Note the location of “Planet 9” and the inbound path for Nibiru provided by the Zetas in 1997. Nibiru arrived, right on schedule in 2003, and right where predicted a full 7 years earlier. Where the Zetas provided the location of the gravity draw represented by the Sun’s dark unlit binary and the inbound Nibiru in 1983, when the IRAS team lofted its infra-red balloon in search of the inbound Nibiru, this location was not provided to the public. All articles in print at that time only referring to the location as the “western edge of the constellation Orion”, quite vague, and the “western edge” is vast. Yet the Zetas pinpointed the location as being just outside the lower bow of Orion. Such is the accuracy of ZetaTalk. How would the public eventually become “aware of the history and accuracy of ZetaTalk predictions” as predicted by the Zetas on April 16, 2016? ? It would seem this is already in process.
SOZT March 19, 2016
So what happened to the announcement? Obama lacked the courage. As a result of this colossal failure, having to disband the Jade Helm structure, the US military reacted. Obama is no longer running the country. Chief of Staff General Dunford is. Ben Fulford has for months been referring to Obama as the US “spokesperson”. Is this true, and how does this work? In that the Middle East, under the direction and press from Israel, Turkey, the Jewish bankers of the Federal Reserve, and the Saudis were supporting ISIS and this threatened to create a force that would not only invade Europe but also create an endless terrorism threat to the US, the military did indeed effect a silent coup. Russia needed to enter the fray, and Dunford, but not Obama, agreed. This will never be admitted, publicly, nor do the parties want this.
SOZT October 1, 2015
The three major social media outlets in use around the globe all had significant, and simultaneous outages between September 20-24, 2015. Skype had complaints from the UK, Australia, and Japan. Twitter received reports from the US, Australia, and Singapore. FaceBook had the loudest howls, primarily from the US and Europe. Notably these downtimes, some lasting for hours or even days, got no attention in the major media, and there was no real explanation for the outages. Every Skype user has an account and a password, as do their contacts. Every Skype user can broadcast messages to their contacts, even if these contacts are not presently online. Every twitter use likewise has an account and a password, and by sending a tweet passes information along to subscribers, who can retweet the info in the future. FaceBook users likewise have an account and a password, with many friends who pick up info from each other and pass it along on their FaceBook accounts. In all of this, the networks themselves are AWARE of the accounts and passwords, and could do a broadcast to all in the event of an announcement. Check your user agreements. This is legal!
SOZT April 25, 2015
When we announced that the Council of Worlds would be going to war with the elite over their blockage of the announcement, the tools available to the Council were not immediately apparent. Early in the campaign the Sony hack showed one such mechanism, whereby an anonymous hacker revealed embarrassing information about Sony executives. Similarly exposing pedophile activities by Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and blatant lies by self-promoting media talking heads such as Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly required nothing more than encouraging contactees to step forward. In many, many cases a financial loss sufficient to trigger a clash among the elite is a result of an electronic delay during trades.
SOZT July 4, 2015
What is the message here? As with other failed launches, this most recent failure is a definitive message from the Council of Worlds. Space X has had success in resupplying the ISS, though has flounded on landing on a floating ocean platform. Resupply of the ISS is OK, reuse of their launch equipment so as to help the elite escape, not OK. The message now is that the elite should not expect to get into space at all. No escape. The message here is to take all hope away from such plans among the elite. They are to remain on Earth with the common man. We expect the battle to shift from attempts to block the announcement, or deny its meaning, to attempts to enslave the common man in some way. That is another fight, on another day.
SOZT November 1, 2014
The elite – the wealthy and politically powerful in the world – have continued in their attempts to thwart the announcement by Obama and his partners admitting that Nibiru, aka Planet X exists. We have long stated that the announcement date was set by Obama and Xi at their June 7-8, 2013 meeting in Santa Monica. The flustered slip given by the French Foreign Minister on May 13, 2014 re “500 days
until climate chaos” was in reference to this, as the date set was to be 500 days from the 2013 meeting, ie October 20, 2014.
SOZT November 8, 2014
Relying solely on Russia or China to proceed would get the truth out BUT since the block had always been on the US end, via Reagan’s national security directive, without a confirmation from Obama this is awkward and subject to being countered. If true, where is the confirmation from Obama? It would be packaged as some odd communist attack against Obama going into the elections, to make him seem weak, almost comical. So where is this going now? For us to comment would be to empower the enemy, which of course we will not do. Your curiosity is not as important as having the announcement succeed.
SOZT December 10, 2014
We have stated that the public will see only the flash and parry of swords from a distance during the Council of Worlds war with the cover-up crowd. Meanwhile, periodic tests of the Emergency Broadcast System in the US are done, to see if the channels are open. As of this writing, they are not yet open. The war is still on, full press. Meanwhile, during the flash and parry of swords, one can see resistance, pleading, panic, and capitulation.
casey a
The Democratic National Committee attempted to conceal details of a fundraising arrangement with Hillary Clinton that channeled money out of state Democratic parties
Politico reports that during one three-month period while Democratic primaries were still going on, state parties got to keep less than one half of one percent of the $82 million raised through the arrangement.
DNC Betrayed Bernie Sanders and the Rest of America
The leaked emails from the Democratic National Committee apparently confirmed what they have said all along — that the political system was rigged against their candidate in favor of Hillary Clinton.
Top Democrats essentially dismissed Sanders as a viable candidate during the primaries, attempted to undermine him with voters and even took steps to derail his campaign, according to hacked emails that were recently made public by WikiLeaks.
(When Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned because of the Wikileaks release that showed the DNC was sabotaging Bernie's campagin, Hillary's immediate reaction was to co-opt DWS into her presidential campaign. A clear signal showing all the dogs that have been loyal to Clinton, that they will get their share of bread crumbs.)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz(DWS) was co-chair of Clintons 2008 presidential run. DWS is now chair of the DNC, she needed to be in order to guarantee a Clinton nomination. To get the position of head of the DNC, Sen. Tim Kaine had to step down. What did DWS and Clinton offer him in return? THE VICE PRESIDENCY.
Election Justice USA released an almost 100 page report on the Democratic Election....
Based on this work, Election Justice USA has established an upper estimate of 184 pledged delegates lost by Senator Bernie Sanders as a consequence of specific irregularities and instances of fraud. Adding these delegates to Senator Sanders’ pledged delegate total and subtracting the same number from Hillary Clinton’s total would more than erase the 359 pledged delegate gap between the two candidates.
Jul 27, 2016
WikiLeaks releases hacked DNC voicemails
The voicemails were included in the trove of DNC emails that WikiLeaks released last week, which many believe were stolen by Russian hackers.
The emails showed Democratic officials coordinating efforts to undermine Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) presidential campaign. The fallout from the leaks led to the resignation of DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who will step down at the end of the Democratic National Convention this week.
Many of the voicemails were messages of callers leaving their numbers in hopes of being called back or innocuous greetings.
But multiple messages came from voters upset that the DNC was giving too much support to Sanders.
One caller with an Arizona area code called to blast the DNC for putting Sanders surrogate Cornel West on the platform drafting committee.
“I’m furious for what you are doing for Bernie Sanders,” another caller says in a message. “He’s getting way too much influence.
“What I see is the Democratic Party bending over backwards for Bernie,” adds the caller, who threatens to leave the party if the DNC doesn’t stop “coddling” the Vermont senator.
Reid: DNC never gave Sanders a ‘fair deal’
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) says Bernie Sanders never got a fair chance from the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
“Bernie really had a movement out there, and it wasn’t right to treat him that way,” Reid said Wednesday from the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, according to The Huffington Post.
Reid said outgoing DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz wasn't impartial during the Democratic primary.
“Debbie Wasserman Schultz, she’s always been good to me,” he said of the Florida House Democrat. "I like her just fine.
“I know she’s tried hard, but as some people probably know, I thought Bernie deserved somebody that was not critical to him. So I’m sorry she had to resign, but it was the right thing to do. She should have done it sooner.”
Reid also said Democrats don't have a backup plan if anything damaging about their presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, emerges in future email leaks.
“No,” he said.
WikiLeaks last week published a trove of 20,000 DNC emails from last January to late May of this year.
Some of the messages showed top DNC officials seemingly planning to undermine Sanders's presidential campaign. The leak only intensified the tensions between Wasserman Schultz and the Vermont senator's supporters, many of whom accused her of tilting the primary in favor of Clinton.
Wasserman Schultz announced Sunday she would resign after her party’s convention ends this week.
Sanders has moved to unify the party after an at-times bitter primary fight with Clinton. In a speech Monday, he urged his supporters to back Clinton. And on Tuesday, he moved for Democrats to nominate Clinton for the presidency, a gesture of party unity.
BREAKING: Hillary Just Received The Worst Possible – Putin Is Smiling!
Hillary Clinton broke the law and put America’s national security at risk by using a private home email server to transmit top secret information.
Now, we’re just about to find out how serious Hillary Clinton’s crimes were!
Russia’s Kremlin now has in their possession at least private 20,000 emails from Hillary Clinton’s poorly protected server, and they are debating if they should be released.
They stumbled onto these messages while monitoring Romanian computer hacker Lazăr Lehel, who is better known as “Guccifer.” They were watching him closely after he failed to hack into the internet network for Russia’s RT television network.
While Hillary thought she cleaned off her server and deleted the most damning emails, Russia may release the messages! This changes the 2016 Presidential election in a big way:
These emails contain sensitive data, and could incriminate Hillary Clinton by detailing just how she used the Clinton Foundation to accept bribes from foreign governments. These emails are devastating, and Hillary can’t be happy that Russia now has the full archive. This could lead to an arrest and criminal conviction of the Democrat presidential nominee!
Democrats in turmoil over leaking of 20,000 emails on eve of convention
The head of the Democratic National Committee has resigned after the leaking of 20,000 emails exposed rifts in the party leadership, throwing Hillary Clinton’s election campaign into turmoil on the eve of this week’s convention.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC chairwoman, said on Sunday that she would be stepping down at the end of the convention in the wake of the leaks that have cast both her and her office in a negative light amid campaigning for the US presidential election.
Ms Wasserman Schultz will open and close the event but by the end of the week her duties are to be taken over by Donna Brazile, a longtime Democratic operative and alumna of Bill Clinton’s White House.
The resignation comes in the wake of a growing scandal over the DNC’s closeness to the Clinton campaign during the primary — a time when the committee is supposed to be impartial — and threatens to overshadow the first days of the convention and the news that Michael Bloomberg, the former New York mayor, will endorse Mrs Clinton on the convention stage.
Last month the DNC reported that it had been hacked by what it believed were Russian government hackers, who had gained access to the committee’s email system for up to 12 months. The committee’s emails are now slowly being released to the public by WikiLeaks, which published an initial trove of 20,000 on Friday.
In a statement, Ms Wasserman Schultz said she would be stepping down to better focus on serving as Mrs Clinton’s surrogate in Florida, where she is one of the state’s representatives to Congress. But she did not directly address the leaks or some of the specific emails that have gained attention.
In one message sent on May 21, Ms Wasserman Schultz suggested that it was not worth responding to a particular claim by Bernie Sanders, who at the time was fiercely campaigning against Mrs Clinton for the Democratic nomination. “He isn’t going to be president,” she said of Mr Sanders.
Everyman roots of Clinton’s running mate could strengthen Democratic ticket
In another email, a DNC staffer suggested planting a story about the problems that had plagued Mr Sanders’ campaign.
“Wondering if there’s a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never had his act together, that his campaign was a mess,” Mark Paustenbach, a DNC communications officer, wrote to Luis Miranda, the DNC’s communications director.
Mr Sanders, who has been calling for months for Ms Wasserman Schultz to resign, said he was not surprised by the content of the emails. “I told you a long time ago that the DNC was not running a fair operation, that they were supporting Secretary Clinton,” he told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos.
On ABC, Ms Brazile said she had already apologised to the Sanders campaign this weekend for the emails, many more of which were still to be released.
“The allegations, the emails, the insensitivity, the stupidity needs to be addressed,” she said. “This is not just a one-day leak. There will be a substantial number of emails that I understand will be leaked over the next couple of days, weeks, months.”
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC chairwoman, is stepping down at the end of the convention
Robby Mook, Mrs Clinton’s campaign manager, suggested on Sunday that the leak of the DNC emails on the eve of the convention could be an effort by Russia to give a boost to Donald Trump, the Republican candidate who has often sounded sympathetic to Moscow.
“What’s disturbing to us is that experts are telling us Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails, and other experts are now saying that the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump,” Mr Mook told CNN.
They have made $22m from the education industry since 2010 but such connections may blight her White House bidReince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, said the saga over the emails underscored the claim by Mr Trump that the Democratic primary process was rigged. Speaking at an event in Philadelphia, he said that “when you rig a system . . . this kind of outcome is inevitable”.
On Sunday, protesters were already staging rallies not far from the convention site. On social media some supporters of Mr Sanders were demanding that he revoke his endorsement of Mrs Clinton following the DNC leaks.
Among the speakers at the four-day convention are Mrs Clinton’s newly announced running mate Virginia senator Tim Kaine, as well as senators Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Cory Booker of New Jersey. The latter three all made it on to the shortlist of Mrs Clinton’s vice-presidential choices.
Mr Bloomberg, a registered independent, will also give a primetime address endorsing Mrs Clinton, just months after considering his own independent run at the presidency.
In his speech, Mr Bloomberg is expected to present Mrs Clinton’s candidacy in contrast to Mr Trump’s, of whom he has been fiercely critical. News of Mr Bloomberg’s speech was first reported by the New York Times.
Jul 28, 2016
IRS Launches Investigation Of Clinton Foundation
The request to investigate the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation on charges of “public corruption” was made in a July 15 letter by 64 House Republicans to the IRS, FBI and Federal Trade Commission (FTC). They charged the foundation is “lawless.”
The initiative is being led by Rep. Marsha Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican who serves as the vice chairwoman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, which oversees FTC. The FTC regulates public charities alongside the IRS.
