Surviving the earth changes and the pending pole shift

Over here one can discuss and exchange information about surviving the earth changes and the pending pole shift

a summerhouse in the wild - trips to my "dacha"


We (my family) have a summerhouse (rus."dacha") outside my city.


It is not permanent settlements - people usually have gardens there and use this to either grow their own crops or as a place to rest and relax. These people are city dwellers who were granted these small pieces of land by the state in the Soviet times.


There is nothing like luxurious cottages or swimming pools there - just small cabins these "settlers" managed to build with their own hands for their scant earnings. Sometimes just a shed on a piece of field where they keep tools and a small brick house (such as mine) at most.


This "settlement" (quite a lot of land owners) is outside the city, near the adge of natural and old forest, neighbouring a village.


There is no electricity, nor running water, not even to mention natural gas or centralised heating.


So i see this summer "cottage" as my survival site - only option that i can have at this time, and not bad at all.


Few years ago i assumed larger part of responsibility for this patch of land as my aging grandparents are no longer able to devote the effort needed. I am trying to learn gardening, and am doing carpenter choirs needed.


I want tro share my experience, and hope it can be an inspiration to others!



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    Andrew Veresay

    AND, i also noticed how UNREALISTICALLY high the Sun is in the sky!

    it was like 15-20 degrees to be almost directly overhead, which is UNREAL for my lattitudes, even in th esummer!

    Earth Rattle is surely with us! And this is a cause for this global heatwave
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    This a cute little place, looks like the fairies live there too, like a storybook. I am going to read your pages later, I'll mark the link
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    We missed your thoughtful posts while you were gone! Your dacha is a little piece of heaven!