Peru flood in river Piura
/ Heavy rains have caused severe floods across much of central and southern Peru. Tens of thousands of residents have been forced to flee their homes after the freak weather conditions caused rivers to break their banks. At least 15 people have died as a result of the floods. /
/ Puno - Three people died, hundreds of families homeless, hundreds of homes affected and thousands of hectares of crops flooded
El Collao - In the province of El Collao wrench, heavy rains left 180 homes flooded, about 10 thousand hectares affected 10 000 people homeless and killed three people identified as Jesus Mariano Quispe Ticona Mamani Santos and Miguel Esteban Arias Inquilla.
Huancané - In Huancané, in the fourth sector of the rural community Llocahui of Llarecoa Huancané district, the floods and Ramis Huancané affecting large number of hectares of crops, as reported by the assistant deputy Valerio Flores Yapo that community.
Juliaca - In Juliaca, according to the counselor by the Province of San Román, Pio Napoleon Vilca, said that location would be most affected in the region, where more than 200 estates would find flooded 500 houses have collapsed and more than 10 thousand people left homeless .
Azángaro - In Azangaro product overflowing river Azángaro nine communities were affected, including Chaupi Sahuacasi, Chucaripo, Third Jilahuata, Third Jahuacasi, Juan Velasco Alvarado, Punta Sahuacasi, Campuco, Mataro and Santa Ana Chico also were about 100 hectares culture are affected, 20 families are affected and 6 classrooms to collapse of School 72 017 Jose Reyes Lujan Big Unit.
Chucuito - In the province of Chucuito - Juli, also recorded rainfall have left 110 homes flooded in the town of Juli, in Desaguadero 280 households affected Zepita 60, Pomata, 210 homes, while in Kelluyo collapsed a bridge that connects the district Desaguadero with Pizacoma. /
/ Puno: 2 dead and more than 2500 families left as balance Pilcuyo river overflow. Two killed and 2,500 affected families left the faucet overflowing river in the district Pilcuyo in Puno province of El Callao /
Brazil, Bolivia, Peru border:
/ Acre river and drowns Bolpebra people flee to Brazil. The Acre River flood drowns the populations of Inapari, Bolpebra Assis Brazil and in the triple frontier between Peru, Brazil and Bolivia, is unprecedented. The Acre River yesterday reached a height of 16.88 meters in Rio Branco, two feet above the level that marks its overflow, according to the Government of Brazil. /
/ In Bolivia, the strongest floods. In five of the nine departments of Bolivia declared a state of emergency due to heavy flooding. /
/ Border Acre River overflow causes evacuation of 35 families. About 35 families in the small Bolivian town of Bolpebra, on the border with Brazil and Peru, were evacuated by civil defense officials, after Acre River overflowing due to heavy rains, authorities said Sunday. "Because of recent rains, there was the overflowing of the Acre River, causing flooding in the community of San Pedro, municipality of Bolpebra, affecting 35 families," said the Vice Ministry of Civil Defence, in a public statement. /
/ Heavy rains in Peruvian territory in recent days caused the Acre River to overflow and the subsequent flooding of the Bolivian border towns of San Pedro and San Miguel Bolpebra in Pando. There are 46 families affected, the report Civil Defence Pando. /
/ The Civil Defense report said that five people died in the department of La Paz (west), three in Santa Cruz (East) and one in Chuquisaca (southeast). In La Paz, three people died on Wednesday, Thursday and another one two weeks ago by housing collapse caused by the rains. In Santa Cruz, the three deaths were recorded at different times during the past three weeks because of flooding ---
/ Heavy rains in the last hours in the provinces of La Rioja and Catamarca caused flooding, evacuation of several families and some towns were cut off. /
Indonesia SINKING:
Jakarta situation - / Rain with moderate to high intensity which flushed the area of North Jakarta, Sunday (19/2) from early morning until the afternoon causing some streets in the area were flooded. Inundation height reached 20-30 cm. "Now the sea is rising to a height of 205 centimeters and there is also seepage, so the street becomes flooded. However, when the water level has dropped below 200 centimeters, it will shrink and the water will return to the sea again," said Bambang. /
/ The high intensity of rain which flushed the capital on Sunday (19/2) morning until noon to make a number of residential areas in Jakarta flood /
/ Heavy rain which flushed Jakarta from early morning until this morning, Sunday (19/2), causing a flooded roadway. In the area of West Jakarta, Jalan Daan Mogot impassable roads flooded vehicles as high as 30-50 centimeters. /
/ Yet receding tide inundation of seawater due to the effect that since this morning spanning altitudes reach 205 centimeters /
/ Due to heavy rains are still high, about 100 hectares of rice fields in Pesawaran District, Lampung, flooded in recent days. "There are three days of flooding. Flooded rice fields, there is almost harvest so consequently puso, "/
/ Hundreds of homes in Cilegon Submerged. Hundreds of houses in the village and Cilegon Jombang, Cilegon City, Banten flooded as high as one meter. Floodwaters inundated homes after heavy rain for nearly four hours since Sunday (19/2) afternoon. /
The segment number in Jakut Flooded Road
Rain with moderate to high intensity which flushed the area of North Jakarta, Sunday (19/2) from early morning until the afternoon causing some streets in the area were flooded. Inundation height reached 20-30 cm. As a result, this condition makes a number of motorists, particularly motorcyclists to slow the vehicle and cause jams. monitoring, among other locations there are puddles on Jl RE Martadinata, Lodan Jl and Jl Muara Baru.
