Council of Worlds at WAR re Announcement Delays

Note the location of “Planet 9” and the inbound path for Nibiru provided by the Zetas in 1997. Nibiru arrived, right on schedule in 2003, and right where predicted a full 7 years earlier. Where the Zetas provided the location of the gravity draw represented by the Sun’s dark unlit binary and the inbound Nibiru in 1983, when the IRAS team lofted its infra-red balloon in search of the inbound Nibiru, this location was not provided to the public. All articles in print at that time only referring to the location as the “western edge of the constellation Orion”, quite vague, and the “western edge” is vast. Yet the Zetas pinpointed the location as being just outside the lower bow of Orion. Such is the accuracy of ZetaTalk. How would the public eventually become “aware of the history and accuracy of ZetaTalk predictions” as predicted by the Zetas on April 16, 2016? ? It would seem this is already in process.

SOZT March 19, 2016

So what happened to the announcement? Obama lacked the courage. As a result of this colossal failure,  having to disband the Jade Helm structure, the US military reacted. Obama is no longer running the country. Chief of Staff General Dunford is. Ben Fulford has for months been referring to Obama as the US “spokesperson”. Is this true, and how does this work? In that the Middle East, under the direction and press from Israel, Turkey, the Jewish bankers of the Federal Reserve, and the Saudis were supporting ISIS and this threatened to create a force that would not only invade Europe but also create an endless terrorism threat to the US, the military did indeed effect a silent coup. Russia needed to enter the fray, and Dunford, but not Obama, agreed. This will never be admitted, publicly, nor do the parties want this.

SOZT October 1, 2015
The three major social media outlets in use around the globe all had significant, and simultaneous outages between September 20-24, 2015. Skype had complaints from the UK, Australia, and Japan. Twitter received reports from the US, Australia, and Singapore. FaceBook had the loudest howls, primarily from the US and Europe. Notably these downtimes, some lasting for hours or even days, got no attention in the major media, and there was no real explanation for the outages.  Every Skype user has an account and a password, as do their contacts. Every Skype user can broadcast messages to their contacts, even if these contacts are not presently online. Every twitter use likewise has an account and a password, and by sending a tweet passes information along to subscribers, who can retweet the info in the future. FaceBook users likewise have an account and a password, with many friends who pick up info from each other and pass it along on their FaceBook accounts.  In all of this, the networks themselves are AWARE of the accounts and passwords, and could do a broadcast to all in the event of an announcement. Check your user agreements. This is legal!

SOZT April 25, 2015
When we announced that the Council of Worlds would be going to war with the elite over their blockage of the announcement, the tools available to the Council were not immediately apparent. Early in the campaign the Sony hack showed one such mechanism, whereby an anonymous hacker revealed embarrassing information about Sony executives. Similarly exposing pedophile activities by Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and blatant lies by self-promoting media talking heads such as Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly required nothing more than encouraging contactees to step forward.  In many, many cases a financial loss sufficient to trigger a clash among the elite is a result of an electronic delay during trades. 

SOZT July 4, 2015
What is the message here? As with other failed launches, this most recent failure is a definitive message from the Council of Worlds. Space X has had success in resupplying the ISS, though has flounded on landing on a floating ocean platform.  Resupply of the ISS is OK, reuse of their launch equipment so as to help the elite escape, not OK. The message now is that the elite should not expect to get into space at all. No escape. The message here is to take all hope away from such plans among the elite. They are to remain on Earth with the common man. We expect the battle to shift from attempts to block the announcement, or deny its meaning, to attempts to enslave the common man in some way. That is another fight, on another day.

SOZT November 1, 2014
The elite – the wealthy and politically powerful in the world – have continued in their attempts to thwart the announcement by Obama and his partners admitting that Nibiru, aka Planet X exists. We have long stated that the announcement date was set by Obama and Xi at their June 7-8, 2013 meeting in Santa Monica. The flustered slip given by the French Foreign Minister on May 13, 2014 re “500 days
until climate chaos” was in reference to this, as the date set was to be 500 days from the 2013 meeting, ie October 20, 2014.

SOZT November 8, 2014
Relying solely on Russia or China to proceed would get the truth out BUT since the block had always been on the US end, via Reagan’s national security directive, without a confirmation from Obama this is awkward and subject to being countered. If true, where is the confirmation from Obama? It would be packaged as some odd communist attack against Obama going into the elections, to make him seem weak, almost comical. So where is this going now? For us to comment would be to empower the enemy, which of course we will not do. Your curiosity is not as important as having the announcement succeed.

SOZT December 10, 2014
We have stated that the public will see only the flash and parry of swords from a distance during the Council of Worlds war with the cover-up crowd. Meanwhile, periodic tests of the Emergency Broadcast System in the US are done, to see if the channels are open. As of this writing, they are not yet open. The war is still on, full press. Meanwhile, during the flash and parry of swords, one can see resistance, pleading, panic, and capitulation.

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  • casey a

    the euro has lost 35% of its value since last May.

    The dollar will soon be worth more than the euro.

    (Not sure if this is relevant)

  • casey a

    There is a page on whitehouse(dot)gov that lets ppl petition for things they are concerned about. Once any petition reaches 100,000 signatures in 30 days, the white house provides a response to it.

    Following the "Iran letter" debacle pulled by the 47 Republican senators, someone petitioned for the 47 Senators to be tried for treason

    Although, this wont happen, it puts the spotlight & pressure on the Republicans (& some democrats) who want to actually sabotage peace talks & start a war. In 3 days, the petition has garnered 204,000 signatures - by far the most signatures any petition has received..

    Now, Republicans are admitting they were surprised by the backlash received from writing the letter.

    Some bought out democrats who wanted to ruin the peace talks, under a pretext of bipartisan support, are now back-pedaling because of the backlash the Republicans got. (Democrats cannot openly disrespect their president. But they can hide under bipartisan efforts).

