This is Jakarta suburb!
Proove of sinking -
And other photo from Jakarta:
River flood and sinking -
And old photo -
I found photo which make in 2010 and prooved sinking
Indonesia SINKING:
Ministry of Agriculture recorded in January and February this year the flood-soaked rice and drought have reached 75 760 hectares (ha). This amount is higher than the same period the previous year.
According to data Directorate Ministry of Agriculture Food Crop general, flood-soaked rice acreage area of 66,449 ha area of 8662 ha puso result. Immersion of the flood is higher than the same period the previous year, 57,354 ha.
Rice acreage is affected by flooding most experienced Province of Banten, East Java and West Java. The third area is one of Indonesia's rice production sentra. For Banten province, the flood submerged this year covering 18,055 ha, 14,606 ha of East Java and West Java 14,435 ha. Submerged due to floods, thousands of hectares of land have been puso. West Java had the highest puso covering 4301 ha, and Banten area of 2597 ha, and the last East Java area of 2597 ha puso.
Sumatra -
/ A tidal wave threatened again in the settlements along the coastline of the South Coastal District, West Sumatra. Even the tide has come to destroy the houses since the last three days. /
Sulawesi -
/ Several roads flooded in Palu. A number of major roads in the city of Palu, Sunday night, flooded to a height of 30 centimeters due to the rain which flushed for six hours. The road was under water, among others, Sam Ratulangi Road, Jalan Ki Maja, Jalan Raja Moili, Jalan Jalan Undata and Aljufri SIS. /
Bali -
/ Since the last week of bad weather hit Bali. As a result of sea water tide (rob) in southern waters flooded roads and docks at the Port of Benoa, Denpasar. /
/ Dozens of homes in the village of Sudaji, District Sawan, Buleleng regency, Bali, carried away by flooding from broken levee, Tuesday (13/3). In addition to the house, the flood also washed away vehicles and livestock owned by residents. /
Java -
/ A total of 460 hectares of rice acreage in the hamlet of Kraton, Wonoasri Village, District Tempurejo, Jember regency, East Java, damaged by the flood that occurred in the local village. "About 460 ha of paddy fields ready for harvest certainly damaged by flood waters from overflowing Curahnongko few days ago," said the head of the hamlet Kraton, Samiono Monday. Hundreds of homes in the Hamlet and Hamlet Curahlele Palace, Village Wonoasri flooded as high as 70 centimeters to 1.5 meters due to heavy rains that caused water Kali (river) and Sanenrejo Curahnongko River overflowed into the residential area on Thursday (8/3). /
/ Floods hit some homes in the South Mandar, Banyuwangi, East Java. Flood with a height of about 35 centimeters that had lasted for three days. /
Sumba -
East Nusa Tenggara and South Central Timor -
/ Floods Sweep Five Villages in TTS, Two Deaths, 7000 Residents Displaced
The floods struck the back of South Central Timor (TTS), the province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) since Saturday (10/3) until Sunday (11/3) evening, killing two villagers Amanuban Noemuke Southern District, Anaci Snae Taneo (60) and one person is not to be identified, while two people are still in search of the SAR team. Besides eating casualties, flooding at approximately 15:00 pm that meluluh bullion hundreds of plantations and rice fields and farm animals in the five villages. So that approximately 7000 people or 1855 people have been displaced due to the head of the family home as well as their contents submerged. In fact, some of which brought flooding. Hundreds of homes were flooded and dozens of others were swept away by the flood with his equipment. Unknown amount of material loss. Thousands of hectares of agricultural land will have to crop failure. /
/ A total of 728 houses spread over five villages of South and Kualin Amanuban District, South Central Timor (TTS), Nusa Tenggara, were flooded due to heavy rain which flushed the area last week. At least 1155 households (HH) in the Village Oebelo, Noemuke, Toineke, Kiufatu, Tufanu displaced. Chairman of the District of BPD Toineke South Amanuban, Abner Silla, who met on Monday (3/12/2012) tells, that flood happened suddenly, around 17:00 pm. 728 floods submerge houses and hundreds of acres of corn ready for harvest. /
/ Five villages are flooded with a height of seven meters and it is Noemuke Amanuban Oebelo in Southern District, and three villages in the district Kualin Toineke, Tuafanu, and Kiufatu. /
Several roads flooded in Palu
Palu (ANTARA News) - A number of major roads in the city of Palu, Sunday night, flooded to a height of 30 centimeters due to the rain which flushed for six hours.