The lawmakers charged the Clinton Foundation is a “lawless ‘pay-to-play’ enterprise that has been operating under a cloak of philanthropy for years and should be investigated.”
Koskinen’s July 22 reply came only a week after the House Republicans contacted the tax agency. It arrived to their offices Monday, the first opening day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.
“We have forwarded the information you have submitted to our Exempt Organizations Program in Dallas,” Koskinen told the Republicans.
The Exempt Organization Program is the division of the IRS that regulates the operations of public foundations and charities. It’s the same division that was led by former IRS official Lois Lerner when hundreds of conservative, evangelical and tea party non-profit applicants were illegally targeted and harassed by tax officials.
Blackburn told TheDCNF she believes the IRS has a double standard because, “they would go after conservative groups and religious groups and organizations, but they wouldn’t be looking at the Clinton Foundation for years. It was as if they choose who they are going to audit and question. It’s not right.”
Blackburn said she and her colleagues will “continue to push” for answers on the Clinton Foundation’s governing policies, including its insular board of directors. She said they also will examine conflicts of interest and “follow the money trail.”
“In my opinion, there’s a lack of good governance, there is the appearance of conflicts of interest, and there are continued questions about the financial dealings,” she told TheDCNF.
House Republicans singled out Laureate Education and Uranium One as two companies that seemed to have paid lavish sums to the Clintons and later received official government benefits.
Laureate hired former President Bill Clinton as “honorary chancellor,” paying him $16.5 million over five years. The Baltimore-based company, which operates for-profit universities in 28 countries, also donated between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, according to the foundation’s web site.
While Bill was collecting a paycheck from the company and his wife was secretary of state, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), an arm of the World Bank, invested $150 million in Laureate. It was the largest-ever single IFC investment to an educational company. The United States government is the largest contributor to the IFC. During that same period, the Department of State’s U.S. Agency for International Development awarded $55 million to the International Youth Foundation. Laureate CEO Douglas Becker is on the foundation’s board of directors. International Youth Foundation, the Clinton Foundation and Laureate jointly participated in foundation programs.
A Laureate spokesman denied the quid pro quo charges: “Allegations of any quid pro quo between Laureate, the International Youth Foundation and the Clintons are completely false,” she told TheDCNF, adding, “the IFC’s decision to invest in Laureate had no connection to and was not influenced in any way whatsoever by Hillary Clinton.”
The IFC also awarded $150 million to another company owned by Frank Giustra, a close friend of Bill Clinton. Giustra donated $100 million to create the “Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership” within the Clinton Foundation. The funds went to Pacific Infrastructure, a company in which Giustra had a significant financial stake. The company was to build a port and oil pipeline in Colombia that was strenuously opposed by environmental and human rights groups because the pipeline sliced through five indigenous villages and forcibly displaced the tribes.
Giustra also was an owner in Uranium One, a uranium mining company with operations in Kazakhstan and in the western United States. Giustra wanted to sell a share of the uranium business to Russia’s atomic energy agency, which required U.S. approval, including that of Secretary Clinton. The Russian investment was approved.
Blackburn added that it appeared the Clinton Foundation — which was tax-exempt only to construct and manage Clinton’s presidential library — never got IRS approval to become a tax-exempt global organization with operations in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Pacific and the Caribbean.
“In the Clinton Foundation we have a charity that has never filed the appropriate paperwork,” Blackburn charged.
Charles Ortel, a Wall Street analyst who has been investigating the Clinton Foundation, told TheDCNF that the expansion of the foundation into a global giant was not legally approved by the IRS.
“It’s crystal clear in a review of their application that their purposes were narrowly limited, as they should have been, to a presidential archive in Little Rock, Arkansas,” he said to TheDCNF. “End of discussion.”
Blackburn also questions the makeup of the Clinton Foundation’s board of directors, which IRS rules require include independent, arm’s-length board members. The Clinton Foundation board mainly consists of close friends, business colleagues and big donors to the Clintons, as reported by TheDCNF.
“All charities need to guard against incestuous relationships which limit their ability to be objective,” the congresswoman said. “In the Clinton Foundation, we see a lack of diversity within their board.”
Uranium One did not respond to TheDCNF’s request for comment. The Clinton Foundation also did not respond to TheDCNF’s request for comment.
Jul 28, 2016
Exclusive: Clinton campaign also hacked in attacks on Democrats
A computer network used by Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign was hacked as part of a broad cyber attack on Democratic political organizations, people familiar with the matter told Reuters.
The latest attack, which was disclosed to Reuters on Friday, follows two other hacks on the Democratic National Committee, or DNC, and the party’s fundraising committee for candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives.
A Clinton campaign spokesman said in a statement late on Friday that an analytics data program maintained by the DNC and used by the campaign and a number of other entities "was accessed as part of the DNC hack."
"Our campaign computer system has been under review by outside cyber security experts. To date, they have found no evidence that our internal systems have been compromised," said Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill.
Later, a campaign official said hackers had access to the analytics program's server for approximately five days. The analytics data program is one of many systems the campaign accesses to conduct voter analysis, and does not include social security numbers or credit card numbers, the official said.
The U.S. Department of Justice national security division is investigating whether cyber attacks on Democratic political organizations threatened U.S. security, sources familiar with the matter said on Friday.
The involvement of the Justice Department’s national security division is a sign that the Obama administration has concluded that the hacking was sponsored by a state, people with knowledge of the investigation said.
While it is unclear exactly what material the hackers may have gained access to, the third such attack on sensitive Democratic targets disclosed in the last six weeks has caused alarm in the party and beyond, just over three months before the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election.
Hackers, whom U.S. intelligence officials have concluded were Russian, gained access to the entire network of the fundraising Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, or DCCC, said people familiar with the matter, detailing the extent of the breach to Reuters for the first time.
Cyber security experts and U.S. officials said earlier this week they had concluded, based on analysis of malware and other aspects of the DNC hack, that Russia engineered the release of hacked Democratic Party emails to influence the U.S. presidential election.
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation said on Friday it was "aware of media reporting on cyber intrusions involving multiple political entities, and is working to determine the accuracy, nature and scope of these matters."
"The FBI takes seriously any allegations of intrusions, and we will continue to hold accountable those who pose a threat in cyberspace," the agency said in an emailed statement.
The hack did not involve the private email system Clinton used while she was secretary of state.
The new disclosure to Reuters that hackers gained access to the full DCCC network means they would have had access to everything on the network from emails to strategy memos and opposition research prepared to support Democratic candidates in campaigns for the House.
The hack of the DCCC, which is based in Washington, was reported first by Reuters on Thursday, ahead of Clinton’s speech in Philadelphia accepting the Democratic party’s nomination.
Russian officials could not be immediately reached for comment.
Several U.S. officials said the Obama administration has avoided publicly attributing the attacks to Russia as that might undermine Secretary of State John Kerry’s effort to win Russian cooperation in the war on Islamic State in Syria.
The officials said the administration fears Russian President Vladimir Putin might respond to a public move by escalating cyber attacks on U.S. targets, increasing military harassment of U.S. and allied aircraft and warships in the Baltic and Black Seas, and making more aggressive moves in Eastern Europe.
Some officials question the approach, arguing that responding more forcefully to Russia would be more effective than remaining silent.
The Obama administration announced in an April 2015 executive order that it could apply economic sanctions in response to cyber attacks.
The hack on the DNC, made public in June, led to WikiLeaks publishing more than 19,000 emails last weekend, some of them showing favoritism within the DNC for Clinton over U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned on Sunday as a result, creating a rocky start for the party's convention in Philadelphia this week.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Wednesday invited Russia to dig up thousands of "missing" emails from Clinton's time at the State Department, prompting Democrats to accuse him of urging foreigners to spy on Americans.
On Thursday, Trump said his remarks were meant as sarcasm.
Earlier in the week, Clinton campaign senior policy adviser Jake Sullivan had criticized Trump and called the hacking "a national security issue."
Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller said on Friday the reported breach showed cyber security is "a problem wherever Hillary Clinton goes. Hopefully this time there wasn't classified or top secret information that puts American lives at risk."
In Washington, the DCCC said early on Friday it had hired cyber security firm CrowdStrike to investigate. "We have taken and are continuing to take steps to enhance the security of our network," the DCCC said. "We are cooperating with federal law enforcement with respect to their ongoing investigation."
The DCCC had no additional comment late on Friday. Officials at the DNC did not respond to requests for comment.
Senator Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat and the top Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee, told CNN on Friday she had not heard about the hack of the Clinton campaign.
But she said: "It wouldn't surprise me. I think it should be pretty clear that both campaigns should be aware that there's a problem out there. Everybody should be cautious."
Jul 30, 2016
Former Brazilian president Lula to stand trial on obstruction charges
Judge says sufficient evidence exists that Workers’ party conspired with politicians and businessmen to buy silence of former Petrobras official
The court case against the Workers’ party founder – who in 2009 helped to win the Olympic bid for Rio de Janeiro – is likely to cast a shadow over the sporting spectacle and adds to a wave of problems engulfing the country, including a political crisis, the worst recession in decades, pollution fears and the Zika epidemic.
Lula is accused of conspiring to buy the silence of a former Petrobras director, Nestor Cerveró, who was arrested last year as part of the vast – and still ongoing – Lava Jato (Car Wash) investigation into corruption at the state-run oil company.
Ricardo Leite, a federal court judge in Brasília, announced on Friday that there was sufficient evidence to begin criminal proceedings against Lula and six other suspects.
The former president has denied the charges, saying the accusation is based on a mendacious testimony made by former senator Delcídio do Amaral as part of a plea bargain to secure the latter’s switch from jail to house arrest.
“Lula has made it clear in a statement to the attorney general that he never interfered or attempted to interfere with testimony related to Lava Jato,” said a statement from the Lula Institute.
A lawyer for Lula addded: “Lula vehemently denies the claims against him but is not opposed to be investigated in a fair and open manner. In this case, Lula’s lawyers were not asked to put forward a defence. Lula has already testified that he did not try to interfere with the testimonies. Brazil’s judicial system has once again highlighted to the world the challenges of receiving a fair trial in Brazil.”
Along with Lula and Amaral, the defendants list includes Diogo Ferreira (Amaral’s former assistant), banker André Esteves, lawyer Edson Ribeiro, rancher José Carlos Bumlai and his son, Maurício Bumlai.
In an interview with the Guardian earlier this year, Amaral said Lula had asked him to help Cerveró’s family because the former Petrobras director could implicate Bumlai, a rancher and an associate who served as a go-between in negotiations between politicians and oil company officials.
“Look, is there any way we can help Bumlai,” Amaral recalls Lula telling him at a meeting in Brasília. The solution they reached, the former senator says, was that Bumlai’s family would help Cerveró’s family with legal fees. The sum – at least 250,000 reais ($77,000) – was paid with the help of the banker Esteves, then one of Brazil’s richest men. Amaral was later secretly recorded trying to arrange Cerveró’s escape.
The former senator predicted his testimony would soon lead to the arrest of the former..., who was once his ally.
Lula has been under growing legal and political pressure. He was detained for questioning and his home and offices were raided by police in March. Two months later, his successor, Dilma Rousseff, was suspended from the presidency while she undergoes an impeachment trial in the senate on unrelated charges of fiscal irregularities.
Adored as one of the most popular leaders in the world when he left office in 2010, Lula told the Guardian last month that he is the victim of a political witch-hunt that is designed to stop him running again for the presidency in 2018.
He claimed Amaral was lying to secure his release. “He’s built a fantasy narrative to help himself,” he says. The senator denies this and stands by his testimony.
Lula and the other defendants have been given 20 days to present their defence. The trial will take place in Brasília and be presided over by Leite, a judge who was mired in controversy last year when prosecutors asked for him to be withdrawn from a tax fraud case because he was impeding the investigation.
Earlier this week, Lula’s legal team filed a petition with the United Nations human rights committee claiming he was the victim of abuse of power in the corruption case. But that process related to a different legal challenge against him in Curitiba.
Although the former president has not been jailed, the prospect of a trial may further divide the country ahead of the Olympics, which open in Rio de Janeiro next Friday.
Jul 31, 2016
Next leak will lead to arrest of Hillary Clinton – Assange
While many are blaming Russia for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) email leak, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says there is no evidence to suggest that the DNC was hacked by the Russian government. Furthermore, Assange claims the next leak will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton. RT correspondent Laura Smith has the report from London.
Julian Assange says “1,700 emails in Hillary Clinton’s collection” proves she sold weapons to ISIS in Syria
Democracy Now, Assange:
"So, those Hillary Clinton emails, they connect together with the cables that we have published of Hillary Clinton, creating a rich picture of how Hillary Clinton performs in office, but, more broadly, how the U.S. Department of State operates. So, for example, the disastrous, absolutely disastrous intervention in Libya, the destruction of the Gaddafi government, which led to the occupation of ISIS of large segments of that country, weapons flows going over to Syria, being pushed by Hillary Clinton, into jihadists within Syria, including ISIS, that’s there in those emails. There’s more than 1,700 emails in Hillary Clinton’s collection, that we have released, just about Libya alone."
2013: US Senator Rand Paul Destroys Hillary Clinton Over Benghazi-Gate During Capitol Hill Press Conference
Sen. Rand Paul: My question is, is the US involved in any procuring of weapons, transfer of weapons, buying, selling anyhow transferring weapons to Turkey out of Libya?
Hillary Clinton: To Turkey? I’ll have to take that question for the record. That’s, nobody’s ever raised that with me.
Sen. Rand Paul: It’s been in news reports that ships have been leaving from Libya and that they may have weapons. And what I’d like to know is, that annex that was close by, were they involved with procuring, buying, selling, obtaining weapons and were any of these weapons being transferred to other countries? Any countries, Turkey included?
Hillary Clinton: Well, Senator you’ll have to direct that question to the agency that ran the annex. And, I will see what information was available.
Sen. Rand Paul: You’re saying you don’t know?
Hillary Clinton: I do not know. I don’t have any information on that.
