The Norway neon spiral that occurred on December 8, 2009 has caused many to question the many prehistoric spirals and spirals in crop circles. Are these warnings of what is to come?

Spirals have appeared in prehistoric glyphs, drawn on cave walls along with the animals early man hunted. What was the significance of these spirals, which until now had no explanation? Perhaps early man saw them in the sky prior to a pole shift, and this was their way of telling the story. If so, we can expect more massive spirals in the sky as the time of the pole shift approaches.

VIDEO: Prehistoric Spirals

Spirals have also shown up in crop circles, such as this dual spiral at Fort Nelson in the UK on June 11, 2004.

At the time, the Zetas made no mention of pending sky spirals with neon spirals clouds emanating from their centers, but did allude to a "magnetic maelstrom"

ZetaTalk Analysis 6/25/2004: Planet X remains on the flow lines of the Sun, increasingly at an angle to the Sun, causing the Earth's tilt to be more extreme, until, as magnets do, the Earth is in an extreme tilt, almost lateral to the Sun. Again, given the complexity of recent crop circles, not the last dance, but implied in Fort Nelson in the angle of the small bodies, planets, caught in the magnetic maelstrom.

When pressed they admitted they had withheld the full meaning of the crop circle, in order to discombobulate the establishment so that the cover-up over the presence of Planet X might crack.

Question: Are the elite now trapped with their cover story of a Russian missile to debunk the latest neon spiral? One might assume that many more such spirals will manifest and it will not be credible for TPTB to suggest misfired Russian missiles will be responsible for the spirals to come. Are the spirals that are so often represented by petroglyphs showing us what man saw during previous Planet X passages?

ZetaTalk Admission 12/12/2009: Spirals were present in the skies, as signs in the skies, during prior pole shifts, yes. This is a matter we withheld up until now, because of our desire to surprise the establishment as much as possible, to hopefully shake the cover-up and allow admissions of the truth to blurt out. Just as with the frequency of fireballs, which at first were blamed on space junk or on a satellite crash and then on asteroids entering Earth's field, the establishment will cast around for explanations before simply falling silent on the matter. The time is coming when silence will be their only defense, so that the common man looks elsewhere for an explanation.

Source: The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 164, Sunday, December 20, 2009

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Comment by Juan F Martinez on January 25, 2023 at 11:15pm

Spiral captured by Subaru Telescope in Hawaii. 1/18/2023

Subaru is an 8.2-meter optical-infrared telescope at the summit of Maunakea, Hawaii, operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), National Institutes of Natural Sciences.

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