Council of Worlds at WAR re Announcement Delays

Note the location of “Planet 9” and the inbound path for Nibiru provided by the Zetas in 1997. Nibiru arrived, right on schedule in 2003, and right where predicted a full 7 years earlier. Where the Zetas provided the location of the gravity draw represented by the Sun’s dark unlit binary and the inbound Nibiru in 1983, when the IRAS team lofted its infra-red balloon in search of the inbound Nibiru, this location was not provided to the public. All articles in print at that time only referring to the location as the “western edge of the constellation Orion”, quite vague, and the “western edge” is vast. Yet the Zetas pinpointed the location as being just outside the lower bow of Orion. Such is the accuracy of ZetaTalk. How would the public eventually become “aware of the history and accuracy of ZetaTalk predictions” as predicted by the Zetas on April 16, 2016? ? It would seem this is already in process.

SOZT March 19, 2016

So what happened to the announcement? Obama lacked the courage. As a result of this colossal failure,  having to disband the Jade Helm structure, the US military reacted. Obama is no longer running the country. Chief of Staff General Dunford is. Ben Fulford has for months been referring to Obama as the US “spokesperson”. Is this true, and how does this work? In that the Middle East, under the direction and press from Israel, Turkey, the Jewish bankers of the Federal Reserve, and the Saudis were supporting ISIS and this threatened to create a force that would not only invade Europe but also create an endless terrorism threat to the US, the military did indeed effect a silent coup. Russia needed to enter the fray, and Dunford, but not Obama, agreed. This will never be admitted, publicly, nor do the parties want this.

SOZT October 1, 2015
The three major social media outlets in use around the globe all had significant, and simultaneous outages between September 20-24, 2015. Skype had complaints from the UK, Australia, and Japan. Twitter received reports from the US, Australia, and Singapore. FaceBook had the loudest howls, primarily from the US and Europe. Notably these downtimes, some lasting for hours or even days, got no attention in the major media, and there was no real explanation for the outages.  Every Skype user has an account and a password, as do their contacts. Every Skype user can broadcast messages to their contacts, even if these contacts are not presently online. Every twitter use likewise has an account and a password, and by sending a tweet passes information along to subscribers, who can retweet the info in the future. FaceBook users likewise have an account and a password, with many friends who pick up info from each other and pass it along on their FaceBook accounts.  In all of this, the networks themselves are AWARE of the accounts and passwords, and could do a broadcast to all in the event of an announcement. Check your user agreements. This is legal!

SOZT April 25, 2015
When we announced that the Council of Worlds would be going to war with the elite over their blockage of the announcement, the tools available to the Council were not immediately apparent. Early in the campaign the Sony hack showed one such mechanism, whereby an anonymous hacker revealed embarrassing information about Sony executives. Similarly exposing pedophile activities by Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and blatant lies by self-promoting media talking heads such as Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly required nothing more than encouraging contactees to step forward.  In many, many cases a financial loss sufficient to trigger a clash among the elite is a result of an electronic delay during trades. 

SOZT July 4, 2015
What is the message here? As with other failed launches, this most recent failure is a definitive message from the Council of Worlds. Space X has had success in resupplying the ISS, though has flounded on landing on a floating ocean platform.  Resupply of the ISS is OK, reuse of their launch equipment so as to help the elite escape, not OK. The message now is that the elite should not expect to get into space at all. No escape. The message here is to take all hope away from such plans among the elite. They are to remain on Earth with the common man. We expect the battle to shift from attempts to block the announcement, or deny its meaning, to attempts to enslave the common man in some way. That is another fight, on another day.

SOZT November 1, 2014
The elite – the wealthy and politically powerful in the world – have continued in their attempts to thwart the announcement by Obama and his partners admitting that Nibiru, aka Planet X exists. We have long stated that the announcement date was set by Obama and Xi at their June 7-8, 2013 meeting in Santa Monica. The flustered slip given by the French Foreign Minister on May 13, 2014 re “500 days
until climate chaos” was in reference to this, as the date set was to be 500 days from the 2013 meeting, ie October 20, 2014.

SOZT November 8, 2014
Relying solely on Russia or China to proceed would get the truth out BUT since the block had always been on the US end, via Reagan’s national security directive, without a confirmation from Obama this is awkward and subject to being countered. If true, where is the confirmation from Obama? It would be packaged as some odd communist attack against Obama going into the elections, to make him seem weak, almost comical. So where is this going now? For us to comment would be to empower the enemy, which of course we will not do. Your curiosity is not as important as having the announcement succeed.

SOZT December 10, 2014
We have stated that the public will see only the flash and parry of swords from a distance during the Council of Worlds war with the cover-up crowd. Meanwhile, periodic tests of the Emergency Broadcast System in the US are done, to see if the channels are open. As of this writing, they are not yet open. The war is still on, full press. Meanwhile, during the flash and parry of swords, one can see resistance, pleading, panic, and capitulation.

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  • SongStar101

    The Progress (Russian: Прогресс) is a Russian expendable cargo spacecraft. Its purpose is to deliver supplies needed to sustain human presence in orbit. While it does not carry a crew it can be boarded by astronauts when docked with a space station, hence it being classified as manned by its manufacturer.[1][2][3] Progress is derived from the manned Soyuz spacecraft and launches on the same vehicle, a Soyuz rocket.


    Russia restarts spacecraft after embarrassing failures

    Moscow (AFP) - Russia on Monday managed on a second attempt to restart the engines of a Progress spacecraft attached to the International Space Station (ISS) and shift the station's orbit.

    The success of the manoeuvre is a much-needed scrap of good news for Russia's beleaguered space programme after a spate of high-profile malfunctions that saw a spacecraft fail to dock with the ISS, astronauts stranded temporarily in space and the loss of a Mexican satellite.

    "The engines of the Progress-M26M cargo transport craft were switched on at 0330 (0030 GMT) and worked for 1922 seconds," space agency Roscosmos said in a statement.

    "As a result of the completion of the manoeuvre the altitude of the station's orbit was increased by 2.8 kilometres."

    A first attempt to turn on the Progress engines early Saturday failed.

    The ISS is now at the right altitude for three of its crew members to return to Earth. Their journey home had already been delayed by the failure of an earlier rocket launch.

    Roscosmos has been plunged into crisis by a series of embarrassing failures, drawing fury from politicians and prompting Moscow to launch an inquiry into the space industry after firing its previous head last year.

    On Saturday morning, hours after the failed first attempt to right the ISS, Russia also lost a Mexican telecommunications satellite in a failed launch of the Proton-M carrier rocket from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

    - New inquiry launched -

    Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev launched an inquiry after the satellite incident, demanding answers from the head of the space agency, Igor Komarov, and suggesting heads could roll.