Aug 2, 2016
Soros hacked, thousands of Open Society Foundations files released online
Saturday’s leak, published by DC leaks, includes hundreds of internal documents from multiple departments of Soros’ groups, predominantly the Open Society Foundations.
The files are grouped into sections such as geographical region, the World Bank and the President’s Office, and cover the period from 2008 up until 2016, according to The Daily Caller.They reveal work plans, strategies, priorities and other activities by Soros, and include reports on European elections, migration and asylum in Europe.
DC Leaks claims to be the work of American activists who want to present the truth about the “US decision-making process as well as about the key elements of American political life.”
US security experts however are blaming the leak on Russian hackers, according to Bloomberg, in a similar reaction seen in the wake of the DNC leaks.
The DC Leaks hackers previously released data from the Open Society Foundations in June, a breach that was reported to the FBI, according to spokeswoman Laura Silber. She said an investigation by a security firm found the intrusion was limited to an intranet system used by board members, staff and foundation partners.
DC Leaks also revealed emails from former NATO general Philip Breedlove which showed he tried to provoke President Obama to start US conflict against Russia. Breedlove claimed to CNN in July that the emails were stolen as part of a state-sponsored intelligence operation.
An email leaked by WikiLeaks earlier this week showed Soros had advised Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State on how to handle unrest in Albania – advice she acted on.
Soros’ Open Society Foundations provides funding to the International Consortium for Investigative Journalists, which came under the spotlight earlier this year after the release of the Panama Papers, which included millions of records from law firm Mossack Fonseca showing how the wealthy are using tax havens.
Aug 15, 2016
Mysterious Group Hacks The NSA
The latest hack revealed over the weekend has nothing to do with the Democratic Party or George Soros, and instead a mysterious hacker group by the name “The Shadow Brokers” claims to have hacked the Equation Group - a government cyberattack hacking group associated with the NSA, and released a bunch of the organization's hacking tools. The hackers are also asking for 1 million bitcoin (around $568 million) in an auction to release more files.
“Attention government sponsors of cyber warfare and those who profit from it!!!!” the hackers wrote in a manifesto posted on Pastebin, on GitHub, and on a dedicated Tumblr.
In February 2015, Ars Technical dubbed The Equation Group "the most advanced hacking operation ever uncovered." According to Kasperky, the "Equation Group" is a threat actor that surpasses anything known in terms of complexity and sophistication of techniques, and that has been active for almost two decades." While Kaspersky Lab stopped short of saying it’s the NSA, its researchers laid out extensive evidence pointing to the American spy agency, including a long series of codenames used by the Equation Group and found in top secret NSA documents released by Edward Snowden. The Equation Group, according to Kaspersky Lab, targeted the same victims as the group behind Stuxnet, which is widely believed to have been a joint US-Israeli operation targeting Iran’s nuclear program, and also used two of the same zero-day exploits.
The global "victims" of the Equation Group are laid out in the map below: it is no secret that the group is not particularly enthused by either Iran or Russia.
It is this secretive hacker collective that the "Shadow Brokers" claimed to have hacked, and allegely stole some of its hacking tools. They publicized the dump on Saturday, tweeting a link to the manifesto to a series of media companies.
According to Motherboard, the dumped files mostly contain installation scripts, configurations for command and control servers, and exploits targeted to specific routers and firewalls. The names of some of the tools correspond with names used in Snowden documents, such as “BANANAGLEE” or “EPICBANANA.” The hackers have released 60% of the files they claimed to have taken from the Equation Group. The Shadow Brokers said they would release the remaining data to the highest bidder in a Bitcoin auction (they’ve received three bids so far). If they received an extraordinary 1,000,000 Bitcoins, worth roughly $560 million, they would release all the files.
A review of the files revealed what appear to be vulnerabilities and exploits for some widely-used firewalls — network security technologies that aim to block digital snoops from entering. Suiche posted a handy rundown of the products affected. He said at the very least the exploits for the Cisco products included “real code” designed specifically to take control of the firewalls. “It’s not automatically generated or something like that.”
Alongside those alleged exploits were implants — malware that is covertly dropped on the network once the firewall and other security mechanisms have been bypassed. There were also some scripts and basic instructions for the malware’s usage.
While it was initially unclear if the data is legitimate, some security experts agree that it likely is.
“The code in the dump seems legitimate, especially the Cisco exploits … and those exploits were not public before,” said Matt Suiche, founder of UAE based cybersecurity start-up Comae Technologies. “The content seems legit.”
“If this is a hoax, the perpetrators put a huge amount of effort in,” the security researcher known as The Grugq told Motherboard. “The proof files look pretty legit, and they are exactly the sorts of exploits you would expect a group that targets communications infrastructure to deploy and use.” Claudio Guarnieri, an independent security researcher who’s investigated other hacking operations by the Western intelligence agencies, said that the files might be from a hacked NSA server used in an operation. He also cautioned that this is a preliminary analysis and that more analysis is needed.
The most recent file is dated June 2013, though the hackers could have tampered with the dates. Dmitri Alperovitch, the co-founder of security firm CrowdStrike, theorized that “the leakers were probably sitting on this information for years, waiting for the most opportune time to release.” CrowdStrike is best known for immediately 'concluding' that all recent hacks of Democratic-linked servers have been under the guidance of the Kremlin.
A Kaspersky Lab researcher declined to comment. Another Kaspersky Lab researcher noted on Twitter that there is “nothing” in the dumped files that links them to the Equation Group, but some of their names are from the ANT Catalog, an NSA hacking toolset published by Der Spiegel in late 2013. It’s worth noting that while the files dumped by The Shadow Brokers might not have a direct connection with the Equation Group, they could come from a different operation that those seen by Kaspersky Lab.
The Shadow Broker claimed to have gotten the files by following Equation Group “traffic,” hacking the group and finding its “cyber weapons.” (The hackers did not respond to a request for comment, and neither did the NSA.)
As Motherboard concludes, while the motives behind this dump are unclear, if legitimate, this could be one of the most shocking hacks ever.
As of Monday afternoon, the Bitcoin wallet where the hackers accept auction offers has received three offers so far; it has a long way to go to reach 1 million. If this hack is confirmed to be indeed of an NSA-related organization, we assume much more leaks will follow, even if the payment will ultimately take place behind the scenes.
As for the origins of the new "mysterious" hacker group, speculation is already rife that Russians are (again) behind it. However, as Forbes notes, whatever the alleged hack’s origins, the NSA does have something to worry about: Someone is out to embarrass the agency and might have the tools to do just that at a particularly heated time in US politics. The agency should, of course, have a response plan. Snowden managed what the Shadow Brokers are shooting for on a far greater scale.
Aug 16, 2016
Hacking group offers ‘stolen NSA cyber-weapons’ in bitcoin auction
Over the weekend the so-called Shadow Brokers collective released “samples” of the files the group said belonged to the Equation Group, which is believed to be a National Security Agency's (NSA) affiliate.
The Equation Group, a collection of hackers, has previously been accused by the Kaspersky Lab of using techniques and tools very similar to those of the NSA. In 2015 Kaspersky Lab called the group “a threat actor that surpasses anything known in terms of complexity and sophistication of techniques, and that has been active for almost two decades.”
While the authenticity of the files that were released on August 13 on Github is yet to be confirmed, the Shadow Brokers promised to release the “best files” to the top bidder in a Bitcoin auction. The collective seeks to raise 1,000,000 bitcoins, worth roughly $560 million.
“We follow Equation Group traffic. We find Equation Group source range. We hack Equation Group. We find many many Equation Group cyber weapons,” the hacker collective wrote in a post on Tumblr that has since been taken down. “We give you some Equation Group files free, you see. This is good proof no? You enjoy!!! You break many things. You find many intrusions. You write many words. But not all, we are auction the best files.”
While the authenticity of the files that were released on August 13 on Github is yet to be confirmed, the Shadow Brokers promised to release the “best files” to the top bidder in a Bitcoin auction. The collective seeks to raise 1,000,000 bitcoins, worth roughly $560 million.
“We follow Equation Group traffic. We find Equation Group source range. We hack Equation Group. We find many many Equation Group cyber weapons,” the hacker collective wrote in a post on Tumblr that has since been taken down. “We give you some Equation Group files free, you see. This is good proof no? You enjoy!!! You break many things. You find many intrusions. You write many words. But not all, we are auction the best files.”
The files released for free over the weekend, to which Github has since disabled access, appear to be from late 2013, after the famous Edward Snowden revelations. The first set included a number of tools, which according to various experts are might indeed be capable of hacking network gear such as routers and firewalls made by Cisco, Juniper, and Fortinet.
Top secret files previously leaked by Edward Snowden disclosed some of the methods and tools used by the NSA to spy on their targets. Some code words in the latest leak, which included “BANANAGLEE and JETPLOW”, match the words in the Snowden documents, Foreign Policy reported.
After Github moved to censor the released source codes, WikiLeaks announced that it “had already obtained the archive of NSA cyber weapons released earlier today and will release our own pristine copy in due course.”
The latest cyber threat to US national secrets comes in the footsteps of a series of disclosures of emails and documents belonging to the Democratic Party. While cybersecurity experts and the Democrats have accused Russia of hacking into the Democratic National Committee, a hacker calling himself Guccifer 2.0 has surfaced to claim responsibility for the recent hacks that shook the US political elite.
While the NSA is yet to comment on the latest leak, experts agree dthat the new set of files should be taken seriously.
“It’s at minimum very interesting; at maximum, hugely damaging,” CEO of the security firm Immunity Dave Aitel and a former NSA research scientist told FP . “It’ll blow some operations if those haven’t already been blown.”
“I think it’s hard to say at this stage whether the files are genuine, but they are an elaborate hoax if not, by someone who has spent a lot of time going through Snowden documents to sprinkle codenames into the files,” a security researcher, calling himself Pwn All The Things told Business Insider.
Dmitri Alperovitch, CTO of security firm CrowdStrike in a series of tweets, said that the latest leak will further jeopardize the US elections.
“No doubt that further leaks will continue and contribute to the chaos of this already way too weird election. I think there is plenty of reasons to be concerned that the election itself would be manipulated,” Alperovitch tweeted. “The claim from a credible hacking source of such manipulation could be enough to cast shadow on the legitimacy of elected president.”
"The data appears to be relatively old; some of the programs have already been known for years," and are unlikely "to cause any significant operational damage," researcher Claudio Guarnieri told Reuters. Meanwhile, Matt Suiche, founder of UAE-based security startup Comae Technologies, concluded the tools looked like they "could be used."
Aug 16, 2016
Starr DiGiacomo
BREAKING: Hillary May End Up In Jail After All – All Thanks To Trey Gowdy
Trey Gowdy’s exchange with FBI Director James Comey about his get out jail free pass to Hillary Clinton is one for the record books. In one fell swoop, Gowdy exposed both Comey and Hillary. And it appears Gowdy has bigger judicial plans for Crooked Hillary.
Gowdy appeared to be setting Hillary Clinton up for perjury charges. Corrupt Hillary previously testified about her emails to the House Benghazi Committee. Specifically Hillary said under oath that she had not sent or received classified documents on her personal email server.
Under cross examination from Trey Gowdy, Comey admitted that Hillary lied. Since she was under oath, this sets her up for being charged with perjury.
Boom! That is why Trey Gowdy is such an important member of the House of Representatives! He set the plate to charge Hillary with perjury.
Comey admitted to Gowdy that Hillary Clinton’s attorneys scrubbed her devices and server in a way that would prevent recovery on some emails. He also said that she lied and used multiple devices to send emails. And of course she lied about sending classified information, but he has a reasoning behind that. Gowdy got Comey to admit that Hillary is too stupid to know what classified means!
Trey Gowdy’s exchange with FBI Director James Comey about his get out jail free pass to Hillary Clinton is one for the record books. In one fell swoop, Gowdy exposed both Comey and Hillary. And it appears Gowdy has bigger judicial plans for Crooked Hillary.
Gowdy appeared to be setting Hillary Clinton up for perjury charges. Corrupt Hillary previously testified about her emails to the House Benghazi Committee. Specifically Hillary said under oath that she had not sent or received classified documents on her personal email server.
Under cross examination from Trey Gowdy, Comey admitted that Hillary lied. Since she was under oath, this sets her up for being charged with perjury.
Boom! That is why Trey Gowdy is such an important member of the House of Representatives! He set the plate to charge Hillary with perjury.
Comey admitted to Gowdy that Hillary Clinton’s attorneys scrubbed her devices and server in a way that would prevent recovery on some emails. He also said that she lied and used multiple devices to send emails. And of course she lied about sending classified information, but he has a reasoning behind that. Gowdy got Comey to admit that Hillary is too stupid to know what classified means!
If she is that stupid, how can she be running for President of the United States?! Get ready for your mugshot, Hillary!
Please share this if you think Hillary Clinton should be charged with perjury! This woman belongs behind bars!
Aug 18, 2016
Ukraine Mentioned 370 Times in Soros Email Leak
Aug 16, 2016
Unknown hackers hacked into the database of the Soros Foundation and posted more than 2500 files of the organization on the Internet. The documents published on the website cover the period from 2008 to 2016 and related to different aspects of the activity of the billionaires organisation.
Ukraine is also mention in the papers of the organisation, and quite frequently – 370 times. Among the files there are documents concerning the organisation of Euromaidan, a shorthand report of activist meetings with the representatives of the “Resurrection” Fund and US ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, as well as materials about a planned George Soros meeting with the leader of “Svoboda” Oleg Tyahnybok and others. It “unexpectedly” turns out that the insinuation of “Kremlin Propaganda”, that Euromaidan was not a spontaneous release of the people to the streets in a uniform rush, but was directed by western organizations, is at least partly confirmed.
Many documents concern the delivery of grants to the Ukrainian mass media, organizations, and certain journalists. For example, in one document it is proposed to allocate $500,000 a year for “technical assistance” to such media as the TV channel Hromadske and websites such as “Crimea, Realities and Ostrov”.
Much more at link above….
