Surviving the earth changes and the pending pole shift

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Pita: recipe for homemade pita (Armenian/Georgian “Lavash”)

Variant 1:

The most simple ingredients and cooking tools - hands and a frying pan. The result had been better than pita shops. It costs about a dollar for 3 pieces, I will have it all happened 10 times cheaper.


Flour as one wills
Salt ½ teaspoon
Water ½ cup
Eggs 1

Beat an egg in a small container and add the salt, mix well.
Add water, stir with a fork and pour into a bowl with 2 cups of flour.
Stir, add more flour so that dough is similar as that for dumplings.
Cover the dough and let it stand for half an hour.
Cut pieces from the dough and mold them into shape of chicken eggs.
Scatter the table with flour, put the dough bun and roll it very thin.
The pita bread can be baken in a dry frying pan for 1-2 minutes each side or in the oven.
After baking or roasting, put hot pita bread in the polyethylene bag and hold for 5-7 minutes.
Must be stored in a package, because the dough quickly hardens.


Variant 2:

... So, pita bread at home.
Although it is not that big but the taste is absolutely the same.

1 cup of water
3 cups of flour
1 teaspoon of salt
(You can add 1 egg)

Knead the “tough” dough (it will probably require up to 3.5 -4 cups of flour)
Roll flapjacks about 25 cm in diameter,
Heat the pan (should be the same size in diameter - 25 cm)
Bake the flapjacks WITHOUT oil, on both sides - each side has to be kept on the pan for brief time span - about 30 seconds - roughly the same as pancakes.

PS: it was practiced in 1991-1992, when there was no electricity and there was a stove in every house.


  • up

    Nice thank you andrew will make a batch tonight


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    rice flour can be used in place of wheat flour, and the pita bread works well if it is flattened between the hands and then placed in the pan and flattened further with the fingers.