We are seeing so many remarkable pre-announcement pieces showing up, this is a place to post and discuss them. This one for example, is making discoveries sound 'ho hum' which a few months/years ago were heralded as amazing breakthroughs. Today for example:
When a month or so ago they were making a BIG deal about finding one planet in the sweet zone which could possibly support life, son they they say 25% of them could support life! Including mention of red dwarfs, etc. The Zeta predicted evidence continues to build up!
Here is another blog that relates, describing a wobble:
Starr DiGiacomo
Annals of Seismology JULY 20, 2015 ISSUE
The Really Big One
An earthquake will destroy a sizable portion of the coastal Northwest. The question is when.
Seismologists know that how long an earthquake lasts is a decent proxy for its magnitude. The 1989 earthquake in Loma Prieta, California, which killed sixty-three people and caused six billion dollars’ worth of damage, lasted about fifteen seconds and had a magnitude of 6.9. A thirty-second earthquake generally has a magnitude in the mid-sevens. A minute-long quake is in the high sevens, a two-minute quake has entered the eights, and a three-minute quake is in the high eights. By four minutes, an earthquake has hit magnitude 9.0.
Lengthy article continues.............
“I would think twice” about living in the Pacific Northwest.” Michio Kaku.
Jul 28, 2015
Failed stars have aurora that glow a million times brighter than the northern lights and could show the way to new planets
The so-called failed stars, which are difficult to detect and also remain hard to classify, are too massive to be planets but physicists from the Universities of Sheffield and Oxford have revealed that they host powerful auroras just like Earth.
The international team of researchers made the discovery by observing a brown dwarf 20 light years away using both radio and optical telescopes.
Their findings provide further evidence that suggests these stars act more like supersized planets, and could help researchers find new planets beyond Earth.
So-called failed stars, which are difficult to detect and also remain hard to classify, host powerful aurora just like Earth, researchers have found.
Auroral displays result when charged particles manage to enter a planet's magnetic field.
Once within the magnetosphere, those particles get accelerated along the planet's magnetic field lines to the planet's poles where they collide with gas atoms in the atmosphere, producing the bright emissions associated with auroras.
Dr Stuart Littlefair, from the University of Sheffield's Department of Physics and Astronomy, said: 'Brown dwarfs span the gap between stars and planets and these results are yet more evidence that we need to think of brown dwarfs as beefed-up planets, rather than 'failed stars'.
'We already know that brown dwarfs have cloudy atmospheres - like planets - although the clouds in brown dwarfs are made of minerals that form rocks on Earth now we know brown dwarfs host powerful auroras too.'
He added: 'Sometimes the best thing about a scientific result is simply the thrill of discovering something exciting and cool.
'The northern lights on Earth are one of the most spectacular and beautiful things you can see.
'I've always wanted to see them, but have never got the chance.
'It's particularly ironic that I got to discover an auroral light show which is vastly more powerful and many light years away!'
Jul 30, 2015
How stars travel the Milky Way: Map provides the first evidence of stellar migration in our galaxy
Nearly a third of the stars in our own galaxy have dramatically changed their orbits.
This is according to a new map of the Milky Way that provides the first clear evidence of migration of stars throughout our galaxy.
The study could provide astronomers with a new understanding of how stars are formed and travel throughout the Milky Way.
This map of the Milky Way reveals how stellar orbits can change. It shows two pairs of stars (marked as red and blue) in which each pair started in the same orbit, and then one star in the pair changed orbits. The star marked as red has completed its move into a new orbit, while the star marked in blue is still moving. Nearly a third of the stars in our own galaxy are known to have changed their orbits
The map was created using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-III (SDSS) which studied 100,000 stars over four years.
'We were able to measure the properties of nearly 70,000 stars in our galaxy for this particular study,' said Donald Schneider, an astronomy professor at Penn State University.
'This exercise can be described as galactic archaeology.
'These data reveal the locations, motions, and compositions of the stars, which provide insights into their formation and their history.'
'In our modern world, many people move far away from their birthplaces, sometimes halfway around the world,' said Michael Hayden of New Mexico State University (NMSU), the lead author of the new study.
'Now we're finding the same is true of stars in our galaxy. About 30 per cent of the stars in our galaxy have traveled a long way from where they were born.'
The study shows how stars tend to migrate radially, moving closer or farther from the galactic center with time. This map, which was not part of the study, charts 219 million stars in the Milky Way in an incredible new map, which is the largest of its kind ever produced
The key to creating and interpreting this new map is measuring the elements in the atmosphere of each star.
'From the chemical composition of a star, we can learn its ancestry and life history,' Hayden said.
The chemical information comes from spectra, detailed measurements of how much light the star gives off at different wavelengths.
Spectra show prominent lines that correspond to elements and compounds. Reading the spectral lines of a star can tell astronomers the chemicals the star is made of.
'Stellar spectra show us that the chemical makeup of our galaxy is constantly changing,' said Jon Holtzman, an astronomer at NMSU who was involved in the study.
'Stars create heavier elements in their cores, and when the stars die, those heavier elements go back into the gas from which the next stars form.'
Aug 1, 2015
Nancy Lieder
Hint hint another planets in our solar system, another BIG one, another one that zinged out into space and does not go round and round the Sun.
Aug 16, 2015
K Tonkin
Scientists think octopuses 'might be aliens' after DNA study
Their genetic code is so strange that researchers think they might be something else altogether.
Not to send you into a meltdown or anything but octopuses are basically ‘aliens’ – according to scientists.
Researchers have found a new map of the octopus genetic code that is so strange that it could be actually be an “alien”.
The first whole cephalopod genome sequence shows a striking level of complexity with 33,000 protein-coding genes identified – more than in a human.
Not only that, the octopus DNA is highly rearranged – like cards shuffled and reshuffled in a pack – containing numerous so-called “jumping genes” that can leap around the genome.
“The octopus appears to be utterly different from all other animals, even other molluscs, with its eight prehensile arms, its large brain and its clever problem-solving abilities,” said US researcher Dr Clifton Ragsdale, from the University of Chicago.
“The late British zoologist Martin Wells said the octopus is an alien. In this sense, then, our paper describes the first sequenced genome from an alien.”
The scientists sequenced the genome of the California two-spot octopus in a study published in the journal Nature.
