Note the location of “Planet 9” and the inbound path for Nibiru provided by the Zetas in 1997. Nibiru arrived, right on schedule in 2003, and right where predicted a full 7 years earlier. Where the Zetas provided the location of the gravity draw represented by the Sun’s dark unlit binary and the inbound Nibiru in 1983, when the IRAS team lofted its infra-red balloon in search of the inbound Nibiru, this location was not provided to the public. All articles in print at that time only referring to the location as the “western edge of the constellation Orion”, quite vague, and the “western edge” is vast. Yet the Zetas pinpointed the location as being just outside the lower bow of Orion. Such is the accuracy of ZetaTalk. How would the public eventually become “aware of the history and accuracy of ZetaTalk predictions” as predicted by the Zetas on April 16, 2016? ? It would seem this is already in process.
SOZT March 19, 2016
So what happened to the announcement? Obama lacked the courage. As a result of this colossal failure, having to disband the Jade Helm structure, the US military reacted. Obama is no longer running the country. Chief of Staff General Dunford is. Ben Fulford has for months been referring to Obama as the US “spokesperson”. Is this true, and how does this work? In that the Middle East, under the direction and press from Israel, Turkey, the Jewish bankers of the Federal Reserve, and the Saudis were supporting ISIS and this threatened to create a force that would not only invade Europe but also create an endless terrorism threat to the US, the military did indeed effect a silent coup. Russia needed to enter the fray, and Dunford, but not Obama, agreed. This will never be admitted, publicly, nor do the parties want this.
SOZT October 1, 2015
The three major social media outlets in use around the globe all had significant, and simultaneous outages between September 20-24, 2015. Skype had complaints from the UK, Australia, and Japan. Twitter received reports from the US, Australia, and Singapore. FaceBook had the loudest howls, primarily from the US and Europe. Notably these downtimes, some lasting for hours or even days, got no attention in the major media, and there was no real explanation for the outages. Every Skype user has an account and a password, as do their contacts. Every Skype user can broadcast messages to their contacts, even if these contacts are not presently online. Every twitter use likewise has an account and a password, and by sending a tweet passes information along to subscribers, who can retweet the info in the future. FaceBook users likewise have an account and a password, with many friends who pick up info from each other and pass it along on their FaceBook accounts. In all of this, the networks themselves are AWARE of the accounts and passwords, and could do a broadcast to all in the event of an announcement. Check your user agreements. This is legal!
SOZT April 25, 2015
When we announced that the Council of Worlds would be going to war with the elite over their blockage of the announcement, the tools available to the Council were not immediately apparent. Early in the campaign the Sony hack showed one such mechanism, whereby an anonymous hacker revealed embarrassing information about Sony executives. Similarly exposing pedophile activities by Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and blatant lies by self-promoting media talking heads such as Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly required nothing more than encouraging contactees to step forward. In many, many cases a financial loss sufficient to trigger a clash among the elite is a result of an electronic delay during trades.
SOZT July 4, 2015
What is the message here? As with other failed launches, this most recent failure is a definitive message from the Council of Worlds. Space X has had success in resupplying the ISS, though has flounded on landing on a floating ocean platform. Resupply of the ISS is OK, reuse of their launch equipment so as to help the elite escape, not OK. The message now is that the elite should not expect to get into space at all. No escape. The message here is to take all hope away from such plans among the elite. They are to remain on Earth with the common man. We expect the battle to shift from attempts to block the announcement, or deny its meaning, to attempts to enslave the common man in some way. That is another fight, on another day.
SOZT November 1, 2014
The elite – the wealthy and politically powerful in the world – have continued in their attempts to thwart the announcement by Obama and his partners admitting that Nibiru, aka Planet X exists. We have long stated that the announcement date was set by Obama and Xi at their June 7-8, 2013 meeting in Santa Monica. The flustered slip given by the French Foreign Minister on May 13, 2014 re “500 days
until climate chaos” was in reference to this, as the date set was to be 500 days from the 2013 meeting, ie October 20, 2014.
SOZT November 8, 2014
Relying solely on Russia or China to proceed would get the truth out BUT since the block had always been on the US end, via Reagan’s national security directive, without a confirmation from Obama this is awkward and subject to being countered. If true, where is the confirmation from Obama? It would be packaged as some odd communist attack against Obama going into the elections, to make him seem weak, almost comical. So where is this going now? For us to comment would be to empower the enemy, which of course we will not do. Your curiosity is not as important as having the announcement succeed.
SOZT December 10, 2014
We have stated that the public will see only the flash and parry of swords from a distance during the Council of Worlds war with the cover-up crowd. Meanwhile, periodic tests of the Emergency Broadcast System in the US are done, to see if the channels are open. As of this writing, they are not yet open. The war is still on, full press. Meanwhile, during the flash and parry of swords, one can see resistance, pleading, panic, and capitulation.
650,000 Emails Found On Anthony Weiner's Laptop; DOJ Blocked Foundation Probe
Yesterday, we reported that the FBI has found "tens of thousands of emails" belonging to Huma Adein on Anthony Weiner's computer, raising questions how practical it is that any conclusive finding will be available or made by the FBI in the few days left before the elections
Now, according to the WSJ, it appears that Federal agents are preparing to scour roughly 650,000 emails that, as we reported moments ago were discovered weeks ago on the laptop of Anthony Weiner, to see how many relate to a prior probe of Hillary Clinton’s email use, as metadata on the device suggests there may be thousands sent to or from the private server that the Democratic nominee used while she was secretary of state, according to people familiar with the matter.
As the WSJ adds, the review will take weeks at a minimum to determine whether those messages are work-related emails between Huma Abedin, a close Clinton aide and the estranged wife of Mr. Weiner, and State Department officials; how many are duplicates of emails already reviewed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and whether they include either classified information or important new evidence in the Clinton email probe, which FBI officials call “Midyear.”
And, as we further reported earlier today, the FBI has had to await a court order to begin reviewing the emails, because they were uncovered in an unrelated probe of Mr. Weiner, and that order was delayed for reasons that remain unclear.
More stunning is just how many emails were found on Weiner's computer. And while one can only imagine the content of some of the more persona ones, the WSJ writes that the latest development began in early October when New York-based FBI officials notified Andrew McCabe, the bureau’s second-in-command, that while investigating Mr. Weiner for possibly sending sexually charged messages to a minor, they had recovered a laptop with 650,000 emails. Many, they said, were from the accounts of Ms. Abedin, according to people familiar with the matter.
As reported yesterday, it appears that there are potentially tens of thousands of Abedin linked emails on Weiner's computer:
The WSJ then connects the dots between how the Weiner emails were linked to the Clinton reopening of the Clinton probe, despite Loretta Lynch's and the DOJ's vocal urges not to do so:
But wait it gets better.
Recall that this is the same Andrew Mcabe whose wife the Wall Street Journal reported last week received $467,500 in campaign funds in late 2015 from the political action committee of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime ally of the Clintons and, until he was elected governor in November 2013, a Clinton Foundation board member.
Which brings us to the second big topic: the Clinton Foundation, and how the DOJ made sure that particular probe never made the light of day. At the same time as the Clinton server was being investigated, other Clinton-related investigations were under way within the FBI, and they have been the subject of internal debate for months.
The WSJ touches on something fasctinating: Los Angeles agents had picked up information about the Clinton Foundation from an unrelated public corruption case and had issued some subpoenas for bank records related to the foundation, these people said. So where did that trail go? Apparently nowhere.
Needless to say, the probe into the Foundation faded.
But back to the Clinton probe, according to a person familiar with the probes, on Aug. 12, a senior Justice Department official called Mr. McCabe to voice his displeasure at finding that New York FBI agents were still openly pursuing the Clinton Foundation probe, despite the department’s refusal to allow more aggressive investigative methods in the case. Mr. McCabe said agents still had the authority to pursue the issue as long as they didn’t use those methods.
At this point a question emerges: did McCabe seek to defend or press on with a Clinton probe:
At this point the two probes, into Hillary's email and the Clinton Foundation converged:
Things accelerated over the past two months, when in September, agents on the foundation case asked to see the emails contained on nongovernment laptops that had been searched as part of the Clinton email case, but that request was rejected by prosecutors at the Eastern District of New York, in Brooklyn. Those emails were given to the FBI based on grants of partial immunity and limited-use agreements, meaning agents could only use them for the purpose of investigating possible mishandling of classified information.
While much of the latest developments are known, or could have been inferred assuming more corruption within government agencies, the punchline is that the weeks if not months of upcoming work means that if Clinton wins the White House, she will likely do so amid at least one ongoing investigation into her inner circle being handled by law-enforcement officials who are deeply divided over how to manage such cases. It also means that Trump will be hounding Hillary for the remainder of the campaign as being the only presidential candidate to seek election with a recently reopened criminal probe hanging over her head.
Oct 31, 2016
Doug Band To John Podesta: "If This Story Gets Out, We Are Screwed"
Until the Friday blockbuster news that the FBI was reopening its probe into the Hillary email server, the biggest overhang facing the Clinton Campaign was the escalating scandal involving the Clinton Foundation, Doug Band's consultancy firm Teneo, and Bill Clinton who as a result of a leaked memo emerged was generously compensated for potential political favors by prominent corporate clients using Teneo as a passthru vehicle for purchasing influence.
In a section of the memo entitled "Leveraging Teneo For The Foundation," Band spelled out all of the donations he solicited from Teneo "clients" for the Clinton Foundation. In all, there are roughly $14mm of donations listed with the largest contributors being Coca-Cola, Barclays, The Rockefeller Foundation and Laureate International Universities. Some of these are shown below (the full details can be found in "Leaked Memo Exposes Shady Dealings Between Clinton Foundation Dono...")
Further, the head of Teneo also offered the following commentary on the "$50 million in for-profit activity" he was able to secure for Bill Clinton (as of November 2011) as well as the "$66 million in future contracts, should he choose to continue with those engagements."
In effect, what Band was doing, as the NYT's Nick Confessore summarized, "was selling his clients on idea that giving to foundation was, in essence, a way to bolster their influence. Clinton & Band built a platform for executives to bolster their companies' images, bathe in BC's praise, and do some good, while Teneo extracted earnings for Band and, depending on what you see in these e-mails, Clinton himself. Teneo paid Clinton until late '11."
As Confessore also pointed out, "I guess you can wave it all off as a nothingburger. But Chelsea Clinton and some of Clinton's other aides were clearly freaking out."
And he concluded by saying "Generally, the emails show Clinton's *own closest aides* troubled or horrified by things that her surrogates have spent years waving off."
Today, with this context, we focus on one particular email disclosed in the latest Podesta email release, in which an email from Doug Band to Cheryl Mills and John Podesta dated November 12, 2011, or just days before the abovementioned memo was sent out, admits that "I'm starting to worry that if this story gets out, we are screwed."
Here is the full email:
Four years later, the story is out, not thanks to Chelsea Clinton as Doug Band was concerned, but due to a hack of John Podesta's email account.
However, in light of the latest FBI scandal involving Anthony Weiner, It remains to be seen if either Band or the Clintons are screwed - it appears that the general public has more than enough distractions to forget about this potential graft scandal involving the Clintons and their influence-peddling clients.
Oct 31, 2016
Love is the answer
Counter-Coup in progress to remove the Clinton crime family.
Nov 2, 2016
30GB Bradley Foundation Data Hack Reveals $150 Million Hillary Campaign Donation
The Hacker Group Anonymous has just released 30 Gigabytes of data it claims was hacked from the Bradley Foundation which apparently serves as a money laundering front between the Rothschild Asset management, Inc.and the Hillary Clinton campaign through the Clinton Foundation.
And to nip any complaints about the Rotchshilds behing conspiracy, Hillary discusses here ties in a Wall Street speech to Deutsche Bank just released by WikiLeaks:
“We heard a similar point from a more global perspective this spring at a conference in London on inclusive capitalism organized by my friend, Lynn Rothschild, who’s here with us tonight. Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, offered what we in America might call straight talk about how the financial industry has lost its way and how to earn back public confidence.” Source:
ACLJ Sues DOJ Over Secret Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton Meeting
Now facing a federal lawsuit, Attorney General Loretta Lynch is going to have to shed light on her secret meeting with Bill Clinton just days before deciding Hillary Clinton’s fate.
The meeting, which took place in June on a private plane in Phoenix, Arizona, lasted 30 minutes. Lynch claimed the meeting was social and the two discussed grandchildren, their travels, and golf, but only days later James Comey announced the FBI would not be recommending criminal charges against the former secretary of state over her email scandal.
The American Center for Law and Justice filed a federal lawsuit against the DOJ on Wednesday to get more details about the meeting. The move comes after the ACLJ filed Freedom of Information Act requests, which went nowhere.
The ACLJ said it had already filed freedom of information requests to the Obama Justice Department and the FBI asking for details on the meeting. It said the FBI had acknowledged the request and agreed to expedite its processing, but the Justice Department had remained silent.
Lynch's department said July 7 that it was formally closing its Clinton probe - largely a formality after Comey said the FBI was not pressing charges.
But now the ACLJ is demanding all messages that Lynch or her coworkers may have reviewed mentioning the rendezvous, names of everyone at the DOJ who has discussed the meeting, and any discussions about the press in relation to it, among other details.
“This Administration has gone out of its way to hide information from the American public – information that is extremely troubling,” Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the ACLJ, said in a statement. “The stakes are high. The American people deserve a Justice Department with integrity.” Source:
Nov 3, 2016
Starr DiGiacomo
Rigged: NBC local news mistakenly posts US election results a week ...
