Council of Worlds at WAR re Announcement Delays

Note the location of “Planet 9” and the inbound path for Nibiru provided by the Zetas in 1997. Nibiru arrived, right on schedule in 2003, and right where predicted a full 7 years earlier. Where the Zetas provided the location of the gravity draw represented by the Sun’s dark unlit binary and the inbound Nibiru in 1983, when the IRAS team lofted its infra-red balloon in search of the inbound Nibiru, this location was not provided to the public. All articles in print at that time only referring to the location as the “western edge of the constellation Orion”, quite vague, and the “western edge” is vast. Yet the Zetas pinpointed the location as being just outside the lower bow of Orion. Such is the accuracy of ZetaTalk. How would the public eventually become “aware of the history and accuracy of ZetaTalk predictions” as predicted by the Zetas on April 16, 2016? ? It would seem this is already in process.

SOZT March 19, 2016

So what happened to the announcement? Obama lacked the courage. As a result of this colossal failure,  having to disband the Jade Helm structure, the US military reacted. Obama is no longer running the country. Chief of Staff General Dunford is. Ben Fulford has for months been referring to Obama as the US “spokesperson”. Is this true, and how does this work? In that the Middle East, under the direction and press from Israel, Turkey, the Jewish bankers of the Federal Reserve, and the Saudis were supporting ISIS and this threatened to create a force that would not only invade Europe but also create an endless terrorism threat to the US, the military did indeed effect a silent coup. Russia needed to enter the fray, and Dunford, but not Obama, agreed. This will never be admitted, publicly, nor do the parties want this.

SOZT October 1, 2015
The three major social media outlets in use around the globe all had significant, and simultaneous outages between September 20-24, 2015. Skype had complaints from the UK, Australia, and Japan. Twitter received reports from the US, Australia, and Singapore. FaceBook had the loudest howls, primarily from the US and Europe. Notably these downtimes, some lasting for hours or even days, got no attention in the major media, and there was no real explanation for the outages.  Every Skype user has an account and a password, as do their contacts. Every Skype user can broadcast messages to their contacts, even if these contacts are not presently online. Every twitter use likewise has an account and a password, and by sending a tweet passes information along to subscribers, who can retweet the info in the future. FaceBook users likewise have an account and a password, with many friends who pick up info from each other and pass it along on their FaceBook accounts.  In all of this, the networks themselves are AWARE of the accounts and passwords, and could do a broadcast to all in the event of an announcement. Check your user agreements. This is legal!

SOZT April 25, 2015
When we announced that the Council of Worlds would be going to war with the elite over their blockage of the announcement, the tools available to the Council were not immediately apparent. Early in the campaign the Sony hack showed one such mechanism, whereby an anonymous hacker revealed embarrassing information about Sony executives. Similarly exposing pedophile activities by Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and blatant lies by self-promoting media talking heads such as Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly required nothing more than encouraging contactees to step forward.  In many, many cases a financial loss sufficient to trigger a clash among the elite is a result of an electronic delay during trades. 

SOZT July 4, 2015
What is the message here? As with other failed launches, this most recent failure is a definitive message from the Council of Worlds. Space X has had success in resupplying the ISS, though has flounded on landing on a floating ocean platform.  Resupply of the ISS is OK, reuse of their launch equipment so as to help the elite escape, not OK. The message now is that the elite should not expect to get into space at all. No escape. The message here is to take all hope away from such plans among the elite. They are to remain on Earth with the common man. We expect the battle to shift from attempts to block the announcement, or deny its meaning, to attempts to enslave the common man in some way. That is another fight, on another day.

SOZT November 1, 2014
The elite – the wealthy and politically powerful in the world – have continued in their attempts to thwart the announcement by Obama and his partners admitting that Nibiru, aka Planet X exists. We have long stated that the announcement date was set by Obama and Xi at their June 7-8, 2013 meeting in Santa Monica. The flustered slip given by the French Foreign Minister on May 13, 2014 re “500 days
until climate chaos” was in reference to this, as the date set was to be 500 days from the 2013 meeting, ie October 20, 2014.

SOZT November 8, 2014
Relying solely on Russia or China to proceed would get the truth out BUT since the block had always been on the US end, via Reagan’s national security directive, without a confirmation from Obama this is awkward and subject to being countered. If true, where is the confirmation from Obama? It would be packaged as some odd communist attack against Obama going into the elections, to make him seem weak, almost comical. So where is this going now? For us to comment would be to empower the enemy, which of course we will not do. Your curiosity is not as important as having the announcement succeed.

SOZT December 10, 2014
We have stated that the public will see only the flash and parry of swords from a distance during the Council of Worlds war with the cover-up crowd. Meanwhile, periodic tests of the Emergency Broadcast System in the US are done, to see if the channels are open. As of this writing, they are not yet open. The war is still on, full press. Meanwhile, during the flash and parry of swords, one can see resistance, pleading, panic, and capitulation.

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  • casey a

    Former PM Ted Heath: inquiry into alleged witness tampering to stop child abuse claims

    A police corruption inquiry is examining claims that witnesses to a court case were persuaded to withdraw their planned testimony against a brothel keeper in order to stop the exposure of Former U.K. Prime Minister Edward Heath as an alleged child abuser.

  • casey a

    Someone Russia hacks Pentagon computers: (Comcast owned) NBC, citing "sources"

    (The article itself goes on to show that title is misleading)

    U.S. officials tell NBC News that Russia launched a "sophisticated cyberattack" against the Pentagon's Joint Staff unclassified email system, which has been shut down and taken offline for nearly two weeks. According to the officials, the "sophisticated cyber intrusion" occurred sometime around July 25 and affected some 4,000 military and civilian personnel who work for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

    The officials say its not clear whether the attack was sanctioned by the Russian government or conducted by individuals. But, given the scope of the attack, "It was clearly the work of a state actor," the officials say.

  • casey a

    Netanyahu cancels visit to Arab city Sakhnin amid uproar from residents

    PM was scheduled to attend opening of new medical center in Sakhnin, but residents took to social media to protest 'visit of the children murderer Netanyahu'.,7340,L-4688694,00.html

  • SongStar101

    Doctors who colluded in US torture vote to crawl 'out of the dark side'

    The largest association of psychologists in the United States voted to begin reversing its policy of collusion in torture on Friday by prohibiting members of the American Psychological Association from participating in the interrogation of US prisoners on foreign soil.

    US torture doctors could face charges after report alleges post-9/1...

    In the wake of a devastating internal report that undermined more than a decade of denial from medical professionals of their complicity in post-9/11 interrogations, the APA’s 173-member council of representatives consented almost unanimously to ban its thousands of psychologists from being involved in Bush-era tactics of torture as well as present-day non-coercive techniques.

    Concerns among reformers about growing opposition from military psychologists turned to joy and relief as only council member, Guantánamo Bay and Abu Ghraib military psychologist Larry James, dissented against a detailed resolution prepared by longstanding critics in the Coalition for an Ethical Psychology.

    “This is an extraordinary victory because these prohibitions are clear, they’re implementable, and people will be held accountable,” council member Steven Reisner, a leader of the group’s reform coalition, said.

    The vote, at the annual convention of the group, which counts more than 130,000 medical professionals among its members, will turn the APA “from leading us into the dark side to leading us out of the dark side”, he said.

    Although the prohibition applies exclusively to interrogations carried out in the name of national security abroad and at “black sites”, Reisner said reformers are hoping to expand the prohibitions to prevent psychologists from abetting “domestic cruelty” in the US justice system. “We have to consider that in the future,” he said.

    Indeed, reformers stressed that the vote in Toronto by no means marked the end of a nine-year campaign to restore the APA’s “moral compass”. They were long belittled and suppressed by the leadership of the organization, which retains enormous influence in setting standards of psychological practice and ethics in the US and elsewhere.

    But last month, the reformers were vindicated by a scathing report from former US attorney David Hoffman, which found the group’s senior officials had adapted internal rules – and collaborated with the US military – to permit medical assistance in developing so-called “enhanced interrogation techniques”.

    “We think there is something profoundly wrong with the way the organization functions,” said coalition member Stephen Soldz, describing a “general atmosphere of suppression and bullying” that prevailed until the report’s release. “No one in leadership ever spoke up against it. Not one board member or anyone in leadership over the past 10 years said, ‘This is not right.’”

    'A national hero': psychologist who warned of torture collusion get...

    The sense of unfinished business was personified by council member Jean Maria Arrigo, who first blew the whistle on the APA’s torture collusion and suffered the worst of the personal attacks and slurs as a result.

    In accepting an award from a newly contrite leadership “as the finest possible role model for us in the profession of psychiatry”, Arrigo pronounced herself both “very touched” and “very wary that this is a public relations event meant to shut me up”.

    Arrigo vented frustration about “having to spend 10 years of my life being a critic and a nuisance”, and insisted that the work of institutional reform had only just begun for a group she said had been “dedicated to looking the other way” and had spent too long “interlocked with the national security establishment”.

    “We have to negotiate the issue between psychological ethics and national security. That’s the real work that we have to do.”

  • Ryan X

  • SongStar101

    Nearly 40,000 sign petition to arrest Benjamin Netanyahu

    A petition to arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for “war crimes” when he next comes to the UK has been signed by nearly 40,000 people.

    The petition, created by Damian Moran, reads: “Benjamin Netanyahu is to hold talks in London this September. Under international law he should be arrested for war crimes upon arrival in the UK for the massacre of over 2,000 civilians in 2014.”

    The UK’s parliament website, where the online petition was set up, mandates that any petition receiving 100,000 signatures will be debated in Parliament. So far 39,386 people have signed it.

  • casey a

    Both the pope and Chinese President Xi Jinping will be visiting the U.S. on September.

    Right now Obama's on vacation.

    But when he returns to Washington, Obama will face a rapid-fire series of events, including congressional votes on his nuclear deal with Iran, another budget battle with Congress that could lead to a government shutdown, a visit to Washington by Pope Francis and a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping.

    "After some downtime with his family, the president is looking forward to a fall schedule that is shaping up to be a blockbuster--as several high-priority issues come to a head, seemingly at the same time," White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters. 

  • casey a

    NYT did a scathing review of Jeff Bezos' Amazon. Jeff Bezos also runs Blue Origin a human spaceflight endeavor, & is considered the 15th wealthiest person in the world.

    From the looks of it, Amazon isn't just another big corporation screwing its employees. It is apparently at the forefront of squeezing & exploiting its employees to the maximum & encouraging a truly STS environment (if you will), without remorse.

    Here's a shorter summary of this drama. Apparently many venture capitalists are coming to the defense of Bezos claiming that the article was mis-characterizing Amazon, even though the scathing article incorporated reviews from than 100 current & former employees,

  • SongStar101

    Another droplet of torture?

    Ashley Madison probes veracity of data leaked by hackers

    The owner of cheating website is investigating the validity of customer information leaked late on Tuesday, a month after the company's systems were hacked.

    Almost 10 gigabytes worth of data, including member account details, logins and payment transaction details, were posted to the dark web, according to a report in Wired. The leak was apparently accompanied by a message that lambasted the site and its members for "fraud, deceit and stupidity."

