Caught a Wave Undulation West to East Round the World

Monitoring a Jolt in a heliplot, I noticed a wave undulation sometimes appeared at some GSN stations. So I collected a heliplot image where it appeared, and arranged the date and time and the observation station, and plotted them on a map with numbering in chronological order. Here is the data for four days, from 2014-02-25 to 2014-02-28. 

I also noticed that there was no wave at TARA (Tarawa Island, Republic of Kiribati) for 23 hours started both at 2014-02-08 15:00 and at 2014-02-11 11:00, but I found a wave at TARA appeared at 2014-02-25 16:00, and it appeared afterwards every approximately 17 hours; 2014-02-26 09:10 (interval: 17 hr 10 min), 2014-02-27 02:40 (interval: 17 hr 30 min) and 2014-02-27 (interval: 17 hr), the last wave appeared very small. And I could not notice the next wave with a 17 hrs interval, I'm not sure if I missed it or there was not a wave at that time. But the next wave appeared at 2014-03-01 06:00 (interval 34 hr 20 min) and about 2 hours later of the wave a Big Spike happened with following tremor for 3-4 hours. The next wave appeared at 2014-03-01 23:20 (interval: 17 hr 20 min) with some bigger wave form.

* GSN Heliplots:

See also,

* Global Tremor after M6 Scotia Sea of 2014-02-08

* Jolt in Antarctica, Africa and South America some days after M6 Sco...

* A series of Jolt happened one week later again as an identical pattern

* Third a series of Jolt again! Now happening every 1 week.


1) Example of Wave Undulation

2) Wave Undulation at GSN Stations from 2014-02-25 to 2014-02-28

3) Mapping on IRIS Seismic Monitor Image

4) Mapping on Google Earth Image

5) Wave Going West to East Round the World

6) Wave Appeared at 17 hours Intervals at TARA (Kiribati)


1) Example of Wave Undulation

2) Wave Undulation at GSN Stations from 2014-02-25 to 2014-02-28

A wave undulation has been appearing on a heliplot at some GSN Stations since 2014-02-25.

I found the following.

3) Mapping on IRIS Seismic Monitor Image

4) Mapping on Google Earth Image

5) Wave Going West to East Round the World

When posting this blog, I got a comment from Nancy.


Nancy's comment: 

Your are tracking the wave west to east round the world several times. I did this too on domino quake analysis years ago.

Th waves also are familiar. In 2004 etc when the heioplots were more sensitive, they showed up a lot. Worldwide wobble after a big quake.

Then the sensitivity was turned down. NOW I think the force of the jolts has increased so they are showing up again, even with the helioplots turned way down, less sensitive.


So I made an analysis about the tracking of the wave, showing the following.

6) Wave Appeared at 17 hours Intervals at TARA (Kiribati)

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