    "This accident is the consequence of a systematic crisis in the (space) industry," Dmitry Rogozin, the deputy prime minister in charge of the aerospace sector, said in a statement.

    Speaking to Rogozin on Monday, Medvedev said that all responsible parties "must understand that they have to have not only personal but material responsibility" for launch failures.

    "Besides financial losses there are reputational hazards," he added.

    A source in Russia's space sector told the state-run TASS news agency that it would take at least two weeks to determine the cause of the failure.

    Last week's setbacks came less than a month after an unmanned Progress spacecraft meant to supply the ISS lost contact with Earth, shortly after take-off on April 28, before disintegrating on re-entry less than two weeks later.

    "For 20 years, the sector has not been funded and the staff not trained," MP Valery Gartung, who heads the commission for the space industry in Russia's parliament, was quoted as saying by the Russian news agency RIA Novosti.

    Monday's successful operation by the Progress M-26M spacecraft means three people on the ISS -- Russian cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov, American astronaut Terry Virts and Italian Samantha Cristoforetti -- will be able to return to Earth within weeks.

    Their return has already been delayed by a month after the failure of the April mission.

    A commission is currently investigating the cause of the incident.

    The new ISS team, which was initially scheduled to take off on May 26 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, is now due to join the station at the end of July.

    The exact date for the next launch to the ISS will be announced after the commission comes out with its finding on May 22.

    Since the mothballing of the US Space Shuttle programme in 2011, Moscow is the only country that still has the capability to send astronauts into space, launching them from Baikonur in Kazakhstan.

  • Stanislav

    Media reported about a possible flight to the ISS Russian billionaire instead of Sarah Brightman

    Filaret Galchev (center)

    Russian billionaire, owner of the company "Eurocement Group" Filaret Galchev may become a space tourist to the ISS and will go instead of British singer Sarah Brightman. Write about it "Izvestiya".

    According to the publication, with reference to a source close to the businessman, Galchev expressed interest in flight as soon as the media reported that Sarah Brightman has refused to fly to the International Space Station. "Basically, he is willing to spend about $ 50 million on such a journey," - said the source, adding that the businessman had already passed the necessary medical tests.

    Russian Space Agency spokesman Igor Bourenkov also confirmed to the newspaper that the Russian Federal Space Agency really appealed "Russian businessman with a request to consider the possibility of sending it to the ISS."

    "Of course, this is a great moment, and if all goes, it will be the first tourist flight with our compatriot. I note that while we talk about the specific timing of the possible flight prematurely negotiations ", - said Bourenkov.

    The press service of the company "Eurocement Group" to comment in this regard refused.

    British singer Sarah Brightman was to fly into space in the autumn of 2015. It was expected that she will arrive at the ISS on board the "Soyuz TMA-18M" and hold on the orbit of 10 days. The main part of the crew, except her, entered Russian Sergey Volkov and European Space Agency astronaut Andreas Mogenzen. Understudy singer is a citizen of Japan, Satoshi Takamatsu.

    May 14 spokesman Chris Goodman Brightman said that Brightman is going to return the money for the failed mission. He also said that the singer spent $ 52 million.

    Filaret Galchev in 2015 took 23rd place in the ranking of 200 richest Russian businessmen according to Forbes. His fortune is estimated at about $ 4.4 billion.


  • casey a

    Facebook is attempting to become the gatekeeper of the internet for the developing world, through its service.

    The service is a partnership between Facebook and local Internet providers from the developing world. Facebook provides a low bandwidth version of sites & services it approves for free. It is being marketed as free internet. But in reality it is Facebook's version of the internet.

    They plan to roll this app to 100 countries by next year.

    But they are getting push back...

    All the Reasons People Are So Pissed About Facebook’s Is Not Neutral, Not Secure, and Not the Internet

    India tech firms flee from Facebook's 'freebie access'

    Facebook also bought WhatsApp for $22 billion last year --biggest deal in tech industry. For virtually free, it allows ppl to text anyone. And they claim to service 800 million active smartphone users.

  • casey a

    Netanyahu's Middle Finger Answer To The Two-State Solution

  • Nancy Lieder

    Big Banks Plead Guilty To Market Manipulation, Will Pay $5.8 Billion

    Barclays, Citigroup, J.P. Morgan and the Royal Bank of Scotland admitted to illegally distorting foreign exchange markets. The banks formed what they called "The Cartel" and aimed to set a key currency marker, known as "the fix," at mutually beneficial values. The Justice Department said it was charging the banks' parent companies because the wrongdoing was pervasive, and that the banks' punishment was "fitting considering the long-running and egregious nature of their anticompetitive conduct." To put the fines in context, in 2014, Barclay's net income was $3.5 billion, Citigroup's was $7.3 billion, J.P. Morgan's was $21.8 billion and RBS' was $3.9 billion. The five banks will pay a further $1.6 billion in fines to the Federal Reserve.

  • casey a

    Reddit CEO Ellen Pao: "It's not our site's goal to be a completely free-speech platform"

  • casey a

    Why the CIA destroyed it's interrogation tapes: “I was told, if those videotapes had ever been seen, the reaction around the world would not have been survivable”

    ‘CIA put positive spin on torture for the movie Zero Dark Thirty’

  • Ryan X

  • casey a

    Media blackout on CIA drug trafficking accusation in Chile

    According to the information given by former inspector of the Investigations Police the funds collected from the selling of drugs would have been used in order to finance international undercover operations of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) of the United States, bypassing the need for an authorization from the U.S. Congress.

    Prominent among those operations would have been the destabilization of the democratic governments of Ecuador and Venezuela. In spite of receiving the respective information on these actions, then Interior Minister and then Defense Minister--Hinzpeter Kirberg--took no measures regarding the involved. At the same time, the case was blatantly ignored by the Chilean press.

    As a conclusion of a lengthy investigative work in the area, Mery Bell concluded that "Chile is the strategic and military base of the CIA for Latin America", ever since the former socialist president Salvador Allende (1970-1973) was overthrown.

    These accusations are of a drug trafficking network with the involvement of high ranking officials of the former government of Sebastian Piñera (2010-2014).

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Evany José Metzker dead: Decapitated body of Brazilian journalist and blogger investigating child prostitution ring found

    Evany José Metzker is said to have been investigating a child prostitution ring

    The decapitated body of a missing blogger who was investigating a child prostitution ring has been found by police in Brazil.

    Evany José Metzker's body was found outside the town of Padre Paraíso, in the northeast of Brazil's southeastern Minas Gerais state.

    According to local media reports he had been stripped half-naked and his hands tied behind his back. His head was found 100 metres from his body.

