "Space Corps," a sixth branch of the country’s armed forces focused on military maneuvers beyond the Earth’s atmosphere.
The space corps, which has yet to gain full approval, would absorb all of the Air Force’s current space missions under the umbrella of a new US Space Command. It would also make the head of the new service the eighth member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The plan, which could be implemented as soon as January 2019, has been developed as part of a radical reorganization of the Air Force.

Accepted. Will add the new NASA mission change too, as it relates.

Chris said:

Any comment?

[and from another]
Starship troopers: US to create ‘space corps’ in radical Air Force overhaul. Members of the US House Armed Services Committee have voted to create a "Space Corps," a sixth branch of the country’s armed forces focused on military maneuvers beyond the Earth’s atmosphere. The space corps, which has yet to gain full approval, would absorb all of the Air Force’s current space missions under the umbrella of a new US Space Command. It would also make the head of the new service the eighth member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The plan, which could be implemented as soon as January 2019, has been developed as part of a radical reorganization of the US Air Force.
[and from another]
Congress just added “the search for life’s origins, evolution, distribution, and future in the universe” to the agency’s marching orders. Amongst the many pages of the 2017 NASA Authorization Act (S. 422) the Agency’s mission encompasses expected items such as continuation of the space station, building of big rockets, indemnification of launch and reentry service providers for third party claim and so on. But in this year’s bill, Congress added a momentous phrase to the agency’s mission: “the search for life’s origins, evolution, distribution, and future in the universe.”
[and from another]
SpaceX, the upstart company, and NASA, the government agency, both have plans to venture to Mars and orbit the moon. But that doesn’t mean they’ve launched a new space race. NASA has long been SpaceX’s most important customer, providing contracts to deliver cargo and eventually astronauts to the International Space Station. And the Hawthorne company will need NASA’s technical support to achieve the first of its grand ambitions in deep space.
[and from another]
Blue Origin has also pitched NASA on a public-private partnership to fly cargo and science experiments to the surface of the moon, a mission it has dubbed Blue Moon. This year, it plans to begin crewed test flights of its suborbital New Shepard rocket. By next year, it could start flying paying tourists on trips that would cross the 62-mile barrier that’s considered the edge of space.
[and from another]
December 1, 2010. The Russian space agency is going ahead with a plan to spend $2 billion to clean up space debris.
[and from another]
December 9, 2016. Scientists at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) are experimenting with a tether to pull junk out of orbit around Earth, clearing up tonnes of space clutter including cast-off equipment from old satellites and pieces of rocket. Researchers are using a so-called electrodynamic tether made from thin wires of stainless steel and aluminium. The idea is that one end of the strip will be attached to debris which can damage working equipment—there are hundreds of collisions every year.
[and from another]
The project, led by Moscow State Mechanical Engineering University (MAMI), raised more than $30,000 on Russian crowdfunding website Boomstarter. Mayak’s only mission is to be bright and remove defunct satellites from earth’s orbit.
[and from another]
July 1, 2017.
The space agency announced plans to redirect the course of a small asteroid approaching Earth, as part of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART). DART would be NASA's first mission to demonstrate what's known as the kinetic impactor technique - striking the asteroid to shift its orbit - to defend against a potential future asteroid impact.  DART launch set for October 2022.

A new focus on space has emerged from both a US Air Force reorganization and NASA mission statements. The US Air Force is splitting off its space functions into a new Space Corps, to take effect in 2019. Congress added the “search for life” to NASA’s mission statement when approving the 2017 budget. NASA is increasingly partnering with Musk’s Space X and may partner with Bezos’ Blue Origin in their desire to go to the Moon and Mars. Then there is the press to clean up the space junk circling Earth, already in operation, and to find an effective means of deflecting asteroids heading toward Earth.

This of course relates to the creeping disclosure over the alien presence on Earth. But the agenda also includes boosting US prestige which has suffered due to budget cuts over the past few years. The US hopes to be seen as a leader, or at least in partnership with the leaders. This is also an exercise in futility. We have stressed that the elite will not be allowed to ride out the Pole Shift on Mars or the Moon, and the Council of Worlds has enforced that decree.
The elite will likewise not be allowed to maintain satellites that spy on desperate migrants,
nor track their routes.