The road was under water, among others, Sam Ratulangi Road, Jalan Ki Maja, Jalan Raja Moili, Jalan Jalan Undata and Aljufri SIS.
The floods caused by poor drainage on the side of the road.
Visible water overflowed from the gutter and bring trash to the street.
A number of residents who crossed flooded roads had to walk slowly to avoid a pothole.
Meanwhile, some residents in the District of West Palu rollicking clean waterways that flow smoothly.
Rain in Palu stopped at 00:15 pm PST, but have not seen standing water receded.
Hendra Palu residents hope for flood water is receding rapidly into the house.
"Usually the flood to subside if the rain had stopped," he said.
Meanwhile, some residents who live near the banks of the River Palu looks began to lay out the items that do not float in the event of flooding.
The goods are laid out in the form of mattresses, televisions, cabinets, and other objects that can easily be damaged if exposed to water.
Palu himself once was flooded in mid-2007 due to overflow of Palu River.
Flooding was soaking hundreds of homes along the banks of the river.
Currently the City of Palu in the region focus on improving drainage to prevent flooding when it rains more than three hours. (R026)
460 acres of flooded rice fields in Jember
Jember (Reuters) - A total of 460 hectares of rice acreage in the hamlet of Kraton, Wonoasri Village, District Tempurejo, Jember regency, East Java, damaged by the flood that occurred in the local village.
"About 460 ha of paddy fields ready for harvest certainly damaged by flood waters from overflowing Curahnongko few days ago," said the head of the hamlet Kraton, Samiono Monday.
Hundreds of homes in the Hamlet and Hamlet Curahlele Palace, Village Wonoasri flooded as high as 70 centimeters to 1.5 meters due to heavy rains that caused water Kali (river) and Sanenrejo Curahnongko River overflowed into the residential area on Thursday (8/3).
Data disaster command post at the Village Hall Wonoasri recorded the number of flood victims in the village of Wonoasri much as 1302 heads of households (HH) with the details as much as 571 Curahlele Hamlet Hamlet KK and KK Palace as much as 731.
According Samiono, Hamlet Kraton into flooded areas because of the location of residential areas is lower than the local river, even the three dikes along the river burst its banks due to the swift flood waters of the local.
"Floods submerge hundreds of houses in the hamlet of Kraton has happened nine times since December 2011 until mid-March 2012," he explained.
He explained the district (regency) Jember been allocated a budget for revamping the dam around the area PTPN XII in 2012.
"Hopefully no more flooding in the Village Palace in 2013 because residents are tired of being victims of floods every year," he added.
Data on the Department of Agriculture Jember in January 2012 recorded an area of 615 ha of rice fields planted to rice in flooded Jember from heavy rainfall and overflow of river water in the local area.
Head of the Department of Agriculture Crop Production Jember, Abdul Halim, said the flooded rice fields that spread over 10 districts of 31 districts in Jember.
"The flood inundated rice acreage in the District Gumukmas, Kencong, Jombang, Drupal, Umbulsari, Tempurejo, Wuluhan, Rambipuji, Puger, and Mayang," he said.
Floods Sweep Five Villages in TTS, Two Deaths, 7000 Residents Displaced
[KUPANG] The floods struck the back of South Central Timor (TTS), the province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) since Saturday (10/3) until Sunday (11/3) evening, killing two villagers Amanuban Noemuke Southern District, Anaci Snae Taneo (60) and one person is not to be identified, while two people are still in search of the SAR team.
Besides eating casualties, flooding at approximately 15:00 pm that meluluh bullion hundreds of plantations and rice fields and farm animals in the five villages. So that approximately 7000 people or 1855 people have been displaced due to the head of the family home as well as their contents submerged. In fact, some of which brought flooding.