True Activist
Thu, 03 Nov 2016 00:00 UTC
A NBC affiliate in Chattanooga, Tennessee inadvertently published what appear to be election night results. The results are published in the typical format used by mainstream news networks and display Presidential and Congressional results, the popular vote count, electoral votes, and percentage of precincts reporting in. The page was taken down soon after but is available via the internet archive. The results of the Presidential contest name Hillary Clinton the winner with 41.7 million votes or 42% of the total. Trump, on the other hand, received 40.1 million votes or 40%. The results also gave Gary Johnson 8% while Jill Stein received 5%.
Do these "results" definitively show the election is rigged? There's no denying that the presence of these premature and obviously doctored results on the server of a top new content management platform is downright suspicious. There's no reason for these results to be there other than their planned illegal use on Election Day. Would the well-documented collusion between the Clinton campaign and mainstream media go so far as to rig the election in such a way - by reporting doctored results prepared days in advance? The Clinton campaign has already set a precedent for such behavior. The night of the California primary, which promised a large turn-out for Bernie Sanders, the Associated Press published an image saying Clinton had "clinched" the Democratic nomination. The image was titled "secret win v2," indicating that the image declaring Clinton the "winner" had been pre-planned and had undergone more than revision. However, in the week to come, we can only expect more evidence of shady dealings as this high stakes and
Nov 4, 2016
Hillary Clinton FBI indictment 'likely', claims Fox News
4 November, 2016. The reports from unnamed source are still unverified
Fox News claimed that an indictment is "likely" for Hillary Clinton in the alleged "pay-for-play" scandal surrounding the Clinton Foundation.
The reports remain unverified, as Fox News has continued to call Ms Clinton's credibility into question.
Anchor Brett Baier claimed that "barring some obstruction in some way" that the FBI will pursue an indictment for the Democratic presidential nominee.
A representative for the FBI was not immediately available to confirm Fox News' report.
Still, public integrity section investigators – who are not political appointees – did not find that the FBI have strong evidence for a case against Ms Clinton.
It remains unclear if the anonymous agents in the WSJ report are the same sources who spoke to Fox News.
FBI releases details of 2001 Bill Clinton and Marc Rich investigation
The news station has been a major proponent of Donald Trump's candidacy – despite friction with anchor Megyn Kelly stemming from Mr Trump's sexist remarks directed at her. The network's top pundit, Sean Hannity, has actively supported the Republican candidate. Source:
Nov 4, 2016
FBI Clinton Foundation probe finds 'avalanche' of corruption evidence against her - but agents fear Justice Department will stop her going on trial
3 November, 2016. An FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation is likely to lead to an indictment unless the Justice Department interferes, two sources familiar with the probe told Fox News.
The Clintons are accused of running a pay-for-play operation out of the State Department that favored donors to their charity - a charge they have denied.
But the feds are 'actively and aggressively pursuing this case,' Fox's Brit Hume said Wednesday, and they have an 'avalanche' of evidence.
A Wall Street Journal report says the FBI's pursuit of the case is rooted in recordings of a suspect in a different corruption case who spoke about the Clinton Foundation's alleged dirty dealings.
The FBI, under the leadership of director James Comey, believed those conversations were enough to move forward with the probe, the Journal says. Justice Department prosecutors disagreed because the source was not an employee of the Clinton Foundation.
They considered the talk to be hearsay and did not think it would be enough to sway a grand jury.
Fox is now reporting that federal investigators have collected 'a lot of' evidence, including Wikileaks emails to and foundation officials.
The law enforcement agency has at least four other investigations open that involve the Clintons and their close friends, as well.
The FBI's probe into the foundation is much larger than has previously been reported, the network says. Some witnesses are being interviewed for a third time.
It is a 'very high priority,' Fox's sources said.
An indictment is likely to be handed down in the case, Fox says, unless investigators are obstructed by the DOJ's prosecutors.
The Journal says that as recently as August 12 the FBI was told to stand down by DOJ in a terse phone call.
'Are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation?’ the FBI's deputy director Andrew McCabe reportedly replied. The Justice Department official on the other end of the line said, 'Of course not.'
That was before Wikileaks began publishing hacked emails from Clinton confidante John Podesta's account ripping the lid off foundation operations.
McCabe's wife's Virginia senate campaign was backed heavily by a political action committee belonging to the Clintons' close friend Terry McAuliffe. Hillary Clinton headlined a fundraiser for the PAC, Common Good VA, a month before it started donating to the FBI official's spouse.
The McAuliffe PAC gave Jill McCabe $467,000 for her losing bid. The Virginia Democratic Party donated another $207,788 to her. All told, McCabe received $675,000 from the two entities.
Andrew McCabe was promoted to his current position at the FBI in February, around the time the bureau and DOJ began to butt heads over the Clinton Foundation.
Republicans have suggested McCabe went too soft on Clinton in her email investigation, which ended last summer without an indictment but restarted last week as new messages were uncovered, because of their personal connection.
House Oversight Committee chairman Jason Chaffetz reportedly asked McCabe to recuse himself from the case.
The Wall Street Journal's reporting indicates that the Justice Department, led by Attorney General Loretta Lynch, is holding up the Clinton Foundation probe.
In February, the FBI presented its case to DOJ public-integrity prosecutors. Lawyers at the Justice Department thought the case against the Clinton Foundation was too weak.
'The message was, "We’re done here," ' a Journal source said.
Donald Trump predicted Thursday that President Barack Obama's administration would ultimately decline to prosecute the former cabinet secretary.
'The system is rigged. Just remember that,' he said Thursday in Jacksonville, Florida. 'Reports also show the political leadership at the Department of Justice is trying to protect Hillary Clinton, and is interfering with the FBI's criminal investigation.'
Trump accused Clinton of engaging in 'massive, far-reaching criminal conduct, and equally far-reaching cover-up.'
'She engaged in corrupt pay-for-play at the State Department for personal enrichment. She lied to the FBI and she lied to the American people many, many times,' he said.
The attorney general came under scrutiny over the summer as the FBI finished its review of Hillary Clinton's emails and home brew server for allowing Bill Clinton to board her plane in Phoenix, Arizona.
She says the department's inspection of Mrs. Clinton did not come up during their tarmac talk. The perception of impropriety was enough for her to back away from the Clinton case and say she would accept the FBI's final recommendation at face value.
The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) believes there's more to the story and is suing for more information about her June 27 meeting with Bill at the Phoenix Sky Harbor International airport. <...>
Almost all of Clinton's inner circle - the cast of advisers known as Clintonworld - and many of their family are caught up in an FBI dragnet.
The scale of investigations under way is unprecedented in electoral history.
There are five separate investigations:
<...> Source:
Nov 4, 2016
Michael McCaul on Hillary Clinton’s private server, hacks: ‘It’s treason’
Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, on Thursday said Hillary Clinton’s exposing sensitive information to potentially multiple hacks from foreign actors amounts to treason.
“This is why you have security protocols — to protect classified information,” Mr. McCaul said on “Fox and Friends.” “She exposed it to our enemies, and now … our adversaries have this very sensitive information that not only jeopardizes her and national security at home, but the men and women serving overseas.”
“In my opinion, quite frankly, it’s treason,” said Mr. McCaul, Texas Republican.
Citing sources familiar with the FBI’s investigations, Fox News reported Wednesday that there is about a “99 percent accuracy” that at least five foreign intelligence agencies successfully hacked Mrs. Clinton’s private email server she set up to use as secretary of state.
Mr. McCaul said Mrs. Clinton “absolutely” would be exposed to potential blackmail from such countries if elected president. Source:
Report: FBI Finds Hillary Emails on Weiner's Laptop — and They're Not Duplicates
The FBI has reportedly found emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server on the laptop computer seized from Anthony Weiner — and they are not duplicates of those already found in the server probe, according to CBS News.
It was not clear, however, if the emails were related in any way to the Clinton server scandal or how many new messages were found.
Weiner’s estranged wife, Huma Abedin — who is Clinton’s top aide — has claimed she had no knowledge of the existence of any Clinton emails on her husband’s laptop. Source:
Nov 4, 2016
Hacker Guccifer 2.0 Warns He Has "Info From Inside FEC: Democrats May Rig The Elections" (11.04.16)
Before the recent torrent of daily Podesta email dumps brought renewed attention to Wikileaks (and accusations Julian Assange was working with the Kremlin despite his recent denial, which ultimately cost him his internet access), the media's attention was closely focused on the recently emerged hacker known as Guccifer 2.0, who claimed to be behind the hacking of the nearly 20,000 Democratic National Committee emails and other documents distributed over the summer by WikiLeaks, and who likewise was accused of cooperating with Russia.
Earlier today, after a two week silence, Guccifer 2.0 reemerged, with a post on his blog, in which he alleges that he has information from inside the Federal Election Commission...
I’d like to warn you that the Democrats may rig the elections on November 8. This may be possible because of the software installed in the FEC networks by the large IT companies. As I’ve already said, their software is of poor quality, with many holes and vulnerabilities. I have registered in the FEC electronic system as an independent election observer; so I will monitor that the elections are held honestly. I also call on other hackers to join me, monitor the elections from inside and inform the U.S. society about the facts of electoral fraud.
US again rattles claims of pending cyber attack against Russia with a placement style suggesting a domestic audience (11.04.16)
U.S. Govt. Hackers Ready to Hit Back If Russia Tries to Disrupt Election (11.04.16)
U.S. military hackers have penetrated Russia's electric grid, telecommunications networks and the Kremlin's command systems, making them vulnerable to attack by secret American cyber weapons should the U.S. deem it necessary, according to a senior intelligence official and top-secret documents reviewed by NBC News.
American officials have long said publicly that Russia, China and other nations have probed and left hidden malware on parts of U.S critical infrastructure, "preparing the battlefield," in military parlance, for cyber attacks that could turn out the lights or turn off the internet across major cities.
Nov 5, 2016
BREAKING: The FBI Has Ordered ALL Agents To Report To D.C. For MASS Arrest Warrants Of Clinton Camp
This has been the worst week for Hillary Clinton and the best week for the American people. For years, Americans have accepted that Hillary Clinton is simply “too big to jail.”
We began to lose hope when the FBI let her off the hook the first time, but it appears Director Comey knew he had to correct a major wrong. An avalanche of investigations has now occurred against Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and her foundation.
FBI Director James Comey made the announcement in a letter last Friday afternoon that the bureau will be reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal use of a private email server.
Two days later, the FBI opened a second investigation into the Clinton Foundation.
As on November 4th, we have reports that two more investigations have been opened by the FBI. The third investigation spawned from WikiLeaks releasing thousands emails and documents purporting that the Clinton Foundation was linked to child exploitation and Jeffrey Epstein.
The fourth investigation entails the IRS reviewing the Clinton Foundation for tax evasion, money laundering, and many other things.
According to sources with the FBI, it is being heavily reported that FBI Director James Comey has ordered all agents in the Washington D.C. field office and Hoover Building headquarters to report to work immediately Friday morning.
“We’re preparing for many arrests from the top down,” an FBI source stated. “I cannot elaborate beyond that.”
When the FBI source was asked to elaborate on what he meant by “from the top down,” he added, “You’re a smart guy; read between the lines.”
FBI protocol indicates that two scenarios could be unfolding in this situation: The FBI is either preparing to obtain search warrants where they will search any and everything dealing with the Clinton Foundation or they are preparing to make arrests on any and all individuals involved.
Or, they are preparing to carry out both actions. We cannot confirm what documents the FBI has, but an FBI source has indicated that they are preparing to make arrests in the coming days.
We are unsure if that means Hillary Clinton, but we are confident that many of her cronies will be arrested and charged with several crimes in the coming days.
At this moment, here is a list of the crimes Hillary Clinton and her team are being investigated for by the FBI:
The FBI would not open several investigations weeks before a presidential election unless the evidence was overwhelming.
For the first time in American politics, it appears that no one is too big to jail–even a Clinton.
Sources with with the FBI are indicating that orders have come down from the very top that they will be taking actions immediately against Hillary Clinton, her team, and her foundation. Charges for these crimes would result in long prison sentences as well as hefty fines. They would also result in Hillary Clinton losing this election in a complete landslide.
We very well may see Hillary Clinton arrested by the FBI in the coming days.
Nov 5, 2016
US Takeover May Be Near
The United States may experience a transition of power however this transition will not be abrupt, nor cataclysmic, nor unprecedented. As a matter of fact, in a republic such as ours power shifts quite often.
In this Talk, Dr. Steve Pieczenik shares his unique experience as a political insider and offers his advice on how to handle the upcoming transition without compromising the strength and autonomy of our great nation.
Nov 5, 2016
"This Quickly Escalates Into Open Warfare" – Why The Government Is Preparing For Post-Election Chaos
There have been a wide array of reports suggesting that the U.S. government is preparing military and Homeland Security assets for widespread election fall out. Given the mainstream media’s inclination towards Hillary Clinton and recently presented evidence that Democrat operatives have been attempting to illegally influence the ballot box through falsifying votes and electronic tampering, it appears that concerns surrounding a rigged election are not necessarily unfounded, as President Obama would have us believe.
With the election just days away, the fix appears to be in and some Americans are readying themselves for a confrontation should one be necessary.
The story comes from the mainstream media, of course, and ties in the Oklahoma City bombing, Waco and the Ruby Ridge incidents, all of which involved people with ties to militias.
