Surreal seascape revealed by the storms: Ancient oaks and pines from 5,000-year-old forest rise as Welsh beach is washed away
Rising from the beach in a surreal seascape, the remains of these ancient trees have been revealed by the storms.
Thought to date back to the Bronze Age, the shin-high stumps became visible for the first time when the peat which once covered them was washed away in torrential rain and waves pounding the shore.
Now they stud the beach near the village of Borth, Ceredigion, Mid Wales – an area already rich in archaeology, opposite the alleged site of Wales’s own take on the lost city of Atlantis.
Folklore has it that Cantre’r Gwaelod, or the Sunken Hundred, a once-fertile land and township, was lost beneath the waves in a mythical age.
The land is said to have extended 20 miles west of the present Cardigan Bay, but disaster struck and Cantre’r Gwaelod was lost to floods when Mererid, the priestess of a fairy well, apparently neglected her duties and allowed the well to overflow.
Last month archaeologists also found a timber walkway nearby, exposed by the storms. It was discovered by Ross Cook and Deanna Groom, from the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, who went beach walking in the wake of the storms to check for any new finds. It was made from short lengths of coppiced branches, held in place with upright posts.
It has been dated to between 3,100 and 4,000 years old, built as the local people found ways to cope with living in an increasingly waterlogged environment.
Two years ago human and animal footprints were found preserved in the hardened top layer of peat, along with scatterings of burnt stones from ancient hearths.
The location of Borth's submerged forest is a well known secret. It stretches intermittently for two to three miles along the shore between Ynys-las and Borth and lies about half-way between high and low water. What makes it a secret is that it is normally hidden under a layer of sand and is only exposed under certain circumstances.
On the rare occasions when it is fully exposed a flattened expanse of peat containing the remains of numerous prostrate trees is revealed. Pine (Pinus), alder (Alnus), oak (Quercus) and Birch (Betula) have all been identified. The root systems of the larger trees are generally spread horizontally, though some also grow downwards. This is typical of trees growing in fen woods where the high-water table keeps all the tree roots with the exception of alder in the aerated surface layers of the peat.
Located in the stretch zone, Borth's submerged forest shows what happens when the Altantic is pulled down during a pole shift, sinking the land with only the tales of former settlements remaining in myths and legends.
This mirrors the other side of the Atlantic, the eastern US seaboard which also loses elevation during a pole shift, sometimes leaving only the tree stumps on the beach there too.
Like Jenness Beach, NH (above) and Odiorne Point State Park, NH which have both been dated at around the time of the last pole shift
Odiorne Point
Near Odiorne Point State Park in Rye, this sunken forest is referred to as the "Drowned Forest". The roots of different coniferous trees (including white pine and hemlock) are visible at most low tides. Core samples taken from the roots indicate that the trees are about 3,500 - 4,000 years old. Scuba divers commonly explore the Drowned Forest to learn about these ancient remains.
Jenness Beach
The Jenness Beach forest, much larger than Odiorne Point, is rarely sighted above sea level. Sightings have occurred in 1940, 1958, 1962, 1978, 2007, and 2010. The trees, eight to ten feet in circumference, have been carbon dated from 3,400 to 3,800 years old. Currently, only 56 stumps remain, but due to the circumference of the trees, it was likely to have been a much vaster forest. The seafloor on which it sits was probably submerged after the Wisconsin glaciation. Some estimates say that the coastline of New England used to extend 75 miles (121 km) east of its current position; a Native American of the era could have walked from Nantucket to southern Cape Cod without touching the Atlantic Ocean. Another estimate states that New Hampshire's shore could have been a few miles inland.[citation needed] The former estimate is more likely. Fishermen have hauled up mastodon and mammoth teeth miles offshore, suggesting that the forest extended quite far from its western shoreline boundary. The last few yards of the transatlantic telegraph cable laid in 1874 may have gone through the sunken forest.
Archaeologists are searching for the lost tribes of prehistoric Britain – at the bottom of the North Sea.
In a unique and ground-breaking operation, scientists plan to search for evidence of Stone Age human activity on Britain’s very own ‘Atlantis’ – a vast prehistoric land, once located between England and southern Scandinavia, which was engulfed by rising sea levels some 7500 years ago.
The archaeologists hope to find evidence of flint tool manufacture, plant pollen and the DNA of plant and animal species used by the long-lost land’s ancient inhabitants. Due to be launched later this month, the multi-million pound project is the largest of its kind ever attempted anywhere in the world and will lead to the development by British scientists of an entire range of new scientific techniques and capabilities.
Past survey work in the southern part of the North Sea has identified some of the vanished territory’s original river valleys – and it is two of those now-long-drowned valleys that the scientists will target in their search.
They plan to recover ancient pollen, insects and plant and animal DNA and to use high definition survey techniques to accurately rediscover what the lost Stone Age landscape looked like, what vegetation flourished there and how humans impacted on and used the environment.
The project will reveal, for the very first time, the culture and lifestyle of the dozens of generations of prehistoric Brits who flourished there for 6000 years until it finally disappeared beneath the waves in the mid sixth millennium BC.
This real British Atlantis originally covered some 100,000 square miles of what is now the North Sea (a long-lost territory around the size of modern Britain). However, following the end of the Ice Age, thousands of cubic miles of sub-Arctic ice started to melt and sea levels began to rise worldwide. The major period of ice melt and consequent sea level rise, that specifically affected the southern part of the North Sea region, occurred between 8000 BC and 6000BC.
Archaeologists have discovered the remnants of a mysterious underwater Stone Henge-style monument built by an unknown ancient civilisation.
Scientists found the huge "man-made" standing stone deep in the sea off the coast of Sicily - raising the prospect it might have been part of a long-lost religious or ceremonial complex.