    Important side note: Tom Cotton, the senator who spearheaded the letter, is simply a pawn for hard right wing Israeli group & defense contractors. (So in all likelihood, they wrote the letter & he just presented it)

    And ironically, if talks fail it becomes much more harder for the warmongers to justify war because they just showed their true intentions to everyone. They would rather invade Iran, than peacefully agree to have Iran's nuclear program monitored by the U.N. (which is far more smarter & actually far more in the interest of America & Israel's national security)....

    These neocons are a threat to everyone.

  • casey a

    [Netanyahu's party] officials blame him for poor poll results. Link

    Officials in PM's party aren't waiting for the election results: To them, it's already clear the campaign was a 'colossal failure,' thanks to Netanyahu.

    “There are enough candidates in Likud (Netanyahu's party)...who are actually waiting for Netanyahu to lose, in the hope of inheriting his place and running for prime minister in the next election,” said one party member.

  • Corey Young

    Get your popcorn!!!! Looks to be the start of yet more 'infighting' between the coalition countries fighting ISIS....Not to mention some damning evidence of shady wrongdoing!!!!!


    Man suspected of helping UK schoolgirls join Isis is Syrian, says Turkey

    "Turkish foreign minister gives nationality of arrested intelligence agent as speculation grows about which country in US-led coalition he worked for".....Three British girls who crossed into Syria to join Islamic State were helped by a Syrian national working as an intelligence agent for one of the countries in the US-led coalition against the jihadists, the Turkish foreign minister said on Friday....The Turkish newspaper Milliyet reported on Friday that the individual was working for Canadian intelligence but this has been denied by Ottawa on Thursday.


    and from another....


    Canadian spy linked to ISIS girls incident


    THE CANADIAN PRESS                        March 12, 2015 - 5:54pm       

    OTTAWA — Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney is refusing to comment on reports that a spy enlisted by Canada is suspected of helping three British schoolgirls join the Islamic State group in Iraq.

    Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu says the suspect — who is in custody — helped the teenagers even though he or she worked for the intelligence agency of a country that is part of the coalition fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

    Cavusoglu didn’t identify the country, but said it wasn’t the U.S. or a European Union member.

    A European security source familiar with the case told Reuters the person in question had a connection with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.

    Whether an actual agent for CSIS or not (a recruited freelancer) it does raise some interesting questions as to why someone working for the coalition would be recruiting for ISIS......Then again....Canadian PM Harper is trying REALLY HARD to push through a massive Anti-Terror Bill with virtuously no oversight or challenges....And he is using the 'FEAR' tactic to get it passed in an election year!

    Proposed CSIS powers a 'constitutional mess,' former watchdog warns

    New anti-terror bill comes under heavy criticism during opening round of testimony

    The government's proposed anti-terror law (Bill C-51)will almost certainly face legal and constitutional challenges on multiple fronts, according to witnesses who appeared before the House public safety committee on Thursday morning.

    Former Security Information Review Committee (SIRC) chair Ron Atkey warned MPs that the provision to allow CSIS agents to apply for federal court authorization for measures that could potentially contravene a charter right is a "major flaw" in the proposed legislation.

     The logic of the Canadian Conservatives is a simple one....entice the enemy and help recruit for them, while at the same time use the fear generated to pass unlawful legislation at home....Its no wonder that people can see Harper and his cronies for what he truly is!!!! Lets see if more popcorn rousing entertainment is exposed in the future for the Conservatives in this election year....My guess....the games have just begun!!!!!


  • casey a

    Obama reaching out via another online media.

    (Vice is 5% owned by Murdoch. His son, James Murdoch, sits on its board. Another joint venture that involves Disney/ABC owns 10%, as well.)

  • Corey Young

    Oh, and just to add to my post below regarding the CSIS connected spy that helped recruit the 3 UK girls to ISIS....well it turns out that:

    Reports link Islamic State recruiter to Canadian Embassy in Jordan


    Who just so happened to be Harper's Bodyguard at on point.....KEEP IT UP CoW and those STO's that help them!!!!!

  • Ryan X

    Russia ETF Falls As Kremlin Reportedly Prepares For 'Mysterious' An...

    Not sure what this means exactly, but I suppose it could mean anything at this point. I thought it was interesting nonetheless.  

  • casey a

    adding on to Ryan's..

    There are silly rumors being circulated about Putin much like the ones that were circulated re: Obama having a breakdown. This started when Putin cancelled a couple of meetings abruptly this week.

  • casey a

    Pope repeats statement that he could resign in a few years.

    Previous zetatalk re: the pope expecting to be assassinated if he doesn't play ball with the STS crowd in the Vatican...

    Also, adding on to Corey's post (I'm conjecturing here), Harper government has been a fanatic supporter of the Netanyahu gov't. Perhaps that plays a part, as well?

  • casey a

    Switzerland's largest bank, UBS, settles class action lawsuit re: currency rigging claims, for $135 million. (chump change...)

  • casey a

    Old Zetatalk (1996) re: Mars exploration by elite.

    Quarantines are effected by subtle means. Accidents, often after a period where success seemed close at hand, occurred. This tends to devastate the backers more than constant failure.

  • Kris H

    I hope it's not true, but feels like Putin may have died. Unmarked trucks to Kremlin, flag lowered. Would be a major blow to disclosure efforts.

    Nancy's Comment: reports with substance from a Swiss Birthing Clinic. Putin had a child with Alina in 2009, another in 2012, then divorced his wife of 30 years in 2013, and now a third baby in 2015. Maybe the Monday announcement is about a remarriage to the mother of his second family. Dunno. But he's not dead or any such.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Jeb Bush may have used his personal e-mail to discuss security issues and Middle East troop deployments

    • MAR. 14, 2015, 8:50 PM


    Likely 2016 Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush used his personal email while governor of Florida to discuss troop deployments, nuclear plant protection and other such matters, the Washington Post reported on Saturday.