The way the report itself is framed appears to have the purpose of sowing seeds of “crazy conspiracy theorists” into the minds of the general public so that if push comes to shove government actions will be justified in the eyes of the American citizenry.
But whatever the narrative, it is clear that the possibility of post-election chaos is becoming all the more probable. Whether the initial outcome shows a Trump win or a Hillary win, there are going to be tens of millions of very pissed off people in this country. And there’s a very good chance that some of them will take action, which according to Mike Adams could subsequently lead to open warfare on the streets of America:
It would only take a small group, perhaps even one that’s operating under a false flag, to light a wildfire that could spread from coast to coast. The assets, as Jeremiah Johnson warns, have already been put into place by the Obama administration:
All of this may sound extreme, but this Presidential election has been nothing short of insane thus far.
Whatever the outcome, there will be calls of rigging from both sides, especially if it happens to be Hillary Clinton who , as evidence shows, has been rigging things all along.
It only took one bullet in 1914 to lead to widespread global confrontation. In the end, no one really cared who fired it or who got shot. The assets had already been positioned ahead of time and were just waiting for someone to detonate the powder keg.
If this is the case in America today, then this election will not end on November 8th, but could drag on for weeks or months as we saw with Bush vs. Gore in 2000.
Should tensions heat up and lead to confrontation, it is possible that President Obama will call for a national emergency and activate the Doomsday Executive Order to “restore order.” In this instance, the entire country could be on lock-down, so preparing for this outcome now in the event of curfews, rationing or any number of other potential scenarios is in order.
Nov 5, 2016
Starr DiGiacomo
FBI Agent Suspected in Hillary Email Leaks Found Dead in Apparent Murder-Suicide
November 5 2016
Walkerville, MD – An FBI agent believed to be responsible for the latest email leaks “pertinent to the investigation” into Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was Secretary of State, was found dead in an apparent murder-suicide early Saturday morning, according to police.
Investigators believe FBI agent, Michael Brown, 45, shot and killed his 33-year-old wife, Susan Brown, late Friday night before setting the couple’s home on fire and then turning the gun on himself. Brown was a 12 year veteran of the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department before spending the last six years in the FBI.
Neighbors saw smoke coming from the Brown residence and called 9-1-1 at approximately 11:50 p.m. By the time fire crews arrived on scene minutes later, the entire house was engulfed in flames.
“Mrs. Brown’s death was caused by a gunshot wound prior to the house fire,” Walkerville Police Chief Pat Frederick said, “while Mr. Brown’s single-bullet head wound appears to have been self-inflicted.”
“The totality of the evidence leads us to believe this is a murder-suicide. We believe he killed her, set the house on fire and then took his own life,” Frederick said.
The findings support conclusions by investigators Saturday that the couple perished in a murder-suicide during which the 4,000-square foot house was intentionally set on fire. Authorities outlined a likely scenario based on interviews with neighbors and comments posted on Mr. Brown’s Facebook page.
Brown is believed to have started the gasoline-fueled fire but spared the life of his beloved beagle, Dixie. “Prior to the fire, he dropped off the dog at a neighbor’s house,” Frederick said. “He put the dog in a neighbor’s backyard.”
A neighbor told WHAG that Brown appeared “panicked” though it is unclear whether his wife was dead before or after the dog was removed from their home.
The motive behind the killing is still being investigated, but police say Brown was a highly respected agent with the FBI and very well liked in the community. “What leads someone to this level of anger and violence with your wife, your loved one, who knows,” said an FBI official who knew the Brown family.
Conspiracy theories are running rampant throughout many alt. right media outlets, leading many to believe this was another “hit job” by the Clintons in retaliation for the FBI email leaks so close to the presidential election. Media outlets like Alex Jones’ Infowars and WND are running with the theory that globalist assassins, working for the Clintons, had the
Brown family murdered and their home burned to destroy any possible evidence.
FBI Director James Comey refused to comment at this time but asked for privacy and prayer as the bureau comes to terms with losing “two very close friends.”
This is a developing story.
Nov 6, 2016
Janis Langdon
Starr, fake story.
Nov 6, 2016
Matt B
Emails Warrant No New Action Against Hillary Clinton, F.B.I. Director Says
WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, told Congress on Sunday that he had seen no evidence in a recently discovered trove of emails to change his conclusion that Hillary Clinton should face no charges over her handling of classified information.
Mr. Comey’s announcement, just two days before the election, was an effort to clear the cloud of suspicion he had publicly placed over her presidential campaign late last month when he alerted Congress that the F.B.I. would examine the emails.
“Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton,” Mr. Comey wrote in a letter to the leaders of several congressional committees. He said agents had reviewed all communications to and from Mrs. Clinton in the new trove from when she was secretary of state.
The letter was a dramatic final twist in a tumultuous nine days for both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Comey, who drew widespread criticism for announcing that the F.B.I. had discovered new emails that might be relevant to its investigation of Mrs. Clinton, which ended in July with no charges. That criticism of Mr. Comey from both parties is likely to persist after the election.
Nov 7, 2016
Soros-Sponsored Social Justice Warriors Besiege Trump Tower - Live Feed
Seemingly unwilling to accept the results of the democratic selection of the nation's leader for the next four years, hundreds of grieving Hillary Clinton supporters - egged on by George Soros' - are laying siege to Trump Tower in New York City. Screaming "Fuck Donald Trump", yelling "Not My President", chanting "Pussy Grabs Back", and burning the American flag, it appears these young millennials are just the kind of deplorables this country should be proud of...
As NBC's Katy Tur exclaimed "It's surreal in NYC. People are walking around like zombies with thousand yard stares." released the following press release Wednesday afternoon:
Americans to Come Together in Hundreds Peaceful Gatherings of Solidarity, Resistance, and Resolve Following Election Results
Hundreds of Americans, dozens of organizations to gather peacefully outside the White House and in cities and towns nationwide to take a continued stand against misogyny, racism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia.
Tonight, thousands of Americans will come together at hundreds of peaceful gatherings in cities and towns across the nation, including outside the White House, following the results of Tuesday’s presidential election.
The gatherings – organized by and allies – will affirm a continued rejection of Donald Trump’s bigotry, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and misogyny and demonstrate our resolve to fight together for the America we still believe is possible.
Within two hours of the call-to-action, MoveOn members had created more than 200 gatherings nationwide, with the number continuing to grow on Wednesday afternoon.
WHAT: Hundreds of peaceful gatherings of solidarity, resistance, and resolve nationwide
WHEN / WHERE: Find local gatherings here. Major gatherings include in New York City’s Columbus Circle and outside the White House in Washington, DC.
“This is a disaster. We fought our hearts out to avert this reality. But now it’s here,” staff wrote to members on Wednesday. “The new president-elect and many of his most prominent supporters have targeted, demeaned, and threatened millions of us—and millions of our friends, family, and loved ones. Both chambers of Congress remain in Republican hands. We are entering an era of profound and unprecedented challenge, a time of danger for our communities and our country. In this moment, we have to take care of ourselves, our families, and our friends—especially those of us who are on the front lines facing hate, including Latinos, women, immigrants, refugees, Black people, Muslims, LGBT Americans, and so many others. And we need to make it clear that we will continue to stand together.
The 'basket' of protesters marched up through Times Square...
Nov 10, 2016
How Did The Media Pollsters Get The Election So Wrong?
The day before the 2016 US Presidential Election, most pollsters and statistical models had pegged Hillary Clinton’s chances of winning at greater than 90%.
However, as VisualCapitalst's Jeff Desjardin noted yesterday, the consensus view is not to be trusted in a post-Brexit world.
Here’s what went wrong:
We looked at the predictions made by 12 major newspapers and pollsters the day before the election, to see where they went wrong.
For Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire – not a single source gave an edge to Republicans.
For Florida and North Carolina, the pollsters were slightly less reckless. The Associated Press correctly had the Sunshine State as “leaning red”, while the Huffington Post saw North Carolina ultimately voting Trump.
After this and the Brexit polling disaster, the media is sure to be much more cautious with their models going into the next big political event.
Nov 10, 2016
Top House Republican says he’ll continue probe of Hillary Clinton’s private email server
Jason Chaffetz, the Utah congressman finishing his first term leading the powerful House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, made it clear the partisan bitterness that marked the presidential campaign is not going to go away.
“It would be totally remiss of us to dismiss [the email investigation] because she’s not going to be president,” Chaffetz said of the defeated Democratic nominee.
“I still have a duty and obligation to get to the truth about one of the largest breaches of security at the State Department,” he said. “Tens of thousands of documents still have not been turned over to Congress.”
Last week, senior Republican lawmakers were openly discussing the prospect of impeaching Clinton for setting up a private email server for official State Department business, even though the FBI concluded after two investigations that she should not be criminally prosecuted.
Impeachment, of course, was a GOP dream if Clinton won.
[Donald Trump could actually take steps to try and jail Hillary Clinton]
But Chaffetz said he has a “duty” to find thousands of Clinton’s communications that have not been made public to determine if they contain classified information. He also said some State Department employees who helped set up the email server in her New York home could lose their security clearances.
Chaffetz said his committee will probably call State Department employees to do transcribed interviews with lawmakers, and may hold hearings.
[House Republicans are already preparing for ‘years’ of Clinton inve...]
“Do I anticipate calling Hillary Clinton to testify?” he said. “No.” But other State Department staff could be dragged, again, into an investigation that to many seemed closed.
Democrats said it’s time to put the email controversy to rest: Clinton lost.
“It is extremely disappointing that Chairman Chaffetz plans to continue investigating Secretary Clinton for years to come,” Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the Oversight Committee’s top Democrat, said in a statement.
“After everything our country has just been through—and particularly given that Donald Trump and Paul Ryan have both called for healing our nation’s divisions—I think the American people deserve more from Congress than to continue squandering taxpayer dollars on these baseless Republican accusations and partisan attacks.”
During its investigation, the FBI recovered thousands of emails the agency believed Clinton had not turned over to the State Department but which were work-related. Judicial Watch, a conservative legal group, has filed dozens of civil open-records lawsuits against the agency for Clinton-related documents. Justice Department lawyers have said these emails will eventually be made public — but it will take years for most of them to be cleared under public-records laws and released.
[Clinton-related work emails on Anthony Weiner computer may become p...]
Chaffetz said that’s too long, and predicted that “a Trump administration would be cooperative in getting these floodgates to open as they should.”
Trump said last month he would appoint a special prosecutor to examine Clinton’s use of a private email server. Such a prosecution would have to be pursued by his attorney general, who would have to agree with his assessment that the email practices violated criminal laws governing mishandling of classified information.
Nov 10, 2016
Trump’s Geographic Landslide
Donald Trump won the presidency, but Hillary won the Popular Vote by a margin of 206,379 or so.
That fact caused Simon Rosenberg, a veteran Democratic strategist and the president of the NDN think tank to moan about a Democratic Party in Crisis.
“We are the only democracy in the developed world where if you win more votes you don’t control the government and the legislature. There is not a wholesale rejection of the Democratic party and the Democratic brand, that’s not what happened last night despite the fact we now have less power than we’ve had since 1928.”
Let’s investigate Rosenberg’s complaint another way.
Geographic Landslide
Map courtesy of New York Times.
Geographically speaking, Trump won at least 80% of the Nation. The only states Hillary carried are Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.
Trump won every county in Oklahoma and West Virginia. Trump won all but one county in Wyoming, and Kansas. Trump won all but two counties in North Dakota, Kentucky, Tennessee, Utah, and Nebraska.
Nearly the entire state of Minnesota, Illinois, New York, Oregon, Iowa, Missouri, Ohio, Michigan, etc., went for Trump.
Geographically speaking, except for big cities and a few isolated areas, the country cannot stand Hillary.
Democrats Submitted Measure MINUTES Ago That Could Steal Presidency From Trump!!!
Earlier today, Democrats moved into position to execute a last ditch attempt to shift the Electoral College results. This of course would award Hillary Clinton the presidency. Their argument stems from the fact that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.
KDVR reporters on the scene said that Democrats are making a strong push for the Electoral College to be changed, and for the popular vote to take effect in a new way.
How their plan works is simple. As you know, each state has a specific number of electoral votes based on the number of congressional districts within its borders. Additionally, a vote is given for each Senator. The total comes out to 538.
Yet, there is nothing in our Constitution to prevent these electors from refusing to support the candidate who won their state. That means even though Trump won, specific electoral voters could outright deny him the presidency.
Obama Signs Executive Order Declaring Investigation Into Election Results; Revote Planned For Dec. 19th
WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) — Following the results of Tuesday night’s election, President Obama has signed Executive Order 13805, which orders a full recount of all votes cast in the election and calls for a special election to be held on December 19th. Obama signed the order in response to the concerns of thousands of voters across the country who said that they were prevented from casting a ballot on election day, too many absentee ballots have not been found or counted, equipment failures, as well as concerns that some members of the electoral college may have acted unethically.
How Hillary Clinton could still become President instead of Donald Trump
Donald Trump has yet to be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, and there is still a slim chance he won't be.
Thanks to the US having a convoluted and strange election system, the American people don't actually decide who becomes President - that right belongs to the 538 members of the Electoral College.
On December 19, the College will vote for whom they want for President, and they could yet turn their backs on President-elect Trump.
The Electoral College is made up of state officials and senior party figures from the Republicans and Democrats, but if you think they'll automatically vote for who their own state chose for the White House, think again.
It's happened before.
