Wisconsin Mystery Booms & Michigan Crack Are Related

What began as a mysterious ground crack near Birch Creek, Michigan in late 2010 is related to the many mystery booms heard to the south in Wisconsin.


In October 2010,  a massive and unexplained ground crack opened near Birch Creek, Michigan. This year, on March 18th, recurring mysterious booming noises were reported in Clintonville, Wisconsin.  On March 20th, a similar boom was reported just to the south in the town of Montello.  On April 1st, unexplained light flashes and mystery booms were observed in the town of Baraboo.  Note the linear progression of this phenomena.  The Zetas explain:

ZetaTalk Explanation 4/7/2012: "We have described the N American bow as one where the tip of Mexico moves west while the top of the continent at Alaska and Canada remains in place. This pulls the entire continent into a bow shape which can only be relieved by the New Madrid adjustment, tearing the continent at a diagonal so that that the southwest of the US and Mexico move west and down while lands east of the Mississippi are torn away. In the meantime, the stress of the bow is pulling the St. Lawrence Seaway apart where resistance is slight. As we have mentioned, Wisconsin is pulling apart, and the rock strata there allows separation readily.

It is no surprise that a crevasse on the Michigan peninsula has been joined by booming in towns to the south as rock snaps in a diagonal line toward Mexico. Mexico very recently had an adjustment at its tip, driving the tip over the Cocos Plate. The land having moved westward, adjustments moved up along the coast.  The Baja coastline affected literally touches the San Andreas fault line. It is no surprise likewise for these bow adjustments to occur almost simultaneously. On March 18 Clintonville began booming. On March 20 Chiapas at the tip of Mexico adjusted. On March 20 the Clintonville booms moved down diagonally to Montello. On March 28 the Baja beach disappeared. And on April 1 the Clintonville booms moved along diagonally to Baraboo. Most definitely related!"

ZetaTalk Explanation: 3/24/2012:  "Stretch zone incidents - where rock pulls apart or snaps, creating booms and vibrations and hums, dropping bridges that lose their moorings or snapping gas and water mains, or creating sinkholes or crevasses - are not considered earthquake incidents. Quakes occur when rock borders slide along each other or push under one another, creating a jolt or a series of jolts. Stretch zone accidents only happen when major plate movement is occurring, and are usually silent so do not get the attention that jolting earthquakes get. A bridge slips off its mooring and is attributed to heavy trucks or poor construction. A sinkhole appears and is attributed to ground water erosion. A building implodes and is attributed to settling, even though the building may have been there for centuries.

With the increase in incidents in stretch zones, and the moaning and humming and booming coming from the ground, the establishment is left in a dilemma. Scientists are chastised and forbidden from mentioning the Earth wobble and presence of Planet X, so how to explain the incidents? Just as NASA falls silent when Planet X and its Moon Swirls show up on SOHO images, and just as the USGS has recently run from responsibility for earthquake data collection, silence is the only avenue open to them. Wisconsin is in the stretch zone due to the spreading St. Lawrence Seaway. Its landscape gives evidence of this stretch in the past, with numerous lakes along the route from Green Bay to Madison. Clintonville is pulling apart!"

ZetaTalk Explanation 7/26/2008: Looking at a map of Wisconsin, one sees that Green Bay is at the point where the peninsula is pulling away from the mainland of Wisconsin. In other words, at the rip point. Looking further inland along the line of rip, we see Lake Winnebago, a large body of water which formed over an area that had sunk in the past. When we described the St. Lawrence Seaway ripping open during the pole shift, and the ripping process which has already begun since the wobble and tugging at the surface of the Earth occur daily, we described not just the seaway but a Mississippi River bridge failing at Minneapolis and the much earlier rumpling of the Black Hills in S Dakota. Of course the ripping open of the seaway is going to affect Wisconsin as it is in the heavy traffic lane!


The Wisconsin Booms are the result of an increasing Earth wobble due to the approaching Planet X.  The Zetas have explained:

"The most violent push of the wobble occurs when the Sun is high over the Pacific and Europe is in the dead of night. The globe is pushed violently north as the magnetic N Pole of Earth comes up over the horizon." ZetaTalk

This corresponds to the late evening and early morning hours when the Wisconsin Booms are usually heard.