They discovered unique genetic traits that are likely to have played a key role in the evolution of characteristics such as the complex nervous system and adaptive camouflage.
Analysis of 12 different tissues revealed hundreds of octopus-specific genes found in no other animal, many of them highly active in structures such as the brain, skin and suckers.
The scientists estimate that the two-spot octopus genome contains 2.7 billion base pairs – the chemical units of DNA – with long stretches of repeated sequences.
And although the genome is slightly smaller than a human’s, it is packed with more genes.
Reshuffling was a key characteristic of the creature’s genetic make-up. In most species, cohorts of certain genes tend to be close together on the double-helix DNA molecule.
A gene is a region of DNA that contains the coded instructions for making a protein.
In the octopus, however, there are no such groupings of genes with related functions. For instance, Hox genes – which control body plan development – cluster together in almost all animals but are scattered throughout the octopus genome.
It was as if the octopus genome had been “put into a blender and mixed”, said co-author Caroline Albertin, also from the University of Chicago.
Aug 17, 2015
Holiday hotspots could be devastated by a Mediterranean tsunami. Maps reveal 130 million lives at risk from once-a-century phenomenon
A large tsunami in the Mediterranean could engulf many popular holiday hotspots and threaten the lives of 130 million people living along the sea's busy coastlines, a new study has revealed.
Researchers examining the impact of earthquakes off the north coast of Africa have simulated the impact of the devastating waves one might trigger.
They found that if an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit off the coasts of eastern Sicily in Italy and southern Crete in Greece, it would leave large areas of the coastline under water.
The animation above shows how an earthquake off the coast of the Greek island of Crete would send a devastating tsunami out across the Mediterranean with little warning (Credit: Samaras et al/ Ocean Science)
The research suggests some of the most densely populated parts of coastline in the region, many of which are popular holiday destinations, would be hit by the huge waves.
Their model additionally found that almost 1.5 square miles (3.8 sq km) of Crete would be lost to the ocean while the steeper cliff faces of Sicily would mean just 0.2 square miles (0.5 sq km) would be lost.
The Greek islands, which are popular with tourists and the coastline of Peloponnese would be particularly badly hit.
Researchers warn that while tsunamis in the Mediterranean are rare they tend to happen around once a century.
Tsunamis - the devastatingly huge waves caused by underwater earthquakes - are usually associated with coastlines of Japan or the Indian Ocean.
But new research proves that massive tidal waves sparked by seismic activity have also ravaged European shores in the past - and could be repeated.
Scientists from the University of Portsmouth found geological evidence that tsunami waves have swept over Malta's coastline - rising to up to 66ft (20 metres) above sea level in some places.
They identified 70-ton boulders inland that had been picked up from the seabed before being carried along by the huge waves and dumped far inland.
Studies of neighbouring coastlines show there has been a major tsunami, on average, every 400 years, thought to be linked to earthquakes beneath Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy.
The north-east coast is now Malta's most densely populated region and if a similar sized wave struck today, it could threaten thousands of people, experts are warning.
Many residents and holidaymakers live by or visit the north-eastern coasts, where the towns are built right up to the edge of the shoreline.
And they say larger earthquakes could trigger even more devastating waves, like the one that hit off the coast of Crete in 365AD with a magnitude of between 8 and 8.5.
The resulting tsunami destroyed ancient cities in Greece, Italy and Egypt, killing some 5,000 people in Alexandria alone.
More recently, an earthquake of magnitude 7 hit the Messina region in Italy in 1908, causing a tsunami that killed thousands, with waves exceeding 33ft (10 metres) in height.
Dr Achilleas Samaras, an engineer specialising in wave dynamics at the University of Bologna in Italy and lead author of the study, said: 'We wanted to find out how coastal areas would be affected by tsunamis in a region that is not only the most active in the Mediterranean in terms of seismicity and tectonic movements, but has also experienced numerous tsunami events in the past.
'The main gap in relevant knowledge in tsunami modelling is what happens when tsunami waves approach the nearshore and run inland.
'Although the simulated earthquake-induced tsunamis are not small, there has been a recorded history of significantly larger events, in terms of earthquake magnitude and mainshock areas, taking place in the region.
'Our simulations could be used to help public authorities and policy makers create a comprehensive database of tsunami scenarios in the Mediterranean, identify vulnerable coastal regions for each scenario, and properly plan their defence.'
The Mediterranean sits on the boundary where the African tectonic plate slides under the Eurasian plates.
The researchers studied the impact of an earthquake along the boundary between the African and Eursian plates that run under the Mediterranean Sea. They focused on quakes off the coast of Crete and Sicily, as can be seen in the map above, which shows the boundary of the plates
Aug 28, 2015
Ryan X
Is there a Planet X, a ‘massive perturber,’ hidden beyond Pluto?
"So then, how would such a big planet get way out there? Brown hypothesizes that, long ago, the planet formed closer to the sun, and might have been the core of what would have become a giant planet like Jupiter or Saturn. But then it could have been ejected toward the outer solar system through gravitational interactions with other giant planets."
"If this Planet X is out there, why can't we see it directly? Because it's very far away and commensurately faint. It could be at least 200 Astronomical Units from the sun -- meaning 200 times farther from the sun than is the Earth. These hypothetical planets, dwarf or otherwise, don't generate their own light, and can only be seen through the feeble reflected light of the sun."
Sep 8, 2015
Starr DiGiacomo
Pope Francis Warns of “Hellfire From Above” Ahead of U.S. Visit
September 08, 2015
VATICAN CITY – During a sermon at Saint Peter’s Square on Sunday, Pope Francis spoke of a “forthcoming event in which the earth will be consumed by hellfire from above” and asked Christians around the world to absolve themselves of sin in the days and weeks ahead.
In a statement released by the Vatican Tuesday morning, Pope Francis, who is scheduled to arrive in the United States on September 22nd, announced that he has been visited “on three occasions by heavenly beings” who, most recently, have warned of an “impending crisis” that could have dire consequences for life on earth.
The Pope is set to attend a meeting of the UN General Assembly on September 25th, at the United Nations building in New York where he will confer with world leaders, including President Barack Obama and Russian president Vladimir Putin, to discuss defensive options.