    Canada-based Ashley Madison claimed to have more than 40 million users at the time of the hack that took place about a month ago, all supposedly on the lookout for extramarital affairs

    Wired reported that after the hack, a group called the Impact Team claimed to be responsible. The group had called for Avid Life Media, the owner of Ashley Madison, to take down the affair site plus another site called Established Men.

    Avid Life Media did not comply with the demand.

    In a statement after Tuesday's leak, Avid Life Media said: "We are actively monitoring and investigating this situation to determine the validity of any information posted online and will continue to devote significant resources to this effort.

    "Furthermore, we will continue to put forth substantial efforts into removing any information unlawfully released to the public, as well as continuing to operate our business."

    The company attacked the apparent moralizing behind the hackers' actions.

    "This event is not an act of hacktivism, it is an act of criminality. It is an illegal action against the individual members of, as well as any freethinking people who choose to engage in fully lawful online activities," Avid Life Media said.

    "The criminal, or criminals, involved in this act have appointed themselves as the moral judge, juror, and executioner, seeing fit to impose a personal notion of virtue on all of society. We will not sit idly by and allow these thieves to force their personal ideology on citizens around the world."

    The hack into Ashley Madison's system follows attacks on the likes of Sony Pictures Entertainment and retailer Target that inflicted damage to companies as well as customers. Sony had to cancel the much-anticipated release of the comedy film The Interview last year after hackers threatened action if the film was released theatrically.

    But the case of Ashley Madison, which involved intrusion into the private lives of individuals, marked a watershed moment in cyber crime, Ajay K. Sood, General Manager for Canada of cyber security firm FireEye, told Reuters.

    "These guys want as much notoriety as possible. This isn't cyber terrorism. It's cyber vigilantism," Sood said.

  • SongStar101

    This seems relevant to the Sony or gov hack or others as income data could be sought out at the IRS en mass?

    IRS hack far larger than first thought

    SAN FRANCISCO — A hack of the Internal Revenue service first reported in May was nearly three times as large as previously stated, the agency said Monday.

    Thieves have accessed as many as 334,000 taxpayer accounts, the IRS said.

    In May, the IRS reported that identity thieves were able to use the agency's Get Transcript program to get personal information about as many as 114,000 taxpayers.

    On Monday, the IRS said an additional 220,000 accounts had also been hacked. In all, 334,000 accounts were accessed, though whether information was stolen from every one of them is not known.

    The hackers made use of an IRS application called Get Transcript, which allows users to view their tax account transactions, line-by-line tax return information or wage and income reported to the IRS for a specific tax year.

    To enter the Get Transcript system, the user must correctly answer multiple identity verification question.

    The hackers took information about taxpayers acquired from other sources and used it to correctly answer the questions, allowing them to gain access to a plethora of data about individual taxpayers.

    The Get Transcript service was shut down in May.

    Hackers love authentication-based systems because it's very difficult to distinguish between "the good guys and the bad guys" when someone is trying to get in, said Jeff Hill of STEALTHbits Technologies, a cyber security company.

    "Here we have a case where a successful authentication-based attack was discovered in May, and yet the IRS is still unclear of the extent of the breach’s damage months later. Even now, how confident is the IRS they fully understand the extent of the attack completely, or should we expect yet another shoe to drop in the coming weeks?” Hill said.

    Notification of the increased number of hacked accounts came Monday.

    In a statement the agency said, "as part of the IRS's continued efforts to protect taxpayer data, the IRS conducted a deeper analysis over a wider time period covering the 2015 filing season, analyzing more than 23 million uses of the Get Transcript system."

    That analysis revealed an additional 220,000 accounts had also potentially been accessed.

    In addition to accounts the hackers were successfully able to access, the IRS disclosed hack attempts that didn't succeed. There were 111,000 attempts on accounts disclosed in May and 170,000 disclosed on Monday, for a total of 281,000 of accounts where the hackers "failed to clear the authentication processes," the agency said.

    Taxpayers whose information was potentially breached will get letters in the mail from the IRS in the coming days.

    They will also get access to free credit protection and Identity Protection PINs, the IRS said in a statement.

  • SongStar101

    Government Inquiry Into Clinton Emails Likely To Widen

    For now, federal authorities characterize the Justice Department inquiry into Hillary Clinton's private email server as a security situation: a simple matter of finding out whether classified information leaked out during her tenure as secretary of state, and where it went.

    Except, former government officials said, that's not going to be so simple.

    "I think that the FBI will be moving with all deliberate speed to determine whether there were serious breaches of national security here," said Ron Hosko, who used to lead the FBI's criminal investigative division.

    He said agents will direct their questions not just at Clinton, but also her close associates at the State Department and beyond.

    "I would want to know how did this occur to begin with, who knew, who approved," Hosko said.

    Authorities are asking whether Clinton or her aides mishandled secrets about the Benghazi attacks and other subjects by corresponding about them in emails.

    For her part, Clinton said she did not use that email account to send or receive anything marked classified.

    "Whether it was a personal account or a government account, I did not send classified material, and I did not receive any material that was marked or designated classified which is the way you know whether something is," she said Tuesday in a question-and-answer session with reporters.

    Why is Clinton emphasizing the idea that none of those messages were marked? Because what she knew — her intent — matters a lot under the law. If the Justice Department and FBI inquiry turns into a formal criminal investigation.

    Two lawyers familiar with the inquiry told NPR that a formal criminal investigation is under consideration and could happen soon — although they caution that Clinton herself may not be the target.

  • SongStar101

    Hackers dump SECOND, even bigger batch of Ashley Madison records with taunting message to millionaire founder of 'cheating dirtbag' site

    • Reports of a second wave of secret documents revealed from the hacked infidelity site
      Hackers 'the Impact Team' posted another huge tranche - amounting to 20GB of files - on the same dark web
      They boasted of the second wave directly to the beleaguered company's CEO multi-millionaire Noel Biderman
      'Hey Noel, you can admit it's real now', the message read
      The company has refused to admit all the information that has been released came from their site
      First wave included 9.7 gigabytes of raw data including names, addresses, phone numbers and sexual fantasies of registered users
      University of Texas, Sony, Boeing and Bank of America all appear in domain names of alleged users posted online
      Government workers with sensitive White House, law enforcement and congress jobs have admitted using the site after being exposed
      Pentagon and FBI are now investigating the leak amid fears it provides potential for blackmail of government officials

    A second, even bigger, 'cheat sheet' exposing the users of adultery website Ashley Madison has been released.

    Hacking group 'the Impact team' at lunchtime on Thursday released another mine of documents and confidential information to back up their first 9.7 gigabyte leak, according to Vice.

    The new documents were dumped with a taunting message to the adultery website's founder as exposed users began to publicly admit their involvement.

    'Hey Noel, you can admit it's real now,' read the post - presumably directed at the company's millionaire CEO Noel Biderman, who has refused to admit the material is all legitimate.

    The new - even bigger - 20GB release will do little to calm the nerves of the cheaters whose personal details have been exposed.

    The Associated Press traced many of the accounts exposed by hackers back to federal workers.

    They included at least two assistant U.S. attorneys; an information technology administrator in the Executive Office of the President; a division chief, an investigator and a trial attorney in the Justice Department; a government hacker at the Homeland Security Department and another DHS employee who indicated he worked on a counter-terrorism response team.

    AP traced their government Internet connections — logged by the website over five years — and reviewed their credit-card transactions to identify them. They included workers at more than two dozen Obama administration agencies, including the departments of State, Defense, Justice, Energy, Treasury, Transportation and Homeland Security. Others came from House or Senate computer networks

    Many federal customers appeared to use non-government email addresses with handles such as 'sexlessmarriage', 'soontobesingle' or 'latinlovers'.

    Some Justice Department employees appeared to use pre-paid credit cards to help preserve their anonymity but connected to the service from their office computers.

    Defense Secretary Ash Carter confirmed the Pentagon was looking into the list of people who used military email addresses. Adultery can be a criminal offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

    Several searchable databases of names, emails and sexual fantasies linked to the first data leak had to shut down within minutes of going live because they could not cope with demand from suspicious spouses.

    The second appears to include personal information and emails of the CEO with folders entitled Noel Biderman.mail.

    Other folders are titled mobile, product and design.

    'The dump appears to contain all of the [CEO's] business/corporate e-mails, source code for all of their websites, mobile applications, and more,' researchers from TrustedSec wrote in a blog post published Thursday.

    Another document shows the website were aware of the privacy dangers and discussed a potential security breach.

    A file called 'Areas of concern – customer data.docx' a worker flagged potential hacking hazards.

  • Nancy Lieder

    See the newest ZetaTalk on the Sept 23-29 Internet buz. The coverup crowd is trying to muddy the water, with asteroid and end of the world confusion. What is the water reflecting? That the end of September might be announcement time:

    - Xi is meeting Obama on 9/28

    - Pope and Putin are at the UN 9/23

    - Biden might announce a Presidential run (or not if Obama delays the 2016 campaign via Exec Order) until "late September"

    Here's the new ZT on the cover-up crowd's latest maneuver. They know they have lost. Now they are just trying for distractions.

    What is the intent behind the prophecies and interpretations being pushed on the Internet about a September 23, 2015 asteroid strike? The soup of disinformation includes:
    1. A self-proclaimed prophet, Efrain Rodriguez, with zero accuracy prediction claiming in 2010 that an asteroid would hit the Atlantic and swamp the East Coast and Puerto Rico. No date for this disaster was given. Nothing has been heard from Rodriguez since.
    2. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius mumbling something on May 13, 2014 about “500 days”, which computes to September 23-24, 2015. As we explained, the 500 days was the number of days agreed to by Xi and Obama
    when they met in California re the announcement plans, not the date of the presser with Kerry where Fabius made the slip of the tongue.
    3. A self-proclaimed  channel claiming that 1/3 of humanity will ascend on September 28, 2015.
    4. The 2015 Jewish Day of Atonement occurs on September 23-24, 2015.
    5. The Pope is coming to New York City to address the UN on September 23, 2015.

    All this was rolled into a pie and baked on the Internet. By whom, and why? NASA periodically talks about Near Earth Orbit (NEO) asteroids
    and their plans for defense, and have brought this down on themselves thus. In the past they have used asteroids as a cover
    for the debris in the tail of Planet X, aka Nibiru, and in step with the tenacious cover-up over the pending passage of Nibiru, were not about to tell the truth. Now the announcement is pending, perhaps even scheduled for late September, and the asteroid fear mongering is being used AGAINST NASA.

    The people actively promoting the September 23 asteroid rumors seek to cloud the announcement over a legitimate threat – Nibiru’s pending passage – with this nonsense. No asteroid will strike nor pass close, and they hope that by confusing an asteroid threat with Nibiru itself, that the announcement will be belittled and cast aside. Oh, that, the public will say, it was only an asteroid hit that did not occur. Thus the REAL threat, which the public should take seriously, will be ignored. The group pushing this disinformation is identical to the cover-up crowd. This group wants the public to remain ignorant until the end for the convenience of the elite.