A review of the bedrock geology confirms that Clintonville is situated directly over a boundary between two different types of rock, thus is more subject to tearing.

March 24

Booms, Shaking Ground Continues in Clintonville

"Police say there were 10 reports of booming and shaking from 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Friday. Authorities also say they got two reports after midnight."

March 23

Clintonville's Booming Continues

"Residents complained of loud booms and shaking houses for the fifth consecutive day, a police dispatcher said Friday morning.

Between 10 p.m. Thursday and 6:10 a.m. Friday, police received nine reports of bangs and vibrations, police said. More than 600 complaints have come in since early Monday."

March 22

Mystery of Loud Booms Has Town Asking Questions

"After four days of unexplained loud booms that have roused area residents from their beds with no answers in sight, local officials have hired an engineering firm to try to locate the source of the strange sounds.

The mysterious booms have captured the attention of national media, including reporters from CNN, NBC and a New York Times who swarmed a public hearing Wednesday when city administrator Lisa Kuss announced the city will spend $7,000 to hire Waukesha, Wis.-based engineering firm Ruekert & Mielke, which will place four seismometers around the city.

If the firm finds the epicenter, the next step will be to pinpoint the depth and what is causing it. The cause is likely only a couple hundred feet under the earth's surface, Kuss said.

"It's possible we'll never have a definitive answer," Kuss told about 400 residents at the Clintonville High School auditorium.

The sounds began Sunday and reports to police since then have come in from across the city of 4,600 residents.

Kuss displayed maps showing where calls have come in from residents reporting vibrations and booms -- which they describe as sounding like thunder, underground fireworks or someone slamming a heavy door.

The city set up audio and video recorders overnight Tuesday but didn't capture anything. There was at least one loud boom at 5 a.m. As of 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, no other noises were reported.

Some residents say their house have been particularly hard-hit.

For Holly Beringer, the vibrations have shaken her home, rattling pictures and dishes. She was in the crowd Wednesday with several of her neighbors, who said they didn't have questions for city officials but were curious to hear if they had any answers.

While city officials haven't pinpointed what is happening, they've ruled out many theories, Kuss said, including issues with the sanitary and storm water systems, changes in methane or propane gas levels, blasting from mines, military activity, criminal activity or construction.

They have consulted several geologists, including researchers at the universities in Milwaukee and Madison without any conclusions, Kuss said. She has received emails from across the nation and world, with people offering suggestions and reporting similar occurrences elsewhere.

A similar incident was reported in Marion, near Clintonville, about two decades ago and in Georgia more recently.

"But it didn't last three days and three nights," Kuss said.

Several scared residents asked whether -- and how -- they should prepare for a serious emergency.

The city can't predict if something bigger will happen, but Kuss told people there is no reason to consider evacuating the city and that there are fewer reported booms and vibrations each day.

Some residents joked they should capitalize on the odd phenomenon by selling free shakes with hamburgers and making T-shirts claiming "things are booming in Clintonville."

March 21

Mysterious Booms Continue for Third Night in Clintonville, WI - Residents Leaving Town

"Police, residents and experts are baffled by the source of mysterious booms and shaking that have been plaguing the town of Clintonville, Wis., for the past three days, and have caused some residents to flee.

The Clintonville Police Department said they have received over 250 calls about noises from underground shaking homes in the northeast corner of the town near Green Bay, Wis. with approximately 5000 residents.

The mystery is even stumping some of the brightest minds at the University of Wisconsin, who were consulted about whether or not these booms could be related to seismic activity.

"I think we can rule out that standard earthquake activity, [that] some swarm of earthquakes is happening in that region. It also really looks like it's not connected to, say, unusual drilling activity or some other kind of real obvious human induced signal, " Harold Tobin, one of those professors in the Geoscience department at the University of Wisconsin told WKOW.

Tobin headed to Clintonville after he received a call from the Wisconsin Geological Survey office asking for help.

Tobin and a colleague looked at activity on several of the seismometers that sit in the region near Clintonville. He says there is an indication that it is an especially noisy site, but not noisy enough to cause the sounds people there are describing.

