New Madrid Jolt timeline

My question to the Zetas is why there wasn't any jolt felt!?

In 2010 when we first detailed the New Madrid Adjustment as part of the 7 of 10 Plate Movement scenarios, we stated that this would involve one large JOLT with an immediate tearing of the Atlantic and the European tsunami. We referred to the location of the JOLT being in the “primary blockage” without clarification. Nor did we clarify the location in the Atlantic that would experience “tearing”. Now that the Finale is in process, the public seeks more specifics.

In March of 2022 we detailed a role the Rock Bridge above the little town of New Madrid - located at the juncture of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers - would play. We stated that a JOLT there would “expedite the final rupture” and clarified that this Rock Bridge break would release the SE Portion from its attachment to the Mainland Portion, allowing it to “jump to the East”, destabilizing the Azores triple juncture of plates in the Atlantic. In April of 2022 we reiterated that the JOLT in the Rock Bridge will “signal” the start of the Finale.  

In May of 2022 we introduced the Rock Hook under Turkey and defined its role. Africa must roll for the Azores to be torn open, and the Rock Hook under Turkey is preventing this roll. The African Roll pulls on the SE Portion which is attached along their shared border in the Atlantic. This transfers to a tug on the Rock Bridge which ultimately snaps and sets the Finale in motion. Intrinsic to this is the S Atlantic void allowing Africa to slide its foot into the void and drop its NE corner so the roll can happen.

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for December 31, 2022

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  • John Sheldon

    Kojima, sorry for the stupid question, but to clarify CO... this is Carbon Monoxide, correct?  Not CO2, right?  Do you have a good link for where you talk about this on the Ning?  Also, where do you pull these images from?

    Thanks, love & light,


  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/3 T00:03

  • Kojima

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/4 T00:13

  • Nancy Lieder

    Yes the Seaway is tearing open! Methane bubbles emerged from the Seaway exit at Clark City
    on the Quebec shores. This is at the Seaway exit. 

    Vidéo du 28 décembre 2023 - Wow ! Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce phénomène ? Des bulles d'air qui sortent du sable ? - Clarke City - Côte-Nord (Video from December 28, 2023 - Wow! What is this phenomenon? Air bubbles coming out of the sand? - Clarke City - North Shore)

    Clark City Quebec,_Quebec
    Clarke City, called Paushtik in the Innu language, is a community in the City of Sept-Îles, in the Quebec region of Côte-Nord. It is located roughly 20 kilometers west of the Sept-Îles city centre, on the Sainte-Marguerite River near Route 138.

  • Nancy Lieder

    At the spot where the Methane bubbles were recorded on video in Quebed, we now have a Mag 3.1 quake. Note that the clapping at the Montreal Buoys has gotten serious, with half a foot in the water level for the Seaway at that point dropping within a couple  hours. Where did the water go? The widening Seaway made space. 

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/5 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/6 T00:03

  • Nancy Lieder

    On January 6 the Seaway River level is again plunging, as it has on occasion this past week. This is due to the southern bank being pulled South while the Seaway widens, being pulled along with the SE Portion during the final separation of the Portions. As the UFO display at Montreal in 2021 predicted, this would result in a clapping open of the Azores.

    The St Lawrence Seaway rips open during the New Madrid adjustment, and rips further during the Pole Shift. The UFO display seen overhead and recorded on video is depicting the wild ride that Montreal residents will take during the New Madrid adjustment soon to occur. The spread of the Seaway is clearly shown, with some closure at the end. During the New Madrid adjustment the tension before the major unzipping of the Fault Line will cause a large spread, which will prove to be temporary.

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/7 T00:03

  • Kojima

    Changes in the coastline associated with the 2020 Noto Peninsula Earthquake based on analysis of observation data from Daichi-2 (announced on January 4, 2024)


    Comparison of SAR intensity images before and after the earthquake using observation data from Daichi-2 regarding the 2020 Noto Peninsula Earthquake (M7.6, maximum seismic intensity 7) that occurred at around 16:10 on January 1, 2024. The we.

    As a result, it was found that some areas along the coast of areas where uplift associated with the earthquake was detected have become landlocked.

    Around Minazuki Bay in Wajima City, where an uplift of approximately 4 meters was detected, changes in the coastline of approximately 200 meters can be seen.


    Landification areas of coastal areas captured by SAR intensity images

    coastal terrestrial area

  • Nancy Lieder

    On January 6 the two buoys near Montreal recorded a plunge in the water level that lasted for 22-23 hours. This showed that the southern bank of the Seaway was pulling to the South, widening the river. As the UFO display interpreted by the Zetas predicts, the Seaway will widen with the fault line, then separate from the fault line to return to its normal position. During the separation process the Azores will be torn open, setting the stage for the predicted European and East Coast tsunamis.