On Tuesday morning NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed that he has made arrangements to attend the General Assembly. “I spoke with the Holy See and [UN] Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon via video conference Sunday evening,” Stoltenberg told the Associated Press. “NATO is working closely with our counterparts around the globe to explore every viable recourse available.”
Details surrounding the Vatican’s extraterrestrial visitors are sparse but a British military intelligence official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the situation, told The Guardian that “the entities were described as peaceful by nature.” However, the official said, their stance on the matter was passive in that “they maintain a policy of neutrality” in regards to interplanetary action by “other-worldly” forces.
Pope Francis is scheduled to attend a private meeting with President Obama at the White House on the morning of September 23rd. The Pope will visit three cities, including Washington, D.C., during his six-day visit to the United States. He is expected to address a number of topics including same-sex marriage and immigration.
Sep 11, 2015
Surprising summary of PX history, cover-up and effects on Earth, yet not without considerable misinformation and with no mention of ZT.
The Niburu Planet X System and Its Potential Impacts on Our Solar System
Sep 16, 2015
Jorge Mejia
Dawn (NASA Mission) Takes a Closer Look at Occator (Ceres Dwarf Planet's crater)
September 9, 2015
This image taken by NASA's Dawn spacecraft, shows Occator crater on Ceres, home to a collection of intriguing bright spots.
The bright spots are much brighter than the rest of Ceres' surface, and tend to appear overexposed in most images. This view is a composite of two images of Occator: one using a short exposure that captures the detail in the bright spots, and one where the background surface is captured at normal exposure.
The images were obtained by Dawn during the mission's High Altitude Mapping Orbit (HAMO) phase, from which the spacecraft imaged the surface at a resolution of about 450 feet (140 meters) per pixel.
Photo Gallery:
Sep 18, 2015
Starr DiGiacomo
Pope Francis has called on people of all faiths to come together to take action on climate change and protect “our common home.” Will you join him?
Sep 20, 2015
casey a
Advanced Ligo: Labs 'open their ears' to the cosmos
Labs in the US states of Washington and Louisiana began "listening" on Friday for the gravitational waves that are predicted to flow through the Earth when violent events occur in space.
The Advanced Ligo facilities have just completed a major upgrade.
Scientists believe this will now give them the sensitivity needed to pick up what should be a very subtle signal...
The Ligo labs first began hunting for gravitational waves in 2002. They were then switched off in 2010 to undergo their more than $200m upgrade.
Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-34298363
Sep 20, 2015
casey a
White House Says President Obama and Vladimir Putin Will Meet Next Week
(Putin is in New York for the U.N. General Assembly. And Chinese leader, Xi Jinping is over for a state visit - http://multimedia.scmp.com/xi-jinping-us-visit/
Sep 25, 2015
Dalai Lama in U.S. for 'Checkup' as World Leaders Gather at U.N. (Sep 24)
Tibet's exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama was in the United States for a medical checkup on Thursday, and he had no plans to meet world leaders gathering in New York for the annual United Nations general assembly, officials at his office in India said.
The Nobel Peace Laureate is not ill, but was going to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, for a yearly health check-up, his secretary Tenzin Taklha said in an email.
China's President Xi Jinping is also in the United States, where he will make his U.N. debut as China's leader.
The Dalai Lama's trip also coincides with the visit of Pope Francis, who met with President Barack Obama and is scheduled to address the United Nations on Friday.
Sep 25, 2015
Starr DiGiacomo
Reports: Speaker John Boehner To Step Down In October
Speaker John Boehner plans to resign from Congress in late October, the New York Times reported on Friday.
Sep 25, 2015
Sandor Daranyi
Found an interesting video from UNICEF..
Sep 26, 2015
NASA sends space fans into frenzy with news of a "major announcement" on Sept 28
Sep 27, 2015
Kris H
Oct 7, 2015
Nancy Lieder
Re the light show: they are putting up chemicals in the upper atmosphere, supposedly for some study. and a byproduct of this will be many colors in the skies. I find this suspicious, as rainbow type displays are much in evidence lately, from the grease in the tail of Nibiru/Planet X. See most recent Issue 470 of the newsletter, Signs in the Skies section. I think they are going to use this stuff as an excuse, like blame the Sun for the EMP. It is part of a continuing coverup.
"Tonight, NASA says it’s ejecting four different payloads of a mix of barium and strontium, creating “a cloud with a mixture of blue-green and red color.” Here’s an example of a barium release provided by NASA; on the upper left you can see the barium’s “ionized component, which has become elongated along the Earth’s magnetic field lines.”"
Oct 8, 2015
Ryan X
Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures' orbiting st...
Oct 15, 2015
Starr DiGiacomo
A good comment on FB re: this:
I have a BAD feeling about this......... Such as, I bet they found a big one heading this way, big enough to kill a large chunk of the planet, and nothing they can do about it... SO, turning off this program would make it easier for "plausible deniability" to be in effect by declaring, "Since we turned off this program, we didn't see it coming."
NASA Wakes Up: ‘Saving Us From Killer Asteroids’ Is A Waste
Oct 19, 2015
Get Ready for an Earthquake, NASA Tells L.A.
Source: http://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/get-ready-for-an-earthq...
Los Angeles residents better start making their earthquake-preparedness kits — scientists say there’s a 99 percent chance that a quake will rock the city sometime before 2018. (earthquake-preparedness kits — scientists say there’s a 99 percent ...)
Using radar and GPS to measure the likelihood of an earthquake, experts from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena predict a 5.0-magnitude shaker — or bigger — for the L.A. area. After the La Habra quake in spring 2014, there’s apparently enough strain on the L.A. basin to produce an even larger earthquake with the same epicenter just 20 miles southeast of downtown, JPL geophysicist Dr. Andrea Donnellan told CBS Los Angeles.
Although the earth isn’t expected to literally crack open, “there’s enough energy stored to produce about a magnitude 6.1 to 6.3 earthquake,” Donnellan says.
No injuries were reported in the moderate 5.1-magnitude La Habra shaker, but an earthquake with a magnitude of 6 or higher on the Richter scale is considered “strong” and able to cause a lot of damage in heavily populated areas — like L.A.
© Courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech Setting of the La Habra quake. Red dots show the magnitude 5.1 main shock, magnitude 4.1 aftershock and magnitude 5.4 Chino quake in 2008. Relocated aftershocks are green dots. Modeled faults are in brown, with the heavier reddish brown line denoting the bottom of the fault and labeled with italics.