Heavy rain which flushed the area around the upper Noemuke times, causing it to overflow times. In just an instant of time once the flood water in the hamlet and village swept Desa II Noemuke then spread to other villages adjacent to the edge of time Noemuke.
Hundreds of homes were flooded and dozens of others were swept away by the flood with his equipment. Unknown amount of material loss. Thousands of hectares of agricultural land will have to crop failure.
Aid continued to arrive from the district government (regency) TTS. By TTS Regent, accompanied by Chairman Paul VR Mella Regency TTS, Eldat Nenabu and Muspida and Chairman of Commission B and go directly to the TTS PIA board of the affected residents. Assistance in the form of tents and food began to be dropped. A relief center has been built in the Village II Village Noemuke.
Regent appealed to the communities around times Noemuka to leave their homes and evacuate to a safer place. In addition, it also asked the Department Sosnakertrans, Disaster Management Agency and the Health Department to intervene.
"The loss is not yet certain because it is still in the data. But it is certain that the land of corn and rice a lot of damage. So it is definitely failed harvest. Then be anticipated because the Health Department of displaced communities are vulnerable to diseases, especially diarrhea and malaria. So the government has carry out emergency response with relief tents and food, "said Regent Paul Mella VR.
Paul added that the worst is Oebelo Village and Village Noemuke. Meanwhile, the region has experienced disasters twice since early January. Therefore, according to Paul VR Mella, it would take action by normalizing times Noemuke anticipation.
"We will normalize times to set the plot in order not to overflow again," said Regent Paul Mella VR. According to the Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) NTT, Tini Thadeus, the SP in Kupang on Monday (12/3) says, "According to data submitted from the scene said the disaster struck five villages with the number of victims of the District of South Amanuban village of 3135 inhabitants or 627 Oebelo head of the family fled, the village of 660 souls Noemuke or 425 households were displaced, "said Tini Thadeus.
Tini Thadeus, say, for the Village District Kualin Toineke 3008 or 728 people displaced households, the village of 100 souls Tuafanu or 25 heads of displaced families and the village of 270 inhabitants or 50 Kiufatu head of the family. Victims who were killed in the name of Anaci Snae-Taneo (60) and one unknown name. both victims were citizens of the Village of South Amanuban Noemuke District. The death toll swept five kilometers and was found on Sunday (11/3) evening by residents in the Village District Oebelo Kualin Sedangka two people still in search of citizens and the common security and Rescue team. Tini Thadeus, adding, today has been sent mekanan fast food, as much as 3 tons of rice and tents and clean water for the needs of the refugees.
NTT BPBD parties will continue to monitor the delivery of assistance as the needs of the refugee camps location. "The staff was sending aid from the province are now arrived at the location of refugees in TTS. Assistance will continue to be sent again because the current rainy season, "said Tini Thadeus. (Josh)
Bad weather in Bali, Sea Air spilled into the road
Denpasar - Since the last week of bad weather hit Bali. As a result of sea water tide (rob) in southern waters flooded roads and docks at the Port of Benoa, Denpasar.
By the mid-month which marked the rising winds triggered a tidal wave in south Bali peraiaran as in the Benoa, Nusa Dua, Kuta up.
"One week is that high tides can run over to the road to the Port of Benoa," explained Head of Law Enforcement Air Ditpol AKBP Handoyo when contacted Legal, Tuesday (13/03/2012).
Rising sea water is usually in the afternoon. The water has gone up and into the area of the Earth Independent Sand is located in north Bali Police Polair Mako.
Sea level at high tide could reach a half to one meter compared to normal conditions.
Still do not interfere with flood rob shipping activity at the Port of Benoa and tourist activity in the south coast.
So far, it has not received reports of incidents or casualties due to rising sea waves. In order to anticipate undesirable, it further increased vigilance and urged people who move on the beach or the sea to be careful.
"We have intensified patrols in the territorial sea and improve coordination with Satkorlak," added Handoyo.