    Metzger, who maintained a blog named 'Coruja do Vale' (The Owl of the Valley), was reportedly investigating a child prostitution ring operating in the area.

    Media rights groups, including Reporters Without Borders as well as the Minas Gerais Union of Professional Journalists, called on the Brazilian authorities to mount a "thorough" investigation into Metzker's murder.

    Metzger had travelled to Padre Paraíso three months earlier. His body was found on Monday. He had been missing for several days.

    Metzger's wife, Hilma Chaves Silva Borges, was quoted by The Committee to Protect Journalists as saying that Metzker wasworking in a dangerous part of the country.

    "There are lots of murders here. I think that the motive, given the barbarity of his murder, was because he hit on something," she was quoted as saying.

    Brazil is the third most dangerous country for journalists in Latin America, after Mexico and Colombia, according to Reporters Without Borders.

    In his blog Metzger often reported on corrupt officials and politicians.

  • SongStar101

    Bush Administration Gave 'False Presentation' Of The True Intelligence, Briefer Charges

    WASHINGTON -- Republican presidential candidates have been arguing over the past week that, in hindsight, President George W. Bush made the best decision he could have based on faulty intelligence when he launched the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

    In this telling of history, Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney are cast as victims, and therefore blameless for the carnage and chaos that has resulted. But the man who briefed Bush and Cheney in the run-up to the war, former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell, punctured that story Tuesday evening during an interview with MSNBC's Chris Matthews.

    It wasn't that the intelligence community was giving the administration wholesale faulty intelligence. It was that the administration was lying to the American people about what the intelligence actually showed.

    In two key areas, Morell said, Cheney gave out false information, both on the connection between Saddam Hussein's regime and al Qaeda, and on Iraq's pursuit of nuclear weapons. Remove those two charges, and there is little way to justify an invasion to the public -- even if one assumed, incorrectly, that Hussein was in possession of chemical or biological weapons. With no missile system to deliver such weapons to the U.S., and no connection to al Qaeda, the mere presence of such weapons -- some of which the U.S. had delivered to Iraq years earlier -- would hardly warrant war. Indeed, Syria's Bashar Assad, sitting just next door to Iraq, was in possession of chemical weapons and wasn't invaded.

    Matthews played a clip of Cheney saying on NBC's "Meet the Press" in March 2003: “We know [Saddam Hussein] has been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons. And we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons.”

    Here is Matthews' conversation with Morell that followed:

    MATTHEWS: You’re the briefer for the president on intelligence. You’re the top person to go in and tell him what’s going on. You see Cheney make this charge he’s got a nuclear bomb and then they make subsequent charges he’s knew how to deliver it … and nobody raised their hand and said, "No that’s not what we told him."

    MORELL: Chris, Chris Chris, what’s my job, right? My job --

    MATTHEWS: To tell the truth.

    MORELL: My job -- no, as the briefer? As the briefer?

    MATTHEWS: OK, go ahead.

    MORELL: As the briefer, my job is to carry CIA’s best information and best analysis to the president of the United States and make sure he understands it. My job is to not watch what they’re saying on TV and say --

    MATTHEWS: You think TV’s a joke?

    MORELL: What?

    MATTHEWS: You think it’s a joke that Cheney said that?

    MORELL: That’s not my job. That’s not my job.

    MATTHEWS: Did you know he did that?

    MORELL: No, I wasn’t paying attention, I was studying what was on my desk every morning.

    MATTHEWS: So you’re briefing the president on the reasons for war, they’re selling the war, using your stuff, saying you made that case when you didn’t. So they’re using your credibility to make the case for war dishonestly, as you just admitted.

    MORELL: Look, I’m just telling you --

    MATTHEWS: You just admitted it.

    MORELL: I’m just telling you what we said --

    MATTHEWS: They gave a false presentation of what you said to them.

    MORELL: On some aspects. On some aspects.

    MATTHEWS: He had a nuclear weapon!

    MORELL: I’m telling you what we said.

    MATTHEWS: That’s a big deal.

    MORELL: Chris, I’m telling you what we said.

    MATTHEWS: Do you agree? It’s a big deal that they claimed they had a weapon when you knew they didn’t.

    MORELL: It’s a big deal. It’s a big deal.

    Matthews later quizzed Morell on the Bush administration's implication that Iraq was connected to al Qaeda:

    MORELL: What they were saying about the link between Iraq and al Qaeda publicly was not what the intelligence community --

    MATTHEWS: Why were they doing it?

    MORELL: I don’t know, you need to ask them.

    MATTHEWS: But what do you think is the reason, do I have to tell you the reason? To get us into the freaking war!

    MORELL: I think they were trying to make a stronger case for the war.

  • Yvonne Lawson

    Yemeni group hacks 3,000 Saudi govt computers to reveal top secret docs – report

    Yemeni hackers have allegedly released thousands of top secret Saudi Arabia documents, including spies' identities, after gaining “full control” of over 3,000 computers and servers belonging to Riyadh's Foreign, Interior and Defense Ministries.

    The Yemen Cyber Army group claims it not only has the addresses, phone numbers and emails of top Saudi diplomats, Foreign Ministry staff, secret agents and army personnel, but also got hold of classified files and correspondence of senior Riyadh officials with other countries and governments since early 1980s.

    "We have gained access to the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) network and have full control over more than 3,000 computers and servers, and thousands of users. We also have access to the emails, personal and secret information of hundreds of thousands of their staff and diplomats in different missions around the world," the hackers informed in a statement cited by the Iranian semi-official Fars news agency.

    "We publish only few portions of the vital information we have, just to let them know that 'truly the flimsiest of houses is the spider’s house'," the hackers' statement alleged.

    The Yemen Cyber Army has pledged that "portions of the visa secret information, thousands of documents from the Saudi Foreign Ministry automation system and secret emails will be published gradually so as to keep Saudi puppets always in fear of their identity disclosure.

    "We have the same access to the Interior Ministry (MOI) and Defense Ministry (MOD) of which the details will be published in near future" the hacking group added.

    Read more:   

  • Stanislav

    The Russian Space Agency revealed violations at $ 1.8 billion

    Accounts Chamber of Russia during the audit of budget implementation for the Russian Space Agency in 2014 revealed financial violations by 92 billion rubles (1.8 billion dollars).
    The head of the Accounting Chamber Tatyana Golikova said that we are talking about violations of budget reporting, as well as misuse of funds allocated for the construction of facilities.
    "At first I did not believe their inspectors, because the volume of financial irregularities that have been identified, it is 92 billion rubles," - she said, noting that over the years the number of violations has increased dramatically.
    According Golikova, check Roscosmos will continue.
    On Friday, it was also reported that the commission investigating the causes of the accident space truck "Progress M-27M", which occurred in late April, postponed the announcement of the results.
    Recently, there have been just three major emergency in the Russian space industry: failure ended launches of carrier rockets "Soyuz-2.1a" with the cargo ship "Progress M-27M" and "Proton-M" with the Mexican satellite MexSat-1.
    Vice Prime Minister of Russia, Dmitry Rogozin, said that the accident is the result of a systemic crisis in the space sector, and the Russian Space Agency, according to him, needed reforms.
    During his speech before the State Duma deputies Rogozin said that in the process of reorganization of the Russian Space Agency on employees Khrunichev center was opened eight criminal cases for embezzlement of budget funds and forgery.