Oct 22, 2015
Starr DiGiacomo
U.N. report: Insects are environmentally-friendly food
Although many find them scary or disgusting, bugs can be nutritional.
Eating bugs may be an environmentally friendly food for the future, according to a United Nations report released in 2013, describing the many benefits of farming and eating bugs. For example, pest bugs can be harvested from farmer’s crops and eaten, which means that not only will the crops be safe, but the bugs can provide additional nutrition.
Crickets, for example, have 28 grams of protein per 100 grams. Cows, for comparison, have about 20 grams of protein per 100. Bugs also do not release methane, which is a greenhouse gas that damages the climate by absorbing heat. Although cows are not the main source of methane pollution, they do contribute to it.
“Insects are everywhere, and they reproduce quickly. They have high growth and feed conversion rates and a low environmental footprint,” according to the report.
Some cultures already eat bugs, according to the report. Mexico has a long tradition of eating the local grasshoppers and locusts, such as grasshopper tacos, and many dishes in China involve bugs, including ant soup and fried scorpions. In addition, certain traditional African cultures eat bugs.
“There’s food, not food, and not food to me,” anthropology professor Julie Adkins said.
But, currently, most U.S. bug-eating is limited to accidents, dares and novelty items. One company, Hotlix, provides novelty candies, including scorpion lollipops and flavored crickets. It was founded by Larry Peterman after he was inspired by the tequila brands that put worms in the bottoms of their drinks.
“People are already eating insects in widely popular foods, such as chocolate, ketchup, peanut butter, wine and many others,” Peterman said. “Hotlix is simply open about it.”
They may seem disgusting now, but the future is open, and this is not the first time people have changed their minds about what is edible.
In the 1800s, lobsters were considered sea trash, in part because they were not overfished and were still plentiful. There was a large protest when certain jails fed their prisoners lobster. It was considered inhumane. But, during the Great Depression, it was one of the few unrationed foods available, and so it became more widely consumed, according to an article from Pacific Standard Magazine. Today, lobster is considered a delicacy.
“It’s interesting how you can dry bugs out and flavor them,” said Connor Denney, a computer science freshman. “If I was raised to eat them, it wouldn’t seem as strange to me.”
Oct 22, 2015
What is this strange fiery globe spotted off the coast of Florida? Conspiracy theorists claim it is the mythical ‘Planet X’ that will destroy the world
A video has emerged that shows what some people believe is the mysterious 'Planet X'.
Conspiracy theorists claim Planet X, also known as Nibiru, orbits at the edge of our solar system.
They say its gravitational pull could spell the end for humanity by disrupting the flow of energy on Earth.
Nasa has dismissed these claims as an 'internet hoax' and says 'there is no factual basis for claims' given astronomers are yet to spot the so-called planet.
Scroll down for video
A video has emerged that appears to show what some people believe is the mysterious 'Planet X'. Conspiracy theorists believe Planet X, also known as Nibiru, orbits at the edge of our solar system
Planet X, also known as Nibiru, is a hypothesised planet on the edge of our solar system.
Conspiracy theorists believe the gravitational influence of the 'rogue planet' disrupted the orbits of other planets hundreds of years ago.
They claim the next disruptive passage into the inner solar system could happen at any time.
Some claims that this 'planet' is sending 'plasmatic energy particles' through our solar system.
The flow of energy will disrupt the 'core flows' of the Earth and trigger catastrophic changes in Earth's climate.
They claim, since 1996, we have already been feeling the disruptive effects of the inbound rogue Planet X.
Conspiracy theorists often blame natural disasters and freak weather patterns on the planet.
'Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an internet hoax,' Nasa has said. 'Obviously, it does not exist.'
But despite this, the latest video has set conspiracy forums ablaze once again.
It was taken on the off the coast of Florida by Melissa Huffman noticed a strange fiery globe seemingly burning between the clouds.
'Just look at that planet beaming and shining right now, somebody tells me what it is', she says.
The video seems to show a bright circular shape poking out above the sunset, sparking rumours that it may be the mythical planet.
Posted 11 days ago, the video has already had 95,000 views, with some astrologists suggesting the planet like shape may be Nibiru.
Commenting on the video one user wrote: 'It's definitely Nibiru. It's time to freak out the makers are coming.'
Another said: 'Me and many folk with me have been waiting for this to show up for years. Ancient records state that once The Destroyer is 'visible to the world', we have 40 days to prepare.'
Conspiracy theorists believe gravitational influence of the 'rogue planet' had disrupted the orbits of other planets hundreds of years ago.
They claim the next disruptive passage into the inner solar system could happen at any time.
Some claims that this 'planet' is sending 'plasmatic energy particles' through our solar system.
Oct 24, 2015
Also reported in the Daily Mirror:
Mystery 'orb' spotted above the sun - but what on earth is it?
A video of a mystery orb spotted hovering above the sun has gone viral as viewers have been speculating wildly about its origin.
Melissa Huffman captured the footage at the Sanibel causeway in Florida.
The footage has had more than 87,900 views since it was uploaded to YouTube on October 19.
Melissa claims she was with a friend at the time, who also saw the mystery orb.
She wrote in a YouTube comment: "I was on Sanibel causeway, little rock, and I did freak out.
"I have been studying the sky. It's strange."
Theories about strange light have ranged from the Nibiru cataclysm to a burning red dwarf star.
Another viewer added: "If I saw this in person, I would freak out.
"I have watched the sky for decades: telescopes, cameras, binoculars.
"NEVER has there been anything that size/scale next to the sun! This is NOT Venus or Saturn..and most definitely not a lens flare."
Others disagreed: "It's a reflection of the sun in the upper atmosphere. Almost like a mirage. It's not very common but loads of video evidence exists."
Oct 24, 2015
Nancy Lieder
Oh wow. This sentence: "Theories about strange light have ranged from the Nibiru cataclysm to a burning red dwarf star." directly relates to the top of the search list for Nibiru in Google. Are they priming the pump for ZT or what?
Oct 24, 2015
Enormous 8,000-year-old Earthworks Discovered in Kazakhstan (Oct 30)
New satellite images from NASA have revealed unusual, massive patterns on the Earth’s surface. The geometric shapes are located in Kazakhstan, and are estimated to be up to 8,000 years old.
