Council of Worlds at WAR re Announcement Delays

Note the location of “Planet 9” and the inbound path for Nibiru provided by the Zetas in 1997. Nibiru arrived, right on schedule in 2003, and right where predicted a full 7 years earlier. Where the Zetas provided the location of the gravity draw represented by the Sun’s dark unlit binary and the inbound Nibiru in 1983, when the IRAS team lofted its infra-red balloon in search of the inbound Nibiru, this location was not provided to the public. All articles in print at that time only referring to the location as the “western edge of the constellation Orion”, quite vague, and the “western edge” is vast. Yet the Zetas pinpointed the location as being just outside the lower bow of Orion. Such is the accuracy of ZetaTalk. How would the public eventually become “aware of the history and accuracy of ZetaTalk predictions” as predicted by the Zetas on April 16, 2016? ? It would seem this is already in process.

SOZT March 19, 2016

So what happened to the announcement? Obama lacked the courage. As a result of this colossal failure,  having to disband the Jade Helm structure, the US military reacted. Obama is no longer running the country. Chief of Staff General Dunford is. Ben Fulford has for months been referring to Obama as the US “spokesperson”. Is this true, and how does this work? In that the Middle East, under the direction and press from Israel, Turkey, the Jewish bankers of the Federal Reserve, and the Saudis were supporting ISIS and this threatened to create a force that would not only invade Europe but also create an endless terrorism threat to the US, the military did indeed effect a silent coup. Russia needed to enter the fray, and Dunford, but not Obama, agreed. This will never be admitted, publicly, nor do the parties want this.

SOZT October 1, 2015
The three major social media outlets in use around the globe all had significant, and simultaneous outages between September 20-24, 2015. Skype had complaints from the UK, Australia, and Japan. Twitter received reports from the US, Australia, and Singapore. FaceBook had the loudest howls, primarily from the US and Europe. Notably these downtimes, some lasting for hours or even days, got no attention in the major media, and there was no real explanation for the outages.  Every Skype user has an account and a password, as do their contacts. Every Skype user can broadcast messages to their contacts, even if these contacts are not presently online. Every twitter use likewise has an account and a password, and by sending a tweet passes information along to subscribers, who can retweet the info in the future. FaceBook users likewise have an account and a password, with many friends who pick up info from each other and pass it along on their FaceBook accounts.  In all of this, the networks themselves are AWARE of the accounts and passwords, and could do a broadcast to all in the event of an announcement. Check your user agreements. This is legal!

SOZT April 25, 2015
When we announced that the Council of Worlds would be going to war with the elite over their blockage of the announcement, the tools available to the Council were not immediately apparent. Early in the campaign the Sony hack showed one such mechanism, whereby an anonymous hacker revealed embarrassing information about Sony executives. Similarly exposing pedophile activities by Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and blatant lies by self-promoting media talking heads such as Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly required nothing more than encouraging contactees to step forward.  In many, many cases a financial loss sufficient to trigger a clash among the elite is a result of an electronic delay during trades. 

SOZT July 4, 2015
What is the message here? As with other failed launches, this most recent failure is a definitive message from the Council of Worlds. Space X has had success in resupplying the ISS, though has flounded on landing on a floating ocean platform.  Resupply of the ISS is OK, reuse of their launch equipment so as to help the elite escape, not OK. The message now is that the elite should not expect to get into space at all. No escape. The message here is to take all hope away from such plans among the elite. They are to remain on Earth with the common man. We expect the battle to shift from attempts to block the announcement, or deny its meaning, to attempts to enslave the common man in some way. That is another fight, on another day.

SOZT November 1, 2014
The elite – the wealthy and politically powerful in the world – have continued in their attempts to thwart the announcement by Obama and his partners admitting that Nibiru, aka Planet X exists. We have long stated that the announcement date was set by Obama and Xi at their June 7-8, 2013 meeting in Santa Monica. The flustered slip given by the French Foreign Minister on May 13, 2014 re “500 days
until climate chaos” was in reference to this, as the date set was to be 500 days from the 2013 meeting, ie October 20, 2014.

SOZT November 8, 2014
Relying solely on Russia or China to proceed would get the truth out BUT since the block had always been on the US end, via Reagan’s national security directive, without a confirmation from Obama this is awkward and subject to being countered. If true, where is the confirmation from Obama? It would be packaged as some odd communist attack against Obama going into the elections, to make him seem weak, almost comical. So where is this going now? For us to comment would be to empower the enemy, which of course we will not do. Your curiosity is not as important as having the announcement succeed.

SOZT December 10, 2014
We have stated that the public will see only the flash and parry of swords from a distance during the Council of Worlds war with the cover-up crowd. Meanwhile, periodic tests of the Emergency Broadcast System in the US are done, to see if the channels are open. As of this writing, they are not yet open. The war is still on, full press. Meanwhile, during the flash and parry of swords, one can see resistance, pleading, panic, and capitulation.

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  • SongStar101

    Vatican hit by new claims of financial mismanagement and lavish spending

    Journalists claim to have exposed millions in lost revenues and senior officials pouring church funds into their already-lavish apartments

    Ever since his election as spiritual head of the Roman Catholic church in 2013, Pope Francis has always said he wants a church for the poor.

    But two controversial new books describe a Vatican awash with cash that is woefully mismanaged, where senior officials pour church funds into their already-lavish apartments, and where even the office that researches candidates for sainthood has had its bank accounts frozen out of concerns about financial impropriety.

    Nuzzi’s book is not the only publication to be raising eyebrows in Rome this week. Avarice, a work by journalist Emiliano Fittipaldi also to be released on Thursday, delves into allegations of financial shenanigans, including an allegation that the Vatican’s former secretary of state, Tarcisio Bertone, used €200,000 (£142,000) from a foundation meant to support the Bambino Gesù paediatric hospital in Rome to renovate his own apartment. Under an agreement alleged in the book, the “mega-penthouse” could, in exchange, be used for hospital functions.

    According to La Repubblica, which published excerpts of the book, Bertone told Fittipaldi that he had paid his share of the renovation costs.

    The embarrassing allegations were unveiled a day after the Vatican announced it had arrested two members of a former Vatican committee on suspicion of leaking documents that apparently formed the basis of the books’ key allegations.

    Francesca Chaouqui, a public relations expert, and Monsignor Lucio Ángel Vallejo Balda, a Spanish member of the church bureaucracy, or curia, were questioned and arrested for allegedly stealing church documents. On her Facebook page, Chaouqui, whose profile picture captures a smiling Pope Francis shaking her hand, denied having betrayed the Argentinian pope.

    Under the hashtag #MoreThanAnythingInThisWorld, she wrote: “I have not betrayed the Pope. Nor have I have given a piece of paper to anyone ... It will emerge soon that I have the full certainty and total trust in the investigators ... No pity please, I have my head held high, and [have] nothing to be ashamed of.”

    Balda could not be reached by the Guardian.

    In Rome on Tuesday the sensational story of the arrests was superseded by the new allegations of Vatican impropriety.

    Pope Francis signalled when he was elected that cleaning up church finances was a top priority and the Vatican bank – just one arm of the Vatican’s financial empire – has since claimed that it has come a long way since the days when it was considered a pariah in the global banking system, a place where mobsters and corrupt politicians alike could allegedly launder their funds with impunity.

    Can Pope Francis clean up God’s bank?

    But the two books, citing confidential documents, describe intense resistance to Pope Francis’s reform efforts, even as international auditors warned the pope that there was a “complete lack of transparency in the bookkeeping of both the Holy See the Governorate”, and that costs were out of control, according to Nuzzi’s book.

    The allegations are not entirely new. The most senior cardinal charged with overhauling the Vatican finances, the Australian George Pell, described earlier this year that the Vatican had $1.5bn (£1bn) in assets that had not been previously ac... that the accounts were “muddled”.

    Nuzzi’s tell-all, which the Guardian has seen in advance of its release, describes how one of the tasks of the committee for which Baldi and Chaouqui worked was to get to grips with the Vatican’s $2.7bn real estate holdings, which the commission found were worth seven times more than previously reported.

    It also examined the office within the Vatican that researches candidates for sainthood. What it allegedly found was astounding: even though the office is closely examining the records of hundreds of people for possible sainthood – an effort that costs about €500,000 per possible saint – the office told the commission that it had no documentation it could provide to back up its expenses, which run into the “tens of millions of euros”.

    The Vatican bank did not include the closure of the account in detail in its annual report.

    The Vatican declined to comment on the allegations contained in the books. “For now, we are not saying anything,” said Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman.

    On Monday, when it announced the arrests, the Holy See said in a statement: “Publications of this nature do not help in any way to establish clarity and truth, but rather generate confusion and partial and tendentious conclusions.”


    In December 2013 this shows the leading up to the Swiss bank accounts issues:

    The scandal at the Vatican bank

    On June 28 this year (2013), Italian police arrested a silver-haired priest, Monsignor Nunzio Scarano, in Rome. The cleric, nicknamed Monsignor Cinquecento after the €500 bills he habitually carried around with him, was charged with fraud and corruption, together with a former secret service agent and a ­financial broker. All three were suspected of attempting to smuggle €20m by private plane across the border from Switzerland.

    “We cannot have any more scandal. It is so shameful,” a senior member of the Vatican’s financial administration said.

    How God’s bank ended up as a financial penitent this year is a bracing chapter in the history of financial reforms that have swelled up in the aftermath of the 2008 credit crisis. Untouchable havens such as Switzerland and Liechtenstein were forced to open their chocolate-box palaces to the probes of international regulators. This year the power of the popes was challenged.

    The FT interviewed two dozen bankers, lawyers, regulators and Catholic insiders over 11 months to understand how the murky operations of a bank with €5bn in assets, and which says its aim is to serve the global mission of the Catholic Church, had unnerved bankers, regulators and governments across Europe and the US.

  • SongStar101

    Zeta's Right Again! The start of more in the EU, US perhaps?  Immunity seems no longer possible with those in high positions.

    There has been steadfast erosion in the ranks, who leave their jobs or city residences to head for bunker locations, converting their stocks and bonds and real estate holdings to precious metals and jewels. This trend has pock marked the ranks of the establishment determined to maintain the cover-up so that it looks like Swiss cheese, rather than a wall of solid determination.

    All it takes on the part of the Council of Worlds to accelerate the trend is a nudge here or a nudge there, a hint that it would be oh, so easy, to remove the Element of Doubt and allow the common man to speak out. And then the roar of rage, which the establishment so fears would emerge from the populace, would be heard. How often has one seen, in movies or in real life, the bully suddenly groveling and pleading, the tables turned, when they lose control. This point is approaching, and will be seen by a capitulation in the cover-up crowd.