Chairman of RW 17 Muara Baru, Gustara say, a puddle on Jl Muara Baru due to blockage of water channels in the Sacred Mosque of State Trunk. Especially if there rob. "We the people here are often affected. Height of a pool of up to 30 centimeters," said Gustara, Sunday (19/2).
It is said Gustara, puddles that occur almost every day. However, if the inundation occurred in the morning, the afternoon pool is receding.
In response, Mayor of North Jakarta, Bambang Sugiyono said, the rainfall is happening today is high enough to result in a puddle on some streets. Even so, the pool arising immediately subsided. "Now the sea is rising to a height of 205 centimeters and there is also seepage, so the street becomes flooded. However, when the water level has dropped below 200 centimetres, it will shrink and the water will return to the sea again," said Bambang.
In addition, continued Bambang, tergenangnya number of locations that are also associated with incomplete drainage, and the need for reform. Included in the network Pluit Reservoir drainage was improved, so that they would not be a pool in several locations. "If the drainage system was repaired, hopefully there is no pool," said Bambang.
Piket officer Jakarta Crisis Center, Fran Siboro added, the water levels in Door Water Fish Market, Penjaringan 225 observed at 09.00 inches. However, the observed tide at 13.00 to 175 centimeters. "This morning was tracked higher, but are now beginning to recede. Meanwhile, the weather was overcast observed in the Jakarta area," he said.
A number of settlements in South Jakarta Flood
The high intensity of rain which flushed the capital on Sunday (19/2) morning until noon to make a number of residential areas in Jakarta flood. This condition is aggravated by water shipment from the Bogor and Depok-sugai flowing through the river in Jakarta.
As happened in residential Jl Masjid Al-Ma `mur, Pejatentimur, through which the flow Pasarminggu Ciliwung. In fact, the day before, a pool of up to 1.5 meters high. "In the stagnant RT 07 RW 016 and 017. While in RW 08 at RT 005," said Nana, Chairman of RT 017/07, Sunday (19/2).
Nana is said, the settlement was known as a regional flood subscription. The highest areas are flooded RT 017/07. "That was the height of 1.5 meters. It began to gradually subside as the rain stops. Hopefully there is no flood again," he said.
Nanang disclosed, there are approximately 280 households (families) of the three RT which flooded this time. However, until now none of the displaced residents. "They'd come home just to save the goods," he said.
Head of South Jakarta Social Agency, Abdurrahman Anwar said, has set up shelters for displaced persons in Masjid Al-Ma `mur and a number of houses in RT 013/07. This is done to anticipate when the water did not recede until late tonight. "The important thing is we are prepared first, now there are rice, instant noodles and mineral water. If that is so displaced, we will open a soup kitchen for 500 people," he explained.
In addition Pejatentimur Village area, South Jakarta floods also hit the Village Pondoklabu RW 03, RW 09 Sub Pesanggrahan, and RW 03 Sub Ulujami, as well as in RW 01 to 03 Village Petogogan. "Still in altitude tolerance limits, and if no rain and water shipment would quickly subside," said Abdurrahman.