  • casey a

    UK Home Secretary to reveal plans requiring broadcasting regulator to pre-approve content for television, leaked memo reveals

    Under the guise of preventing extremism, Cameron's government wants to give British cable regulator, Ofcom, the power to censor TV programming.

  • casey a

    France makes it illegal for supermarkets to destroy edible food in effort to cut waste.The country’s National Assembly unanimously voted in new laws on Thursday night that will force chains to donate discarded food to charity or allow it to be turned into animal feed, compost or energy.

  • Ryan X

    Bank Of England Accidentally E-mails Top-Secret Brexit Plan To News...  

    not sure what this means but posting as it seems a bit odd.  

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    House Republicans vote to restrict National Science Foundation climate change research

    by Charley Cameron, 05/22/15

    Last month, the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology voted along party lines to cut funding allocations that enable NASA to study changing climate patterns through their Earth Science program. This week, House Republicans voted 217 to 205 to take a second swipe at the government-funded study of global warming, this time by seeking to impose regulations on how the National Science Foundation utilizes its money, via the pending

    Since it was created by an act of Congress in 1950, the National Science Foundation has served as an independent federal organization that receives taxpayer dollars and grants “to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense [of the United States].” The foundation typically determines which areas of research would make the best use of those funds through a merit review process.

    Related: House Republicans seeks to slash funding for NASA’s study ...

    The NSF has a huge number of areas of research, which includes climate change—through their geosciences program—as well as clean energy technology. Lamar Smith, the chair of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, is a Republican representing Texas‘ 21st District. Smith thinks that expenditures in these areas, as well as several others, are misplaced, claiming: “Unfortunately, NSF has funded a number of projects that do not meet the highest standards of scientific merits.” Prior to entering politics, Smith worked in business management and law.

    So while the NSF will get a slight overall funding increase ($7.6 billion for FY2016, over $7.3 in FY2015), the Republican party is gunning hard to prevent the independent NSF from allocating its resources according to their own merits. Under the America Competes Reauthorization Act, NSF funding in social, behavioral and economic sciences is cut by 55 percent from 2015, and the geosciences budget shrinks by eight percent to $1.2 billion, while clean energy research also takes a hit. In their place, the Republican party hopes to prioritize biology, computer science, engineering, mathematics and physical sciences.

    The bill must still be reconciled with a vote in the Senate, and Obama has threatened to veto the bill if it passes as is—but yet again Republicans in the House have set the stage for a partisan conflict, and interference, in areas where scientists and educators have previously been able to work relatively independently of politics.

    Exclusive: The CIA Is Shuttering a Secretive Climate Research Program

    Scientists used the Medea program to study how global warming could worsen conflict. Now that project has come to an end.

    | Thu May 21, 2015 2:44 PM EDT
    Polar bears approach the submarine USS Honolulu near the North Pole. 

    On Wednesday, when President Barack Obama spoke at the US Coast Guard Academy's commencement ceremony, he called climate change "an immediate risk to our national security." In recent months, the Obama administration has repeatedly highlighted the international threats posed by global warming and has emphasized the need for the country's national security agencies to study and confront the issue.

    So some national security experts were surprised to learn that an important component of that effort has been ended. A CIA spokesperson confirmed to Climate Desk that the agency is shuttering its main climate research program. Under the program, known as Medea, the CIA had allowed civilian scientists to access classified data—such as ocean temperature and tidal readings gathered by Navy submarines and topography data collected by spy satellites—in an effort to glean insights about how global warming could create security threats around the world. In theory, the program benefited both sides: Scientists could study environmental data that was much higher-resolution than they would normally have access to, and the CIA received research insights about climate-related threats.

    But now, the program has come to a close.

    "Under the Medea program to examine the implications of climate change, CIA participated in various projects," a CIA spokesperson explained in a statement. "These projects have been completed and CIA will employ these research results and engage external experts as it continues to evaluate the national security implications of climate change."

    "There's a growing gap between what we can currently get our hands on, and what we need to respond better," said security expert Marc Levy.

    The program was originally launched in 1992 during the George H.W. Bush administration and was later shut down during President George W. Bush's term. It was re-launched under the Obama administration in 2010, with the aim of providing security clearances to roughly 60 climate scientists. Those scientists were given access to classified information that could be useful for researching global warming and tracking environmental changes that could have national security implications. Data gathered by the military and intelligence agencies is often of much higher quality than what civilian scientists normally work with.

    In some cases, that data could then be declassified and published, although Francesco Femia, co-director of the Center for Climate and Security, said it is usually impossible to know whether any particular study includes data from Medea. "You wouldn't see [Medea] referenced anywhere" in a peer-reviewed paper, he said. But he pointed to the CIA's annual Worldwide Threat Assessment, which includes multiple references to climate change, as a probable Medea product, where the CIA likely partnered with civilian scientists to analyze classified data. 

    With the closure of the program, it remains unclear how much of this sort of data will remain off-limits to climate scientists. The CIA did not respond to questions about what is currently being done with the data that would have been available under the program.

    Marc Levy, a Columbia University political scientist, said he was surprised to learn that Medea had been shut down. "The climate problems are getting worse in a way that our data systems are not equipped to handle," said Levy, who was not a participant in the CIA program but has worked closely with the US intelligence community on climate issues since the 1990s. "There's a growing gap between what we can currently get our hands on, and what we need to respond better. So that's inconsistent with the idea that Medea has run out of useful things to do."

    The program had some notable successes. During the Clinton administration, Levy said, it gave researchers access to classified data on sea ice measurements taken by submarines, an invaluable resource for scientists studying climate change at the poles. And last fall, NASA released a trove of high-resolution satellite elevation maps that can be used to project the impacts of flooding. But Levy said the Defense Department possesses even higher-quality satellite maps that have not been released.

    Still, it's possible Medea had outlived its useful life, said Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, a 23-year veteran of the CIA who had first-hand knowledge of the program before leaving the agency in 2009. He said he was not surprised to see Medea close down.

    "In my judgment, the CIA is not the best lead agency for the issue; the agency's 'in-box' is already overflowing with today's threats and challenges," he said via email. "CIA has little strategic planning reserves, relatively speaking, and its overseas presence is heavily action-oriented."

