Council of Worlds at WAR re Announcement Delays

Note the location of “Planet 9” and the inbound path for Nibiru provided by the Zetas in 1997. Nibiru arrived, right on schedule in 2003, and right where predicted a full 7 years earlier. Where the Zetas provided the location of the gravity draw represented by the Sun’s dark unlit binary and the inbound Nibiru in 1983, when the IRAS team lofted its infra-red balloon in search of the inbound Nibiru, this location was not provided to the public. All articles in print at that time only referring to the location as the “western edge of the constellation Orion”, quite vague, and the “western edge” is vast. Yet the Zetas pinpointed the location as being just outside the lower bow of Orion. Such is the accuracy of ZetaTalk. How would the public eventually become “aware of the history and accuracy of ZetaTalk predictions” as predicted by the Zetas on April 16, 2016? ? It would seem this is already in process.

SOZT March 19, 2016

So what happened to the announcement? Obama lacked the courage. As a result of this colossal failure,  having to disband the Jade Helm structure, the US military reacted. Obama is no longer running the country. Chief of Staff General Dunford is. Ben Fulford has for months been referring to Obama as the US “spokesperson”. Is this true, and how does this work? In that the Middle East, under the direction and press from Israel, Turkey, the Jewish bankers of the Federal Reserve, and the Saudis were supporting ISIS and this threatened to create a force that would not only invade Europe but also create an endless terrorism threat to the US, the military did indeed effect a silent coup. Russia needed to enter the fray, and Dunford, but not Obama, agreed. This will never be admitted, publicly, nor do the parties want this.

SOZT October 1, 2015
The three major social media outlets in use around the globe all had significant, and simultaneous outages between September 20-24, 2015. Skype had complaints from the UK, Australia, and Japan. Twitter received reports from the US, Australia, and Singapore. FaceBook had the loudest howls, primarily from the US and Europe. Notably these downtimes, some lasting for hours or even days, got no attention in the major media, and there was no real explanation for the outages.  Every Skype user has an account and a password, as do their contacts. Every Skype user can broadcast messages to their contacts, even if these contacts are not presently online. Every twitter use likewise has an account and a password, and by sending a tweet passes information along to subscribers, who can retweet the info in the future. FaceBook users likewise have an account and a password, with many friends who pick up info from each other and pass it along on their FaceBook accounts.  In all of this, the networks themselves are AWARE of the accounts and passwords, and could do a broadcast to all in the event of an announcement. Check your user agreements. This is legal!

SOZT April 25, 2015
When we announced that the Council of Worlds would be going to war with the elite over their blockage of the announcement, the tools available to the Council were not immediately apparent. Early in the campaign the Sony hack showed one such mechanism, whereby an anonymous hacker revealed embarrassing information about Sony executives. Similarly exposing pedophile activities by Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and blatant lies by self-promoting media talking heads such as Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly required nothing more than encouraging contactees to step forward.  In many, many cases a financial loss sufficient to trigger a clash among the elite is a result of an electronic delay during trades. 

SOZT July 4, 2015
What is the message here? As with other failed launches, this most recent failure is a definitive message from the Council of Worlds. Space X has had success in resupplying the ISS, though has flounded on landing on a floating ocean platform.  Resupply of the ISS is OK, reuse of their launch equipment so as to help the elite escape, not OK. The message now is that the elite should not expect to get into space at all. No escape. The message here is to take all hope away from such plans among the elite. They are to remain on Earth with the common man. We expect the battle to shift from attempts to block the announcement, or deny its meaning, to attempts to enslave the common man in some way. That is another fight, on another day.

SOZT November 1, 2014
The elite – the wealthy and politically powerful in the world – have continued in their attempts to thwart the announcement by Obama and his partners admitting that Nibiru, aka Planet X exists. We have long stated that the announcement date was set by Obama and Xi at their June 7-8, 2013 meeting in Santa Monica. The flustered slip given by the French Foreign Minister on May 13, 2014 re “500 days
until climate chaos” was in reference to this, as the date set was to be 500 days from the 2013 meeting, ie October 20, 2014.

SOZT November 8, 2014
Relying solely on Russia or China to proceed would get the truth out BUT since the block had always been on the US end, via Reagan’s national security directive, without a confirmation from Obama this is awkward and subject to being countered. If true, where is the confirmation from Obama? It would be packaged as some odd communist attack against Obama going into the elections, to make him seem weak, almost comical. So where is this going now? For us to comment would be to empower the enemy, which of course we will not do. Your curiosity is not as important as having the announcement succeed.

SOZT December 10, 2014
We have stated that the public will see only the flash and parry of swords from a distance during the Council of Worlds war with the cover-up crowd. Meanwhile, periodic tests of the Emergency Broadcast System in the US are done, to see if the channels are open. As of this writing, they are not yet open. The war is still on, full press. Meanwhile, during the flash and parry of swords, one can see resistance, pleading, panic, and capitulation.

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  • casey a

    (See here

    Where Gates will discuss his foundation with the attendees, this is not the primary purpose of the Sea Island meetings. Politicians such as Bloomberg and Jeb Bush, media personalities such as Oprah and Dan Gilbert show this was not strictly a meeting of the wealthy. They are laying plans to promote their agenda after the announcement *[on Nibiru]*. The very wealthy are resigned to the pending announcement by Obama and NASA. They can also see that any plans to race to Mars or the Moon will not succeed. Statistics on satellite damage, and inside information on the struggle to keep the ISS operational have shown where this race is going.  If the wealthy must survive on Earth, and hope to prosper after the Pole Shift, what is the plan? They want to be seen as leaders, presenting solutions and financing survival sites. Of course, our warnings about enslavement will apply, as these sites will be populated with the equivalent of indentured servants, not free to leave and not empowered with the ability to be self-sufficient. Entertainment with sports and familiar personalities like Oprah are part of the plan, so the public lured into virtual slavery at these sites will foolishly think their current lifestyles will be continued.