Members of the Electoral College have gone against the grain in the past and voted for different candidates than those they were pledged to.
These electors are labelled 'faithless electors', and there have been 157 in US political history.
Some states punish faithless electors with a fine, but in many states there is no penalty at all for an electoral voter who goes rogue.
So will enough of them vote for Hillary Clinton next month?
It's possible, but highly unlikely unless President-elect Trump does something so offensive and outrageous between now and the College vote that enough electoral voters change their minds.
The other possibility of course is that President-elect Trump dies between now and December 19.
There have been 71 faithless votes in history because of a candidate's untimely death.
An online petition on is asking electoral voters to vote for Hillary Clinton on December 19.
It's already received over a million signatures.
Nov 11, 2016
Starr DiGiacomo
Russia Asks CIA: Why Did Hillary Clinton Just Buy $137 Million Worth Of Illegal Arms?
A stunning Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today reveals that the Security Council (SC), this morning, authorized the sending to the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of an emergency communiqué requesting an immediate explanation as to why Hillary Clinton’s money laundering organization, known as the Clint..., this past week, purchased over $137 million of illegal arms and ammunition—and whose destination is to be the United States, with delivery being marked as “mid-November 2016”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, SVR analysts began expressing “urgent concern” earlier this year when the main “elements/factions” of the feared Viktor Bout’s international arms smuggling crime organization began arriving in theRepublic of Albania—that is the only Muslim nation in Europe.
Russia Asks CIA: Why Did Hillary Clinton Just Buy $137 Million Worth Of Illegal Arms?
A stunning Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today reveals that the Security Council (SC), this morning, authorized the sending to the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of an emergency communiqué requesting an immediate explanation as to why Hillary Clinton’s money laundering organization, known as the Clint..., this past week, purchased over $137 million of illegal arms and ammunition—and whose destination is to be the United States, with delivery being marked as “mid-November 2016”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, SVR analysts began expressing “urgent concern” earlier this year when the main “elements/factions” of the feared Viktor Bout’s international arms smuggling crime organization began arriving in theRepublic of Albania—that is the only Muslim nation in Europe.
Viktor Bout, this report explains, is most popularly known in the West as the “Lord of War” for his workings with the CIA to smuggle illegal weapons throughout the world to further the maniacal interests of the United States—until 2011 when then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had him jailed.
Though a citizen of the Federation, this report continues, the SVR had no “complaint/concern” with Hillary Clinton having Bout jailed for 25 years as it was an internal matter of the CIA—but whose intelligence analysts expressed “worry/confusion” this past May (2016) when US Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin said he should have had a reduced...—and that led, yesterday, to Bout “suddenly/magically” being transferred out of maximum security to the “country club atmosphere” of the general ward of the US Federal Prison he’s been confined to.
CIA illegal arms smuggler Viktor Bout
Coinciding with Bout’s “mysterious/magical” prison transfer yesterday, this report notes, was Hillary Clinton’s money laundering Clinton Foundation transferring $137.7 million to the Socialist Party of Albania (SPA) controlled by that nations Prime Minister Edi Rama—who is not only the head of the Xhakja Clan (known in the West as the Albanian Mafia) but who was, also, and shockingly, put into power by the Obama-Clinton regime over the protests of the Albanian people who did not want a “mafia government” controlling them.
Hillary Clinton (left) and Albanian Xhakja Clan mafia crime leader Edi Rama (right)
With Hillary Clinton’s international arms merchant Prime Minister Rama having turned the entire Balkan region into one of the world’s largest are..., this report warns, she has been aided in this effort by what many are calling her “puppet master”—the Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros that recently released, and shocking, secret emails show him ordering Hillary Clinton to install this mafia criminal as....
To fully understand why Hillary Clinton made this massive arms purchase, and no doubt was aided in doing so by the CIA’s arms smuggler Viktor Bout, SVR analysts in this report explain, is her adherence to George Soros’s radical vision of open borders—and that he singlehandedly began implementing by creating the European refug... that will, likewise, engulf the United States should Hillary Clinton become president, and as exactly as her secret emails reveals she plans on doing.
Also, this report continues, and as the Federation knows all to well, the Soros-Clinton “master plan” to take down a nation begins with the establishment of what are called Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) to act as a “shadow government” ready to take power once the established order is thrown into chaos by massive protests—and why, in 2013, President Putin banned them from operating in Russia.
In the United States, however, this report grimly states, the American people have no defense against these “shadow government” NGO’s—and that SVR intelligence assests have documented in this report as being the “receiving parties” of Hillary Clinton’s massive arms purchase and include the George Soros created NGO’s called: Open Society Foundations,Media Matters, American Institute for Social Justice, The New America Foundation, The Migration Policy Institute, Tides Foundation, Center for American Progress, and the Democracy Alliance—every single one of which stands violently opposed to the US Constitution and the American people.
Once these weapons are in the hands of Hillary Clinton’s “new revolutionaries”, this report continues, they will then be used to unleash a “terror wave” across America protesting Donald Trump’s landslide victory—thus enabling President Obama to declare martial law to disarm all of these people, and once doing so, allow the US Electors to place Hillary Clinton in power. [Note: American presidents are NOT elected by the voting of citizens, but by the vote of the E....]
This report sadly concludes, though, by noting that the massive vote fraud already being committed by Hillary Clinton’s “new revolutionaries” throughout the United States, and that led this past week to former US Congressman Joe Walsh stunningly stating “If Trump loses, I’m grabbing my musket”—a reference to one of the darkest times in American history when that nation’s ordinary citizens banded together to fight the British Empire for t...—should strike fear into all Americans of what Hillary Clinton’s “new revolutionaries” are doing right now—and if not, nothing will.
Nov 13, 2016
United States purple revolution: Has George Soros committed treason?
It is now common knowledge that George Soros is behind the recent Trump protests across cities in the US.
Soros has activated his NGO protest infrastructure to begin the “purple” revolution process against Donald Trump’s election victory.
The Duran reported on Soros’ revolution last week, and provided multiple sources of evidence to show the Soros protestor recruitment process.
We witnessed the same exact type of activity from George Soros, and his NGOs, unfold in Ukraine during the Maidan in 2014…and build up over months to culminate into violent clashes, and ultimately an illegal coup.
This recent post submitted by Paul Craig Roberts via now asks if Soros should be placed under arrest and tried for treason.
Has George Soros Committed Treason?
“His only legitimacy is his wallet.”
The press prostitutes continue to lie to us. They pretend that the anti-Trump protests are real spontaneous events although the prostitutes know that the “protests” are orchestrated by George Soros and front groups for the Oligarchy such as and other fake progressive groups funded by the oligarchs.
Soros, and various progressive and leftwing fronts for the oligarchs pretend to be for democracy, but they are acting in behalf of Oligarchy. We are witnessing a direct attack on American democracy. These protesters are the hired mercenary enemy of the American people.
Below is an email I received from a friend in Massachusetts. They preach peace and love while they commit violence:
Below is one of the emails I rec’d regarding immediate organizing to get rid of Trump. JWJ is Jobs for Justice serving Massachusetts with the main group in Boston and the subsidiary in western MA. You appear to be correct, because I rec’d the notice below the day following the election and election results were not even in until 3:00 a.m. was/is behind this one. is link under 3rd local event.
Dear JWJ and allies,
If you were like me, today was a hard day to get up. Donald Trump is
the president-elect, and last night Republicans took the House, the
Senate, and thus the Supreme Court. This is a terrible situation for
humanity, let alone the workers’ movement and our ability to expand
organizing and collective bargaining rights. And yet, there is no time
to really brood about it. We are called to take immediate action.
Today, we are joining with others throughout the movement to demonstrate
our non-consent with the election results, in particular the election of
Donald Trump. This evening, thousands will gather in cities across the
nation to affirm to ourselves and one another that we will not give up
the fight-the fight for a nation with liberty and justice for all. We
will stand with one another, across race, religion, gender, age,
ability, national origin, sexual orientation, and all of our identities.
We will join hands, pledge our solidarity, and resolve to forge ahead
even in this moment of peril and challenge. See local events below.
Check out
In these most difficult of political moments, we have to come together
and stand stronger. Never has the “I ‘ll
Be There” pledge been more necessary than today.
Are there similarities?...............
In the past we have described Soros as an arrogant kingmaker, a provocateur who incites jihad and race wars and riots for his personal benefit. This encompasses supporting Black Lives Matter in the US, supporting Mohammad cartoon contests in the US, and ISIS terrorism attempts in the US, (though the latter were countered by good intel so did not manifest). He wants Martial Law declared in the US to protect the assets of the wealthy, and is trying to tip the hand of Obama and Dunford to force this. He has made his billions in the Hedge Fund business, betting on chaos, and then arranges for the chaos to happen.
An email leaked by WikiLeaks earlier this week showed Soros had advised Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State on how to handle unrest in Albania – advice she acted on.
Per the Zetas, what lies within this mother lode of emails is more than Pay to Play arrangements whereby Hillary sold US assets in exchange for cash to she and Bill. It contains evidence of treason!
Nov 16, 2016
Email QFZT Nancy: 'Would be declined. These are all known facts.'
'CIA created ISIS', says Julian Assange as Wikileaks releases 500k US cables
WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange today said the CIA was responsible for paving the way for ISIS as the whistle blowing organization released more than half a million formerly confidential US diplomatic cables dating back to 1979.
On the sixth anniversary of the first infamous "Cablegate" by WikiLeaks, when it releases its first batch of sensitive US files, on November 28 2010, it has expanded its Public Library of US Diplomacy (PLUSD) with 531,525 new diplomatic cables from 1979.
In a statement to coincide with the release of the cables, known as "Carter Cables III", Mr Assange explained how events which unfolded in 1979, had begun a series of events that led to the rise of ISIS.
He said: "If any year could be said to be the "year zero" of our modern era, 1979 is it."
Mr Assange said a decision by the CIA, together with Saudi Arabia, to plough billions of dollars into arming the Mujahideen fighters in Afghanistan to tackle the Soviet Union, had led to the creation of terror group al-Qaeda.
This, in turn, he said led to the 9/11 terror strikes, the invasion of Afghanhistan and Iraq by the US, and the creation of ISIS.
Speaking about how 1979 shaped current global events, Mr Assange said: "In the Middle East, the Iranian revolution, the Saudi Islamic uprising and the Egypt-Israel Camp David Accords led not only to the present regional power dynamic but decisively changed the relationship between oil, militant Islam and the world.
"The uprising at Mecca permanently shifted Saudi Arabia towards Wahhabism, leading to the transnational spread of Islamic fundamentalism and the US-Saudi destabilization of Afghanistan."
He said at this point Osama bin Laden left his native Saudi Arabia for Pakistan to support the Afghan Mujahideen.
He added: "The invasion of Afghanistan by the USSR would see Saudi Arabia and the CIA push billions of dollars to Mujahideen fighters as part of Operation Cyclone, fomenting the rise of al-Qaeda and the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union.
Speaking about how 1979 shaped current global events, Mr Assange said: "In the Middle East, the Iranian revolution, the Saudi Islamic uprising and the Egypt-Israel Camp David Accords led not only to the present regional power dynamic but decisively changed the relationship between oil, militant Islam and the world.
"The uprising at Mecca permanently shifted Saudi Arabia towards Wahhabism, leading to the transnational spread of Islamic fundamentalism and the US-Saudi destabilization of Afghanistan."
He said at this point Osama bin Laden left his native Saudi Arabia for Pakistan to support the Afghan Mujahideen.
He added: "The invasion of Afghanistan by the USSR would see Saudi Arabia and the CIA push billions of dollars to Mujahideen fighters as part of Operation Cyclone, fomenting the rise of al-Qaeda and the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union.
"The 1979 current of Islamification spread to Pakistan where the US embassy was burned to the ground and Pakistan Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was executed.
"The Iranian hostage crisis would go on to fatally undermine Jimmy Carter's presidency and see the election of Ronald Reagan.
"The rise of al-Qaeda eventually bore the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, enabling the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and over a decade of war, leaving, at its end, the ideological, financial and geographic basis for ISIS."
The election of Margaret Thatcher as British Prime Minister and the Three Mile Island nuclear incident are some of the incidents during the year cited by Assange.
Nov 30, 2016
News Flash: SpaceX No Longer "Profitable and Cash-Flow Positive"
If you think this sounds like bad news for SpaceX's business, you're right. In fact, it's probably even worse news than you know.
Secretive SpaceX
As a privately held company, SpaceX is not required to file financial disclosures of its revenue, its profits, or its losses with the SEC. Just because it isn't required to tell people how it's doing financially, however, doesn't mean that SpaceX won't voluntarily toot its own horn from time to time.
For example, back when things were going well for SpaceX -- say, circa June 2016 -- the company regularly tweeted out a string of announcements of successful rocket launches, rocket landings, and product improvements to its space fleet.
At the same time, front and center on its website, SpaceX boasted of how well its business was doing. SpaceX had "70 launches on its manifest," and was launching much more often than its rivals at United Launch Alliance (the Boeing (NYSE:BA) - Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT) joint venture) or Airbus (NASDAQOTH:EADSY) subsidiary Arianespace. SpaceX was moving steadily toward fulfilling "over $10 billion in contracts" over the next few years, and booking more of them all the time. Best of all, just like Ariane and ULA, SpaceX was "profitable and cash-flow positive."
But a funny thing happened on the way to SpaceX's website update a few months ago. Without warning or explanation, the assertion that SpaceX is "profitable and cash-flow positive" suddenly vanished.