    Sen. John Barrasso said the CIA "should be focused on monitoring terrorists in caves, not polar bears on icebergs."

    Over the past several years, climate change hasgained prominence among defense experts, many of whom see it as a "threat multiplier" that can exacerbate crises such as infectious disease and terrorism. Medea had been part of a larger network of climate-related initiatives across the national security community. Medea's closure notwithstanding, that network appears to be growing. Last fall, Obama issued an executive order calling on federal agencies to collaborate on developing and sharing climate data and making it accessible to the public.

    But the CIA's work on climate change has drawn heavy fire from a group of congressional Republicans led by Sen. John Barrasso (Wyo.). Barrasso said last yearthat he believes that "the climate is constantly changing" and that "the role human activity plays is not known." He recently authored an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal in which he listed the conflicts in Iraq, Syria, and elsewhere as "greater challenges" than climate change. (The Syrian civil war, however, was likely worsened by climate change.)

    Around the time Medea was re-instated by the Obama administration, the CIA formed a new office to oversee climate efforts called the Center for Climate Change. At the time, Barrasso said the spy agency "should be focused on monitoring terrorists in caves, not polar bears on icebergs." That office was closed in 2012 (the agency wouldn't say why), leaving Medea as the CIA's main climate research program.

    So does the conclusion of Medea signal that the CIA is throwing in the towel on climate altogether? Unlikely, according to Femia. At this point, he said, US security agencies, including the CIA, are still sorting out what resources they can best offer in the effort to adapt to climate change. Regardless of whether the CIA is facilitating civilian research, he said, "continuing to integrate climate change information into its assessments of both unstable and stable regions of the world will be critical."

    "Otherwise," added Femia, "we will have a blind spot that prevents us from adequately protecting the United States."

  • Andrey Eroshin

    Another Hong Kong stock disaster as Goldin loses $25 billion

  • casey a

    Tory officials threatened BBC during election, says Miliband's strategist

    Conservative officials threatened the BBC with far-reaching reforms, such as changes to the licence fee funding system, if it did not alter the political balance of its coverage of the general election campaign, Tom Baldwin, one of Ed Miliband’s senior advisers, has claimed.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Remaining JFK Records Could Prove Controversial to Nation's Spy Agencies

    Monday, 25 May 2015 10:14 AM

    The remaining records concerning the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy are to be made public by October 2017, by law, but the release of those records is not guaranteed and may not happen if agencies such as the CIA and FBI appeal to the then-sitting president.

    "We have sent letters to agencies letting them know we have records here that were withheld," Martha Murphy, head of the National Archives' Special Access Branch, told Politico. While no agencies have requested a waiver quite yet, some have "gotten back to ask for clarification" while seeking more information.

    The JFK Records Act of 1992 mandated that the files be made public in 25 years, while allowing agencies to make an appeal, and some scholars, JFK conspiracy theorists, and researchers believe the records never will surface if the appeals are made. 
    The records are said to include details about the inner workings of the CIA's foreign assassination team, as well as the role of late CIA officer David Atlee Phillips, who was accused of committing perjury when asked about his agency's ties with Oswald by the House Select Committee on Assassinations and late in life blamed the death of JFK on "rogue" CIA officers.

    Murphy said the National Archives wants to do all it can to make the records open and available to the public "and that is my only goal. there are limits to my powers and the president of the United States has the right to say something needs to be held for longer."

    There are many questions still disputed, including whether assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, who defected to Russia in 1959, acted alone, as the Warren Commission ruled, and if U.S. officials knew about the plot
    The documents will "provide a beautiful snapshot of Cold War America and the intelligence community," said Murphy, who has reviewed some of the secret paperwork.

    Most of the documents have been made made public, but 3,600 have been "withheld in full" primarily because of information that was considered security classified. Murphy said there is also personal privacy, tax, and grand jury information and because some of the documents reveal "the identity of an unclassified confidential source."

    The largest share of the unreleased documents include 1,100 involving the CIA, with the second-largest part involving the FBI, Murphy said. The other documents include Warren Commission documents and information from the House Committee on Assassinations, which investigated the JFK killing during the 1970s and ruled it was part of a conspiracy.
    Some the documents though, involved controversial figures, including E. Howard Hunt, who ran the group that broke into the Watergate Hotel in 1972 and who led the CIA's botched Bay of Pigs invasion 10 years earlier. Hunt claimed, just before his death in 2007, that he knew of a plot by CIA affiliates to murder Kennedy.

    The archivists are also researching some 606 pages about Phillips, who, along with Unt played a role in activities against Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro.

    But researchers don't see records being released on Phillips.

    "It may have nothing to do with JFK but about other assassinations," said Kennedy researcher and founder of, who has sued the CIA for more information. "They still don't want to open that window and let everyone look in. I expect the worst."

    The withheld files also include 2,224 pages about the CIA's investigation of Soviet KGB officer Yuri Nosenko, who defected to the United States after the JFK assassination and said he saw KGB files on Oswald.

    The paperwork also includes depositions made before the Church Committee, including testimony on plots to assassinate Castro.

    "The principal question we were trying to pursue was who ordered the assassination of Castro and five other leaders around the world — was it the president or the attorney general?" Former Sen. Gary Hart, a member of the Church Committee.

    The records being processed by the National Archives include files that were "heavily redacted" while being released over the years, said Murphy, including the CIA's history of its Mexico City station, which Hunt opened in 1950.
    CIA spokesman Dean Boyd said the agency is working with the National Archives, but would not comment on circumstances that would lead the CIA to seek a waiver. 

    Murphy said she is hesitant to say the documents won't reveal new information about the assassination itself, but still, she wants the agencies that are being consulted to decide what they want. 

    "We want this to go as smoothly as possible," she said. "We don't want them to wait until the last minute. It is our interest to know the status of the records as soon as possible because we are going to begin scanning them."

  • casey a

    Charter Nears Deal to Buy Time Warner Cable for $55.1 Billion

    Charter will pay about $195 a share -- 14 percent above Time Warner Cable’s closing price on May 22. Bright House Networks, a smaller cable company that Charter is trying to buy, will also be merged into the combined entity, they said. Charter, the fourth-biggest U.S. cable company, is making its second move on No. 2 Time Warner Cable.

    John Malone locked in battle with Drahi's Altice for Time Warner Cable


    David Cameron warned he faces backbench rebellion over plans to scrap Human Rights Act - He will face ministerial resignations and a large backbench rebellion if he pushes ahead with plans to dilute Britain’s obligations under the Convention on Human Rights, senior Conservatives have warned.