The massive earthwork patterns called the Steppe Geoglyphs were originally discovered by a Kazakh economist when he was browsing Google Earth in 2007. When browsing through an otherwise empty Central Asian landscape, Dimitriy Dey found intriguing markings in the soil.
But the study of these mysterious constructs is ramping up, and even NASA has taken an interest. Two weeks ago, the space agency released clear satellite photographs of the figures from about 430 miles in the sky.
“I’ve never seen anything like this; I found it remarkable,” Compton J. Tucker, a senior biospheric scientist for NASA who provided the archived images, told The New York Times.
The images show colossal squares, crosses, swastikas and rings, some of which reach over a kilometer in length. The oldest of these geometric shapes are estimated to have been made 8,000 years ago – over three millenniums older than the Egyptian pyramids.
The patterns are formed from uniformly circular mounds of dirt three feet high and thirty feet wide. There are at least 260 of the mounds, and they were described last year at archaeology in Istanbul as a previously unstudied phenomenon.
University of Winnipeg archaeologist Persis B. Clarkson says that constructions like these and the similar Nazca lines in Peru are challenging prevailing views of early people and nomads.
“The idea that foragers could amass the numbers of people necessary to undertake large-scale projects – like creating the Kazakhstan geoglyphs – has caused archaeologists to deeply rethink the nature and timing of sophisticated large-scale human organization as one that predates settled and civilized societies,” Dr. Clarkson said.
Oct 31, 2015
National Space Weather Action Plan released by White House
PDF link found here:
"The devastating potential of an extreme solar storm and what the White House is doing about it"
...The White House, realizing that an extreme solar storm could jeopardize the nation’s vitality and security, released a strategy and multi-agency plan on Thursday to prepare for and coordinate responses to the space weather threat.
“The plan was motivated by a recognition that we need a cohesive national network to build resilience [to space weather] and to determine what we need to know,” said Bill Murtagh, assistant director for space weather at White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). “This is a real and present danger, this is a real threat.”
The plan’s development, co-chaired by NOAA, the Department of Homeland Security and OSTP, was the work of members from seven Cabinet-level departments as well as 13 agencies and service branches.
Murtagh said the need for the plan arose over time as government officials as well as constituents from the electric power, telecommunications and emergency management sectors became increasingly aware of the risks posed by space weather. ...
EMP Denial
EMP Walloping
Oct 31, 2015
Nancy Lieder
There was a fifth giant planet in the solar system, but it was ejected after a close encounter with Jupiter, a computer model made by Canadian astronomers suggests. They studied the orbits of Jovian moons for proof. The icy giant’s current whereabouts are unknown. Apparently it joined the estimated hundreds or thousands (or even billion) of so-called rogue planets traveling across the interstellar space of the Milky Way.
Nov 1, 2015
casey a
Small, dim stars could still support life
Nov 2, 2015
Nancy Lieder
Andrea of USAEBN found this:
Commercial for Mex city
Half through clear Double Sun at the 5 o'clock position (not a Lens Flare)
Then hidden later in the ad behind a building
The brightness is turned down on the video and pics, captured live on HD TV
CNN 7:46p Central
Anderson Cooper 360
Nov 3, 2015
Ryan X
NASA Announcement: Earth May Be experiencing A Pole Shift
NASA: Earth’s magnetic poles are ‘switching’ with catastrophic cons...
THE Earth could be left powerless to defend against blasts of solar radiation from the Sun for up to 200 YEARS, leaving us at risk from skin cancer and worldwide electronic communication blackouts, NASA scientists have warned.
Nov 11, 2015
The big question is whether V774104 sweeps inwards from its present location, like Eris, or outwards, like the objects known as 2012 VP113 and Sedna.
Unexplained history
These bodies are currently slightly closer in than Eris, but investigations of their orbits show they will reach far deeper into space, out to 66 billion km and 140 billion km, respectively.
Models for Solar System formation suggest that such objects were probably not created in these weird, eccentric orbits.
One explanation is that they have been perturbed gravitationally and pulled on to their strange trajectories by a passing planet - perhaps one that was expelled from our Solar System early in its history.
Some scientists even speculate that such objects could have been stolen from a star that formed from the same "nursery" of gas and dust as our Sun 4.6 billion years ago.
From 'Most distant' Solar System object spied (Nov 11, 2015)
Nov 12, 2015
Ryan X
Newly Discovered Object Revives Speculation of Planet X - The likel...
Nov 12, 2015
An orange GLOW could guide us towards alien life: Researchers finds mists could be key to finding habitable planets
An atmospheric haze around a planet could show that the world is potentially habitable, or even be a sign of life, researchers have found.
Researchers analysed data from Earth, and found at atmospheric haze once covered our cooling planet.
This orange shroud could suggest the planet is potentially habitable or that there is life already there.
An atmospheric haze, which is similar to the one that covered the once covered the cooled young Earth, was seen hovering over a planet in the distance. This orange shroud could suggest the planet is potentially habitable or that there is life already there
University of Washington doctoral student Giada Arney and co-authors chose to analyse Earth in its Archean era, about 2.5 billion years back, because it is 'the most alien planet we have geochemical data for'.
Using the Earth as a proxy for hypothetical exoplanets in computer modelling to simulate what such worlds might be similar and under what circumstance they might be suitable to support life has been a common method among Astronomers.
Nov 13, 2015
Starr DiGiacomo
Tsunami devastated Europe 8,150 years ago: Huge waves swept hundreds of miles down the North Sea after the last Ice Age
It was a time when stone-age hunter gatherers were spreading across northern Europe and into Britain as the glaciers of the last ice age retreated.
But just as these mesolithic tribes were settling in these newly uncovered areas a giant tsunami triggered by an underwater landslide off the coast of Norway devastated large parts of Europe.
Waves of up to 65 feet (20 metres) are thought to have smashed into Iceland, Greenland, Norway Scotland and parts of England's northern coastline.
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A huge landslide of Ice Age sediment under the Norwegian Sea 8,150 years ago (illustrated) produced a tsunami so powerful it swept hundreds of miles down the North Sea and created waves of up to 65 feet high
Scientists have now uncovered evidence that shows just how powerful these huge waves were and the huge area that they effected.