Why so mum, chum?
SpaceX's "About" SpaceX webpage today continues to boast of "70 future missions on its manifest," and still says those missions are worth "over $10 billion." But sometime between 6:25 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2016, and 9:23 a.m. on Sept. 22, the assertion that SpaceX is "profitable and cash-flow positive" was scrubbed from the website.
Why might that be?
We actually discussed this -- and came very close to predicting it -- just last month, when discussing SpaceX's latest plan to launch 4,425 broadband internet satellites into orbit. And it goes like this:
Add it up, and SpaceX has actually only been launching rockets for about nine months of the past 21. Earning roughly $72 million per launch, it's put together perhaps $650 million in revenue from those launches. But according to Elon Musk himself (from an internal SpaceX email dated June 2013, reprinted in Ashlee Vance's biography of the CEO) the company has expenses of "roughly $800 million to $900 million" a year. Over 21 months, that works out to approximately $650 million in revenue, versus perhaps $1.5 billion in expenses.
Translation: SpaceX is not cash flow positive today. Neither is it profitable.
Dec 13, 2016
SpaceX officially delays first crewed flight of its Dragon capsule for NASA
People are slated to fly on the vehicle in 2018
In the wake of its September 1st rocket explosion, SpaceX has officially delayed the first crewed flight of its Crew Dragon vehicle — the capsule that the company is building to take NASA astronauts to and from the International Space Station. Originally planned for late 2017, the first flight of the Crew Dragon with people on board is now slated to take place in May of 2018, according to a NASA blog post. Prior to that flight, SpaceX will perform a demonstration mission of Crew Dragon in November 2017 — a flight that won’t include any astronauts.
The longer it takes for NASA to fly on the Commercial Crew vehicles, though, the longer the space agency must rely on Russia for getting people to the International Space Station. Currently the Russian Soyuz rocket is the only vehicle that can take astronauts to the ISS. It’s an expensive way to get astronauts to space, as one seat on the Soyuz costs NASA roughly $81 million. It also means NASA doesn’t have any other options for sending humans to space. That’s a scary prospect, especially since the Soyuz just experienced a failure during an uncrewed mission to the space station last week.
The Crew Dragon delay is also one of many that SpaceX has experienced following its September 1st rocket explosion. The company was forced to ground all of its Falcon 9 flights as it investigated the accident, and the first flight of the Falcon Heavy — a larger variant of the Falcon 9 — had to be pushed back from the end of this year to early next year. SpaceX was hoping to return to flight on December 16th, but that launch has since slipped to early January. The delays have prompted one customer to launch on another rocket.
Dec 13, 2016
Wikileaks Keeps Saying Leaker Was Not Russian – Liberal Media Keeps Ignoring Them
Wikileaks keeps telling the world who the leaker was— Liberal media keeps ignoring them.
In early November Wikileaks founder Julian Assange categorically denied that the troves of US Democratic Party and Clinton work and staff emails released this year came from the Russian government.
An example of Liberal Media...?
US Accuses Vladimir Putin Of "Personal Involvement" In Election Hack
And just like that the narrative of Russia hacking the presidential election has escalated to the highest possible level, and has officially jumped the shark.
Moments ago, following a month-long barrage of unsubstantiated stories in the press accusing the Russian government of indirectly hacking the US presidential election, which culminated with last night's 8,000 word NYT expose, and which followed a schism between the FBI and CIA, in which the former disputed the latter's "fuzzy and ambiguous" claims that Russia sought to influence the presidential elections, moments ago the NBC News reported that U.S. intelligence officials believe with "a high level of confidence" that Russian President Vladimir Putin became personally involved in the covert Russian campaign to interfere in the U.S. presidential election.
Perhaps because the official narrative has so far been unable to gather traction with the previous "shotgun approach" in which just "Russia" was accused of handing the election to Trump, four short days before the Electoral College vote, the narrative has changed and it now involves the very pinnacle of Russia's government: the president himself.
Dec 15, 2016
Starr DiGiacomo
IMF chief Christine Lagarde flees France for US as she is found GUILTY of payout to tycoon
HEAD of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Christine Lagarde has escaped punishment after being found guilty of negligence over a controversial multi-million pound payment to a businessman.
The former French finance minister was today convicted by a French court over the so-called Tapie payment but has not been handed a sentence.
During the case, the IMF supported Ms Lagarde's position as leader, but her role is in doubt following the guilty verdict.
The conviction is a huge embarrassment for the American-based IMF after former head Dominique Strauss-Kahn was forced to quit in 2011 amid sexual assault allegations.
A crisis meeting over Ms Lagarde's continued leadership of the fund is now set to be held by the Washington-based board.
The top judge in Ms Lagarde's trial said the IMF head was negligent for not seeking to overturn an arbitration ruling in 2008, which had awarded the huge compensation payment to Bernard Tapie.
But judge Martine Ract Madoux cited the former French politcian's good reputation and international standing as well as the 2008 financial crisis, as reasons why the court didn't give a punishment.
She said: "The context of the global financial crisis in which Madame Lagarde found herself in should be taken into account."The IMF head has denied the charges and her lawyers have said they will look into appealing today's decison.Investigators looked into allegations that Mr Tapie was given the £336million (€400m) compensation payout in return for supporting former President Nicolas Sarkozy in the 2007 election.And Ms Lagarde has been found at fault for approving the extremely rare out-of-court payout during her time as France's finance minister.
Ms Lagarde, who was found guilty of ‘negligence by a person in a position of public authority', has been head of the IMF after replacing her fellow countryman Mr Strauss-Kahn in 2011.
Gerry Rice, director of communications at the IMF, said: “The Executive Board has met on previous occasions to consider developments related to the legal proceedings in France.
"It is expected that the Board will meet again shortly to consider the most recent developments.”
The French Government said it still had confidence in Ms Lagarde following the ruling
Dec 19, 2016
Donald Trump Seals Electoral College Victory, Officially Becomes 45th US President
It's finally over: Donald Trump has secured 304 Electoral Votes following the Texas vote (with 2 faithless electors), officially securing the presidency of the United States. Of course, the now official President-Elect Trump took to twitter to confirm the victory:
Texas' 36 electoral votes for Trump pushed him over the edge at around 4:30 Central Time, even though two rogue electors' defections deprived Trump of one of those votes. That gave Trump 304 total electoral votes.
A quick recap of the day's events from the WSJ:
The final count:
The Best Election Map Yet
Dec 20, 2016
Carlos Villa
Wow, if this isn't a subliminal message I don't know what is
Dec 20, 2016
Carlos Villa
Dec 21, 2016
Starr DiGiacomo
FBI Ordered to Unseal Warrant Used to Get Clinton Emails During Weiner Probe
The FBI’s planned disclosure is directly related to an effort by well-known attorney Los Angeles attorney E. Randol Schoenberg, who filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Justice that sought the “immediate disclosure of the FBI search warrant for the e-mails of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin on Anthony Weiner’s laptop.”
One of the main points of contention in this case was the privacy right of Clinton — or any person who wasn’t ultimately charged with a crime. However, the judge determined that essentially all went out the window given the bizarre nature of the case including FBI Director James Comey’s very public press conference. After Comey’s remarks, Clinton then decided to publicly respond at campaign rallies. Thus, the judge determined Clinton essentially waived her privacy right arguments that the uncharged subject of an investigation typically can rely on.
In the words of the judge, Clinton has “little remaining privacy interest in the release of
documents identifying her as the subject of the investigation.”
In Monday’s order, the judge ultimately concluded:
The search warrant, the application for the search warrant, the affidavit in support of the application for the search warrant, and the search warrant return will be unsealed and posted on the Court’s electronic case filing system under the docket number listed above, subject to the redactions discussed above, at noon on December 20, 2016, unless
an order is issued before then by the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit staying or modifying this Order. obtained a copy of the order and is in the process of reviewing it.
READ the Order:
FBI Partial Unseal Hillary Email by LawNewz on Scribd
Dec 21, 2016
Carlos Villa
Perhaps he is getting everyone used to this kind of interaction between himself and his people in order to facilitate a future announcement regarding planet x?
Dec 26, 2016
Matt B
Joe Biden reportedly played an important role in the UN vote on Israeli settlements
The vice president is alleged to have played a big part behind the scenes of Friday's controversial vote
Although the United States abstained from Friday’s controversial UN vote condemning Israeli expansion into Palestinian land, a new story is emerging claiming that Vice President Joe Biden personally called the president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, in order to convince his country to vote “yes” on the resolution.
“Did Biden put pressure on the Ukrainians? Categorically yes,” said an anonymous highly-placed Israeli government official with strong connections to Ukraine in an interview with Tablet Magazine on Tuesday. “That Biden told them to do it is a thousand percent true.”
Both parties have officially acknowledged that a phone call between Biden and Poroshenko occurred on Dec. 19, although the Poroshenko administration’s official statement failed to mention the settlement vote, and Biden’s national security adviser, Colin Kahl, has denied it.
The article also claimed, based on a discussion with an American national security source, that the Obama administration needed a 14-0 vote on the resolution in order to improve the so-called “optics” of its own decision to abstain. Multiple sources told Tablet that the Biden-Poroshenko phone call was only one part of a much larger campaign to pressure Ukraine into voting “Yes” because Ukraine allegedly wanted to postpone the vote by several days as a gesture to the Israelis. This is said to have included America’s ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, speaking directly to Ukraine’s UN ambassador.
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for December 31, 2016
Israeli UN flap
Ben Fulford talks about the Bush/Clinton/Netanyahu crime families, referring to this group as a Mafia. Herbert Bush got wealthy having the CIA bring cocaine in from Colombia. The Clinton’s cooperated with these drug flights while in Arkansas, and when Hillary was Secretary of State, she raked in the cash via pay for play arrangement. Netanyahu’s role throughout was to use his Mossad for various manipulations in the political arena, from Charlie Hebdo’s death to the false claim that Assad used chemical weapons. All these publicly known incidents are just a sampling of the crimes done by this cabal.
It has recently been in the news that a C-130 plane circled over Denver and another over New York City. These were both either blocking submarine nukes from being activated or blocking dirty nukes from being set off. Yes, the cabal has used their possession of US or Israeli nukes to threaten Obama, thus his seeming support of Hillary, whom he hates, and cooperation with Netanyahu over Palestinian settlements. The tide, obviously, has turned.
Dec 31, 2016
Matt B
Interesting tweet from President-Elect Trump, in light of the latest ZetaTalk.
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for December 31, 2016
Israeli UN flap
For those who go into a confused tizzy over Trump’s statements, let us point to the history. Trump is a master at controlling the media and getting coverage, despite all attempts by his enemies to sideline him. He uses twitter to bypass the controlled media, which infuriates them but meanwhile, his comments go directly to the public. The media, which consistently backed Hillary and refused to report her negatives, can only repeat the tweets. Otherwise, they seem irrelevant. Trump won the media wars, hands down.
During the Republican primary, Trump stood against 16 opponents, many of whom were senators or governors, and put them all away one by one. His technique was often to say outrageous things which got him in the media, where he had a chance to sound reasonable and relay his broader message. Ban all Muslims. Oh, he didn’t mean that, just vet well from certain countries. Build the wall. Oh, he didn’t mean that literally. Better security and a stronger fence would do. Trump, the reasonable man, emerged.
This technique continued through his battle with Hillary, and even Hillary did not catch on. She relied on attacking Trump while the people fell in love with his vision. On to Trump Tower, where the media was fixated on the plethora of people invited to talk to The Donald. Might they be nominated for this or that Cabinet post? Meanwhile, Trump is breaking protocol by chatting freely with foreign governments. In short, the old establishment simply cannot control him! They are frantic. Trump, the deal maker, is convincing companies to stay in the US and is likely to resolve disputes worldwide too. Oh, the horror!
Why is Trump fussing over the UN vote? Time will tell, but given history, it will not be what it seems.
Dec 31, 2016
Starr DiGiacomo
Israeli Police are questioning Benjamin Netanyahu about possible corruption
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Police are expected to question Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his official residence in Jerusalem on Monday on suspicion of receiving gifts from businessmen in breach of his role as a public servant, Israeli media reported.
The move was authorized by Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit, who decided after a preliminary probe that there was sufficient evidence for a criminal investigation, Haaretz newspaper reported. The questioning will take place on Monday evening, Israel Radio said.
The police and Justice Ministry would not confirm when the interview would take place or the nature of the investigation, details of which have appeared in the media in recent days. Netanyahu's office has denied any wrongdoing.
"All the supposed affairs will turn out to be fiction," his family spokesman said on Monday. "We are repeating: there will be nothing, because there is nothing."
Photographers were camped outside the heavily guarded residence, hoping to get pictures of investigators arriving. Black screens were erected inside the gates of the property to block the view.
Haaretz and other newspapers said the probe related to gifts worth "hundreds of thousands of shekels" ($1=3.85 shekels) given to Netanyahu by Israeli and foreign businessmen.
Channel 2, a commercial network, said the investigation was one of two cases now open against the prime minister, although it said details of the second remained unclear.
Netanyahu, 67, has been in power on and off since 1996. He is currently in his fourth term as prime minister and will become Israel's longest-serving leader if he stays in office until the end of next year.
He and his wife, Sara, have weathered several scandals over the years, including investigations into the misuse of state funds and an audit of the family's spending on everything from laundry to ice cream. They have denied any wrongdoing.
Netanyahu is not the first prime minister to be questioned in a criminal case.
