Since the end of November 2012, an unprecedented number of landslides have occurred across southwestern England, destroying homes, burying roads, railways, and leaving many homeless.  These "landslips" have been attributed by the media to the nearly continuous inundations that have plagued the U.K. in recent months.  However, a recap of notable events since 2011 reveals there is more to the story.

In mid- March 2012, a massive section of cliff wall collapsed into the Strait of Dover in southeast England.  Later in the month, a leaking gas well off northeastern Scotland spewed gas uncontrollably for many weeks.  In August 2011, an oil pipeline rupture located 150 miles east of Aberdeen, Scotland caused one of the worst North Sea oil spills in history. 

The Zetas explain:

"The region of the Aberdeen oil leak is neither a plate border nor fault line. But it does lie in the area destined to be pulled down during the plate movements preceding the pole shift and certainly during the pole shift itself. We have predicted that Ireland, Scotland, and Wales will be pulled down to a greater extent than England herself. What happens when plates are bent in this way, pulled down because the plate border in the mid-Atlantic has weakened, a void on one side of this plate border? Rock layers bend, and snap, and certainly destabilize..."  ZetaTalk

Flood of Tears: Hundreds Face Xmas in Shelters


Ystalyfera, Wales (Dec 22)

Tons of mud and rubble smashed walls and windows in the village of Ystalyfera, near Swansea

Families Flee as Torrent of Mud Crushes Homes

Road Blocked after Ystalyfera Landslip in Wales

Families forced to evacuate homes following landslide in Ystalyfera 

Engineers assess damage after Ystalyfera landslips

Teignmouth (Dec 24, Nov 29)

Train route disrupted after flooding causes new landslide

Fresh landslip closes railway line at Teignmouth 

New Teignmouth landslip causes fresh rail problems

Devon rail track closed in new landslip 

Abseilers inspect Devon railway line landslip

Swanage (Dec 21, 22)

Swanage landslip warning signs 'ignored'

Swanage landslide caught on camera

Swanage coastline warning after further landslip

Pontypridd (Dec 23)

Residents describe wall collapse after Pontypridd landslip

Whitby (Nov 28)

Whitby landslip: Five houses left dangling over drop

Demolition of landslip homes in Whitby nears completion

‘Emergency’ call as landslips hit Whitby

Elsewhere in the U.K.

Landslip Part Blocks Road

Landslips close two Gloucestershire roads

Landslip south of Perth disrupts rail services

Another stretch of coastpath near Plymouth closed by landslip

Landslide concerns see part of Plymouth coast path closed

Train delays after landslip near Glazebrook

Landslip cancels trains between Liverpool and Manchester

Landslip closes section of Whitsand Bay coast path

Cliff landslip death: Charlotte Blackman '10ft from safety'

Landslip at Lighthouse beach

Another landslip hits coastline near Sidmouth

Westerleigh rail landslip: Delays and cancellations to continue

Continued delays due to rail landslip on Bristol to Swindon line

Telford landslip road closure to go on

Family evacuated after landslip in Old Sodbury tell of shock

Land slip causes Wotton-under-Edge road to close

Beaminster Tunnel repair work ready to begin after landslip tragedy

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Comment by Howard on August 31, 2013 at 11:08pm

Huge Cliff Collapse in Devon UK (Aug 29)

(Courtesy of KM)

A huge section of cliff crashed into the sea at a popular resort, covering holidaymakers and residents in a cloud of red dust.

The rose-coloured rocks fell 200ft after the massive landslide, half-a-mile from the town of Sidmouth in Devon.

Locals first knew of Wednesday's landslide when they heard a massive rumbling sound coming from the cliff face.

They looked up to see a huge chunk of rock plunging into the sea while throwing up a towering dust cloud.

Richard Thurlow, chairman of campaign group Save Our Sidmouth, said: 'It was a fairly major one, quite immense.

'Outside my home, which is half a mile away, a fine red dust was deposited on all the flat surfaces.

'The people who are seeing their gardens eroded are very worried.'

At Pennington Point, 12 properties are at risk of falling over an eroding cliff edge, which is said to be losing land at up to 13ft a year.


Comment by Howard on May 2, 2013 at 4:07am

Massive Coastal Landslip in Southern UK (Apr 29)

(Courtesy of lonne de vries)

Thousands of tonnes of earth have collapsed on to the beach from one of the UK's most popular coastal paths - the South West Coast Path in Dorset.

A coastguard spokesman said: "It is huge - a massive fall has taken out part of the cliff. It is rather extraordinary."