  • casey a

    (John Malone's) Discovery stock down 24% but CEO's pay up to $156 million

    And the recent Josh Duggar child abuse scandal is another headache for the company, which owns the TLC network that airs the Duggar family's "19 Kids and Counting" reality show.


    Child sex abuse probe: Survivor claims police 'stood guard' while politician assaulted her

    The woman believes that among the people who assaulted her were a politician, a Lord and a judge

  • Ryan X

    @casey a 

    RE: Discovery Stock down.  You know what is disgusting? read many of the comments for the discovery article.  Many justifying it, explaining why it's a good thing etc... basically apologists for this kind of corporate greed.  


  • casey a

    Israel asking U.S. for 50% increase in next defense assistance package

    The previous package, negotiated by the George W. Bush and Ehud Olmert governments in 2007, averaged $3 billion of assistance each year, for a total of $30 billion, from 2007-2017.

    The government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants that to increase to $42-45 billion over the 2018-2028 period, Defense News reported, adding that President Barack Obama during his March 2013 visit to Israel “endorsed in principle” that range.

    Defense News quotes “U.S. and Israeli experts” as saying that the amount would be separate from any package the United States offered Israel as compensation for the Iran nuclear deal now being negotiated between Iran and the major powers.

    Like the defense assistance package currently in place, it is also separate from the $1.2 billion in materiel the United States stores in Israel and which under certain conditions is available for Israeli use, and from the approximately $500 million in U.S. funds provided to Israeli anti-missile development each year.

  • Stanislav

    Announcement is very close


    U.S. says no extension for Iran nuclear talks: State Department

    The United States will not consider an extension to reach an agreement on curbing Iran's nuclear program, the State Department said on Wednesday, despite indications from France and Iran that talks may stretch into July.

    "We're not contemplating any extension beyond June 30," State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke said at a news briefing.

    Rathke said the United States believes the world powers working with Tehran can achieve their goal of reaching an agreement by the self-imposed deadline.

    Secretary of State John Kerry plans to travel to Geneva for a May 30 meeting with Iranian counterpart Javad Zarif in another round of talks weeks before the deadline.

    As talks resumed in Vienna on Wednesday to bridge gaps in negotiating positions, Iran's state TV quoted senior nuclear negotiator Abbas Araqchi as saying the deadline could be extended, echoing comments by France's ambassador to the United States, Gerard Araud.

    Kerry plans to travel to Nigeria on May 29 for the inauguration of that country's new president before flying to Geneva, Rathke said.

    The trip also will include stops in Madrid and Paris, the State Department said

  • casey a

    Comcast, investor in Vox Media and Recode, could end up buying them both

    (Comcast trying to get "real estate" in online media)

    Vox Media has raised about $110 million over the last six years. Comcast Ventures invested in 2009 and 2012, helping fund Vox Media’s expansion from a network of popular sports blogs called SB Nation to launch The Verge (tech), Polygon (gaming), and Vox (news), and acquire Eater (food), Curbed (real estate), and Racked (fashion). Collectively, the sites claim an audience of more than 150 million readers a month...

    Any deal between the two companies would be a little ironic because some of Vox Media’s websites have been harsh critics of Comcast. The Verge called Comcast “the worst company in America” and launched a critical investigative series. Nilay Patel, the site’s editor-in-chief, has likened Comcast CEO Brian Roberts to a modern-day robber baron.

  • SongStar101

    Quartet Mideast envoy Tony Blair resigns

    JERUSALEM (AP) — Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Wednesday stepped down as the international community's Mideast envoy, leaving a post that began with great promise but which struggled to deliver dramatic changes in its quest to promote peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

    The departure reflected the dire state of Mideast peace efforts, which have been stalled for years and show no signs of resuming following the formation of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's new government. A top Palestinian official said he was "happy" Blair was leaving, accusing him of ineffectiveness and caving in to Israeli pressure.

    Officials familiar with the work of the Quartet in the region said Blair had written a letter to United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon to confirm his resignation. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity pending a formal announcement, which came later Wednesday once the letter was received and thanked Blair for his service.

    The Quartet — which includes the U.S., the European Union, Russia and the United Nations — appointed Blair to the post in 2007 with the goal of helping develop the Palestinian economy and institutions. The mission was meant to prepare the groundwork for the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel as part of a peace agreement, and the addition of the high-profile Blair gave the office star power and raised hopes for progress.

    But Blair quickly found himself fighting small battles with Israel over the movement of Palestinian goods and people in the West Bank, and dealing with the difficulties of a Gaza Strip ruled by the Hamas militant group and blockaded by Israel and Egypt. Hamas, which is shunned as a terrorist group by the U.S. and EU, seized control of Gaza from the rival government of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas shortly before Blair took office.

    When Blair first took office, then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Abbas were conducting a round of peace talks that both sides have said made significant progress. But those talks ultimately failed, and since Netanyahu's election in 2009, repeated attempts at reviving talks have flopped. Netanyahu's new government is dominated by parliamentary hard-liners who oppose Palestinian independence, leaving the goal of a two-state solution as elusive as ever.

  • casey a

    FCC's Wheeler to propose subsidized Internet access
    'Draw Muhammad' contest planned in Phoenix

  • casey a

    Has the FIFA corruption crisis saved Israel from vote to expel it from world football?

    One consequence of the US order to the Swiss police, on 27 May 2015, that it arrest and extradite seven FIFA officials for alleged corruption, could be that a vote to kick Israel out of world football for its racism towards Palestinians will now not take place. The vote was due to be held by the FIFA annual congress on 29 May and expected to win majority support among the delegates.

  • casey a

    We Are 'One Nation', Says Woman On Gold Throne Wearing Diamond-Encrusted Crown As She Announces Further Austerity Measures

    A woman has unveiled the government's 'one nation' policies while sitting on a gold throne and wearing a crown encrusted with over 2,800 diamonds.

    The woman - who is worth £340 million - announced measures which include freezing benefits, clamping down on strike action, seizing migrants' wages and removing automatic housing support for young people.

    "My government will adopt a one-nation approach," she said. "And one is totally behind any approach that protects one."

    She then left Parliament and returned to her £1 billion house. Her crown left shortly afterwards in its own horse-drawn carriage.

    (This is the same person that tried to use state poverty fund to heat Buckingham Palace)

  • casey a

    WikiLeaks Releases 500K U.S. Cables from 1978 on Iran, Sandinistas, Afghanistan, Israel & More

  • casey a

    Britain's Secret Terror Deals : 'Truly disturbing' BBC Panorama allegations of collusion must be fully investigated, says Amnesty International

    In the documentary Britain's Secret Terror Deals, to be screened on Thursday, investigative reporter Darragh MacIntyre investigates allegations that the UK colluded with paramilitary killers [in Northern Ireland] and covered up their crimes.