    The Titan lost in June, 2023 supposedly diving to look at the Titanic, but the location given was incorrect as the Titan was looking at the New Madrid Fault Line which ran to the South of the Titanic location, along the ridge in the N Atlantic. The fault lines was already clapping there at that time, as it has been recently in the Seaway near Montreal. Since rising and falling water levels cannot be determined in the Atlantic, how to track progress? The solution is to watch the position of the Azores islands. The Africa Plate and SE Portion will move as a unit to the East, while the Eurasian Plate and Mainland remain in place.


  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/8 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/8 T23:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/10 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/11 T00:03

  • Nancy Lieder

    The swell around the Azores is between 25 - 30ft.  I note significant height water going into the Seaway too. Strange how it's divided between the Seaway and the Azores - sea current is going one way at the Azores and complete opposite into the Seaway.
    [and from another] 

    Why is the Gulf Stream dividing at the Azores? This divide of the Gulf Stream continues up along the N Atlantic, as though there were a force influencing the waters. The Eurasian Plate is under a ripping action at its SW corner, as can be seen in the Methane burn maps, where the Seaway side of the N Atlantic is relatively quiescent. This is a prelude for the finale where a void will be opened at the Azores. The Eurasian Plate will be the anchor, not moving, while the SE Portion will pull to the East with Africa.

    The N Atlantic Rift is under distress at that time, being pulled in different directions. Where assumed to be composed of independent segments, the N Atlantic Rift Is torn open and solidified from lava during periodic Plate Movements, and thus operates as a whole when being tugged apart. Magnetic connections exist as the hardening lava forms into a magnet, aligning with the Earth’s magnetic field. The waters of the N Atlantic now reflect this tearing of the giant magnet that is the N Atlantic Rift.

    Electro-magnetic particle flows have an affinity for water, which is a super conductor. Thus the waters of the N Atlantic along the N Atlantic Rift are charged, clashing with the normal Gulf Stream charge. Since the N Atlantic Rift was formed during prior crustal shifts, when the Earth encountered Nibiru with its retrograde rotation, the N Atlantic Rift magnetism adopted a counter clockwise direction. The Earth settled down into her current magnetic alignment, but the N Atlantic Rift had already been hardened to reflect the clash with Nibiru during the Passage.

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/12 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/13 T00:03

  • Nancy Lieder

    On January 13 we see dramatic progress in the last remaining stretch where the New Madrid Fault Line cling to the Eurasian Plate and Mainland Portions - the fault line as it runs from the Seaway Exit to the Azores. Raspberry Shakes ( shows a magnitude 4.5 at the Seaway Exit, in the general location of where the Titan was crushed in the recent past due to clapping. The fault line runs there. Distress in the ripping rock under the N Atlantic waters is obvious too.  For some reason USGS is not reporting this 4.5 quakes. 

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/14 T00:03

  • Kojima

    * Recent some major earthquakes worldwide [2023/12/31 - 2024/01/13]

  • Nancy Lieder

    On January 14 we see that China, at the 3G dam, is tearing along its main fault lines, both the N/S main fault line and E/W too. 

  • Nancy Lieder

    On January 14 eyes on the Azores, which per ZetaTalk predictions will clap while the Portions of the New Madrid Fault Line separate at the Seaway exit. The big quake at the Seaway exit days ago has now moved to a big quake at the Azores. Note the Seaway at Montreal now shows high water due to the area being squeezed, but a rapid dop in the water level might move to the finale. 

    ZetaTalk Prediction

    The UFO display seen overhead and recorded on video is depicting the wild ride that Montreal residents will take during the New Madrid adjustment soon to occur. The spread of the Seaway is clearly shown, with some closure at the end. During the New Madrid adjustment the tension before the major unzipping of the Fault Line will cause a large spread, which will prove to be temporary.

    ZetaTalk Prediction

    Until the Fault line along the Seaway completes its separation of the Portions, the Mainland temporarily pulls the Azores open. The Azores rupture is huge at this moment, thus the large amount of water that will pour in and rebound toward Europe.

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/15 T00:03

  • Nancy Lieder

    On January 15  another Zeta prediction proved true. In 2010 while laying out the Plate Movement prediction they stated that Ohio along the Lake Erie shores would have a rough time during the New Madrid. There is even a Northeast Ohio Seismic Zone similar to the Wabash in Indiana. For the Lake Erie islands to heave to the extent that rocks rise 6-7 feet above the former water level means the New Madrid Fault Line has released its hold there, and moreover the SE Portion is on the move! This is the silent stretch, the silent slide, predicted by the Zetas. It is more than just a clapping Seaway at Montreal. 