Sediment discovered on the south west coast of Denmark shows the waves spread out across the Norwegian Sea and penetrated deep into the North Sea.
A tsunami of biblical proportions triggered by the sudden collapse of a volcano generated a wave nearly 1,000ft high, scientists have discovered.
The event occurred 73,000 years ago in the Cape Verde Islands off west Africa, long before there were any coastal cities that might have been flattened by the deluge.
But some experts fear a similar giant collapse could present a real threat today, especially around volcanic islands.
The ancient collapse occurred at Fogo, one of the world's largest and most active island volcanoes that today towers more than 9,000ft (2,743m) above sea level.
An estimated 40 cubic miles (167 cubic kilometres) of rock fell into the ocean at once, resulting in an 800ft (244m) high tsunami that engulfed an island more than 30 miles away (48km).
By comparison, the largest known recent tsunamis, which devastated Indian ocean coasts in 2004 and eastern Japan in 2011, attained maximum heights of around 100ft (30m).
Waves of at least six feet tall (2m) would have been powerful enough to sweep people off their feet if they had been unfortunate enough to be standing on the Danish coast at the time.
Writing in the journal Geology, Dr Mikkel Freurgaard, a geologist at the University of Copenhagen and his colleagues who conducted the study, said: 'Our results demonstrate that the Storegga tsunami propagated 900–1000 km (559-621 miles) across the shallow continental shelf of the North Sea.
'This implies that the Storegga slide tsunami probably impacted the entire coast of the southeastern North Sea.'
The tsunami is thought to have been triggered when a 120 mile long stretch of sediments that had accumulated off the coast of Norway during the Ice Age broke free of the continental shelf and plunged into the depths 8,150 years ago.
The area of seabed is thought to have been roughly the samne size as Iceland and was up to 111 feet thick.
This huge underwater landslide, known as the Storegga slide, sent waves out in all directions, causing huge tsunamis to sweep over the coastline of Norway and Iceland.
The waves also raced south engulfing the Faroe Island, Orkney and large parts of the coastline of mainland Britain.
Previous studies, however, have found that friction from the shallow seabed in the North Sea would have dissipated the tsunami's energy and so doubted it would have reached far down the west coast of mainland Europe.
The latest findings, however, which are published in the journal Geology, have shown that sediment on the island of Rømø on the west coast of Denmark, contain material carried by the powerful tsunami waves.
At the time sea levels would have been 65 feet (20m) lower than they are currently and the area was covered by a large lake.
Dr Freurgaard told Science Nordic: 'At some point there was a big inundation of sea water, which dumped a lot of marine sand at the bottom of the lack, along with (organic) material from the edges of the lake and the lake bottom.'
Nicolai Kliem, head of the sea and ice section at the Danish Meteorological Institute in Copenhagen who was not involved in the study, added: 'The fact the tsunami reached Denmark suggests that it was very strong.'
Tsunamis are one of the most devastating forces of nature and have claimed thousands of lives in recent years. The picture above shows a tsunami wave crashing into a street in Miyako City in northeast Japan following the 8.9 magnitude earthquake that struck the area in 2011
Nov 14, 2015
President Obama brought up "Roswell and the aliens and UFOs" in
President Obama and Bill Simmons: The GQ Interview (11/17/15)
Have you ever said, “Give me the JFK-assassination files, I want to read them. Give me all the secret stuff”?
I gotta tell you, it’s a little disappointing. People always ask me about Roswell and the aliens and UFOs, and it turns out the stuff going on that’s top secret isn’t nearly as exciting as you expect. In this day and age, it’s not as top secret as you’d think.
Nov 18, 2015
casey a
3,500-Year-Old Sunken Town Discovered In Croatia
Archeologists in Croatia announced their discovery of a 3,500-year-old sunken town in Adriatic Sea near Zadar, a southern coastal city. The ancient settlement and port was found in the sea between the islands of Ricula and Galesnjak in the Pasman Channel in 2014.
Nov 26, 2015
casey a
King Tutankhamun's tomb: Evidence grows for hidden chamber
Previous ZT on why many mysterious deaths occured for those who stumbled across King Tut's tomb: http://zetatalk.com/ning/25ma2013.htm
Nov 28, 2015
Ovidiu Pricopi
Yahoo NEWS ! UFOlogist claims he’s spotted a gigantic Martian rodent in Curisotiy rover footage . https://www.yahoo.com/tech/s/ufologist-claims-spotted-gigantic-mart...
Nov 29, 2015
Not all pre-announcement signs are for an increased disclosure, some are the opposite:
Young people who question the Government or media may be extremists, officials tell parents
A leaflet distributed as part of an anti-extremism drive says these signs are 'specific' to radicalisation
Child protection officials been criticised after warning parents that young people who take issue with government policy or question what they are told in the media may have been radicalised by extremists.
A leaflet drawn up by an inner-city child safeguarding board warns that “appearing angry about government policies, especially foreign policies” is a sign “specific to radicalisation”.
Parents and carers have also been advised by the safeguarding children board in the London Borough of Camden that “showing a mistrust of mainstream media reports and a belief in conspiracy theories” could be a sign that children are being groomed by extremists.
Bella Sankey, policy director at the campaign group Liberty, criticised the leaflet.
“Children should be encouraged to take an interest in politics and think critically about what they see in the media, not deemed suspect for so doing,” she said.
Dec 2, 2015
Kris H
Dec 5, 2015
Ryan X
Astronomers question claim of super planet found at solar system’s ...
New papers say "Super Earth" may orbit the Sun at six times the distance of Pluto.
Scientists and amateur astronomers have long been fascinated by the possibility of a "Planet X" at the edge of the solar system that may explain some apparent anomalies in the orbits of planets such as Neptune and Uranus. However, in recent years, astronomers have largely ruled out the possibility of a large, unseen planet far beyond the orbit of Pluto.
Research groups from Sweden and Mexico have now submitted pre-prints of two research papers to arXiv (here and here) that claim to have discovered a massive object at the edge of the solar system. Using observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array in Chile during 2014 and 2015, the astronomers spied "a new blackbody point source" that appears to be moving in conjunction with the Alpha Centauri star system, about 4.3 light years from Earth.
Did The Solar System Just Gain Two New Worlds?