The segment number in Jakut Flooded Road
The rain which flushed the city since this morning making some streets in the capital city were flooded. In North Jakarta, among others, there is a pool location in Jl RE Martadinata, Jl Lodan, and Jl Muara Baru. observation, Sunday (19/2) until 12:00 pm, the third location is still under water with a height of 20 centimeters to 30 centimeters. Yet receding tide inundation of seawater due to the effect that since this morning spanning altitudes reach 205 centimeters. In addition to poor drainage systems in the region also makes it difficult receding pool.
All Rights Roads Flood, Jakarta: Heavy rain which flushed Jakarta from early morning until this morning, Sunday (19/2), causing a flooded roadway. In the area of West Jakarta, Jalan Daan Mogot impassable roads flooded vehicles as high as 30-50 centimeters. The drainage system is not functioning in the conditions of prisons do more damage.
Gengan high water occurs in the Daan Mogot Jalan Raya, right in front of a private television station. To avoid standing water, the bikers were forced to turn around their vehicles. Some do not dare to pass on this road for fear of them breaking down due to engine submerged. Several desperate cars passing strike and forced to be encouraged. To avoid water, motorcyclists and car had to break through the lane busway. (DSY)
100 Hectares of Wetland Flooding in Pesawaran
AIRPORT LAMPUNG, - Due to heavy rains are still high, about 100 hectares of rice fields in Pesawaran District, Lampung, flooded in recent days. Head of Agriculture and Veterinary Office Pesawaran Lukmansyah, Sunday (2/19/2012), said the location of flooded rice fields located in the district of Padang Kedondong and Mirror.
"There are three days of flooding. Flooded rice fields, there is almost harvest so consequently puso, "he said. However, this weekend, this flood began to recede.
For farmers who have fields puso, he said it was seeking the help of seed from national seed reserve to them.
Hundreds of homes in Cilegon Submerged, Cilegon: Hundreds of houses in the village and Cilegon Jombang, Cilegon City, Metro Manila flooded as high as one meter. Floodwaters inundated homes after heavy rain for nearly four hours since Sunday (19/2) afternoon. Residents who do not have time to anticipate the flood water could only surrender.
This condition makes people upset with the City of Cilegon. For sewerage infrastructure was also improved so that floods often occur. Residents want to be corrected immediately.
Due to flooding, some residents evacuated to a safe location. While others remained in their homes to keep your valuables.
Flooding also soak some main roads in Cilegon to cause congestion. (AIS)
15 people die in severe floods across Peru.
Heavy rains have caused severe floods across much of central and southern Peru.
Tens of thousands of residents have been forced to flee their homes after the freak weather conditions caused rivers to break their banks.
At least 15 people have died as a result of the floods.
Puno emergency showers
Three people died, hundreds of families homeless, hundreds of homes affected and thousands of hectares of crops flooded, is leaving the recent rains in some provinces in the Puno region.
In the province of El Collao wrench, heavy rains left 180 homes flooded, about 10 thousand hectares affected 10 000 people homeless and killed three people identified as Jesus Mariano Quispe Ticona Mamani Santos and Miguel Esteban Arias Inquilla.
In Huancané, in the fourth sector of the rural community Llocahui of Llarecoa Huancané district, the floods and Ramis Huancané affecting large number of hectares of crops, as reported by the assistant deputy Valerio Flores Yapo that community.
In Juliaca, according to the counselor by the Province of San Román, Pio Napoleon Vilca, said that location would be most affected in the region, where more than 200 estates would find flooded 500 houses have collapsed and more than 10 thousand people left homeless .
In Azangaro product overflowing river Azángaro nine communities were affected, including Chaupi Sahuacasi, Chucaripo, Third Jilahuata, Third Jahuacasi, Juan Velasco Alvarado, Punta Sahuacasi, Campuco, Mataro and Santa Ana Chico also were about 100 hectares culture are affected, 20 families are affected and 6 classrooms to collapse of School 72 017 Jose Reyes Lujan Big Unit.
In the province of Chucuito - Juli, also recorded rainfall have left 110 homes flooded in the town of Juli, in Desaguadero 280 households affected Zepita 60, Pomata, 210 homes, while in Kelluyo collapsed a bridge that connects the district Desaguadero with Pizacoma.
Regarding crops were lost, Pope 1268 hectares, 396 hectares Quinoa, Kañihua 112 hectares, 567 Oatmeal, Duck 1 hectare and 70 hectares alfalfa, as reported by Julian Paca, civil defense technical secretary of the provincial municipality of Chucuito - Juli .