    (See here for ZetaTalk on why sudden philanthropy by the elite)

  • casey a

    Young Goldman Sachs found dead near apartment:

    (The media is going with the story that he might have jumped from his apartment, because there was a long record of him being exhausted at work. But that is not conclusive & coroner has not released cause of death, yet.

    He was a a tech/media/telecom analyst.)

  • casey a

    Guantanamo Bay detainee alleges CIA sexual abuse beyond original torture report

  • casey a

    Cyber attack hits 4 million current, former U.S. federal workers

    (could be something..)

  • casey a

    Bill Nye's Light Sail falls silent for a second time.

  • casey a

    Mars One admits it has only received 4,227 completed applications, not 200,000

  • casey a

    They're pinning the cyber attacks affecting 4 mil former & current Fed employees on China.

  • Ryan X

    Alleged Sex Abuse Victim of Disgraced GOP Speaker Was Abused for Ye...

    In a shocking interview on ABC News, the sister of Dennis Hastert’s alleged sexual abuse victim, says the former Republican Speaker of the House referred to her brother as his “right hand man.” Jolene Reinboldt told America that her brother, Steve Reinboldt, first told of the abuse after he came out as a homosexual many years ago.

  • casey a

    'American torturers told me they would rape my daughter to get confession,' claims Britain's last Guantanamo Bay prisoner Shaker Aamer

  • Stanislav

    The Communist Party was asked to recognize the "junk organization" Soros Foundation

    Within a few weeks, a law that allows you to assign foreign and international non-governmental organizations the status of "undesirable in Russia" need to practice.

    Send it to the edge of the KPRF Duma deputy Valery Rashkin and decided against Sergei Obukhov Institute "Open Society", known also as the Soros Foundation. Parliamentarians appealed to the Prosecutor General with a request to recognize the activities of this organization, "junk." The request addressed to the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika and copies handed to Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Minister of Justice Alexander Konovalov.

    "Kiberberkut" published data on the role of the Soros Foundation in Ukrainian events
    Deputies worried that the activities of the Soros Foundation can acquire destructive forms - like the fact that Russian experts recently observed in Ukraine, Georgia and other countries.

    "The specified organization for decades is consistently anti-Russian activities. The founder of the said organization - George Soros - does not hide its role in the collapse of either the Soviet Union or the organization of so-called" Orange Revolution "and" Maidan "in Ukraine", - stated in the request of the Communists. Communists are concerned, and that the Soros Foundation has not only a representative office in Moscow, but also offices in other major cities - St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk.

    If Soros Foundation will be recognized as "junk organization," he was forbidden to work in Russia, will close its structural units and deprived of opportunities to distribute your printed materials in the country. The decision on the recognition of "undesirable" activities of the fund will accept the public prosecutor or his deputies in coordination with the Foreign Ministry of Russia.

    Googl translate -

    Will sell Ukraine. Dearly

    On Monday, the Internet resource "Kiberberkut", a number of documents confirming the information that American financier-speculator George Soros has played and continues to play a sinister role in the events of "Ukrainian turmoil." "Kiberberkut" hacked the server of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine. The downloaded files were found confidential documents Soros Foundation with the strategy work in the Ukraine and fragments of personal correspondence with President Poroshenko Soros.

    These data indicate that Soros has not only been one of the main sponsors of the coup in the Ukraine in 2014, but continues to give "strong recommendations" Kiev leadership as "build a life in this country." In one of the "Strategic letters" Soros signed by no less than as a "self-appointed lawyer, the new Ukraine".

    "The government should present a convincing budget with substantial savings. The number of administrative staff should be reduced by more than 10%, and" Naftogaz "should be restructured with a big" shake-up "- says the president of Soros Poroshenko Yatsenyuk and Prime Minister in a letter dated December 23 last year . In "Naftogaz", one of the few profitable and well-structured companies of Ukraine, the architect of velvet revolutions in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet eyes, apparently laid. During his April visit to Kiev, which is not particularly advertise in Ukraine Soros, according to available data, strongly urged the Ukrainian authorities after the privatization of the company divided into three parts. Of course, not without profit to himself. This idea was eagerly picked Yatsenyuk, who is believed to have recently obsessed with the idea of ​​selling a little bit Ukrainian enterprises functioning. Soros writes that "Ukraine is on the brink of disaster, its financial system is in a deplorable situation, foreign exchange reserves have been exhausted and the hryvnia are unsubstantiated."

    Soros expresses satisfaction that the cabinet included several foreigners, who, according to him, will be able to effectively conduct staff reductions. "This could serve as an example for other ministers," - says Soros, while urging Kiev authorities more involved in the discussion of "civil society", read the very same NGOs that Soros, have traditionally been a catalyst for dissent. By the way, according to the Ukrainian Institute for International Policy, whose documents were in computers administration Poroshenko, Soros is ranked seventh in the ten main lobbyists of Ukraine. The first position is the president of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite and the third - the notorious Senator McCain.

    "We have already warned against US interference in the internal affairs of our country. We also have repeatedly expressed opposition to anti-people policies of the Kiev government, which has put Ukraine in dependence on the United States, - the site says" Kiberberkuta. "- Extracted materials we confirm that Ukraine needed Soros only that it was at war with Russia. Therefore, he insists that the US was supplying Kiev lethal super-modern weapons and provided training Ukrainian soldiers abroad. "

    The document titled "Strategy" Soros Foundation "in Ukraine" dated 12 March this year the responsibility for the events in the country shifted Soros and his approach to the Russian president. Special attention is given section on military aid to Kiev. Soros speaks directly Poroshenko that will restore the combat capability Ukrainian high-ranking foreign military leaders - an American general Wesley Clark and the Pole Waldemar Skshipchak and "several experts from the Atlantic Council of" known anti-Russian lobby group in Washington.