A pair of scientific papers suggest that the ALMA observatory may have detected 2 new 'planet-scale' objects associated with the outer realms of the solar system. But should we be awed or skeptical?
Dec 10, 2015
Longer days ahead: Melting ice caps causing Earth's rotation to slow down, says study
Much has been reported about how global climate change is causing polar ice caps to melt, which results in rising sea levels predicted to inundate entire countries.
A new study conducted by researchers from the Harvard University, however, revealed a quite unexpected result of melting glaciers: the slowing down of the Earth's rotation, which means longer days.
The study, published this week in the journal Science Advances, concluded that shrinking glaciers are affecting the speed of the Earth's rotation and how our planet is tilted on its own axis by redistributing all the once-frozen water around the world.
When the ice caps melt, the water shifts from the poles toward the equator, causing the Earth to have extra girth or a wider midsection. This ultimately leads to a slower rotating planet.
Physics Professor Mathieu Dumberry of the University of Alberta, a co-author of the study, compared the Earth to a spinning figure skater.
He explained to CBC News that a spinning figure skater will slow down his or her circular movement if he or she extends the arms on both sides—much like how the Earth is slightly expanding due to the melting polar ice caps.
In total, the researchers calculated that a day on Earth has already been a millisecond longer over the past century due to this phenomenon.
Dumberry explained that they were able to reach this figure by using the traditional way of identifying changes in the speed of the Earth's rotation: by looking at records of ancient eclipses recorded by civilisations such as the Babylonians.
To make a more conclusive observation, the research team also observed changes in the Earth's magnetic field.
"It's like a hamster in a wheel. The hamster runs in one direction and the wheel [turns] in the other. Earth's core has accelerated," Dumberry explained to CBC News. "It has been moving slightly faster in the past 3,000 years."
Source: christiantoday.com
Climate Change Is Making the Earth Wobble
As pollution from burning fossil fuels continues to heat the atmosphere, the world’s glaciers are melting at an accelerating rate. Scientists widely agree that this meltwater has been a major factor in raising global sea levels about seven inches over the 20th century.
The movement of all that water is affecting the Earth’s rotation, according to a study published Friday in the journal Science.
“If you are melting glaciers from high latitudes—in Alaska, Greenland, or Iceland—you move mass away from the pole, toward the equator, which slows the Earth down,” said Jerry Mitrovica, the study’s lead author and a Harvard geophysicist who specializes in studying sea level change. “The change in the distribution of the mass from the poles to lower latitudes also causes the rotation to wobble slightly, because it’s being redistributed unequally.”
That change in rotation added a microsecond to the course of a day over the 20th century.
The study showed that “glacier melt over the 20th century would have increased the duration of a day by maybe a millisecond,” said Mitrovica. While small, the change “can tell you something about how things are melting,” he said, and is a striking example of how human activities are altering Earth’s systems.
For the first time, researchers have mathematically detected glacier meltwater’s movement from higher altitudes to the ocean basins in the speed of the Earth’s rotation.
The finding is yet more proof that greenhouse gas emissions are having an enormous impact on the Earth’s climate. “This very subtle effect, Earth’s rotation, is a way to monitor how much ice sheets are melting and adds to how we are monitoring sea level rise,” Mitrovica said.
“And more important, it shows that even these very subtle effects support the scientific consensus that we’re affecting the climate, and that effect is accelerating,” he added.
In the study, Mitrovica and his colleagues updated and corrected how scientists calculate the known impacts on the Earth’s spin and axis resulting from the end of the last ice age. In the process, they may have solved a 13-year-old conundrum in earth science called “Munk’s enigma,” which asked why the influx of water from melting glaciers wasn’t apparent in measurements of the Earth’s rotation.
“It is an important additional tool in understanding the mass balance of ice sheets, and we need as many of those as we can get,” Mitrovica said. Source: news.yahoo.com
Dec 14, 2015
casey a
Monster asteroid which 'could cause earthquakes and volcanoes' will skim past Earth on Xmas Eve
Scientists now believe this asteroid, and some others, could be even bigger than calculated as it is thought part of their mass may have been shrouded in darkness
A colossal asteroid so big some claim its gravitational pull could cause earthquakes and volcanoes on Earth is set to skim past the planet on Christmas Eve...
The news may fuel rumours by conspiracy theorists that a mysterious Planet X four times the size of Jupiter will pass the Earth this month.
Dec 16, 2015
White House promises 'non-traditional' State of the Union (12/17/15)
The White House is promising President Barack Obama will deliver a "non-traditional" State of the Union address next month, eschewing the standard litany of policy proposals for a broader discussion on the challenges facing the country.
The format reflects the legislative reality for Obama's final year in office. Much of what the White House and the Republican-led Congress could realistically achieve in an election year is already underway, including discussions on criminal justice reform, and the ticking clock on Obama's presidency leaves little time to jumpstart major new initiatives.
The president is scheduled to deliver his last State of the Union on Jan. 12, less than three weeks before Americans begin voting in the presidential primaries.
In a briefing for reporters Thursday, White House officials said Obama's agenda for his last year in office includes securing congressional approval of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, additional steps to address climate change, and bolstering gun control measures. The latter steps will be taken through executive action, though officials wouldn't say whether the measures would be ready in time for Obama's address to Congress.
Officials also did not commit to a timeline for sending lawmakers a long-delayed plan for closing the Guantanamo Bay detention center.
Rather than fade into the lame duck phase of his presidency, the White House said Obama is eager to use 2016 to take steps that drive the debate in the 2016 race. He also expects to be active on the campaign trail, stumping for the Democratic presidential nominee and other party candidates, the White House said.
An active campaign role for Obama would be a marked shift from the 2014 midterm elections, when he was marginalized by his party.
The White House said it's still possible the president could endorse in the Democratic primary, which is a two-way contest between front-runner Hillary Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, her closest challenger.
The reference above to "little time to jumpstart major new initiatives" is reminiscent of the ZT from the Q&A for November 21, 2015
Given the state of the planet, with the wobble and Earth changes such as earthquakes and EMP affecting both man and his machinery increasing regularly, at what point are matters at rest enough for the announcement to have a safe place? There will be no such quiet time, no point when migrant distress or sociological restlessness has gone to sleep. No point when the crops are in and panic in the public will not increase the food shortages. Rioting will be on the increase. Demands from all quarters, the “have-nots” making demands on the “haves”, the threat of having a corrupt or short sighted nominee about to become President in the US. All will only increase. In short, the announcement team should just do it, without further delay.