  • Stanislav

    World’s Richest People Lose $182 Billion as Market Rout Deepens

    The world’s 400 richest people lost $182 billion this week from their collective fortunes as weak manufacturing data from China and a rout in commodities sent global markets plunging.
    The weekly drop for the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, a group that includes Warren Buffett and Glencore Plc’s Ivan Glasenberg, was the biggest since tracking of the expanded list began in September 2014. The combined net worth of the index members fell by $76 billion on Friday alone, when the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index of U.S. stocks ended its worst week since 2011.
    “For them that’s a fractional percentage, even though $182 billion is a big number,” said John Collins, director of investment advisory at Aspiriant, which oversees more than $8 billion for high net worth clients. “A week like this feels really bad, but when you take a step back, in a big picture view it’s not a disaster by any means.”
    Friday’s losses put the world’s richest 400 into the red for the year to date. They’re now down $74 billion in 2015, with a collective net worth of $3.98 trillion.
    The week’s largest setback in dollar terms was experienced by Buffett, who saw his fortune drop by $3.6 billion as Berkshire Hathaway Inc. slipped more than 5 percent. The investor is the world’s third-wealthiest person, with a fortune of $63.4 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
    The slump in oil, which had its longest weekly losing streak since 1986 amid signs of an extended supply glut, contributed to $15.2 billion in losses for the world’s wealthiest energy billionaires. Continental Resources Inc. Chairman Harold Hamm saw $895 million, or 9 percent of his net worth, vanish this week.
    Glencore’s Glasenberg
    Glasenberg, chief executive officer of mining company Glencore Plc, lost $237 million during the week as commodity prices slid to their lowest levels in 13 years. Glencore reached a record low in London on Friday, down more than 8 percent from a week earlier, after the trading house reported its profit sank 56 percent in the first half of the year. Glasenberg’s fortune has decreased more than 40 percent in 2015, to $3.1 billion.
    China’s 26 wealthiest people, pummeled by Hong Kong’s bear market and a weaker yen, lost $18.8 billion during the week. Wang Jianlin of Dalian Wanda Commercial Properties Co. was hit hardest, losing $3.5 billion.
    Eleven billionaires added to their fortunes in spite of the market turmoil. The week’s biggest dollar gainer was Sun Pharmaceuticals’ Dilip Shanghvi. The world’s 39th-richest person became $467 million wealthier, elevating his net worth to $18.9 billion.
    The Bloomberg Billionaires Index takes measure of the world’s wealthiest people based on market and economic changes and Bloomberg News reporting. Each net-worth figure is updated every business day at 5:30 p.m. in New York and listed in U.S. dollars


  • SongStar101

    Leaked audio: Israeli leaders drew up plans to attack Iranian military

    Jerusalem (CNN)Israeli leaders planned to attack military targets in Iran in recent years, but they were held back due to the opinions of other government and military leaders, according to an audio recording leaked to an Israeli television broadcaster.

    One planned strike was canned after scheduling conflicts with a joint military exercise with the United States got in the way, according to the audio.

    The recording with former Defense Minister Ehud Barak was leaked to Israel's Channel 2. It detailed three strikes Barak had allegedly planned with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in 2010, 2011 and 2012 respectively.

    CNN has translated the audio, which is in Hebrew. Barak, who also previously served as prime minister, acknowledged to CNN on Saturday that the recording is authentic, but declined to comment further.

    CNN has reached out to other officials mentioned in the recording for comment.

  • SongStar101

    MPs to force Chilcot to come clean over Iraq report delays: Parliament set to demand public explanation and could make him set a deadline for publication

    • Former shadow home secretary David Davis said MPs are planning action
    • Says they will demand a public explanation into Iraq Inquiry's delays
    • Parliamentary motion could force inquiry chairman Sir John Chilcot to act
    • The hold-up has been blamed on witnesses being informed of likely criticism and being given the chance to comment before it's made public

    Parliament will demand a public explanation from Sir John Chilcot next month as to why the Iraq inquiry is still being delayed, a senior Tory warned last night.

    Former shadow home secretary David Davis said a cross-party group of MPs would hold discussions next week to draw up a battle plan for forcing the inquiry to set a deadline for publication.

    Options include a formal parliamentary motion, where MPs would be asked to vote to compel Sir John to act.

    Mr Davis said continuing delays to the six-year inquiry were ‘unjustifiable’, and he suggested the report should be published by October, when MPs are expected to be asked to support government plans to extend bombing raids against the Islamic State terror group into Iraq.

    He said precise plans for parliament’s return next month were still being discussed, but added: ‘You can be sure that there will be action. At the very least we will be requiring him to explain why the report hasn’t been published and what the remaining constraints are.

    ‘But I think there will also be pressure to establish a timetable.’ His intervention came as Tony Blair’s former deputy John Prescott called the continuing delays a ‘disgrace’, and joined calls for parliament to act.

    The latest delays have been blamed on the so-called ‘Maxwellisation’ process – a convention in which witnesses to an inquiry are informed of likely criticism in advance and given the chance to comment. The process has been going on for almost a year and there is no end in sight.

    More than 150 witnesses are thought to be involved, including public figures like Tony Blair and Alastair Campbell, and senior military officers, spy chiefs and Whitehall mandarins.

    Several are said to have engaged lawyers to argue their cases and protect their reputations.

    Experts have pointed out that the process is not a legal requirement, and that many other inquiries have set tight deadlines for witnesses to respond.

    Mr Davis said: ‘Chilcot’s position is pretty untenable – just saying he will publish it when he is ready is not good enough.

    ‘He may be independent, but he’s also a public servant who has a duty, firstly to the families of those killed, but also to the public, to set out what happened so that we don’t make the same mistakes again.

    ‘There is no justification for taking longer than he has already, none at all.’

    Mr Davis also hit out at Sir John over claims last week that criticism of the glacial pace of his inquiry stems from an Establishment plot designed to belittle him and his eventual findings.

    That is unmitigated, petulant rubbish,’ the MP said. Former deputy prime minister Lord Prescott yesterday became the latest senior figure to urge Sir John to set a deadline for the Maxwellisation process and a timetable for the publication of his report.

    Lord Prescott, who was one of the last to give evidence to the inquiry five years ago, said the report should be released ‘even if there are objections from some of the witnesses’.

    He added: ‘I have been involved in a number of inquiries where those who gave evidence were given the right of consultation before the publication of the report, which is only fair.

    ‘But five years and waiting is an unacceptably long period. It’s an insult to the families of men and women who gave their lives for their country.’

    Lord Prescott said that if Sir John refuses to set a timetable, parliament should now ‘demand he appear to explain his reasons’.

    David Cameron repeated calls for Sir John to publish the report last week, saying the public ‘want this inquiry out, and so do I’.

    But government sources last night stressed Mr Cameron was reluctant to be seen to be interfering with the ‘independence’ of the inquiry by forcing a timetable upon it.

  • SongStar101

    Ashley Madison Adultery Website Hit With $578m Class Action Over Data Breach

    Two Canadian law firms have filed a $578m class-action lawsuit against the companies that run Ashley Madison after a hacker group’s data breach exposed some 39 million memberships in the adultery website earlier this week.

    Missouri lawyers have filed a class-action lawsuit in a US district court seeking more than $5m in damages. US lawyers filed a statement of claim late last month on behalf of an unnamed female plaintiff who said she ponied up $19 so Ashley Madison would purge her personal information from its website in a process called a “paid-delete”.

    The lawsuit argues that the privacy of Canadian members was breached in July when hackers infiltrated Ashley Madison’s website and downloaded private information. The data breach includes users’ personal names, emails, home addresses and message history. On Tuesday, the information was posted publicly online.

    The law firms’ statement said numerous former users of the website have approached them to inquire about their privacy rights under Canadian law.

    “They are outraged that failed to protect its users’ information. In many cases, the users paid an additional fee for the website to remove all of their user data, only to discover that the information was left intact and exposed,” Charney said.

    “The sensitivity of the information is so extreme and the repercussions of this breach are so extreme, it puts the damages faced by members in a completely different category of class-action suits.”

    The law firms said the lawsuit is not being brought against the hackers, who have said they attacked the website in an effort to close it down as punishment for collecting a fee without actually deleting users’ data.

    The law firms did not immediately respond to a request for comment, and it was not clear in what court the class-action lawsuit was filed.

    There are hundreds of email addresses in the data release that appear to be connected to federal, provincial and municipal workers across Canada, as well as to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the military.

    According to the data breach, some of the website’s customers made credit-card transactions from computers attached to the department of national defense and Canada’s House of Commons.

    The data, stored in more than 2,500 files, involved transactions spanning from March 2008 to several days in June of this year.

    National defense referred most questions to the federal treasury board, which has an overall responsibility.

    Lisa Murphy, spokeswoman for the treasury board, would only say that the government has rules for the professional and personal use of its computers.

    In a written statement, a DND spokeswoman echoed some of Murphy’s statement, and said the department “has policies and practices in place to deter, detect and enforce unauthorized and prohibited computer use.”

    The credit-card information of US government workers, some with sensitive jobs in the White House, Congress and the justice department, was also revealed in the data breach.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Eletronuclear CEO arrested on corruption charges


    July 28

    Eletronuclear confirmed that its chief executive on leave, Othon Luiz Pinheiro da Silva, was arrested as part of a corruption investigation at the utility.

    Pinheiro has been on leave since April after allegations that Eletronuclear was involved in bribery, price fixing and political kickbacks, according to Reuters. The accusations are similar to those raised at Brazil-led oil company Petrobras. Brazilian police arrested two people involved with building the 1,405-MW Angra 3 nuclear power plant for Eletrobras, Reuters said. Construction is facing repeated delays.

  • SongStar101

    Central Banks Have Become A Corrupting Force

    Are we witnessing the corruption of central banks? Are we observing the money-creating powers of central banks being used to drive up prices in the stock market for the benefit of the mega-rich?

    These questions came to mind when we learned that the central bank of Switzerland, the Swiss National Bank, purchased 3,300,000 shares of Apple stock in the first quarter of this year, adding 500,000 shares in the second quarter. Smart money would have been selling, not buying.

    It turns out that the Swiss central bank, in addition to its Apple stock, holds very large equity positions, ranging from $250,000,000 to $637,000,000, in numerous US corporations — Exxon Mobil, Microsoft, Google, Johnson & Johnson, General Electric, Procter & Gamble, Verizon, AT&T, Pfizer, Chevron, Merck, Facebook, Pepsico, Coca Cola, Disney, Valeant, IBM, Gilead, Amazon.

    Among this list of the Swiss central bank’s holdings are stocks which are responsible for more than 100% of the year-to-date rise in the S&P 500 prior to the latest sell-off.

    If central banks purchase stocks in order to support equity prices, what is the point of having a stock market? The central bank’s ability to create money to support stock prices negates the price discovery function of the stock market.

    The Fed is prohibited from buying equities by the Federal Reserve Act. But an amendment in 2010 – Section 13(3) – was enacted to permit the Fed to buy AIG’s insolvent Maiden Lane assets. This amendment also created a loophole which enables the Fed to lend money to entities that can use the funds to buy stocks. Thus, the Swiss central bank could be operating as an agent of the Federal Reserve.

    We know that the US government has a “plunge protection team” consisting of the US Treasury and Federal Reserve. The purpose of this team is to prevent unwanted stock market crashes.

    Is the stock market decline of August 20-21 welcome or unwelcome?

  • Stanislav

    <...> Assange also spoke about Washington's policies, in particular White House meetings during which Barack Obama approves target lists for drone strikes.

    “In the United States every Tuesday, Obama meets to decide who lives and dies, according to secret law. Terror Tuesdays, they’re called in Washington. Secret law. No appeal.”