    Bringing in the scalps: the woman leading Romania's war on corruption

    Victor Ponta’s decision on Wednesday to resign as Romania’s prime minister may not be the end of his woes. Street protests this week were merely the culmination of months of pressure triggered by a fraud and corruption case against him.

    Ponta is not alone. A slew of politicians, mayors, judges and prosecutors have been targeted in an anti-corruption drive quite unlike any other in eastern Europe – or the world for that matter. And it is a quiet, unassuming chief prosecutor, Laura Codruţa Kövesi, who is bringing in the scalps.

    “Before 2005, Romanian justice was not independent,” says Kövesi, 42, in an interview given before Ponta’s resignation. “This is why there was not enough courage to open complex investigations against high-level officials.”

    A specialist anti-corruption agency, known by the acronym DNA, was founded in 2003, and it took a few years for it to narrow its focus on high-level graft – cases involving more than €10,000 (£7,000) – and for it to start bringing successful prosecutions.

    Nowadays there are 120 prosecutors working on more than 6,000 cases. The entrance to the DNA’s central Bucharest offices is permanently staked out by television news crews waiting to see who will turn up next for questioning.

    Last year the agency successfully prosecuted 24 mayors, five MPs, two ex-ministers and a former prime minister, not to mention more than 1,000 other individuals, including judges and prosecutors, with a conviction rate above 90%.

    “This year we have investigated 12 members of parliament, two of them being former ministers,” says Kövesi, who was appointed head of DNA in 2013. “We have investigated two sitting ministers, one of whom went from his ministerial chair directly to pre-trial detention.”

    In September, Bucharest’s mayor, Sorin Oprescu, was arrested after being accused of taking kickbacks from companies awarded contracts by the city.

    However, Ponta is by far the biggest target to date. According to Kövesi, the investigations into the outgoing prime minister lasted about four months, at the end of which he was formally indicted on multiple counts of forgery, money laundering and being an accessory to tax evasion, dating from a period between 2007 and 2008 when he was still a practicing lawyer.

    Prosecutors had hoped to investigate him for activities while in office, but in June Romania’s parliament voted down an attempt to lift his parliamentary immunity.

    Romanians seem to have been impressed by the activities of DNA: according to one recent poll, 60% of people said they trusted the agency, while only 11% said they trusted parliament.

    However, not everyone is happy with DNA’s activities. Barely a week goes by without Kövesi being attacked in the media.

    After he was formally indicted, Ponta denounced the prosecutor in charge of his case on his Facebook page, saying Romania’s only problem was “the obsession of a totally unprofessional prosecutor trying to make a name by inventing and imagining facts and untrue situations from 10 years ago”.

    Others have questioned the political motivations of prosecutors at DNA, though the agency has successfully gone after plenty of politicians on both sides of the parliamentary aisle.

    Some have also criticised the use of wiretaps, suggesting it is behaviour taken from the playbook of the Securitate, the feared communist-era secret police.

    Kövesi dismisses those concerns, saying that every wiretap has to be authorised by a judge and that such monitoring is “a tool used all over the world. It is used in EU member states. It is a common tool for prosecutors.”

    The criticism and public attention has apparently had little impact on Kövesi. “Before being chief prosecutor of DNA I was the general prosecutor of Romania for six years, so for the last nine years I have had enough time to get accustomed to these things. Fortunately there are people who also praise me, so things are balanced,” she says.

    The biggest challenges for prosecutors come from politicians, she adds. “Every two weeks they come with a new bill trying to change or amend the current provisions. Trying to limit our possibilities of investigations. Trying to amend the criminal code. Trying to deprive us of our tools to limit our possibilities of investigation. What’s curious is they never try to improve the legislation to help us more,” she says.

    Strong support in Romania and within the EU has made it harder to hinder the efforts and independence of DNA. “Every time we hear that they try to pass a new law limiting our possibilities, we go public and we take a stand regarding this issue,” says Kövesi.

    Despite all this, there is still a long way to go. Romania ranked joint last among EU members on Transparency International’s 2014 corruption perceptions index, alongside Italy, Greece and Bulgaria. But for Kövesi at least there is a sense that the agency is making a difference.

    “I do think DNA’s activities have changed the mentality of Romanian citizens,” she says. “They are aware now that they don’t need to pay bribes in order to be granted their rights.”

  • SongStar101

    CIA Email Hackers Return With Major Law Enforcement Breach

    Hackers who broke into the personal email account of CIA Director John Brennan have struck again.

    This time the group, which goes by the name Crackas With Attitude, says it gained access to an even more important target—a portal for law enforcement that grants access to arrest records and other sensitive data, including what appears to be a tool for sharing information about active shooters and terrorist events, and a system for real-time chats between law enforcement agents.

    The CWA hackers said they found a vulnerability that allowed them to gain access to the private portal, which is supposed to be available only to the FBI and other law enforcement agencies around the country. That portal in turn, they say, gave them access to more than a dozen law enforcement tools that are used for information sharing.

    The hackers wouldn’t identify the vulnerability that gave them access, but one of the hackers, who calls himself Cracka, provided WIRED with a screenshot of one of the systems they accessed called JABS. JABS stands for Joint Automated Booking System, and is a database of arrest records for the US.

    Cracka is the same handle of a hacker who spoke with WIRED last month to describe how the same group hacked into the private email account of the CIA....

    This latest breach, if legitimate, is significant because it gives the hackers access to arrest records directly after they have been entered into the system. This would be valuable information for gossip sites and other media outlets interested in breaking stories about the arrest of celebrities and politicians.

    More importantly, the system can also include information about arrests that are under court seal and may not be made public for months or years—such as the arrest of suspected terrorists, gang members and drug suspects. Knowledge about these arrests can tip off other members of a terrorist cell or gang to help them avoid capture.

    “Just to clear this up,” Cracka tweeted on Thursday about the breach of the JABS database. “CWA did, indeed, have access to everybody in USA’s private information, now imagine if we was Russia or China.”

    Sealed arrest records are also quite common in hacker investigations when law enforcement officials quietly arrest an individual, then flip him to work as a confidential informant with agents to capture others.

    A former FBI agent confirmed to WIRED that JABS shows “all arrests and bookings no matter the sealing.” But he noted that arrest records in which suspects are charged under seal “will only have limited data,” and sensitive records are sometimes removed from the system to prevent news of an arrest from leaking.

    “The records go in but after processing they can be removed if they are sensitive matters,” he said, “or more likely there will be [a] flag when you run a name to contact a specific agency. Hackers might be removed if they are potentially cooperating witnesses or sources.”

    He noted, however, that “[i]t takes some serious work or threats to get the records removed.”

    The investigation into Silk Road, for example, involved a number of initial arrests that were kept quiet to avoid tipping off other suspects.

    Cracka told WIRED that he and his fellow hackers were able to view the JABS arrest record of Jeremy Hammond. Hammond was a hacktivist with Anonymous who is currently serving a 10-year sentence for hacking into Strategic Forecasting in 2011 and stealing 5 million private email messages and 60,000 customer credit card numbers. He told WIRED, however, that they did not access other criminal records.

    “[W]e wasn’t there to hurt innocent people, just the government,” he said.

    Cracka wouldn’t identify the vulnerability used to access the portal, because he said the hackers are still trying to obtain more information from the system. But, notably, an announcement from Box earlier this year indicated that law enforcement has recently begun using its file-sharing system for transmitting records. It’s not clear if this partnership has some significance to the breach, and Cracka did not not respond when WIRED inquired about Box specifically.

    It was through the vulnerable law enforcement portal that the hackers say they also obtained a list of about 3,000 names, titles, email addresses and phone numbers for government employees that they posted to Pastebin on Thursday. The posting, which they indicated was just “Part 1” of a presumably multi-part leak, consisted of a snippet of an alphabetical list of government employees working for the FBI and other federal agencies as well as various local police and sheriff departments around the country. It included job titles, email addresses and phone numbers.

    The hackers leaked these contact details yesterday, November 5, which is also known as Guy Fawkes Day, a popular symbolic figure and date that has previously been appropriated by the hacking collective Anonymous.

    In addition to the names and contact details of law enforcement agents and the JABS database, the CWA hackers say they had access to law enforcement’s Enterprise File Transfer Service, which the government describes as a web interface for securely sharing and transmitting files. Cracka provided WIRED with a long menu of sensitive tools that appeared on the portal’s main page and to which they presumably had access. The menu includes:

    Enterprise File Transfer Service—a web interface to securely share and transmit files.

    Cyber Shield Alliance—an FBI Cybersecurity partnership initiative “developed by Law Enforcement for Law Enforcement to proactively defend and counter cyber threats against LE networks and critical technologies,” the portal reads. “The FBI stewards an array of cybersecurity resources and intelligence, much of which is now accessible to LEA’s through the Cyber Shield Alliance.”

    DFS Test and eGuardian Training—there was no description for either of these.

    IC3—“a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding the rapidly expanding arena of cyber crime.”

    IDEAFX—a “web-based, file/folder sharing capabilities for cross-organizational teams”

    Intelink—a “secure portal for integrated intelligence dissemination and collaboration efforts”

    Intelink IM—provides real-time chat between users logged into the law enforcement system.

    Justice Enterprise File Sharing—“This application has been created using as the base technology and provides cloud hosted capabilities for greater stability and growth for file/folder sharing. It has the ability to transfer files up to 15 GB,” reads the description.

    In addition to these, the portal also includes access to:

    Special Interest Group—described as a “controlled/structured-access area for specialized organizations or disciplines to share and store information as a means to enhance collaboration with law enforcement, intelligence and emergency management communities.”

    Virtual Command Center—a real-time, collaborative tool is used for operations and events that include active shooter incidents, warrants, natural disasters, child abductions, terrorist attacks and threats, as well as something described only as special events. The latter likely includes visits by dignitaries, such as the president or visiting foreign leaders, that require special coordination with local law enforcement agencies.

    National Data Exchange, also known as N-DEx—“provides local, state, tribal, and federal criminal justice agencies with a mechanism to nationally share, search, link, and analyze information across jurisdictional boundaries.

    National Gang Intelligence Center—a “multi-agency effort that integrates gang information from local, state, and federal law enforcement entities to serve as a centralized intelligence resource for gang information and analytical support.”

    Repository for Individuals of Special Concern, also known as RISC—“allows officers on the street to use a
    mobile identification (ID) device to perform a ‘lightsout’ rapid search of a limited repository of fingerprint records.”

    RISSNET—which provides “timely access to a variety of law enforcement sensitive, officer safety, and public safety resources”

    ViCAP Web National Crime Database—“a repository for behavioral and investigative information related to criteria Homicides, Sexual Assaults, Missing Persons, and Unidentified Human Remains cases. Authorized users can click on the ViCAP logo to access the database. All other users can go to the ViCAP SIG to obtain information about gaining access and view various ViCAP documents and resources.”