Tobin says it does appear the sounds are either coming from the surface of the ground or just underneath the surface. He says that he is just as confused and intrigued as anyone as to what exactly is causing the sounds, and adds that there are other instruments that could be put out in the region where the sounds are to record noise in the air, and also ground vibrations at a higher frequency.

This would help to pinpoint exactly where the sounds and coming from and what their characteristics are.

Residents of the area say that they find the noises and shakes puzzling and troubling.

"They're pretty loud when they vibrate the windows and you can feel the vibration on the floor and on the ground," Verda Schultz told ABC News affiliate WBAY.

The city has so far managed to rule out problems with the water and sewer system, elevated gas levels, area blasting or mining, industrial businesses, and even military operations, WBAY reported.

"I think that right now the greatest possibility is that it is some sort of natural phenomenon. I think that it's a possibility that there is some earth shifting going on underneath the ground that creates those popping sort of exploding popping or vibrating noises that people feel," City Administrator Lisa Kuss said.

The booms and shakes have gotten so bad that they have begun to drive residents from the town.

"Our dog is scared, our neighbors are leaving and stuff, so we decided we are going somewhere else for a while," Dennis Padia said. "It's that loud, and it bothers you. You can't go to sleep."

March 20

Unexplained Booms Continue for a Second Night in Clintonville

"The unexplained booms, rattling, and shaking was felt for a second night in a row in Clintonville. Loud booms shook the city early Tuesday morning, and were reportedly more widespread. Residents say they're still wondering and worrying.

The unexplained noises, like underground explosions, and the tremors began early Monday morning around 1:45 and tapered off nearly 12 hours later.

Although much weaker than what was felt earlier in the day, the trembling began again around 8:30 and 10:00 in the same northeast corner of the city where more than 150 reports of shaking came in earlier. Police say more reports then came in early Tuesday morning, at about 12:20, 1:20, 2:20 and 5:10-- and were no longer limited to the northeast part of town.

Dispatchers say some were quite loud, and were even heard at the police station, southwest of the center of town.

Public service crews and police have been monitoring the area, checking on residents who've been congregating in the streets to talk about what they're experiencing.

People say they're afraid the shaking will get worse.

"I'm not liking this. I'm going to want to leave. Basically, I don't want to stay here because you just don't know. It's scary, very scary," Cindy Miller said.

So far the city has ruled out gas lines, water mains, and an earthquake as possible reasons for the shaking. It's been in contact with geologists and the military.

The city does believe it's something geological.

"I would say it certainly leads us to believe it is some sort of a geological thing. If the earth's temperature changes, does that mean something different? It certainly could be," City Administrator Lisa Kuss opined.

The city continues to monitor the area.
People who live in the area are advised if they feel anything, or notice any changes to the landscape on their property, to call the police non-emergency number to report it."

March 19

"Mysterious explosions. Unexplained shaking. Something's going on in Clintonville, Wisconsin, but nobody seems to know what it is.

The sounds -- variously described as rattling pipes, clanging metal, thunder or firecrackers -- have continued on and off since early Sunday night in just one part of the small town of 4,600, located about 180 miles northeast of Madison.

Accompanying the sounds are vibrations that have shaken homes and household objects in the northeast corner of town, city manager Lisa Kuss said.

The sounds were loud enough Monday morning that a CNN journalist could hear them during a cell phone conversation with Kuss.

The baffling phenomenon does not appear to have caused any significant damage or injuries, according to Kuss.

Workers peered into manhole covers and utility crews tested for leaking natural gas and other problems, but no one has yet to find anything amiss, Kuss said.

Geologists and the military don't seem to have any quick answers, either, she said.

U.S. Geological Survey records show no seismic activity anywhere in Wisconsin Sunday or Monday.

"It's like we're imagining things but it ain't, because we're all out and talking to find out what's going on," Clintonville resident Verda Shultz told CNN affiliate WLUK.

Absent any better explanations for the sounds and sensations that have, well, rattled, the town, residents were left to their own devices to come up with explanations."  Source

Read also:

Series of bangs make for unnerving night for humans, pets

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Comment by Robyn Appleton on July 21, 2012 at 12:32pm

Mysterious rumbling sound keeps Stourbridge, England woman from sle...