80 to 100 metres of cliff collapsed 400 yards east of Durdle Door at St Oswald's Bay.

The path has been sealed off by council workers. People have been advised to keep clear of the affected area.

Nick Kelly said the estate would co-operate with the county council in re-routing the coast path away from the area of the cliff fall.

"The rock has fanned out on the beach so it looks rather spectacular. It is an unusually large fall for this area."

Earlier this month several landslips happened at nearby White Nothe and a section of cliff came down on Swanage beach just before Christmas.

Dr Simon Boxall of the University of Southampton described the latest landslip as "awesome" and said it was likely the fall happened "in one sudden go".

"It is a relief this didn't happen during a busy weekend. There would have been very little warning anything was going to happen.

"It's very difficult to predict where and when these landslips are going to happen," he said.


Comment by Howard on April 14, 2013 at 3:28am

Landslips Along Southwestern UK Coast Unprecedented (Apr 8)
An "unprecedented" number of landslips took place along the South West coast during the winter, according to the latest figures.

The South West Coast Path Association said 30 slips and cliff falls have been recorded since November – a tenfold increase on figures during a normal year.

Sections of coastline in Devon and Cornwall remain closed to the public.

Association spokesman Steve Church said the unprecedented number of falls was alarming.

"Thirty-odd cliff falls around the whole of the cliff path – not just Devon – is an unprecedented number and they still seem to be coming at the moment, unfortunately, so it's all a bit alarming," he told the BBC.

"The difficulty is knowing exactly when things have stabilised enough to be actually ablt to attempt a long-term reinstatement. I hope we're getting to that stage."

Between 2007 and 2012 there were 11 major cliff falls that resulted in a diversion of the coast path.

Last week thousands of tonnes of earth and sandstone fell from the cliffs at Oddicombe in Torbay – turning the sea red and taking with it part of a house at the centre of a legal dispute.

The incident was the latest in a series of rock falls in Torbay to all-but destroy Ridgemont House – a cliff-top house bought three years ago for £154,500.

Three weeks ago a woman was found dead in a house in Looe, Cornwall, after it collapsed in a landslide triggered by torrential rain.

In another recent landslide two women become trapped on a beach at Ness Cove, near Shaldon, South Devon, when a cliff collapsed on to a path. They were eventually able to climb off the beach on ladders amid fears they could be buried if the unstable cliff collapsed again.

The coastpath, which is 630 miles long (1,014km), starts at Minehead in Somerset, following the entire South West peninsula, covering Devon and Cornwall's north and south coasts, all the way to Poole Harbour in Dorset.


Comment by Kojima on April 10, 2013 at 5:20pm

Coast path at Lulworth is in "perilous" state after weekend cliff f... [Bournemouth Echo; 8 April 2013]

COASTGUARDS have warned of more cliffs sliding on the Jurassic Coast near Lulworth Cove.

Officers said that there had been cliff-falls west of the beauty spot and that the coastal path had been affected.

The fresh cliff-falls and cracks came on Sunday at about 2pm ranging along the section of coast from Bat's Head to White Nothe.

They have included cracks appearing over a stretch of about 20 metres on the clifftop near Bat's Head as well as landslips on the cliffs themselves in the same area close to Durdle Door.

Lulworth station officer Kevin Burt, who was called out to the landslides on Sunday, said: “There is a lot of erosion. Part of the pathway is starting to fall away.”

Some paths are becoming impassable although people can take detours around the danger areas. Coastguards have re-iterated warnings for walkers and people using the coast paths to exercise caution - and to steer well clear of the cliff's edge.

Mr Burt blamed the weather for the recent spate of landslides and deterioration of the cliff tops.
He said: “It's the rain and frost. We have had some horrendous weather.”

The cliffs have also been wearing away at Brandy Bay, east of Lulworth Cove. There is a fence and signs in place warning people to keep back.

A coastguard spokesman said: “Lulworth Coastguards investigated following a report of a number of cliff falls west of Lulworth Cove.

“Once on scene it was established that no one was involved but that the relevant area of the coastal footpath is now in a parlous state. The authorities have been informed.”

Purbeck District Council is monitoring the situation but no major action is likely as there is no immediate risk to lives or property.

The latest landslide to hit the Dorset coast comes after the steps to Durdle Door crumbled at the start of the year.

And last month a 150-ft long chunk of Redcliff Point, near Weymouth, dropped by about six feet. The dramatic collapse at Redcliff, near Bowleaze Cove, below, left a long crack along the clifftop.