    Soros does not forget to give advice to the Europeans, so they chipped in "a billion dollars" and helped Ukraine. And he sells it. And expensive.

    Google translate -

  • casey a

    Nazi sympathiser and former King the Duke of Windsor 'wanted England to be bombed', international archives reveal

    (This was the queen's uncle)

  • casey a

    Pair of threats close parts of White House, Congress hearing 

    Parts of White House, Capitol complex evacuated hours apart after bomb threats

    Random, anonymous comment from reddit:

        "The press grilled Earnest about poor evacuating procedures, covering of public cameras, the President and other members in the West Wing not being moved (shelter in place).

    CNN and MSNBC aired a lone secret service employee going around covering all of the public cameras after a bomb-sniffing dog was seen canvasing the area.

    Earnest just deflected to the secret service as if that would yield any answers."

    Looks like they knew it was a bogus threat. Obama & family were not evacuated. They were covering public cameras. Maybe protocol to cover up their routine in the event of bomb threat.

  • Carlos

    Bomb alert in Brussels' EU district

    June 10th 2015

    Suspect car parked outside European Council building caused alarm; bombs squad dispatched to site

    The area around the EU offices in Brussels was evacuated Tuesday and roads temporarily blocked after a bomb alert, Belgian media said.

    The incident happened on the eve of an EU-Latin America summit which will bring the leaders of 40 nations to the Belgian capital.

    The bomb alert happened at 19:30 GMT in the European quarter and was linked to a suspect car parked outside the European Council building, the Belga news agency said.

    A bomb squad team was sent to the site, it added.

    There was no confirmation late Tuesday from the Brussels police or the European Council.

    The roads were opened to traffic again an hour after the alert, an AFP journalist said.



  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Facebook No Longer Interested In Space

    Facebook & Google not ready to hit the skies yet

    Facebook & Google not ready to hit the skies yet

    Facebook has reportedly decided to shun its plans for dominancy in the low earth orbit. The Information claims that Facebook has dropped the geo-stationary satellite plan over growing cost concerns. Google meanwhile, hired Greg Wyler in 2014 for its own satellite constellation plan, only to back out of it earlier this year.

    Satellite internet projects have a track record of failure over the years, considering the rather average data speeds and fairly high costs. On the other side of the spectrum, Greg Wyler and other entrepreneurs are focusing on small satellites that can offer faster data speed and fly closer to the earth than typical satellites for reduced costs.

    However, Martin Sweeting, the Chairman at Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd., believes that there are too manytechnical difficulties with small satellite developments. This explains why Facebook and Google are moving out from the low earth orbit and focusing more on virtual reality and self driving cards. That said, Google currently owns the satellite imaging startup Skybox, so satellite development may become part of the near future.

    Obviously, the case for Facebook and Google is quite clear here – improved connectivity in different parts of the world brings in more customers. Facebook has launched in many countries by partnering with local mobile network providers. Google meanwhile, is investing in O3B, a firm that uses satellites to promote internet access in developing parts of the world.

    As of yet, the case against Facebook and Google is that the current technological framework is not feasible for mini satellites that can stay close to the earth, albeit on high altitudes. Provided that the rocket launches and satellite development costs are scaled, we can expect both Facebook and Google to book a place in the heavens once again!

  • Andrey Eroshin

  • SongStar101

    The LDSD space program designed to take the elite to Mars when the time is ready is still in research and development after this latest space fail June 8.  This is a $230 million dollar program. 

    See details and a video here:   

    Supersonic NASA parachute torn to pieces in latest test

    This NASA artist's concept shows the test vehicle for the Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD), designed to test landing technologies for future Mars missions

    Washington (AFP) - NASA scientists working toward putting people on Mars said Tuesday a supersonic parachute they are developing to slow a vehicle's approach to the Red Planet partially deployed in a test, but immediately ripped apart.

    The 100-foot-wide (30-meter) chute was sent into Earth's upper atmosphere aboard a sort of "flying saucer" test vehicle that was hoisted to the heavens via a giant balloon lifting off from Hawaii on Monday.

    It was the second such test of the enormous parachute, the largest supersonic chute ever deployed, which is being designed to slow the three-ton test craft as it travels at more than twice the speed of sound.

    During the first experiment a year ago, the parachute was torn to shreds as it opened, destroyed by the massive drag generated by super-fast air speeds.

    NASA engineers said Tuesday that the parachute in the latest test had fared little better, and ripped apart as it became fully unfurled.

    "Preliminary analysis of imagery and other data received during the test indicates the Supersonic Ringsail parachute deployed," NASA said in a statement.

    "The chute began to generate large amounts of drag and a tear appeared in the canopy at about the time it was fully inflated."

    The test involved sending the flying saucer, an inner-tube shaped decelerator and the parachute to an altitude of 120,000 feet over the Pacific Ocean with the help of the giant balloon.

    The saucer is called the Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD). Rockets lifted the vehicle even higher, to 180,000 feet, pushing it to supersonic speeds.

    Ian Clark, the project's principal investigator at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California said the latest test was at least partially successful.

    "The physics involved with LDSD is so cutting-edge we learn something profound every time we test," Clark said. 

    "Going into this year's flight, I wanted to see that the parachute opened further than it did last year before it began to rupture.

    "The limited data set we have at present indicates we may not only have gone well down the road to full inflation, but we may have achieved it."

    The new technology is tested at a high altitude because conditions there are similar to the upper atmosphere of Mars.

    Since the atmosphere on Mars is so thin, any parachute that helps a heavy, fast-moving spacecraft touchdown needs to be especially strong.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    The Chinese Facebook

    Renren Receives Buyout Offer From CEO, COO

    Management buyout offer values Chinese social-networking firm at about $1.4 billion

    Updated June 10, 2015 1:10 p.m. ET

    A Chinese company once touted as the Facebook of China has received a management buyout offer valuing the social-networking firm at about $1.4 billion.