    As I am writing this, Putin has not been seen for 9 days. And the Kremlin seems to be preparing for some kind of big announcement. Many alternative explanations are being presented by the western press, stating that Putin might be sick, or that he has been victim of some coup, or that he has flown to Switzerland to visit his girlfriend who has just given birth to Putin´s child. And in my imagination I might add that perhaps he is out of the country, on a secret trip, maybe to talk face-to-face with Xi and/or Obama. And since the Kremlin instructed the Russian journalists to not to leave on this weekend because a major news would be made public now, his absence might very well have something to do with the Announcement. Has this anything to do with the Announcement? Since Obama is having trouble to get the Announcement out in the air, has Russia decided to proceed on her own? Is it that we are just now about to hear/see the Announcement made public? Are there any other reasons why Putin might be hiding away? Would the Zetas like to comment? [and from another] President and Supreme Commander Vladimir Putin gave an indication of lead with 8.00 MSK Monday in full combat readiness Northern Fleet. Order of the President of the individual compounds and touched the Western Military District, and the Airborne Troops. The reason given by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, who is the National Center for defense management in Moscow, designated spot checks readiness. According to him, the main task today started testing is to assess the readiness capability of the Northern Fleet to provide military security of Russia in the Arctic. Test of strength to go 38 thousand soldiers. In addition, will be attracted 3.36 thousand pieces of military equipment, ship 41, 15 submarines, 110 aircraft and helicopters. At the same time commander in chief of the armed forces, commanders of troops, heads of main and central directorates of the Ministry of Defence were handed packages directives.  [and from another]  March 14, 2015. The rumor mill went into overdrive, churning out possible explanations from the simple to the salacious to the sinister. He had been stricken by the particularly devastating strain of flu going around Moscow just now. He sneaked off to Switzerland for the birth of his love child. He had a stroke. The victim of a palace coup, he was imprisoned within the Kremlin. He was dead, aged 62. The last confirmed public Putin sighting was at a meeting with Prime Minister Matteo Renzi of Italy on March 5. [and from another]  Kremlin Reportedly Prepares For 'Mysterious' Announcement. March 13, 2015. News came out about the Kremlin preparing a major announcement. A source in the Russian President Vladimir Putin’s press service, heads of the most relevant media were asked to be ready for a possible press conference in the next few days. [and from another] Putin reappears in Moscow for his meeting with Kyrgyzstan President, as promised, on Monday March 16, 2015.  [and from another]  March 13, 2015. For five days, web traffic from Texas to certain addresses in the UK has been routed through Ukrainian and Russian telecoms, taking a detour thousands of miles out of the way. Network traffic often takes a circuitous route as a result of network congestion or interconnection difficulties, but neither one would be enough to account for these routes. Instead, this was the result of a bad route announced by Ukraine's Vega telecom, inserting itself in between. Among the dozens of sites involved was the UK's Atomic Weapons Establishment, which is tasked with managing and delivering the UK's nuclear warheads, as well as the UK's official mail service, the Royal Mail. US defense contractor Lockheed Martin was also running a VPN connection that was caught up in the redirection. [and from another]  March 10, 2015. Unprecedented war games, involving 5,000 Norwegian troops and 400 vehicles, have started in Norway’s northernmost province, bordering Russia. The biggest exercises since Cold War days will last for a week, amid growing tensions between Russia and NATO. The last time a similar military exercise was conducted in Finnmark was in 1967. Norway is planning a large joint air force exercise for May, in which more than 100 planes from eight NATO member states are going to take part in the Arctic Challenge Exercise in the skies of the Barents Sea region.  [and from another]  March 15, 2015. Responding to the news that the Russian Investigative Committee has opened a criminal probe into his statements on charges of public calls for starting an aggressive war made in the media, and that his remarks violated article 20 of the United Nations' International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that bans any propaganda of war and instigation of discrimination, hatred or violence, [retired Maj. Gen. Robert Scales] shrugged it off. Earlier, he alleged that "the only way the United States can have any effect in this region and turn the tide is start killing Russians. Killing so many Russians that even Putin's media can't hide the fact that Russians are returning to their motherland in body bags."  [and from another]  March 10, 2015. 'Start Killing Russians' Outrageous Outburst by Fox News Military Analyst.  

    Will any of this be explained, or in the news? The public will not be informed, but as in the past when Bait and Switch were played to flush out cover-up proponents, the cleanup from this will be ongoing. Many, such as the Retired General Scales on Fox News, revealed their alliances. Putin did not reappear until these investigations were well underway, and the guilty in hand. Who is colluding or associating with the guilty is noted and traced. Black ops are countered by black ops, who operate without trial or jury and eliminate the guilty quietly.

    ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for March 21, 2015

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Former Catholic Archbishop Found Dead Ahead Of Child Sex Abuse Trial

    The former papal ambassador to the Dominican Republic had been arrested and charged with paedophile offences and possession of child pornography last year.

    Wesołowski, who was 67, was found dead in his room apparently from natural causes.

    “Vatican authorities intervened immediately for first verifications, which indicate his death was due to natural causes”a statement on the Vatican website said

    The Independent reports: The former ambassador to the Dominican Republic would have been the first church official to go on trial for child sexual abuse. His case, which had attracted a significant amount of international attention, was the first under a Vatican system reinvigorated by Pope Francis following widespread accusations of abuse within the Church.

  • SongStar101

    Tony Blair facing questions over claims he 'tried to save Muammar Gaddafi' before Libyan dictator was ousted

    Tony Blair is facing questions from MPs over suggestions that he tried to save former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi during the 2011 military intervention.

    The former Prime Minister is alleged to have approached Downing Street to say he had been contacted by "a key individual close to Gaddafi" and he wanted to "cut a deal", a biography of David Cameron has claimed.

    Mr Cameron decided not to follow up the approach because he wanted to avoid "doing anything which might be seen to give the Libyan leader succour", it is claimed. 

    Gaddafi was later killed by rebel fighters on the streets of Sirte.

    Mr Blair now faces questions from the Foreigh Affairs Committee, which is conducting an inquiry into the Libya campaign, over his involvement in the discussions. 

    Conservative backbencher Daniel Kawczynski, a committee member and the author of a book on Gaddafi, accused Mr Blair of indulging a "sordid" and "irresponsible" idea.

    He told The Times: "I think it is very irresponsible for Mr Blair to even have suggested it."

    Nadhim Zahawi, another Tory on the committee, told the newspaper: "With these revelations, we should be pushing for Blair to come and explain as part of the inquiry."

    Other claims in the biography by Anthony Seldon, titled Cameron at 10 and serialised in the Mail on Sunday, included suggestions former MI6 head Sir John Sawers claimed the intervention in Libya was for "humanitarian reasons" rather than in Britain's "national interest".

    It also allged the ex-chief of the defence staff, Lord Richards of Herstmonceux, accused Mr Cameron of staging a "half-baked" campaign to oust Gaddafi and being more interested in a "Notting Hill liberal agenda" than"statecraft".

    Downing Street has refused to comment on the claims.

  • SongStar101

    This could have something to do with the delay in the Announcement?

    US Run by 0.001% of American Population – Powell’s Former Chief of Staff

    Around 400 people control US politics, says former chief of staff

    Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to former US Secretary of State Colin Powell claims that US politics is determined by about 400 people with a combined wealth of trillions of dollars who control government decision-making from the backstage.

    US politics is determined by about 400 people with a combined wealth of trillions of dollars who control government decision-making from the backstage, Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to former US Secretary of State Colin Powell, said in an interview with Radio Baltkom.

    Thus power is concentrated in the hands of about 0.001 percent of the US population, Wilkerson told the Latvian radio station, stressing that it is great inequality.

    According to the former official, US foreign policy has generated catastrophic results, particularly in the Middle East. Wilkerson told Radio Baltkom that the 2003 US invasion of Iraq disrupted the balance of power that had been maintained in the Persian Gulf for over 50 years.

    The current volatile situation in the region is the result of US actions, Wilkerson, who served as chief of staff to Colin Powell between 2002 and 2005, stressed.

    The Middle East has recently seen the advance of ISIL jihadist group. ISIL began fighting against Syrian government forces in 2012 and launched an offensive on Iraq in 2014. The group has seized vast territories across both countries.

    US President Barack Obama established an international anti-ISIL coalition in September 2014. Coalition forces have been carrying out airstrikes against ISIL targets in Iraq and Syria, although no breakthrough results have been achieved so far.

  • casey a

    A mathematician may have uncovered widespread election fraud, and Kansas is trying to silence her

    Analyzing election returns at a precinct level, Clarkson found that candidate support was correlated, to a statistically significant degree, with the size of the precinct. In Republican primaries, the bias has been toward the establishment candidates over tea partiers. In general elections, it has favored Republican candidates over Democrats, even when the demographics of the precincts in question suggested that the opposite should have been true.. . . ..

    While Clarkson has found the same statistical irregularity in a number of localities, her efforts to confirm whether they amount to fraud have been centered on Sedgwick County, Kansas, due to the locality’s use of Real Time Voting Machine Paper Tapes, which provide a paper trail that other localities don’t have. However, her efforts to verify Sedgwick County’s election returns have been repeatedly shut down.

    Please see this post:

    (There are some links to imgur picture albums there that make this very easy to understand. The election fraud is re: 2008 & 2012 Republican vote rigging. The supposed rigging pattern is not seen for democratic or independent primaries/candidates)

  • casey a

    Cheney’s Iran lie exposed in dramatic fashion

    At the time, in response to Iran’s nuclear program, the Bush/Cheney administration did nothing – except, of course, strengthen Iran’s regional power by invading Iraq.

    With this in mind, Fox News’ Chris Wallace reminded Cheney over the weekend that Iran “went from zero known [nuclear] centrifuges in operation to more than 5,000.” The Republican’s response was extraordinary.
    The Fox News host flashed that data on screen so no one could miss it, and added: “So in fairness, didn’t you leave – the Bush-Cheney administration – leave President Obama with a mess?” 
    “Well, I don’t think of it that way,” Cheney countered. […] “But the centrifuges went from zero to 5,000,” Wallace pressed.
    “Well, they may well have gone but that happened on Obama’s watch, not on our watch,” Cheney replied.
    That’s the exact opposite of the truth, as Wallace, to his credit, quickly reminded the former V.P. Iran’s nuclear program blossomed, not under President Obama, but during the Bush/Cheney era. . . .
    Bush and Cheney may have rhetorically opposed the Iranian nuclear program. In reality, they allowed it to blossom. As Marc Champion explained several months ago, “at the start of Bush’s presidency, Iran had no operational centrifuge cascades and no stocks of enriched fuel, so it had no means of making a nuclear weapon.” Then things got bad: “By the time Bush left office in January 2009, Iran had just under 4,000 working centrifuges and an additional 1,600 installed. These had, to that point, produced 171 kilos of low-enriched uranium. Oh, and Iran had covertly built a new enrichment facility under a mountain at Qom.”
    Measured by results, rather than sound bites, Cheney was the greatest thing that happened to the radical regime in Iran since it took power.
  • casey a

    Fox buys 73% stake in National Geographic media for $725M US

    The 127-year-old nonprofit National Geographic Society has struck a $725 million US deal that gives 21st Century Fox a majority stake in National Geographic magazine and other media properties, expanding an existing TV partnership.

