Brazil: collapse of infrastructure for the last week


10.01.12. Landslide in Jamapará, district Sapucaia

05.01.12. Embankment collapse and other damages in Ponte Nova, Minas Gerais

09.01.12. Sinkhole  swallowed truck in Lziânia, Goiás

08.01.12. Bridge damage in Simonésia, Minas Gerais

10.01.12. Sinkhole depth of 4 meters on road BR 494 in Carmo da Mata, Minas Gerais

09.01.12. Collapse on road MG 20 in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

10.01.12.  Building collapse in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

10.01.12. Collapse 50 meters on road MG-353 near Coronel Pacheco, Minas Gerais

11.01.12. Collapse on road BR 356 near Paraíba do Sul, Rio de Janeiro

07.01.12. Land subsidence in Sagrada Face, Manhuaçu

08.01.12. Collapse on road MG-020 near Ribeiro de Abreu, Belo Horizonte

08.01.12. Collapse on road MGC-120 near Cpoeirana, Itabira

10.01.12. Sinkhole on road BR-494 between Carmo da Mata and Cláudio

06.01.12.  Land subsidence in area Mangabeiras, João Monlevade

10.01.12. Crater 20 meters in Rio Doce, Timoteo

04.01.12. Collapse on road BR-163 between Sinop and Itaúba, Mato Grosso

03.01.12. Collapse on 25 km of federal highway MG-010, Minas Gerais

10.01.12. Collapse on 78 km of road MG-260 near Cláudio, Minas Gerais

04.01.12. Cracks on road BR 356 in Serra da Santa

11.01.12. Road collapse in Araçatuba, São Paulo

05.01.12. Collapse on 89 km of road BR-101 Sul in Pontezinha, Pernambuco

05.01.12. Embankment collapse in Muriaé, Minas Gerais

06.01.12. Bridge collapse in Guidoval, Minas Gerais

09.01.12. Building collapse in Buritis, Belo Horizonte

12.01.12. Torrential rains lashing southeastern Brazil have killed at least 33 people, including five members of one family buried in a landslide, according to a new official death toll issued Wednesday.

The heavy rains and ensuing flooding are mainly affecting the southeastern states of Rio de Janeiro, Espirito Santo and Minas Gerais, where thousands of people have been evacuated.

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