    Active Shooter Resources Page—a clearinghouse for materials available for use by law enforcement agencies and other first responders around the country.

    Malware Investigator—an automated tool that “analyzes suspected malware samples and quickly returns technical information about the samples to its users so they can understand the samples’ functionality.”

    Homeland Security Information Network, or HSIN—which “provides users with a trusted network to share Sensitive But Unclassified information.”

    eGuardian—a “system that allows Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement support and force protection personnel the ability to report, track and share threats, events and suspicious activities with a potential nexus to terrorism, cyber or other criminal activity.”

    Cracka told WIRED that he didn’t conduct the hack for fame or laughs.

    “[I] just want people to u8nderstnad im NOT and NEVER will be here for fame, im here for my message and thats it,” he wrote WIRED. “[I] just want people to know im doing this for palestine.”

    On Thursday he posted several images to Twitter showing Palestinian victims of violence, and also posted a statement to Pastebin explaining his motives.

    “I’m the bad guy in the news that’s targeting the US government for funding Israel,” he wrote in the Pastebin message. “Did you know there was over 26,000 civilian deaths due to war-related violence in the Afghanistan war? Did you know the US military bombed an Afghan hospital?…I am standing against the US government for a good reason and I don’t give a fuck what the consequences are, fuck the fame bullshit, I’m here to get my message across and that’s all I’m here for.”

    Cracka told WIRED that they don’t currently have plans to leak more information, at least not any time soon.

  • Nancy Lieder

    New ZT as of 11/10.

    We described the Council of Worlds war against the banking industries reluctant to allow Obama to announce the near presence of Nibiru as a shark moving silently in the water, only visible by its fin. The Council of Worlds war against the banking industry, and by extension Netanyahu, was evident by late 2014
    when Netanyahu dissolved his parliament to trigger new elections. He was under pressure to grant the Palestinians their rights, his iron grip on Israel under threat. The bellicose Bibi then came to the US in March, 2015 to lecture the Republican Congress, bypassing the White House, and insisted that the Iran deal under negotiation by Obama be killed.

    Blood in the water was evident in mid-October, 2015
    when the Federal Reserve system in the US came under the control of the US government, not under a set of Jewish bankers.  The loss of control over Middle East oil, and the inability to make inroads into the Russian oil fields via Ukraine unrest were a double loss to western banking. China and Russia are now dominant with the BRICS
    monetary system, and Russia is in charge of cleaning up ISIS in Syria and Iraq, with Iran as a partner. Whatever happened to Bibi Netanyahu’s supremacy?

    One does not need to be a student of body language to see the revolution. Just this past March, Bibi stole the Israeli election,
    stating openly that he would never agree to a 2-state solution for the Palestinians. Now he is a supplicant, and the excuse given to the press that they are in negotiations two full years early for a new Israeli aid package is an absurd cover. Netanyahu is not afraid for Israel, which continues to get US military aid. He is concerned about his personal power, as with the rising Palestinian attacks against Israeli citizens, his leadership is being questioned. Thus he wants the US military as an adjunct to the Israeli military, to put down Palestinian uprisings. Crawl and plead as he will, Obama expects him to stop Israeli settlements and grant the Palestinians their rights.

  • Scott

    ‘The Attacks Will Be Spectacular’

    An exclusive look at how the Bush administration ignored this warning from the CIA months before 9/11, along with others that were far more detailed than previously revealed. (Nov. 12, 2015)

    "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” The CIA’s famous Presidential Daily Brief, presented to George W. Bush on August 6, 2001, has always been Exhibit A in the case that his administration shrugged off warnings of an Al Qaeda attack. But months earlier, starting in the spring of 2001, the CIA repeatedly and urgently began to warn the White House that an attack was coming.

    By May of 2001, says Cofer Black, then chief of the CIA’s counterterrorism center, “it was very evident that we were going to be struck, we were gonna be struck hard and lots of Americans were going to die.” “There were real plots being manifested,” Cofer’s former boss, George Tenet, told me in his first interview in eight years. “The world felt like it was on the edge of eruption. In this time period of June and July, the threat continues to rise. Terrorists were disappearing [as if in hiding, in preparation for an attack]. Camps were closing. Threat reportings on the rise.” The crisis came to a head on July 10. The critical meeting that took place that day was first reported by Bob Woodward in 2006. Tenet also wrote about it in general terms in his 2007 memoir At the Center of the Storm.

    But neither he nor Black has spoken about it publicly in such detail until now—or been so emphatic about how specific and pressing their warnings really were. Over the past eight months, in more than a hundred hours of interviews, my partners Jules and Gedeon Naudet and I talked with Tenet and the 11 other living former CIA directors for The Spymasters, a documentary set to air this month on Showtime. ...


    The war in Iraq was called on fraudulent charges as there never were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and 911 was an inside job. With the Council of Worlds at war with those maintaining the cover-up over Nibiru, revelations as to who was responsible for the 911 treason and the war crimes in Iraq may finally be revealed. Even after the announcement, there will be the aftermath, where the cover-up crowd will try to pretend that the Earth changes are not caused by Nibiru and deny the danger to the populace. They hope that life will go on as before, with the elite on top of the pile and the common man befuddled and kept in the dark. The Council does not agree!

  • Scott

    Meeting of President Putin and President Obama in the first break of #G20Antalya summit.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Spain Issues Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu and Senior Israeli Officials

    Posted on Nov 16, 2015

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and six other former and current government officials are at risk of arrest if they enter Spain, following the issue of what is effectively an arrest warrant for the group by a Spanish judge.

    Spanish national court judge Jose de la Mata ordered the police and civil guard to notify him if Netanyahu or the other men enter the country, the Latin American Herald Tribune reports. That could result in the reopening of a case against them concerning the Gaza Freedom Flotilla attack of 2010.

    The other men named in the issue are former Defense Minister Ehud Barak, former Foreign Minister Avigdor Leiberman, former Minister of Strategic Affairs Moshe Ya’alon, former Interior Minister Eli Yishai, Knesset member Benny Begin and Vice Admiral Eliezer Marom, who was in charge of the attack.

    From The Independent:

    The case – which was put on hold by Judge de la Mata last year – was brought against the men following an attack by Israeli security forces against the Freedom Flotilla aid ships in 2010, which [were] trying to reach Gaza.

    It concerns the Mavi Marmara ship, the main civilian vessel in a fleet of six that were attempting to break an Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip. The six ships were carrying around 500 passengers, humanitarian aid and construction materials. The Israeli Defence Force stormed the ship in a raid that left nine human rights activists dead. A tenth activist died later that month due to wounds sustained in the raid.

    The Israeli Prime Minister and other officials now face charges in the case, should it be reopened.

    An Israeli foreign ministry spokesperson Emmanuel Nachshon told the Jerusalem Post: “We consider it to be a provocation. We are working with the Spanish authorities to get it cancelled. We hope it will be over soon.”

  • Stanislav

    Twitter Down: Social Media Site Crashed Early Thursday Morning

    Twitter went down early Thursday morning, affecting millions of tweeters around the globe.

    According to website, the social media site started having issues around 4:48 a.m. Eastern. While that time period isn’t exactly peak usage for Twitter, the site recorded over 200 reported problems from users in the first few minutes of the outage.

    For some users, the site came back around 5:30 Eastern. Most of the reports coming in are for desktop users, suggesting that many still have functionality on mobile devices.

    Thursday’s events are on the heels of a week in which Twitter has played a major role in world events. Last week, users tweeted #PorteOuverte to offer a home for those stuck in Paris after the coordinated attacks that left over 120 dead.

    Earlier in the week, tweets regarding the threats in Hannover, Germany, perpetuated false rumors after police ordered HDI Arena to be evacuated.

    Just yesterday, hacking group Anonymous began it’s online war against ISIS, and reportedly shut down over 5,000 pro-ISIS Twitter accounts.

    In it’s latest report, Twitter reported having over 320 million active users. However, Twitter’s stock dropped this week, with reports citing a decline in growth. Source:

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    BTG Pactual CEO Esteves Arrested In Brazil's Graft Probe, Police Say

    November 25, 2015 — 5:34 AM EST Updated on November 25, 2015 — 10:50 AM EST
    • Government's leader in Senate also arrested, police say
    • Arrests tied to Carwash investigation into builders, Petrobras

    Andre Esteves, the Brazilian billionaire who transformed BTG Pactual into the largest independent investment bank in Latin America, was arrested in the corruption probe that has shaken the country’s political and economic leadership.

    The Supreme Court authorized the warrant to detain the financier on suspicion he and the leader of the government coalition in the Senate, Delcidio Amaral, allegedly tried to interfere in testimony related to a pay-to-play scheme at the state-run oil giant, Petroleo Brasileiro SA, according to a court document. BTG and Petrobras are partners in a troubled oil-rig supplier. Amaral was also arrested, making him the highest-ranking politician so far to be ensnared in the scandal.

    Andre Esteves

    Andre Esteves
    Photographer: Jin Lee/Bloomberg

    The arrests usher in a new phase of a massive graft scandal that has crippled Brazil’s economy and left President Dilma Rousseff fighting for her political survival. The nation’s currency and stocks, which had stabilized in recent weeks after being in a freefall for much of the year, posted the worst drop among major markets Wednesday amid concern the scandal will prolong political gridlock and the longest recession since the Great Depression.

    “The arrest of Mr. Esteves, the most high-profile figure in Brazilian finance, takes the Petrobras probe to a whole new level and shows the depth and breadth of a scandal that’s engulfing Brazil’s political and corporate establishment," said Nicholas Spiro, managing director at Spiro Sovereign Strategy, in London. "The scandal is becoming more debilitating by the day and is severely undermining the prospects for any kind of meaningful economic reform.”

    Amaral allegedly tried to convince former Petrobras director Nestor Cervero, who was arrested in January, to not mention him or Esteves in testimony to federal prosecutors, according to a document of the accusations read aloud in Brasilia Wednesday by Judge Teori Zavascki. Cervero’s family would have received 50,000 reais ($13,000) every month in the proposal, and Esteves “would bear the burden of financial aid,” according to the document. The offer also included a promised 4 million-real payment to Cervero’s lawyer.

    Televised images showed Esteves being escorted by a police officer into the federal police office in Rio de Janeiro. He sported a white button-down shirt, no tie and light stubble on his face as he walked past reporters to an elevator.

    Sandra Goncalvez Pires, a partner at law firm Rao & Pires Advogados, said the banker is accompanied by a lawyer at the police station in Rio. She said his defense team is researching the arrest order, which allows for Esteves to be held for as many as five days and can be extended. BTG Pactual said in an e-mailed statement that it is cooperating with the investigation and is willing to explain whatever is necessary to authorities. The bank’s stocks and benchmark dollar bond plunged.