    The report followed revelations that Democrat Hillary Clinton, also seen as a likely presidential candidate, used a personal email account exclusively during her time as secretary of state, raising questions about security and transparency.

    On his personal account,, Bush discussed the Florida National Guard's movements and training activities as well as his decision to provide less security to nuclear power plants in the state, the newspaper reported.

    Bush aides told the Post that none of the emails contained sensitive or classified information, and many of the events mentioned in them were documented in press accounts. But security experts say private email systems such as the one used by Bush are more vulnerable to hackers.

    Democrats have attempted to divert the focus on Clinton's use of a personal email account to conduct work as U.S. secretary of state by saying that Bush used the same practice in Florida, where he was governor from 1999 to 2007.

    Bush has released a few hundred thousand emails from his time as governor, and his aides say the rest are accessible by the state of Florida through freedom of information requests. He did not release emails he deemed private.

    A spokeswoman for the Florida secretary of state's office told the newspaper that an explanation of why some emails were released and others were withheld would be available next week. 

    Bush denied on Friday he used a personal email address as governor to avoid public scrutiny.

    "We complied with the law and we have now made my emails, long before Mrs. Clinton's issues came up, we made them public for you to see," he said. "So it's totally different." 

    jeb bushReutersJeb Bush smiles while being interviewed at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at National Harbor in Maryland February 27, 2015.

  • casey a

    VIP paedophile scandal: Police pinpoint 'dungeon' flat linked to abuse parties and child murder

    Theresa May warns the public still do not grasp the scale of child sex abuse in Britain

  • casey a

    Police officers investigating child sexual exploitation in Sheffield, England were told to '[stop being nosy]' by bosses after warning about the scale of the problem, a retired detective has claimed.

    A BBC investigation has alleged that senior officers thought car crime, burglary and robbery were bigger priorities than child sexual exploitation, despite detectives in the city warning it was a major problem.

    He said the issue of child sexual exploitation in Sheffield was ‘massive’ and bigger than in neighbouring Rotherham, where at least 1,400 children were abused over a 16-year-period.

  • casey a

    9/11 in the academic community.

    This video shows why the academic/scientific community does not touch this taboo subject, & what happens to the very few brave who do. Layers of coverup exist to minimize the truth from gaining credibility. Even the most brave will keep hush so as to avoid discrediting other important work they've done.

    Anyways, I'm posting this because what we see in the video can be applied to the coverup re: Planet X & alien disclosure -- which by the way are far more covered up than 9/11..

  • Nancy Lieder

    Putin's 10 day absence revealed as announcement related! Check the new ZT re this and the many websites revealing the attempt to start a war with Russia for the Ukraine, just as Putin was going to start the announcement process! Proof! Ukraine highjacking transmissions from Houston to the Queen and the UK nuclear facility!

  • SongStar101

    We Demand: President Putin Release Documents Vital to World Peace

    Russian Federation Processing Treason Doc Request

    McCain/Netanyahu treason/espionage proof request to Russian Federation being discussed…

    Google translate gives me this.

    “Your appeal to the President of the Russian Federation aimed 11.03.2015, received 03.12.2015, in the form of an electronic document and registered 03.12.2015, № 251910, reviewed and submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation for the purpose of objective and comprehensive consideration of a request to inform you of the outcome of (part 3 of article 8 of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 № 59

    FZ “On the order of consideration of citizens of the Russian Federation”).

    Consultant, Department of written requests of citizens and organizations”

    “We Are At The Edge of Civil War” – Gordon Duff    (Must Listen to Interview)

    Here are some of the things Gordon Duff is requesting from Putin now.

    Gordon Duff is requesting the following information from Putin.  He knows that this information is in the possession of the Russians.

    Tape recordings and transcripts of John McCain’s propaganda broadcasts made while being a POW in Vietnam including his claim that the US was using germ warfare against North Vietnam

    The text of John McCain’s debriefing by the KGB in Hanoi including battle information that led to the redeployment of air defenses and a much higher success rate of downing American aircraft.

    Full information on Netanyahu’s role in running Jonathan Pollard as a Soviet agent.  This resulted in the deaths of 1,100 assets.  He can be prosecuted for this in the United States.

    Full information on the role of Netanyahu on the theft of cryptography units from UNTSO in 1990, the nature of the data that Netanyahu personally passed to Moscow as a Russian spy.

    Full information on Mitt Romney’s meeting with Russian Intelligence in Havana during his visit there in 1999.  We have photos of him there and I released briefing video #1 and briefing video #2 where this is discussed.

    Recordings and transcripts of Romney’s meeting with Raul Castro and the promises that Romney made.

    Surveillance video of John McCain and Joseph Lieberman taken in Zurich showing them entering banking facilities after a trip to Kabul and meeting with drug lords and the northern alliance.

    Satellite images showing the movement of highly enriched nuclear material in and around New York City prior to the events of September 11th, 2001

    Files showing the roles of Israeli involvement in nuclear proliferation including but not limited to the sale of nuclear weapons to Saudi Arabia.

    Files showing deposits in Cayman banks managed by Bain on behalf of over 300 members of Congress of the the United States.  That’s the list of their payoffs.

    Evidence showing the transfer of nuclear material from Israel in North Korea.  

    We know these documents exist and it’s important to the security of the United States for these people to be taken down.

    We received information 72 hours ago that Justice Salia had contact with Mitch McConnell and had told McConnel, “I have 5 Supreme Justices in my pocket and we’ll stand by you!”