Chris Whitehouse
© Unknown
Chris Whitehouse in the garden of her council home - which she says is blighted by a humming noise and vibration
A Stourbridge woman says she is being driven "mad" by mysterious night-time noises in her home.

Chris Whitehouse even tried sleeping in a tent in her garden to escape a constant low rumbling sound and vibration which seems only to affect her council house.

The tired-out tenant is now back in the property but says the disturbance is so bad she is getting just two hours rest each night and no-one seems able to find the cause.

Mrs Whitehouse, aged 60, said: "It's driving me insane, I'm not sleeping because of the vibration and it's getting worse, me and my daughter tried sleeping in a tent in our garden but we could still feel it.

"It is like a low drone and they have never found out what it is. Now my daughter won't sleep here and one of my cats sits staring down the sink.

"I can't stand living here any more, I would go back to a tent if I thought I could get a good night's sleep."

Problems began in November 2010 when Mrs Whitehouse, who has lived in her Grange Road house for 12 years, felt vibrations which she says seem to come from beneath the property.

Dudley Council engineers ruled out faults with the house, its central heating or gas, electrical and water supplies and said there was nothing more they could do.

None of her neighbours reported anything unusual and an investigation by Severn Trent Water found there were no underground pumps or leaking pipes causing vibrations.

Mrs Whitehouse says she does not want to move out but has no choice and has applied for another council house, although she has been told she is low on the priority list for similar accommodation.

With no end in sight to her sleep-deprived situation, desperate Mrs Whitehouse is urging people to contact Dudley Council if they are experiencing unusual sounds or vibrations coming from under their homes.

She said: "At the moment I feel isolated, it's like telling people you have seen a UFO. If other people come forward they would do more about it - I just want to go to bed and sleep."
Source; http://www.stourbridgenews.co.uk/news/9821581.Stourbridge_woman__be...

Rockaway booms were earthquakes

Seismologist said temblors were small and shallow

9:27 AM, Jul 20, 2012
ROCKAWAY— Loud and unexplained booms heard in one part of town several times this week were small and shallow earthquakes, according to a seismologist with the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University.

“We are still working on it, but there were three small earthquakes (on Monday),” said Won-Young Kim, a seismologist with Lamont-Doherty. “The largest one was 1.1, which is very small.”

Kim also found evidence of another quake at 1:58 a.m. Wednesday and was checking out the possibility that there was a second that morning, at 4 a.m.

The quakes were shallow, meaning they occurred a mile or less underground, and this type of quake is often loud, according to Kim, who added that only people very close to the epicenter would hear and feel it.

“Usually you don’t feel a 1.1 when it’s deeper,” Kim said.

Police were inundated with calls Monday night from residents who reported hearing and feeling three loud booms in succession starting around 10 p.m., according to Chief of Police Douglas Scheer, who investigated the reports and contacted numerous agencies in a quest to explain what had happened.

“They were enough to jar residents in their homes and cause them to come outside,” Scheer said. “We believed at the time it could have been some sort of explosion, but as we spoke to more and more residents we determined it had to have come from underground.”

Kim said the earthquakes that struck Rockaway were a magnitude of about 1.1 so it would not be immediately apparent that one had occurred, Kim said. Equipment at seismic stations is designed to automatically let seismologists know about earthquakes with a magnitude greater than 2.0.

But after receiving several reports about the booms in New Jersey, Kim went and looked at the data Thursday evening.

The booms were all felt in a half-square-mile area centered around Rockaway, Franklin and Lincoln avenues in the borough, Scheer said.

“They caused homes to shake and people to become very nervous,” Scheer said. “We had calls from people thinking people were breaking into their homes or something was blowing up.”
Eric Nordmann, who lives on Rockaway Avenue, said it sounded like an underground explosion.

“My entire house shook for a very brief time, but not just my house. Many houses on my street,” Nordmann said.

Scheer said police received more than 20 calls and launched an investigation that included checking for possible explosions at Picatinny Arsenal and at a quarry in Rockaway Township. Scheer said his office also checked to see if a transformer could have exploded or if the noises were a sonic boom.

The morning after the booms, officers also checked with businesses in the area to see if they might know what had happened.