    Beijing-based Renren Inc. was one of a number of Chinese social-media companies that sprang up a decade ago as increasingly affluent China turned to the Internet. But it was eclipsed by rivals such as Weibo Corp. and the social-networking services owned byTencent Holdings Ltd., and has more recently invested in online video and mobile services like games.

    Chairman and Chief Executive Joseph Chen and Chief Operating Officer James Jian Liuproposed to acquire all outstanding shares they don’t already own for $4.20 per American depositary share, or $1.40 per ordinary share. The proposal is nonbinding, the company said.

    Together, Mr. Chen and Mr. Liu own about 32% of the company and have 49% voting power, the company said. They plan to fund the proposed transaction with a mix of debt and equity capital. The board will form a committee to consider the proposal.

    Based on 1.02 billion diluted shares as of March 31, the offer values Renren at about $1.4 billion.

    Renren—which means “everybody” in Chinese—offered a social-networking service similar to Facebook Inc. and was helped when China blocked the U.S. service on the mainland. Renren raised more than $740 million in its New York initial public offering four years ago that saw its ADSes shoot well above their $14 offering price.

    But its main service has struggled to achieve profitability. In the first quarter Renren reported a loss of $27.6 million. Renren in recent years has sold off noncore businessesand looked to diversify into area like mobile and games.

    Other Chinese Internet companies have turned their focus to mobile to capture Chinese users who increasingly tap the Internet through smartphones and tablets.

    Mr. Chen, Renren’s founder, is known in China for his funding of startups.

    One recent investment was in FiscalNote, a startup that tries to forecast U.S. legislation.

  • SongStar101

    International Space Station glitch caused spacecraft to fire its engines and shift position yesterday

    • Russia said one of its Soyuz spacecraft accidentally fired its engines
    • The incident occurred yesterday but the ISS has since been stabilized
    • Three astronauts are scheduled to return to Earth on the Soyuz tomorrow
    • Russia said the malfunction posed no danger to the crew

    The International Space Station (ISS) shifted position very slightly after one of its docked spacecraft accidentally fired its engines.

    The Soyuz vehicle, due to bring astronauts back to Earth tomorrow, boosted for less than a minute due to the glitch while still attached to the station.

    However, Russian officials said that there was no danger to the crew, and necessary measures had been taken to return the ISS to its correct position.

    The incident yesterday occurred when the engines of the Soyuz spacecraft 'switched on unscheduled,' said Russia's space agency, Roscosmos.

    It led to an 'insignificant change in the position of the ISS,' but Russia said the station had now been stabilised in the correct position.

    The Soyuz is docked at the ISS in readiness to take three astronauts home tomorrow, and the glitch is not thought to pose a danger to their safe return.

    Nasa astronaut Terry Virts, Samantha Cristoforetti of Esa and Anton Shkaplerov of Roscosmos are the three astronauts returning to Earth, with landing expected at 12.43pm BST (9.43am EDT, 7.43pm local time) tomorrow


    16 May 2015: A Proton-M rocket fails 497 seconds after lift-off, causing Mexican satellite to burn up in the atmosphere.

    15 May 2015: Progress M-26M spacecraft fails to ignites its engines to correct the orbit of the ISS - a maneuvre regularly performed to maintain its orbit.

    28 April 2015: An unmanned Russian cargo ship carrying 3 tons of supplies failed to dock with the International Space Station after it went into an uncontrollable spin after the launch.

    July 2013: A Proton rocket with three navigation satellites on board worth $200 million (£130 million) crashed shortly after lift-off from Baikonur. 

    'There is no threat to the crew of the ISS, the station itself or the return of the Soyuz TMA-15M ship to Earth on schedule,' the space agency said.

    The engines switched on for 'less than a minute' during testing of the automatic docking system, a space industry source told the RIA Novosti state news agency.

    Another source told the Interfax news agency that mission control probably gave the wrong command from Earth, meaning the Soyuz ship did not malfunction.

    But the mishap is the latest in a series of failures experienced by Russia's troubled space programme recently. 

    Those three astronauts returning tomorrow have been on the ISS weeks longer than intended, after their landing in May was delayed.

    This was because a Progress supply ship fell back to Earth after a rocket failure on 28 April, meaning that the next crew's launch - intended for 26 May - was delayed.

    Thanks to the delay, Ms Cristoforetti set the record for the longest time a woman has spent in space on a single mission.

    She surpassed the 194 days logged by Nasa astronaut Sunita Williams on the ISS in June 2007. Ms Cristoforetti’s final tally will by 199 days if she returns as planned tomorrow. 

    Yesterday it was revealed that this next manned mission to the ISS will now blast off between 23 and 25 July, leaving the ISS with a three-person crew for about six weeks.

    This mission, launching from Kazakhstan, will carry Oleg Kononenko of Roscosmos, Kimiya Yui of Jaxa (the Japanese space agency) and Kjell Lindgren of Nasa. 

    The space agency said that the exact day would be decided later, adding that the uncertainty was due to the fact that the ISS on Monday had to alter its orbit to avoid space garbage.

    Roscosmos said they now thought the accident on 28 April happened because the third stage Soyuz 2.1-A rocket carrying the ship into orbit separated in the wrong way due to a design flaw.

    Russia said it would modernise the Progress space ship design to prevent the problem happening again when it is used with this specific type of rocket.

    The next Progress supply ship is set to go up to the ISS on 3 July, using a different modification of the workhorse Soyuz carrier rocket.

    The manned missions are powered by similar Soyuz rockets, although the rockets ferrying astronauts have never failed. 

    Russia said the following manned mission would leave on the originally planned date of 1 September.

    British singer Sarah Brightman pulled out of her plan to fly as a space tourist on the flight for a fee of $52 million (£34 million).

    The head of the cosmonaut training centre, Yury Lonchakov, said Monday a replacement would be announced in the next couple of weeks.