Puno: 2 dead and more than 2500 families left as balance Pilcuyo river overflowTwo killed and 2,500 affected families left the faucet overflowing river in the district Pilcuyo in Puno province of El Callao, the result of persistent torrential rains falling in the area, reported a local authority.
Pilcuyo Mayor David Quille, said the victims have been identified as Stephen Pond (90) and Jesus Quispe (65). The first was crushed when her home collapsed and the second was dragged through the turbulent waters of the river.
He noted that the river overflowed wrench early Thursday on the right bank and flooded the close quarters of the towns of Chipana, Jalluyo, San Pedro de Huayllata, among others. Both bodies were recovered.
He said that families have fled their homes and animals, and flee to Aricollo sector, adjacent to the cart Pilcuyo-Cachipucará.
Quille Gomez, who arrived in the city of Puno for help, asked the authorities to send food and blankets to affected families, who had to leave their homes to the existing danger.
He requested a transfer to the boat area for victims to withdraw their animals who are trapped in their homes. Only be reached by boat, he said.
She also reported that the river also Ilave Marguerite burst down the left but still unknown damage.
Pilcuyo district, to 3.833 meters above sea level, has 14.151 inhabitants, according to the 2007 national census.
There are floods in La Rioja and Catamarca
Heavy rains in the last hours in the provinces of La Rioja and Catamarca caused flooding, evacuation of several families and some towns were cut off. Rioja authorities arranged the temporary closure of the national park Talampaya and reported that the areas most affected by the storm were Villa Union, Malanzán and Olta.
Bolivia: rain left 9 dead and 7,050 homeless families
Heavy rains lash Bolivia since December have left nine people dead and 7,050 families homeless, according to the latest official figures released Friday by the Vice Ministry of Civil Defence, which said the department most affected is La Paz.
La Paz. AFP. - The Civil Defense report said that five people died in the department of La Paz (west), three in Santa Cruz (East) and one in Chuquisaca (southeast).
In La Paz, three people died on Wednesday, Thursday and another one two weeks ago by housing collapse caused by the rains. In Santa Cruz, the three deaths were recorded at different times during the past three weeks because of flooding.
In Chuquisaca was recorded late on Thursday the ninth, when a child died swept away by an overflowing river.
La Paz, built four centuries ago in a sort of basin, suffered the collapse of hills in three suburbs, where just five people died.
In the district of Villa Pabon, north-Killi Killi hill threatening to collapse, as part of a slope fell on Thursday on a highway, until about 3 feet of dozens of homes.
"The sky has fallen, the hill has yielded, we are in danger, our homes are in danger, we are ready to go" home, told AFP in tears to the old Rosa Tellez de Balboa, who said he lives by the area for about 50 years.
"Where shall we go? I am a widow, I live with my two daughters and five grandchildren," the sorrowful woman, while the workers of the municipality, with trucks and bulldozers, cleaning tasks performed before starting to cause the collapse of part the hill that threatens to collapse.
About 200 rivers and streams across La Paz, home to some 700,000 people, making it more vulnerable during the rainy season between December and March.
"We have 1,500 cases treated by emergency situations, which are of different types by heavy rains since December," he told AFP bureau chief of Emergency mayor of La Paz, David Mollinedo.
Deputy Minister of Civil Defence, Oscar Cabrera, said Friday that there are "7,050 families affected by the rains, mainly in the departments of La Paz, Oruro and Potosi," hit by the rains and overflowing rivers.
He added that there are "some 2,100 hectares of crops affected, primarily of quinoa, beans and corn," but still do not have an economic quantification of damages.
The Bolivian Highway Administrator State (ABC) also reported that the rains have caused the vehicular traffic court in 12 roads, mainly in the Amazon departments of Santa Cruz and Beni, where converge most Andean rivers.
The temporary effect of the weather phenomenon La Niña, are "stronger than last year," said Cabrera, Deputy Minister of Civil Defence, who said he still evaluating whether some departments hit the red alert is declared.
He said the state has a budget of 40 million bolivianos (about $ 5.7 million) to meet emergencies, of which 35% has already been executed.
"The forecast is that the rains will continue over the coming days," said the official.
The weather service predicted state of the showers will continue through March.