    Photos Show ‘Rare’ Phenomenon on Lake Erie
    January 14, 2023
    As a powerful winter storm battered northern Ohio Saturday, 65 mph wind gusts caused a rare scene along Lake Erie. The near hurricane-force winds from the southwest pushed the more shallow water out further into the lake in the western basin of Lake Erie near Port Clinton and the Lake Erie Islands, especially at Put-in-Bay on South Bass Island in Ottawa County Saturday. Koehler said the boulders are usually under 6 to 9 feet of water, with just their tops exposed, and at times on Saturday, people were walking on the lake bed.

    ZetaTalk Prediction 2010:
    When we stated that "Chicago will rupture and adjust" and "Ohio will be pulled in places" this should not be news to man. The New Madrid runs up along the Seaway, to the mouth of the Seaway, and thus will rupture any land it passes through.  Plot its course and consider that more than the fault line itself will be disrupted. Rock detached from its former connections is free to react to the dominant theme in the area. If rock was held down, formerly, it can bounce up. If rock was held back, it is free to spring forward. And adjustment in rock strata means that loose soil will sink or heave. This most certainly can affect a broader area than just the fault line. We have stated that Ohio will be affected most in this regard.

    As the New Madrid fault line runs up along the Seaway just under the Great lakes in Ohio, cities such as Cleveland and Toledo will find their infrastructure greatly shattered in places as the rock beneath them will jut and drop, vertical adjustments. Buffalo, being virtually on the fault line, will likewise be shattered in this way, such that freeways become useless, but the seaway at Niagara Falls will remain.

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/15 T23:53

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/17 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/18 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/19 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/20 T00:03

  • jorge namour


    Published on 17 January 2024

    New “Tsunami alert” drill planned in Alpes-Maritimes

    It will take place on Friday 19 January, from 10am to noon..
    At the end of the week, the Alpes-Maritimes Préfecture will be organising a “tsunami” warning exercise for the population using the new “FR-Alert” information system, which broadcasts a warning message, as well as an audible signal, to mobile phones. The system was used recently when storm Aline hit the Alpes-Maritimes.

    As the warning message is broadcast along the French coast via telecoms operators’ relay antennas, some ‘geographical spillover’ cannot be ruled out, with the message perhaps also being sent to residents in the Principality of Monaco. As this is a simple exercise, the alert message does not require the public to respond or take shelter. There is therefore no need to tie up the 18 and 112 emergency lines to obtain information.


    Why was a tsunami alert issued this Friday in the Alpes-Maritimes?
    By way of a press release, the prefecture explains that beyond testing the alert chain, it is also a matter of “raising awareness among the population of the coastal municipalities concerned about receiving this type of alert on smartphone and reminding them of the correct reflexes to adopt.” They also want to evaluate the reactions of recipients of the alert.
    M 6.1 - Pagan region, Northern Mariana Islands
    2024-01-20 15:48:40 (UTC)18.526°N 145.535°E184.0 km depth

    EARTHQUAKE de magnitud 5.6
    A 5 km de Cartago, Valle del Cauca, Colombia · 19 JANUARY 2024, 8:26 a.m.

    EARTHQUAKE de magnitud 5.3
    A 40 km de Badger, Alaska, · 19 JANUARY 2024, 6:34 p.m.

    EARTHQUAKE de magnitud 5.5
    A 220 km de Luganville, Vanuatu · 19 ene, 1:57 a.m.

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/21 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/22 T00:03

  • Kojima

    * 2024/1/23 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/24 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/25 T00:03

  • Kojima


    CO-US (SE) 


  • Nancy Lieder

    On January 25 there are signs the Mainland is pulling further away from the SE Portion at Chicago and lower Michigan, which are both bright red on the burn maps. The sliding SE Portion is also aggravating the 4 fault line clash at NYC. The Ramapo, East Coast, and Appalachian fault lines resist, as does the New Madrid. A telling swirl of the Gulf Stream is taking place over the New Madrid Fault Line route from the Seaway exist and the Azores. But we have not yet reached the Finale when the SE Portion will be free to move.

  • Nancy Lieder

    Are we seeing a version of the Plunge Protection Team at work keeping evidence of a sudden widening of the Seaway at the narrows near Montreal from the public? The PPT is used to keep the DOW from going into free fall, but a PPT re the Seaway might be used to keep the public from a panic. 

    Plunge Protection Team (PPT): Definition and How It Works

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/26 T00:03

  • Kojima

    CO-US (SE) 


  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/27 T00:03

  • Kojima

    CO-US (SE) 


  • James of Idaho

    Jan. 26th, 2024- SE Idaho---stepped outside to a heavy sulfur smell in the night air...6:30PM .....👽👽👽

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/28 T00:23

  • Kojima

    CO-US (SE) 


  • Kojima

    * Recent some major earthquakes worldwide [2024/01/14 - 2024/01/27]

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/29 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/1/30 T00:03