  • casey a

    Richard Branson  grants new fathers at Virgin up to 12 months paternity on full pay. But this is only for MANAGEMENT. (140 ppl in total). Copying from John Malone's over-paying of CEOs.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    He's got to be reading ZetaTalk

    Cartier Boss Says Thought of the Poor Rising Up Keeps Him ‘Awake at Night’

    Posted on Jun 10, 2015

        South African businessman Johann Rupert, right, with actor Dennis Hopper in 2006. (AP / Alastair Grant)

    Johann Rupert, the multibillionaire owner of the luxury jewelry company Cartier, has admitted to a group of his peers that he fears the poor will rise up and bring down the rich.

    The Independent reports:

    Speaking at the Financial Times Business of Luxury Summit in Monaco (obviously), the fashion tycoon told his fellow elite that he can’t sleep at the thought of the social upheaval he thinks is imminent. (8of 10 scenario)

    According to Bloomberg, Johann Rupert told the conference to bear in mind that when the poor rise up, the middle classes won’t want to buy luxury goods for fear of exposing their wealth.

    He said he had been reading about changes in labour technology, as well as recent Oxfam figures suggesting the top 1 per cent of the global population now owns more wealth than the other 99 per cent.

    “How is society going to cope with structural unemployment and the envy, hatred and the social warfare?” he said. “We are destroying the middle classes at this stage and it will affect us. It’s unfair. So that’s what keeps me awake at night.”

  • casey a

    re: the Cartier boss from the independent article...  He returned to his chairman role at Compagnie Financiere Richemont in September 2014 after a one-year sabbatical which, according to Forbes, he spent reading and fly-fishing.

  • Shaun Kazuck

    Rupert Murdoch Preparing to Step Down as CEO from 21st Century Fox

    Rupert Murdoch, the 84-year old CEO and controlling shareholder of Twenty First Century Fox, is preparing to step down as CEO of the media giant and hand that title to his son James, numerous sources close to the Murdoch family told

  • casey a

    Neil deGrasse is doing an AMA on reddit. His account hasn't been active since October, 2013.

  • Ryan X

    Twitter CEO Dick Costolo to Step Down

    Twitter CEO Dick Costolo will step down on July 1 and be replaced temporarily with founder Jack Dorsey, the company announced on Thursday.

    Costolo will continue to serve on Twitter's board of directors. Dorsey will serve as interim CEO until a replacement is found.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Mark Zuckerberg says he wants Facebook to build more tools to let people help each other

    After the Nepalese earthquake in April, for example, Facebook activated a feature called Safety Check that allowed people in the area to indicate that they were safe.

    Facebook technically built the tool back in October, but this natural disaster was its largest deployment to-date: Millions of people marked themselves as "safe" and more than 100 million people got notifications about their friends and family. 

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Musk to beam the internet from space

    © The Daily Telegraph | 12 June, 2015 00:18
    The billionaire entrepreneur has requested permission from the US government to test a project which he claims "would be like rebuilding the internet". File photo
    Image by: GETTY IMAGES

    If Elon Musk gets his way, your internet coverage will soon be beamed down from space.

    The billionaire entrepreneur has requested permission from the US government to test a project which he claims "would be like rebuilding the internet".

    His plan involves putting thousands of small satellites in Earth's orbit to transmit internet signals to customers all over the globe. If the tests are successful, his proposal states that service could start in five years, according to the Washington Post.

    Bill Gates first floated the idea of satellite-based internet coverage in the 1990s.

    But Musk has an asset that even Gates cannot rival - a fleet of rockets. The founder and CEO of SpaceX, the aerospace manufacturer, plans to launch the satellites from a Falcon 9 rocket and link them via antennae to facilities on the West coast of the US.

    The project has drawn investment from Google and Musk believes using inexpensive satellites in low orbit is a cost-effective model.

    Richard Branson has partnered with OneWeb which already uses satellites to provide internet to a small number of customers.

    Musk's plan appears to be that the satellites will relay internet signals to one another so that even the most remote corners of the globe will have access to the web.

    I f the US government approves his pilot project, tests are slated to begin some time next year. The last two decades of experimentation with satellite-based internet coverage have yielded mostly failure, but Musk contends that his project is different. He hopes the results will be, too.

  • casey a

    The hack on federal employees has amounted to 9-14 million employees since 1980. The data hacked also includes the employees' families, friends, acquaintances..

    Perhaps coverup crowd sending a message..

  • casey a

    How I Witnessed The Death Of Journalism At The G7 and Bilderberg

    Luke & some other guys were accidentally allowed to stay in the hotel the Bilderbergers were having their meeting in. While everyone else was kicked out. What was interesting is how the staff were very nervous about talking. And more importantly how insulated the elite are from the average person.

    The hyped up security, the hyper secrecy... they're such a sad reminder of the deep paranoia these elite live in. Their worlds falling apart, & it almost makes you feel bad for them...

  • SongStar101

    Suspended Williams won't return as 'NBC Nightly News' anchor: CNN

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Television newsman Brian Williams, suspended by NBC in February for fabricating a story that he had come under fire on a helicopter during the Iraq war, will not return as anchor of the network's "Nightly News" program, CNN reported on Wednesday.

    CNN, citing unnamed sources, reported that NBC and Williams had reached a tentative agreement to keep him at the network after his six-month suspension ends in August, but he would assume a different role.

    Williams will not return as anchor of NBC's evening newscast under the arrangement, CNN reported. NBC, owned by Comcast Corp, could make an announcement about his future on Thursday, CNN reported.

    Lester Holt, interim anchor of "Nightly News" during Williams' suspension, is expected to become the permanent anchor of the program, the Wall Street Journal reported late on Wednesday, citing a person familiar with the matter. (

    Williams, who began anchoring "NBC Nightly News" in 2004, came under scrutiny in January after telling different versions of a story about being aboard a U.S. military helicopter hit by a rocket-propelled grenade during the first days of the Iraq war in 2003.

    He was suspended without pay for six months after he voluntarily took himself off the air in February and NBC News launched an inquiry into his account of the event.