A Ukrainian hacker group claim to have emails that implicate billionaire George Soros in attempting to get involved in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia over the past year. Soros allegedly says that America should provide military hardware to Ukraine and try to adjust the perception of financial stability in the region. Alexey Yaroshevsky has more from New York City."
.....George Soros is a Hungarian-American business magnate, investor, philanthropist, political activist and author who is of Hungarian-Jewish ancestry and holds dual citizenship. He drives more than 50 global and regional programs and foundations. Soros is named an architect and a sponsor of almost every revolution and coup around the world for the last 25 years. The USA is thought to be a vampire due to him and his puppets, not a lighthouse of freedom and democracy. His minions spill blood of millions and millions of people just to make him even more rich. Soros is an oligarch sponsoring the Democratic party, Hillary Clinton, hundreds of politicians all over the world. This website is designed to let everyone inside George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and related organisations. We present you the workplans, strategies, priorities and other activities of Soros. These documents shed light on one of the most influential networks operating worldwide.
“There are serious concerns about further unrest connected to a counter-demonstration to be organized by the governing party… and a follow-up event by the opposition two days later to memorialize the victims,” Soros says. “The prospect of tens of thousands of people entering the streets in an already inflamed political environment bodes ill for the return of public order and the country’s fragile democratic process,” he adds. “I believe two things need to be done urgently,” he adds. “1. Bring the full weight of the international community to bear on Prime Minister Berisha and opposition leader Edi Rama to forestall further public demonstrations and to tone down public pronouncements. 2. Appoint a senior European official as a mediator.”
Soros suggested three candidates: Carl Bildt, Martti Ahtisaari, and Miroslav Lajcak, saying all “have strong connections to the Balkans.” “The US and the EU must work in complete harmony over this, but given Albania’s European aspirations the EU must take the lead,” he stressed, adding that his foundation in Tirana was “monitoring the situation closely and can provide independent analysis of the crisis.” Several days after the email was sent to Clinton, the EU did send one of Soros’ suggested nominees, Miroslav Lajcak, to meet Albanian leaders in Tirana to try to mediate an end to the unrest, Reuters reported.
Good video that lays it all out quite well regarding Clinton, Soros, Libya, Ukraine, Syria, Albania.
Caveat: Can’t say I agree with all the views of this poster, but in this video he does lay out quite well the current email connections between Soros and Clinton and to their wars/overthrows. I believe that if we want to reveal the crimes and lies of the Deep State that we have to come together and put our political subservience to the wayside.
Soros gave Clinton step-by-step instructions on how to tackle Albania unrest – WikiLeaks email
“Dear Hillary,” begins the email dated January 24, 2011 from the founder of Open Society Foundations, Soros.
“A serious situation has arisen in Albania which needs urgent attention at senior levels of the US government. You may know that an opposition demonstration in Tirana on Friday resulted in the deaths of three people and the destruction of property,” Soros says, according to the leaked email.
Three men were shot dead as anti-government demonstrators clashed with police in the Albanian capital in late January of 2011. Supporters of the opposition Socialist Party refused to accept the results of a 2009 election, citing corruption and fraud, when then-Prime Minister Sali Berisha’s Democratic Party won by a thin margin. Berisha accused the opposition of attempting to provoke a Tunisia-style uprising, saying “the bastard children of Albania’s own Ben Alis conceived Tunisian scenarios.”
“There are serious concerns about further unrest connected to a counter-demonstration to be organized by the governing party... and a follow-up event by the opposition two days later to memorialize the victims,” Soros says.
“The prospect of tens of thousands of people entering the streets in an already inflamed political environment bodes ill for the return of public order and the country’s fragile democratic process,” he adds.
“I believe two things need to be done urgently,” he adds.
“1. Bring the full weight of the international community to bear on Prime Minister Berisha and opposition leader Edi Rama to forestall further public demonstrations and to tone down public pronouncements.
2. Appoint a senior European official as a mediator.”
Soros suggested three candidates: Carl Bildt, Martti Ahtisaari, and Miroslav Lajcak, saying all “have strong connections to the Balkans.”
“The US and the EU must work in complete harmony over this, but given Albania’s European aspirations the EU must take the lead,” he stressed, adding that his foundation in Tirana was “monitoring the situation closely and can provide independent analysis of the crisis.”
Several days after the email was sent to Clinton, the EU did send one of Soros’ suggested nominees, Miroslav Lajcak, to meet Albanian leaders in Tirana to try to mediate an end to the unrest, Reuters reported.
In March, WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive consisting of 30,322 emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server that she used while serving as US secretary of state. The 50,547 pages of documents cover Clinton’s correspondence from June 30, 2010 to August 12, 2014, of which 7,570 were sent by Clinton herself.
Last month, the whistleblowing website published an archive of over 1,200 of Clinton’s private emails pertaining to the Iraq War. Ahead of the release, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said the “upcoming leaks in relation to Hillary Clinton” would be enough to indict her.
Soros made a name for himself as the “man who broke the Bank of England” by engaging in questionable Forex hedging and betting against the sterling pound – which made him more than $1 billion in one day in September of 1992. Some have speculated that Soros has benefited from insider trading information when making investments. In 2002, a Paris court found Soros guilty of using inside information to profit from a 1988 takeover deal for bank Societe Generale.
Top 3Most Shocking Revelations From The Soros Hack 19, 2016
casey a
Britain’s top human rights lawyer who represented Julian Assange and worked alongside George Clooney’s wife Amal dies in apparent suicide
Aug 21, 2016
Leaked memo shows how George Soros planned to overthrow Vladimir Putin and destabilise Russia
The recent DC Leaks, of over 2,500 documents from George Soros NGOs, has shed a bright light on how the billionaire uses his vast wealth to create global chaos in an never ending push to deliver his neo-liberal euphoria to the peasant classes.
While Soros has managed to thoroughly destabilise the European Union by promoting mass immigration and open borders, divided the United States by actively funding Black Lives Matters and corrupting the very corruptible US political class, and destroyed Ukraine by pushing for an illegal coup of a democratically elected government using neo-nazi strong men…one country that Soros has not been able to crack has been The Russian Federation.
Russia’s political pragmatism and humanist value system rooted in a traditional, “nation-state” culture most likely infuriates Soros.
Russia is Soros’ white whale…a creature he has been trying to capture and kill-off for nearly a decade.
Unfortunately for Soros (and fortunately for the entire planet) the Russian government realised the cancerous nature of Soros backed NGOs, and took the proper preventative measures…which in hindsight, and after reviewing the DC Leaks memos, proved to be a very wise move.
On November 30th 2015, Zerohedge reported,
The huge document tranche released by DC Leaks shows how dangerous the Open Society and George Soros were to the well being and preservation of the Russian Federation and the Russian culture.
In a document from November 2012 entitled, “OSF [Open Society Foundation] Russia Strategic Planning Meeting Notes”, Participants:
Discuss how to …
The main revelation of the document minutes comes from the hope that Medvedev’s years as president would provide the NGOs the “opening” they would need to finally break the Russian bear.
That all evaporated in 2012, when Vladimir Putin returned to the President’s office.
The OSF, clearly distraught and disappointed, begins to lay down the groundwork for how to challenge the Putin administration, in light of his very different approach to dealing with NGOs like the Open Society Foundation.
A major turning point for NGO operation in Russia came with the botched Russian “Maidan like” protests, which were promptly dismantled before any damage could be inflicted.
Why the fascination with Russia? Why is it important for OSF to focus on Russia? With Russia comes immense wealth and tremendous geo-political power.
The document details in an extensive bullet point list, “what must be done” to destabilize Russia, focusing on many recurrent neo-liberal themes that Soros uses to infect host nations and overturn governments…
The complete PDF document can be found here:
-Russia-russia strategic planning 2012-meeting notes-russia strateg...
Following the 2012 document, and the apparent disappointment expressed by OSF members at Russia’s resistance to the neo-liberal way of life, DC Leaks provides a follow up memo entitled, “Russia Project Strategy, 2014-2017”.
The document summary…
The destabilization of Russia, now aptly named, “the Russia Project” goes on to identify three cornerstone concepts…
Social mobilisation and the funding of alternative media networks, to promote social discourse and dissatisfaction, are common tactics that Soros NGOs uses to build up towards a revolution.
Engaging with Russian diaspora who oppose the current government, and mobilising the LGBT community through mass media propaganda, are recurrent themes in the Soros document.
The media focus on LGBT rights in the run up to the Sochi winter olympics was an opportunity not to be missed by Soros.
Destabilisation of a country the size of Russia does not come without a significant price tag, for which George Soros seems more than ready to pony up…
Their can be no doubt that the 2014-2017 plan outlined by Soros NGOs, which even envisioned staff growth and Eurasian region restructuring, has hit a major speed bump with the 2015 law that saw these divisive forces operating within Russian finally get booted out of the country.
The complete PDF document can be found here:
-Russia-Russia Project Revised 2014 2017 Strategy.pdf
Two years earlier these were his statements...
George Soros Slams Putin, Warns Of "Existential Threat" From Russia, Demands $20 Billion From IMF In "Russia War Effort"
Oct 23, 2014
If even George Soros is getting concerned and writing Op-Eds, then Putin must be truly winning.
Here are the highlights from what the Open Society founder has to say about the "existential" Russian threat in a just released Op-Ed:
Getting warmer:
Even warmer:
And hot, hot, hot:
And there it is: the Russian "existential" war threat is, to Soros, nothing but an excuse to end the whole (f)austerity experiment (just don't show Soros Europe's latest record high debt load), and to return to its drunken sailor spending ways.
Ironically, this is precisely what we said would happen, only the globalist neo-cons were hoping the Ukraine civil war would become an all out war between Russia and Ukraine, thus unleashing the "spend your way to prosperity" Soroses of the world. For now, this plan has failed which is why ISIS was brought into the picture.
But it never hurts to try, eh George. And the one thing that is not mentioned is that the people who would gain the most from this latest IMF spending spree would be, you guessed it, billionaires like George Soros of course
* * *
More in the article here
Aug 26, 2016
casey a
‘Dr. Drew’ show canceled days after host’s negative speculation about Hillary Clinton’s health
Aug 27, 2016
Court Orders Hillary to Answer Questions Under Oath
Unlike Hillary Clinton and her allies in the Obama administration, federal courts tend to take the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) quite seriously.
Late last Friday, U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan’s granted us permission to submit interrogatories to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and to depose the former Director of Information Resource Management of the Executive Secretariat (“S/ES-IRM”) John Bentel.
The court order reads: "the State Department shall release all remaining documents responsive to Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act request by no later than September 30, 2016; and it is further ordered that, consistent with Rule 33 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Judicial Watch may serve interrogatories on Secretary Clinton by no later than October 14, 2016 . . . Secretary Clinton’s responses are due by no later than thirty days thereafter . . . Judicial Watch may depose Mr. Bentel by no later than October 31, 2016."
In his opinion Judge Sullivan writes: "The Court is persuaded that Secretary Clinton’s testimony is necessary to enable her to explain on the record the purpose for the creation and operation of the system for State Department business."
On July 8, Judicial Watch submitted a request for permission to depose Clinton; the director of Office of Correspondence and Records of the Executive Secretariat Clarence Finney; and Bentel. The request arises in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit before Judge Sullivan that seeks records about the controversial employment status of Huma Abedin, former deputy chief of staff to Clinton.
The lawsuit was reopened because of revelations about the system (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State).
Though we still think an in-person deposition is appropriate, we are pleased by the court’s authorizing us to learn more about Clinton’s email practices from Clinton — under oath.
We will move quickly to get answers. If things stay on track, we should have answers from Clinton, under oath, by the end of next month.
This decision is a reminder that Hillary Clinton is not above the law and that at least one federal court thinks she hasn’t answered all the outstanding questions about her emails.
Aug 30, 2016
casey a
Facebook satellite lost in SpaceX explosion at Cape Canaveral
At the 1:11 mark you see something (a UFO?) abruptly fly into the window frame; & then the explosion ensues.
The satellite AMOS-6 was built by Israel's main aerospace & aviation manufacturer--Israel Aerospace Industries--wholly owned by the government of Israel. The purpose was purportedly to provide Facebook with broadband access over Africa. Interestingly enough, the predecosser, AMOS-5 lost contact on Decemeber, 2015.
Secondary explosions were also heard on the scene.
Sep 1, 2016
casey a
Actually there is something that flies at the same speed at the 1:00 mark on the bottom of the screen. So perhaps its an insect? idk...
Sep 1, 2016
While clicking frame by frame anomalous flying objects appear! The first shows up before SpaceX explodes at 1:09. Multiple objects appear to be behind the towers while traveling. Some make unusual turns and such.
Sep 2, 2016
casey a
FBI Releases Documents in Hillary Clinton E-Mail Investigation
See for various reports on this.
The email scandal that has dogged Hillary Clinton erupted again as it was revealed she blamed concussion for failing to remember briefings on how to preserve classified government records.
The front-runner in the US presidential election also admitted brazenly discussing future drone strikes against terrorists on her unsecure email account, and narrowly avoided opening a link to a pornographic website which could have seen her fall victim to Russian hackers.
Clinton to FBI: Didn't know parenthetical 'C' stood for classified
Hillary Clinton told the FBI that she thought classification markings in the paragraphs of her emails at the Department of State were to organize messages in alphabetical order, according to the FBI’s newly released report on her private email server.
Clinton Used Eight BlackBerrys, but FBI Couldn’t Get Them
The FBI, in a heavily redacted summary of its probe released on Friday, said Clinton flouted security standards for official communications by relying on private e-mail for government business.
In addition to the eight devices she used as secretary of state, the FBI said they sought at least five additional mobile devices as part of its inquiry. Clinton’s lawyers said they couldn’t provide any of the mobile devices she used. One person interviewed by the FBI said he recalled two instances in which Clinton’s devices were destroyed by “breaking them in half or hitting them with a hammer.”
When the Department of Justice requested 13 devices as part of the investigation, they were unable to be located.