    Eduardo Marzagao, a spokesman for Amaral, said he was “surprised” by the arrest. “It must be a big mistake," he said.

    More than 100 people have already been arrested, including former top executives at Petrobras and Brazil’s biggest construction conglomerate. While many of the detainees have been released, at least three former Petrobras directors, three former executives at one of Brazil’s largest construction firms and the former treasurer for the ruling Worker’s Party have been sentenced.

    The sweeping investigation into Petrobras -- dubbed “Carwash” by prosecutors after a gas station used to launder money -- has helped make Brazil’s real the world’s worst-performing major currency this year. Brazil’s economy is forecast to shrink more than 3 percent this year, according to a central bank survey of economists.

    Esteves has been involved in various deals with Petrobras over the years, most notably Sete Brasil. BTG teamed up with Petrobras and other partners in 2010 to create the rig-supplier whose former operating chief admitted in plea bargains to crimes of corruption.

    New arrests suggest the full impact of Carwash, or Lava Jato in Portuguese, “is still to come,” Joao Augusto de Castro Neves, director of Latin America for political consulting firm Eurasia Group, said in a note to clients Wednesday. “BTG Pactual has exposure to the oil and gas sector, and the arrest of its CEO is the first time the Lava Jato probe raises the earnest prospect of financial contagion.”

  • SongStar101

    Mafia Capitale: Landmark corruption trial begins in Rome

    Massimo Carminati, a convicted gangster with links to far-right groups in Italy, along with dozens of politicians and businessmen, has gone on trial in Rome. Italy has stepped up efforts to battle organized crime.

    Prosecutors in Italy say their year-long investigation has exposed systematic corruption within Rome's civil administration, involving politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen with links to gangsters.

    Massimo Carminati, who was once a member of Rome's notorious far-right Magliana Gang, and his aide Salvatore Buzzi, a convicted murderer, are accused of operating the crime ring.

    The accused did not appear in court; their testimonies were recorded through video links from high-security jails.

    Former mayor Gianni Alemanno has also been investigated in a case dubbed as "Mafia Capitale" by authorities.

    The scale of the case makes it one of the most significant anti-corruption investigations in Italy since the early 1990s.

    Giosue Naso, Carminati's lawyer, rebuffed the charges against his client.

    "He (Carminati) wants to clarify a load of things and believe me, he will do it," Naso told reporters. "In this whole story, the thing that bothers him most is his name being linked to the 'mafia' and drugs. He has absolutely nothing to with the mafia, and drugs disgust him."

    Naso added that it was "a media trial, purely for the consumption of journalists."


    Italy's landmark mafia trial goes to prison

    Rome (AFP) - A trial hearing involving the alleged ringleaders of a mafia gang whose criminal tentacles reached into almost every department of Rome's City Hall took place in a prison on the outskirts of Rome Tuesday.

    Massimo Carminati, a convicted gangster with a history of involvement with violent far-right groups, and 45 others are accused of operating a mafia-style network that used extortion, fraud and theft to divert millions of euros destined for public services into their own pockets.

    Their trial began in court earlier this month but for Tuesday' second hearing the proceedings were moved to the Rebibbia prison outside the capital, where the case is expected to run until next summer.

    Under presiding judge Rossanna Ianniello, the hearing was held in an immense hanger next to the prison block with 60 lawyers, dozens of journalists and supporters of the accused present.

    There, behind bars, were most of the defendants in the most significant anti-corruption operation in Italy since the "clean hands" campaign of the early 1990s led to half the country's lawmakers being indicted for taking bribes.

    Four more suspects, including 57-year-old Carminati, followed the proceedings from their cells via video-conference.

    The day was dedicated to legal niceties.

    According to Ippolita Naso, one of Carminati's lawyers, the questioning of the defendants, who are all being detained in prison or under house arrest, won't begin for months yet.

    Much of the trial is expected to be taken up with arguments over whether the accused individuals can be said to have constituted a mafia-type organisation as defined by legislation designed to combat more traditional crime syndicates, such as Sicily's Cosa Nostra, the Neapolitan Camorra and Calabria's 'Ndrangheta.

    - 'Mafia Capitale' -

    Carminati was given a 10-year prison term in 1998 for membership of the Banda della Magliana, a criminal crew which ruled Rome's underworld in the 1970s and 1980s and, prosecutors say, has reinvented itself in the form of Mafia Capitale.

    Carminati is also a former member of the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari (Armed Revolutionary Nuclei), a far-right group that was involved in the 1980 bombing of Bologna railway station which left 85 people dead. He lost his left eye in a 1981 shoot-out with police.

    According to the prosecution his right-hand man was fellow defendant Salvatore Buzzi who was convicted in 1983 of murdering an accomplice in a cheque-stealing scam.

    Among the others on trial are local politicians, businessmen and officials.

    All are implicated in rigging tenders and other corrupt schemes designed to siphon off cash destined for everything from garbage recycling to the reception of newly-arrived refugees.

    Hundreds more, including former Rome mayor Gianni Alemanno, have been investigated in a case dubbed "Mafia Capitale" by prosecutors.

  • Kris H

    The latest NASA resupply of ISS has had many delays, using new Orbital rocket.
  • Scott

    Fallout of the COW war on multiple fronts?

    OPEC Unity Shattered as Saudi-Led Policy Leads to No Limits (12/4/15)

    OPEC abandoned all pretense this week of acting as a cartel. It’s now every member for itself.

    At a chaotic meeting Friday in Vienna that was expected to last four hours but expanded to nearly seven, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries tossed aside the idea of limiting production to control prices. Instead, it went all in for the one-year-old Saudi Arabia-led policy of pumping, pumping, pumping until rivals -- external, such as Russia and U.S. shale drillers, as well as internal -- are squeezed out of market share.

    ... The oversupply has sent the price of Brent, a global oil benchmark, to a six-year low, triggering the worst slump in the energy sector since the 2008 world financial crisis. It’s cut the profits of major oil companies such as Exxon Mobil Corp. and BP Plc in half while crude-rich countries such as Mexico and Russia have watched their currencies plunge and their coffers shrink.

    ...This time around, OPEC didn’t look like the group that American diplomat Henry Kissinger once described as able to blackmail national economies and whole industries. Instead, it looked like they might have spent the last few days bullying each other.

  • Stanislav

    Media reported the unsuccessful launch of a military satellite from Plesetsk.

    Of the two launched on Saturday from Plesetsk military satellites separated from the upper stage "Volga" and go into orbit could only one. This RIA Novosti reported, citing a source in the space industry.

    "The problem with one of the two military spacecraft. According to preliminary data, it is not separated from the new upper stage" Volga ". Currently, discussing the reduction of the orbit and the subsequent flooding of ligaments of the upper stage" Volga "and the satellite in the interest of the Ministry of Defense - Russia, "he said.

    The rocket "Soyuz-2.1V" with two companions in the interests of the Defence Ministry, the characteristics and function of which were not disclosed by the Office, was launched on December 5 from the Russian Plesetsk cosmodrome in the Arkhangelsk region.

    On the eve reported that both satellites come to communicate and operate in the normal mode. Source: Google translate [1] [2]

  • casey a

    Oval office address on the San Bernadino shooting was made by Obama today.

  • Kris H

    There wasn't really any "news" broken in the Obama address. I wonder if it was test to see if blocks have been removed?
  • Corey Young

    Saw the speech up here in Canada as well, I was thinking the exact same thing Kris. If it wasn't the actual announcement it would be a 'test run'.

    Did anyone else notice that the 'backdrop' for the speech was completely different than the previous presidential addresses to the people? I mean, typically Obama has done presidential addresses from a hallway in the White House! I know it may be trivial, but the backdrop looked like it could have been a 'set design' that could be erected and taken down just about anywhere (when compared to the White House hallway). Just a thought!!!

  • Corey Young

    Ooops my mistake, after seeing some photos of the President...looks like he did it right in the oval office.

  • casey a

    Maybe related?

    Mysterious hackers attempting to bring down entire internet by DDoS-ing critical servers

  • Joyce Paski

    This looks interesting. Another rich guy vanishes. I wonder if this is the COW at work.

  • M. Difato

    Anonymous have just released data online belonging to the European Space Agency (ESA). The group justified the hack as "for the LulZ."

    Posted 12/14/2015

    While most of the time the group takes up causes and carries out DDoS attacks, defaces websites, or breaches databases on behalf of these causes, this operation clearly crossed the line into criminality, the group having nothing to prove.

    The data, leaked on, includes the database schema of the ESA website (, along with details about registered users, collaborators, and subscribers.

    The group claims to have targeted the,, and domains. There was no evidence that these websites themselves were defaced. The Anonymous hackers seem to have only breached the database.

    Technical details reveal that ESA was using a Linux Debian, Apache, PHP & MySQL for one server, and a mixture of ColdFusion and Oracle for another.

    Infosec experts have many times explained that most defacements are opportunistic incidents, where hackers find a hole in a server's defenses, carry out the hack, and then justify it later.

    This seems to be one of those cases. Prior to this event, there was no evidence online with Anonymous ever having something against the European Space Agency.

    Since the data about ESA subscribers contained password details in cleartext, we won't link it in this article. A censored screenshot is embedded below.

    "..The information contains 52 names, email addresses and passwords of 52 internal ESA users.

    Hackers have also uploaded a file containing over 8,000 names, email addresses and passwords of over 8,000 subscribers to the ESA domains.."  


  • Scott

    According to HackRead, "The Anonymous hackers behind this attack are the same guys who were behind the data breach of the officials at United Nations Climate Conference (Cop21) and World Trade Organization."

    Anonymous Hacks European Space Agency Domains

  • Scott

    Appeals Court Stands By Decision to Allow Lawsuit Against High-Level Bush Officials for Post-9/11 Abuses
    December 11, 2015, New York – Today, in a case brought by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), the Second Circuit Court of Appeals refused to reconsider a historic ruling by a three-judge panel that high-level former Bush administration officials may be sued for their roles in the post-9/11 immigration detentions, abuse, and religious profiling of Muslim, Arab, and South Asian men. The former officials named in the case,Turkmen v. Ashcroft, are Attorney General John Ashcroft, FBI director Robert Mueller, and INS Commissioner James Ziglar.