Earth, and the space around her, will suffer the Pole Shift in her near future, and there is naught that mankind can do to stop this. They can be compassionate to one another, a life lesson that is the point of their 3rd density existence, but any attempt to retain their kingship
over one another will fail. During the Pole Shift, and well before hand, the Earth will be lashed by the debris ridden tail of Nibiru, tearing the satellites out of the sky and hammering hail and boulders upon the hapless Earth. Thus all maneuvers to get to Mars or the Moon are fantasies of the elite. And all maneuvers by the US to posture are to “make America great again”, and nothing more.

Accepted via email:

Montana earthquake related to Yellowstone?
[and from another]
A magnitude 5.8 earthquake hit just after midnight about 6 miles southeast of Lincoln. There were no immediate reports of injuries. Residents in Lincoln briefly lost power and there was a gas leak in Helena. People felt the quake as far away as Bozeman, Idaho, and Great Falls.
[and from another]
A 5.8 magnitude earthquake struck western Montana around 12:30 am. The shaking was felt as far away as 500 miles.

The spate of Montana quakes on July 6 had nothing to do with Yellowstone, nor with the pending ripping of the New Madrid Fault Line or adjustments along the San Andreas Fault Line. Due to the bowing stress the N American Plate has been enduring, pulling the continent in a diagonal direction, rock strata throughout the continent are put under stress. Lincoln, Montana lies just inside the rock strata that has been pushed over the plains during past Pole Shifts. This is a SEPARATE strata, not homogeneous with the underlying rock strata of the plains, and thus they do not move as one.

The diagonal stress on the N American Plate is relieved at the weakest points, causing quake swarms in Oklahoma,
fissures in Arizona,
snapping water mains in San Diego,
sinkholes in Pennsylvania, and fracturing Alabama pipelines.
As the N American Continent is gradually pulled in a diagonal manner, the overriding rock strata at the edge of the plains will shatter when it is pulled away from the underlying plains strata. These are not deep quakes, but rather surface quakes, and should be expected to occur in the future.

Declined as there is something wrong with this CC which does not seem genuine. The grain is crushed, not woven, and it has no message. It seems to be a fake trying to detract from a GENUINE CC in early June, which did have a message.

Caryn D said:

Crop Circle july 5 2017, Battlebury Hill, Wiltshire, UK. Can the Zetas comment?

Can the Zetas speak to the new land mass that has appeared off Cape Hatteras?

Anything to do with the stronger seismic activity up and down the Atlantic Ridge?  Thank you,

Accepted. Just wobble sloshing result.

Willa Rawlings said:

Can the Zetas speak to the new land mass that has appeared off Cape Hatteras?

Anything to do with the stronger seismic activity up and down the Atlantic Ridge? 
[and from another]
The sandy beach is littered with whale bones and ribs of old shipwrecks. It appeared out of nowhere in April just off North Carolina's Outer Banks—a new land mass poking through the surf, a brand new Atlantic Ocean island. It is not unusual for patches of ground to emerge and then quickly subside. These are, after all, some of North America's roughest waters, a shallow region of swirling tides, hidden shoals, and harsh winds known to sailors as the Graveyard of the Atlantic. Yet even for this place, this new formation is of a scale rarely seen. All this ferocious change comes to a head near Cape Point, which is just 10 miles or so from the edge of the continental shelf and the place where the Labrador and Gulf Stream meet.

New land composed of debris and sand will emerge during the Pole Shift, due to the turmoil of sloshing and rising and falling ocean waters. River deltas form in this way, sediment carried down river settling when the flow relaxes. In a similar manner, strong tides can pick sediment up and force it afar, then drop it when the tides pause and reverse. More than dirt and sand are delivered in this manner. Anything that has been dragged out to sea, or sunk to the bottom, can re-emerge. This new land is not solid, and can again be washed away by rains or flood or storms.

Hello Nancy and Zeta friends. I'm a long-time reader and supporter who has never commented on any personal experience -- but something happened last night that I cannot ignore.

At 10:30 PM on Saturday (7/8) in Yukon, OK, located just west of Oklahoma City / Tinker AFB, my wife and I heard a steady, loud rumble emanating from the West that sounded like the whir or hum from a circling aircraft/chopper -- but was much too large to be anything commercial.

At the same time to our East, loud zig-zags from unseen (objects?) very high in the sky scared the daylights out of us -- and caused animals underneath to emit the most terrifying screams/howls we'd ever heard. Again, the speed of whatever was causing these jet-like rumbling noises was much too fast to be anything commercial.

We thought WW3 was breaking out, and we were most unnerved that we could not see ANYTHING. The unsettling noises continued for nearly 30 minutes and then abruptly stopped. Left shaken, we sought out other such incidents and found a video clip from Nottingham, UK, that sounded somewhat similar.

