Before Planet X, aka Nibiru, entered the inner solar system, California was the only state in the Union synonymous with earthquake activity.  Nowhere in the U.S. were you more likely to experience an earthquake than in the state of California.

Not anymore.

Within only the last few years, residents of Oklahoma and Texas have been jarred by an alarming uptick in seismic activity, ushering in a new landscape of "earthquake country" in the United States.



From 1975 to 2008, only a handful of quakes over magnitude 3.0 were recorded in the state of Oklahoma.  That number skyrocketed to over 200 since 2009.  And in 2013 — the state's most seismically active year on record — there were nearly 3,000 quakes in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma's strongest recorded earthquake was a 5.6-magnitude that struck in November 2011 near the town of Prague. It damaged 200 buildings and rattled parts of seven states.

Chad Devereaux cleans up bricks that fell from a home in Sparks, Oklahoma in November 2011 after two earthquakes hit the area in less than 24 hours.


In addition to the increase in rumblings often accompanied by loud booms, a new study by the U.S. Geological Survey suggests earthquakes in Oklahoma will not be going away anytime soon.  As a result, the Oklahoma insurance commissioner is urging residents to buy insurance policies that include earthquake coverage while Oklahoma emergency management officials are utilizing earthquake safety manuals that originated in California.

While the USGS is prohibited from divulging the actual cause of this sudden increase in seismicity, aka Nibiru, they instead support the preposterous notion that mining practices involving hydraulic fracturing or "fracking" are at cause.  The USGS is even developing a separate earthquake map for these so-called "man-made" quakes.



The Zetas clarify:

"Fracking has been a process used extensively for decades, since 1903 within the US alone. If fracking caused earthquakes, has this just been noticed? This is clearly an excuse for the increase in earthquakes, one of many the establishment will latch onto as earthquake frequency increases and earthquakes occur in unusual places.

Where it is known that mining accidents, explosions, can cause buildings in the vicinity to shake and windows to rattle, such activity on the surface does not cause earthquakes. Earthquakes are caused by an adjustment in the entire rock strata, over a wide and deep area. The epicenter is merely the point where the adjustment, or movement, is greatest. The pressure that caused that adjustment spreads for hundreds of miles, in all directions. Fracking cannot accomplish this."

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A: December 17, 2011





The Dallas-Fort Worth area is not known as a place that’s prone to earthquakes.

In fact, before 2007, there were no recorded earthquakes in the area. Since then, there have been hundreds.

The majority of the quakes have been less than 3.0 on the Richter Scale, with some as high as magnitude 3.6.

Regardless of magnitude, the reports of deafening booms and property damage speak for themselves.

"It feels like a semi-truck hitting your house with a bomb going off," Greg Morrison said. "I am serious."

"I have cracks in every floor of my house," a woman who lives off Knob Hill Road said. "And I don't mean just cracks going across. They come and meet in the middle."

Even seasoned earthquake veterans from California said the quakes in recent months are different than anything they felt before.

Now, even North Texas residents are considering earthquake insurance.


Town Hall Meeting

Offered only the fracking explanation for dozens of recent earthquakes in the area, Azle residents voiced their frustration at the oil and gas industry at a recent town hall meeting.

More than 800 North Texas residents showed up on Thursday, January 2, demanding answers from the Texas Railroad Commission, which regulates the local oil and gas industry.

Many of the attendees described the damage to their properties, from cracked walls, to shifting foundations and driveways, to shattered mirrors.

Others described their fear of stronger seismic activity to come, the fear of what the shifting ground could do to a gas line, the fear of sinkholes and contamination of the groundwater supply.

The mood soured when Commissioner David Porter announced that he would not be answering questions.  There was booing and hooting.

‘Something is going on. Stop drilling and see what happens,’ said Victoria Ball of Azle, a recommendation that drew applause and cheers from the audience.

Reno Mayor Lynda Stokes and others pleaded with state regulators to stop the injection wells, at least for a few months, to see if the earthquakes stop.  Residents come to Stokes asking questions but not even Reno City Hall is immune as there's a big crack in the council chambers.

"I don't have any answers for them," she said. "The only power the city has is not to issue any more permits."



"The primary drama preceding the pole shift will be the ripping action that a plate unable to move must endure. The notable area of catastrophe during this is the eastern half of the continental US. From Houston to Chicago to New England, the diagonal pull will tear the underpinning of cities and create a catastrophe for the US that will make the New Orleans disaster appear trivial."

ZetaTalk: N. American Rip - February 10, 2006





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Comment by Howard on November 6, 2021 at 8:43pm

Sudden Quake Activity in South Carolina Blamed on 40-Year-Old Man-made Lake (Nov 5) 

A series of earthquakes in northwest South Carolina is jangling nerves and has local authorities scrambling for a plausible explanation.