  • SongStar101

    UK activists denounce Netanyahu visit, urge Israel sanctions

    Union leaders and anti-Israel advocates plan rallies against PM during visit this week, call for arms embargo on Jewish state

    Prominent far-left activists and union leaders in Britain, along with three members of Parliament, are calling for the disinvitation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is to visit the United Kingdom this week, and to impose immediate sanctions on Israel.

    The activists urged the action in a letter published in The Guardian newspaper on Monday and signed by the heads of a handful of unions – Unite, RMT, Aslef and TSSA; three MPs — Labour’s Jo Stevens, Cat Smith and the Scottish National Party’s Tommy Sheppard; and longtime anti-Israel activists such as film director Ken Loach, Israel-born historian Ilan Pappé, union leader Len McCluskey, Palestine Solidarity Campaign chair Hugh Lanning, and the poet Benjamin Zephaniah.

    Netanyahu “must bear responsibility for war crimes identified by the UN human rights council in its investigation into Israel’s 2014 assault on Gaza,” the letter urged. “Our prime minister should not be welcoming the man who presides over Israel’s occupation and its siege on Gaza.”

    It added, “While [British Prime Minister David] Cameron continues to impose limits on the number of refugees who can take shelter in the UK, he is willing to welcome Netanyahu to our shores… We call on him to instead impose immediate sanctions and an arms embargo on Israel until it complies with international law and ends the blockade and the occupation.”

    Demonstrations against the Israeli leader are planned in London on Wednesday.

    A petition on the UK Parliament’s website calling for Netanyahu’s arrest during his visit – something not currently possible under British law – garnered over 106,000 signatures.

    The petition claims “over 2,000 civilians” were killed by Israel in the summer 2014 war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, apparently conflating the overall Palestinian death toll with the civilian one.

    There was no immediate response to the letter, or to The Guardian’s coverage, from the UK government or Israeli embassy, but in its response to the Parliament website petition, the British government defended Israel’s right to fight Gaza’s Islamist Hamas rulers, and said Netanyahu could not be arrested under the law.

    “Under UK and international law, visiting heads of foreign governments, such as Prime Minister Netanyahu, have immunity from legal process, and cannot be arrested or detained,” the response read.

    The Guardian quoted further from the Cameron government’s response: “We recognize that the conflict in Gaza last year took a terrible toll. As the Prime Minister said, we were all deeply saddened by the violence and the UK has been at the forefront of international reconstruction efforts. However the Prime Minister was clear on the UK’s recognition of Israel’s right to take proportionate action to defend itself, within the boundaries of international humanitarian law.”

    The rest of the government’s response, including strident denunciation of Hamas as responsible for the continued conflict, was not quoted by The Guardian: “We condemn the terrorist tactics of Hamas who fired rockets on Israel, built extensive tunnels to kidnap and murder, and repeatedly refused to accept ceasefires. Israel, like any state, has the right to ensure its own security, as its citizens also have the right to live without fear of attack,” it read.

  • SongStar101

    Another hint at the Announcement late Sept? The fiscal year ends Sept 30th, so the gov can wait out the reactions of the populace post Announcement? 

    US government prepares for shutdown

    The Obama administration has begun preparations for a possible government shutdown next month as conservative Republicans who are on the warpath over abortion threaten to block public funding.

    With business leaders warning of the damaging consequences of budget brinkmanship, a member of President Barack Obama’s cabinet said the need for contingency planning was “very, very frustrating”.

    Sally Jewell, secretary of the interior, said on Tuesday: “I can’t tell you how ridiculous it is [running] an organisation with 70,000 people who are committed to their missions . . . to have to work with them on shutdown planning right now because Congress has not acted on the budget.”

    The latest deadline in the US’s recurring budget crisis is the end of the fiscal year on September 30, when government funding expires. To avert a repeat of the 2013 shutdown, lawmakers must reach a stopgap accord to continue spending at current levels into October.

    While no congressional leaders want a shutdown, conservative lawmakers have complicated attempts to avert one by vowing to vote against any spending bill that continues funding for Planned Parenthood, a health group.

    The group performs abortions, and conservatives have been outraged by hidden-camera videos filmed by anti-abortion activists, which they claim show its officials seeking to sell foetal tissue — a charge Planned Parenthood strenuously denies.

    A high-profile effect of the 2013 shutdown — caused by an attempt to scupper Mr Obama’s healthcare reforms — was the closure of the national parks overseen by Ms Jewell, but she warned that the impact of a repeat would be wide-ranging.

    “It is very frustrating to not have any certainty at all about whether the programmes we have in place will continue,” she told reporters at a Christian Science Monitor event.

    Randall Stephenson, chief executive of telecoms group AT&T and chairman of the Business Roundtable lobby, said uncertainty over budget policy was making life harder for companies that had already been buffeted by a volatile August.

    “We’re looking at these budget issues, we’re looking at talk about a potential shutdown of the government, and so what might have been a cautious attitude by CEOs could turn into a defensive attitude,” he told reporters.

    “We can’t control China, we can’t control international markets, but we in the US can control our own variables, and that is getting budget deals, getting predictability in the tax situation.”

    Republican leaders, who have a fraught relationship with right-wing lawmakers, are concerned about being blamed for a shutdown, particularly after the party vowed to use its biggest majority in the House of Representatives since the 1920s to govern responsibly.

    It is very frustrating to not have any certainty at all about whether the programmes we have in place will continue

    - Sally Jewell, US secretary of the interior

    “I don’t think that shutting down the government is what people sent us here to do,” said one senior GOP politician.

    The politician said there was a “false narrative” among a small group of Republicans that the 2013 shutdown helped them in the 2014 congressional elections, but he said there was “no evidence” to back up that argument.

    Moderate Republicans could pass a bill to extend public funding with Democratic support, but analysts say the US could slip into a shutdown if party leaders fail in an eleventh-hour effort to agree on concessions to seal the deal.

    One senior Obama administration official said there were few signs of congressional leaders coming up with a plan to avert a shutdown.

  • Mark

    Looks Like David Cameron might be getting a similar warning as the Queen- embarrassing revelations in the media and the threat of more waiting in the wings, even more damaging than these.

    "Do not cross the council of worlds!"


    Drugs, debauchery and the making of an extraordinary Prime Minister: For years rumours have dogged him. Now, the truth about the shockingly decadent Oxford days of the gifted Bullingdon boy

    Shocking claims emerge of David Cameron's university days in new book
    Call Me Dave: The Unauthorised Biography is written by Michael Ashcroft
    Dinner party guest claims to have seen cocaine in the Cameron household

    "The door was always shut, but anyone walking past might have caught a whiff of the sweet musky smell of drugs and heard laughter and music from within.
    Dragging on their joints as they sprawled on the floor were the future Prime Minister, David Cameron; James Fergusson — later to become a distinguished writer; and James Delingpole, now a high-profile Right-wing journalist.
    The setting was Delingpole’s room in Peckwater Quad, one of the finest quadrangles in Oxford’s Christ Church college. Often, the trio would be listening to the Seventies rock band Supertramp, and bantering inconsequentially about their love lives while getting stoned."


    "But Cameron went a great deal further. He also got involved in the notorious Oxford dining society, the Piers Gaveston, named after the lover of Edward II, which specialises in bizarre rituals and sexual excess.
    A distinguished Oxford contemporary claims Cameron once took part in an outrageous initiation ceremony at a Piers Gaveston event, involving a dead pig. His extraordinary suggestion is that the future PM inserted a private part of his anatomy into the animal’s mouth.
    The source — himself an MP — first made the allegation out of the blue at a business dinner in June 2014. Lowering his voice, he claimed to have seen photographic evidence of this disgusting ritual.
    My co-author Isabel Oakeshott and I initially assumed this was a joke. It was therefore a surprise when, some weeks later, the MP repeated the allegation."

  • Ecosikh

  • Stanislav

    14 September, 2015. FEMA, State Broadcasters and Emergency Managers to Test the Emergency Alert System in Six New England States

    The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in coordination with state, local, and tribal emergency managers and state broadcasters’ associations, will conduct a test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) on Wednesday, September 16, 2015, in six New England states. The test will begin at 2:20 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), and will last approximately one minute.

    The voluntary EAS test will be seen and heard over many radio, television and cable stations in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. The EAS test might also be seen and heard in upper New York State if the public normally receives any broadcasts from nearby New England stations. The word “national” will be added to the test message: “This is a national test of the Emergency Alert System. This is only a test.”

    “The EAS test message will be sent to radio and television stations using a National Periodic Test code that sounds and appears like the regular monthly EAS tests conducted by state officials and broadcasters,” said Roger Stone, Acting Assistant Administrator of FEMA’s National Continuity Programs. “FEMA is working to specify a method for conducting periodic nationwide EAS tests using the National Periodic Test code in the near future.”

    The test is designed to have limited impact on the public, with only minor disruptions of radio and television programs that normally occur when broadcasters regularly test EAS in their area. There is no Federal Commissions Commission regulatory liability for stations that choose not to participate. Source:

    24 September, 2015. Local/Regional EAS Tests Come to Forefront

    On Sept. 10, the city of Rochester, Minn., was one of the first municipalities in the nation to test out a new multilingual, multiplatform capability within the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System. IPAWS was used to deliver an emergency notification via television, radio and cellphone text message, which was coordinated around a simulated local emergency. The messages were delivered in English, Spanish, Somali and Hmong, four important languages in the Rochester area, and were coordinated in conjunction with local law enforcement and ECHO Minnesota, an emergency readiness group.

    Next, ECHO will begin testing two additional alerts in Minnesota: transmitting a simulation of the Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) and Emergency Alerts System (EAS); and simulating the audible portion of the EAS codes in public service announcements. On Sept. 22, the FCC Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau approved a 12-month period during which ECHO can test these alerts.

    In granting the request to ECHO, the commission pointed to the group’s focus on individuals who do not speak English as a primary language and ECHO’s assurance that any PSAs that simulate the EAS code would not trigger a false alert. “We believe that the overall benefit to the public of the PSAs outweighs any potential dissipation of recognition value that may accrue from their use,” the FCC said in its order. The commission stipulated that if ECHO receives complaints regarding false alerts arising from the broadcast, it must immediately cease transmission and alert the commission within 24 hours.

    Later that week and halfway across the country, six New England states participated in a FEMA IPAWS regional test distributed via EAS using a test code that’s being perfected in preparation for a future nationwide EAS test, said Roger Stone, acting assistant administrator of FEMA’s National Continuity Programs, in a release. It had been announced in July. This National Periodic Test message was distributed via EAS and FEMA’s All-Hazards Information Feed at the same time a Required Monthly Test message was distributed via WEA.

    The Sept. 16 EAS test was sent over radio, television and cable stations in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The New England test was designed to assess the readiness of the IPAWS infrastructure that eventually will be used to distribute a national-level EAS test message to radio, television and cable operators.

    Initial indications are that the New England test was successful, an insider involved with testing coordination told RW. Field observations are on a par with previous EAS tests in West Virginia and in the four-state grouping of Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee, the source said.

