Last summer the county received a 615-thousand dollar grant to demolish the bridge.
With increasingly erratic temperature swings occurring in accordance with the Zetas' predictions, combined with unpredictably forceful winds from a worsening Earth wobble, rapidly thawing winter ice has precipitated unprecedented destruction along lakes and inland rivers in the northern latitudes. From Alaska to Minnesota, walls of ice have surged across shorelines engulfing homes and leaving astonished onlookers in their wake.
The ice flows piling up on shorelines in N America are certainly caused in the main by the more violent Earth wobble. This, combined with repeated thawing and freezing which has been as result of the incipient blending of the seasons. Hard frozen lake ice does not move under the wind, but when thin due to the Spring thaw is more mobile. Ice flows that would ordinarily be thick, and thus bump into one another but remain in place, are thawed to a thinness that allows them to fracture as they are thrust against one another, thus in a state that can be carried by waves readily. Is this likely to get worse as the 8 of 10 blending of the seasons progresses? It is likely to be a temporary feature, as when the blending is firmly in place, no significant ice will form on these lakes in the first place!
May 1, 2013
Saskatchewan's Water Security Agency captured stunning footage of a 9-ft wall of ice ploughing for miles across the frozen Codette Reservoir near Nipawin, Saskatchewan.
May 6, 2013
Surging ice damaged dozens of homes along the shores of Alberta Beach on Lac Sainte Anne, Alberta.
May 10, 2013
Powerfully wind-driven ice bank demolished dozens of homes on the shores of Manitoba’s Dauphin Lake.
May 11, 2013
Ice heaves, some 30 feet high, covered 10 miles of shoreline on Mille Lacs Lake in Minnesota, pushing into homes.
May 17, 2013
Boulders of ice pounded villages along Alaska's Yukon River, destroying outbuildings and knocking homes off their foundations, though not as severe as the rapid thaw in 2009 that buried the region in blocks of river ice.
ZetaTalk: Blending of the Seasons
"The blending of the seasons will be a phenomena that will occur during the 8 of 10 scenarios, in the time prior to the last weeks. Due to the Earth wobble, there are many phenomena in many parts of the globe which could be described as unseasonable weather. Snow in summer has occurred and is on the increase. Very warm days in the middle of winter, more than the typical winter thaw, so that fruit trees bud in winter, ruining the harvest when frost returns. But the blending of the seasons will be characterized by extreme change happening rapidly, one direction to another. What you have had up until the present is trends for more extreme weather. Imagine going from the heat of the hottest summer day to the cold of the coldest winter day, all within a day or so. That is a blending of the seasons."
"..Thousands of these frozen mini-boulders began washing up on West Michigan beaches this week, drawing visitors and prompting people to share their photos on social media.."
Posted Today February 15, 2020
FOND DU LAC -- Long-awaited warmer temperatures brought some major problems Thursday, March 14. More than 100 residents in the City of Fond du Lac were forced out of their homes as large amounts of ice piled up under city bridges and created what some said was the worst flooding in recent memory.
The Red Cross has set up four locations in the area for people displaced from the flooding.
Firefighters tried to cross deep water to rescue employees stranded at Sadoff Iron & Metal Company.
"The river was actually coming over into the road and within five minutes, we weren't able to get out," said Journey Krouner, stranded Sadoff Iron & Metal Company employee.
Before they could get across, fellow employees hopped on a truck and got them out themselves. Held up by a train, passing through the flood.
"We were trying to actually walk across but the river was so high, it was probably up to my waist," said Krouner.
Treading through chest-deep water, Korey Krupp assessed the damage at his parents' Fond du Lac home.
"Just to see all their stuff, their personal belongings floating. It's crazy," said Krupp.
Krupp's parents just left for a three-week vacation.
"They are actually in Florida on vacation. They go down every year," said Krupp.
Major flooding across the city was a result of a series of ice jams under the city's main bridges.
"We've had ice shoves out on the river that have caused a lot of problems for us. A lot of quick-melting snow, which is also adding to our troubles," said Chief Peter O'Leary, Fond du Lac Fire Department.
Hundreds of people were evacuated and displaced along the Fond du Lac River's edge.
"I wouldn't be out here if I didn't have to be out here," Chief O'Leary said..."
DES MOINES, Iowa — Rivers are flowing as usual in Des Moines, but ice jams are stopping water flow south of the metro. Middle Creek near Indianola barely flowed Tuesday (Mar 12) due to the buildup of ice.