Seven quakes between (downgraded) magnitudes 2.3 and 1.7 have occurred since October 25, most of which are well east of the Lake Monticello reservoir near Jenkinsville.

After failing to reassure incredulous residents this abrupt uptick is not unusual, seismologists have resorted to blaming water seepage into the rock strata from the reservoir built nearly half a century ago.


Comment by M. Difato on May 26, 2021 at 3:58pm

4.5 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Northwestern Oklahoma

A strong earthquake measured at a preliminary magnitude of 4.5 rattled a small northwestern Oklahoma town Tuesday (May 25) but apparently caused no injuries or significant damage.

The U.S. Geological Survey reported the quake struck about 1:25 p.m. near Shattuck, a town of nearly 1,500 population about 145 miles (233 kilometers) northwest of Oklahoma City and near the border with the Texas Panhandle.
People fled businesses along the town's main street, said Shattuck City Manager Sam Hamilton, but no injuries or damage have been reported.

"It rattled the buildings. I thought something blew up … it was like an explosion," Hamilton said, calling it the first earthquake he had ever experienced.

Thousands of earthquakes of varying magnitudes have been recorded in Oklahoma in the past decade. Many were linked to the underground injection of wastewater from oil and gas production, leading regulators to direct producers to close some injection wells.

Geologists say damage is not likely in earthquakes below magnitude 4.0.

Comment by M. Difato on February 19, 2021 at 6:10pm

Oklahoma reports 4.2 magnitude earthquake near Kansas border

Residents in Tulsa, Oklahoma City and Wichita, Kansas, say they felt it

A magnitude 4.2 earthquake was reported Friday morning near the Oklahoma-Kansas border. 

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said the earthquake was centered a few miles southeast of the town of Manchester, Okla. -- but residents in Tulsa, Oklahoma City and Wichita, Kan., are reporting to have felt it

"Just felt an earthquake at the NWS office!" the National Weather Service station in Tulsa tweeted

There were no immediate reports of damage.  

The USGS reported a magnitude 2.9 earthquake in the same area late last night. 



(Looks like Bing News didn't get the memo.)

Comment by M. Difato on June 21, 2020 at 4:11pm

Earthquake strikes Oklahoma after Tulsa Trump rally, shaking felt around state

An earthquake in northern Oklahoma on Saturday night (June 20) rattled the entire state, including in Tulsa just after President Trump finished his return to the campaign trail before thousands of supporters.

The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude 4.2 earthquake happened at 10:15 p.m. near Perry, roughly 80 miles west of Tulsa.

The temblor was about 4.8 miles deep, with impacts being felt around the state.

Over 200 people reported the quake to the USGS, according to FOX25.

The National Weather Service (NWS) office in Tulsa said on Twitter that its staff felt the tremor in its Tulsa office, and the earthquake generated social media buzz after Trump's appearance.

Saturday night's quake was the largest recorded earthquake in Oklahoma since a magnitude 4.4 quake in May 2019.

Thousands of earthquakes have been recorded in Oklahoma in recent years, with many linked to the underground injection of wastewater from oil and gas production.

Regulators have directed producers to close some injection wells.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Comment by jorge namour on April 17, 2018 at 5:57pm

26km E of Stapleton, Nebraska
2018-04-10 11:55:02 (UTC)
5.0 km
35km ESE of Stapleton, Nebraska
2018-04-10 11:41:06 (UTC)
5.0 km

30km ESE of Stapleton, Nebraska
2018-04-10 15:49:10 (UTC)
5.0 km

33km ESE of Stapleton, Nebraska
2018-04-15 23:39:02 (UTC)
5.0 km

35km ESE of Stapleton, Nebraska
2018-04-16 21:48:47 (UTC)
5.0 km

Very unusual: Four earthquakes shake Nebraska in two days

A very unusual seismic phenomenon is currently taking place in Nebraska. There were 4 earthquakes in central Nebraska on April 9th and 10th. The first one, with a magnitude of 3.3 shook near Arnold, Nebraska Monday morning, at 4:33. The next quake held off until Tuesday morning, starting at 6:41, hitting with a magnitude of 3.7. Just over 10 minutes later, a weaker 2.5 magnitude earthquake struck nearby. Later in the morning, a 3.3 magnitude earthquake hit in the same general area at 10:49.

Comment by Howard on March 6, 2018 at 4:00pm

Startling animation of earthquakes in Oklahoma between 2004 and 2016. 

