7 of 10 S American Rolls; Vietnam SINKING: 9 killed in rockslide 23 May! Mountain rockslide kills six 5 May! Buenos Aires streching: More than 1.1 million hectares flooded!

Rockslides in Vietnam in 5 May

7 of 10 S American Rolls

Buenos Aires streching:

/ More than 1.1 million hectares flooded in northwestern Buenos Aires. The plight of the towns of Bolivar and Carlos Casares Pehuajó, which until yesterday had more than 700,000 hectares affected by floods (as reported by The Nation), add new parties, and July 9, Lauquen Dam and Rivadavia, with about 410 thousand hectares affected. /


/ The floods in the Brazilian Amazon affecting 77,348 families. The floods in the Brazilian Amazon due to heavy rainfall in recent weeks already affecting 77,348 families in 49 municipalities, said the state government of Amazonas. /


7 of 10 SINKING Sunda Plate

Vietnam SINKING:

/ An Giang: Mountain rockslide kills six. Six people were killed and two others were injured in a rockslide at the Cam Mountain in the southern province of An Giang Province at 8am on May 5. /

/ Nine killed in rockslide. ROCKSLIDES have killed nine people in two separate accidents at quarrying operations in northern Vietnam. /

Indonesia SINKING:


Buenos Aires:

More than 1.1 million hectares flooded in northwestern Buenos Aires

The plight of the towns of Bolivar and Carlos Casares Pehuajó, which until yesterday had more than 700,000 hectares affected by floods (as reported by The Nation), add new parties, and July 9, Lauquen Dam and Rivadavia, with about 410 thousand hectares affected.

In total, the number of hectares affected by floods in northwestern Buenos Aires would reach 1.1 million.

"We have 200,000 acres under water," said Rodolfo Menéndez, Secretary for Works, Utilities and Housing on July 9. According to Alberto Gallo Llorente, president of the Rural Society of July 9, there is between 20 and 25% of the soybean that could not be collected by the excessive rains and already have heavy losses. Also affected maize.

There is also a critical scenario for the drums. "The cows lost between 1.5 and 2 liters of individual production and complicated the access roads for milk collection," said Gallo Llorente. This is compounded by the loss of grazing.

Meanwhile, Congresswoman Gladys Gonzalez macrista presented yesterday at the National Congress a project for emergency being declared in the affected parties and is intended to help with $ 50 million.




The floods in the Brazilian Amazon affecting 77,348 families

The floods in the Brazilian Amazon due to heavy rainfall in recent weeks already affecting 77,348 families in 49 municipalities, said the state government of Amazonas.

Three localities, Anamã, Careiro da Várzea and Barreirinha, with a population of 61,500 people, have declared a state of public calamity and are "most nearly submerged their homes," a spokesman told Efe regional government.

The state of Amazonas is the largest in Brazil, has an area of 1.5 million square kilometers and 62 municipalities, 49 of which are in an emergency situation.

The regional government is discussing with the Army and Navy the ability to accommodate the population most affected areas in shelters mounted on floating platforms, the report said.

Meanwhile, those affected have taken refuge in the homes of relatives or in the higher areas of the municipalities that have been flooded.

Regional authorities have led to the area of basic aid packages that include food, medicine, hygiene and cleanliness.

The situation in the past three days is "stable", according to the source, but from Friday the Black River, the main tributary of the Amazon, has raised six inches and reaches a height of around 30 meters, the highest level of that record.

Floods affect other rivers also have overflowed, as the Solimões, the name is known in Brazil for the part of the Amazon between the Colombian border and the confluence with the Black, at the height of the city of Manaus, the capital regional.

The water level in the Amazon region continues to rise and predicted by the Geological Survey of Brazil, floods reach their peak in mid-June.




An Giang: Mountain rockslide kills six
VietNamNet Bridge - Six people were killed and two others were injured in a rockslide at the Cam Mountain in the southern province of An Giang Province at 8am on May 5.

Many large rocks suddenly fell down from the mountain, crushing a tourist car, which was carrying seven passengers, and one motorbike. Four people in the car and the motorbike driver died immediately, while three others were seriously injured.

One of the injured died on the way to a local hospital, while the two others are being treated at the hospital. Some vehicles that ran behind the car stopped in time before entering the dangerous area.

Cam Mountain is the most beautiful mount in the seven peaks of the That Son mountain range, around 90km from Long Xuyen City. The mountain is 705m high, with many sharp bends and it is a tourist attraction in An Giang.

The seven passengers, who came from southern Tien Giang Province, had visited a pagoda on the mountain before the accident occurred.

It was not clear what had triggered the rockslide but local people have blamed construction work on the mountain for causing the disaster. They also said that wind and rain could pry large rocks loose on the towering cliffs.

Recently, dynamite and large machines have been used to build some roads including a 6.3km road connecting the mountain’s foot and Van Linh pagoda near the top.


Nine killed in rockslide.

ROCKSLIDES have killed nine people in two separate accidents at quarrying operations in northern Vietnam.

Local official Nguyen Xuan Truong said four workers died at the scene following the first accident yesterday in the northern port city of Hai Phong. Two others died in a hospital, and four workers remain in hospital.

The cause remains unclear, but falling rocks buried workers below and crushed them, he said.

Mr Truong said a rock slide at a nearby quarry today killed three other workers.

The quarry operations produce limestone for cement factories and construction.



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Comment by astrogal50 on May 25, 2012 at 1:36pm

Wow. Look at the size of that one boulder in the first picture.  Such large boulders have come crashing down in other places too, sometimes in the absence of a landslide, just started rolling one day.  Such events used to be unheard of.

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