National Weather Service senior hydrologist Jeff Zogg said melting snow and rain are to blame for the jams.
"This year, with the really cold temperatures we've had this winter, it's allowed some thick ice to form on the rivers, and now we're breaking that ice off because of the runoff from rainfall and also snow melt," Zogg said.
Video from KTVO shows a campground near Ottumwa completely under water and covered in ice chunks after an ice jam on the Des Moines River Tuesday morning.
"We saw a 6-foot rise in about 15 minutes on the Des Moines River," Zogg said. "It's pretty amazing to see a rise like that. You can have flooding upstream or downstream in the ice jam."
Zogg said ice jams are not an annual occurrence, but they can happen on any river or stream.
"It can happen pretty much anywhere you have a bend in the river or a constriction in the river channel or obstruction to the flow," he said.
According to Zogg, ice jams could last for several weeks and cause flooding. Anyone who comes across a flooded road should turn around and find a new route.
Photo credit:
(UPDATE 1:30 p.m.): Overflowing rivers continue to displace residents across the eastern half of Nebraska, emergency management officials told members of the Legislature over the lunch hour on Thursday.
“It’s not wide-scale evacuation, but we have had to look at some facilities for some residential areas to get people out of harm’s way,” said Bryan Tuma, assistant director of the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency.
Several towns along tributaries to Nebraska’s largest rivers issued evacuation notices on Wednesday.
But by Thursday morning, flooding was forcing people to seek higher ground in places like Norfolk, where one-third of the town’s homes are in low-lying areas, Columbus and Inglewood just south of Fremont.
In Norfolk, the Nebraska Department of Veterans’ Affairs is prepared to move 155 people from the veterans' home to another facility in Kearney, if necessary.
In Howard County, 90 miles of county roads and 30 bridges had been put in danger by floodwaters; 300 residents of Dannebrog were asked to leave.
A levy along the Loup Power Canal north of Columbus was breached, leading to evacuations for the town of Genoa in Nance County.
Water in Genoa was at record levels, officials said, until Loup Power activated its power plant, helping drop the water level from 17 feet to 15 feet.
A bridge on Nebraska 39 was underwater and not visible early Thursday.
The flooding across Nebraska widespread, with water rescues reported in Buffalo County in south-central Nebraska, with all three major bridges in Cuming County impassable on Thursday, and with devastation reported along the Niobrara River on the South Dakota border.
The Spencer Dam on the Niobrara was deemed in danger around 3 a.m. on Thursday, officials said. A few hours later, officials reported the wooden dam had been swept away, leaving the Redbird Dam downriver in jeopardy.
A bridge over the Niobrara on U.S. 281 was washed away.
“This event is going to be ongoing for at least the next several days, if not the next couple of weeks,” Tuma said.
Higher temperatures next week are expected to melt the 18 to 24 inches of snow that fell in western parts of the state and in states upstream from several rivers including South Dakota, North Dakota and Montana.
Plans to help speed up melting of ice on two rivers by spreading coal ash on them have been scrapped.
The ice jams -- one on the Platte River in Sarpy County and another on the Loup River near Columbus -- were flushed out sometime overnight, Tuma said.
But the Platte River between Schuyler and North Bend “is beginning to be problematic,” Tuma said.
UPDATE (12:30 p.m.): The Army Corps of Engineers said Thursday afternoon that it will increase water releases from Gavins Point Dam near Yankton, South Dakota, to 60,000 cubic feet per second.
Releases were at 27,000 cubic feet per second as recently as Wednesday. The increased releases are necessary due to the rising inflow into the Gavins Point reservoir, officials said.
Flooding is expected to worsen along the Missouri River downstream.
At Plattsmouth, the river was at 32.4 feet on Wednesday morning, 6-plus feet above flood stage and is projected to crest near 35 feet on Sunday.
Floodwaters have already closed Interstate 29 and I-680 in Iowa.
UPDATE (Noon): Lincoln’s Urban Search and Water Rescue Team was called out on Thursday to help get access to one or two homes in the Columbus area that local authorities cannot reach.
UPDATE (11:15 a.m.): The National Weather Service said floodwaters along the Platte River from Schuyler to Ashland could rise 4 to 5 feet after an ice jam apparently broke upstream.