  • casey a

    Mars One Finalist Explains Exactly How It‘s Ripping Off Supporters

    (Pretty much anyone I've met that's into space has said that this is an outright sham & ppl know it too. They have no feasible plans to get ppl to Mars. And there was even a study that showed ppl who went to Mars using technology Mars One intended, would dies in 67 days. These guys are looking like a joke)

  • SongStar101

    Israel To Finally Face ICC Over War Crimes In Gaza

    When Palestine officially becomes an International Criminal Court member state on April 1, its first order of business will be to file a complaint with the international legal body against Israel over last year’s war on Gaza and illegal Israeli settlement activity in Palestinian territories.

    BEIRUT — Palestine plans to lodge its first complaint against Israel for alleged war crimes at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in just a couple of weeks.

    Mohammad Shtayyeh, minister at the Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction, told AFP, “One of the first important steps will be filing a complaint against Israel at the ICC on April 1 over the (2014) Gaza war and settlement activity.”

    Palestine, a United Nations observer state, will officially join the ICC on April 1, having acceded to the Rome Statute, the ICC’s founding charter, on Jan. 2. The court now has jurisdiction over the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza.

    Palestine lodged a request for the ICC to investigate possible war crimes in its territory on Jan. 1, the day before it acceded to the Rome Statute.

    The court has since opened a preliminary examination into the situation, which it said it would analyze in “full independence and impartiality.”

    MintPress News reported last month that Israel responded to the court’s announcement by calling on the 122 member states of the ICC to stop funding the court.

    The ICC “represents no one. It is a political body,” said Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman. He also stated: “We will demand of our friends in Canada, in Australia and in Germany simply to stop funding it.”

    France, Britain, Germany and Italy told Reuters that they would ignore Israel’s call.

    Israel also stopped transferring tax revenue to the PLO in apparent retaliation for the PLO’s efforts to have the Mediterranean country investigated for war crimes. December’s taxes amounted up to $127 million, according to Haaretz, and could be used for the salaries of civil servants, including doctors and teachers.

    “This is money that is Palestinian money and therefore the decision of the Israeli government and [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu to freeze it is against international law and it proves the justice of our request to the International Criminal Court,” said Saeb Erekat, a member of the PLO Executive Committee and the former chief Palestinian negotiator in the peace talks with Israel, in an interview with Haaretz.

    “What Israel did is a war crime that joins the crimes it has committed against the Palestinian people,” Erakat continued.

    Israel and the United States are signatories to the Rome Statute, which established the ICC in 1998, but they have never ratified it. The rule of international law would be adopted by a far greater swath of the planet if the U.S. and Israel acceded to the accord, and would likely prevent crimes, such as continued Israeli settlement expansion, that exacerbate an already volatile situation in the Middle East.

    In last summer’s war, dubbed “Operation Protective Edge,” more than 2,300 people were killed and almost 500,000 displaced. An ICC investigation is poised to look into Israel’s crimes of aggression against Gaza, as well as crimes allegedly committed by Hamas, the political party that controls the Gaza Strip.

  • SongStar101

    Israeli voting ends in deadlock

    JERUSALEM (AP) — Voting in Israel's national election has ended, with exit polls showing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a virtual tie with a center-left challenger.

    Exit polls conducted by the country's three major TV stations late Tuesday gave mixed results, showing an extremely tight race between Netanyahu's Likud Party and opposition leader Isaac Herzog's Zionist Union.

    Two polls showed the parties deadlocked with 27 seats each, and a third gave Likud a slight lead of 28-27.

    All showed the centrist newcomer Moshe Kahlon with enough seats to determine who will be the next prime minister. Kahlon, a Likud breakaway, has not said which side he would favor.

  • casey a

    Netanyahu won. And it isn't anywhere close to what all the polls were pointing to.

  • Nancy Lieder

    See latest new ZT on election fraud in Israel. They said Bibi would declare martial law. He just did!

  • casey a

    (If anyone's disappointed re: Netanyahu reelection) it could help with transformation in Israel.

    Nancy's Comment: not alone in that opinion, as why the heck is the US defending Israel at the UN?? with the US veto power.

    Obama has expressed disgust with Bibi's pronouncements.

    Does he think the US owes him something? The US gives all this aid, and defends their crimes? I think this might come to an end. Thus, the Israel President should consider all this when deciding (yes, he decides) who the new PM will be. Things are polarizing, but this does not necessarily benefit those who are evil, ie Service-to-Self.

  • casey a

    EU Seeks to Stamp Out Tax Loopholes So Firms Pay Fair Share

  • casey a

    Thought this would interesting (the more we know, so to speak...).  How 37 banks became 4 in a few decades.

  • casey a

    Why I fear this monstrous sex abuse cover-up is FAR worse than we know... by SIMON DANCZUK, the MP who first exposed the Cyril Smith scandal

    To understand why, we have to go back to Cyril Smith and ask the question: why was he allowed to get away with it for so long? Why would a Liberal MP with no prospect of ever holding high office be given so much protection? Why was he given a pass to do as he pleased and prey on innocent boys all over the country? 

    It’s not as if MPs could not be prosecuted for this type of offence. In 1962, for example, Sir Ian Horobin, Tory MP for Oldham, the neighbouring seat to Smith’s Rochdale constituency, was jailed for four years after being found guilty of indecent assaults on boys.

    But by the time police moved to secure a prosecution against Smith later that same decade, something had changed. The Director of Public Prosecutions was prepared to listen to representations from politicians, and stamped ‘Not in the public interest’ on Smith’s case files.

    I now believe that this is because a paedophile network - perhaps involving prominent politicians and policemen - had been established, and, if charged, Cyril could have blown it wide open.

  • SongStar101

    Media grapples...trying to make sense of it all!  Random highlighted words in the article correlate with Zetatalk comments!

    Netanyahu's shock re-election leaves Israel's pollsters red-faced

    JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Embarrassed at failing to predict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's election victory, Israeli pollsters said on Wednesday they were blindsided by reticent rightist voters and may have unwittingly prodded waverers to back the incumbent.