Comment by jorge namour on January 16, 2018 at 7:51pm

4km SW of Caruthersville, Missour
2018-01-16 16:57:54 (UTC)
11.2 km

Earthquake rocks bootheel of Missouri, northeast Arkansas

Jan 16, 2018

CARUTHERSVILLE, Mo. -- A midday earthquake rocked the bootheel of Missouri Tuesday.

The magnitude 3.6 earthquake was centered around Caruthersville along the New Madrid fault. It happened shortly before 11 a.m. The New Madrid fault zone area is still the most active east of the Rockies.

A smaller earthquake rocked the southeast Missouri town of Ironton Monday. That magnitude earthquake registered as 2.30. It hit around 12:30 p.m.

Comment by jorge namour on September 3, 2017 at 8:02pm


AUGUST 3 2017

The red and orange areas show the epicenters of the 42 earthquakes that occurred Saturday night and early Sunday morning in Southeast Idaho

The strongest earthquake to hit the region in years as well as 41 smaller quakes occurred from Saturday night to early Sunday morning in Southeast Idaho, startling tens of thousands of residents.

Authorities said it did not appear that the quakes caused any injuries to people or damage to structures

The quakes were felt in Caribou County, where they all occurred, as well as in cities in northern Utah and throughout Southeast Idaho.

Bannock County Sheriff Lorin Nielsen said he's been a law enforcement officer in Southeast Idaho for over 40 years and during that time there's never previously been so many earthquakes occurring on one night. He said at the most there have been up to three earthquakes that have occurred in short succession along the East Idaho-Western Wyoming border. The 40-plus earthquakes that occurred from Saturday night to early Sunday morning are unprecedented, the sheriff said.

"I've never seen anything like this," Nielsen said. "My wife asked if we should leave the house." CONTINUE...

Comment by Howard on August 26, 2017 at 6:35pm

Over 50 quakes in the central to eastern U.S. during the past 7 days (Aug 19-26). 

2.8 quake in New Madrid County, Missouri (Aug 25)

3.1 magnitude quake in Dallas (Aug 25)

2.4 quake in South Carolina (Aug 25)

2.5 quake in Tennessee (Aug 25)

2.2 quake off Maine 'sounded Like an explosion' (Aug 24)

2.4 quake in Virginia (Aug 24)

2.1 quake in Alabama (Aug 24)

2.8 quake in Kansas (Aug 21)

2.2 quake in Missouri (Aug 20)

