Surviving the earth changes and the pending pole shift

Over here one can discuss and exchange information about surviving the earth changes and the pending pole shift
  • Rich Racosky

    The Haiti disaster, while devastating, is only a small taste for everyone. All should learn from this & prepare. Call it a dry-run. One can only imagine what happens when hotels/large buildings in Memphis/St.Louis, etc collapse! Our emergency services will be taxed to the limit. Imagine a series of good sized quakes coming one after another on various parts of the New Madrid at various times. I for one find it hard to imagine & would not want to live near that area this year.
  • diju

    I just moved to the city just a month ago (Before, I lived on the outskirt near mountain areas). I've learned about the approaching poleshift since 2002, yet I had to move due to some unexpected musts. My new home now is not too far from the seashore and my social activities take place just by the sea (Kapuk Indah, Jakarta, Indonesia). I was quite concerned about all this. But then again I thought, life now (more than before) is all about balancing between doing good for others (humanitarian causes or for our own family, for example) and self survival. It's just like what nature does. So, I think if we ever have to do some extreme parts (in point of view pole shift), we no need to worry. To fear is human, but I believe we can try to accept it as it is and make peace with it. I believe, again, all want to have a better next life, and it can be achieved by doing good to others (just like what the zeta teach). Right now I and my husband are working on sharing "how to deal with giant disasters" to our families, friends and other (some think we're nuts, but who cares, we have goodwill), but not in a shocking manner, if you know what I mean. I agree when the Zeta says that they use the tactic of not upsetting human balanced mind (because some who believe could attempt suicide), something like that. So, again, to me, such a very big time disaster as poleshift is not just about self survival but also helping others (which cannot be postponed). You know, karma things.
  • margaret patricia casey

    Cornelia, I live in Ipswich and family are in Brisbane. If you go into the Zetatalk website and look at Safe Locations you will see that Aust is reduced by two thirds, and later when the old poles melt, we'll lose even more land. Spring Mountain and Toowoomba maybe OK if you don't mind hoards of like-minded people.
  • KM

    Thanks Heidi, here in Saskatchewan we've got a lot of wild prairie still and a lot of stuff grows on the road side, just not everyone knows what it is.
  • KM

    Thanks Steve well said!
  • per sigurd hansen

    hi Ronnie this is the best survival site on the web.. want to learn stuff this is the place to be:)
  • per sigurd hansen

    hmmm the link didnt work... tryin again here with some cut`n paste...
  • per sigurd hansen

    and here is a new trick for anyone who likes the great outdoors..
  • KM

    Hi jacqueline, take a look at the Zetatalk safe locations, and find New York!
  • Zorro

    Hello all,

    I am a new member to, only a month now, so, please forgive me if my observations or comments seem uneducated.

    As I read this conversation, I try to remember that the Zetas have only been trying to help us understand that we need to leave for the safe zones as soon as possible. Not one day is too soon, if you think about it. A specific date or range of dates impossible to relay as, once we have the knowledge, the choice is ours. We are ultimately responsible for our choices as to where and when to leave.

    I think we all realize that an organized preemptive evacuation plan from the government is highly unlikely, although a nice thought. I've been called a poly-anna in this life before. In my dreams, it could work, but in reality, each of us, solely, are responsible to plan for our optimum survival chances.

    My own situation is quite complicated, having spent the last two years in Mexico (disconnected from the world as I know it) while we wait for my husband's visa. This year, his visa is yet again delayed by two years. My elderly parents (estranged most of my life) asked for my return to ease their worry and to help them. Now I am 3000 miles from the only person to whom I've felt completely connected.

    Having planned to return to him in Central Mexico in December, an opportunity arose last week allowing me to plan departure October 10th, while I am packed and ready to leave on a day's notice should we reach the "shock the world" 7-of-10 episode. This place in Mexico is not officially a safe place being only 37 miles from a large volcano. But my husband will not abandon his friends and family unless he was able to return to USA. We will make this our survival attempt and do our best with the knowledge delivered here.

    The point is, you can prepare for your safe zone NOW and the only thing stopping you is yourself. The self's attachment to belongings and property prevent us from acting, to the ultimate detriment of both our body and our life's lessons.

    When it is all over, property will mean nothing; Debt will mean nothing; Mortgages will not matter. Your service to your new community will mean EVERYTHING.

    My thought is why not act now? Start today? Meet your new community, get started, teach others, develop true relationships before the STS's of the world encroach on us. When things really start to happen, with your studying and knowledge, you will be sought for your advice and help. Of great service to your new place.