    NBC representatives did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

  • SongStar101

    James Lee, a top JPMorgan dealmaker, is dead

    James Lee, one of JPMorgan Chase’s highest ranking executives and one of the Wall Street’s most prolific dealmakers, passed away on Wednesday morning. The bank confirmed his death with a brief statement from its CEO, Jamie Dimon. “We love you Jimmy,” Dimon said in the statement.

    Dimon called Lee, who was known as Jimmy, a beloved friend and colleague. JPMorgan gave no detail on Lee’s death, only calling it unexpected. Fortune has learned from other sources that he had a heart attack. Lee was 62.

    Lee had been one of the longest lasting and most successful forces on Wall Street. He got his start at Chemical Bank in 1975, surviving numerous mergers and eventually rising to head of investment banking at JPMorgan Chase. He was the consummate dealmaker, working and excelling in many areas of Wall Street, including high yield bonds and mergers and acquisitions. He had a nose for business, and always knew where to go for deals. He has been credited with creating Wall Street’s syndicated loan business. In 2009, called Lee “JPMorgan’s trillion dollar man.”

    Last year, Lee led the JPMorgan team that underwrote Alibaba’s $25 billion public offering, the largest IPO ever. He also was a lead banker on GM’s recent $23 billion re-IPO. He was also seen as a confidant of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. Lee once said the best piece of advice he ever got was from Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric, who told him the key was to be comfortable in your own skin.

    On Wednesday, Dimon called Lee a “master of his craft,” and said that he had made an “indelible and invaluable contribution” to JPMorgan and Wall Street as a whole. “He was an incomparable force of nature,” Dimon said. “He will be sorely missed.”

  • casey a

    FCC Fining AT&T $100 Million for Misleading Unlimited Data Plans

  • casey a

    Top [Justice Department officials under Bush] charged with violating constitution with 9/11 detainee abuse

  • Mark

    Russian Official Proposes International Investigation Into U.S. Moon Landings

    An international probe should be launched into various murky details surrounding the U.S. moon landings between 1969 and 1972, Russia's Investigative Committee spokesman said Tuesday.

    Vladimir Markin penned a column for the Izvestia newspaper arguing that U.S. authorities had crossed a line by launching a large-scale corruption probe targeting nine FIFA officials. The scandal surrounding the case prompted the June 2 resignation of longtime FIFA president Sepp Blatter, and sparked a heated debate about Russia's role as host of the 2018 World Cup.

    Venting his frustration with what he viewed as "U.S. prosecutors having declared themselves the supreme arbiters of international football affairs," Markin proposed that international investigators could likewise examine some of the murkier elements of America's past.

    An international investigation could help solve the mystery of the disappearance of film footage from the original moon landing in 1969, or explain where the nearly 400 kilograms of lunar rock reportedly obtained during several such missions between 1969 and 1972 have been spirited away to, Markin suggested.

    "We are not contending that they did not fly [to the moon], and simply made a film about it. But all of these scientific — or perhaps cultural — artifacts are part of the legacy of humanity, and their disappearance without a trace is our common loss. An investigation will reveal what happened," Markin wrote.

    U.S. space agency NASA admitted in 2009 that the original recordings of the first moon landing had been erased, but said they had managed to remaster the original television broadcast of the landing, Reuters reported at the time.

    Of the approximately 380 kilograms of moon rock said to have been obtained during manned U.S. moon landings, the bulk is stored in the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Texas, though samples can be seen on display in various museums around the world.

  • Shaun Kazuck

    FEMA Taps Google, Microsoft For Disaster-Response Team

    After a major storm or disaster, Internet and phone connectivity are often knocked out -- leaving survivors and emergency-response teams with few ways to communicate. Now, the government is assembling a team of tech titans that will help train volunteers to set up temporary communications and other systems post-disaster.

    Seven technology organizations -- Cisco, Google, Humanity Road, Information Technology Disaster Resource Center, Intel, Joint Communications Task Force and Microsoft -- have joined the program, called Tech Corps, the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced this week. The tech blogEngadget first reported the news.

    They announce all this this week, yet the program has been around since 2013...

  • Ryan X

    @Shaun Kazuck

    At least where Microsoft is concerned, I have a lot of inside knowledge on their policies and procedures related to emergency response and just like many of the others out there, when the REAL emergencies occur, I expect they will be able to offer very little compared to what they think they can.  They have some okay plans here and there, but nothing that will effectively deal with reality when things really start shaking.  It is the unexpected problems that will break their response regardless of what technology they think will be available to them at the time- likely plans are overly dependent on technology not failing which is the downfall of them.  Once again, Zetas advice applies.  Do not depend on the government to help you when things start happening.  They won't and/or won't be able to in many cases.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    U.S. doctor sanctioned for 'abhorrent and abnormal' troop training

    Jun 20th 2015 7:40AM

    A state board revoked the license of a former U.S. Army doctor on Friday, finding that he plied students with hypnotic drugs during battlefield-trauma training and performed dangerous procedures, including intentionally inducing shock.

    The doctor, John Henry Hagmann, was cited for training he provided in 2012 and 2013 in Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado and Great Britain. Students testified on Friday that Hagmann also performed penile nerve blocks and instructed them to insert catheters into one another's genitals.

    "The evidence is so overwhelming and so bizarre as to almost shock the conscience of a prosecutor who's been doing this for 26 years," Assistant Attorney General Frank Pedrotty told the Virginia Board of Medicine

    Two students provided the board with pictures of chest scars they received when procedures went awry. Three students testified that others became violently ill or began hallucinating after Hagmann gave them ketamine.

    "What we're seeing is way off the charts," said board chair Kevin O'Connor. "Quite honestly, I'm speechless."

    Hagmann, who did not appear at Friday's hearing, has told Reuters that he did nothing wrong. Hagmann can appeal but could not be reached for comment afterward.