“We (also) reached out to the Morris County Office of Emergency Management, the state Office of Emergency Management, the USGS (United States Geological Survey) and no one else reported anything,” Scheer said.

The USGS referred them to the Lamont-Doherty Cooperative Seismographic Network and the New Jersey Geological Survey, but nothing had been reported to either of those organizations at that point.

The same type of noise was heard again on Wednesday at 2 a.m. and then again at 4 a.m. in the same general area, Scheer said.

“It was enough to make residents feel they needed to check things out and it was felt at the police department,” Scheer said. “We called all the same people again, and they did not have answers.”
Comment by Howard on April 4, 2012 at 8:35pm

Mystery Booms & Lights in Baraboo, Wisconsin (Southwest of Clintonville) -

It’s unclear what caused two separate instances in which flashes of light were followed by thunderous booms in Baraboo early Sunday.

“We don’t know if we have Clintonville going on here or what,” said Baraboo Police Chief Mark Schauf, referring to the city west of Green Bay where residents have heard multiple booms in recent weeks.

Baraboo city officials may now have their own booms to investigate.

A resident on Sauk Avenue called 911 to report a loud boom Sunday around 1 a.m. That prompted more than 30 comments on the Baraboo Scanner page on Facebook — which posts information about calls to public service agencies — from other residents who heard the same thing. Some reported they saw a flash before the boom.

About 45 minutes later, residents throughout the city called authorities to report a second flash and boom.

A Baraboo police officer witnessed the first incident while parked on the 800 block of Eighth Street.

“I observed a large flash of light followed by a ‘boom,’” the officer wrote in his report. “I advised dispatch of this information and my belief that it was possibly a transformer.”

However, Sauk County Sheriff’s Department dispatchers contacted Alliant Energy, and reported the company knew of no power outages in the Baraboo area.

Alliant spokesman Steve Schultz confirmed Monday there were no outages in Baraboo around that time.

Some Facebook users initially speculated thunder and lightning were the culprits. But that doesn’t seem to be the case.

“There doesn’t appear to have been any t-storms in that area Sunday morning,” said Ed Townsend, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service’s Sullivan office. “I can’t think of anything else (weather-related) that would lead to a flash.”

Townsend said the Baraboo booms seem different from those reported in Clintonville because they were preceded by flashes of light.

Clintonville officials asked the U.S. Geological Survey for help to determine the cause of their booms. Scientists with USGS and Michigan Technological University responded and recently traveled to Clintonville to bury four seismic sensors and audio equipment in and around the city.

An assistant professor from Michigan Tech reviewed the city’s data and confirmed one of the booms resulted from a small earthquake, according to the Appleton Post-Crescent."

Comment by Howard on April 1, 2012 at 9:59pm

Map of recent events that depict the tearing stress on the St. Lawrence Seaway -

A.  Clintonville, Wisconsin - Mystery Booms, March 19 - 27

B.  Montello, Wisconsin - Mystery Boom, March 20

C.  Fond du Lac, Wisconsin - Unexplained Chemical Leak, March 21

D.  Watertown, Wisconsin - School Closed (Structural Instability), March 27

E.  Ligonier, Indiana - Train Derailment, March 24

F.  Barrie, Ontario - Mystery Boom, March 24

G.  Poconos, Pennsylvania - Mystery Boom, March 30

H.  Bathurst, New Brunswick - Earthquake (magnitude 3.4), March 30

Comment by Howard on March 31, 2012 at 7:23pm

In the line with the southern terminus of Green Bay, further indications of tearing at Watertown, Wisconsin -

School Building Closed Due to Compromised Structural Integrity (March 27)

Students at St. Henry Catholic School, 300 E. Cady St., were evacuated from the building Monday afternoon because of concerns the building’s structural integrity was compromised.

Principal Francine Butzine said the ladies serving lunch discovered the problem.

“The ladies who were serving heard a crackling sound, looked around and realized the tiles on the floor were breaking up,” Butzine said.

The school was immediately evacuated and the fire department dispatched. The city building inspector was also called, Butzine said.

Butzine said she was told the building is safe and students are expected to return Wednesday.

Because the problem lies in the ground underneath the kitchen, crews will have to dig below the tiles, putting the kitchen out of commission for the remainder of the school year, Butzine said. As a result, there will be no hot lunch for the rest of the year.