Hillary Clinton’s Team Lost a Laptop Full of Her Emails in the Actual Mail
A laptop containing a copy, or “archive,” of the emails on Hillary Clinton’s private server was apparently lost—in the postal mail—according to an FBI report released Friday. Along with it, a thumb drive that also contained an archive of Clinton’s emails has been lost and is not in the FBI’s possession.
The FBI appears to have investigated the question of whether [emails were deleted after the "Benghazi" House Committee requested them]. Investigators discovered a “work ticket, which referenced a conference call on March 31, 2015, with [an IT firm hired to manage Clinton's emails system, Clinton aides & her attorney].
But what exactly was discussed in that conference call, the FBI never found out.
Sep 5, 2016
casey a
Hillary's coughing fit returns (video)
Sep 6, 2016
Starr DiGiacomo
Swiss space firm boss left badly injured in violent attack
Published: 05 Sep 2016 13:10 GMT+02:00
The founder and CEO of a Swiss space technology firm, who previously received threats against him, is in hospital with serious injuries after a vicious attack.
Pascal Jaussi, 40, who heads Swiss Space Systems (S3), was beaten up and set on fire by two unknown perpetrators on August 26th in a forest in the canton of Fribourg, reported the Tribune de Genève on Monday.
News of the attack was not released until his condition improved, said the paper. The CEO’s life is now out of danger but he remains in a serious condition in hospital, it said.
The entrepreneur was found near his vehicle and transported to Lausanne’s CHUV hospital with burns on 25 percent of his body.
According to the paper’s sources, Jaussi was forced to drive his car into a forest, where he was doused in petrol and set on fire. He managed to get himself out of the vehicle and call a friend, who alerted emergency services.
Fribourg police confirmed to the paper they were investigating the case.
According to the Tribune Jaussi had been in touch with police in recent months after receiving threats related to his work at the company.
A leader in space technology, S3 aims to make space more accessible by creating low-cost, reusable satellite launchers, a development not welcomed by all in the industry.
Last year the company’s base in Payerne was broken into and equipment damaged, said the Tribune.
Sep 6, 2016
Keith Vaz 'to quit' as Home Affairs Committee chair following male prostitute allegations (UK)
Labour's Keith Vaz is expected to quit as the chair of the influential Home Affairs Committee on Tuesday (6 September 2016) after allegedly soliciting sex with male escorts and apparently discussing illegal drugs with the prostitutes.
The Leicester East MP has held the position since 2007, in which he has advised on legislation around drugs and prostitution.
The married father of two apologised to his wife and children after The Sunday Mirror claimed he recently met with the two male escorts in his north London flat. Vaz, who was first elected to parliament in 1987, has referred the allegations to his solicitor.
Sep 7, 2016
Hillary Clinton Started To Cough Violently In Cleveland, Ohio
More interesting related vids at the user channel...!
Sep 7, 2016
jorge namour
The personal driver of Putin died in an accident (or not) - Video
Posted by on September 6, 2016
CCTV images of the footage taken on Kutuzovsky Avenue in the Russian capital Moscow show how the Mercedes collided head-on with the presidential BMW
The personal driver of Putin died in a tragic (or not) car accident. The images speak for themselves, the official limousine of the President and he had little chance to get away unharmed. A survey independent not everything has just been opened. Question: Was the BMW Kremlin bomb? and if so, who was the real target?
Sep 7, 2016
Elon Musk: "We Have Not Ruled Out" That UFO Caused Space X Explosion
The statement by the vaunted entrepreneur that he couldn’t rule out that UFO hunters were correct that an unidentified object or weapon initiated the explosion has alien enthusiasts out in full force.
The frenzied excitement for alien hunters hit new heights on Friday when the innovative wunderkind Elon Musk wrote to a commenter on Twitter that "We have not ruled that [a UFO hitting the Space X Falcon 9 rocket] out" with theories ranging from an attack by foreign defense forces to a laser attack by an alien ship quickly cascading through social media.
The explosion quickly consumed the rocket destroying Facebook’s AMOS-6 internet-beaming satellite and causing unprecedented damage to the launchpad – a fairly unusual incident for a rocket explosion. Musk said the explosion was "really a fast fire" and was unable to point to specific mechanical causes for the failure of the rocket.
One Twitter user said that the sound at 54 seconds in a video posted "sounds like a metal joint popping under stress" which Elon Musk said was "most likely true" but also said that "we can’t yet find it on any vehicle sensors" pointing to the possibility of some outside sabotage.
One person suggested that it could be a drone, but opined that if it was a drone it was a particularly fast and circular drone that does not match the description of any known existing defense products. Others opined that whatever the flying vehicle that may have given rise to the explosion, it appears it was a "well planned attack from a competitor."
Although speculation continues to circle around the explosion of the Space X Falcon 9 rockets with the most fascinating theory by far being the potential that space aliens beamed the rocket, many more plausible alternatives exist including a leak of propellant fuel, metal on metal contact sparking just enough initial flame, or a buildup of oxygen. Some commenters are even blaming Vladimir Putin and/or China – which makes maybe less sense than even space aliens.
Sep 13, 2016
This had not confirmed in August, but now appears to be a reality. Yahoo now automatically requires all users logging in to reset their passwords!
200 Million Yahoo Accounts Hacked? What to Do Now
Sept 22, 2016
Two Tom's Guide staffers saw a tacit admission that something may be wrong when they tried to log into their Yahoo Mail accounts this morning. Both received suggestions to change their passwords, even on accounts that had two-factor authentication enabled. Have I Been Pwned? administrator Troy Hunt, who collects credentials exposed in data breaches, reported the same thing.
It's still possible that Yahoo was not itself breached, and that the reported 200 million Yahoo accounts were aggregated and sifted from data breaches at other online services, such as those affecting LinkedIn (177 million accounts) and MySpace (360 million accounts).
The alleged malicious hacker who first came forward with the details of the Yahoo accounts — said to include usernames, hashed passwords, birth dates and backup email addresses — told VICE Motherboard last month that the Yahoo data is from "2012 most likely."
Motherboard broke the news Aug. 1 when that hacker, who uses the pseudonym Peace, put the Yahoo data up for sale for 3 Bitcoin (approx. $1,801 US) on The Real Deal online-crime marketplace. Peace earlier this year disclosed the MySpace and LinkedIn data breaches, but it's unlikely that he himself stole that data. The low price he wanted for the Yahoo data indicates that it's probably old, well picked over and no longer worth much to cybercriminals.
In August, Yahoo told Motherboard that it was "aware of a claim," but didn't deny a data breach. Peace replied that "they dont [sic] want to confirm well better for me they dont [sic] do password reset."
Peace also claimed to have "been trading the data privately for some time" before deciding to sell it.
Users who want to protect their accounts should log in to immediately and take the option to reset their passwords.
Motherboard checked two dozen account credentials supplied by Peace, and discovered that the usernames did correspond to Yahoo accounts. Yahoo apparently protected its user passwords with the MD5 hashing algorithm, for which the first weakness was found in 2005. No company should have been using the algorithm in 2012.
Yahoo is currently trying to sell itself to Verizon, and Recode speculated that news of a massive data breach could sent Yahoo stock tumbling, lowering the cost for Verizon.
Yahoo users who want to protect their accounts should log in to immediately and reset their passwords. If Yahoo doesn't prompt you to do so, then visit Yahoo's Set a new password page and change the password manually. Users can also use Yahoo Account Key, which eschews passwords in favor of using the Yahoo mobile app to turn smartphones into authentication devices.
As we say every time we report on a massive server breach, never, ever, recycle passwords. If your email address and password have been available on the black market for months, along with a secondary email address, you better not have used those same credentials for online banking or other highly valuable accounts.
Yahoo probing potential data breach as 200 million user accounts appear on Dark Web
Aug 1, 2016
A hacker using the pseudonym "Peace" has uploaded what purports to be a data dump of 200 million Yahoo accounts to an underground marketplace called The Real Deal. The technology giant, which has not yet confirmed the authenticity of the data, admitted it was "aware" of the potential leak.
The suspected leak comes in the wake of other "mega breaches" at Myspace and LinkedIn that each compromised millions of customer records and were both uploaded by the same cybercriminal. Like prior hacks, usernames, hashed passwords and date of births appear to have been compromised.
Alongside the listing, which was uploaded with a sample of the data, Peace wrote the credentials were "most likely" from 2012 and that passwords in the data dump were hashed with an MD5 algorithm.
At the time of writing, the credentials are being sold for three bitcoins, a form of cryptocurrency that is equivalent to £1,395 ($1,838). Based on the sample, a number of the records correspond with real accounts, while others do not - to be expected for a dataset containing older information.
A Yahoo spokesperson told IBTimes UK via email: "We are aware of a claim. We are committed to protecting the security of our users' information and we take any such claim very seriously. Our security team is working to determine the facts.
"Yahoo works hard to keep our users safe, and we always encourage our users to create strong passwords, or give up passwords altogether by using Yahoo Account Key, and use different passwords for different platforms."
As noted by Vice Motherboard, which first reported news of the potential breach, the firm did not confirm nor deny the data was legitimate. IBTimes UK contacted Peace for comment via The Real Deal however did not receive a response by the time of publication. It remains unclear if Peace hacked Yahoo to get access to the credentials, whether the data was obtained from a secondary source or even if it is simply made up from records taken from other major hacks.
Little is known about the individual – or group – behind the Peace persona. However, in one interview given to Wired, he or she claimed to once have been part of a Russian hacking group that targeted major technology firms.
Once the group reportedly split, data dumps from 2012/13 that were previously only shared with an "inner circle" started to appear online. These included 160 million accounts from LinkedIn, 100 million from Russian social media platform and 360 million from Myspace.
Sep 22, 2016
The number has now jumped to the largest breach in world history! (To put this in perspective, the entire population of North America is 565million!)
500 million Yahoo accounts breached theft may have included names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, and in some cases, encrypted or unencrypted security questions and answers, Yahoo said....
Sep 23, 2016
casey a
Facebook Is Collaborating With the Israeli Government to Determine What Should Be Censored
Sep 26, 2016
During U.S. Presidential Debate 9/26/2016 Hillary blinks excessively! In just just over one minute from 9:20-10:56 on CNN Live I counted over 115 times! During the entire debate probably in the thousands?
At 3:29 into the debate Hillary drops off something? Hillary:
Interestingly below, the NY Times video version never shows Hillary while Trump is talking? Only a few instances do they both appear together from a distance, the rest are solo!
Sep 27, 2016
Yahoo's leak of 500m accounts 'unacceptable', say 'disturbed' senators
Six lawmakers question why it took Yahoo two years to discover breach as experts warn of the implications of the record-breaking haul of password data.
Six Democratic US senators on Tuesday said it was “unacceptable” that Yahoo only last week announced a 2014 hack into 500m user accounts and asked embattled CEO Marissa Mayer for more information about the company’s investigation into the data breach.
The lawmakers said they were “disturbed” the two-year-old intrusion was detected so long after the hack occurred. “Millions of Americans’ data may have been compromised for two years,” the senators wrote in a joint letter addressed to Mayer. “This is unacceptable.”...............
.................Yahoo users who recycle the same password across the internet may still be at risk. While people can always change their passwords across all the sites they use, Yahoo’s announcement that some security questions were compromised too means that the risks associated with the breach are likely to linger. A password can be changed – but your mother’s maiden name can’t.
Sep 27, 2016
jorge namour,7340,L-4851064,00.html
Enough is enough
Op-ed: Netanyahu is suffering from mental fatigue. The only way to possibly prevent complete chaos in the future is to enact a law limiting a prime minister in Israel to just two terms in office.
Published: 06.09.16
When the prime minister convenes journalists for private talks, which last four hours or more, and intentionally avoids standard interviews to the press, one bottom line emerges: The prime minister of the State of Israel is a haunted person. He is smart, cynical, a virtuoso of words, but haunted—from his side-styled fringe to the tip of his little fingernail.
When the prime minister takes every opportunity to talk about respect more than he talks about security, when the prime minister is offended by everything that is written about him if it is not a compliment and makes sure that everyone knows he has been offended, then the paranoia takes on statistical significance. But when the prime minister convinces himself that his transportation minister organized a putsch against him and thus paralyzes an entire country, then we all have a problem.
The citizens who missed a workday, who called off meetings, who were packed in lines like sardines, who began sweating even before the sun struck their head, who wasted hours in traffic jams—and the soldiers who returned to their bases on Saturday evening and those who did not make it on time on Sunday—couldn’t care less about the war between the prime minister and the transportation minister.
The hysteria conveyed by Benjamin Netanyahu with his repeated putsch announcements made it seem as if he really thinks there is a coup here.
Granted, the current incident is an example of a radical situation, and more than it suggests that there is something rotten in the Netanyahu kingdom it points to the man's mental fatigue, as talented as he may be. Therefore, it seems the only way to possibly prevent complete chaos, like we witnessed this week, in the future is to enact the law limiting a prime minister in Israel to just two terms in office.
The suggested law, which was initiated by MK Merav Michaeli, leader of the Zionist Union faction, has already been signed by all leaders of the opposition parties, including Yisrael Beiteinu Chairman Avigdor Lieberman before he entered the government. Netanyahu himself supported the limitation in the past but opposes the law today, even though it will only be applied from the 22nd Knesset, leaving him with the option of two additional full terms in office.
Fire breaks out at Prime Minister's Residence+,7340,L-4858360,00.html
Published: 22.09.16
As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepares to address the UN General Assembly in New York, firefighters called to the Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem after a fire breaks out on the rooftop.
Sep 30, 2016
Starr DiGiacomo
Pentagon paid PR firm $540mn to make fake terrorist videos
PR firm Bell Pottinger, known for its array of controversial clients including the Saudi government and Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet’s foundation, worked with the US military to create the propaganda in a secretive operation.
The firm reported to the CIA, the National Security Council and the Pentagon on the project with a mandate to portray Al-Qaeda in a negative light and track suspected sympathizers.
Both the White House and General David Petraeus, the former general who shared classified information with his mistress, signed off on the content produced by the agency.