    ...In the months after 9/11, hundreds of Muslim, Arab, and South Asian men were swept up and imprisoned, many in the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, where they were detained as “suspected terrorists” and physically abused. Claims in the case include allegations that former Attorney General Ashcroft ordered the INS and FBI to search out individuals with ties to terrorism by, among other means, looking for Muslim-sounding names in the phonebook. The district court dismissed the claims against high-level Bush officials on the grounds that the complaint did not contain sufficient detail linking them to how the detained men were mistreated. Reversing that decision, in a detailed, 109-page decision in June, the Second Circuit panel roundly rejected the government’s national security justification for racial profiling, writing:

    [W]e simply cannot conclude at this stage that concern for the safety of our nation justified the violation of the constitutional rights on which this nation was built. The question at this stage of the litigation is whether the MDC Plaintiffs have plausibly pleaded that the Defendants exceeded the bounds of the Constitution in the wake of 9/11. We believe that they have.

  • Ryan X

    While not quite coming out and saying what the REAL reason to escape to Mars for the Elites truly is, having this much speculation presented by the "msm" out in the open for the public to see is interesting nonetheless. 

    'Star Wars’ Class Wars: Is Mars the Escape Hatch for the 1 Percent?

    While many dream of escaping earth to settle on Mars, billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are working to make it possible. But finding a new home on the red planet will likely only be for the rich, leaving the poor to suffer as earth's environment collapses and conflict breaks out.

    Article Claims Elite Plan to Escape to Mars, Leave 99% of Us on “Dy...

  • Nancy Lieder

    Shock! Space X had a successful launch and relanding of its first stage booster rocket! What changed? What was different from prior Council of Worlds messages, where the rocket itself or the relanding was a disaster? Per the new ZetaTalk, it was the ocean plateform. Resupply of the ISS is OK. Launching satellites is OK. But having a means of going back and froth from Mars in the Aftertime flooding, or during the flooding of the Last Weeks, is not OK.

    SOZT 12/22/2015
    After repeated failures, which we described as warnings from the Council of Worlds, the Space X Falcon has successfully made a launch while relanding the booster rockets to Earth. What is the message here, amid this celebration? The trail of tears for Elon Musk included the Falcon exploding on launch last June 28, and the landing platform disaster on April 15. We explained that the Council was sending a message that the elite would not escape to Mars.
    Why then was the Falcon successfully launched with the booster rockets landed back in Cape Canaveral? Noticeably lacking this time was the landing on an ocean platform.

    Why is this key? Landing on an ocean platform did not make sense from a cost benefit analysis. Espoused for saving a mere 15% in fuel costs, it carried the overhead of the platform itself. Musk stated the reason for an ocean landing was to avoid a crash on land, near populated areas, during initial practice runs. But without a successful landing, this December 21 landing was done directly onto land. The real goal, an ocean platform landing AND launch, was dropped, so that simply launching satellites and resupplying the ISS would be involved for the present and in the future.

    Despite much crowing in the media about manned missions to Mars, all involved know this will never be accomplished. It is bravado and face saving. The missions to and from Mars would require operating during the Last Weeks and in the Aftertime, when Cape Canaveral in Florida will be awash and under water. Houston likewise will be quickly under water. The elite at NASA and hovering around Elon Musk are well aware of the ZetaTalk predictions and accuracy, and see how quickly Nibiru is approaching the Earth. They know that time is tight, the timeline compressing, and if a replacement for a land launch is not available, all is lost!   

  • SongStar101

    IMF head Christine Lagarde ordered to face trial over Bernard Tapie scandal

    Court pulls France's former finance minister back into the financial scandal that has run for more than two decades

    Christine Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), has been charged with "negligence" by a French court over her role in a €403m (£293m) sum handed over to a French businessman.

    Ms Lagarde, the fund’s managing director, has been ordered to stand before the court over her involvement in the Bernard Tapie scandal. The saga extends back over more than two decades, and is rooted to decisions made during her tenure as France's finance minister.

    Her part in the settlement paid to the tycoon has been played out through the courts for years. Mr Tapie claimed he was shortchanged by Credit Lyonnais bank after its sale of the Adidas sportswear empire in 1993, of which he was head.

    The bank was later wound up and absorbed by a state-run consortium. Ms Lagarde intervened in the legal battle, ordering a special panel of judges to arbitrate. They eventually determined that Mr Tapie and his wife should receive compensation, totalling €403m after interest. Earlier this month he has was ordered to pay back the money after he demanded further cash from the French state.

    Opposition politicians described the crisis-era decision as a verdict that “the state dips into the taxpayers’ pocket for a private beneficiary”. Ms Lagarde has denied wrongdoing, saying in the past that attacks on her over the incident have been “an attempt to smear me”. She has explained that her decisions were made with the public interest in mind.

    Despite a French court recommending that Ms Lagarde be acquitted in September, France’s Court of Justice of the Republic has decided that she should face charges. The court exists to deal with the crimes of French ministers while in office.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    NASA's next Mars mission suspended

    Updated 7:25 AM ET, Wed December 23, 2015

    Atlanta, Georgia (CNN)NASA has put its next Mars mission on hold indefinitely because of a leaky instrument.

    The space agency planned to launch a new Mars lander called InSight in March from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

    InSight, short for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations Geodesy and Heat Transport, was expected to arrive at Mars in September to take measurements of the red planet's interior and its atmosphere and to take color images.

    Instead, it's being sent back to its maker -- Lockheed Martin -- in Denver, Colorado.

    The faulty instrument is a very sensitive seismometer designed to measure movements in the Martian soil as small as the diameter of an atom, NASA said in a statement. The device is provided by France's Centre National d'Études Spatiales (CNES).

    NASA says the instrument requires a vacuum seal around its three main sensors to protect it from harsh conditions on Mars. During testing on Monday in extreme cold temperatures the instrument failed to hold a vacuum, the agency said.

    "The vacuum issue is the only thing that was standing between us and launch," Bruce Banerdt, InSight's principal investigator at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told CNN.

    "We do not believe that this is a fundamentally difficult problem, given enough time to systematically investigate and resolve it," he said. "The French space agency estimates that a handful of months should suffice, although we will probably take a little longer to make sure there aren't any further subtle problems hiding in the wings."

    Even if the leak is fixed in a few months, InSight can't be launched anytime soon. The 2016 launch window closes March 30, NASA said.

    "Everything else about the mission is ready to go, and we are already starting to work toward the possibility of continuing on to Mars at the next orbital opportunity in 2018," Banerdt said.

    Banerdt says both he and his team are naturally saddened by the setback.

    "Although I have personally been working toward making these measurements on Mars for 25 years, the actual InSight Mission Project has only been underway since about 2009," he said. "The whole project team has been giving it everything they've got for many months to try to make this launch opportunity, so we are understandably disappointed."

  • SongStar101

    Israel advances a bill that government critics say would stifle dissent

    Israeli Cabinet ministers on Sunday gave preliminary approval to a bill that imposes restrictions on nonprofit groups that receive foreign funding, drawing accusations it is meant to crack down on government critics.

    The bill, proposed by Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and approved by a committee of ministers, would affect organizations that receive more than half their funding from a foreign government.

    Critics said the legislation is meant to stifle dovish organizations critical of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government policies toward the Palestinians, since such nongovernment groups tend to rely heavily on donations from European countries.

    In contrast, pro-government and nationalistic nonprofit groups tend to rely on wealthy private donors, who are exempt from the measures under the proposed bill. The legislature is expected to approve the bill as early as this week.

    Opposition leader Isaac Herzog quickly blasted the bill as a "muzzling law" that would bring about "thought police."

    The bill requires affected organizations to declare their sources of funding on every report and in parliamentary discussions. Their activists also will be required to wear special tags when working in Israel's parliament.

    Proponents of the bill say that foreign governments have standard diplomatic channels at their disposal through which they can push their agendas and that funding nonprofit groups amounts to meddling in Israeli affairs.

    "I expect the European Union to respect the democratic decisions of Israel," said Shaked, the justice minister.

    Dovish nonprofit groups said they are being unfairly singled out and noted that hard-line groups that support Jewish settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are exempt from the measures.

    "If you mark us in a way you do not mark any other group, our voice becomes less legitimate," said Avihai Stollar, a spokesman for Breaking the Silence, a group of former Israeli combat soldiers who criticize Israeli policies in the occupied West Bank.

    "Instead of dealing with the violence of the radical right, they are putting up a smoke screen by picking on human rights groups in Israel," he added.


  • SongStar101

    191 million US voter registration records leaked online – report
    A security researcher has uncovered a publicly-available database containing the personal information of 191 million voters on the internet, but it isn’t clear who owns it.

    Chris Vickery, who shared his findings on, disclosed the trove of voter data, which includes names, home addresses, voter IDs, phone numbers, and birth dates, as well as political affiliations and voting histories since 2000. The database does not contain financial information or Social Security numbers.

    The Texas tech support specialist said that he found the database while looking for information exposed on the internet in an attempt to raise awareness of security breaches.

    Vickery has since reached out to law enforcement, as well as the California attorney general’s office. The database was still online as of Monday.

    “When one of their attorneys asked, ‘Well how much data are we talking about?’ and I read her the list of data fields and told her that we had access to voter records of over 17 million California voters, her response was ‘Wow,’ and she promptly forwarded the matter to the head of their e-crime division,”’s administrator wrote online.

    Vickery looked up his own information in the database table covering Texas and confirmed it was all accurate, and researchers from and security website CSO did as well. Vickery also looked up several police officers in his city and confirmed that the information matched.

    Steve Ragan, a security blogger at CSO, assisted in investigating the breach. He pointed out that none of the political database firms he identified that are connected with the database have claimed ownership of the IP address where the information is published.

    He said that the leak is worse than a recent breach of voter data from Hillary Clinton’s campaign by a member of Bernie Sanders’ campaign, “because the data he discovered isn’t a client score – it’s a complete voter record for 191 million registered voters.”

    “The problem is, no one seems to care that this database is out there and no one wants to claim ownership,” he said.

    Companies often charge large amounts of money to sell voter data, and many states place restrictions on the use of voter information for commercial purposes. However, political campaigns are largely exempt from many of the communications laws applying to businesses, and are under no obligation to safeguard their data.

    “Our society has never had to confront the idea of all these records, all in one place, being available to anyone in the entire world for any purpose instantly,” Vickery said, according to Forbes. “That’s a hard pill to swallow. It crosses the line.”


    Could it be one of their non-hosted clients leaking the database? Maybe. Could it be that someone hacked one of their clients and stored a copy of the database at this IP address? Maybe. Could it be that an employee of a client decided to make themselves a copy for their own purposes? Maybe. The possibilities are numerous. We really don’t know and declines to speculate.

  • Scott

    Vatican accord with Palestine comes into effect (1/2/16)

    An agreement signed last year making the Vatican's de facto recognition of Palestine in 2012 official has come into effect, the Holy See said on Saturday.

    The Vatican signed its first treaty with the "State of Palestine" last June when it called for moves to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and backed a two-state solution.