Port activity is not disrupted by the tidal wave.
GM Pelindo III Benoa, John Sabatini, as confirmed separately, said of the weather report, the average height of two meters at high tide reaches.
"The condition of the harbor are taken into account, so that activity in the harbor and the ships there are no barriers. Once it reaches its peak in January, "he explained.
John estimates that rising sea waves can not escape the influence of climate change or climate change where sea levels are likely to increase due to one of the North Pole melt.
"Perhaps for the conventional ports such conditions there will be people of influence on the increased catch of fishing boats. But we are still monitoring the situation, "he said.
Stop flooding Activities Some residents Banyuwangi, Banyuwangi: rob Floods hit some homes in the South Mandar, Banyuwangi, East Java. Flood with a height of about 35 centimeters that had lasted for three days.
Journals, a resident of South Mandar, said the floods disrupt the activities of residents who usually stops and pindang salted fish. Most of the residents work as fishermen. Wells contaminated with sea water so residents.
Flooding due to tides in the Strait of Bali. Area prone to flooding because of levee that separates the beach homes with docks Boom unable to resist the flood.
The house 728 residents of South Central Timor Submerged Flood
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, SOE - A total of 728 houses spread over five villages of South and Kualin Amanuban District, South Central Timor (TTS), Nusa Tenggara, were flooded due to heavy rain which flushed the area last week. At least 1155 households (HH) in the Village Oebelo, Noemuke, Toineke, Kiufatu, Tufanu displaced.
Chairman of the District of BPD Toineke South Amanuban, Abner Silla, who met on Monday (3/12/2012) tells, that flood happened suddenly, around 17:00 pm. 728 floods submerge houses and hundreds of acres of corn ready for harvest.
"For a while the victims fled to neighboring houses in the village, we hope that the government immediately distributed relief because all the food supplies contribute submerged during a flood," said Sila.
Monitoring Pos Kupang on Monday (3/12/2012), houses hundreds of victims in Toineke still flooded. The residents left their homes and shut down. Pigs and cows and goats out of the cage and fastened around the streets of South Trans TTS.
Some residents are admitted for comment, the government's attention to the disasters that befall them are very small. Currently, according to residents, emergency aid is distributed unevenly. Most of the victims claimed to have received assistance since Saturday (10/03/2012).
Some residents, Viktor Nino, Jupiter issue, Yan Neno, said the emergency aid in the Village Noemuke revealed in Hamlet 2 and 3 have not been distributed. "Residents in the hamlet of 3 are required to take relief in Hamlet 2, much as 7 kg of rice per family, while other assistance has not been distributed," the issue.
Village Chief Noemuke, Usman Teti, said the temporary help lowered and distributed in Hamlet 2. According to Teti floods killed, namely Anarci Snae (60) and soak the 572 houses and 400 ha of corn ready for harvest and hundreds of small and large livestock.
Back Tidal Wave Threatens South Coast, Painan: A tidal wave threatened again in the settlements along the coastline of the South Coastal District, West Sumatra. Even the tide has come to destroy the houses since the last three days.
"South Coastal Communities living along the coast back to worrying about the tidal wave that occurred since the last three days. The great waves breaking on the kitchen wall homes," said Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) South Coast, Doni Gusrizal in Painan, Monday (12/3).
This condition, he added, causing some residents were forced to leave his home because of anxiety. "The tides are still threatening and occurs at a certain hour that makes people anxious and afraid that these waves destroy his home," he said.
Doni said the information the people who live near the beach, great waves begin to take place at 17:30 pm. Until now there has been no reports of casualties. Currently local government is to record loss of homes hit by a tidal wave.
"The number of houses damaged by the tidal waves can not be known because it is still being recorded. Reports that while there are no houses were badly damaged, but the public is worried," he said.
He added that the tide is expected to occur until the next few days because of bad weather at this time. These districts are in need of securing the coast, as at every 20 kilometers already occurred abrasion and distance are close to houses.