    Amnesty said the Panorama investigation follows numerous other credible allegations of widespread collusion between members of the UK security forces and paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland, and is calling for an overarching mechanism for dealing with all alleged human rights abuses during the Northern Ireland Troubles.

    Amnesty Northern Ireland Programme Director Patrick Corrigan said: "The breadth and depth of collusion being alleged here is truly disturbing.

    "Killing people targeted by the state, using intelligence provided by the state and shooting them with guns provided by the state - if all this is proven, we’re not talking about a security policy we’re talking about a murder policy.

  • casey a

    Investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill tweeted this (it is old news):

    "Another mystery: Why'd Zacharias Moussaoui (so-called 20th 9/11 hijacker) have 's number in his notebook?" link

    The context under which he posted this is when Tajikstan's special forces chief had appeared in a video claiming to have joined Islamic State forces in Syria. Khalimov said he had been trained by elite Russian "Spetsnaz" forces in Moscow and US special forces in America. link

    Scahill also tweeted links to documents showing Blackwater was conducting "SPECIALIZED TRAINING OF TAJIKISTAN POLICE OFFICERS". link


    You guys might have heard about 9/11 whistle blower - Sibel Edmonds.

    Here's a copy & paste from her wiki re: "Gladio B"

    Operation Gladio B is an FBI codename adopted in 1997 for ongoing relations between US intelligence, the Pentagon, and Al Qaeda. The name refers to the original Operation Gladio, in which US intelligence had relations with anti-communist groups in Europe.

    According to Edmonds, Gladio B identified, among other things, regular meetings between senior US intelligence and current leader of Al Qaeda Ayman al-Zawahiri at the U.S. embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan between 1997 and 2001, with al-Zawahiri and other mujahideen being transported by NATO aircraft to Central Asia and the Balkans to participate in Pentagon-backed destabilisation operations. She added that in 1997, NATO asked Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to release from prison Islamist militants affiliated to Ayman al-Zawahiri. They were flown by U.S. intelligence orders to Turkey for training and use in operations by the Pentagon.[32] Additionally, she reported that an Al-Qaeda leader had been training some of the 9-11 hijackers at a base in Turkey.[33] These and related allegations were seemingly confirmed by Sunday Times journalists in 2008 by speaking to Pentagon and MI6 sources.[34][35] However, according to several sources, the journalists were prevented from publishing many of these allegations when the second half of their four part series was dropped possibly due to pressure from the U.S. State Department.[2][36][37] She suggests that the objective of Gladio B is "projecting U.S. power in the former Soviet sphere of influence to access previously untapped strategic energy and mineral reserves for U.S. and European companies; pushing back Russian and Chinese power; and expanding the scope of lucrative criminal activities, particularly illegal arms and drugs trafficking." Former FBI special agent Dennis Saccher states Edmonds's story “should have been front page news” because it is “a scandal bigger than Watergate.”


    (Among the collusions listed above, she also claimed “I know for a fact that NATO planes routinely shipped heroin to Belgium, where they then made their way into Europe and to the UK. They also shipped heroin to distribution centres in Chicago and New Jersey. FBI counterintelligence and DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) operations had acquired evidence of this drug trafficking in its surveillance of a wide range of targets, including senior officials in the Pentagon, CIA and State Department. As part of this surveillance, the role of the Dickersons – with the support of these senior U.S. officials – in facilitating drug-trafficking, came up. It was clear from this evidence that the whole funnel of drugs, money and terror in Central Asia was directed by these officials.”)...

    “This is why”, Edmonds continued in her interview, “even though the FBI routinely monitored the communications of the diplomatic arms of all countries, only four countries were exempt from this protocol – the UK, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Belgium – the seat of NATO. No other country – not even allies like Israel or Saudi Arabia, were exempt. This is because these four countries were integral to the Pentagon’s so-called Gladio B operations.”

    [Why was a Sunday Times report on US government ties to al-Qaeda chief spiked?]


    And now, Images and video footage allegedly showing trucks belonging to Turkey's state intelligence service carrying weapons to rebels in Syria were published Friday in a Turkish daily.

  • casey a

    Former Speaker of U.S. House of Representatives Dennis Hastert, Indicted for Violating Federal Banking Laws

  • casey a

    New Charter Communication (Charter +TWC+Bright House) to have double Comcast's broadband footprint. Will have 23 million customers (close to Comcast's 27 mil)  (ironically the source is comcast-owned. lol)

    Although the acquisition of Time Warner will add more than 84,000 square miles of territory in 29 states to Charter's footprint, less than 1 percent of the service areas will overlap with existing Charter territory.

    Despite vast coverage areas—about 66,000 square miles—Charter alone only serves about 6.3 million broadband customers. That's because the areas the company serves tend to have lower population densities

  • SongStar101

    Looks like an open invitation for CoW to press toward the Announcement! Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson were stoked about this mission

    The establishment, which includes those in politics as well as the wealthy and corporate interests, would like to minimize rioting and panic, and thus would like to see the Zeta’s theories debunked by a notary such as Neil. Meanwhile, evidence of ZetaTalk accuracy will increasingly be at hand, at what will become a dizzying pace. Neil and Nancy will prevail with good humor, good advice to mankind on how to proceed, with a thorough airing of the alternative views. New ZetaTalk is likely to emerge during these debates. Nancy and ourselves are delighted with Obama’s choice, and looking forward to what will undoubtedly be an educational, explorative, and frankly fun filled debate on the issues!   

    Uh-oh! Bill Nye's solar spacecraft needs a reboot

    The experimental LightSail spacecraft has lost communication with Earth due to a software glitch. So far, attempts to initiate a reboot have been unsuccessful.

    Bill Nye and the Planetary Society's LightSail spacecraft, which rocketed to space on May 20 alongside the US Air Force's secretive ..., has fallen silent due to a software glitch. The experimental solar sail stopped sending data back to Earth on May 22.

    The LightSail project's engineers believe a vulnerability inside the spacecraft's Linux-based flight software halted its operations -- causing the craft's automated telemetry chirps to go silent over the Memorial Day weekend, according to a Planetary Society blog post. A reboot of the system is needed but attempts to initiate a reboot from the ground have thus far been unsuccessful -- leaving a manual reboot as the only option.

    This predicament was foreshadowed in a way by a promotional video for the LightSail project posted in early 2015. In the clip, Nye -- who is CEO of the nonprofit space advocacy group -- joked with engineer Barbara Plante that "there's nobody in outer space to push that reset button." Little did Nye know that they would actually need someone to press that button during the LightSail's test mission.