    "This is so abhorrent and abnormal," testified John Prescott, chief academic officer, Association of American Medical Colleges. "In a combat setting, I have a hard time – I mean, there's no indication you would ever need a penile block, ever."

    Reuters reported on Wednesday that military officials had long known about Hagmann's methods. A four-star general briefly halted them in 2005, but the doctor resumed his government contracts, earning at least $10.5 million since then.

    Two male students testified on Friday about private rectal exams. One said that he gave Hagmann an exam that the doctor filmed. The other described regret that he allowed Hagmann to perform a rectal exam on him.

    "I can't imagine a worse violation of trust," said the student, whose name, like other trainees who testified, was shielded from the public. "There's no excuse for the way this course was run."

    Colonel Neil Page, who investigated the matter for the Uniformed Service University for the Health Sciences, the military medical school, testified that Hagmann's defense that the students volunteered for procedures is irrelevant because they were intoxicated.

    "There was a line that was crossed," Page said.

  • casey a

    Evidence may lead to new probe in 1961 death of UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld

    Documents, testimony add weight to case that plane crash was no accident

    Just two days after the crash, former U.S. President Harry Truman told The New York Times, "Dag Hammarskjöld was on the point of getting something done when they killed him. Notice that I said, 'When they killed him,'" Truman emphasized, without elaborating.

    At the time of the tragedy, Hammarskjöld was on a peace mission to unite the Congo, which had just gained independence from Belgium.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Baron David de Rothschild Indicted In France Over Fraud Case

    Police in France have been ordered to track down Baron David de Rothschild over a fraud involving hundreds of British pensioners

    The banking magnate will now be questioned in his native France, five years after a Marbella-based law firm began legal action against him.

    French police have been told by a judge in Paris to track down the wealthy scion who has various homes in the country.

    The case involves his company, the Rothschild Financial Services Group, which stands accused of falsely advertising an equity release loan scheme, bought into by more than 130 pensioners between 2005 and 2008.

    More than 20 British pensioners in Spain took up legal action against Rothschild’s company after losing their dream properties and thousands of euros.

    Paris-based liaison judge Javier Gómez Bermudez – famous for his role in prosecuting the Madrid bombers – announced the summons this week after the Denia Court issued the order.

    The Baron is believed to be staying at his Normandy castle, or near to his Paris offices, and lawyers have provided state prosecutors in France with two possible addresses to find him.

    Marbella-based lawyer Antonio Flores of Lawbird said the indictment was a ‘breakthrough moment’ in the case.

    “It is a good step in the right direction,” Flores told The Olive Press. “The courts are now in agreement with us that there is enough evidence to interrogate Baron Rothschild.

    “The first thing they will have to do is find him. Once they have done that they can begin to question him.

    “It is a real breakthrough moment for everyone involved.”

    Rothschild’s product, the Credit Select Series Mortgage Loan, was sold to pensioners as a legal means to reduce the value of their homes for inheritance tax mitigation purposes.

    The Tax Agency ruled that such a scheme constitutes fraud and Flores believes that Rothschild should be held accountable.

    “In short, independently of what happened to the investment, Rothschild advertised a loan aimed at reducing inheritance tax, which is a breach of tax law,” he said.

    Flores, and two other prosecuting lawyers, will submit questions for Rothschild in relation to fraudulent advertising.

    The Rothschild Group has so far failed to comment.

  • Derrick Johnson

    How Edward VIII was relieved by disabled brother's death: Newly unearthed letter reveals cold-hearted king thought of epileptic Prince John as an 'animal'

    • Prince John, the youngest child of George V, died from a seizure aged 13
    • Shortly after his death, Edward VIII wrote to mistress Freda Dudley Ward
    • In the letter he described John's death as 'the greatest relief' to the family
    • The six-page note is expected to fetch £20,000 when it goes up for auction


  • casey a

    More blaming of the Sun. (ala March 2015)

    "Huge solar storm hits Earth: power grid and GPS could be disrupted, but auroras might be seen"

    But ppl are seeing through the exaggeration on Reddit. Link

    I think the blame the sun campaign will only make ppl be more skeptical of NASA & NOAA; in turn giving zetatalk more credit.

  • casey a

    Voat (a reddit clone that has been seeing an increase in subscribers leaving reddit) has gone through some hurdles. First their web hosting company stopped hosting them due to "politically incorrect" content. Now Paypal has limited their account, as well. Maybe a truly free area for discussion is a dangerous idea to elements within the establishment.... or maybe its just a coincidence..

  • casey a

    New York Times staff mimicked mass killings in leaked photos

  • casey a

    is anyone else noticing what this charleston shooting thing has turned into?

  • KM

    ‘ICC credibility test’: Palestinians submit first war crimes evidence against Israel

    A Palestinian girl stands near residential buildings that witnesses said were heavily damaged by Israeli shelling during a 50-day war last summer, in Beit Lahiya town in the northern Gaza Strip May 25, 2015. (Reuters/Suhaib Salem)

    A Palestinian girl stands near residential buildings that witnesses said were heavily damaged by Israeli shelling during a 50-day war last summer, in Beit Lahiya town in the northern Gaza Strip May 25, 2015. 

    The Palestinian Authority has submitted the first evidence of alleged Israeli war crimes committed during the Gaza conflict in 2014 to the International Criminal Court, seeking to accelerate the investigation of these abuses.

    After meeting the ICC chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said that he had submitted the dossiers concerning the 2014 Gaza war, as well as Israeli settlements on the occupied Palestinian land and treatment of Palestinian prisoners in Israel.

    “Palestine is a test for the credibility of international mechanisms ... a test the world cannot afford to fail. Palestine has decided to seek justice, not vengeance,” Maliki said.

    He also added that he had agreed with prosecutors on a date of their visit to Palestine, although he did not reveal the exact time. “It depends on their ability to enter Palestinian territory without problems,” he added.