My question, if the Zetas would care to address, is what exactly causes these mysterious and terrifying noises? Unseen aircraft? Screeching earth? Or are we just paranoid? Thank you for considering.

Accepted via email:

Why has the Blue Whale game taken off? If the participants pass the challenges, then they get to commit suicide. What the heck?
[and from another]
The Blue Whale Game or Blue Whale Challenge reportedly stems from an online social group where its administrators, referred to as 'Masters', issue tests to participants over the course of a 50-day challenge. To 'win' the game, the players are reportedly ordered to commit suicide. It has also been reported that those unwilling to follow the final order are told that their families will be killed. The game is also reportedly spread under several other names, such as 'I'm in the game', 'Wake me at 4:20', F57, 'A Quiet House/A Silent House', all via social hashtags. Initial reports of Blue Whale games originated from Russia where around 130 youth suicides between November 2015 and April 2016 have been linked to the deadly challenge.
[and from another]
The alleged mastermind behind a suicide cult targeting vulnerable children through social media has been arrested in Russia. Ilya Sidorov, 26, is accused of encouraging youngsters to self-harm and kill themselves in a twisted game likened to the “Blue Whale challenge” that has been linked to more than 130 deaths. Children who join the game are told to cut themselves, watch horror films, and go without sleep as they carry out a series of “tasks” apparently aimed at damaging their mental health. On the 50th day of the “challenge” they are told to commit suicide. Mr Sidorov is said to have recruited up to 32 schoolchildren to his group before his dramatic arrest in Moscow.

This is a theme that has many counterparts in human society. ISIS suicide bombers are promised rewards in Heaven for their sacrifice. But often a woman or child is forced to carry the bomb. The weak ordered to kill themselves and others. Terrorist organizations capture and convert children because they are malleable – frightened by being removed from parents and protectors and willing to do anything to establish a sense of security. This is known in psychology as the Stockholm Syndrome,
where a captive identifies with his captors, becoming part of the gang.

Such bonding is common among street gangs, where the young person does not have a strong parent or guardian they identify with, so they seek others on the streets as role models. Street gangs will send new members out to kill someone in a rival gang. But killing the self is not the goal. The goal is to kill the enemy, or prove oneself loyal. Even fraternities, which are a type of cult, have initiations whereby the applicant must prove themselves worthy. These initiation rites often include risk and potential injury, but not death. Even Kamikaze bombers in Japan were carrying out an honor tradition - loyalty unto death.  

The Blue Whale cult has suicide as the GOAL. What would induce a young person to join such a cult, where the right to commit suicide is the prize? Suicide is available to these young people without such a permission, so why seek permission? At first, there seems little risk as control lies with the victim. He can always step away and refuse to continue the game, refuse to take the next challenge. Why does this become like a drug, where the longer one lingers, the more addicted one becomes? It is a psychological addiction where the convert feels better about themselves when in the cult, and feels empty when outside the cult.

Blue Whale cult members are inherently weak individuals, seeking someone strong to direct them. The cult Master does this but also praises them, and the continuing challenges are a compliment of sorts.  This is true of all cults, the Master providing what the cult member found lacking in their family or society in general. For Blue Whale members the Master is seeking more than control over his members. He is enhancing his future on Service-to-Self worlds. We have stated that some atrocities,
such as the Virginia Tech massacre, are by such applicants seeking future status. This was likewise a feature of the Slenderman atrocities.

Prior ZT:
This episode was an example of a group possession, in which a group of weak individuals allows a strong Service-to-Self spirit to influence them.  Unlike traditional possession where the possessing spirit remains in the human who has invited it and creates dramatic chaos and violence, these group possessions are low-key and often not recognized by others. The motives in the possessing spirits differ in these two scenarios. In group possession there is a different agenda, which is a slow erosion of the group so that only Service-to-Self behavior emerges. It is noteworthy that the Slender Man mythology centers around the Slender Man’s interaction with children, who are easily frightened and feel helpless to fight the adults in their lives, much less one who is tall, has many tentacles, and can appear and disappear at will. The Stockholm syndrome develops, whereby the helpless one embraces and wants to bond with their oppressor.  The girls are not psychotic, though will likely be diagnosed as such, and did indeed have their dreams and thoughts influenced by the Slender Man entity. 


AD said:

I'm a long-time reader and supporter who has never commented on any personal experience -- but something happened last night that I cannot ignore.