Dec 18, 2015
Introducing the concept of moon swirls?
An international team of astronomers have discovered sharp symmetric features around a young double star, baffling scientists as to whether they are highly eccentric rings or two separate spiral arms in the disk around the star. Moreover, these features may have been caused by circumbinary planets interacting with the disk.
The observations were conducted in April 2015 as a part of the Search for Planets Orbiting Two Stars (SPOTS) program. One explanation is these structures are spiral arms that could be induced through gravitational instability or through the influence of a planet or binary companion.
Dec 19, 2015
Nasa used Santa Claus as a codename for THREE UFOs spotted during the lunar landings, claims former employee
Three flying saucers were spotted on the moon during Nasa's lunar landings, according to the bizarre claims of a former Nasa contractor.
In a video testimony, Dona Hare says the space agency covered up a series of UFO sighting that they codenamed 'Santa Claus'.
Hare claims she was told by numerous sources, which she does not name, about three UFOs that landed shortly after one of the moon landings.
She does not specify when this took place, according to an article in Express.
'I walked into a restricted area of the photo lab where they developed film from the moon and other satellite pictures,' Hare recalls in the video.
'A gentleman pointed my attention to one area of this mosaic.'
'I believe they were satellite pictures, but I'm not sure.'
Hare describes seeing a round shadow at the correct angle with the sun shinning on the trees in the picture.
'What I knew he meant was, it was a UFO but he couldn't tell me,' she explains.
Not only is she accusing Nasa of hiding UFOs from the public, she also told the world the agency has doctored and obscured thousands of photos
She went on record to state the agency erases anomalies from pictures before selling them to the public.
During her time Nasa, she was employed as an illustrator and photographic slide technician, and received many awards for her work.
'I was amazed that they had a protocol in place for getting rid of UFOs in pictures,' says Hare, referring to the airbrushing.
Dec 25, 2015
Could distant super-Earths host life? Huge pressures inside exoplanets may create 'impossible' compounds that make them more hospitable
Giant Earth-like planets orbiting in distant solar systems may contain exotic compounds that should, in theory, be impossible under the rules of classic chemistry.
Researchers said the extreme pressures that exist in the interior of these so called super-Earths, which are many times heavier than our own planet, could create new chemicals.
Furthermore, these may give these planets powerful magnetic fields that could protect them from cosmic radiation, making them more hospitable for life.
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Super-Earths, such as Kepler-62f (illustrated in an artist's impression) may have pressures so great in their interiors that exotic compounds that would be impossible on Earth could exist there. Researchers have calculated this may give them powerful magnetic fields and mantles which could make them hospitable to life
The compounds, which are not thought to exist on Earth, could also help drive the circulation of heat far below the crust of these planets.
Professor Artem Oganov, head of the computational materials discovery laboratory at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and his colleagues examined the occurrence of silicon, oxygen and magnesium on Earth-like planets beyond our own solar system.
Dec 30, 2015
The most accurate ocean floor map ever made: Scientists reveal the alien landscape beneath the sea in incredible detail
We have more complete maps of the surface of Mars than we do of some areas on Earth.
In an effort to change this, scientists have created the most detailed view of the Earth's seafloor to date, revealing huge mountains and giant crevices beneath the ocean.
The map was created by measuring the shape and gravity field of Earth, a relatively-new discipline known as geodesy. It provides gives an accurate picture of seafloor topography at a scale of 3.1 miles (5km) per pixel.
This map shows a global view of gravity changes. Shades of orange and red represent areas where seafloor gravity is stronger than the global average, a phenomenon that mostly coincides with the location of underwater ridges, seamounts, and the edges of Earth’s tectonic plates. Shades of blue represent areas of lower gravity, corresponding largely with the deepest troughs in the ocean
The maps were created through computer analysis and modeling of new satellite data from CryoSat-2 and Jason-1.
CryoSat-2 was designed to collect data over Earth's polar regions, but it also collected measurements over the oceans.
Jason-1 was designed to measure the height of the oceans, but it had to be adjusted to a slightly different orbit in order to acquire the data needed to see gravity anomalies.
Seafloor features have a lot of mass, so they exert a gravitational pull on the water above and around them; essentially, seamounts pull more water toward their center of mass.
This causes water to pile up in small but measurable bumps on the sea surface. The new measurements of these tiny bumps were compared and combined with previous gravity measurements to create the map.
Close to 70 per cent of our planet is covered by water, and that water refracts, absorbs, and reflects light so well that it can only penetrate a few tens to hundreds of meters.
To humans and most satellite eyes, the deep ocean is opaque. But there are ways to visualise what the planet looks like beneath that watery shroud.
Sonar-based instruments mounted on ships can distinguish the shape of the seafloor. But such maps can only be made for places where ships and sonar pass frequently.
The majority of such measurements have been made along the major shipping routes of the world, interspersed with results from scientific expeditions over the past two centuries.
About 5 to 15 per cent of the global ocean floor has been mapped in this way, depending on how you define 'mapped.'
David Sandwell of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Walter Smith of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have spent much of the past 25 years negotiating with military agencies and satellite operators to allow them acquire or gain access to measurements of the Earth's gravity field and sea surface heights.
The result of their collaborative efforts is a global data set that tells where the ridges and valleys are by showing where the planet's gravity field varies.
The map above shows a global view of gravity anomalies, as measured and assembled by Sandwell, Smith, and his team.
Shades of orange and red represent areas where seafloor gravity is stronger than the global average, a phenomenon that mostly coincides with the location of underwater ridges, seamounts, and the edges of Earth's tectonic plates.
Shades of blue represent areas of lower gravity, corresponding largely with the deepest troughs in the ocean.
The maps were created through computer analysis and modeling of new satellite data from the European Space Agency's CryoSat-2 and from the Nasa-CNES Jason-1, as well as older data from missions flown in the 1980s and 90s.
A tighter view of that data along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between Africa and South America. Through their work, the team has mapped thousands of previously uncharted mountains and abyssal hills. From these seafloor maps, scientists can further refine their understanding of the evolution and motion of Earth's tectonic plates and the continents they carry
Dec 30, 2015