Ehud Olmert, who held office from 2006 to 2009, is currently serving 18 months in prison after being convicted of breach of trust and bribery in 2014.
Former prime minister Ariel Sharon was questioned while in office in 2003 and 2004 over allegations of bribery and corruption involving him and his two sons. In 2006, his son Omri was convicted of corruption and served time in prison.
Netanyahu's police appointment drew a barrage of commentary from the center-left opposition in parliament, with politicians calling for him to go.
Ahead of a cabinet meeting on Sunday, Netanyahu responded, saying: "I suggest the opposition calm down."
Israeli commentators pointed out that while Netanyahu may be questioned, it has happened many times in the past and prime ministers have gone on governing, sometimes for years.
Jan 2, 2017
According to Zetatalk, anything said by George Soros AFTER Nov 26th 2016 is 'Fake News'. However interestingly some news sources are now picking up the ball and running with it! Examples: <----status not been updated? <-----who's comments are these?
Soros' bleak 2017 forecast: Billionaire warns EU will FALL after elite 'STOLE democracy' (??)
But the business tycoon, who is one of the world’s wealthiest people, still has no faith in US President-elect Donald Trump, who he refers to as a “con artist and would-be dictator”.
While Mr Soros has some concerns about the future of the US, he is more worried about the future of the EU which he fears could come under the influence of the Russian president.
Who is the author below? ---->
Open Society Needs Defending (??) (??) <--- whose comments are these????
Open societies are in crisis, and various forms of closed societies – from fascist dictatorships to mafia states – are on the rise. Because elected leaders failed to meet voters’ legitimate expectations and aspirations, electorates have become disenchanted with the prevailing versions of democracy and capitalism.
Jan 4, 2017
Trump 'willing to work with Russia and China'
Mr Trump told the Wall Street Journal that newly-imposed sanctions on Russia would remain "at least for a period of time" but could then be lifted.
He also said the One China policy, in which the US no longer acknowledges Taiwan, was up for negotiation.
Meanwhile, a US Senate committee will probe claims Russia attempted to meddle in the presidential election.
In his interview, Mr Trump said sanctions on Russia could be lifted if Moscow helped Washington in the war against Islamic extremism and in other matters.
"If you get along and if Russia is really helping us, why would anybody have sanctions if somebody's doing some really great things?"
He said he hoped a meeting with President Vladimir Putin would be arranged.
With regards to Beijing, Mr Trump said China had to allow US companies to compete by floating its currency.
But he said he would not label China a currency manipulator the instant he took office.
He had already questioned the One China policy last month, provoking angry responses in Chinese state media.
'Full understanding'
Republican and Democratic leaders on the Senate Intelligence Committee vowed to follow their investigation "wherever it leads".
They will examine Russia's cyber activity and intelligence practices.
Interviewees will include members of the current US administration and President-elect Donald Trump's team.
A statement, released by the committee late on Friday, said, "We believe that it is critical to have a full understanding of the scope of Russian intelligence activities impacting the United States."
The committee will examine whether there were any contacts between Russia and people associated with the US political campaigns.
It said subpoenas would be issued "if necessary to compel testimony".
The bulk of the work will be done behind closed doors, although the senators say they will hold open hearings when possible.
"The committee will follow the intelligence wherever it leads. We will conduct this inquiry expeditiously, and we will get it right," said the statement.
The senators said they would produce both classified and unclassified reports on their findings.
Trump investigates
Earlier this week, details emerged of an unproven dossier alleging that Russian security officials have compromising material on Mr Trump, which could make him vulnerable to blackmail.
The US president-elect said the claims were "fake news" and "phoney stuff".
He announced that his team would produce its own "report on hacking" within 90 days.
The US released an unclassified intelligence report earlier this month, claiming that Russian President Vladimir Putin had ordered the hacking of Democratic Party emails to damage Mr Trump's Democrat rival, Hillary Clinton, and influence the election.
It also said Russia used state-funded propaganda and paid social media users, or "trolls", to launch online attacks.
In December, US President Barack Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats from the country in response to the hacking allegations.
Russia says allegations that it ran a hacking campaign to influence the US presidential elections are "reminiscent of a witch-hunt".
Assange: Russian government not the source of WikiLeaks emails
Jan 3, 2017
Damning emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman did not come from Russian hackers and the claim is being made to "delegitimize" Donald Trump, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told Fox News' Sean Hannity in an exclusive interview.
Hannity sat down with Assange in London's Ecuadorian embassy, where the Australian native has been holed up for five years battling extradition to Sweden on unrelated charges. Part I of the interview is set to air Tuesday night at 10 p.m. on Fox News Channel's "Hannity."
In excerpts released prior to airing, Assange is adamant that the hacked emails his organization released of Clinton official John Podesta did not come from Russia, as the Obama administration has claimed.
“We can say, we have said, repeatedly that over the last two months that our source is not the Russian government and it is not a state party,” Assange said.
More than 50,000 emails were released during the 2016 presidential campaign, exposing dubious practices at the Clinton Foundation, top journalists working closely with the Clinton campaign, key Clinton aides speaking derisively of Catholics and a top Democratic National Committee official providing debate questions to Clinton in advance.
Hannity told Fox News' Bill Hemmer "I believe everything (Assange) said," and praised the Internet activist for his commitment to government transparency.
Despite the Obama administration’s claims that Russia was behind cyber-intrusions meant to interfere with the U.S. election – and punitive measures taken against Moscow last week – Assange said nobody associated with the Russian government gave his group the files.
Watch part one of the Assange interview on Fox News’ “Hannity” Tuesday at 10 p.m. ET.
Assange also noted that in recent statements from top administration offices including the FBI and White House, “the word WikiLeaks” was missing, even as the administration expelled Russian diplomats in retaliation for cyberattacks.
“It’s very strange,” he said.
Some Republican critics have questioned what evidence the administration has to back up its Russia allegations, while others have applauded President Obama for moving to penalize Russia – albeit months after the initial hacks.
Asked if he thought Obama was lying to the American people about Russia’s actions, Assange said the president is “acting like a lawyer” with his allegations.
“If you look at most of his statements, he doesn’t say that. He doesn’t say that WikiLeaks obtained its information from Russia, worked with Russia,” Assange said.
But he said he believes the administration is “trying to delegitimize the Trump administration as it goes into the White House. They are trying to say that President-elect Trump is not a legitimate president.”
Since Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in November, Clinton’s allies have stepped up claims that the WikiLeaks email releases significantly damaged her candidacy – particularly the leak of thousands of emails from Campaign Chairman John Podesta’s account. An earlier release of DNC emails over the summer led to the resignation of Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Asked if the emails changed the outcome of the election, Assange said:
“Who knows, it’s impossible to tell. But if it did, the accusation is that the true statements of Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager, John Podesta, and the DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz, their true statements is what changed the election.”
Russian government hackers do not appear to have targeted Vermont utility, say people close to investigation
As federal officials investigate suspicious Internet activity found last week on a Vermont utility computer, they are finding evidence that the incident is not linked to any Russian government effort to target or hack the utility, according to experts and officials close to the investigation.
An employee at Burlington Electric Department was checking his Yahoo email account Friday and triggered an alert indicating that his computer had connected to a suspicious IP address associated by authorities with the Russian hacking operation that infiltrated the Democratic Party. Officials told the company that traffic with this particular address is found elsewhere in the country and is not unique to Burlington Electric, suggesting the company wasn’t being targeted by the Russians. Indeed, officials say it is possible that the traffic is benign, since this particular IP address is not always connected to malicious activity.
[U.S. intelligence officials say Russian hacks ‘prioritized’ Democrats]
The investigation by officials began Friday, when the Vermont utility reported its alert to federal authorities, some of whom told The Washington Post that code associated with the Russian hackers had been discovered within the system of an unnamed Vermont utility. On Friday evening, The Post published its report, and Burlington Electric released a statement identifying itself as the utility in question and saying the firm had “detected the malware” in a single laptop. The company said in its statement that the laptop was not connected to its grid systems.
The Post initially reported incorrectly that the country’s electric grid had been penetrated through a Vermont utility. After Burlington Electric released its statement saying that the potentially compromised laptop had not been connected to the grid, The Post immediately corrected its article and later added an editor’s note explaining the change.
Clapper: No Evidence Russians Changed Votes in Presidential Election, But They Tried to Interfere With Propaganda
Jan 5, 2017 Testifying in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee Thursday morning, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper made it clear Russian hacking didn't change the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.
"They did not change any vote tallies or anything of that sort," Clapper stated.
Although vote totals weren't changed, U.S. intelligence shows Russia did mount a major campaign to push propaganda into the minds of American voters through Twitter, fake news websites and the Russian government backed television station RT, which broadcasts in the United States.
"The Russians have a long history of interfering in elections, theirs and other people's," Clapper stated. "I don't think we've ever encountered a more aggressive or direct campaign to interfere in our election than we've seen in this case."
US Military Press Conference: “Prepare For World War 3 With Russia”
January 12, 2017
US and NATO Generals have told reporters at a press briefing that they should prepare for “World War 3 with Russia” in the very near future.
NATO and US forces have bolstered their military forces on the Russian border, installing anti-ballistic missile systems and equipment in an effort to provoke a nuclear war with Russia.
In response, Russian President Vladimir Putin has deployed anti-aircraft missile systems around Moscow to protect the country from a massive attack.
The S-400 Triumph air defence system is capable of hitting moving US and NATO planes and missiles, and has a range of 400km.
DNI is expected to release an extensive report about Russian cyber interference in the coming days.
Defense Ministry’s Department of Information and Mass Communication told Interfax: ‘The SAM combat squads of the Moscow Region aerospace forces have put the new S-400 Triumph air defense missile system into service, and have gone on combat duty for the air defense of Moscow and the central industrial region of Russia.
‘The main task of the anti-aircraft missile troops of the Russian Aerospace Forces is air defense and protecting vital state, military, industry and energy facilities, as well as the Armed Forces troops and transport communications, from aerospace attacks.’
The S-400 was designed as a protective mechanism against airstrikes. according to RT.
The US tanks and armoured vehicles have started arriving in Poland today as part of the biggest American military reinforcement in Europe for decades, according to the BBC.
Soldiers will carry out exercised in the Baltics as part of their tour as part of the Obama administration’s response to Russia’s intervention in the Ukraine.
Tours will last nine months before troops rotate, but whether or not they will remain under Trump’s regime remains to be seen.
President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for secretary of defense, retired Marine General James Mattis, will face questions about his views on a wide range of topics at a Senate confirmation hearing Thursday.
He is widely admired within defense and foreign policy circles and is expected to easily win a vote of approval by the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Jan 14, 2017
Head of D.C. National Guard to be removed from post in middle of inauguration
The Army general who heads the D.C. National Guard and has an integral part in overseeing the inauguration said Friday that he will be removed from command effective at 12:01 p.m. Jan. 20, just as Donald Trump is sworn in as president.
Maj. Gen. Errol R. Schwartz’s departure will come in the middle of the presidential ceremony — classified as a national special security event — and while thousands of his troops are deployed to help protect the nation’s capital during an inauguration he has spent months helping to plan.
“The timing is extremely unusual,” Schwartz said in an interview Friday morning, confirming a memo announcing his ouster that was obtained by The Washington Post. During the inauguration, Schwartz will command not only members of the D.C. Guard but also 5,000 unarmed troops dispatched from across the country to help. He also will oversee military air support protecting Washington during the inauguration.
“My troops will be on the street,” said Schwartz, who turned 65 in October. “I’ll see them off, but I won’t be able to welcome them back to the armory.” He said he would “never plan to leave a mission in the middle of a battle.”
Unlike in the states, where the governor appoints the National Guard commander, in the District that duty falls to the president.
Military officials and Trump transition officials provided contradictory versions of the decision to replace Schwartz. As is customary for presidential appointees, the general submitted a letter of resignation to give the new administration a clean start.
Two military officials with knowledge of the situation said the Trump team decided to accept the resignation. A person close to the transition said transition officials wanted to keep Schwartz in the job for continuity, but the Army pushed to replace him.
Schwartz, who was appointed to head the Guard by President George W. Bush in 2008, maintained the position through President Obama’s two terms. He said his orders came from the Pentagon in the form of an email that names his interim successor, a brigadier general, who takes over at 12:01 p.m. next Friday.
Army Maj. Jamie Davis, a spokesman at the Defense Department, said Schwartz is classified as a “non-career status employee.” He noted that the interim commander “is ready to assume complete mission” and handle the inauguration.
One of the military officials said the Trump transition team receives lists of political appointees and can decide which resignations to accept. All resignations are effective at 12:01 p.m. on Inauguration Day.
D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) blasted the decision to remove Schwartz, particularly during the inauguration.
“It doesn’t make sense to can the general in the middle of an active deployment,” Mendelson said. He added that Schwartz’s sudden departure will be a long-term loss for the District. “He’s been really very good at working with the community, and my impression was that he was good for the Guard.”
Schwartz said he will work up until that moment, and then plans to retire from the Army. “I’m a soldier,” he said. “I’m a presidential appointee. Therefore, the president has the power to remove me.”
Like other deployments, Inauguration Day will be a complicated one for the D.C. National Guard — at least on paper. Since the District is not a state, its mayor cannot call up Guard members to active duty as a state governor can.
The District must send a letter to the secretary of the Army requesting the support. The District and the Army must then go through a seven-step process to initiate the deployment, during which Guard members carry out duties at the request of the mayor and city homeland security officials.