    That was certainly the case for those stations in Maine, said Suzanne Goucher, president of the Maine Association of Broadcasters. “By all accounts, the test was a success,” she told Radio World, though she noted a couple of hiccups at a few stations such as distorted audio or no audio at all. She said those may have been on the station end and that the vast majority of stations reported receiving the alert clearly. Other stations reported the test and pass-through were executed flawlessly, she said.

    The next step for the Maine Association of Broadcasters, she said, is to ensure that all stations update for the 000000 location code and, for stations that didn’t participate in the Sept. 16 test, to make sure they have the NPT test code activated in their boxes ahead of the FCC’s July 2016 deadline for doing so, Goucher said. “This test was a good spur for stations to at least get the NPT piece in place,” she said. The FCC plans to adopt a national location code of six zeroes (000000) for national EAS alerts and will continue to use the existing National Periodic Test (NPT) code for future testing.

    During the Sept. 16 live test, FEMA fielded six observers equipped with systems capable of capturing multiple radio and television broadcast signals off the air. Once these capture systems are back in the IPAWS lab, capture files will be downloaded and analyzed, and FEMA will check with those stations that reported problems or unexpected EAS device behavior to try and learn more about possible failure modes.

    These details were shared during several technical webinars on the regional IPAWS system in the weeks leading up to the test.

    This information is expected to be shared with broadcasters, cable system operators and state emergency communications committees so they can best set up their EAS equipment and coordinate state EAS plans. This full analysis is expected to take two to three weeks.

    It was in 2007 that FEMA began modernizing the nation’s public alert and warning system by integrating new technologies into existing alert systems. The resultant IPAWS is designed to connect emergency managers, police and fire departments to multiple communications channels to send alerts to the public during a disaster.

    The timeline for future regional and national IPAWS tests has not yet been formally announced.

    Meanwhile, calls to improve EAS continue. A Washington engineering consulting firm this month pressed the FCC and FEMA to create a 24-hour hotline to determine the legitimacy of an EAS alert. The firm Cohen Dippell and Everist submitted a letter to the FCC on Sept. 11 in response to the FCC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding the EAS that was released in July.

    The firm said the FCC must take action to confirm the authenticity of EAS messages, pointing to an event in 2013 at a television station in Montana in which hackers broke into the station’s Emergency Alert System.

    “It is only a matter of time before another more sinister attempt will be made to engage and distribute false information through the EAS,” the letter stated. Therefore, it is urgent that the agencies provide the broadcast community a way to confirm the authenticity of a supposedly suspicious EAS message, according to the firm.

    The proposal from Cohen Dippell and Everist was made in response to the FCC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding the EAS that was released in July.


  • Stanislav

    29 September, 2015. Facebook "lay down" after the speech of the President of Russia

    Social network Facebook during the 70th UN General Assembly in New York has experienced one of the worst failures in its history. The first time she "fell" almost immediately after the speech of Vladimir Putin, and the second time became available during his meeting with Barack Obama.

    In the Facebook Global failure occurred: the site was not available to users worldwide. And in the web version as well as in applications for smartphones. For some time in the authorization, the message "Sorry, something went wrong. We are working on it and try to fix it soon."

    The first failure occurred in the evening of 28 September. Russian leader Vladimir Putin has just finished performance at the UN General Assembly. His speech, many US media called extremely relevant and instructive for President Barack Obama. Time Newspaper wrote that Putin is close to its greatest diplomatic triumph, and the New York Times noted that the president of Russia managed to outwit Obama and beat him by one step in all matters.

    However, discuss the news Facebook users were not able to because of global failure. The mobile application and Web version of the social network started working with 23:25 MSK, but collapsed again during a confrontation meeting between Putin and Obama in New York. The Russian president praised the talks with his US counterpart as useful and frank. According to Putin, they discussed the conflicts in Ukraine and Syria, and found common ground.

    Most of the US media have called this meeting defeat Obama's foreign policy, but Facebook users do not know about this. Social Network came to only late at night. Press Service of the Facebook does not comment on the reasons for failure.

    Note that this is the second large-scale failure of the social network in the last few days. Previous occurred September 24. Surprisingly, the other projects of the American company - Instagram photo service and messenger WhatsApp - all the time worked without interruption.

    Source: dni.ruGoogle translate;

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Monsanto's Stock Is Tanking. Is the Company's Own Excitement About GMOs Backfiring?

    Pity Monsanto, the genetically modified seed and agrichemical giant. Its share price has plunged 25 percent since the spring. Market prices for corn and soybeans are in the dumps, meaning Monsanto's main customers—farmers who specialize in those crops—have less money to spend on its pricey seeds and flagship herbicide (which recently got named a "probable carcinogen" by the World Health organization, spurring lawsuits).

    Monsanto's CEO hinted that the company may be too invested in high-tech seeds, and underinvested in old-fashioned pesticides.

    Monsanto's long, noisy attempt to buy up rival pesticide giant Syngenta crumbled into dust last month. And Wednesday, Monsanto reported quarterly revenues and profits that sharply underperformed Wall Street expectations. For good measure, it also sharply lowered its profit projections for the year ahead.

    In response to these unhappy trends, the company announced it was slashing 2,600 jobs, 12 percent of its workforce, and spending $3 billion to buy back shares. Share buybacks are a form of financial (as opposed to genetic) engineering—they magically boost a company's earnings-per-share ratio (a metric closely watched by investors) simply by removing shares from the market. And buybacks divert money from things like R&D—or keeping a company's workforce whole—and into the pockets of shareholders.


    In a conference call with investors (transcript), Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant put a positive spin on the company's prospects. "Our germplasm performance has never been better, our trait technology has continued to leap and our market position and pipeline remains strong," he declared. But later, he hit upon a theme that became obvious when Monsanto was stalking Syngenta: that Monsanto's leadership feels the company is too invested in high-tech seeds, and underinvested in old-fashioned pesticides. (The market for Syngenta owns the globe's leading position.)

    In the call, Jeff Zekauskas, an analyst with JP MorganChase, asked Grant whether Monsanto was still interested in boosting its pesticide portfolio by buying a competitor. Grant's answer was essentially yes: "We still believe in the opportunity of integrated solutions," i.e., selling more pesticides along with seeds. He added:

    We've got a 400 million acre seed technology footprint. We've seen time and time again that we can increase revenue and improve grower service by bringing chemistry up on that footprint.

    Translation: Our patented seeds and traits are sown on 400 million acres worldwide (about four times the size of California), and if we could sell more pesticides (chemistry) to the people who farm those acres, we could make more money. Later, he noted:

    We continue to see duplication in R&D in the sector. We continue to see the low effectiveness of R&D with some of our competitors and we continue to think that consolidation in this space is inevitable.

    Translation: Research-and-development investments in the ag-biotech/agrichemical sector aren't paying off—not enough blockbuster new products—so the few companies remaining in the field (there are six) are going to start swallowing each other up. 

    Massive layoffs, share buybacks, dreams of buying up the pesticide portfolios of competitors—these aren't characteristics of a company confident in the long-term profitability of its core technology: the genetic modification of crops.

  • SongStar101

    ACLU sues Air Force psychologists over CIA interrogation tactics

    WASHINGTON -- The American Civil Liberties Union on Tuesday sued two former Air Force psychologists who designed a CIA program that used harsh interrogation techniques to elicit intelligence from suspected terrorists, saying the pair endorsed and taught torture tactics under the guise of science.

    The lawsuit comes 10 months after the release of a damning Senate report that said the interrogation techniques had inflicted pain on al Qaeda prisoners far beyond the legal limits and did not yield lifesaving intelligence.

  • Kris H

    Top US Astronomer out after sexual harassment scandal.
  • Nancy Lieder

    Most recent ZT is more evidence of the COW war, taking effect.

    I ran across this article and was hoping to have Zetas response to it. If true, then there's a check mate and we could be so close to an Announcement.
    [and from another]
    The Khazarian mob is on the run as US military takes over Federal Reserve Board, by Benjamin,
    October 13, 2015. The US military, under the new leadership of Marine General Joseph Dunford, has come out with guns blazing to free the people of the United States and the world. Under his command, the US military has taken over the Khazarian mob’s main source of power, the Federal Reserve Board. To confirm this, go visit the home page of the Federal Reserve board, it is no longer but is now The Chinese coordinated with this move by announcing their China International Payments System alternative to the Khazarian controlled SWIFT system meaning their take-over of the US dollar system outside of the United States was proceeding as planned. The implosion of the big Khazarian mafia banks is now just a matter of time. Furthermore, there have been huge ongoing military moves in the Middle East aimed at removing the fascist Khazarian Nazionist government of Benyamin Netanyahu in Israel.
    [and from another]
    The rogue Netanyahu regime only added gasoline to the fire last week by faking a US air force air raid against Syrian government forces in Aleppo, according to other Pentagon sources. The Russians were not fooled by this maneuver and responded by sending missiles and fighter jets over Iranian airspace (with Iran’s permission of course) to attack multiple targets in the Middle East, killing hundreds of Israeli, Saudi and Turkish troops operating against international law in Syria and Iraq, the Pentagon sources say. The real message of course is that the US military was ready to step aside and allow the Russians to clean up the mess in the Middle East. Fearing for his life and that of his regime, King Salman of Saudi Arabia checked into a hospital claiming severe Alzheimer’s disease while his son, the real power, Defense Minister and Crown Prince Salman flew to Russia. The other Middle Eastern autocrat who is in a deep state of funk is Turkey’s President Erdogan. The Pentagon is withdrawing all its forces and anti-missile defenses from Turkey as part of its general disengagement from the region.
    [and from another]
    The United States has pulled the USS Theodore Roosevelt – a massive, nuclear-powered aircraft carrier – out of the Persian Gulf as Russian warships have entered the area.  For the first time since 2007, the US Navy has now no aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf. Russia has carried out more than 110 airstrikes against terrorists in Syria so far, killing hundreds of militants. The Pentagon announced on Wednesday that the United States had adopted measures to ensure a safe distance from Russian fighter jets flying over Syria.
    [and from another]
    Mosaddeq's overthrow, still given as a reason for the Iranian mistrust of British and American politicians, consolidated the Shah's rule for the next 26 years until the 1979 Islamic revolution. It was aimed at making sure the Iranian monarchy would safeguard the west's oil interests in the country.

    As we have frequently mentioned, the Middle East wars are at base a sectarian war between Sunni and Shia
    Muslim sects. US and British fury with Iran stems from the 1979 Iran Revolution when Iran took back their country from US and British petroleum interests after the overthrow of Iran in 1953.'%C3%A9tat
    Iran is Shia. Since the US and Britain use Israel as an ally during their attempts to control the Middle East oil, and as Israel has been cavalier about snatching land from the Palestinians, a virtual genocide, Iran considers Israel an enemy too. The politics in the region were stable until the Bush Administration engineered an excuse to invade Iraq, in their greed to snatch the oil in the Middle East.

    As we have frequently mentioned, ISIS is a result of, caused by, the Bush destabilization. Hussein’s Republican Guard was primarily Sunni, so to counter this, the US installed a Shia leaning leader in Iraq. The resentful Republican Guard form the basis of ISIS. A nightmare has ensued. Saudi Arabia, long an ally of the US and complicit in the 911 insider job, is Sunni and will not fight ISIS as a result. The Kurds fight ISIS but Turkey considers them terrorists determined to form a Kurdish state on Turkey lands, so when Turkey was enlisted to fight ISIS they bombed the Kurds instead. Israel meanwhile wants Assad in Syria deposed, but by arming rebels in Syria the US found it had armed ISIS, who had merged with the rebels. Due to its prior treaties and alliances with Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, and due to the political leanings of the US Congress and the British Parliament , Obama found himself unable to effectively move against ISIS. Thus, in full agreement with Putin, the US has pulled back to allow Russia to clean up the mess.