    "... the Holy See and the State of Palestine have notified each other that the procedural requirements for (the accord's) entry into force have been fulfilled, the Vatican said in a statement on Saturday.

    The U.N. General Assembly adopted a resolution in 2012 recognizing Palestine as an observer non-member state. This was welcomed at the time by the Vatican, which has the same observer non-member status at the United Nations.

    In October 2014, Sweden acknowledged Palestine, a decision that drew condemnation from Israel and led to tense relations between the two.

    Israel has previously called the Vatican accord a hasty move that could damage prospects for advancing a peace agreement and impact its future diplomatic relations with the Vatican.

    But the Holy See under Pope Francis is eager to have a greater diplomatic role in the Middle East, from where many Christians have fled because of conflicts in Syria, Iraq and other countries.

    "The Agreement ... regards essential aspects of the life and activity of the Church in Palestine, while at the same time reaffirming the support for a negotiated and peaceful solution to the conflict in the region," the Vatican said.

    Pope Francis (R) embraces Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at the end of the ceremony for the canonisation of four nuns at Saint Peter's square in the Vatican City, May 17, 2015. REUTERS/Tony Gentile

  • Ecosikh

    Another piece of the jigsaw being brought to the attention of the public...

    from the Daily Mail

    The infrared space telescope that could save Earth: Neocam could allow researchers to spot millions more asteroids heading towards us - if it gets funding

    NEOCam is one of five proposals competing in Nasa's Discovery program Infrared space telescope could locate 10 times the total NEOs ever found With current capabilities, Nasa can't catalogue midsized NEOs by deadline

    from the Daily Mail

  • SongStar101

    Former U.S. attorney: Clinton could face criminal indictment

    A former U.S. attorney thinks Hillary Clinton could face a criminal indictment from the FBI within the next 60 days.

    Joe DiGenova, a Republican U.S. attorney appointed by President Reagan, said Clinton's "biggest problem right now" is the open FBI investigation into the contents of her private emails.

    "They have reached a critical mass in their investigation of the secretary and all of her senior staff," DiGenova said Tuesday on the "Laura Ingraham Show" radio program. "And, it's going to come to a head, I would suggest, in the next 60 days."

    FBI Director James Comey has refused to answer questions about when his agents will wrap up a months-long probe into whether Clinton and her staff mishandled classified information on an unsecured network.

    Clinton's campaign has maintained that the investigation is not focused on Clinton herself and is not criminal in nature.

    "It's going to be a very complex matter for the Department of Justice, but they're not going to be able to walk away from it," DiGenova said. "They are now at over 1,200 classified emails. And, that's just for the ones we know about from the State Department. That does not include the ones that the FBI is, in fact, recovering from her hard drives."

    The former U.S. attorney noted Clinton has yet to be interviewed by the FBI, a step he said will likely occur before agents make their findings public.

    But DiGenova warned the decision to charge Clinton personally with a crime lies with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, putting the Obama administration in a difficult political position.

    "I believe that the evidence that the FBI is compiling will be so compelling that, unless [Lynch] agrees to the charges, there will be a massive revolt inside the FBI, which she will not be able to survive as an attorney general. It will be like Watergate. It will be unbelievable," DiGenova said.

    "The evidence against the Clinton staff and the secretary is so overwhelming at this point that if, in fact, she chooses not to charge Hillary, they will never be able to charge another federal employee with the negligent handling of classified information," he added. "The intelligence community will not stand for that. They will fight for indictment and they are already in the process of gearing themselves to basically revolt if she refuses to bring charges."


    State Dept. set to release 2,900 additional pages of Clinton emails

    State Department officials are set to release 2,900 pages of Hillary Clinton's private emails Thursday after falling short of a court order requiring them to publish those documents by New Year's Eve.

    While the agency should have posted more than 8,000 pages of emails online at the end of last month, State officials blamed the holiday schedule for releasing just 5,500 pages on time. They vowed to catch up by publishing the remainder during the first week of January.

    The State Department also fell short of a court-ordered benchmark in July, but caught up in subsequent months.

    Clinton faced renewed criticism for her handling of classified information last week after the State Department revealed the latest batch of emails contained 275 newly-classified messages.

    Agency officials have maintained that all of the more than 1,200 emails that are now classified were upgraded retroactively, and that none were considered classified at the time they were written.

    However, questions about whether a handful of the records should have been marked classified when they originated prompted an FBI investigation that shows no signs of winding down.

    Investigators seized Clinton's private server in August and have reportedly begun recovering deleted emails from the hardware. Clinton erased one email she deemed personal for every work-related email she turned over to the State Department in December 2014.

    But the personal nature of many of the emails included in the work-related batch, which is roughly 55,000 pages long, raises questions about the process by which Clinton's staff culled records for release.

    For example, Clinton has defended her frequent exchanges with Sidney Blumenthal, a divisive former aide who was banned from working at the State Department, as nothing more than correspondence with an "old friend." She denied that Blumenthal worked for her in any kind of professional capacity.

    However, hundreds of emails to and from Blumenthal were included in the work-related emails Clinton handed over to the government, suggesting their relationship was more than friendly.

    A significant portion of the emails Clinton considered official records discuss issues unrelated to her work as secretary of state, such as notes about the outfits she wore in press interviews and exchanges with lobbyists and political strategists outside the State Department.

    Thursday's batch of Clinton emails is expected to contain additional messages that have been upgraded to classified.

    If counted as separate from the release of emails last week, the publication of 2,900 pages of records Thursday will mark the ninth time the State Department has posted a trove of Clinton's emails online.

    The final Clinton email release is slated for Jan. 29.

  • Scott

    Opportunity for announcement team planning to facilitate social media chatter following announcement?

    White House, Silicon Valley to hold summit on militants' social media use (1/7/16)

    Senior White House officials and U.S. intelligence and law enforcement figures will meet with Silicon Valley executives on Friday to discuss how to counter the use of social media by militant groups, sources familiar with the meeting said on Thursday.

    ...Invited participants include White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, presidential counterterrorism adviser Lisa Monaco, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI Director James Comey, National Intelligence Director James Clapper and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers, one of the sources said.

    A source familiar with the meeting said it would focus on social media content, not encrypted communications, another topic of discussion between Silicon Valley and the White House.

    Twitter, Apple Inc, Facebook and Google are attending, the companies said. Several other Internet firms, including Microsoft Corp and Dropbox, are expected to attend, according to those familiar with the meeting. Most companies are expected to send high-ranking executives, but not their chief executive officers. ...

    "Social Media Outages"

  • casey a

    Stanley Kubrick's daughter is saying that her father received death threats and had a 45mm semi-auto on or near him always.

  • Scott

    World's Richest Lose $194 Billion In First Trading Week of 2016

    • Amazon's Jeff Bezos, last year's biggest winner, lost the most
    • Number of billionaires who shed more than $1 billion: 47

    The world’s 400 richest people lost almost $194 billion this week as world stock markets began the year with a shudder on poor economic data in China and falling oil prices.

    Forty-seven billionaires lost $1 billion or more during the worst week for U.S. stocks since 2011, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. The combined drop was almost seven times the $29 billion lost in the first five trading days of 2015. The 400 people on the index had a combined $3.7 trillion at the end of the week, compared with more than $4 trillion a year ago. founder Jeff Bezos, the best-performing billionaire in 2015, lost the most, his fortune dropping $5.9 billion this week as shares of the world’s largest online retailer fell more than 10 percent. Bezos is the world’s fourth-richest person with $53.7 billion and more than doubled his net worth in 2015 as investors cheered profits at Amazon.

    The world’s richest person, Bill Gates, fell $4.5 billion to $79.2 billion, while Spain’s Amancio Ortega, the second-richest, dropped $3.4 billion to $69.5 billion.

    Billionaire YTD Drop Net Worth Percentage Change
    Jeff Bezos -$5.9 billion $53.7 billion -9.9%
    Carlos Slim -$5.7 billion $46.6 billion -10.8%
    Bill Gates -$4.5 billion $79.2 billion -5.4%
    Wang Jianlin -$4 billion $32.4 billion -11.1%
    Amancio Ortega -$3.4 billion $69.5 billion -4.7%

    The combined loss among the billionaires represents a 4.9 percent dip in their total wealth, according to the index, a slightly better performance than world equity markets so far this year. Global stocks tumbled 6.2 percent for the week, according to the MSCI ACWI Index.

    There were 11 billionaires among the 400 whose fortunes rose this week, including the five heirs to Wal-Mart Stores Inc. The five Waltons added a combined $2.5 billion as Wal-Mart gained a little over $2 a share. Jim Walton, son of company founder Sam Walton, had the biggest gain, a $759 million increase.

    The combined net worth of the 400 people on the index is $3.7 trillion, about equal to the gross domestic product of Germany.

  • Scott

    Philae fails to respond to last-ditch communication efforts (1/12/16)
    Comet 67P is now moving away from the sun and will soon be too far away and too cold for Philae to survive

    The Philae lander has failed to respond to the latest communication attempts by engineers with the European Space Agency. Scientists with the Rosetta mission acknowledge that future communication with the lander is unlikely.

    On November 12, 2014, the lander made history with the first soft landing on a comet. After ten years spent attached to the Rosetta probe, Philae detached, descended and successfully landed on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.

    The lander and its instruments were able to begin a variety of scientific investigations. It even beamed back early results to Rosetta, but the lander's batteries were quickly drained and Philae had to go into hibernation mode. Having landed in an unplanned location, Philae was shielded from sun by a crater wall and unable to recharge via its solar panels.

    As the comet moved closer to the sun over the summer, Philae was able to sporadically communicate with Rosetta. But the communication was short-lived and spotty. After the lander relayed a snippet of data on July 9, 2015, Philae once again went silent. It hasn't woken up since.

    Now, researchers say that silence is likely permanent. Comet 67P is moving away from the sun and will soon be too far away and too cold for Philae to survive. ...

    ZetaTalk Insight 11/22/2014: Rosetta was sent forth as an exploratory probe, to make contact with aliens that might be amenable to saving the elite, as their prior arrangements with Service-to-Self aliens to be taken to the Moon or to Mars were being ignored. As can be seen from abandoned space ports in Antarctica, the dome shaped cap next to a cavern can remain long after the port is inactive. But In 2004, it was not clear to the elite that the Council of Worlds would prevent their escape from Earth. Their goal in 2004 was to find a cooperative alien group. Thus Rosetta and Philea were laden with communication equipment ready to make contact. That the landing has suffered mishaps is yet another message to the elite. You will not escape the Earth during the forthcoming cataclysms.