    I guess I'm just trying to say stop worrying and move. Act. Prepare. Take a job in your chosen safe zone at a gas station or grocery store. Meet people and find the one's you instinctively know will work as a group. Churches usually help newcomers to find an affordable place to live and a new place to work. Network and get to work. This will increase our survival and nothing else.

    Thanks for listening.
  • Shuichi Inoue

  • Shuichi Inoue

    To Remove lead :
    To burn timber 200c by oven
    This charcoal remove lead
    This fact was found by Kyoto University \timber institute
    Kyoto University is NO2 in JAPAN
    Kyoto University have Nobel prize -Mr Hideki yukawa
  • Shuichi Inoue

    House(shelter) Constrution:In JAPAN,Hanshin-Awaji EQ (M7.3)
    6,434 dead
    totally collaspe house 104,906:Haif collape 144,274

    About 5000 peoples died by collaspe of house 
    About 600 peoples died by tumbing of the furniture
    In that time,I went kobe and took pictures
    I found Old japanese style house totally collasped ,but The neighbor new prefabricated house by Big house constrution Company did never collape!!

    Old house have the heavy tile and clay,no diagonal reinforcement woods and wet woods base,termite damage
    new prefabricated house constructed by 2*4 or steel
    Now(2010)EQ tech :
    Hanshin-Awaji EQ (M7.3)=1434gal to 161gal
  • Shuichi Inoue IAU seismic isolator system
    This has the system which opposes lift.
    photo:Northridge CA 94':Blue-IAU system :2 F house :The shaking decrease 1/13
    This system endures the vertical acceleration speed 1435 gal
    The vertical maximum speed acceleration of the Miyagi Prefecture northern part earthquake in 2003 was 1241.7 gal
    About 1.15 times.
    The vertical maximum speed acceleration of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake (M7.3)in 1995 was 332.2 gal.
    About 4.3 times
    This system endures the vertical acceleration speed 1435 gal
    The vertical maximum speed acceleration of the Miyagi Prefecture northern part earthquake in 2003 was 1241.7 gal
    About 1.15 times.
    The vertical maximum speed acceleration of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake (M7.3)in 1995 was 332.2 gal.
    About 4.3 times
  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Once again Margaret........thank you for the link.
  • diju


    One may not be able to prepare well for the poleshift or even before it. But it doesn't mean one cannot prepare properly. It's about worst-come-worst situation. So, even with just a bugout if properly prepared for such a situation can help a long way. Basically it's about long term primitive: fire, water, food, shelter, health.

    With the followng bugout, one can survive until he/she can find a better footing in pre or post poleshift situations. And perhaps better still, to carry these, use 2 layers of sturdy waterproof cloth, as one of them is used for shelter.

    1. Waterproof firestarter
    2. Foot protector: Boots (or anything to waterproof shoes)3
    3. Body protector: sweater, press body underwear, raincoat, towel cloth, underwear
    4. A small stainless steel pan with lid (one can boil water and drink the droplets formed inside the lid--to avoid lead. A bit of clean drinking water is better than none at all). Even a small stainless cup or bowl with lid helps.
    5. A 2-litre bottle of water
    5. Long lasting food [such as fruitcake--the good ones can last up to years, dodol (indonesian food), or other long lasting bread]
    6. Any small tool to dig a trench
    7. First Aid

    Two Others:
    8. essential knowledge of poleshift and aftertime
    9. physical and survivor mental preparation

    In anticipation of worst-come-worst situation, if each person bring this kind of bugout, he/she will be better off than having nothing at all.
  • diju

    I forgot to mention in worst-come-worst bugout about the necessity to bring appropriate seeds.
  • John Sheldon

    Not sure this is the best venue to ask this question, but I am wondering if anyone has found a site online that sells a water distiller or distilling product that is done, and ready to go, that I can simply order - that does not require electricity? I know you can buy kits or parts and make them yourself, but I am looking for a fixed solution that is ready to go. Thanks!
    Love and light, john
  • Shuichi Inoue

    I had been study and practice about about 30 years.
    His therapy care very well,and very cheep!!
    We MUST study Cayce's therapy.
    *Castor Oil-Many purpose (Born,cancer mole,wart,The wound,The immunologic-enhancement-The sick prevention, ByThe hot compress)
    *Olive Oil-Skin, Drink-The liver,
    *Peanuts Oil-The arthritis,Skin with Olive Oil,
    *MgSo4(epson salt)Hot water-The lumbago,The neuralgia,female's-The disease of the womb relation Top Page Search the Edgar Cayce Health Database Shop
  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Check out, if you can purchase a years worth of food for 1 person which will surely come in handy, you can get the Berkey water filter for $100. plus shipping, also WaterWise 1600 non electric distiiller but these are pricey google best price and see what you get
  • John Sheldon