Extreme winds from a huge weekend storm over the Great Lakes pushed huge walls of ice on the shores of Lake Erie. Authorities in Ontario, Canada, closed the Niagara River Parkway near the Mather Arch in Fort Erie on Sunday (Feb 24) because large chunks of ice were blowing over a retaining wall.
Updated: Apr 05, 2018 10:30 PM CDT
Many people who live along the Bay of Green Bay spent the better part of a weekend trying to move out of the way of the powerful force of nature.
Greg Ludwig manages a cottage in the Town of Union, that was not fortunate enough to escape the devastation.
Saturday morning, an ice shove made its way out of the bay, and into the front bedroom of the structure.
"You know, like they say, it came in like a freight train, there's no stopping it," Ludwig told Local Five, "you can't, it's mother nature, it is what it is."
Ludwig was notified to the incident by the sheriff's office, over concerns that the cottage's gas line could be compromised by the intruding ice, possibly putting the cottage in danger of an explosion.
Luckily, the gas line is located at the other side of the cottage, and has not yet been touched by ice.
Ludwig says the ice has not moved since Saturday, but he is checking on it everyday, until an excavator can be brought in to push the snow and ice back into the bay it came from.
The damaged wall and window will then be boarded up until repairs can be made at a later date.
Ludwig says that insurance will likely cover the cost of all repairs.
"..Dozens of people lined up along the shore to snap photos and crawl near the big blocks of ice, some towering over 30 feet tall (Feb 25) . A combination of wind and the current pushed the chunks to shore, where they piled up on top of each other to build "mountains" of ice.
Dustin Dilworth, of Gaylord, Michigan, located about an hour south of the Mackinac Bridge, traveled to Mackinaw City on Monday to witness the rare phenomenon.
"In the Straits of Mackinac, these ice stacks can be as high as a three-story building," Dilworth told Fox News.
Pictures "never really do it justice," Burley added, as she described the beauty of the "light sea glass blue" color that reflects off the ice when the sun hits it just right.
"They can't capture the glow or size of it," she said..."
Dustin Dilworth captures a photo of giant blue ice chunks forming along the Straits of Mackinac in Michigan. (Instagram/d3.imagery)
Tori Burley, of Mackinaw City, Michigan, spotted blue ice chunks along the Straits of Mackinac on Sunday. ( Burley)
A bald eagle fights off a raven as it perches near the top of a mountain of blue ice in Mackinaw City, Michigan. (Instagram/d3.imagery)
These ice chunks are fascinating to look at, but can cause serious flooding.
( FROZEN RIVER ICE - Frozen river ice melts in layers as chunks wash up on shore. Stan Horaczek )
Right now, a section of the Mohawk River in Schenectady, New York, is doing its best impression of a giant snow cone. Enormous chunks of ice, some weighing thousands of pounds, have crawled up onto the shore and covered the surface of the water just down the road from the original GE plant. The phenomenon is called an ice jam, and while it’s fascinating to look at, it can cause serious floods in surrounding areas.
This winter has proven especially conducive to ice jamming, due in large part to the wild temperature swings we have endured. Here’s what’s happening.
This type of jam is called a breakup jam. “Rain and snowmelt cause the water level to rise and break its connection to the bank,” says Steven Daly, a research hydraulic engineer with the US Army Corps of Engineers at the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab in Hanover, New Hampshire. “It breaks up the ice and the water starts moving the pieces until they reach a point where the capacity of the river can’t carry all the ice.”
This typically happens when the temperatures get cold enough to form a thick layer of ice on top of the water, then warm up rapidly, which is exactly the situation the Mohawk River has been in this year. The average temperature during the first week of January stayed well below freezing, with a high that remained below zero on several days. Then, by the 13th of January, it was 60 degrees with rain, which is a perfect recipe for a pile-up like this.
“The Mohawk River is famous for ice jams,” Daly says. “Long, cold winters make thick ice to cover the river. If it warms up gradually, you won’t get an ice jam. It’s rapid rise and flow that causes it.”
The Army Corps of Engineers keeps an Ice Jam Database, which has already tracked more than 100 jams in 2018. New York is in the lead with 25 ice instances so far, but other states—many of which are in the northeast part of the country—are already approaching double digits.
These icy traffic jams tend to happen in the same places each year because of the structures of the rivers. “Any structure that crosses the channel, like a dam, lock, log boom, or even a bridge with a lot of piers, or a sharp turn in the river can cause a jam,” says Daly.