    This is one side of the coin. What is happening on the monetary front is another. Although it does not need our confirmation, we have often stated that the banking industry is controlled by Jews. Sheldon Adelson
    is an example of how wealth runs the Republican Party in the US, which is in control of both houses of the Congress. George Soros, also Jewish
    purports to support many liberal causes in the US and Europe but as we have pointed out, is a provocateur
    and has been behind the current unrest in the Ukraine and lies about the downing of MH17. Wealth buys much influence.

    Enter the Council of Worlds war with the cover-up. Where the supremely wealthy and influential Puppet Master wants the announcement, and as we have stated influenced Trump
    to enter the GOP race and by this destroy their chances in 2016, middle level management in the banking industry does NOT want the announcement to happen. Thus, as Benjamin Fulford states, major western banks are warning of impending collapse and for some reason the Federal Reserve .ORG website disappeared.  BRICS
    has emerged as an alternative to the IMF, and since 2013, the western banking Swift monetary transfer system
    has a Russian alternative.  

    What is going on behind the scenes? Like most quiet revolutions, the public only sees the tip of the iceberg. A shark moving in the water shows itself only by its fin. And thus in this manner the Council of Worlds has destabilized the corruption in control of the western banking system. Matters such as the Swiss Franc unpegging from the Euro
    and prosecution of banks
    such as the HSBC are known, but what Fulford is revealing is the extent the western banking system, and Netanyahu by extension, is dependent upon Middle East oil money. Netanyahu wants Iran attacked by the US not because they fear a bomb, but because they want western control of Iranian oil.

    Prior ZT:
    The ning blog on the Council of Worlds threats to the elite has also recorded a number of banking crimes, suddenly being settled between the regulators and the banks. These issues are quite international, with regulators from a number of countries involved – NBA fees in Australia; RBS, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, UBS and Citibank fined in the UK and US over currency fixing; Barclays, the CIA bank involved in crimes as far back as the S&L crisis in the US, being forced into a settlement.  Why the rush? It is not necessarily fresh evidence that is forcing the rush, it is the anticipation that more could be revealed, so the banks are suddenly eager to close the case. They have on other issues been given evidence, a taste, of what awaits them if the Council of Worlds proceeds.

  • SongStar101

    How much is the public being spoon fed?  Makes us wonder...

    CBS bans advertising for critical film

    NEW YORK (AP) — CBS has refused to run advertising for "Truth," the film starring Cate Blanchett and Robert Redford that revisits a painful episode in the network's past involving a discredited 2004 news story on former President George W. Bush's military service record.

    CBS has denounced the movie, which opens Friday, as a disservice to the public and journalists.

    Redford plays Dan Rather in "Truth," with Blanchett as producer Mary Mapes. Together, they were behind a "60 Minutes II" story that questioned Bush's Vietnam War-era commitment to service in the Texas Air National Guard. But CBS apologized for the story after documents used were called into question and could not be verified. Mapes and three news executives were fired.

    "Truth" is told from the points of view of Mapes and Rather, who left CBS News on bitter terms in 2006. He unsuccessfully sued the network and has complained of being "erased" from CBS history. Rather and Mapes have always contended that despite the discredited documents, the underlying story about Bush was true.

    Some at CBS News are angered by an implication that news executives were pressured to quash the story by corporate owners Viacom, which had business reasons to maintain friendly relations with the Bush administration. A low-level producer is depicted in the movie giving an angry speech about Viacom as the story was falling apart. Mapes was only months removed from a career triumph — breaking an award-winning story about mistreatment of prisoners in Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, a story embarrassing to the Bush administration whose veracity wasn't questioned.

  • SongStar101

    On-air to sway public opinion without proper credentials?  Wow!

    Fox News analyst arrested for lying about working as a CIA agent

    A Fox News guest terrorism analyst was arrested on Thursday after a grand jury indicted him on charges of falsely claiming to have been a CIA agent for decades, US prosecutors said.

    Wayne Simmons, 62, of Annapolis, Maryland, bogusly portrayed himself as an “Outside Paramilitary Special Operations Officer” for the Central Intelligence Agency from 1973 to 2000, the US Attorney’s Office for Virginia’s Eastern District said in a statement.

    Simmons allegedly tried to use that claim to get government security clearances and work as a defense contractor. At one point he was deployed overseas as an intelligence adviser to senior military officers, the statement said.

    He faces charges of major fraud against the United States, wire fraud and making false statements to the government.

    He has appeared on Fox News, a unit of 21st Century Fox Inc , as a guest analyst on terrorism since 2002 and has a wide presence among conservative groups, a profile on said.

    Fox News spokeswoman Carly Shanahan said Simmons had been a guest on the network and had not been paid.

    The CIA said in a statement that it was working closely with the Justice Department on the matter. It referred queries to the US Attorney’s Office.

  • KM

    Smoking gun emails reveal Blair's 'deal in blood' with George Bush over Iraq war was forged a YEAR before the invasion had even started - despite claiming he wanted peace

    • Leaked White House memo shows former Prime Minister's support for war at summit with U.S. President in 2002
    • Bombshell document shows Blair preparing to act as spin doctor for Bush, who was told 'the UK will follow our lead'
    • Publicly, Blair still claimed to be looking for diplomatic solution - in direct contrast to email revelations
    • New light was shed on Bush-Blair relations by material disclosed by Hillary Clinton at the order of the U.S. courts

    A bombshell White House memo has revealed for the first time details of the ‘deal in blood’ forged by Tony Blair and George Bush over the Iraq War.

    The sensational leak shows that Blair had given an unqualified pledge to sign up to the conflict a year before the invasion started.

    It flies in the face of the Prime Minister’s public claims at the time that he was seeking a diplomatic solution to the crisis.

    He told voters: ‘We’re not proposing military action’ – in direct contrast to what the secret email now reveals.

    All sewn up: President George Bush and UK prime minister Tony Blair at the infamous 2002 summit at Bush's ranch house in Crawford, Texas, where the two men spoke about invading Iraq

    All sewn up: Tony Blair and President George Bush at the infamous 2002 summit at Bush's ranch house in Crawford, Texas, where the two men spoke about invading Iraq

    Bombshell dossier: U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, left of Bush, wrote to the president to say the UK 'will be with us'

    Bombshell dossier: U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, left of Bush, wrote to the President to say the UK 'will be with us'

    The classified document also discloses that Blair agreed to act as a glorified spin doctor for the President by presenting ‘public affairs lines’ to convince a sceptical public that Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction – when none existed.

    In return, the President would flatter Blair’s ego and give the impression that Britain was not America’s poodle but an equal partner in the ‘special relationship’.

  • Corey Young

    The Council was definitely at it again!!!! This time helping Canada during its election of a new Prime Minister yesterday. Despite the concerted effort by Conservatives to use voter fraud, which was reported in previous elections as well as yesterday across Canada:

    People in Canada got the change they wanted, ousting Conservative Stephen Harper and electing the very popular Liberal Justin Trudeau into office with a firm 'Majority' government. Much like President Obama in 2008, Justin ran on 'hope' and 'change' while never giving into dirty political attack ads based on character etc... He weathered full page attack ads in newspapers telling people that a Liberal Government would cost Canadians, weathered full page attack ads saying he would legalize brothels, drug houses etc... and that he was an inexperienced young power hungry politician that only got to power based on his dad. However, despite all the naysayers and being underestimated his whole life, he now has the chance to prove that he is what Canada needs at this moment. As someone who has been part of this NING for a long time, I can definitely say that I feel better that Canada now has someone who genuinely cares for people in power during the coming announcement.

    In his speech last night Justin made it clear that Hope trumped Fear in this election:

  • Derrick Johnson

    @ Corey

    The Canada change in leadership sounds more like progress of the spiritual transformation described in this ZetaTalk than an exception to the rule of noninterference by the Council of Worlds.

    In an era of election fraud, where the Scotland independence vote was stolen and Cameron hardly elected as claimed, what do these internal parliamentary leadership changes within the Commonwealth mean? Parliamentary votes are swayed by bribery and coercion, not changed in the ballot box, as outright theft would be obvious. The mood among the elected Parliament members had changed. In other countries this change in mood is detectible also. Netanyahu stole the latest election in outright and rather obvious fraud, but now finds resistance within his own country to his dictates. In the US, Sanders and Trump are shaking an establishment that anticipated either a Clinton or Bush to emerge the winner.  

    The conservative establishment, used to supporting their cronies over the rights of the many, is finding they can no longer enforce control. Wealth and the influence wealth brings bought control, as for instance an election could be rigged if enough money crossed sufficient palms, or an official could be convinced to look the other way if the inducement was sufficient. If money did not pave the way, then subtle threats would be used, peppered with an actual “suicide” or maiming of a loved one as an inducement. What was never expected, among the conservatives assuming they are in political control, was a rebellion of the heart! 

    What is a rebellion but a movement? If one person takes action, takes a stance, this is a hero, who may be killed or punished because of his actions. But if the group taking action is so large, so vast, that threats and bribery are no longer effective, no longer possible en mass, then those formerly in power find themselves assaulted by a tsunami. The revolution cannot be stopped. Clinton finds herself facing such a tsunami as the public embraces the obvious sincerity of Sanders vs Clinton’s entitlement expectations.  Netanyahu has become impotent to stop the Iran vote in the US, or the movement in Europe to support a Palestinian state. It is the spiritual Transformation we outlined at the start of the ZetaTalk sage. 

  • SongStar101

    "Trump even suggested Monday that the Bush administration "knew in advance" the U.S. would be attacked."

    Donald Trump on Bush 9/11 remarks: 'I'm not blaming anybody'

    Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Monday stood by his comments that former President George W. Bush did not keep the country safe since he was president during the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

    Trump insisted he isn't "blaming anybody," but repeatedly reminded Fox News viewers that the "worst attack in the history of our country" occurred on Bush's watch and suggested that the attacks could have been prevented.

    "The fact is we had the worst attack in the history of our country during his reign. Jeb (Bush) said we were safe during his reign. That wasn't true," Trump said. "And I'm not blaming anybody and I'm not blaming George Bush, although if you look at his three primary agencies, they hated each other, they weren't talking ... And a good leader would've made sure that they would get along and talk and lots of other things happen."

    Trump even suggested Monday that the Bush administration "knew in advance" the U.S. would be attacked.

    "CIA Director George Tenet knew in advance that there was going to be an attack," Trump said."He knew in advance that there was going to be an attack."

    While Tenet did go to the White House two months before 9/11 with intelligence reports suggesting al-Qaeda was plotting a terrorist attack on the U.S., Tenet did not know when or how those attacks would unfold and he did not know how reliable the intercepted chatter was.

    Former Trump political aide Roger Stone, who is also a well-known conspiracy theorist, pushed a similar line hours before Trump called into Fox News, tweeting that Tenet "admitted he had 60 day advance warning of attack on America-and did nothing."

