I'm in WI of USA.

In our area, on Jan 20, sunrise at 7:28 am by forecast, but real sunrise at 7:34 am.
On Jan 21, sunrise at 7:27 am by forecast, but real sunrise at 7:37 am.
On Feb 1, real sunrise at 7:25 am (I didn't check the forecast). For about 10 min after sunrise, the Sun's moved sliding on the horizon.
On Feb 2, sunrise at 7:15 am by forecast, but real sunrise at 7:28 am.
On Feb 6, sunrise at 7:10 am by forecast, but real sunrise at 7:20~25 am.
On Feb 8, sunrise at 7:07 am by forecast, but real sunrise at 7:20 am.

I don't check everyday, but I think above dates have relation to earth wobble. Especially, the sunrise on Feb 2 is later than Feb 1. I'm also finding the Sun a bit too far South.


Nancy's Comments: This is the wobble, as you are getting a consistent LATE sunrise, later than expected. Note that the "Italy Face" has the globe tilted so that the Sun is too far South, at sunrise, and we in Wisconsin are a bit too far North at that time too. Then we get into the "Americas Face" but only at noon over the US. You should be finding the Sun a bit too far South, also. On February 2, you literally were observing the Earth move during the wobble.


I have records of another sunrise wobble pattern in WI.

On Feb 15, sunrise at 6:57 am by forecast, but actual sunrise at 7:04 am.

On Feb 17, sunrise at 6:54 am by forecast, but actual sunrise at 7:10 am.

On Feb 20, sunrise at 6:49 am by forecast, but actual sunrise at 7:04 am.

On Feb 21, sunrise at 6:48 am by forecast, not yet at 6:57, but the sun already rise at 7:05 am.

On Feb 24, sunrise at 6:43 am by forecast, not yet at 6:57. I couldn't check the exact time of sunrise.

The sun rose too far south.

On Mar 2, sunrise at 6:32 am by forecast, but actual sunrise at 6:43 around.

On Mar 4, sunrise at 6:29 am by forecast, but actual sunrise at 6:38 around.

On Mar 5, I couldn't  check the sunrise time by forecast, but actual sunrise at 6:27.

On Mar 8, sunrise at 6:21 am by forecast, but actual sunrise at 6:30.

On Mar 14, sunrise at 7:10 am by forecast, but actual sunrise at 7:22.

It begins summer time, and the sun rose too far north.

Also, high temperature is 32°F(37°F), low temperature is -4°F(18°F).

( ) is average. Low temperature of the day is absolutely lower than average.

On Mar 17, I couldn't check the sunrise time by forecast, but already rise at 7:33.

On Mar 20, sunrise at 6:59 by forecast, but actual sunrise at 7:10 around.

On Mar 21, sunrise at 6:56 by forecast, but actual sunrise at 6:56 around, high temperature is 23°F(38°F), low temperature is 3°F(19°F).

On Mar 22, sunrise at 6:55 by forecast, but actual sunrise at 7:00 around, High temperature is 30°F(37°F), low temperature is -2°F(17°F).

On Mar 27, sunrise at 6:46 by forecast, but actual sunrise at 6:50 around, and the sun already rose at 6:59.

On Mar 28, sunrise at 6:44 by forecast, but actual sunrise at 7:00 around.


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Comment by lonne rey on July 2, 2013 at 1:28pm

Location: South of France

sunrise by forecast 06h21

But actual sunrise at 06h03

Which makes a difference of 18 minutes

Comment by NOBUKO SAKAMAKI on March 30, 2013 at 6:34pm

I like to catch the sunrise of spring equinox.

On the day, 1 week before the spring equinox, when the summer time began, the sun rose too far north and so on.

On the day of the spring equinox, the sunrise time was not different.

On the next day of the spring equinox and after, the sunrise time has been different 5 minutes around, before that day had been different 10 minutes around.

On Mar 28, the sunrise time was different 15 minutes around, and the difference for high and low temperature of one day was about 30°F. On Mar 29, I couldn't catch the sunrise time, but the temperature difference was almost same as on 28.

Comment by Nancy Lieder on February 14, 2013 at 10:35pm

John Smith, from Utah, just posted on the 2/16 Q&A this:

Also last night I was studying the sunset and as the sun reached the horizon it was partially obscured behind a tree in the distance. As I watched I was startled because instead of continuing its descent and disappearing behind the tree, the sun moved to the right of the tree so I could see the whole orb, and then it went down! Is this an indication that the wobble is becoming more erratic or even jerky? If so what is its significance?

Notice that just as Mrs. Sakamaki's sunrise moved along the horizon as sunrise, as the globe moved from the Italy position to the Americas position, John is finding the sunset move dramatically at sunset, apparently moving more deeply into the Americas position. If this type of thing is happening, we should be seeing a LOT more of it!

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