    From "Rosetta Revelations"

  • Scott

    Goldman Sachs to pay $5 billion in mortgage settlement (1/14/16)

    Goldman Sachs said Thursday it will pay roughly $5 billion to settle federal and state probes of its role in the sale of shoddy mortgages in the years leading to the housing bubble and subsequent financial crisis.

    Coming nearly eight years after the crisis, the settlement is by far the largest the investment bank has reached related to its role in the meltdown. But the payment is dwarfed by those made by some of its Wall Street counterparts.

    Goldman will pay $2.39 billion in civil monetary penalties, $875 million in cash payments and provide $1.8 billion in consumer relief in the form of mortgage forgiveness and refinancing.

    The U.S. Department of Justice, the attorneys general of Illinois and New York, and other regulators who are part of the settlement have not officially signed off on the deal, which could take some time.

    The U.S. Department of Justice and state officials have already extracted multi-billion dollar settlements from a number of large U.S. banks including JP Morgan (JPM.N), Bank of America (BAC.N) and Citigroup (C.N) over the sale of mortgage-backed securities.

    The Goldman settlement is at the lower end of previous penalties. Bank of America reached a $16.65 billion settlement in 2014 while JP Morgan settled for $13 billion in 2013.

    Critics of the government's approach note no individuals have been prosecuted, and that allowing banks to pay penalties merely allows them to consider fines part of the cost of doing business.

  • Scott

    Too-big-to-fail cabal nursing $130 bln in damages

    America’s too-big-to-fail cabal is nursing $130 billion in damages. That’s the amount of market value swiped from the nation’s top six banks in the past two weeks. The shares of all but Wells Fargo now trade below book value, suggesting stockholders are bracing for a year or more of pain. Whether they’re right looks like a toss-up.

    ...Citi and Bank of America are trading at less than two-thirds of book value. Morgan Stanley has fallen to 75 percent of assets minus liabilities, Goldman Sachs to 92 percent and JPMorgan to 94 percent. That means shareholders are assuming either that the banks will earn less than expected or that the value of loans, bonds and other assets on their balance sheets is overstated – or both.

    BofA, Goldman and Morgan Stanley have also dropped below tangible book value, which strips out goodwill from acquisitions and other amorphous assets. That’s a dubious distinction that in the past year or two was limited to Citi. ...

  • Scott

    SpaceX launches climate satellite but botches ocean landing

    A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket blasted off from California on Sunday and put a climate-monitoring satellite into orbit, but botched an attempted return landing on a platform at sea, officials said.

    The first stage of the rocket made it back to the platform, which was floating in the Pacific Ocean, but one of the rocket’s landing legs failed to latch into position, SpaceX founder and Chief Executive Elon Musk wrote on Twitter.

    It tipped over after landing,” the technology entrepreneur said.

    ...The company's two previous ocean-landing attempts in 2015 were also unsuccessful.

    ...Sunday's SpaceX launch succeeded in its primary goal to put the U.S.- and European-owned Jason-3 satellite into orbit 830 miles (1,336 km) above the planet. The 1,200-pound (550 kg) spacecraft is the fourth in a series of ocean-monitoring satellites taking center stage in monitoring Earth's climate.

    ...Jason-3 is designed to bounce radio waves off the ocean and time how long it takes the reflected signals to return. Scientists can use the information to figure out ocean heights to within 0.2 inches (0.5 cm), said Josh Willis, with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

    From "Space X History"

    ZetaTalk Insight 12/26/2015: 
    Despite much crowing in the media about manned missions to Mars, all involved know this will never be accomplished. It is bravado and face saving. The missions to and from Mars would require operating during the Last Weeks and in the Aftertime, when Cape Canaveral in Florida will be awash and under water. Houston likewise will be quickly under water. The elite at NASA and hovering around Elon Musk are well aware of the ZetaTalk predictions and accuracy, and see how quickly Nibiru is approaching the Earth. They know that time is tight, the timeline compressing, and if a replacement for a land launch is not available, all is lost! 

  • Howard

    SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket Explodes After Landing (Jan 18)

    US space company SpaceX has failed in its latest attempt to successfully land one of its rockets on a floating platform, after their Falcon 9 rocket exploded into a huge fireball after falling over upon touching down on the ground.

    The unmanned rocket appears to successfully descend onto the floating barge in the Pacific. But only seconds after landing, the Falcon 9 begins to tip over and crash, causing a spectacular explosion.

  • casey a

    Twitter suffers large outage on web and mobile

    (Not sure if related..)

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Saturday, January 23, 2016

    Possibly Important UFO Development

    ​ In a couple recent interviews I was mentioning that those in power may be doing things behind the scenes to get out information. I gave examples of Jimmy Carter sending his Press Secretary to the FBI to find out how they handled UFOs, sending his Science Advisor to Nasa to start a new Blue Book style investigation, and pressuring many agencies to cooperate with FOIA requests for UFO documents.
     Barack Obama and John Podesta

    Now, as Obama is leaving office, and one of his main advisers is an open proponent for UFO disclosure we have articles coming out from the CIA on "flying saucer" investigation and "X-files"???? Not bad for an agency that is not involved or interested.
    As the CIA works for the President, maybe we need to thank Obama and Podesta for this as this administration winds down. The CIA would not make such a bold move without the green light from the White House as the President is ultimately responsible for what the CIA says.
    This same pattern happened at the end of the Reagan administration where UFO information was leaked in a TV show called "UFO Cover-up Live."
    This show can be viewed at ​
    The two articles just released by the CIA are,
    "Take a peek into Our X-files" which is timely with the return of the X-files series on TV January 24 and a new X-files movie upcoming.
    The other article is titled "How to Investigate a Flying Saucer."This is significant because they use the word flying saucer instead of the term UFO created by the USAF in 1952. It is a small change but implies objects instead of unknowns. It is similar to the important change in Hillary Clinton's UFO comment that I think we may have been visited already by aliens. She uses the actual word alien and says they may already be here which counters the main scientific objective that there may be ET life out there somewhere, but it can't get here because of the rules 17th century Newtonian physics.
    The CIA has not released anything on its website about UFO since 1997 when Clinton's CIA Director James Woolsey ordered a review of the CIA's role in UFO investigations. This new development of posting positive UFO articles in my opinion is an action approved by President Barack Obama.
  • Scott

    Viacom cuts Redstone pay due to reduced responsibilities; CEO pay rises (1/22/16)

    Viacom Inc said on Friday it cut the total pay of its 92-year-old Executive Chairman Sumner Redstone by 85 percent to $2 million last year in light of his "reduced responsibilities" and that it had raised the pay of Viacom Chief Executive Philippe Dauman.

    In a securities filing, the media company said the total compensation of Dauman rose to $54.2 million for the fiscal year ended Sept. 30, 2015, up from $44.3 million in the previous period, driven by a contract renewal award. The company's shares fell 44 percent during the period.

    Viacom, whose networks include Comedy Central, MTV and Nickelodeon, has faced ratings challenges, cord-cutting by cable TV consumers, and growing concerns about the health of Redstone, its founder, and his fitness to oversee the company.

    Even as the company was issuing its annual proxy filing, a California judge ruled on Friday that Redstone could be examined by a doctor hired by his ex-girlfriend in a dispute over his mental competency.

    Also, a recent lawsuit claims that Viacom and CBS Corp, where Redstone is also executive chairman, improperly paid millions for Redstone's services even though he was "incapacitated".

    Viacom's filing did not describe how Redstone's responsibilities had been reduced, and a company spokesman said on Friday that he did not have more details. ...

    ZT Q&A 2/14/2015Though the public is not privy to what goes on behind closed doors or in the halls of power and can only watch the carnage when key banks or media outlets suffer setbacks, the Council of Worlds will certainly win. From the Swiss Franc unpegging from the Euro to HSBC prosecution to Netanyahu blunders to the Sonny hack to Redstone seemingly resigning from CBS and Viacom to the influential Brian Williams losing his position at NBC to a former IMF chief caught in a prostitution scandal to Prince Andrew caught in a pedophilia scandal to Blair’s double dealing the elite blocking the cover-up are being damaged. The only question is when.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    After 23 years, David Koch resigns from Natural History Museum boar...

    David Koch is resigning from his post on the board at the American Museum of Natural History. For 23 years, everyone’s favorite evil-twin” brother wowed the other board members with cash. That’s basically the only reason he was on the board and in his defense, it’s frequently the reason many people are on “boards” of anything. 

    The Koch family has spent millions funding climate change denier groups and disinformation campaigns, and scientists around the country have called for Koch to be removed from the museum board. Well, they finally got what they wanted — the American Museum of Natural History announced Koch’s resignation this week.

    David Koch’s people want you to know this had nothing to do with the recent protests—of which the Daily Kos helped organize a petition that garnered around 350,000 s...—on Koch’s position on the board. For example, 23 scientists came together to write a letter protesting David Koch being allowed to be near anything remotely attributed to ‘science'.

    We are concerned that the integrity of these institutions is compromised by association with special interests who obfuscate climate science, fight environmental regulation, oppose clean energy legislation, and seek to ease limits on industrial pollution.

    For example, David Koch is a major donor, exhibit sponsor and trustee on the Board of Directors at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, and the American Museum of Natural History. David Koch’s oil and manufacturing conglomerate Koch Industries is one of the greatest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Mr. Koch also funds a large network of climate-change-denying organizations, spending over $67 million since 1997 to fund groups denying climate change science.

    The reach of the Koch brothers’ money into our national museums has come to light in more and more perturbing ways the past few years.

    The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, a joint program of the Smithsonian Institution and Harvard University, is harboring a polluter-funded climate denier. Documents uncovered by Greenpeace reveal that Dr. Wei-Hock "Willie" Soon has taken money from the Kochs, Exxon Mobil, coal giant Southern Company, and others to produce "deliverables" that push the long-debunked claim that solar activity, not fossil fuel pollution, drives global warming.

    The good news is that Koch has stood down and while this is predominantly a cosmetic victory, on some level we all know this probably sticks in David Koch’s craw—and that’s something to feel good about. Of course, eyes of newts, finches’ wings and the dreams of children are also stuck in his craw so he might not even feel it.

  • Scott

    Unexplained outage of WhatsApp may indicate social media preparations by announcement team

    WhatsApp suffers brief outage globally (1/26/16)

    Facebook-owned smartphone messaging service WhatsApp temporarily crashed in an array of countries from the US to India, potentially affecting hundreds of millions of users.

    Reports of people having trouble with WhatsApp in countries including Japan, India, Malaysia, Colombia and the United States hit the internet about 0200 GMT Tuesday.

    The outage appeared to be resolved in most locations in an hour or so, according to, which calls itself "the weatherman for the digital world."

    Comments posted by users indicated they were having intermittent difficulties with WhatsApp during the problem period.

