2016/12/01 09:23 * 2016/11/8 15:22 * 2017/11/7 16:18 * 2016/11/06 16:24

2016/12/1 9:23 am likely Nibiru seen as a dim dark fuzzball with the Sunlight directly bouncing back to Sun.

2016/11/8 15:22 midafternoon. Nibiru at the 5 o'clock position as Ecliptic is starting to angle upper left to lower right.

2016/11/7 16:18 Ecliptic again slanted upper left to lower right, Nibiru at the 5:30 position relative to the slant.

Like driving in a white out snow storm, or heavy fog. Visibility when it comes at you directly is basically zero!

Inverted color shows likely Nibiru. At sundown, the Ecliptic is upper left to lower right, so Nibiru appears below the Sun.

Views: 4862


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Comment by pasquale pugliese on November 26, 2016 at 8:21pm

Thank you!

Comment by John Smith on November 12, 2016 at 8:04pm

Dittos! Thanks for the arrows etc.

Comment by Alberto Cardin on November 10, 2016 at 5:41pm

 Ally , ciao. curious band of light perhaps to an infiltration of light under the filters. Thanks Alberto

Comment by Ancient Ally on November 7, 2016 at 2:39am

Hello Alberto,

I am wondering if it would be possible for you or one of the moderators to put labels on the objects and identify what each of them are. I have directed people to this website who have told me they just find it confusing. Perhaps if what is shown in this photograph were identified that might help when new people are visiting. And even though I could guess what most of what I am seeing here is, it would also help me!

Thank you!

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