The original coastal path along the cliff has already been moved further inland because of previous erosion on the cliffs east of Weymouth.

Coastguards also warned people to be careful of the landslide as there have also been landslides at Monmouth Beach and Ware Cliff area of Lyme Regis where chalets have been affected. 

Footpaths above the the Western Ledges in the Bincleaves area of Weymouth were closed in February after landslides.

There have been further reports of movement along parts of the coast around Furzy Cliffs at Bowleaze Cove, the west of Portland, Swanage, West Bay and Charmouth.

Comment by Kojima on April 9, 2013 at 4:12am

Gas explosion fears after Severn Trent van fell down hole [Derby Telegraph; 8 April 2013]

* a burst water main

A SEVERN Trent van which had been called to fix a burst water main caused gas explosion fears - after it fell through the hole in the road.

Homes were evacuated and Derbyshire County Council's headquarters swamped after a burst water main caused chaos in Matlock.

The force of the water opened up a huge hole in the middle of Wellington Street and flooded the corridors of County Hall.

And a Severn Trent van called to tackle the deluge then fell through the hole in the road and hit a gas pipe.

Surrounding homes were evacuated due to fears that a spark from the van could cause an explosion.

Council chief executive Nick Hodgson said it looked "like a disaster zone".

He was summoned to the authority's Smedley Street headquarters, near the burst pipe, on Friday night.

He said: "When I arrived, I could hear this whooshing sound. I thought it was the water, but it was the gas.

"The van had fallen into the hole and there was gas everywhere. The firefighters said they couldn't just drag it out as there was a danger that it would cause an explosion. They had to turn off the gas and then get a big crane to lift the van out.

"The water came into the basement, corridors and offices, particularly those in the winter gardens building.

"We're worried about the effect it's had on the electrics and IT networks.

"I would say there was three to four inches of water in some offices.

"We're going to have to relocate about 60 staff while the clean-up is carried out."

People evacuated from their homes were accommodated in drier areas of County Hall for about seven hours.

Among them were Peter and Brenda Willison. Luckily for them and their neighbours, their homes were not flooded.

Mr Willison said: "We were told to go into County Hall for tea and coffee.

"We thought it would be over in about 30 minutes but, after an hour, they said we'd have to be bedded down for the night as it was going to be a long job."

Paul and Jo Davidson were also evacuated.

Mrs Davidson, who had been out with her husband celebrating his 45th birthday, said: "The people at County Hall were brilliant. They gave us tea, coffee and blankets."

Firefighters arrived to help deal with the chaos, which began at 10.20pm.

Mr Hodgson praised the efforts of the fire crews and also Severn Trent and gas firm Transco.

Severn Trent apologised and said repairs would take a few days to complete.

The van driver was not hurt. The cause of the burst main is under investigation.

Comment by Kojima on April 9, 2013 at 3:33am

Gas blast fear in road [Leighton Buzzard Today; 9 April 2013]

* Subsidence

A village is fearing disaster after suffering nearly six months of inaction over a two-foot deep pothole that exposes a potentially lethal gas pipe.

The pipe carries gas to the entire village of Great Brickhill and worried villagers say there is the danger of an explosion or fire if it is damaged by passing traffic.

There’s also the very real threat of a cyclist, rider or even motorist being injured if they go down the expanding crater.

Hundreds of homes have lived with the concern, through one of the coldest winters on record, that they would be without heat.

Now, after intervention by the LBO, the situation is about to get a “hole” lot better.

Transport For Bucks, the highways arm of Bucks County Council, has promised that the trench will be filled in during the week starting April 22.

Subsidence caused part of Little Brickhill Lane to collapse at the end of last year and since then a hole has got larger and deeper as more of the road slipped away.

The worried parish council has become increasingly angry and frustrated after repeated calls to Transport for Bucks fell on deaf ears. All that has been done is a few road cones have marked the area.

The LBO’s village correspondent Mark Stasiuk said: “This road is very busy especially at school run times.

“What is most horrific is that as the verge has eroded, the gas main which supplies Great Brickhill, has been exposed.

“It only wants one driver in a hurry on the way to school, to lose concentration if the kids are playing up, and the consequences do not bear thinking about.

“I feel that those responsible should face up to their total lack and disregard of the safety of our community.”

A BCC spokesman said: “The hole is currently scheduled to be filled during the week commencing 22nd April. The site will continue to be monitored to make sure it remains safe.”