    Netanyahu's Likud won 30 of parliament's 120 seats in Tuesday's ballot, against 24 for the center-left Zionist Union - upsetting opinion surveys that as recently as Friday gave the challenger a four-seat lead.

    Exit polls also proved unreliable. Israel's top three television stations, airing first returns as voting booths closed, found the parties close or tied. Had that been borne out, either could have potentially headed the next government.

    Instead, during overnight counting, Likud's tally went from 27 seats to 30 and the Zionist Union's from 27 to 24.

    Grilled on the discrepancy, Channel 2 TV's veteran pollster Mina Tzemach said many Likud voters declined to take part in replicating their vote in the dummy ballot boxes set up by survey-taking companies outside voting stations.

    Even though exit polls are anonymous, she suggested such reticence might have cultural roots for Israelis originally from countries with different political regimes in which they worry about sharing their private voting choices.

    "In certain voting stations, voting stations in places where there are a lot of new immigrants, pro-Likud ballot boxes, the percent of those who voted (in the exit polls) was especially low," Tzemach told Israel's Army Radio.

    Fellow survey-taker Camil Fuchs agreed, saying final counts from voting stations he had monitored showed that a significant number of Likud supporters had not participated in exit polls.

    If they did participate, they may also not have been honest about the way they voted and as exit polls close earlier than the real polls, a last-minute surge in Likud votes, in response to a call from Netanyahu, may have been missed, he said.

    "Some people don't say (in exit polls) what they really voted, and the exit polls close about two hours before the voting booths," Fuchs told Israel Radio.

    Israeli election forecasts have been wrong before - in 1981, when the Likud narrowly won; in 1992 about the return to left-wing Labor party rule; and in 1996, when Netanyahu toppled Labor incumbent Shimon Peres for his first term in office.

    Recent reliance on Internet-based studies has thrown another spanner in the works, according to Avi Degani, an Israeli pollster who says he conducted telephone surveys exclusively. Since last month, he has been the only one consistently predicting a victory for Netanyahu.

    Degani said Web-based "panels," made up of tens of thousands of pre-selected respondents, rarely reflect Israeli society accurately as they favor the tech-savvy, educated and urbane.

    "The Internet does not represent the State of Israel or the people of Israel. (It is) biased strongly toward Tel Aviv," Degani told reporters in a conference call arranged by the Israel Project advocacy group, referring to Israel's second largest city and financial capital.

    "People who are in the periphery ... and have a stronger tendency to vote Likud are, I think, very poorly represented."

    In separate remarks to Reuters, Degani said Israeli pollsters were always bedevilled by some 30 percent of citizens whose votes are unknowable - either because they waver until the last minute or end up backing fringe parties that do not muster enough support to enter parliament and are nixed from the tally.

    "We are talking about 20 parliament seats that could go either way. It is almost impossible to tackle statistically."

    Still, Degani said he anticipated Netanyahu's win by finding that at least half of wavering voters would choose Likud, adding that some of those respondents viewed themselves as rallying against Zionist Union's strong showing in opinion polls.

    "It is a highly emotional matter in Israel, and the Likud had the added advantage of being the last party, with the possible exception of (liberal) Meretz, of having a defined ideology. The rest are just about personalities," Degani said.

  • casey a

    There is some despicable stuff re: child abuse coming from a school in Hampton, London. At first I thought it was some conspiracy theory but I dont know anymore. You can look up "Hampton ritual abuse", where videos on the internet show children describing some of the sick stuff done to them. (I dont know how much of it is true... The kids have now recanted some of the things they said. And the courts are trying to take down videos on the internet about this..)

  • KM

    White House pushes Palestinian statehood in face of Netanyahu win

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivers a speech to supporters at party headquarters in Tel Aviv March 18, 2015. (Reuters / Nir Elias)

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivers a speech to supporters at party headquarters in Tel Aviv March 18, 2015.

    The White House says that a two-state solution is still the best way to resolve the dispute in the Middle East, Israeli Prime Minister’s Benjamin Netanyahu promise this week to prevent further establishment of a Palestinian state notwithstanding.

    “A two-state solution is the best way to address this conflict,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters aboard Air Force One on Wednesday, according to USA Today.

    Netanyahu said earlier this week on Monday that he would fend off efforts to create a Palestinian state if he’s re-elected as prime minister of Israel. On Wednesday, the leader declared himself victorious following a narrow win against challenger Isaac Herzog of the center-left Zionist Union.

  • casey a

    Figured this would a good opportunity to post some 9/11 evidence, while we wait. This video is by a mathematician who made NIST revise their first statement that there was no free fall in Word Trade Center-7 (the 3rd tower to fall). This is important because during NIST's initial draft report, their lead investigator himself said that free fall would be impossible. Yet later in 2010 they admitted for 100 ft, the tower was in freefall. Yet they said this was solely due to office fire -- not structural damage or diesel fuel. They have also admitted it is the only steel tower more than 15 stories to have collapsed in its foot print due to office fire. This piece of discrepancy stands out today, as well as evidence by a peer reviewed study (& another one later) that show insider trading.

    It would be nice if we saw some 9/11 evidence come out. If the Cheney crowd is ok with killing their own brothers & sisters, they should be able to pressure media moguls to get announcement out...

  • casey a

  • casey a

    Re: 9/11 investigations.

    80% of the steel columns was scrapped without being examined because investigators did not have the authority to preserve the wreckage. LINK 1.


    While the steel was being removed from the site of the three largest and most mysterious structural failures in history, even the team FEMA had assembled to investigate the failures -- the Building Performance Assessment Team (BPAT) -- was denied access to the evidence. LINK 2.

