For those who are not familiar, since last October the enigmatic Q has been posting leaks on what is going on in the US government, and elsewhere, in the form of codes and puzzles. Q is the highest security level with the US intel, and he is suspected of being a member of the US Military Intel, thus. He obviously has permission to post, and has an accuracy track record. On a recent Newsletter, Issue 595, I noted my analysis of a standalone post of Q's - an image titled Just Waiting. Most people thought it had something to do with Gitmo or Palm Sunday or such, but by changing the Saturation of the photo, out popped the Sun behind cloud and Nibiru with its dominant Moon Swirls. 

But there is another hint - Watch the Water. At first I though this might refer to the NYC tsunami warning, and the suddenly dry beaches around the world caused by the daily Earth Wobble. The Watch the Water posts are likewise standalone comments by Q, as was the Just Waiting photo, except for one dropped on March 6. Someone alerted me to the fact that there were TWO SUNS above Kim in the photo, reflecting off the water, and he was spot on.

This time Watch the Water was in the context of N Korea, why it has become so suddenly silent! Since N Korea was supplied with nuclear material by Bill Clinton, it has been rumored that N Korea is in fact a puppet of the Bush/Clinton/Soros criminal Cabal, so intent on starting WW III so they can gain control of the world and snatch the US from the hands of Trump and his Junta. This Cabal has been losing lately, big time, and their ability to deny Nibiru is being taken from them. Kim's handlers are no longer in power, anywhere. That seems to be the message.  

So what does Q mean "Big news week, Not over yet"? What news? 

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Comment by Juan F Martinez on March 17, 2018 at 4:09am

#Q_Map - Follow the White Rabbit

Download and read the Map :

Comment by Matt B on March 10, 2018 at 12:24pm

Q post from March 10 2018 - "Sea to shining sea."

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