In the case of the Mohawk, it’s this railroad bridge near the old Schenectady train station that impedes the flow. Beyond the bridge, the water is frozen, but smooth.
Once a jam is in place, there’s not a whole lot anyone can really do about it. “We would never send a boat out into a jam like this,” says Daly. “The only thing you can do is try to pick up ice from the shore using equipment.”
It is, however, possible to get ahead of the problem. In 2004, a Department of Environmental Conservation project installed a jam-prevention system in a flood-prone section of the Cazenovia Creek, roughly two miles southwest of Buffalo. The system consists of nine steel-jacketed concrete piers, spaces 17 feet apart. They extend 10 feet out of the water and are five feet in diameter. In essence, they’re big cement pillars designed to control the flow of ice chunks down river to prevent them from piling up and causing floods.
While the project has helped the flooding problem, it didn’t come cheap. The DEP report puts the total cost of construction at $1,828,962.60. So, while these problems may persist in some areas, it takes considerable investment in infrastructure to solve the issue.
If temperatures continue to fluctuate, we can expect to see more of this phenomenon going forward. And while it’s very cool to look at, Daly says you certainly shouldn’t go walking on it. “It may look solid, but it’s not,” he says. “It’s impossible to get you out.”
As of (Feb 23) there are 113 current ice jams.
03/19/2015 05:43 PM
Walls of Surging Ice Damage Homes, Threaten Minnesota Resort (May 1)
Driven by high winds, ice from Lake Mille Lacs has gone on a rampage in recent days, bursting into homes, tearing up the shoreline, blocking roads and forming massive mounds in yards.
The problems are mostly in the Garrison, Minn., area on the western shore of the lake, which has taken the brunt of the east winds accompanying recent rains. Last year, it was the southeast corner of the lake, near Isle and Wahkon.
On Thursday, Onamia resident Jerome Kryzer stood on a green at Izatys Resort golf course, eyeing the ice, which stood taller than him in areas. Kryzer said the ice already had swept onto the golf course and much of the resort’s land.
Ice broke through a large window at Randy Dykhoff’s home north of Garrison over the weekend, filling a corner of the living room nearly to the ceiling. On Thursday, Dykhoff, of Mound, said he carried several wheelbarrow loads of ice from the house. It was the first time the home has been damaged by ice since 1997, when he bought the property.
"Ice Tsunami" on Lake Superior (Apr 27)
Massive ice floes blown ashore by strong easterly winds tore the roof off a shed, knocked a sauna off its foundation, and piled ice 12 feet deep in beach-front yards along Big Traverse Road late Sunday and early Monday. A few camps and homes sustained minor damage, but appear to have been spared the brunt of the blast.
Houghton County officials remarked on the so-called “ice tsunami” on Traverse Bay saying they are still working to find if relief may be available to homeowners if necessary.
"If it would have piled three to four feet further inland, it would have done substantially more damage," said Jack Dueweke, Houghton County's emergency manager.
Mark Plichta, who lives on Little Traverse Bay, said ice was pushed about 30 to 40 feet up the beach in front of his home, but wider beaches there prevented any serious damage.
He said the winds were strong when he went to bed Sunday night, but he didn't notice the ice until he woke up Monday morning and saw it piled about six feet high on the beach.
National Weather Service Meteorologist Don Rolfsom, from the Negaunee Township station, said the phenomenon, called ice shelving, is extremely rare on Lake Superior.
Prior to this spring, he'd never seen it on Superior, though he said a similar situation happened just a week ago near Menominee on Lake Michigan.
Surging Ice Battering Waterfront in Ontario (Apr 26)
On the shores of Lake Simcoe in Brechin, winter ice is melting - but there, it doesn’t flood, it crushes.
The ice is breaking up and piling onto the shore.
In Brechin, the ice shove is as high as some boat houses and in some cases is swallowing them or smashing through them.
“We were flabbergasted when we saw the damage,” says resident Anne Pike.
“It just went right through that building. You just can't stop it, when it starts to move it just keeps going.”
John Chemilien says the owners of a property are from out of town and though it’s a write-off for now, trees stopped the ice from swallowing a larger house. One ruined house will now become an insurance claim.
“The ice has been here, it's caused damage,” says Brechin resident John Chemilien. “That little house will have to be rebuilt because of all the damage inside and out.”
The power of Mother Nature is truly remarkable; one big dock was 30 feet into the water and now the ice has pushed it all the way up to the house.
And the ice is still moving.
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