    (Both pages above have references that are linked or cached.  Use to see cache of original page, if need be... (The first reference in the 1st article above, doesn't have a link. So, Here it is)

    Also in May, 2001, Bush created the Office of Preparedness & put Cheney in command of it. This Office was then placed in FEMA. Coinicidentally, FEMA was in charge of ground zero & picking the investigators. They were also in charge of picking the steel beams that the investigators would examine. FEMA was never an investigative body to begin with, though

    Cheney's got blood all over his hands. Remember after 9/11, Americans blindly went to Afghanistan & Iraq to fight the so-called "enemy". While the real enemy was fear mongering his own people every time he said "9/11" (ala Netanyahu)......

    (Anecdote of how an Iraq war veteran realized this:- "You Grow Up Wanting to be Luke Skywalker, Then Realize You've Become a Stormtrooper for the Empire." LINK)

  • casey a

    Obama tells Netanyahu U.S. to 'reassess' policy on Israel, Mideast diplomacy.

    'EU report urges sanctions against Israel over Jerusalem policies'

  • casey a

    Whistle blower alleges that FBI knew CIA was behind Anthrax attacks as part of operation to fuel public terror and build support for the Iraq War.

    According to Matt, he was sitting at his computer at home in September 2009 when he received an urgent message from a friend. A suspicious unencrypted folder of files had just been uploaded anonymously to the Shell. When Matt opened the folder, he was startled to find documents detailing the CIA’s role in assigning strike targets for drones at the 181st.

    Matt says he thought of his fellow airmen, some of whom knew about the Shell. “I’m not going to say who I think it was, but there was a lot of dissatisfaction in my unit about cooperating with the CIA,” he says. Intelligence analysts with the proper clearance (such as Manning and others) had access to a deep trove of sensitive data on the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network, or SIPRNet, the classified computer network used by both the Defense and State departments.

    As Matt read through the file, he says, he discovered even more incendiary material among the 300-odd pages of slides, documents, and handwritten notes. One folder contained what appeared to be internal documents from an agrochemical company expressing culpability for more than 13,000 deaths related to genetically modified organisms. There was also what appeared to be internal documents from the FBI, field notes on the bureau’s investigation into the worst biological attack in U.S. history: the anthrax-laced letters that killed five Americans and sickened 17 others shortly after Sept. 11.

    Though the attacks were officially blamed on a government scientist who committed suicide after he was identified as a suspect, Matt says the documents on the Shell tell a far different story. It had already been revealed that the U.S. Army produced the Ames strain of anthrax — the same strain used in the Amerithrax attacks — at the Dugway Proving Ground in Utah. But the report built the case that the CIA was behind the attacks as part of an operation to fuel public terror and build support for the Iraq War...

    [Matt's mom] wanted to hear whatever Matt wanted to tell her. If [Matt's dad] didn’t want to know, so be it — she’d assume the risk. “If anything ever happens to me,” she recalls Matt telling her, “I want you to know what I know.”

    But she believes that what she saw was true: the agrochemical company’s culpability in 13,000 deaths, the CIA’s role in the anthrax attacks. She tells more than Matt had recalled, stories that sound too incredible to be true: a report that says the CIA explored plans to put anthrax in a New Jersey bay in order to drum up support for the war. “That’s what they were going to do,” she recalls, “And I remember reading that and saying [to Matt], ‘OK, all right, I know you’re not crazy.’”


    (And this from a month ago -- "Three courts — two in the U.S. and one in Canada — have expressed strong doubts about the child pornography charges that triggered a search warrant on DeHart’s parents’ home in the U.S." - Al jazeera)

    Isn't it strange that all the whistle blowers are wanted for sex-related charges? Please send this to everyone you know (especially if you're American). At the very least it will keep these criminals occupied & from interfering with announcement.

  • casey a

    BTW, the FBI also tortured & drugged Matt Dehart... They're going after him (i.e. discrediting his reputation) just like they did Assange...

    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange recently said, “The abuse of the law in DeHart’s case is obvious, shocking, and wrong. Matt DeHart and his family have suffered enough.”

  • casey a

    Ex-cop claims a ROYAL was in paedophile ring but inquiry was closed to shield Buckingham Palace from scandal

  • SongStar101

    Republicanism seeks to remove the British monarchy.  As this investigation gets underway,  the BBC will be under heavy scrutiny.

    BBC needs to come clean over royal relationship: Republic

    Campaign group Republic has called for an investigation into the BBC's cosy relationship with the royal family.  The call follows accusations that the corporation cancelled a documentary 'for fear of upsetting the monarchy'.

    The documentary about Princess Diana was to be broadcast in 2007 but was never shown.  Film maker Kevin Sim has been reported in the press as saying the BBC's official reason for cancelling the documentary was untrue and that it was to avoid upsetting the royals.

    The accusation is made in the BBC's most recent documentary, Reinventing the Royals, which itself was postponed to allowed the BBC to negotiate the content with Clarence House.

    Republic's CEO Graham Smith said today:

    "The BBC's track record on reporting on the royals is appalling.  Despite the good work of some excellent journalists the overall output is timid, deferential and celebratory."

    "The BBC has lost its independence and impartiality when it comes to royal reporting - all too often repeating the palace line and falling into line with the royals' agenda."

    "The BBC has a duty to report the monarchy without fear or favour.  If by reporting on the royals they upset the royal household then so be it - they must not allow their reporting to be influenced by those they report on."

    "The BBC sets world-class standards in broadcasting and journalism.  Yet their cosy and deferential relationship with the royals seriously undermines their independence and integrity."

    "This isn't a problem with individual journalists but with the culture at the BBC - an institutional bias in favour of the monarchy and a fear of upsetting the royals and audiences."

    "The monarch is head of state, just as the prime minister is head of government.  The head of state must be held to the same standards of scrutiny and accountability as the prime minister."

    "We are calling for an investigation, an independent, open and honest, warts-and-all look at how the BBC handles its reporting of Britain's head of state."

