Alberto's Planet X HUGE 9/16 to 9/18 TAIL GROWING! (NEW ZetaTalk)


Alberto's photo shows a very bright object at the 5:00 o'clock position surrounded by a lovely halo, but the object is clearly visible in the center of that.  This is the corpus of Planet X. Why so large in this photo when normally in Alberto's photos you barely see a dim fuzzball?  You see the tail, you see the Moon Swirls as tubes or as orbs, but you don't see Planet X.  Has it come closer?  It is being enhanced by the Council of Worlds' request to appear larger on Earth. It has not physically come closer to the Earth, but we can of course enhance light rays. This is a snap for benign aliens.  And this enhancement will continue, steadily, until the announcement is made.

So is it visible yet to the naked eye?  To some degree, yes.  People are now noticing something at that position and saying, what's that?  Of course they've been noticing moon swirls all along that appear like very bright orbs at this or that place around the sun.  But this one will have a reddish tinge, and you can expect this to grow.  Alberto will, of course, keep you updated.  It's when the murmur on the street begins, people seeing the red object in the sky, that the announcement will be expedited.  It could happen this afternoon. It could happen tomorrow. It could happen at anytime. 


Here's are Alberto's 9/17 photos, the monster itself still hugely visible!

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Comment by Corey Young on September 19, 2012 at 4:01am

The Sunset tonight in Southern Alberta (Calgary), Canada is EXTREMELY red with a Pinkish hue. At first I would think it has something to do with Forest Fires to the Northwest of Calgary (due to the air flow from the mountains) but this website for the day shows very little activity as to the smoke itself:

So I think that this haze over the horizon has more to do with what Nancy has mentioned the CoW is doing with the waft of the Bully's Tail....We should expect more brilliantly ominous sunsets from now on.

Great work Alberto!

Comment by Nancy Lieder on September 18, 2012 at 5:52pm

What I see is the TAIL growing! The filters that Alberto uses on his new camera are so intense that only the very red elements come through - the tail, the debris in the tail when in front of the Sun, and now just recently the corpus of Planet X itself. Note the comparison in some late August photos. Thus I conclude that the "cloud" showing up below Planet X is the tail, and THIS likewise is being increased and illuminated during this Council of Worlds push to the announcement.

Comment by Nancy Lieder on September 17, 2012 at 2:50pm

On 9/17, it has gotten larger! Compare to the size of the Sun!

Comment by Nancy Lieder on September 17, 2012 at 12:47pm

@Kris, it seems this new phenomena just started on the 16th!

Comment by Kris H on September 17, 2012 at 1:57am

Did I get PX in this pic taken on 9/15? Maybe the orb at 6oclock, surrounded by a pink cloud? Pic taken around 8am, perhaps the wobble has PX at 6oclock then? Line of flares are more purple in color, and in the 8oclock direction.

Comment by Nancy Lieder on September 16, 2012 at 9:21pm

And this, Fea, where the Zetas also say that more visibility of PX is part of the 8 of 10

ZetaTalk Prediction 12/4/2010:

This is information that coincides with the 8 of 10 scenarios and with the anticipated position of Planet X vs a vs the Earth for enhanced viewing of Planet X from the astonished residents of Earth.

Comment by Nancy Lieder on September 16, 2012 at 7:51pm

@LeeAna! You saw this naked eye? Whoopeee. I will be sharing some ZT on this in a moment. The COW is behind this, not pushing PX closer but make it more visible on Earth! And this will increase daily from now until the announcement is made!

Post Script: Added the new ZT to the blog body, above.

Comment by K Tonkin on September 16, 2012 at 5:51pm
Beautiful... looks like your determination has paid off. Thanks so much for sharing your photos!
Comment by Ann Eller on September 16, 2012 at 5:40pm

I think parts of the 8 of 10 have been playing out simultaneously with the 7 of 10.

The final poleshift date was not to be affected even with the slow down of 7 of 10.

Remember that Planet X is supposed to accelerate and speed by and out of the solar system.

 Yes, readiness in all its aspects is vital.

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