The Bell Pottinger operation started soon after the US invasion of Iraq and was tasked with promoting the “democratic elections” for the administration before moving on to more lucrative psychological and information operations.
Former employee Martin Wells told the Bureau how he found himself working in Iraq after being hired as a video editor by Bell Pottinger. Within 48 hours, he was landing in Baghdad to edit content for secret “psychological operations” at Camp Victory.
The firm created television ads showing Al-Qaeda in a negative light as well as creating content to look as though it had come from “Arabic TV”. Crews were sent out to film bombings with low quality video. The firm would then edit it to make it look like news footage
They would craft scripts for Arabic soap operas where characters would reject terrorism with happy consequences. The firm also created fake Al-Qaeda propaganda videos, which were then planted by the military in homes they raided.
Employees were given specific instructions to create the videos. “We need to make this style of video and we’ve got to use Al-Qaeda's footage,” Wells was told. “We need it to be 10 minutes long, and it needs to be in this file format, and we need to encode it in this manner.”
The videos were created to play on Real Player which needs an internet connection to run. The CDs were embedded with a code linking to Google Analytics which allowed the military to track IP addresses that the videos were played on.
According to Wells, the videos were picked up in Iran, Syria and the US.
"If one, 48 hours or a week later shows up in another part of the world, then that’s the more interesting one,” Wells explained. “And that’s what they’re looking for more, because that gives you a trail.”
The Pentagon confirmed the PR firm did work for them under the Information Operations Task Force (IOTF) creating content they say was “truthful”. The firm also worked under the Joint Psychological Operations Task Force (JPOTF). The Pentagon said it could not comment on JPOTF operations.
US law prohibits the government from using propaganda on its population, hence the use of an outside firm to create the content.
Documents show the Pentagon paid $540 million to Bell Pottinger in contracts between 2007 and 2011, with another contract for $120 million in 2006. The firm ended its work with the Pentagon in 2011
In 2009, it was reported that the Pentagon had hired controversial PR firm, The Rendon Group, to monitor the reporting of journalists embedded with the U.S. military, to assess whether they were giving "positive" coverage to its missions.
It was also revealed in 2005 that Washington based PR company the Lincoln Group had been placing articles in newspapers in Iraq which were secretly written by the US military. A Pentagon investigation cleared the group of any wrongdoing.
Oct 4, 2016
NSA contractor arrested for alleged theft of top secret classified information
Harold Thomas Martin, who worked at same consulting firm as Edward Snowden, may have stolen codes developed to hack foreign governments.
......Martin is said to have had six classified documents obtained from sensitive intelligence and produced by a government agency in 2014.
“These documents were produced through sensitive government sources, methods and capabilities, which are critical to a wide variety of national security issues. The disclosure of the documents would reveal those sensitive sources, methods and capabilities,” the justice department said.
The documents have been reviewed by a government agency and designated as top secret, “meaning that unauthorized disclosure reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security of the US”, the justice department statement said.
If convicted, Martin faces a maximum sentence of one year in prison for the unauthorized removal and retention of classified materials and 10 years in prison for theft of government property. An initial appearance was held for Martin in US district court in Baltimore on 29 August and he is still detained.
The arrest is a major embarrassment for the NSA and its contractor Booz Allen coming just three years after Snowden, who worked for both.
The NSA said in the wake of the Snowden revelations in 2013 it had tightened up internal security, introducing more stringent monitoring of staff and a double-checking system in which sensitive information needed two people to access it rather than just one. Highly classified information would no longer be concentrated in one place, making it harder for potential hackers.
The new breach provides fresh arguments for privacy activists who argue that the NSA cannot be trusted to protect all the personal data it gathers, from bank accounts to health records.
Supporters of Snowden quickly made a distinction between him and the motives of the arrested man. They reiterated that Snowden is a whistleblower who leaked top secret material out of principle, believing the NSA was acting unconstitutionally by engaging in mass surveillance.
It was not yet clear what motivated the latest alleged leaker.........
Oct 7, 2016
The JASTA bill could also lead to a Zetas Right again? "The 911 holocaust was an inside job to provide an excuse."
Saudi bill could expose US deep state behind 9/11: Scholar
The US legislation against Saudi Arabia could expose the real deep state structure behind the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, says Dr. Kevin Barrett, an American academic who has been studying the events of 9/11 since late 2003.
........The September 11 attacks, also known as the 9/11 attacks, were a series of strikes in the US which killed nearly 3,000 people and caused about $10 billion worth of property and infrastructure damage.US officials assert that the attacks were carried out by al-Qaeda terrorists but many experts have raised questions about the official account. They believe that rogue elements within the US government orchestrated the 9/11 attacks in order to accelerate the US war machine and advance the Zionist agenda.
9/11 was attack by enemies of Islam
Dr. Barrett said “the US Congress had been intimidated into complete silence on all issues involving what may have really happened on September 11, 2001.”
“And the only way they were able actually to do anything was with this bill, by pretending that the people they are going after are evil Muslims over in Saudi Arabia, when of course 9/11 was an attack by the enemies of Islam, a false flag designed to falsely blame Muslims and to paint Islam in bad light to trigger one hundred years of war on Islam and Muslim countries, especially in the Middle East, on behalf Israel,” he said.
“So Congress of course cannot say that, because the media and the financial establishment in the United States are dominated by Zionists, which is of course the group that did 9/11. So instead they’re doing a sort of end-run around that Zionist power configuration, as James Petras calls it, and they are pretending that this really about Saudi Arabia,” the analyst said.
“So this JASTA bill will allow the families of victims of the 9/11 attacks to sue Saudi Arabia, overriding the traditional sovereign immunity that prevents people from suing governments.”
...............“The lawsuit against Saudi Arabia for 9/11 has a chance of exposing the real deep state structure behind 9/11 – which did involve elements of the Saudi government including Bandar bin Sultan, who smoked a celebratory cigar with George W. Bush right after the 9/11 attack on the White House balcony – but also more importantly the neoconservative faction here in the United States and its masters in Tel Aviv, that’s the Israelis who were the real force behind 9/11, which was designed to destroy seven countries in five years as General Wesley Clark said,” he explained.“Those seven countries are the so-called enemies of Israel. I hope that the entire truth will come out. I hope that the millions of survivors of US terrorist attacks around the world will sue the US government. And I am hoping that that this JASTA bill will open the door for a better world,” the researcher said in his concluding remarks.
Iraqi Group Wants to Sue U.S. for 2003 Invasion in Wake of 9/11 Bill
An Iraqi lobbyist group, citing the recently enacted law that allows Americans to sue Saudi Arabia over the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the U.S. homeland, is reportedly urging its government to ask the United States for compensation over alleged violations by the American military following the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
In light of the newly enacted law in the United States, Arab Project in Iraq, a lobbyist group, is urging the Iraqi government to conduct a “full-fledged investigation over the killing of civilians targets [sic], loss of properties and individuals who suffered torture and other mistreatment on the hand of US forces,” reports Saudi Arabia’s Al Arabiya.
Last Wednesday, Congress overwhelmingly overrode President Barack Obama’s veto of the 9/11 bill, officially known as the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), that allows Americans to sue Saudi Arabia for any role it may have played during the 9/11 attacks on U.S. soil that killed more than 3,000 people.
Moreover, the law could “put the United States in the difficult position of choosing between disclosing classified or otherwise sensitive information or suffering adverse rulings and potentially large damage awards for our refusal to do so,” warned Carter in a letter to Congress before Obama’s veto was overturned.
President Obama warned that “foreign governments would be able to act ‘reciprocally’ and allow their courts to exercise jurisdiction over the United States and its employees for allegedly causing injuries overseas through American support to third parties,” notes AP.The new law is already being employed.
Citing the new law days after it was enacted, Stephanie Ross DeSimone, the widow of a man who was killed in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks filed a lawsuit against U.S. ally Saudi Arabia.
Oct 7, 2016
Starr DiGiacomo
The latest set of leaks deal with John Podesta, who is the chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign. He’s also former councillor to Barack Obama’s presidency, as well as Bill Clinton’s former White House Chief of Staff.
In August, it was revealed that while Donald Trump’s campaign chair Paul Manafort worked for Ukraine’s former government, he was responsible for $2.2 million in cash heading directly to two Washington lobbying firms, including the Clinton-connected Podesta Group.
Between 2012 and 2014, Manafort and his business associate Rick Gates steered at least $1.13 million in lobbying fees to the Podesta Group Inc.
New Leaks
New leaks are now showing that John Podesta was in contact with Apollo 14 astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, who was the 6th man to walk on the moon.
The email, from Dr. Mitchell, reads as follows:
“Dear John, Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk. Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space. The following information in italics was shared with me by my colleague Carol Rosin, who worked closely for several years with Wernher von Braun before his death. Carol and I have worked on the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, attached for your convenience.”
You can read the rest of the email straight from Wikileaks here, and also download the documents attached on the website.
A week before the email above, Mitchell sent this:
“Dear John, As 2015 unfolds, I understand you are leaving the Administration in February. It is urgent that we agree on a date and time to meet to discuss Disclosure and Zero Point Energy, at your earliest available after your departure. My Catholic colleague Terri Mansfield will be there too, to bring us up to date on the Vatican’s awareness of ETI. Another colleague is working on a new Space Treaty, citing involvement with Russia and China. However with Russia’s extreme interference in Ukraine, I believe we must pursue another route for peace in space and ZPE on Earth. I met with President Obama’s Honolulu childhood friend, US Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto on July 4 at the US Mission in Geneva, when I was able to tell her briefly about zero point energy. I believe we can enlist her as a confidante and resource in our presentation for President Obama. I appreciate Eryn’s assistance in working with Terri to set up our meeting.”
As you can see, Mitchell and Podesta were clearly in contact with each-other and had also planned a Skype session.
As far as ‘Carol Rosin,’ (first email) and her story with Wernher von Braun, this is a very telling interview below, by Dr. Steven Greer, founder of The Disclosure Project, a movement that has brought forward hundreds of whistleblowers, like Dr. Rosin, with verified credentials.
Oct 9, 2016
Coiuld be an interesting debate this evening with BOTH candidates in disarray?
Hillary Spills Top Secret Intelligence During Paid Speech to Goldman Sachs
The recently WikiLeaks dump of Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta’s personal emails exposed the “missing” transcripts of the former Secretary of State’s speeches to Wall Street and suggest that she may have violated laws pertaining to confidential information by spilling the beans about state secrets to the nation’s top banks.
Repeating a common refrain from her campaign and the public record, Clinton told the crowd that "I was in the small group that recommended to the President that he go after Bin Laden."
It was then that Clinton's narrative switched up from what was previously known by the public regarding the effort to bring the infamous terrorist mastermind to justice with many in the US public led for years to believe that the United States received a tip by somebody who stopped by at the embassy — but the root of the intelligence that captured Bin Laden was a wiretap.
"The people who were the analysts and collectors and good old-fashioned spies who were gathering bits and pieces of information, some of them from cell phone conversations, I will tell you, and then all of a sudden putting this matrix together and saying this guy used to protect Bin Laden," said Clinton. "He just made a phone call. He said this in a phone call. We need to figure out where he is. Then we need to follow him."
"That is how we found the compound in Abbottabad," explained Clinton. "It didn't happen because somebody walked into our embassy and said, you know, there is a suspicious compound in Abbottabad that you guys should take a look at."
These statements during a paid speech before the wealthy exposed vital US national secrets about the means and methods used to apprehend the world's most wanted terrorist and laid open to a select few information that was almost certainly of confidential nature begging the question whether Clinton violated the law or was lying to the audience and about her ultimate role in the effort to take down Bin Laden.
Lewd Donald Trump Tape Is a Breaking Point for Many in the G.O.P.
WASHINGTON — Republican leaders began to abandon Donald J. Trump by the dozens on Saturday after the release of a video showing him speaking of women in vulgar sexual terms, delivering a punishing blow to his campaign and plunging the party into crisis a month before the election.
Fearing that his candidacy was on the verge of undermining the entire Republican ticket next month, a group of senators and House members withdrew support for him, with some demanding that he step aside. Mr. Trump, however, vowed to stay in the race.
The list of party figures publicly rejecting Mr. Trump included a host of prominent elected officials, perhaps most notably Senator John McCain of Arizona, the 2008 nominee.
“I thought it important I respect the fact that Donald Trump won a majority of the delegates by the rules our party set,” Mr. McCain said in a statement. “But Donald Trump’s behavior this week, concluding with the disclosure of his demeaning comments about women and his boasts about sexual assaults, make it impossible to continue to offer even conditional support for his candidacy.”
And in an unheard-of rebuke by a running mate, Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, declined to appear on Mr. Trump’s behalf at a party gathering in Wisconsin and offered him something of an ultimatum on Saturday afternoon.
Continue reading the main story
Mr. Pence said in a statement that he was “offended by the words and actions described by Donald Trump” in the video, and cast Mr. Trump’s second debate with Hillary Clinton, on Sunday, as an urgent moment to turn around the campaign.
Trump In Collapse As Campaign Cancels Ads In Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina
By Jason Easley on Fri, Oct 7th, 2016 at 2:25 pm
The Trump campaign is showing signs of complete collapse as Donald Trump has abruptly canceled ad buys in the vital swing states of Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina.
The Trump campaign is showing signs of complete collapse as Donald Trump has abruptly canceled ad buys in the vital swing states of Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina.
Maggie Haberman of The New York Times tweeted:
Here is a list of the markets where Trump has pulled his ads:
Only campaigns with money problems or that are losing cancel ads in swing states weeks before election day. A presidential campaign that wants to win doesn’t do this. The ad cancellations in all three states are extremely odd because Trump is running within 5 points of Hillary Clinton in each of them.
While polling shows Clinton with small leads in North Carolina, and a roughly 5 point lead in Florida, Ohio looks like a dead heat toss up.
Donald Trump is losing in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Virginia by larger margins than the states where his campaign canceled the ads.
The move to run less advertising makes no sense and suggests a campaign that is in even deeper trouble than is being publicly reported.