The cause of the “crackling” and breaking tiles remains unknown. City Building Inspector Joe Heimsch said it could either be a problem with the building’s foundation or with pipes running under the floor.

“There’s half-inch ceramic tile throughout the kitchen floor. The ceramic tile lifted up in many areas about 2 inches, so it’s some sort of building movement,” Heimsch said. “I’m hoping that it was some kind of floor reaction.”

At this point, the tile lifting is isolated to the kitchen area and has not spread to the cafeteria.

Sanitary, storm and gas pipes shifting in the ground could have caused the tile lifting, and workers from Maas Brothers Construction are “coring holes to try to find out what went wrong,” Heimsch said. Heimsch will also put a camera through the pipework to see if any collapsed.

“I’m concerned the gas lines have been compromised and I want to visually see and put pressure tests on those gas lines to make sure they’re all intact,” Heimsch said.


Comment by Howard on March 30, 2012 at 7:45pm

Audio recording of Wisconsin Mystery Booms.  An audio engineer captured a boom on Saturday, March 24th at 3:59 am.


Comment by Howard on March 28, 2012 at 8:03pm

Rumbling, Booming Resumes in Clintonville (March 27)

"Police received more than 85 complaints of loud booms and ground-rumbling vibrations overnight, a dramatic increase in possible low-level earthquake activity after a few days of relative quiet allowed residents to catch up on their sleep.

"Local officials are waiting for federal seismologists to determine if this latest series of booms and rumbles that awakened the city late Tuesday was caused by an earthquake, City Administrator Lisa Kuss said Wednesday.

"A preliminary review of seismic activity recorded at two permanent seismometer stations in Wisconsin did not indicate even a low-level earthquake at Clintonville late Tuesday, a spokesman for the National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colo., said.

"One permanent station is located northeast of Phelps in Vilas County and a second is near Linden in Iowa County.

"A burst of 60 calls came in to police dispatchers between 10:35 and 10:50 p.m. Tuesday, with 10 more complaints at 11:30 p.m., Kuss said. Some of the callers told police that the booms and vibrations seemed louder and lasted longer than last week's activity.

"Tuesday's calls came from a broad arc across the north side of this Waupaca County community, including complaints from homeowners west of last week's cluster of complaints, a dispatcher said."

Comment by Howard on March 27, 2012 at 8:56pm

Further indications of tearing near the St. Lawrence Seaway -

Train Derails in Noble County Indiana-

"The 59 car eastbound freight train derailed at 4:40 a.m. Tuesday morning west of Ligonier near County Roads 900 north and 1100 west.

The train was transporting a variety of commodities including the two products classified as hazardous materials, molten sulfur and toluene. Molten sulfur is used for making products such as plastics, dyes, detergents, pharmaceutical products, and fertilizer. Toluene is used for making products such as paint thinner, fingernail polish, and rubber.

Officers and emergency crews including haz-mat experts are on the scene.

It’s estimated that some 22 cars derailed, one of which caught fire.

Area residences within a one mile radius around the derailment were ordered to evacuate their homes as a precaution.

Amtrak, who also uses the same track, has a passenger train delayed by the derailment. Amtrak sent transportation buses to retrieve the passengers and deliver them to their next stop."

Comment by Howard on March 24, 2012 at 6:30pm
Comment by Howard on March 24, 2012 at 12:33am

Like the mysterious midnight drums in Costa Rica, the Wisconsin Booms are the result of an increasing Earth wobble due to the approaching Planet X.  The Zetas have explained:

"The most violent push of the wobble occurs when the Sun is high over the Pacific and Europe is in the dead of night. The globe is pushed violently north as the magnetic N Pole of Earth comes up over the horizon."  ZetaTalk

This corresponds to the early morning hours when the Wisconsin Booms generally commence, as well as when the Costa Rica drums were heard (12:30 am local time).  The bedrock geology (provided by Nancy) confirms that Clintonville is situated directly over a boundary between two different types of rock, thus is more subject to tearing.

Comment by Kyle Rieth on March 23, 2012 at 10:26pm

Here's the USGS data on the Clintonville earthquake on 3/20/2012.

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