The two entities have been able to work together to make that happen quickly in response to unfolding natural disasters, such as last year’s record January snowfall. During that storm, which dumped 22 inches of snow, the Guard was activated in anticipation of the storm’s arrival, and troops helped shuttle officials, plow drivers and supplies back and forth across the city.
Schwartz began his military career in 1976 by enlisting in the Guard, formally called the Militia of the District of Columbia National Guard. He also oversees the Air National Guard, which combined with the Army Guard has an authorized strength of 2,700. He has served in several leadership positions, notably commanding the 372nd Military Police Battalion.
He graduated in 1980 from the University of the District of Columbia with a degree in electrical engineering and received a master’s degree in business management from Central Michigan University and in national security strategy from the National Defense University at Fort McNair in the District.
Schwartz said that he is most proud of the Youth Challenge Academy, a school for teenage dropouts run by the Guard with an infusion of federal money. The school, separate from D.C. public and charter schools, is located at the former Oak Hill facility, the District’s old juvenile jail. Schwartz said that about 60 percent of the student body have obtained high school diplomas, and some have gone on to college.
“These are kids with high potential,” Schwartz said. “They just need to be steered a little bit. That’s what guardsmen can do.” He said he has told his wife that he might stay active in the school.
“I don’t mind walking the halls and knocking on doors wearing a suit and tie,” he said.
Jan 14, 2017
JAXA fails in bid to launch world’s smallest satellite-carrying rocket
The No. 4 vehicle of the SS-520 rocket series lifted off at 8:33 a.m. from Uchinoura Space Center in Kagoshima Prefecture carrying a miniature Earth observation satellite, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency said. The rocket was touted as the smallest one capable of launching a satellite.
But the agency aborted ignition of the second stage three minutes into the launch after discovering a glitch in the communications system. The rocket and its tiny payload then tumbled into the sea.
“It’s very regrettable. We’d like to determine the cause” of the failure, said Hiroto Habu, an associate professor at JAXA, said later in the day.
The space agency said the rocket stopped sending signals to its operations center just 20 seconds after liftoff. It has no further plans to launch a rocket of this size, it said.
Resembling a utility pole at 10 meters long and 50 cm in diameter, the rocket was developed as a potential vehicle for launching minisatellites, a growing segment of the space industry.
Roughly one-fifth the size of JAXA’s mainstay H-IIA rocket, the SS-520 is a three-stage type based on a two-stage model used by JAXA. It was designed to place a satellite weighing up to 4 kg in orbit at an altitude of up to 2,000 km.
“The cause of the failure is not known at all yet. All we can do is just analyze the data we got until communications were disrupted,” said Shinya Matsuura, a writer familiar with rocket development. “I hope they won’t be discouraged and will try another launch, because demand for launches of minisatellites is growing worldwide.”
Matsuura said China has made significant progress in rocket development in recent years. He said Japan should invest more in fundamental research and development so it will not get left behind.
The rocket was carrying Tricom1, a 3-kg satellite developed by the University of Tokyo that measured 10 cm by 10 cm by 35 cm. It was designed to transmit images of Earth’s surface for about a month before re-entering the atmosphere and burning up.
JAXA, which undertook the mission to demonstrate the cost-cutting potential for satellite launches, used commercially available devices found in home electronics and smartphones to inspire private firms keen on entering the space launch business.
It cost an estimated around ¥500 million ($4.3 million) to produce and launch the slender rocket.
Jan 16, 2017
Carlos Villa
Prime minister Justin Trudeau made the following remark just a few days ago
We need to realize that we are in a time of transition right now, that the world is moving off of fossil fuels. The extreme weather events that are coming are going to be incredibly expensive not just for our communities but for our agriculture, for people in the north, people right across the country,” Trudeau said. “We are not taking any money outside of the jurisdictions that pay those carbon taxes.”
Then at around the same time the Canadian vice chief gets removed from command
Are we being set up for an announcement regarding planet x here in Canada? The prime minister definitively made a reference to severe climate change coming.
Jan 16, 2017
Netanyahu's media manipulation revealed
The tale of the tape that puts the lie to the Israeli PM's media narrative. Plus, the Zimbabwean journalists' dilemma.
Netanyahu's media games exposed
Leaked audio tapes have allegedly revealed how Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tried to negotiate a deal with Arnon Mozes, the owner of the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, and the man Netanyahu has repeatedly called his media nemesis. The extra twist in the tale is that Netanyahu was seemingly willing to sell out Israel Hayom - the newspaper that's been most favourable towards him.
Talking us through the story: Anat Balint, writer, Seventh Eye; Rafi Mann, associate professor, School of Communication, Ariel University; Anshel Pfeffer, writer, Haaretz; Rottem Danon, editor-in-chief, Liberal.
On our radar:
Zimbabwe: Succession, factions and the media
President Robert Mugabe still rules Zimbabwe, but his party, the Zanu-PF, is in strife over who will come after him. The state media's dilemma is how to report the succession battles when talking about Mugabe's succession is an editorial red line.
Jan 19, 2017
Matt B
Light-hearted banter or ominous dog whistle? An interesting choice of phrase directed at Senator John McCain from President Trump.
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for December 24, 2016
Ambassador Karlov assassination
The timing of the Karlov assassination is very significant. It was on the day the US electors were confirming Trump as president, in fact hitting the news just ahead of the voting process! Nevertheless, neither the electors nor Putin have been fooled, played as fools, and will not react as Hillary or those wanting World War III had hoped.
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for January 7, 2017
Obama reputation
Why has the crime cabal - composed, in part, of the Hillary crowd, Soros billions, the Jewish bankers, Netanyahu, and various remnants of the Bush cabal such as McCain - been so intent on starting war with Russia?
Even with their loses this past year - Federal Reserve branches taken from Jewish banks and returned to the control of the US government, and stolen Fort Knox gold being retrieved by secret court action, and the utterly unexpected loss of Hillary during the 2016 election to Trump - this elite cabal still hopes to pull off a win. If only they could incite war with Russia! Thus McCain was in the Ukraine beating the war drums.
Jan 30, 2017
Japanese mini-rocket launch fails
Feb 8, 2017
SpaceX aborts approach to space station, delivery delayed
SpaceX's supply ship, the Dragon, was less than a mile from the orbiting outpost when a problem cropped up in the GPS system. The approach was aborted, and the Dragon backed away. NASA said neither the station nor its six-person crew was in any danger, and another attempt would be made Thursday.
"As a pilot it is sometimes better to accelerate and circle around than attempt a difficult landing," French astronaut Thomas Pesquet said in a tweet from the space station. "Same in space — we'll be ready tomorrow!"
Just a few hours earlier, Russia successfully launched a cargo ship from Kazakhstan, its first since a failed launch in December.
SpaceX launched the Dragon capsule Sunday from Kennedy Space Center's Launch Complex 39A, out of action since NASA's space shuttle program ended in 2011. It's the same spot where astronauts flew to the moon in the late 1960s and early 1970s. SpaceX has a 20-year lease with NASA for 39A; besides launching station cargo from there, the company hopes to send up astronauts as early as next year.
Everything was going well with this latest SpaceX flight until the GPS issue. The Dragon's computers halted the rendezvous from just seven-tenths of a mile away. SpaceX said the problem is well understood and can be fixed before Thursday morning's delivery attempt. The Russian supplies should arrive Friday.
This was the first time that SpaceX had to abort a shipment at the last minute like this. The private company, led by tech billionaire Elon Musk, has been making station deliveries since 2012.
In December, Russia lost a load of station supplies shortly after liftoff. The upper stage of the Soyuz rocket and the cargo ship ended up in pieces over Siberia.
It's the same kind of rocket used for launching crews, and the accident ended up delaying the return of three space station astronauts and the launch of two others. Russian investigators concluded there was a manufacturing flaw in the third-stage engine.
The 250-mile-high station is home to two Americans, three Russians and France's Pesquet.
Feb 22, 2017
What is Vault 7? WikiLeaks releases 'Year Zero' files as part of 'largest ever' CIA leak
WIKILEAKS has released its new series of leaked documents, mysteriously known as Vault 7, and it is the "largest intelligence publication in history". But what is Vault 7 and what does the Year Zero part of the series reveal?
A statement from WikiLeaks announced: “Today, Tuesday 7 March 2017, WikiLeaks begins its new series of leaks on the US Central Intelligence Agency.
“Code-named ‘Vault 7’ by WikiLeaks, it is the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency.
“The first full part of the series, ‘Year Zero’, comprises 8,761 documents and files from an isolated, high-security network situated inside the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence in Langley, Virgina."
WikiLeaks said: “‘Year Zero’ introduces the scope and direction of the CIA's global covert hacking program, its malware arsenal and dozens of ‘zero day’ weaponized exploits against a wide range of US and European company products."
It added that the products included Apple's iPhone, Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows and even Samsung TVs, "which are turned into covert microphones”.
In a statement, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said: "There is an extreme proliferation risk in the development of cyber 'weapons'.
“Comparisons can be drawn between the uncontrolled proliferation of such 'weapons', which results from the inability to contain them combined with their high market value, and the global arms trade.
“But the significance of ‘Year Zero’ goes well beyond the choice between cyberwar and cyberpeace. The disclosure is also exceptional from a political, legal and forensic perspective."
Internet users around the world are now able to download the Year Zero documents after the passphrase was made public earlier today.
Mr Assange was not able reveal the contents of Vault 7 during a online press conference because the live stream fell victim to a cyber attack.
WikiLeaks tweeted: "As Mr Assange's [Periscope]+Facebook video stream links are under attack, his video press conference will be rescheduled."
Here are a series of questions and answers given by the WikiLeaks statement today:
What time period is covered?
“The years 2013 to 2016. The sort order of the pages within each level is determined by date (oldest first).”
What is Vault 7?
"Vault 7 is a substantial collection of material about CIA activities obtained by WikiLeaks.”
When was each part of Vault 7 obtained?
“Part one was obtained recently and covers through 2016. Details on the other parts will be available at the time of publication.”
What is the total size of Vault 7?
“The series is the largest intelligence publication in history.”
WikiLeaks noted: “The quantity of published pages in Vault 7 part one (Year Zero) already eclipses the total number of pages published over the first three years of the Edward Snowden NSA leaks.”
How did WikiLeaks obtain each part of Vault 7?
“Sources trust WikiLeaks to not reveal information that might help identify them.”
Isn't WikiLeaks worried that the CIA will act against its staff to stop the series?
“No. That would be certainly counter-productive.”
Why are the Vault 7 files being released now?
“WikiLeaks published as soon as its verification and analysis were ready.
“In February the Trump administration has issued an Executive Order calling for a ‘Cyberwar’ review to be prepared within 30 days.
“While the review increases the timeliness and relevance of the publication it did not play a role in setting the publication date.”
Mar 8, 2017
WikiLeaks’ Vault 7 Password Is A Nod to Anti-CIA JFK Quote
On Tuesday WikiLeaks began releasing a series of encrypted documents dubbed “Vault 7,” detailing the surveillance activities of the CIA. As part of the release, the organization posted to Twitter a password for “Vault 7” that read as follows: “SplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds.”
That password was a subset of words spoken by President John F. Kennedy 54 years ago, only a month before he was assassinated: “I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind,” were his exact words, according to a Kennedy administration official who spoke with The New York Times for a report published three years after JFK’s death.
Speaking in a History Channel program several years ago, Samuel Halpern, author of “The Assassination of JFK,” claimed that the threat stemmed from Kennedy’s frustration with the CIA, which he believed was becoming a “state within a state.”
It also originated, in part, with the then-president’s vehement opposition to Operation Northwoods, a CIA-bred plan that called for “the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities” — all to manipulate the American people into supporting a war against Cuba.
“I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind,” were his exact words, according to a Kennedy administration official who spoke with The New York Times for a report published three years after JFK’s death.
Speaking in a History Channel program several years ago, Samuel Halpern, author of “The Assassination of JFK,” claimed that the threat stemmed from Kennedy’s frustration with the CIA, which he believed was becoming a “state within a state.”
It also originated, in part, with the then-president’s vehement opposition to Operation Northwoods, a CIA-bred plan that called for “the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities” — all to manipulate the American people into supporting a war against Cuba.
How exactly does this all tie in with WikiLeaks? Conspiracy theorists have long believed that JFK’s assassination was orchestrated by the CIA as retaliation for him preventing Operation Northwoods from being carried out and out of a desire to stop him from clamping down on the agency’s growing power.
The theory is that CIA officials killed the president to protect the agency’s position. This brings us back to WikiLeaks, which has begun releasing documents that purport to expose the CIA’s shady behavior — and at a time when it seems much of the intelligence community is hostile to President Donald Trump, trying to undermine him at every turn. Coincidence or conspiracy? You tell me. Source:
Mar 8, 2017
Netanyahu seeks end to Russia airstrikes in Syria to avert Israel's collapse: Nasrallah
Nasrallah said on Saturday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had recently met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow to express his deep concern over the likely collapse of Daesh in Syria since such a development would mark a great triumph for the resistance front in the Middle East region.
The Hezbollah chief added that the defeat of the Daesh Takfiri group in Syria would be tantamount to the fall of Netanyahu himself.
Russia launched a military campaign against the terrorist groups in Syria in late September 2015 at the official request of the Damascus government.
