Andrew Veresay




Comment Wall:

  • William Barber

    Thank you very much. The information contained in your video is vital to fully understanding the time period which we are existing in. Only by understanding the past, and by realizing that planetary events are cyclical, can we truly discern what we need to do. Now it only takes courage to put one foot forward and then the other. Decisions which we make now, will surely affect how equipped we are to deal with future events which a rapidly coming towards us. Again, thank you for your hardwork and vision.
  • Kojima

    Hi, Andrew. I pay my respect to your activity here. And I am very glad to be your friend. Thank you very much.
  • John Sheldon

    Thanks man. You seem to spend a lot of time on this, and for good reason. I'm trying to do the same, at least a few hours a day, in addition to preparing for the shift. Thanks again for all your contributions to ZT.
  • diju

    Thank you very much for contributing valuable information and make easier for us.
  • diju

    Thank you very much for contributing valuable information and making things easier for us.
  • astrogal50

    Really great posts. Thanks!