The 12 metre long "monolith" was found shattered in two and lying beneath 40 metres of water. It has three holes, including one which runs from end to end.
Scientists suggested the "unique and significant structure" was built more than 10,000 years ago before being sumberged in a massive flood, forcing its builders to flee.
The pair of researchers who discovered the monolith (which can be seen here) said it proved there was "significant human activity" in the area, which is called the Pantelleria Vecchia Bank and was once an island in the Sicilian Channel.
A shocked diver has found an incredible 10,000-year-old pre-historic forest under the North Sea and experts believe it could have once stretched as far as Europe.
Diver Dawn Watson, 45, discovered the remarkable 'lost forest' when she was diving just 300 metres off the coast of Cley next the Sea, Norfolk.
She found complete oak trees with branches measuring eight metres long under the sea and experts believe they have been hidden off the coast of Norfolk since the Ice Age.
The forest is believed to have become exposed following the stormy weather last winter.
Ms Watson, who runs the Marine Conservation Society's survey project, Seasearch in East Anglia with partner Rob Spray, said she was 'absolutely thrilled' with the find.
She said: 'I couldn't believe what I was seeing at first.
'The sea was quite rough by the shore so I decided to dive slightly further out and after swimming over 300 metres of sand I found a long blackened ridge.
'When I looked more closely I realised it was wood and when I swam further along I started finding whole tree trunks with branches on top, which looked like they had been felled.
Researchers have uncovered an 'underwater Pomepii' in the sea off the Greek coast.
Remains of an ancient settlement, complete with a ruined pottery workshop, were discovered on the bottom of the Aegean sea off the small island of Delos.
Archaeologists found 16 terracotta pots and remains of a kiln embedded in the sea floor.
Dubbed by the Greek media 'a small underwater Pompeii,' the structures lay at a depth of just 6 feet on the northeastern coast of Delos, according to Discovery News.
'In the past these ruins were identified as port facilities,' the culture ministry said.
The new investigation by the National Hellenic Research Foundation and the Ephorate of Undersea Archaeology, found that rather than a dock, a pottery workshop and other buildings once stood at the site.
Storms Reveal 7,500-year-old ‘Drowned Forest’ off Ireland (Mar 7) Parts of extensive forests dating back 7,500 years (2 pole shifts) that once marked Ireland’s Atlantic rim have been spectacularly exposed by the recent storms hitting the west coast. The powerful winds and pounding sea swell which stripped away layers of sand and stone shoreline have revealed patches of a “drowned” forest along the north Galway coastline west of Spiddal.
Walking out on to the shoreline at low tide, geologist Prof Mike Williams points to the oak, pine and birch stumps and extensive root systems which were once part of woodlands populated by people, wolves and bears.
These woodlands extended out into lagoons and marshlands that pre-dated the formation of Galway bay, Prof Williams says. An extensive layer of peat also exposed at low tide in the same location in Spiddal was formed by organic debris which once carpeted the forest floor.
The stumps at Spiddal are surrounded by root systems which are largely undisturbed. The carpet of peat is covered in strands of a reed called phragmites, which can tolerate semi- saline or brackish conditions.
“These trees are in their original growth position and hadn’t keeled over, which would suggest that they died quite quickly, perhaps in a quite rapid sea level rise,” Prof Williams adds.
Up until 5,000 years ago Ireland experienced a series of rapid sea level rises, he says. During the mid-Holocene period, oak and pine forests were flooded along the western seaboard and recycled into peat deposits of up to two metres thick, which were then covered by sand.
Prof Williams estimates that sea level would have been at least five metres lower than present when the forests thrived, and traces of marine shell 50cm below the peat surface suggest the forest floor was affected by very occasional extreme wave events such as storm surges or tsunamis.
He says most west coast sand-dune systems date to a “levelling” off period in sea level change about 5,000 years ago. Dunes in Doolin, Co Clare, are older still, having first formed around 6,500 years ago.
Prof Williams has located tree stumps in south Mayo and Clare, along with Galway, which have been carbon dated to between 5,200 and 7,400 years ago at the chrono centre at Queen’s University, Belfast. Some of the trees were nearly 100 years old when they perished.
This ZetaTalk News letter features the sinking the UK has experienced during pervious Pole Shifts
This ZetaTalk explains how much sinking is expected during the coming Pole Shift and explains that it has happened before
Just what part of the western UK will be permanently pulled down 150 feet during the 5.9 days of rotation stoppage is not clear. We have predicted the UK in general to anticipate a drop of 75 feet, with Ireland, Scotland and Wales pulled down potentially by 150 feet, as will the East Coast of the US. This occurs as the land east of the Atlantic Rift attempts to pull eastward, wanting to rotate, while the Atlantic Rift is held firmly in the magnetic grip of Planet X, held back. This stretches the land masses along the rift, which has already ripped open at the time of the European tsunami, so the land essentially flattens between the East Coast of the US and the islands of the UK, or attempts to do so. This deforming seldom returns to a pre-deforming state, and after the pole shift even less support along the rift edges exists, so the land is also drooping for this reason.
Ireland, Scotland, and Wales face the Atlantic Rift more than the east coast of England, and thus take the brunt of the droop. One can see from the underwater shelf that lies to the west of these islands that this has happened before. One could prorate the droop from London, which we anticipate losing only 25 feet in elevation due to the pole shift, through to the west coast of Ireland, which could lose up to 150 feet in elevation. Beyond this we could not be more accurate. Surviving the pole shift means surviving the sloshing Atlantic during the pole shift. Surviving in the Aftertime means determining what land will be above the waves, and establishing ocean fishing to supply protein to those communities huddled on high points in what used to be the UK.
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