Nasrallah made the comment at a ceremony held in the Lebanese capital city of Beirut to commemorate the birthday anniversary of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH), the daughter of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
Elsewhere in his remarks, Nasrallah said that Western powers were drawing on Takfiri terrorists in order to carry out their schemes in conflict-ridden Syria.
“I have repeatedly called on Syria militants not to put trust in [the] West and implement their plots in Syria, because the US and its allies are only using them as cannon fodder and will abandon [them] as soon as they are defeated,” he said.
He added, “I am telling militants fighting within the ranks of the enemies that you are only serving Israel, and shedding the blood of innocent people.”
The Hezbollah leader noted that the days of Daesh, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, formerly known as the al-Nusra Front, and other terrorist groups fighting to topple the Damascus government are numbered as Syrian army forces continue to achieve victories across the country.
Even those Arab and Western countries that once supported these terror outfits are now fighting them, Nasrallah pointed out.
The Hezbollah chief argued that all the Arab money spent to fan the flames of militancy in Syria over the past six years could have been used to eradicate poverty and illiteracy in the Arab world, feed starving Somalis, and accommodate homeless Palestinians.
Elsewhere in his remarks, the Hezbollah leader said that the United Nations could not be trusted to defend the Arabs’ rights in the wake of the resignation of a UN official for refusing to withdraw a damning report against Israel.
Rima Khalaf, the executive secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), resigned from the UN post after refusing to withdraw a report that concludes "Israel has established an apartheid regime that dominates the Palestinian people as a whole.”
On Friday, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres had asked that the report be removed from the ESCWA’s website, a UN official said on condition of anonymity.
Read more:
Israel lauded the move, with its envoy to the UN, Danny Danon, thanking Guterres.
Danon said in a statement that “the time has come to put an end to those using their status within the UN to promote anti-Israel activity.”
'Some Arab states funding Syria crisis'
In an interview with PressTV, Ibrahim Mousawi, a political commentator from Beirut, said it is a very important theme that Nasrallah has highlighted in his speech that some Arab states are financing the wars that are being waged by foreign powers such as the US.
Turkey, the US, Britain and France were only orchestrating, organizing and giving the green light to the war in Syria, he said, adding that most of the money and the finance for the crisis comes from Arab budgets, mainly Saudi Arabia.
"The basic role, all the anticipated results from the United Nations are not there anymore," he stressed.
Mar 20, 2017
EXCLUSIVE: White House Fingers John McCain As Media Leak; Believes U.S. Senator Eavesdropped on Trump’s Classified Phone
An analysis of McCain’s recent public statements by White House officials, coupled with information from intelligence personnel working with the Trump administration, paints a disturbing picture for McCain — or any elected U.S. politician. Officials believe the senator has inside knowledge of a number of President Trump’s telephone conversations, including at least one conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Even more alarming, officials believe McCain is secretly sharing this sensitive information with colleagues and his cabal of friendly mainstream media journalists in a dangerous clandestine campaign to damage Trump’s presidency even before it has a chance to succeed. Trump has been searching for media rats in the Beltway in recent weeks. White House aides are confident they have now outed one of the major leaks plaguing the early days of the Trump presidency. To everyone’s surprise, it is a senior senator supposedly belonging to the same side of the political aisle as the president.
McCain has been lambasting Trump to anyone and everyone who will listen since the newly minted president’s inauguration. This includes a Russian comedian who pranked McCain posing as Ukraine Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman. Even during that troubling conversation, where McCain shared sensitive U.S. intelligence with an imposter, White House aides said McCain unknowingly exposed himself as having inside knowledge of Trump’s telephone conversations.
“He has been given transcripts or actually listened to the calls and is sharing what he has heard,” an administration insider said. “There is no doubt. He is one of the major leaks.”
Just last week, True Pundit published a troubling account of how a Russian comedian duped McCain, the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. McCain incredibly even coached the phone-prankster-posing Prime Minister on joining NATO.
This audio recording of the phone call is absolutely incredible.
It’s time for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to determine the level McCain’s involvement and just how many laws he has broken.
McCain: "The New World Order Is Under Enormous Strain"
In a "new world order under enormous strain" and in "the titanic struggle with forces of radicalism … we can't stand by and lament, we've got to be involved," said McCain who is now chairman of the armed services committee in the US Senate, quoted by the EU Observer. "I trust the EU," he said, defending an opposite view from that of US president Donald Trump, who said in January that the UK "was so smart in getting out" of the EU and that Nato was "obsolete". He said that the EU was "one of the most important alliances" for the US and that the EU and Nato were "the best two sums in history", which have maintained peace for the last 70 years.
John McCain senility slips?.......
Media clips are of McCain making a statement, at most. As those close to the campaign of McCain are aware of his mental lapses, they will try to protect him from exposure by limiting debates with Obama going into the general election. They will try to assuage any concerns Republicans have about McCain's obvious senility with a strong vice president on the ticket.
Senility is most obvious when a sufferer is in new or strange places, not grounded. When on familiar ground, the sufferer has many mental pathways to rely upon. Thus when in his home state of Arizona, or in the Senate, or talking about issues familiar to his senate role, he seems solid. But when away from home in the Middle East, he has been befuddled and caught at this. In that the general election will bring up subjects he is not versed in, like the economy, and force him to at least a few debates with Obama, there is a strong likelihood of more slips where his early senility will express itself.
Mar 28, 2017
UK Prime Minister triggers formal Brexit divorce, says no turning back'no-turning-back'-uk-triggers-'historic'-brexit
Prime Minister Theresa May has formally triggered the process of leaving the European Union, declaring there was no turning back.
In one of the most significant steps by a British leader since WWII, Mrs May notified EU Council President Donald Tusk in a hand-delivered letter that Britain would quit the club it joined in 1973.
"The United Kingdom is leaving the European Union," Mrs May told parliament.
"This is an historic moment from which there can be no turning back."
Nine months after Britain shocked world leaders by unexpectedly voting to quit the bloc, the prime minister now has two years to negotiate the terms of the divorce before it comes into effect in late March 2019.
She is faced with the task of holding Britain together in the face of renewed Scottish independence demands, while conducting arduous talks with 27 other EU states on finance, trade, security and other complex issues.
The outcome of the negotiations will shape the future of Britain's economy, the world's fifth biggest, and determine whether London can keep its place as one of the top two global financial centres.
For the EU, already reeling from successive crises over debt and refugees, the loss of Britain is the biggest blow yet to 60 years of efforts to forge European unity in the wake of two world wars.
Its leaders say they do not want to punish Britain. But with nationalist, anti-EU parties on the rise across Europe, they cannot afford to give London generous terms that might encourage other member states to break away.
Mrs May's notice of the UK's intention to leave the bloc under Article 50 of the EU's Lisbon Treaty was hand-delivered to Tusk in Brussels by Tim Barrow, Britain's permanent representative to the EU, on the top floor of the new Europa Building in Brussels.
That moment formally set the clock ticking on Britain's two-year exit process. Sterling, which has lost 25 cents against the dollar since the June 23 referendum, jumped to $US1.25.
Mrs May signed the 6-page Brexit letter on Tuesday night, pictured alone at the cabinet table beneath a clock, a British flag and an oil-painting of Britain's first prime minister, Robert Walpole.
Her letter sought to set a positive tone for the talks though it admitted that the task of extracting the UK from the EU was momentous and that reaching comprehensive agreements within two years would be a challenge.
The prime minister wants to negotiate Britain's divorce and the future trading relationship with the EU within the two-year period, though EU officials say that will be hard given the depth of the relationship.
"We believe it is necessary to agree the terms of our future partnership alongside those of our withdrawal from the EU," Mrs May told Tusk in her letter, adding that London wanted an ambitious free trade agreement with the EU.
"If, however, we leave the European Union without an agreement the default position is that we would have to trade on World Trade Organisation terms," she said.
Mrs May signs the six-page Brexit letter on Tuesday. Photo: AFP / Julien Mattia / NurPhoto
'We already miss you'
Mrs May has promised to seek the greatest possible access to European markets but said Britain was not seeking membership of the 'single market' of 500 million people as she understood there could be no "cherry picking" of a free trade area based on unfettered movement of goods, services, capital and people.
Britain will aim to establish its own free trade deals with countries beyond Europe, and impose limits on immigration from the continent, May has said.
Mr Tusk said the EU would seek to minimise the cost of Brexit to EU citizens and businesses and that Brussels wanted an orderly withdrawal for Britain.
"We already miss you," said Mr Tusk who will send the 27 other states draft negotiating guidelines within 48 hours. "Thank you and goodbye."
Germany will strive in Brexit negotiations to make sure there is as little disruption as possible to the lives of European Union citizens living in Britain, Chancellor Angela Merkel said.
Stressing that she hoped Britain and the EU would remain close partners, Mrs Merkel said the prospect of Brexit made many people in Europe worried about their own personal future.
"This is the case especially for the many Germans and European citizens in Britain. Therefore, the German government will work intensively to make sure the effect on the everyday lives of those people is as small as possible," she said.
In recent months, German officials have made clear that they do not believe there is time to negotiate a bespoke transitional agreement for Britain that would come into force immediately after Brexit.
A huge number of questions remain, including whether exporters will keep tariff-free access to the single market and whether British-based banks will still be able to serve continental clients, not to mention immigration and the future rights of EU citizens in the UK and Britons living in Europe.
At home, a divided Britain faces strains that could lead to its break-up. In the Brexit referendum, England and Wales voted to leave the EU but Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to stay.
Scottish nationalists have demanded an independence referendum that May has refused. In Northern Ireland, rival parties are embroiled in a major political crisis and Sinn Fein nationalists are demanding a vote on leaving the UK and uniting with the Republic of Ireland.
The UK has a large economic foot print, simply because London is a large financial center. Per the Zetas, the impact goes beyond the uncertainty of financial investments. Brexit has struck a blow to the New World Order crowd.
Mar 31, 2017
Dr. Pieczenik Says Counter Revolution Taking Place Inside White House to Silence Alt-Right
Moreover, Dr. Pie warned the U.S. military was 'out of control', waging and fomenting wars in five different countries.
Interestingly, he mentioned how $KBR was in countries that the United States had no interest in for the sole purposes of looting it (I am long KBR).
Now on the important matter of Jared Kushner.
Pieczenik said the Kushner family is an 'incredibly corrupt family' that cannot be allowed in the White House. Jones said Trump's sons are 'total patriots' and have been leaking information to Mike Cernovich and others.
"Trump is for real, but he is being pulled by every side. There is an attempt to have a soft coup against the President,' said Jones.
Pieczenik weighed in, 'I've repeatedly said that Jared has to leave. There's no question he's involved in corruption with the Chinese, [...] the Israeli family, the Steinmetz, who were already indicted for diamond smuggling,' further illuminating the point that AG Sessions was 'fully aware' that the Kushner's were corrupt.
Dr. Pie fired a shot across the President's bow, saying 'we have the neocons coming back. I am warning the administration, again and again, I did not take the time and the effort and the liberty and the risk that others weren't willing to do to bring back pathetic neocons like Elliot Abrams or John Bolton or anyone of those morons that you put in there. If Mcmaster doesn't understand how he came to power, he came to power because Tom Clancy and I gave him money. He came to power because he sat on the boards of other companies.'
He warned against any preemptive strike against N. Korea as being both 'idiotic and inept.'He described intervention in Syria as being foolhardy, saying 'putting in artillery and howitzers into Syria when you have no idea who the Al-Waleed's are. You have no idea how many Christians the Bashar family are protecting, millions of them. And you're gonna do a regime change because you have some moron named Pompeo, who's head of the CIA because he was #1 at West Point, but had never been in intelligence? He's never been overseas, really never understood anything...'
May 3, 2017
jorge namour
New Zealand launching ramp: built the world's first private space shuttle
May 22, 2017
The Californian Rocket Lab company has built the island's first private space shuttle into the world. It will be inaugurated with the launch of Electron
Rocket Lab bets on New Zealand , which becomes the home of the world's first private space shuttle . The Californian company founded by Peter Beck has recently received approval to conduct three test launches of his Electron carrier from the remote Mahia peninsula, located on the eastern coast of the northern island.
The inaugural launch of Electron, a two-stage carrier capable of carrying loads up to 150 pounds , was set for today, but adverse weather conditions delayed the launch to date to be defined.
Spacecraft construction - explains the Italian Space Agency - was enthusiastically welcomed by the New Zealand government, which intends to convey ever-increasing investments in the sector thanks to the creation of the first national space agency. Among the various tasks of the new entity will also be to attract investments from private individuals from around the world.
"So far, only the great powers have been able to access space," commented Simon Bridges , Minister of New Zealand Economic Development, "for us to have the chance to be part of this elite is a big step forward." Spacecraft, according to Rocket Lab plans, should be able to launch every 72 hours , given the low air and sea traffic in the area; Once launched, it will carry 4 or 5 launches per month .
Rocket Lab wants to play an increasingly prominent role in providing small satellite devices with multiple uses - from environmental monitoring to internet services. To put them into orbit, it will use lightweight 'carbon-fiber' rockets with engines made by 3D printers . This is a commercial strategy quite different from that put in place by other competitors such as SpaceX , which uses heavily reusable heavy vectors to carry large load orbit.
Costs , according to forecasts, will be very low: around $ 5 million in launch due to the type of material used to build rockets and for limited use of fuel. The project is receiving the approval of many satellite manufacturing companies, and NASA and Moon Express , a launching company in Silicon Valley that is going to leverage the Moon's economic resources, will be launching NASA and Moon Express .
May 22, 2017