    Thank you Starr, Byron and Jo. I really appreciate your help. I do have many Berkey Water Filter systems, and I recommend them to everyone! I trieed to buy the Waterwise 1600 everywhere, but no one has one for sale. Starr, I just bought the one you saw on ebay!! :) Very high price, but I got one. You rock. Thank you!!
    Love and light, john
  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Jo (Earthy Ma) I tried to put the Lehmans site water wise 1600 in my cart and it wouldn't let me, it kept saying there's nothing in my cart and it's not listed under their water filters. Even though they show a big picture of it etc. It's the strangest thing. I went on a few other sites and tried to add it to my cart and the same thing, with no explanation. WOW, someone seems to have bought them all up and they are now discontinued. Very strange. I'm going to keep searching. Glad you were able to grab that 1 John, enjoy.
  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Thank you Valerie, The Berkey can be found although they too are becoming scarce but the super easy super fast waterwise 1600 can't be found now.
  • astrogal50

    The Zetas have never said a word about filtering water in the Aftertimes being sufficient!  What are survivors supposed to do when the filters inevitably run out?  Go to the store and buy more?

    Distilling all drinking water is absolutely necessary for at least a few years unless you want to slowly die of lead poisoning.
  • Shuichi Inoue

    I got  stainless tube -10m at DIY shop,I will make still

    We must to get this

  • Rich Racosky

    I purchased 3 distillation kits already. The Lab Depot, Inc has a sale on them. DK5000FBR and others. They are mostly glass so one must be careful.
  • John Sheldon

    Gerard, Astro, et all- Have the Zetas ever commented on the "Berkey Water Filters" and if they are sufficient?  Seems everyone is buying them, with the standard "black filter elements."  I was wondering if they have every commented specifically on them, and said whether or not they will work too.  I know they have talked about distilling... but anything about the Berkey?

    Love and light, john

  • Rich Racosky

    I agree 100% with astrogal50 & Byron.  Absolutely must distill. You can buy as many filters as you want, but they run out quickly. Without water, it is over.
  • Starr DiGiacomo

    That's an excellent point, chlorella or some such tincture would be beneficial while learning to grow our own medicinal herbs.
  • Starr DiGiacomo

    I just received an old pressure cooker and I'm bringing the lid with me to the hardware store to find a fit for a cooling coil.  I'm in physical preparation mode and it feels good.  I'm also bidding on an inflatable 4 man boat for a ridiculously cheap price and found a hand crank trolling motor that I didn't know existed.  I made fire starters yesterday with my daughter and purchased an old perfect height stool to be used as a goat milking stool (don't have goats yet) and an old cone seive and pestle.  This week I'll try and get to steel wooling all my old rusted tools and trying to get all my tools together.  I've ordered seed.  I'll start to write down all the kitchen tools that are necessary to make life a little easier.  I'll start to disect what we don't need and sell it now online while I still can.  I found a child size gas mask for my grandson for $5.00(hope we never need it), have a collection of shakeable flashlights and many other regular flashlights.  I just bought a solar battery charger (tiny) for AA, AAA, C, D, 9 volt.  Their cheap but the batteries aren't.  I'm going to look at getting big 5 gallon buckets for water storage now while we still can.  I feel empowered with the little I have accomplished and it feels good.
  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Victoria, what a neat little gadget.  Here in the states I have only seen bicycle looking contraptions that you have to hook up to some kind of generator and I think on other blogs we've discussed how fast you'd need to be pedaling to get any juice at all.  This seems to be a neat little package.  Thanks for the link, although I don't think they ship to the US.
  • Starr DiGiacomo

    The making of Toilet papaer.

    Corn cobs, without kernels, let dry, put in a barrel of wood ash and water, soak until really mushy and hang on clothespin to dry.  It will be soft and useable as tp

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    This morning I found a free seed site.     

    You're not able to register right now, don't know why but if you click on the plant, down at the bottom will be the link for get it free.

    It was sent to me by an alternative  building site on yahoo, where people talk about living off grid, etc.

    Remember Nancy also reminded us to pick up some flower seed at least for those of you who are already in your safe zones.  We will miss the beautiful fauna that we see in our daily lives and they too will need to be replanted.

    I don't know whether these seeds, trees, herbs are of the non hybrid, they each come from different seed distributors so keep these seeds away from your heirlooms just to be safe.  Free is free and no harm in trying.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Hi Byron, no I didn't get a cooling coil yet as I live on a shoestring budget and have been concentrating on seed which I can manage financially.  I've gotten prices for cooling coils and don't understand why they're so expensive $80.  I have a link but their coil is $135.  I'll keep looking.  Any suggestions?