Comment by Derrick Johnson on April 7, 2013 at 8:48am

 Landslip causes Port Isaac coast path collapse

The 60m (197ft) landslip happened between Port Isaac and Tintagel

A section of the South West Coast Path has collapsed near Port Isaac in north Cornwall.

The 60m (197ft) landslip between Port Isaac and Tintagel at Jacket's Point was reported to coastguards overnight.

Matt Pavitt, HM Coastguard inspector, said a number of steps were also lost and a diversion would be put in place.

The South West Coast Path Association (SWCPA) said the landslip, the latest in a series on the path, was a "disappointment".

The latest landslip occurred on a picturesque but steep stretch of the Cornish coast.

Steve Church, secretary of the South West Coast Path Association, said: "It's not one of the most popular sections, it's quite a tough stretch so you only get determined walkers."

Earlier this year Natural England, which looks after national trails, said funding to repair parts of the South West Coast Path damaged by landslips was not available.

It said it hoped additional funding could be found in the future.

More than 21 landslips were reported in the first six weeks of 2013.

Mr Church said he had hoped, with the recent cold weather, the number of landslips would have "settled down".


Comment by Kojima on April 5, 2013 at 10:59am

Cliffhanger on the English Riviera: Landslide leaves house crumblin...

Cliffhanger on the English Riviera: Landslide leaves house crumbling down Oddicombe Cliffs in Torquay [METRO; Thursday 4 Apr 2013]

Cliffhanger: House on the slide in Torquay, Devon (Picture: Mark Passmore/Apex)

Red Sea: Landslips gave the water an unusual look in Torquay (Picture: Mark Passmore/Apex)

Comment by Howard on April 5, 2013 at 4:10am

Another Massive Cliff Landslip in UK Turns Ocean Red (Apr 4)

A landslip at a beach in south Devon has turned the sea in the area red and caused an already partially collapsed empty house to be further damaged.

Thousands of tonnes of earth and stone were estimated to have fallen at Oddicombe beach on Tuesday night, Torbay Council said.

A section of the beach has been closed as a result.

The collapse follows a seawall between Torquay and Paignton being breached earlier in the week.

The area is famous for its red earth and sandstone.

The collapsed house, in one of the most expensive areas of Torquay, has been uninhabitable for some time.

It used to have a large cliff-facing garden, which has eroded away over several years, and part of the house itself went down a neighbouring cliff in December.

Staff at Oddicombe's beach cafe said the business was to remain open.

The Torquay and Paignton seawall was breached on Monday, resulting in the road being closed and diversions put in place.

Torbay Council said repairs would take much of the week.

Torbay MP Adrian Sanders said he would raise questions with the council about the wall collapse as it was "causing major disruption to local residents and businesses".

The entire beach was closed for several days in 2010 after a landslide which brought down about 5,000 tonnes of sandstone.


Comment by Howard on March 26, 2013 at 2:30am

Cornwall Landslip Collapses Home, Kills Resident (Mar 22)
The body of Susan Norman was recovered after rescue teams spent hours sifting through the wreckage of her home in Looe, Cornwall.

The 68-year-old mother of three died when her house collapsed during a landslip.

As an investigation into the landslide continues, community leaders and friends of Ms Norman said they were shocked and stunned by what had happened.

The building where Ms Norman lived collapsed just before 6am on Friday.

Specialist investigators from Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service were sent to the scene at the Veronica flats. However, the search operation had to be halted temporarily when engineers were later called in to make the area safe. About 12 hours after the alarm was raised, fire officials announced they had found a body.

David Holford, from Looe, described Ms Norman as well-liked and respected. "She was a great friend of a lot of people. She was my wife's best friend and has been for several years.

"It happened so quickly that nobody seems to be able to take it in fully. Everybody we've spoken to is so very upset."

Friend Edwina Hannaford added: "Susan was well-known in the town and was an active volunteer. She was a very happy lady, very friendly and smiley, and would always say hello. This tragedy has hurt the community. But the fact that so many people have been offering to help in any way they can is testament to the spirit here."

David Holford, a friend of Mrs Norman, said: "She found time for everyone who needed to talk. She had a quiet but friendly nature and was popular with all who knew her.

"The incident, the news of what happened has been devastating to all locally, most especially to her family and friends.

"Any loss is so very sad but to lose someone so loved in such a heart-rending way is difficult for all to bear."

A representative from Cornwall Council said: "This is a very tragic incident and our thoughts are with the family and friends of the person who has lost their life. The council is working with the police and the Health and Safety Executive to carry out a thorough investigation into the cause of the landslip".


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