It is impossible to escape the conclusion that Donald Trump’s campaign is in a state of utter chaos and collapse.
Oct 9, 2016
WIKILEAKS EMAILS: Clinton told of 'Roswell whistleblower' and where 'UFO wreckage stored'
HILLARY Clinton was told where the remains of the 'Roswell crashed flying saucer' were taken in an e-mail that has been published by Wikileaks as part of its release of thousands of her campaign communications.
The e-mail was sent by former Blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge, who also hinted in the communication a former US Air Force major general may be about to turn whistleblower, to Mrs Clinton's campaign manager John Podesta.
Mr DeLonge and Mr Podesta are both known for their high interest in UFOs and aliens, and the latter and Hillary Clinton have vowed she will make public as many classified government files on the subject as possible if she wins the race to the White House.
Two e-mails from Mr DeLonge to Mr Podesta sent last year have been released by Wikileaks.
In one he identifies a top source, who he claims worked at "where the remains of the Roswell UFO crash" were taken and stored until very recently.
In an e-mail entitled "General McCasland", he wrote that he had been working with the named former military official on the Roswell mystery and hinted he may be about to turn whistleblower.Roswell has been at the heart of the UFO scene since in July 1947 the military sensationally announced in a press release it had found the remains of a crashed flying saucer in the desert nearby.
But the following day it retracted the statement, saying it was in fact a damaged US Air Force air balloon.
Witnesses later came forward to say there had been alien bodies within the "crashed craft", which along with the wreckage were then taken away.
It has often been claimed by conspiracy theorists they are held at the mysterious top-secret Area 51 military base in Nevada.
Mr DeLonge wrote: "When Roswell crashed, they shipped it to the laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. General McCasland was in charge of that exact laboratory up to a couple years ago.
"He mentioned he's a 'sceptic', he's not.
"I've been working with him for four months. I just got done giving him a four hour presentation on the entire project a few weeks ago.
"Trust me, the advice is already been happening on how to do all this.
"He just has to say that out loud, but he is very, very aware - as he was in charge of all of the stuff.
"He not only knows what I'm trying to achieve, he helped assemble my advisory team. He's a very important man."
Wright-Patterson, in Ohio, contains the Air Force Research Laboratory, a scientific research organisation operated by the USAF, which is used to develop aerospace warfare technologies, with a budget of around $3billion.
Mr DeLonge is believed to be referring to Major General William McCasland, who was commander of the Air Force Research Laboratory, at Wright-Patterson, until retiring in October 2013.Mr McCasland has a decorated CV, and has been involved in high-tech research into developing new aircraft.
His biography on the USAF website says: "He has served in a wide variety of space research, acquisition and operations roles within the Air Force and the National Reconnaissance Office.
"He previously served at the Pentagon, first as the Director, Space Acquisition, in the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, and then as Director of Special Programs, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics.
In the other e-mail sent in October 2015, the pop singer, who sang about extraterrestrials in the band's 1999 song Aliens Exist, entitled it "Important Things".
In the e-mail, Mr DeLonge claimed he had two important contacts Mr Podesta should meet with over the "sensitive topic" of UFOs and a film, novel and documentary he was working on, which involved an interview with Podesta.
He wrote: "Tom DeLonge here, The one who interviewed you for that special documentary not to long ago.
Roswell, ET Among Topics In Leaked Emails From Blink 182 Rocker, Apollo Astronaut To Clinton Adviser
Former Blink 182 guitarist Tom DeLonge sent two emails to John Podesta between Oct. 2015 and Jan. 2016, the first of which aimed to set up a meeting with “‘important’ people” who had “principal leadership” experience concerning a “sensitive topic.”
Images of surveillance aircraft, jumbo jets spewing vapor contrails across the backdrop of a triangular-shaped aircraft and a round metallic object floating above Earth’s atmosphere were also attached to the emails, according to Wikileaks.
A second email from DeLonge to Podesta with the subject line ” General McCasland” dated Jan. 25 makes apparent references to McCasland as a “skeptic” who “was in charge of all this stuff”, and even includes a reference to Roswell, New Mexico, which is most famous for being the site of an alleged UFO incident in 1947.
“When Roswell crashed, they shipped it to the laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. General McCasland was in charge of that exact laboratory up to a couple years ago,” DeLonge wrote.
While no responses from Podesta were included in the email dump, Wikileaks did release a Google Calendar notification that appeared to show a meeting scheduled with Podesta and DeLonge.
But the San Diego-based rocker wasn’t the only big name to contact Podesta on the subject of UFOs.
An email dated Aug. 18, 2015, from the email address “” to Podesta begins “Dear John” and makes references to “the War in Space” and the existence of “extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI)”.
“Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space,” the email stated.
The email – which is signed “Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut” – also includes attachments referencing a proposed treaty to prevent “the placement of weapons in outer space”.
Mitchell, who is became the sixth of only 12 men to step on the moon in 1971, had long been an advocate for what has been coined as the “UFO disclosure” movement prior to his death in February.
A statement from the Clinton campaign cited by the Wall Street Journal did not specifically reference DeLonge’s or Mitchell’s emails to Podesta, but did condemn Russia’s alleged role in the Wikileaks dump.
Podesta told USA Today in April that he believes Americans “can handle the truth” about UFOs and that, if elected, Clinton will push for a declassification on all government records on the notorious Area 51 in Nevada.
Oct 11, 2016
Hillary Clinton Believes Planet X ‘Nibiru’ Exists, Wikileaks Confirms (Oct 16)
Oct 17, 2016
‘I will warn the world about Planet X DISASTER’ Putin's stark warning over mystery world
RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin is poised to warn of mankind’s imminent destruction by a mythical planet, according to shocking claims made today.
He apparently pledged to reveal the mysterious planet – also called Nibiru – is on a disaster course to Earth and the US government and others are covering it up.
UFO-hunters have argued for years that Nibiru is hidden away in our solar system and passes close to Earth every 3,600 years during its orbit.
But they say the planet is so big that its massive gravitational pull will trigger humungous earthquakes and natural disasters on the globe when it passes – a threat governments are allegedly hiding to avoid mass panic.
Weight was given to the theory in January when NASA announced the discovery in the solar system of Planet Nine – 10 times bigger than Earth.
Claims that Putin will reveal the “truth” about Planet X were made on conspiracy website, which alleged he gave an interview with a Russian news agency.
It states: "In a candid interview with Pravda, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated implicitly that he would tell the world about Nibiru if Donald Trump loses the presidential election." Source:
Oct 17, 2016
Starr DiGiacomo
WikiLeaks Just DUMPED EVERYTHING – This is HUGE – Historic Activity by Wikileaks – Read and Share before it is taken down!
NOTICE: This is a developing story, it is being actively updated as information comes available. Please check back for updates. Last Updated 4:23AM GMT (12:54 PM Eastern United States)
FINAL UPDATE: 4:24AM GMT 10/18/2016 (12:24AM EST US) New Article will collate results of this breaking news Article Here(link to be added once article completed). Wikileaks has not addressed the Court Decision ending Julian Assange’s Appeal against his Warrant in Sweden. No proof of life given since the claim of a raid on the Embassy. Only this tweet.
UPDATE 4:54PM GMT (12:54PM EST) Information circulating that suggests there are more members of @Wikileaks impacted. Not just Assange at the Embassy. Wikileaks has someone still posting regardless.
UPDATE 3:59PM GMT (11:59AM EST) It appears Wikileaks has signalled all operatives to take measures to protect themselves. Guccifer 2.0 has indicated he is ready for the next release. Looks like Podesta 10 is still coming, but possibly just late.
Also developing story, RT Media’s Bank Accounts Closed in the UK (Suspected close ties to Wikileaks? or Propaganda we don’t know, will start new article on that story soon.) See link:
UPDATE 3:35PM GMT (11:35AM EST): Wikileaks has missed its own deadline to post next release of Podesta Emails. London Police still refuse to comment, Embassy still refuses to confirm if Julian Assange is on the property. Wikileaks Communications channels are completely silent. Wikileaks Website is still intermittent, reason unknown.
UPDATE 2:44PM GMT (10:44PM EST): Associated Press reports Embassy refuses to confirm Assange is still on the property. Local London Police refuse to comment.
Oct 18, 2016
Starr DiGiacomo
Oct 18, 2016
Europe Lost Contact with Mars Lander 1 Minute Before Touchdown
After a suspenseful night waiting for a signal from the ExoMars Schiaparelli lander, the European Space Agency (ESA) confirmed today that the spacecraft went silent less than a minute before it was set to reach the Martian surface Wednesday (Oct. 19).
ESA mission managers said this morning (Oct. 20) that they need more time to understand what went wrong with Schiaparelli, and to figure out exactly where and in what condition the test lander ended up. But the ExoMars team was optimistic that the capsule had collected enough data during its descent to set the stage for the next phase of the mission: the planned 2020 launch of a life-hunting ExoMars rover.
"The test has yielded a huge amount of data," David Parker, ESA's director of human spaceflight and robotic exploration, said at a news conference early this morning. "It gives us a lot of confidence for the future. We need to understand what happened in the last few seconds before the planned landing, and that is likely to take some time." [In Photos: Europe's Schiaparelli Mars Landing Day]
Schiaparelli was scheduled to touch down on the Red Planet Wednesday at 10:48 a.m. EDT (1448 GMT). But the spacecraft's handlers could not confirm a successful landing, and were left waiting on a signal. Meanwhile, Schiaparelli's mother ship, the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), successfully entered orbit around Mars.
Schiaparelli had been programmed to follow a demanding 6-minute landing sequence that would see the capsule come to a halt from about 13,000 mph (21,000 km/h).
The first phases of this sequence went according to plan, Andrea Accomazzo, head of ESA's solar and planetary missions, said at the news conference from ESA's operations center in Darmstadt, Germany.
The lander sailed through the upper layers of the Martian atmosphere as expected, and its supersonic parachute deployed on time — important indications that "the heat shield has worked flawlessly," Accomazzo said. But the ejection of the back heat shield and parachute occurred earlier than planned, he added.
"Following this phase, the lander has definitely not behaved exactly as we expected," Accomazzo said.
Schiaparelli was equipped with nine thrusters that were meant to bring the lander to a hover above the Martian surface so that the capsule could plop down from a height of about 6.5 feet (2 m). These thrusters, however, fired for only about 3 or 4 seconds — much shorter than mission managers had expected — and the spacecraft lost contact about 50 seconds before its planned landing, Accomazzo said. [The Best (and Worst) Mars Landings of All Time]
As to whether Schiaparelli is still in one piece, "It's very difficult to say a likelihood now," Accomazzo said.
"We are not in a position yet — but we will be — to determine the dynamic conditions with which the lander has touched the ground, and then we will know whether it could have survived structurally or not," Accomazzo said. "We are still processing the data from the descent. From the surface, we have no data at all."
He added that it might take some time for the team to locate the lander physically on the ground using imagery from an orbiter such as NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
Oct 20, 2016
Starr DiGiacomo
© 2016
James "Hoss" Cartwright, who was once called "Obama's favorite general," stood before a judge in U.S. Federal Court Washington, bowed his head in shame, and in a chastened voice, told the court: "It was wrong for me to mislead the FBI. I accept full responsibility for my actions."
He had been charged with making false statements during a federal investigation into a leak of classified information. The general deliberately deceived investigators when he denied he was the source of classified information contained in a book by New York TIMES reporter David Sanger.
The journalist focused in CONFRONT AND CONCEAL on a covert cyber attack on Iran's nuclear facilities and the use of a computer virus called Stuxnet to temporarily disable centrifuges the Iranians were using to enrich uranium.
How far the once-mighty have fallen. We urge our readers to be sure to check out our related stories box below. Over the years, we at have chronicled Cartwright's escapades, including accusations he had intimate relations with a female aide and ran his mouth about U.S. security issues while drunk on an official military mission to Moscow.
"Hoss sucked up to Obama. Just look at him now," snorted a retired USMC colonel who told us, "he got what was coming to him. Now, I'd love to see Clinton lose the election so that asshole Allen (disgraced former Gen. John Allen, who was a slavish sycophant to Hillary at the recent Democratic National Convention) will be shown up for what he is, a butt-kissing disgrace to the Corps."
Political observers say the Cartwright troubles come at a strange time, just three weeks before the election. The last thing Team Hillary needs is a reminder to the public that two generals - Cartwright and David Petraeus - were prosecuted and punished for crimes that compare with the former secretary of state's endangering our national security by illegally maintaining a private computer server.
Under the plea agreement, Cartwright faces a possible six-month jail term when he is sentenced January 17 of next year. Whether he ends up behind bars or not, it has been a meteoric fall for a mighty general who once held the second most powerful position in the United States military at the Pentagon - vice-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Will the voters wonder why "Hoss" gets slammed for his lies, while the biggest liar in U. S politics - Hillary Clinton - got a free pass from FBI Director James Comey? We'll find that out November 8th.
Oct 21, 2016
Starr DiGiacomo
This is a strategy group that was set up to monitor Clintons campaign and come up with solutions to better her chances of being elected. Pages 6 and 7 are a doozy. This is in pdf format. Enjoy.
Page 6
Page 7
Oct 22, 2016
Cyber attacks disrupt PayPal, Twitter, other sites
Hackers unleashed a complex attack on the internet through common devices like webcams and digital recorders and cut access to some of the world's best known websites on Friday, a stunning breach of global internet stability.
The attacks struck Twitter, Paypal, Spotify and other customers of an infrastructure company in New Hampshire called Dyn, which acts as a switchboard for internet traffic.
The attackers used hundreds of thousands of internet-connected devices that had previously been infected with a malicious code that allowed them to cause outages that began in the Eastern United States and then spread to other parts of the country and Europe.
"The complexity of the attacks is what’s making it very challenging for us," said Dyn’s chief strategy officer, Kyle York. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation said they were investigating.
The disruptions come at a time of unprecedented fears about the cyber threat in the United States, where hackers have breached political organizations and election agencies.