    Republic has long accused the BBC of bias, specifically:

    • Celebrating, rather than reporting on royal events
    • Overestimating enthusiasm for the royals
    • Manufacturing celebration
    • Letting myths and factual errors go reported unchallenged
    • Lack of serious discussion on the issue, in favour of trivial chatter and idle speculation
    • Marginalising dissenting views, which represent a large proportion of the population
  • SongStar101

    Scotland Yard Investigated for ‘Protecting Pedophiles’

    British police are alleged to have passed on chances to arrest powerful predators for 35 years.

    LONDON — Scotland Yard is being investigated over extraordinary claims that police officers were guilty of suppressing evidence, halting investigations, and colluding with politicians to cover up a pedophile network operating at the heart of the British government.

    At last, the spotlight will fall on senior officers who have been accused of turning a blind eye to allegations of murder and child abuse because the men were considered too powerful to touch.

    The investigation into police collusion in the cover-up promises to be one of the most explosive in Scotland Yard’s history.

    The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), Britain’s version of the internal affairs division, announced on Monday that they were investigating 14 alleged incidents of corruption between 1970 and 2005. The alleged breaches were uncovered by detectives who are probing the existence of a VIP pedophile ring that was allegedly protected by the Thatcher government.

    “These allegations are of historic, high level corruption of the most serious nature,” said Sarah Green, the IPCC deputy chair. “Allegations of this nature are of grave concern and I would like to reassure people of our absolute commitment to ensuring that the investigations are thorough and robust.”

    The hunt for officers who protected child abusers comes after a growing body of evidence emerged to suggest that some of the most powerful people in Britain were aware of the systematic abuse of children and did nothing to stop it. The investigation into police collusion in the cover-up promises to be one of the most explosive in Scotland Yard’s history.

    One of the incidents centers on a luxury apartment block near Westminster where boys were allegedly taken to regular sex abuse parties attended by Members of Parliament. The IPCC will investigate claims that a police operation at Dolphin Square “was stopped because officers were too near prominent people.” The building, on the banks of the River Thames, is popular with MPs who need second homes in London close to parliament. One survivor claimed boys aged to 16 were raped and even murdered by politicians inside the complex.

    Investigators say they will also probe an allegation that Special Branch, a now defunct intelligence and national security unit of the police, snatched an incriminating file of evidence from a newspaper editor. Papers given to the journalist by a Labour politician showed that a network of pedophile-friendly MPs were operating within the Houses of Parliament, and that senior law enforcement officials knew about it. Don Hale, the editor concerned, told The Daily Beast earlier this month that he had been stunned when officers barged into his office and seized the papers: “These bully boys come storming in, they said, ‘We’re not here to negotiate. Hand them over or we’ll arrest you now.’”

  • casey a

    Just adding on to SongStar...

    Officials are scared to come forward because they've been told that could be tried for breaking the "Official Secrets Act". They've asked for immunity if they come forward, but the Members of Parliament dont want to give it to them. Those who opposed giving the whistle blowers re: child abuse, included Teresa May. She is supposed to be the Home Secretary in charge of overlooking this whole scandal...

  • SongStar101

    BREAKING NEWS: Massive Voter Fraud, Intimidation Uncovered in Israeli Election

    During a routine post-election review of ballots, exit polls, and incident reports in Israel, independent monitors are now reporting that the country’s 2015 elections may have been the most corrupt in Israel’s history, dating all of the way back to their first ever legislative election in 1949.

    The review’s findings show that a staggering 23.4% of ballots were submitted illegally, using the names of deceased Israelis, family pets, and even fictional characters, like Bruce Wayne and Lara Croft. Incident reports, filed by Israeli police with voter names kept in anonymity, show conclusively that “roving gangs” were intimidating voters at various polling stations as well, particularly in districts that showed heavy support for the opposition Zionist Union party, who were running against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s conservative Likud party.

    All told, approximately 92.5% of the election fraud and illegal activities benefited Netanyahu’s reelection, and the election of Likud party members into the Israeli Parliament. Monitors are now trying to determine whether or not Prime Minister Netanyahu would’ve won reelection had it not been for this fraud, and whether the Likud party itself, or some unidentified third party, committed those criminal acts.

    “We aren’t sure that Prime Minister Netanyahu would’ve won if it weren’t for these acts of fraud,” says one of the monitors, whose name must be kept anonymous due to the nature of their work. “In fact, it’s looking more and more like he would’ve resoundingly lost the election if it weren’t for these fraudulent acts.”

    The post-election review dates as far back as Israel itself, and has been done after every election in Israel’s history, to ensure fairness, openness, and a lack of fraud. The review is hosted and carried out by an independent, government-funded civilian organization, which typically spends as many as fourteen months ballot-counting, polling, and otherwise investigating major elections.

    “This is the first time we’ve ever seen such widespread corruption in an Israeli election,” says another anonymous monitor. “The most we’ve ever seen prior to this was 8%. This is nearly three times as bad as that election was. And I think most of it comes from foreign influences, like the Americans, who showed more interest in this election than any election of ours prior, since 1949 anyway.”

    If Netanyahu did indeed win reelection through fraud, a special election will be held to determine whether he can keep his seat or not, with a mandatory “slow-count” of the ballots, which could take several weeks to complete. If he or the Likud party leadership were directly responsible for these acts of fraud, they might even see jail time as a result.

  • casey a

    Mainstream media article re: Songstar's post:,7340,L-4638037,00.html

  • casey a

    FEMA to States: No Climate Planning, No Money

  • Ryan Giorgis

    I hope the cow protects the incredibly brave people investigating the Israeli voter fraud and the vile kid raping British elite. Rotting in jail for the pole shift is but a bit of what they all deserve. Including the Bush/Cheney crowd. Makes me furious and sick to my stomach. Your time here is running very thin, and don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  • KM


    Canada’s electronic surveillance agency has secretly developed an arsenal of cyber weapons capable of stealing data and destroying adversaries’ infrastructure, according to newly revealed classified documents.