    Facebook did not respond to an AFP request for comment.

    The disruption came on the heels of media reports that Facebook is working behind the scenes to integrate WhatsApp more snugly into the world's leading social network by providing the ability to share information between the services.

    California-based Facebook bought WhatsApp for $19 billion in late 2014 and the messaging service has grown to nearly a billion users.

    WhatsApp temporarily crashed in an array of countries from the US to India, potentially affecting hundreds of millions of users

  • SongStar101

    Motion filed to block State from delaying release of Clinton emails

    The journalist who forced the State Department to release thousands of Hillary Clinton’s emails is opposing the government’s efforts to delay the final release by one month, warning the extension would cause "irrevocable harm."

    On Monday, lawyers for Vice News reporter Jason Leopold filed a motion seeking to block the department from extending the amount of time that it has to release emails from the former secretary of State's personal server. 

    The Obama administration “has failed to show good cause for the requested extension, that it is necessary or that the interests of justice will be served by granting it,” Leopold’s lawyers wrote in the 13-page filing.

    The government’s excuse for not being able to release the final batch of emails this month “is woefully vague,” the lawyers said.

    The State Department on Friday requested that the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia delay by one month the deadline for it to release the last batch of Clinton’s work-related emails. The department claimed that an internal oversight caused it to overlook 7,200 pages of emails, and that the massive snowstorm hitting the East Coast would make it hard for employees to finish the review in time. 

    The department insisted it would release some emails by the original deadline of Jan. 29, but asked to have until Feb. 29 to release the final batch of 55,000 pages of emails. That new schedule would delay the final release until after the first four presidential nominating contests. Clinton is currently the front-runner for the Democratic nominating contest.

    Republicans lambasted the request on Friday. Critics called it a blatant ploy for the Obama administration to help Clinton ahead of the primary votes. 

    In the filing on Monday, Leopold’s lawyers, Ryan James and Jeffrey Light, wondered whether the final tranche of emails contained “the most controversial records.”

    Delaying release of the emails beyond the first four primary states would cause “irrevocable harm” to journalists and voters, they added.

    “[I]f the Court allows State to delay release of thousands of pages of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s official work emails, a substantial portion of the electorate will be forced to vote without the benefit of important information to which it is entitled about the performance of one of the candidates for U.S. President while serving as Secretary of State,” the lawyers wrote.

    Leopold’s lawsuit against the State Department under the Freedom of Information Act caused a judge last year to set a timetable for the department to release Clinton’s work-related emails to the public.

  • SongStar101

    Japan's economy minister resigns over bribery allegations

    Japan’s economy minister, Akira Amari, is to resign over allegations that he took bribes, dealing a blow to the prime minister, Shinzo Abe, and his attempts to revive the country’s faltering economy.

    Amari, a central figure in Abe’s economic programme, known was Abenomics, acknowledged receiving money from an unnamed construction company executive. But he denied taking bribes, claiming he had instructed his aides to record the envelopes of cash as a political donation.

    Amari, 66, said he was resigning to prevent the allegations from distracting attention from the Abe administration’s attempts to pull Japan out of chronic deflation.

    “Japan is finally emerging from deflation ... we need to pass legislation through parliament for steps to beat deflation and create a strong economy as soon as possible,” Amari told a packed news conference.

    Wiping away tears as he announced his decision to quit, he added: “Anything that hampers this must be eliminated, and I’m no exception. I, therefore, would like to resign as minister to take responsibility” for what he claimed his aides had done.

    Doubts over Amari’s future grew after Shukan Bunshun, a weekly magazine, alleged that he and his aides had accepted at least 12 million yen (£70,500, or $100,800USD) in cash from the construction company executive.

    In return, the magazine claimed, Amari’s office helped the firm receive government compensation arising from disputes over land ownership and waste removal at a building site.

    Amari said the construction firm executive had visited him at the cabinet office with “gifts”, but denied that he had pocketed any cash, and had instead instructed his aide to record them as political donations.

    The magazine later alleged Amari had twice pocketed envelopes containing 500,000 yen (£2,930) in cash, a claim he denied. “Putting money in my suit pocket in front of a visitor ... would be lacking dignity as a human being,” he said.

    About three million yen (£105,000) of the cash had been spent by a secretary for “private use”. Two of his aides have since resigned, Amari said, adding that as their supervisor he felt obliged to take responsibility for their actions.

    His resignation is expected to frustrate Abe’s attempts to steer the world’s third biggest economy out of deflation, amid signs that its recovery is petering out.

    Last November, Japan entered its fourth technical recession in five years. Exporters are concerned about a strong yen, and Tokyo stocks have been battered by uncertainty over the Chinese economy.

    Amari was a key architect of Abe’s economic policy and last year led Japan in negotiations for the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade pact.

    Abe is understood to have urged his ally to stay in his post; hours before his press conference, Amari himself told parliament he would “do my utmost” to continue as economy minister.

    “I will explain this situation to the Japanese people in a way that leaves no doubt,” he said. “I will continue to give my all to fulfil the responsibilities that I currently have.”

    It wasn’t clear why Amari then decided to resign, but some observers have pointed to the possibility that other damaging revelations have yet to be published.

  • Scott

    US Justice Dept hits 80 Swiss banks with penalties (1/29/16)

    Eighty Swiss banks have agreed to pay the US fines totaling $1.36 billion in order to avoid court prosecution, according to the US Justice Department.

    After the investigation has been completed all the banks are required to cooperate in related criminal or civil proceedings, said the department.

    The US Justice Department began its Swiss Bank Program in 2013. It provided a way for Swiss banks to admit tax-related criminal offenses in connection with the US.

    Under the program, the banks were obliged to disclose cross-border activities and provide detailed information on accounts in which US taxpayers have interests. The financial institutions under investigation also had to close accounts of US tax evaders.

    The banks have managed to avoid a trial, with those already facing criminal charges excluded from the program.

    The US started its tax avoidance push in 2009 after UBS Group confirmed it held accounts of Americans evading tax. The US government managed to recover $13 billion in unreported wealth.

  • Scott

    Goldman Sachs executive takes ‘personal leave’ amid Malaysian fund corruption probes (1/30/16)

    Tim Leissner, chairman of Goldman Sachs Southeast Asia’s operations, has taken a “personal leave” amidst corruption scandals associated with Malaysia’s state-owned 1MDB fund, with which Goldman worked closely.

    President of Goldman’s Singapore operations since 2006 and chairman of its Southeast Asia operations since 2014, Leissner oversaw the bank’s operations in Malaysia, where it became the top international bank with a 20.3 percent market share since 2010.

    Leissner was seen as a “key player” in cultivating the bank’s very profitable relationships with Kuala’ Lumpur’s banking and government elite, including Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, the Financial Times reports.

    Goldman worked on Malaysian mergers and acquisitions worth a total of $18.8 billion over the last five years, but it is the bank’s involvement with the state-owned investment and development company, 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), that has attracted scrutiny.

    A number of investigations into 1MDB’s activities are being carried out in various countries, prompted by claims of corruption involving Razak, who chairs 1MDB.

    Switzerland’s chief prosecutor, Attorney General Michael Lauber, said in a statement on Friday that he has asked for Malaysia’s help in investigating possible violations of Swiss law by 1MDB, Reuters reported. The suspected misappropriations reportedly amount to $4 billion and concern “bribery of foreign officials, misconduct in public office, money laundering and criminal mismanagement.”

    It was discovered this week that Leissner has moved from Singapore to his Los Angeles home, calling it a “personal leave,” Bloomberg reports.

    Goldman orchestrated the $6.5 billion sale of three 1MDB bonds in 2012 and 2013, from which the bank earned $593 million in fees and expenses. The deal has raised questions, as such fees in Malaysia are usually much lower.

    It has since emerged that Razak received a $681 million “donation” to his personal bank account, which his opponents say is linked to the deal.

    The results of an investigation into the matter by Malaysian Attorney General Mohamed Apandi Ali, who was appointed by Razak in 2015, were published this week, but found no wrongdoing.

    The probe found that the money had come from a Saudi Arabian royal family and that $620 million was returned within the following five months. There was no indication in the report as to what happened to the unaccounted for $61 million.

    State agencies in Hong Kong and the United States are also investigating other deals involving 1MDB.

  • Scott

    HSBC Online Banking Services Shut Down Following DDoS Attacks (1/29/16)

    HSBC, one of the world’s largest banks, was targeted by distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS), causing its personal banking website and mobile services in the UK to shut down.

    According to reports, the attacks began Friday morning, which prevented customers from accessing online banking services for several hours.

    On HSBC’s UK Help Twitter account, the bank said it had “successfully defended” its systems, and was working with law enforcement authorities to “pursue the criminals responsible” for the attacks.

    However, nearly six hours after first announcing the disruptions, the bank said its online and mobile banking services were still recovering...

    An HSBC spokesman told BBC News that customer transactions were not affected during the incident.

    The attack couldn’t have come at a worse time, as the final Friday of the month is payday for many workers. More importantly, though, Sunday marks the last day before the annual Jan. 31 tax payment deadline in the UK.

    Late payments are subject to a three percent interest charge from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

    Experts state the date and time of when these attacks were carried out are significant.

    “We believe that an actor of unknown motivation chose this time to conduct a DoS attack against HSBC because a DoS attack performed at a time of peak traffic levels would need potentially much less strength to cause a disruption than if it were conducted at a time of lower traffic volume,” said security firm iSight Partners.

    The cyber attack comes less than a month after the bank suffered a systems failure, which left customers without access to its online banking site and mobile app for nearly two days.

    HSBC urged customers to visit their local branch for urgent transactions during this time.


  • Scott

    Banks reach $154.3 million settlement on "dark pool" fraud (1/31/16)

    Two major global banks, Barclays and Credit Suisse, are paying a combined $154.3 million to settle government investigations that they misled clients about being able to safely trade on their "dark pool" financial exchanges, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Attorney General's office said Sunday.

    The banks left their customers on these private exchanges vulnerable to "predatory, high-frequency traders" that could intercept and profit off their financial transactions, despite assurances by Barclays and Credit Suisse to the contrary, according to a statement the New York Attorney General.

    "These cases mark the first major victory in the fight to combat fraud in dark pool trading," said New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman in the statement. "We will continue to take the fight to those who aim to rig the system and those who look the other way."

    ...Dark pools are private exchanges for trading stocks and bonds. Unlike traditional markets with public prices, trades on dark pools are generally confidential, a benefit for companies engaging in large transactions.

    Barclays, Credit Suisse to strike record deals with SEC, NY over dark pools (1/31/16)

    ...The lawsuit came after the furor over Michael Lewis's book "Flash Boys," which charged the stock market was rigged in favor of high-frequency traders.