USGS Summary

19km W of Perry, Oklahoma
2017-08-26 14:06:23 (UTC)
4.5 km

31km NW of Fairview, Oklahoma
2017-08-26 12:53:10 (UTC)
5.0 km

10km NW of Helena, Oklahoma
2017-08-26 10:18:55 (UTC)
4.4 km

16km WSW of Watonga, Oklahoma
2017-08-26 05:26:47 (UTC)
5.0 km

11km ESE of Chickasha, Oklahoma
2017-08-26 04:31:33 (UTC)
5.0 km

5km SSW of Lilbourn, Missouri
2017-08-25 20:27:58 (UTC)
7.5 km

10km WSW of Knoxville, Tennessee
2017-08-25 20:16:26 (UTC)
10.7 km

5km SW of Lilbourn, Missouri
2017-08-25 20:08:06 (UTC)
8.0 km

21km SSE of Helena, Oklahoma
2017-08-25 18:52:44 (UTC)
5.0 km

21km SSE of Helena, Oklahoma
2017-08-25 16:16:48 (UTC)
5.0 km

5km WNW of Summerville, South Carolina
2017-08-25 15:58:11 (UTC)
4.0 km

5km NNE of Irving, Texas
2017-08-25 11:41:35 (UTC)
5.0 km

38km WNW of Yarmouth, Canada
2017-08-25 09:58:28 (UTC)
16.9 km

3km S of Bowling Green, Virginia
2017-08-25 03:31:31 (UTC)
11.8 km

North Atlantic Ocean
2017-08-25 03:03:33 (UTC)
10.0 km

8km N of Caldwell, Kansas
2017-08-25 01:50:20 (UTC)
4.9 km

5km ENE of Dayton, Tennessee
2017-08-24 19:18:33 (UTC)
20.6 km

10km SSW of New Madrid, Missouri
2017-08-24 16:11:44 (UTC)
8.3 km

9km SE of South Portland, Maine
2017-08-24 16:01:09 (UTC)
5.0 km

6km WSW of Perry, Oklahoma
2017-08-24 15:47:31 (UTC)
8.2 km

8km NNW of Livingston, Alabama
2017-08-24 07:29:39 (UTC)
0.0 km

22km SSE of Pecos, Texas
2017-08-24 02:12:21 (UTC)
3.3 km

5km NE of Langston, Oklahoma
2017-08-23 22:45:06 (UTC)
1.1 km

12km W of Wellington, Kansas
2017-08-23 21:57:55 (UTC)
2.7 km

15km SW of Wellington, Kansas
2017-08-23 21:57:33 (UTC)
4.2 km

13km NNW of Stroud, Oklahoma
2017-08-23 21:47:30 (UTC)
2.8 km

4km ENE of Edmond, Oklahoma
2017-08-23 18:03:55 (UTC)
3.6 km

11km N of Caldwell, Kansas
2017-08-23 08:22:12 (UTC)
3.2 km

8km S of New Madrid, Missouri
2017-08-22 20:48:56 (UTC)
5.4 km

5km S of Ridgely, Tennessee
2017-08-22 15:03:29 (UTC)
1.2 km

16km ESE of Perryville, Arkansas
2017-08-22 09:42:36 (UTC)
9.8 km

8km NNW of Cherokee Village, Arkansas
2017-08-22 08:07:29 (UTC)
5.0 km

4km SW of Bardwell, Kentucky
2017-08-22 08:00:53 (UTC)
9.7 km

12km W of Wellington, Kansas
2017-08-22 07:16:02 (UTC)
3.7 km

16km SSE of Conway Springs, Kansas
2017-08-21 20:32:48 (UTC)
4.7 km

17km SSE of Conway Springs, Kansas
2017-08-21 11:55:15 (UTC)
3.8 km

38km SE of Pecos, Texas
2017-08-21 09:44:02 (UTC)
1.2 km

5km ESE of Harper, Kansas
2017-08-21 09:01:22 (UTC)
3.5 km

16km SSE of Conway Springs, Kansas
2017-08-21 07:57:54 (UTC)
4.5 km

6km SSW of Lilbourn, Missouri
2017-08-21 02:44:15 (UTC)
7.9 km

3km SE of Mount Joy, Pennsylvania
2017-08-21 01:25:44 (UTC)
2.0 km

12km S of Conway Springs, Kansas
2017-08-20 23:07:23 (UTC)
5.3 km

36km SE of Pecos, Texas
2017-08-20 20:54:31 (UTC)
5.0 km

41km SSE of Pecos, Texas
2017-08-20 20:48:34 (UTC)
5.0 km

12km N of Stroud, Oklahoma
2017-08-20 18:49:56 (UTC)
4.8 km

8km NW of Ridgely, Tennessee
2017-08-20 15:24:25 (UTC)
9.3 km

22km SSE of Anthony, Kansas
2017-08-20 09:15:22 (UTC)
6.7 km

18km SE of Anthony, Kansas
2017-08-20 06:00:39 (UTC)
5.0 km

6km NNE of Mount Holly, North Carolina
2017-08-20 04:34:25 (UTC)
3.5 km

7km S of Guthrie, Oklahoma
2017-08-20 01:32:05 (UTC)
5.0 km

11km WNW of Caldwell, Kansas
2017-08-20 00:54:11 (UTC)
3.6 km

2km W of Harrah, Oklahoma
2017-08-19 21:21:24 (UTC)
6.7 km

Nearly 1,000 quakes over the past 6 months (an average of 36 quakes per week).


Comment by Howard on November 8, 2016 at 3:50am

Dozens of Buildings Damaged by 5.0 Oklahoma Quake (Nov 6)

Up to 50 buildings sustained substantial damage after a 5.0 magnitude quake struck near Cushing, Oklahoma on Sunday.

The third quake in Oklahoma this year measuring 5.0 or greater, damage included cracks to buildings and fallen bricks and facades.

Fearing aftershocks, police cordoned off parts of the city, an assisted living community had been evacuated after damage was reported, and the Cushing Public School District cancelled Monday classes.

The quake struck at 7:44 p.m. Sunday and was felt as far away as Iowa, Illinois and Texas. The U.S. Geological Survey initially said Sunday’s quake was of magnitude 5.3 but later lowered the reading to 5.0.

“I thought my whole trailer was going to tip over, it was shaking it so bad,” said Cushing resident Cindy Roe, 50. “It was loud and all the lights went out and you could hear things falling on the ground.

“It was awful and I don’t want to have another one.”

Megan Gustafson and Jonathan Gillespie were working at a Cushing McDonald’s when the quake hit.

“It felt like a train was going right through the building, actually,” Gustafson, 17, said Sunday night as she and her co-workers stood behind a police barricade downtown, looking for damage. “I kind of freaked out and was hyperventilating a bit.”

“I was at home doing some work in my office and, basically, you could feel the whole house sway some,” Spears, the Cushing city manager, said Sunday night. “It’s beginning to become normal.”


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