    The LightSail, which consists of a lightweight CubeSat satellite module and a large Mylar sail, is designed to test the feasibility of using the pressure of sunlight on large, sail-like panels to provide propulsion. The goal of this initial mission is to test the mechanism that will deploy the sail-like Mylar panels from the spacecraft as well as to evaluate control software, communications and power systems.

    All hope is not lost, however. There is a chance the LightSail could reboot on its own if charged particles in deep space hit an electronics component in just the right way. Such reboots are a common occurrence for spacecraft similar to LightSail, according to the Planetary Society, with most experiencing a reboot within the first three weeks.

    So, the LightSail may very well reboot and start sending data back to Earth. But for now, Nye and his team of engineers have to play the waiting game.

  • casey a

    looks like an another attempt to frame Putin?

    Putin opponent near death in suspected poisoning

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Dead, within 5 hours of each other.

    NYC banker jumps to his death from luxury apartment

    May 29 2015 10:40amEST

    and another:

     May 29 2015 3:41PM EST

  • Kris H

    Chinese army doing live ammo drill on Myanmar border June 2. Check out @XHNews's Tweet:
    China does not want migrants from Myanmar. Is this positioning for the announcement?
  • Kris H

    Increased military exercises in Russia starting 6/1 until November.
  • casey a

    Barring a sudden outbreak of good sense, the FCC and the Department of Justice will give John Malone’s $55bn bid for Time Warner Cable the green light.

  • casey a

    Federal regulators are weighing taking action against Comcast for allegedly violating 2011 agreements that enabled the cable giant to buy NBCUniversal.

    Alleged complaints being parsed by regulators include:

    •  Comcast tied linear programming negotiations with digital deals — forcing programmers to sell to Comcast digital rights to their content on the same or better terms than they sold it to other online video distributors — when they promised not to.
    •  Some minority-focused channels complained they were given carriage deals on Comcast systems but that they were not made widely available enough to support a real business.
    • NBCUniversal’s just-announced deal to use Comcast set-top box data to help it win advertising creates an uneven playing field.
    •  Comcast’s alleged comments that Hulu, which it co-owns, should not be sold by its other owners — 21st Century Fox and Disney — allegedly broke an agreement not to interfere with the running of the digital video service.
  • casey a

    Time Warner Cable CFO Arthur Minson Leaves to Join Startup

  • casey a

    Vodafone investors open to Liberty deal

    -Colorado-based & John Malone backed Liberty Global is the largest multinational cable operator, running cable and broadband systems across Europe and in South America

    -Vodafone is world's 2nd largest mobile operator

  • casey a

    Merrill Lynch Admits Using Inaccurate Data for Short Sale Orders, Agrees to $11 Million Settlement

  • casey a

    The British security service MI5 shielded and blackmailed child sex abusers involved in a paedophile ring at a notorious Belfast care home (Kincora), the High Court heard on Monday.

    It has long been suspected that well-known figures within the British establishment, including high-ranking civil servants and senior military officers, were involved [at Kincora] .

    The Government has so far refused to include Kincora within the scope of a child abuse inquiry established by Home Secretary Theresa May and headed by New Zealand judge Lowell Goddard.

    Despite the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee recommending Justice Goddard's remit be extended to cover the east Belfast home, Mrs May has said the HIA tribunal being overseen by Sir Anthony Hart is the best forum for examining the allegations.

  • casey a

    Facebook's rule that people use their "real names" on the social network came under fire again Monday when drag queens, Native Americans, domestic violence survivors and others protested outside the company's Menlo Park, Calif., headquarters, saying they are still being harmed by the policy.

  • casey a

    Comcast Users Report Widespread Outage In San Francisco Bay Area, Seattle

    A couple ppl on Reddit said it was a problem with Comcast's DNS servers & when they changed it everything was fine. Both internet & tv had outage.

    (Talked to someone knowledgeable. Apparently the Comcast datacenters would hold both the servers & tv broadcasting infrastructure. So if datacenter is down, both dns servers & cable tv would be down.)

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Tragic Charles Kennedy was found by secret lover: Body of former Lib Dem leader, 55, was found by the widow of his lifelong best friend who had helped him battle his drink problem

    • MP of 32 years was found dead by Carole MacDonald in Fort William home
    • She is the widow of Mr Kennedy's 'rock' Murdo MacDonald, who died at 49
    • Pair had since started their own relationship, kept out of the public eye
    • His family announced death 'with great sadness and shock' this morning
    • Source says Mr Kennedy collapsed and died but no sign of any suicide 
    • Wave of tributes from all sides to one of Britain's most 'gifted politicians' 
    • Mr Kennedy was 'heartbroken' to lose his seat in Ross, Skye and Lochaber
    • Lord Oakeshott says 'drink got him' and he was ill before and after election
    • 55-year-old battled alcoholism for years, which also cost him his marriage 

    Charles Kennedy was found dead at home by his new partner - the widow of the best friend who was his rock as he battled alcoholism, it was revealed today.

    The former Lib Dem leader was discovered by Carole MacDonald, the former wife of Murdo MacDonald, who passed away aged 49 in 2007.

    Despite keeping their relationship out of the public eye, close friends of the couple today confirmed that they were together - and that it was Mrs MacDonald who discovered him dead on Monday.

    In a Tweet posted this afternoon, Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair's former director of communications and a good friend of Mr Kennedy, said: '[I] can confirm Charles was found by good friend Carole Macdonald, widow of Charles' lifelong best friend Murdo.'

    The former Liberal Democrat leader was 'devastated' and 'heartbroken' after losing his seat on May 7 and the death of his father during the campaign.

    Friends were worried about him after his election defeat 25 days ago and Mrs MacDonald found him dead in his cottage in Fort William yesterday.

    University friend Mr MacDonald, who died of cancer in 2007, helped Mr Kennedy cope with his drink problem and was godfather to his ten-year-old son Donald.

    Sudden death: Former Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy has been found dead at home and friends have said he was devastated after losing his seat, pictured following his defeat on May 7. It is believed to be his last public appearance

    Sudden death: Former Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy has been found dead at home and friends have said he was devastated after losing his seat, pictured following his defeat on May 7. It is believed to be his last public appearance


    olice are not treating his death as suspicious and a source told MailOnline he may have collapsed and died after a night of drinking but there is no evidence to suggest it was suicide.

    The father-of-one lost his seat in his 'beloved' Ross, Skye and Lochaber constituency to the SNP and close friend Lord Oakeshott said today: 'It was drink that got him'. 

    The shock news prompted a wave of tributes from across the political divide as Prime Minister David Cameron hailed a 'talented politician who has died too young' while Nick Clegg said he had 'humour and humility which touched people well beyond the world of politics'

  • casey a

    10 more billionaires join Buffett-Gates Giving Pledge

    (this is a good sign for announcement)