Number of people living around the shoreline totaling nearly 14,000 inhabitants. In a number of settlements does not yet have the security of buildings that can withstand the surf beach cause abrasion.
He mentioned, any bad weather, the people who live around the coast are no longer at ease because they are constantly disturbed by a sense of fear, so the impact on the economy.
According to him, a number of coastal areas in the district is in critical condition, requiring serious treatment, such as in Batu Kalang XI Tarusan Koto district, New Market, District superb shadow, Painan (IV Jurai), Muara Batangkapas (Batangkapas), Mount Rajo Surantih , amping interspace (Silk).
Then Kambang, Lakitan (Lengayang), Sumedang (Ranahpesisir), Muara Air Haji (Linggo Sari Baganti) and Air Change (Pancungsoal). "We hope that communities do not build houses on the beach and the forest preserve," he said. (Ant / Bey)
Dozens of House Drifting Brought Flood, Buleleng: Dozens of homes in the village of Sudaji, District Sawan, Buleleng regency, Bali, carried away by flooding from broken levee, Tuesday (13/3). In addition to the house, the flood also washed away vehicles and livestock owned by residents.
Most residents did not have time to save their property because of the flood came suddenly. Residents also had a panic with the issue of subsequent flooding will occur.
Until now people are still looking for the rest of the valuables that could be saved. Residents are also seen being evacuated vehicles by flash floods swept away.
While local government is still calculating losses due to flood the property. Luckily, there were no casualties in this incident. (Wrt3)
75 thousand hectares submerged Flood Rice
JAKARTA - Micom: Ministry of Agriculture recorded in January and February this year the flood-soaked rice and drought have reached 75 760 hectares (ha). This amount is higher than the same period the previous year.
According to data Directorate Ministry of Agriculture Food Crop general, flood-soaked rice acreage area of 66,449 ha area of 8662 ha puso result. Immersion of the flood is higher than the same period the previous year, 57,354 ha.
Rice acreage is affected by flooding most experienced Province of Banten, East Java and West Java. The third area is one of Indonesia's rice production sentra.
For Banten province, the flood submerged this year covering 18,055 ha, 14,606 ha of East Java and West Java 14,435 ha.
Submerged due to floods, thousands of hectares of land have been puso. West Java had the highest puso covering 4301 ha, and Banten area of 2597 ha, and the last East Java area of 2597 ha puso.
Now the drought area of land that had 9311 ha. To dryness, record the most severe Kementan province of South Sulawesi that is experienced with a dry land extents reached 8842 ha. Nevertheless, drought this year is lower than the same period the previous year, 16,265 ha. (Fid/OL-9)
Assistance to Flood Victims in NTT Keep Coming
KUPANG - AFP: Aid for flood victims in five villages in South Central Timor regency, East Nusa Tenggara continue until Monday (12/3), are still arriving.
Among other assistance from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Nusa Tenggara and East South Central BPBD who arrived in refugee camps in the form of rice, food, clothing and clean water.
Five villages are flooded with a height of seven meters and it is Noemuke Amanuban Oebelo in Southern District, and three villages in the district Kualin Toineke, Tuafanu, and Kiufatu.
Floods caused by heavy rain which flushed the area since Saturday (10/3), which resulted in rivers overflowing Noemuke. The accident resulted in one person was killed and 5437 people displaced. (OL-11)
other sinking news in indonesia - plane derails at a transit airpor...
JAKARTA, March 12 (Xinhua) -- A Batavia Air plane from Bali to China's Hangzhou, with 176 Chinese tourists aboard, derailed at a transit airport in Central Indonesia, but it does not cause any casualties,an official with Chinese Embassy said here Monday.
The embassy got into touch with the Batavia Air immediately after the incident and a plane has left Jakarta for Balikpapan, East Kalimantan to pick up the passengers and fly them back to Hangzhou, said Zhong Ruiming with the Consular Department of the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia.
According to the information from the airline, a sinking section on the runway of the airport is to blame for the incident, he said.
Local media reports said the incident took place at 11:31 a.m. Monday when the plane tried to land at the airport for transit.
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