  • Corey Young


    Very true, thanks for the heads up. I thought it was more Spiritual Transformation after I had posted the comment....I just got caught up in the hype and the election results that are obviously a GREAT THING for the people of Canada and the world as a whole.

    Thanks Derrick!

  • SongStar101

    This hack appears similar to the Sony hack and others.

    WikiLeaks posts CIA chief’s hacked emails

    WikiLeaks began posting what it claims are the contents of CIA Director John Brennan’s private email account on Wednesday, days after a teenager claimed to have hacked into his account.

    The six initial emails posted by the anti-secrecy organization date from 2007 and 2008, and include personal information as well as draft versions of advice and policy positions.

    Additional documents will be posted “over the coming days,” WikiLeaks said, while claiming that Brennan used the account “occasionally for several intelligence related projects.”

    In a statement, CIA spokesman Dean Boyd did not dispute the authenticity of the leaked emails.

    Among the released documents is a draft version of Brennan’s security clearance questionnaire, which contains detailed information about his life and biography, including his passport number, home telephone number and a list of home addresses dating back to his childhood home in 1963. The document also contains Brennan’s wife’s Social Security number as well as birthdates, names and other information about close family members.

    The form, known as an SF86, is a common questionnaire for performing background checks of national security officials and contains information that could be personally compromising.

    The draft of a 2007 memo also contained in Brennan’s emails contains advice for the next president — who would be President Obama — about what to do with Iran.

    Brennan’s account was broken into on Oct. 12, the hacker allegedly said.

    According to reports, none of the documents obtained in the apparent hack contain classified information.

    FBI Director James Comey declined to answer reporters’ questions about the incident on Tuesday. CIA representatives did not respond to an inquiry about the leaked documents.


    You've Got Fail: high school students hack CIA director's AOL account

    The AOL account of the CIA director, John Brennan, appears to have been hacked, revealing email addresses, telephone numbers and social security numbers of agency employees. Photograph: Larry Downing/Reuters

    Federal investigators are examining claims that high school students hacked CIA director John Brennan’s personal email account and published identifying information for more than 20 alleged CIA personnel.

    On Monday the hackers released a spreadsheet allegedly from Brennan’s account that included the alleged CIA employees’ clearance levels, email addresses, phone numbers and social security numbers.

    The hack is one of dozens in the past several months, among them data broker Experian, the US government’s Office of Personnel Management, and a hotel chain owned by Donald Trump.

  • casey a

    Files for lawsuit against CIA stolen in break-in at UW

    University of Washington police are investigating a break-in at the offices of the director of the school’s Center for Human Rights after a computer and hard drive containing sensitive information about a recent lawsuit against the Central Intelligence Agency were stolen.

    The center says that the office of Dr. Angelina Godoy was burglarized sometime between Thursday and Sunday. Godoy reported that the hard drive contained “about 90 percent of the information” relating to research in El Salvador that is the foundation of a freedom-of-information lawsuit the center filed Oct. 2 against the CIA.

    The lawsuit alleges that the CIA has illegally withheld information about a U.S.-supported El Salvador army officer suspected of human-rights violations during that country’s civil war in the 1980s against leftist rebels.


    Dr Angelina Godoy acknowledged that the theft could be a “common crime,” but said in the statement that there are disturbing and suspicious elements to the burglary.

    The break-in coincided with a campus visit by CIA Director John Brennan, who spoke Friday at a symposium at the UW law school. However, Norm Arkans, the UW’s associate vice president for media relations and communications, cautioned against “connecting those dots.”

    Only Godoy’s office was targeted in the break-in and there was no sign of a forced entry, according to the news release. It appeared that the office was carefully searched rather than ransacked and the door was relocked upon exit, “characteristics that do not fit the pattern of an opportunistic campus theft,” the release says.

    Finally, the timing of the theft — just weeks after publicity surrounding the CIA lawsuit — “invites doubt as to potential motives.”

  • SongStar101

    Tony Blair makes qualified apology for Iraq war ahead of Chilcot report

    Click here to see the CNN interview

    Former British PM admits ‘mistakes’ and conflict’s role in rise of Islamic State but defends armed intervention in 2003

    Tony Blair has moved to prepare the ground for the publication of the Chilcot inquiry into the Iraq war by offering a qualified apology for the use of misleading intelligence and the failure to prepare for the aftermath of the invasion.

    In an interview with Fareed Zakaria on CNN, the former British prime minister declined to apologise for the war itself and defended armed intervention in 2003, pointing to the current civil war in Syria to highlight the dangers of inaction.

    There is no doubt about it: Tony Blair was on the warpath from earl...

    Blair, who will be aware of what Sir John Chilcot is planning to say about him in the long-awaited report into the Iraq war, moved to pre-empt its criticisms in an interview with CNN. He told Zakaria: “I apologise for the fact that the intelligence we received was wrong.

    “I also apologise for some of the mistakes in planning and, certainly, our mistake in our understanding of what would happen once you removed the regime.”

    But Blair made clear that he still felt he made the right decision in backing the US invasion of Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein. He said: “I find it hard to apologise for removing Saddam.”

    Blair also made light of the claims that he should stand trial on war crimes charges and defended his policy of what he used to describe as liberal interventionism. He contrasted what he described as “my ‘crime’” – the removal of Saddam – and the civil war in Syria.

    “We have stood back and we, in the west, bear responsibility for this – Europe most of all. We’ve done nothing. That’s a judgment of history I’m prepared to have.”

    Blair indicated that he saw merit in the argument that the Iraq war was to blame for the rise of Islamic State (Isis). “I think there are elements of truth in that,” he said when asked whether the Iraq invasion had been the “principal cause” of the rise of Isis.

    He added: “Of course you can’t say those of us who removed Saddam in 2003 bear no responsibility for the situation in 2015.”

    Nicola Sturgeon, the Scottish first minister, responded by saying that the “Blair spin operation” had swung into action as Chilcot prepares to set out a timetable for the publication of his report.

    — Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) October 24, 2015

    The Blair spin operation begins but the country still awaits the truth. The delay to Chilcot report is a scandal.

    Sturgeon tweeted: “The Blair spin operation begins but the country still awaits the truth. The delay to Chilcot report is a scandal.”

    In his long-awaited report, Chilcot is expected to criticise the use of intelligence that suggested Hussein had weapons of mass destruction in the run-up to the Iraq war. The former Northern Ireland Office permanent secretary is also expected to say that the UK and the US failed to make adequate preparations for the aftermath of the invasion.

    Blair’s office sought to downplay the significance of the CNN interview, part of a programme called Long Road to Hell: America in Iraq, to be broadcast on the network on Monday.

    A spokeswoman said: “Tony Blair has always apologised for the intelligence being wrong and for mistakes in planning. He has always also said, and says again here, that he does not however think it was wrong to remove Saddam.”

    There is no doubt about it: Tony Blair was on the warpath from earl...

    She added: “He did not say the decision to remove Saddam in 2003 ‘caused Isis’ and pointed out that Isis was barely heard of at the end of 2008, when al-Qaida was basically beaten. He went on to say in 2009, Iraq was relatively more stable.

    “What then happened was a combination of two things: there was a sectarian policy pursued by the government of Iraq, which were mistaken policies. But also when the Arab spring began, Isis moved from Iraq into Syria, built themselves from Syria and then came back into Iraq. All of this he has said before.”

    Chilcot is preparing to outline a timetable for the publication of his report in the next 10 days. Blair will be aware of what criticisms Chilcot is planning to make of him because the inquiry chair has written to all key participants as part of what is known as the Maxwellisation process. It allows them to respond to criticisms before publication.

    Chilcot was a member of the Butler inquiry, which in 2004 raised concerns about the intelligence before the Iraq invasion. The inquiry also questioned the way in which senior intelligence officials and Downing Street stripped out caveats from intelligence assessments.

  • Kris H

    Mysterious power outage during World Series.
  • casey a

    report on the world series power outage...

    Power outage disrupts Fox telecast of World Series

    The Fox Sports telecast of Game One of the World Series in Kansas City was knocked off the air due to a "rare electronics failure," the broadcaster said on Tuesday...

    Fox switched to the MLB Network's live international feed of the game, though that too went down before shortly coming back on air.

    "Before the start of the bottom of the fourth inning ... a rare electronics failure caused both the primary and backup generators inside the Fox Sports production compound to lose power," Fox Sports said in a statement.

    Google Fiber apologized for a "service outage" in Kansas City just as the game was starting, but it was not immediately clear whether that problem was related to the Fox glitch.

  • KM

    My Blair dossier: PETER OBORNE has conducted his own investigation into the Iraq war. With Chilcot Report scandalously delayed, he delivers his own devastating verdict

    • It is feared the Chilcot Report into the Iraq War will not be ready until 2017
    • Peter Oborne and a BBC team have since worked to produce their own
    • Here, he gives answers to the four key questions of the build up to the war

    Already years late, Sir John Chilcot will write to the Prime Minister in the next few days, setting the timetable, at last, for publication for his inquiry into the Iraq War.

    It is feared that will not be ready until 2017 - no less than seven years late and a full decade after the last British troops pulled out of Iraq.

    The delay in the inquiry, commissioned by prime minister Gordon Brown in 2009, has become a national scandal. The relatives of the 179 servicemen who died in Iraq — in many people’s view an unnecessary and futile war — should not be kept waiting a minute longer.

    For the past three weeks, I have been working with a BBC team to produce our own Iraq Report. Our findings are based on the testimonies and evidence that has already been offered to Chilcot — as well as on our own interviews with key players involved in the run-up to the war. We have set out to answer the four central questions that Chilcot and his team have yet to deliver on . . . and they make chilling reading.

    Sir John Chilcot will write to the Prime Minister in the next few days, setting the timetable for publication for his inquiry into the Iraq War

    Sir John Chilcot will write to the Prime Minister in the next few days, setting the timetable for publication for his inquiry into the Iraq War

  • Mark

    Pressure builds on Blair over Chilcot report as it's revealed ministers were told to destroy key evidence on eve of conflict which showed Iraq War was ILLEGAL

    Tony Blair was rocked last night by a new crisis over Iraq after it was revealed that Ministers were told to ‘burn’ a secret document which said the war was illegal.
    The Mail on Sunday has learned how Downing Street descended into panic on the eve of the war when Attorney General Lord Goldsmith told Mr Blair the conflict could be challenged under international law.
    The Prime Minister was horrified, and Ministers and officials who had a copy of Goldsmith’s written opinion were told: ‘Burn it. Destroy it.’
    Ten days later, with the invasion just days away, Goldsmith did a U-turn and said an attack could be justified. Among those who were told to ‘burn’ their copy was Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon, who flatly ignored the order.
    It is also claimed that Mr Hoon threatened to expose such Iraq War secrets when he resisted a bid by Tony Blair to kick him out of the Cabinet. Mr Hoon denied those claims last night. The disclosure is one of the most shocking indications yet that Blair and his inner circle were intent on war, while publicly claiming to be pursuing a diplomatic solution.
    It has long been suspected that Labour’s ruling clique put pressure on the Attorney General to come up with a legal opinion in favour of the conflict – an accusation which is being investigated by Sir John Chilcot as a key part of his long-delayed inquiry into the war.
    Last week, Sir John announced his report would not be published until June or July 2016.