At 10:30 PM on Saturday (7/8) in Yukon, OK, located just west of Oklahoma City / Tinker AFB, my wife and I heard a steady, loud rumble emanating from the West that sounded like the whir or hum from a circling aircraft/chopper -- but was much too large to be anything commercial. At the same time to our East, loud zig-zags from unseen (objects?) very high in the sky scared the daylights out of us -- and caused animals underneath to emit the most terrifying screams/howls we'd ever heard. Again, the speed of whatever was causing these jet-like rumbling noises was much too fast to be anything commercial. We thought WW3 was breaking out, and we were most unnerved that we could not see ANYTHING. The unsettling noises continued for nearly 30 minutes and then abruptly stopped. Left shaken, we sought out other such incidents and found a video clip from Nottingham, UK, that sounded somewhat similar.  My question, if the Zetas would care to address, is what exactly causes these mysterious and terrifying noises? Unseen aircraft? Screeching earth? Or are we just paranoid?
[and from another]
A loud "booming" noise has been heard above Nottingham and people are desperate to find out what it was. The unexplained noise has been described as a "roaring" and "rumbling" noise, which has happened every few minutes over night.

Since 2011 when the Trumpets of Kiev
mesmerized the world, vibrations in water reservoirs have caused tones or trumpeting sounds.  When the basin is diverse the sound can emit as a howl, as in the Tampa Bay howl.
The UK is being pulled apart, in many directions. Ireland and Wales are being pulled DOWN as the Atlantic is stretched taut, while the English Channel is being pulled apart. Nottingham, in the center of the land mass is being stretched and snapped. Being on a river, on crust that is thin and thus droops, it also vibrates, vibrating the air mass above Nottingham.

Oklahoma likewise is being pulled in many directions, as can be seen by the many quake swarms
there. The bowing of the N American Plate pulls at a diagonal, up to the NE and down to the SW. Riddled with rivers, which cross the state in every direction, the rock strata will pull apart periodically, and when it does MORE than the water in enclosed reservoirs or lakes will vibrate – the land itself vibrates. This emits from the vibrating air mass overhead and is heard as a howl. This is referenced in the Kolbrin
when it states “The days of stillness were followed by a time when the noise of trumpeting and shrilling was heard in the Heavens, and the people became as frightened beasts without a headsman.”  

Via email:

Some popular Sun observers are claiming that government/s are employing Sun simulator/s to obscure or confuse actual solar activity and hide objects, potentially including Nibiru. is there truth to these claims regarding Sun simulator/s? One of the youtube channels frequently mentioning this is WSO.
[and from another]
A solar simulator (also artificial sun) is a device that provides illumination approximating natural sunlight. The purpose of the solar simulator is to provide a controllable indoor test facility under laboratory conditions, used for the testing of solar cells, sun screen, plastics, and other materials and devices.
[and from another]
[and from another]
Solar cycle 24 has seen very low solar activity thus far, likely the lowest in 100 years. NASA has deigned to give us another nine months of sunspot area data by hemisphere, up to September 2016. The fact that the hemispheric peaks of the last three cycles align indicate that there is a multi-decadal force operating in the vertical dimension. The chance that two sets of three points line up exactly by themselves is infinitesimal.
[and from another]
June 11, 2017. A high-flying science experiment may color the skies above the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast with bluish green and red clouds on Sunday evening, as NASA seeks to learn more about charged particles at the top of Earth's atmosphere. The luminescent colors are due to sunlight interacting with the chemicals barium, strontium and cupric-oxide. Although the flight will last about eight minutes, the colorful clouds could linger for 20 minutes. Scientists want to learn more about how the ionosphere interacts with other layers of the atmosphere.  

The elite have of course tried to fog the skies with chemtrails, so looking through the smeary sky to discern Nibiru becomes difficult. NASA had likewise hoped for lots of solar activity to blame for increased electro-magnetic pulse (EMP), but the Sun cycle has instead produced an extraordinarily sleepy Sun. They can of course swap current images of the Sun with older images from their archives, and lie, as they control SOHO and SECCHI and NOAA reports on solar emissions. But how to control what the public sees in the skies?

NASA has recently started blowing red and blue-green colored clouds into the skies, so claiming that Second Sun sightings are just a reflection from such an experimental cloud is just a step away. Would NASA use their 1966 patent for sunlight simulation for such disinformation?  These simulation machines are small, designed for the lab, and the common man worldwide has eyes to see. Instead, NASA will claim that what the public is seeing is their cloud seeding, which has drifted into the upper atmosphere and is creating the Nibiru images.

Could the Zetas say something about this crop circle? 


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