    ICC prosecutors intend to make a field visits both to Palestine and Israel, but they have not received a formal permission from Israel yet, Reuters reports.

  • Ecosikh

    Police files on child sex abuse at Gordonstoun school have vanished Gordonstoun is a school in Scotland where Prince Charles spent his early childhood. If I remember correctly he didn't enjoy his time there but more recently the school as been hit by allegations of sex abuse and (surprise surprise) a cover up

    it now appears that the records of the allegations have gone missing and the teacher in involved is dead, as are the managers of children homes in Wales, women that ran brothels etc etc

  • Nancy Lieder

    The COW appears displeased with Elon Musk and Space X intentions these days. The gloves have REALLY come off! I am also thinking .. time to bring the guys on the ISS home, down to Earth, and stop using them for intel.

    Check the 7/4 Q&A for full answer but YES it was a COW message!


    The message now is that the elite should not expect to get into space AT ALL. No escape. The message here is to take all hope away from such plans among the elite. They are to remain on Earth with the common man, and to the degree that they block the common man from preparing for survival with strong survival camps, they damage their own changes of survival. They can chose starving, rioting survivors or allow Obama to make his announcement and help the common man establish on safe grounds. We expect the battle to shift from attempts to block the announcement, or deny its meaning, to attempts to enslave the common man in some way. That is another fight, on another day.


  • Starr DiGiacomo

    The Dark Money Funding Climate Change Denial

    The network of corporate-funded right wing think tanks in America is massive. The money that flows to these organizations is even more massive than the networks themselves, and it flows in almost total secrecy thanks to Donors Trustand Donors Capital Fund.

    These think tanks and astroturf groups are the leaders in climate change denial, spreading misinformation and corrupt data to the masses in order to downplay — and in many cases flat out deny — the reality of anthropogenic climate change.

    And though we may not have the names of individual donors, a new report from The Guardian does a great job of laying out how much money is flowing to these climate change denial groups.

    According to the report, a staggering sum of $125 million has been given to these organizations that deny climate change over the last three years. This money is used to fund industry-friendly groups who create and disseminate talking points, and support other public relations efforts and the right wing media echo chamber to promote climate change denial.

    Another goal of this money is to undermine federal regulations aimed at curtailing emissions and other environmental health and safety standards. For example, The Guardian says that portions of this $125 million have been used to fight the Obama administration’s recent rules for coal-fired power plants that would put limits on the amount of greenhouses gases these plants are allowed to release into the atmosphere.

    Of course, since these groups all participate in other areas of politics, it is difficult to conclude whether or not all of this money went directly to climate change denial, but The Guardian does confirm that all groups involved are actively engaged in climate change denial.

    In order to find out where the money is going, The Guardian sifted through several years’ worth of tax filings. Many of these organizations are classified as 501(c)3 groups, which means that they are tax exempt and do not have to disclose the names of their donors.

    What they uncovered is a massive web of climate denial being funded by a seemingly limits “dark money ATM.”

    A few of the groups listed in the report include:

    The Federalist Society, a networking group for conservative lawyers and justices which calls on states to reject theEPA authority to regulate carbon pollution, received $8.7m over the past three years.

    …the State Policy Network, a network of ultra-conservative think tanks, received a total of $8.2m over the last three years.

    Think tanks allied with the State Policy Network have worked with the American Legislative Exchange Council, a pro-business lobby, which has sought legislation to penalize homeowners who install solar panels.

    The Hudson Institute, a Washington think tank whose climate expert opposes cuts to greenhouse gas emissions, took in $7.9m over three years. The Heartland Institute, which sent a delegation to Rome in April to try to upstage meetings between the Pope and the United Nations chief Ban Ki Moon on climate change, received $3.8m.

    Another big beneficiary of the anonymous funds, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, which has received $4.3m over three years, claims on its website that climate change is its biggest program.

    The Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, whose communications director is Marc Morano, took $3.7m from donors in 2012 – its most ever. A year later, however, the organization received $325,000.

    Again, the source of the money is not clear, thanks to U.S. laws that allow donors to give anonymously to these organizations. But what is painfully clear is that the money flowing to climate change denial is only for the benefit of the dirty energy industry, as the rest of the country only stands to lose if corporations are allowed to continue to pollute without limits.

    To learn more about Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund, check out the analysis by DeSmog's Graham Readfearnexploring the dark money ATM in further detail.

  • SongStar101

    Lord Janner faces prosecution over alleged child sex abuse

    Lord Janner will stand trial over alleged historical child sex abuses, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has announced.

    The decision overturns a previous ruling which saw the 89-year-old peer exempt from criminal proceedings due to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

    In a statement, the CPS confirmed the Director of Public Prosecutions (DDP) Alison Saunders would pursue “criminal proceedings against Greville Janner for child sex offences.”

    The decision to reverse Janner’s immunity came through the “recently introduced” Victim’s Right to Review scheme “which allows victims to have their cases looked at again, no matter who in the CPS made the original decision not to prosecute.”

    READ MORE: Janner ‘violated, raped & tortured’ children on West...

    Janner is expected to stand trial on August 7 at Westminster Magistrate’s Court.

  • Andrey Eroshin

    strange object

  • casey a

    Tony Blair's wife repeatedly pressured Hillary Clinton to meet a leading Qatari royal when Clinton was US secretary of state, according to newly released emails that raise fresh questions about the lobbying activities of all three political families.

    Clinton’s bid for the Democratic presidential nomination has prompted close scrutiny of the Gulf state’s donations to the Clinton Foundation, which was set up as a philanthropic venture after her husband left the White House.

    Clinton has denied that such foreign donations had any bearing on her work as secretary of state, but the foundation has been accused of violating an agreement with the Obama administration to stop taking overseas money while she was in office to avoid any perception of undue influence.

    The Blair family’s fundraising activities have also led to close scrutiny of their finances since leaving Downing Street, but they too stress that much of their work is philanthropic in nature.