    Communications Security Establishment, or CSE, has also covertly hacked into computers across the world to gather intelligence, breaking into networks in Europe, Mexico, the Middle East, and North Africa, the documents show.

    The revelations, reported Monday by CBC News in collaboration with The Intercept, shine a light for the first time on how Canada has adopted aggressive tactics to attack, sabotage, and infiltrate targeted computer systems.

    The latest disclosures come as the Canadian government debates whether to hand over more powers to its spies to disrupt threats as part of the controversial anti-terrorism law, Bill C-51.

    Christopher Parsons, a surveillance expert at the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab, told CBC News that the new revelations showed that Canada’s computer networks had already been “turned into a battlefield without any Canadian being asked: Should it be done? How should it be done?”

    According to documents obtained by The Intercept from National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden, CSE has a wide range of powerful tools to perform “computer network exploitation” and “computer network attack” operations. These involve hacking into networks to either gather intelligence or to damage adversaries’ infrastructure, potentially including electricity, transportation or banking systems. The most well-known example of a state-sponsored “attack” operation involved the use of Stuxnet, a computer worm that was reportedly developed by the United States and Israel to sabotage Iranian nuclear facilities.

    One document from CSE, dated from 2011, outlines the range of methods the Canadian agency has at its disposal as part of a “cyber activity spectrum” to both defend against hacking attacks and to perpetrate them. CSE says in the document that it can “disable adversary infrastructure,” “control adversary infrastructure,” or “destroy adversary infrastructure” using the attack techniques. It can also insert malware “implants” on computers to steal data.

  • casey a

    I thought that there would be more coverage for the child abuse cases in the U.K. But I'm reading that the media is virtually silent, especially on the fact that Parliament voted not to give officers who wanted to blow the whistle, immunity from the dubious "Official Secrets Act".

    (I can understand how that would be the case if it was a banking scandal or mass surveillance. But, how do you keep something like this covered up, w/o the risk of looking like being complicit in the coverup?). Also of note is that BBC was planning on making a documentary to "debunk" these allegations as conspiracy & then backed off.

  • casey a

    For those of you who live in the U.K., here is a link that tags a lot of the development that has taken place re: the child abuse scandal in Britain:

    (If you want to forward it or something, it provides a summary of all the headlines essentially...)

  • casey a

    White House chief of staff: 50 years of Israeli occupation must end

    U.S. cannot pretend Netanyahu didn't say no Palestinian state would be established on his watch, Denis McDonough tells J Street conference in Washington.

  • casey a

    The spoiled brat strikes again! Israel spied on the US Nuclear talks with the Iran., & then used that information to lobby the U.S. congress to sink any deal.

    Israel’s snooping upset White House because information was used to lobby Congress to try to sink a deal

    Soon after the U.S. and other major powers entered negotiations last year to curtail Iran’s nuclear program, senior White House officials learned Israel was spying on the closed-door talks.

    The spying operation was part of a broader campaign by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to penetrate the negotiations and then help build a case against the emerging terms of the deal, current and former U.S. officials said. In addition to eavesdropping, Israel acquired information from confidential U.S. briefings, informants and diplomatic contacts in Europe, the officials said.

    The espionage didn’t upset the White House as much as Israel’s sharing of inside information with U.S. lawmakers and others to drain support from a high-stakes deal intended to limit Iran’s nuclear program, current and former officials said.

    “It is one thing for the U.S. and Israel to spy on each other. It is another thing for Israel to steal U.S. secrets and play them back to U.S. legislators to undermine U.S. diplomacy,” said a senior U.S. official briefed on the matter.

    (Who's the rogue state, here? In the article there is a lot of talk about in the "best interest of Israel", which is absolute crap. The best deal one can get is to have Iran to allow itself to be monitored by the U.N. so that their nuclear program can actually be monitored (which is actually in accordance with international accords, today!). Under such a context it becomes harder to propagandize support for war against Iran & to get American troops fighting Iran (for God knows what). And if the talks can be scuttled, then the war mongers get their way. Scuttling talks is in the best interest of the war mongers, not Israel.)

  • casey a

    Igor Kolomoysky: Ukranian Oil/Gas tycoon, financial backer of the rightist elements in Ukraine, (& who also during the ongoing civil war, used his influence to become a governor). He is the public face for Privat Group & Burisma. Kolomoysky's Burisma is the largest private gas producer in Ukraine. But the oil/gas rich parts are in the troubled parts of eastern Ukraine & that is where Burisma has their permits, as well.

    But, it is state-owned oil firm -- UkrTransNafta -- that really owns a monopoly on oil transportation in Ukraine. And Igor Kolomoysky is a minority shareholder in it. However, he had his puppet as the chairman of this state-run company.

    Few days ago, Ukranian President Petro Poroshenko (who is himself an oligarch as well) ordered a replacement for the state-run oil firm's chairman & Kolomoysky's private militia stormed it's HQ, trying to put a stop to this. In the meantime Kolomoysky has been burning documents that might point to corruption, & the Ukranian president also ordered the arrest of Kolomoysky-linked militia blockading the company's HQ.

    President Poroshenko cannot simply fire Kolomoysky as a governor, because Kolomoysky holds a lot of finanicial & political clout, and he also he funds private armies that fight the pro-Russian separatists


    The Oligarchs are essentially fighting each other... & Washington has reprimanded Kolomoysky for this. (Kolomoysky had earlier hired Biden's son to his gas firm - Burisma, perhaps as a way to curry favor with the U.S...)

    Ukraine's Oligarchs Are at War (Again)

    One of U.S. White House’s Top Ukrainian Gangsters Gets U.S. Reprimand

    (Feel free to comment or correct. I dont know much about Ukranian politics. This is an attempt to summarize what's going there)