Bolivia: Border Acre River overflow causes evacuation of 35 families
About 35 families in the small Bolivian town of Bolpebra, on the border with Brazil and Peru, were evacuated by civil defense officials, after Acre River overflowing due to heavy rains, authorities said Sunday.
"Because of recent rains, there was the overflowing of the Acre River, causing flooding in the community of San Pedro, municipality of Bolpebra, affecting 35 families," said the Vice Ministry of Civil Defence, in a public statement.
In Bolpebra in the Amazonian department of Pando, home to about 1,400 people.
The Rio Acre, with a length of 1,900 km, was born in the Peruvian region of Madre de Dios, is natural boundary line between Bolivia and Brazil and across the Brazilian states of Acre and Amazonas.
Several regions of Bolivia support heavy rains because of the effect of La Niña climate that left 9 people killed since December and more than 7,000 affected families.
2 Acre River border villages flooded
Heavy rains in Peruvian territory in recent days caused the Acre River to overflow and the subsequent flooding of the Bolivian border towns of San Pedro and San Miguel Bolpebra in Pando. There are 46 families affected, the report Civil Defence Pando.
According to reports from Civil Defense department of Pando, the flood was very strong, because the water entered the homes of families affected and reached a height of 1.5 meters. Besides the two Bolivian cities were affected municipalities Ñapari (Peru) and Asir Brazil, although to a lesser extent, in the tripartite border.
"We have no victims. We have only property damage. The entire population has been affected. We talked about 35 families in San Pedro de Bolpebra and 11 in San Miguel, "a source said Civil Defense Pando.
The affected families who were unable to rescue their belongings and lost everything, were evacuated to a property that is located three miles away and on a high.
The governor of Pando and civil defense authorities, according to the source, came to the place where the affected families to bring food supplies and food.
To get assistance, the source said, had to use roadside paved roads of the Brazilian territory, because the Bolivian roads, land, were flooded and impassable.
According to the newspaper Sol de Pando, the municipal authorities of Peru and Brazil display an early warning system and preventive actions, while the Bolivian shore Bolpebra villagers are forced to flee into Brazilian territory to deal with flooding.
In Bolivia, severe floods
In five of the nine departments of Bolivia declared a state of emergency due to heavy flooding. Incessant rains since January have led to flooding in the mountainous part of this Latin American country. The victims of the disaster began, at least 7 people. Thousands of families driven from their homes. To help people in affected areas directed the army. In the full commitment and effort are lifeguards in the other, low-lying, the departments of Bolivia. Rivers flowing from the mountains, too, threatened to leave its banks.
Brazil, Bolivia, Peru border:
Acre river and drowns Bolpebra people flee to Brazil
The Acre River flood drowns the populations of Inapari, Bolpebra Assis Brazil and in the triple frontier between Peru, Brazil and Bolivia, is unprecedented. Peruvian and Brazilian authorities have set up special facilities to accommodate thousands of victims, while officials of Bolivia atman only to "collaborate" in the evacuation of victims in Bolivia to Brazil.
The Acre River yesterday reached a height of 16.88 meters in Rio Branco, two feet above the level that marks its overflow, according to the Government of Brazil.
Bolpebra lacks the most basic self-defense resources for natural disasters. The city purchases electricity from Brazil, no municipal building and the Mayor of Bolpebra is ordinarily resident in the city of Cobija, 200 miles from his town, due to lack of effective support municipal development state of these populations rural and indigenous with zero level of urbanization.
Civilians Bolpebra is comprised of a majority of migrants and settlers from Tarija, particularly those engaged in the collection of nuts and fish, living with ethnic and Yaminahua Machineri. The Bolivian Army Battalion Riosinho maintains an outpost that is the only force established to control drug trafficking in timber and passing through the area in darkness. There is an unguarded police station composed of a single cash.
River floods occur when Acre, the only thing left to the people of Bolpebra is to cross the mighty river to the other shore and take refuge in Assis Brasil. Some take the "bulls (tricycles Hindus who make their taxi service on modern oceanic highway) to get to Inapari, being at the expense of Brazilian and Peruvian charity. Last Thursday, the correspondent of Radio Panamericana Blanket statements sent an officer of the governor of Pando reporting that "the Mayor is already in Bolpebra" and that state officials "helped in the evacuation of the settlers to Brazil ".
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