Friday's outages were intermittent and varied by geography. Users complained they could not reach dozens of internet destinations including Mashable, CNN, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Yelp and some businesses hosted by Inc.
Dyn said attacks were coming from millions of internet addresses, making it one of the largest attacks ever seen. Security experts said it was an especially potent type of distributed denial-of-service attack, or DDoS, in which attackers flood the targets with so much junk traffic that they freeze up.
Dyn said that at least some of the malicious traffic was coming from connected devices, including webcams and digital video recorders, that had been infected with control software named Mirai. Security researchers have previously raised concerns that such connected devices, sometimes referred to as the Internet of Things, lack proper security.
The Mirai code was dumped on the internet about a month ago, and criminal groups are now charging to employ it in cyber attacks, said Allison Nixon, director of security research at Flashpoint, which was helping Dyn analyze the attack.
Dale Drew, chief security officer at communications provider Level 3, said that other networks of compromised machines were also used in Friday's attack, suggesting that the perpetrator had rented access to several so-called botnets.
The attackers took advantage of traffic-routing services such as those offered by Alphabet Inc's Google and Cisco Systems Inc's OpenDNS to make it difficult for Dyn to root out bad traffic without also interfering with legitimate inquiries, Drew said.
"Dyn can't simply block the (Internet Protocol) addresses they are seeing, because that would be blocking Google or OpenDNS," said Matthew Prince, CEO of security and content delivery firm CloudFlare. "These are nasty attacks, some of the hardest to protect against."
Drew and Nixon both said that the makers of connected devices needed to do far more to make sure that the gadgets can be updated after security flaws are discovered.
Big businesses should also have multiple vendors for core services like routing internet traffic, and security experts said those Dyn customers with backup domain name service providers would have stayed reachable.
The Department of Homeland Security last week issued a warning about attacks from the Internet of Things, following the release of the code for Mirai.
Attacking a large domain name service provider like Dyn can create massive disruptions because such firms are responsible for forwarding large volumes of internet traffic.
Dyn said it had resolved one morning attack, which disrupted operations for about two hours, but disclosed a second a few hours later that was causing further disruptions. By Friday evening it was fighting a third.
Amazon's web services division, one of the world's biggest cloud computing companies, reported that the issue temporarily affected users in Western Europe. Twitter and some news sites could not be accessed by some users in London late on Friday evening.
PayPal Holdings Inc said that the outage prevented some customers in "certain regions" from making payments. It apologized for the inconvenience and said that its networks had not been hacked.
A month ago, security guru Bruce Schneier wrote that someone, probably a country, had been testing increasing levels of denial-of-service attacks against unnamed core internet infrastructure providers in what seemed like a test of capability.
Nixon said there was no reason to think a national government was behind Friday's assaults, but attacks carried out on a for-hire basis are famously difficult to attribute.
Oct 22, 2016
Photos Show European Mars Probe Crashed, May Have Exploded
Pictures taken by a NASA satellite show a black spot in the area where the Schiaparelli lander was meant to touch down Wednesday, the European Space Agency said. The images end two days of speculation following the probe's unexpected radio silence less than a minute before the planned landing.
"Estimates are that Schiaparelli dropped from a height of between 2 and 4 kilometers (1.4-2.4 miles), therefore impacting at a considerable speed, greater than 300 kilometers per hour (186 mph)," the agency said.
It said the large disturbance captured in the NASA photographs may have been caused by the probe's steep crash-landing, which would have sprayed matter around like a blast site on Earth.
"It is also possible that the lander exploded on impact, as its thruster propellant tanks were likely still full," the agency said.
Schiaparelli was designed to test technology for a more ambitious European Mars landing in 2020. The European Space Agency said the probe's mother ship was successfully placed into orbit Wednesday and will soon begin analyzing the Martian atmosphere in search for evidence of life.
"In my heart, of course I'm sad that we couldn't land softly on the surface of Mars," ESA chief Jan Woerner told The Associated Press. "But the main part of the mission is the science that will be done by the orbiter."
Woerner said engineers received a wealth of data from the lander before the crash that will prove valuable for the next attempt in four years' time. He described the mission as "a 96 percent success."
Still, the crash-landing was a painful reminder of how hard it is to put a spacecraft on the surface of the red planet.
Its resting place was photographed by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which also spotted Europe's last ill-fated mission to the surface of the planet. The Beagle 2 probe landed on Mars in 2003 but failed to deploy its solar panels properly, preventing it from functioning.
There have only been seven successful robotic landings on Mars, all by NASA. The last landing was in 2012, when the Curiosity rover touched down in a Martian crater.
Landing on Mars is notoriously difficult because of the planet's thin, dusty atmosphere. Inbound spacecraft hit the atmosphere at 12,000 mph (19,300 kph) and have only minutes to slow down and land.
With the loss of Schiaparelli, only two spacecraft are currently roaming the Martian surface — Curiosity and Opportunity, which landed in 2004.
ESA said that, according to what its scientists have been able to piece together so far, Schiaparelli suffered problems during the last 50 seconds of its descent through the harsh Martian atmosphere.
The picture taken by NASA's orbiter shows two features that weren't visible on the surface when the spacecraft photographed the area in May. The first is a bright spot of about 12 meters diameter, likely to be Schiaparelli's parachute, ESA said.
The second was described as "a fuzzy dark patch roughly 15 by 40 meters in size and about 1 kilometer north of the parachute" and is likely to be the lander.
"These preliminary interpretations will be refined following further analysis" and a high-resolution picture in the coming days, the agency said.
While Schiaparelli was able to beam back some 600 megabytes of data before the crash, scientists won't get any of the close-up photos the probe took during its descent. Those were meant to be transmitted after the landing.
ESA said the other part of the ExoMars mission — the Trace Gas Orbiter — was "working very well and will take science calibration data during two orbits in November."
The spacecraft will then descend to an altitude of about 400 kilometers and begin its study of Mars next year. The orbiter is also going to act as a radio relay for the next stage of the ExoMars mission and other future attempts to land on the planet.
Oct 22, 2016
WikiLeaks director & Assange’s mentor Gavin MacFadyen dies
“We are extremely sad to announce the death of Gavin MacFadyen, CIJ’s Founder, Director and its leading light,” the Centre for Investigative Journalism team wrote on its Twitter.
MacFadyen was a pioneering investigative journalist and filmmaker, who back in 2003 founded the Centre for Investigative Journalism (CIJ), an organization that helped break several major stories and has trained a number of prominent journalists.
He was a mentor and friend to famous whistleblower and co-founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange, as well as the director of the publication. Paying tribute to their head, WikiLeaks published a post on the group’s Twitter account saying MacFadyen “now takes his fists and his fight to battle God.”
The post is signed “JA,” indicating that the phrase belongs directly to Julian Assange, with WikiLeaks claiming that, despite the whistleblower being deprived of internet access in his suite in the Ecuadorian embassy for a week now, he has been able to contact them and is “still in full command.”.......
.....Earlier this year, MacFadyen gave an interview to RT’s Going Underground program to talk about the publication of leaks related to US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, the most recent of which have been emails from the account of her aid, John Podesta. The barrage of sometimes shocking revelations has proven to be a bit of a thorn in the side for Clinton’s election campaign. In the interview, he said that the documents released so far are merely a drop in the ocean of the information WikiLeaks is receiving, and was hopeful that while “there’s only one known Snowden,” there may be other whistleblowers who will keep shedding light on injustice and other major global pain points.
Oct 25, 2016
Meet The Man Who Can Expose "The Real Hillary Clinton Scandal"
We have written frequently about the internal Clinton Foundation power struggle between Chelsea Clinton and Doug Band over the previous couple of weeks (see here, here and here). It all started back in 2011 when, as Chelsea started to take a more senior role at the Clinton Foundation, she became increasingly concerned about an internal audit that exposed glaring conflicts of interest throughout the Foundation with an emphasis on Doug Band and his company, Teneo, who she thought had inappropriately sought favors from the State Department during Hillary's tenure as Secretary of State. A Politico article from March 2015, summarized Chelsea's rise at the Foundation and how it threatened some long-time Clinton allies who had grown quite accustomed to the status quo.
Now, new WikiLeaks emails reveal additional details behind the the man, Eric Braverman, who was brought in as CEO by Chelsea to change the controversial practices of the Foundation but abruptly resigned a short time later after being pushed out by long-time Clinton loyalists who had apparently grown very comfortable with the status quo.
Below is the new email exchange which begins when Neera Tanden warns John Podesta to "keep tabs on Doug Band" who she assumed was the insider who told NBC to "follow the money and find the real HRC scandal." Interestingly, John Podesta writes back quickly to identify the real source as former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman which seems to be shocking to Tanden who replies simply, "Holy Moses."
So who is Eric Braverman? The following excerpts from a Politico article offer the best summary of Braverman and his efforts, as a newly installed CEO, to breakup the Clinton Foundation scandal machine only to be pushed out by Clinton loyalists after only a year and a half in his new position.
Of course, given that the email exchange between Podesta and Tanden, and the following tweet from NBC's Joe Scarborough, occurred just days after Braverman was relieved of his duties in March 2015 it does seem likely that he was the "source close to the Clintons" who told Ron Fournier "to follow the money and find the real HRC scandal."
Ironically, Braverman's resignation also came shortly after the following email from Huma Abedin showing that Hillary directly approached the King of Morocco to host a meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative. In return, the King had promised "$12 million both for the endowment and to support the meeting." Huma concludes her email by saying "she [Hillary] created this mess and she knows it."
So was this the questionable "contribution from foreign governments with lax oversight" that ultimately caused Braverman to resign?
More importantly, where is Eric Braverman now? Clearly, at one point, Braverman expressed some interest in exposing the deep corruption within the Clinton, with all of the new WikiLeaks disclosures, would seem like an opportune time to do just that.
Rumors of a new development?
Kremlin In Turmoil After Clinton Foundation CEO Requests “Urgent And Immediate” Asylum
October 24, 2016
An extraordinary Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today says this morning President Putin was “officially presented” with a Main Directorate for Migration Affairs (GUVM) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) “file for review” relating to a request for “urgent and immediate” political asylum requested by an American citizen named Eric Braverman—who was the former CEO of the Clinton Foundation, and is known as the man who can expose “The Real Hillary Clinton Scandal”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
Requests for the granting of political asylum in the Federation, this report explains, is regulated by a separate government resolution rather than the Law on Refugees and is issued to those seeking “asylum or protection from persecution or a real threat of becoming ...” in their home country for “social-political activities or convictions that do not contradict t...”—and though Russia has the world’s highest number of asylum applications, political asylum requests are very rarely granted.
In his apparent knowing of these facts, however, this report continues, Eric Braverman, yesterday (23 October), arrived at the Consulate of Russia in New York City and presented his “urgent and immediate” request for asylum on a visa application—as is “protocol/custom” because the Federation does not accept mail or electronic visa applications from residents....
Oct 25, 2016
Starr DiGiacomo
Report: Congress Considering Emergency Hearing on Reopened FBI Investigation into Clinton Emails
Cameron Joseph, the Washington Bureau Chief for the New York Daily News, has claimed he has heard reports that the House Oversight Committee is considering an emergency hearing with FBI director James Comey next Friday, following the FBI’s decision to reopen the case into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
October 28 2016
In a tweet, Cameron said that “Hearing [Chairman Jason Chaffetz] & House Oversight Cmte are discussing holding a last-min hearing bringing in FBI DIr. Comey next Fri pre-election.”
Congress is currently on recess until after the elections. Calling for an emergency hearing this late before the election on a topic so politically charged is high risk for all sides but could end up dragging this fight out all the way through Election Day.
There have been demands from all sides of the aisle for more answers on this, and Hillary Clinton’s nightmare Friday could turn into a nightmare two weeks at the worst possible moment for her.
Oct 29, 2016
Matt B
Army says 2-star general committed suicide on Alabama base
WASHINGTON – The Army said Friday it has determined that suicide was the cause of death of a two-star general who was found dead in his home on a military base in Alabama.
Maj. Gen. John Rossi was found dead July 31 at Redstone Arsenal, two days before he was to assume command of Army Space and Missile Defense Command.
He is the first Army general to commit suicide on active duty since record-keeping began in 2000, according to the Army. Military suicides soared earlier this decade and remain a major source of concern; they typically have affected lower-ranking military members.
Rossi, a West Point academy graduate and an air defense artillery officer by training, had just moved onto Redstone Arsenal and was scheduled to be promoted to lieutenant general when he took command of Space and Missile Defense Command.
A written statement by the Army on Friday made no mention of what might have prompted Rossi to take his own life.
General is most senior Army officer to kill self
The Army acknowledged Friday that Maj. Gen. John Rossi committed suicide on July 31, making him the highest-ranking soldier ever to have taken his own life.
Rossi, who was 55, was just two days from pinning on his third star and taking command of Army Space and Missile Command when he killed himself at his home at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama.
Investigators could find no event, infidelity, misconduct or drug or alcohol abuse, that triggered Rossi's suicide, said a U.S. government official with direct knowledge of the investigation. It appears that Rossi was overwhelmed by his responsibilities, said the official who was not authorized to speak publicly about the investigation.
Rossi himself talked in March about suicide at a conference on preventing troops from killing themselves.
He held up a card from his wallet with photos of 10 soldiers who had died under his command at Fort Sill, Okla. Four of them had committed suicide.
Rossi led off the event by reading the reports of recent suicide attempts to the soldiers at the event, according to a news story on the Army's web site. He told the conference that he received reports of four soldiers per week thinking about or attempting suicide.
“We are ultimately responsible for soldiers both on and off duty,” Rossi said.
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for August 6, 2016
With scant time to waste, the wealthy elite of Earth wish to use existing launch facilities such as are possessed by the US, Russia, and other high tech countries like India, China, and Japan. This requires cooperation from those in charge, which in the case of the US includes NASA, Congressional oversight, the White House, and the Department of Defense. If cooperation cannot be secured via bribery or threats, then a quick death to force a replacement officer in charge might occur. This is what happened to Maj. Gen. John Rossi.
Oct 30, 2016