Council of Worlds at WAR re Announcement Delays

Note the location of “Planet 9” and the inbound path for Nibiru provided by the Zetas in 1997. Nibiru arrived, right on schedule in 2003, and right where predicted a full 7 years earlier. Where the Zetas provided the location of the gravity draw represented by the Sun’s dark unlit binary and the inbound Nibiru in 1983, when the IRAS team lofted its infra-red balloon in search of the inbound Nibiru, this location was not provided to the public. All articles in print at that time only referring to the location as the “western edge of the constellation Orion”, quite vague, and the “western edge” is vast. Yet the Zetas pinpointed the location as being just outside the lower bow of Orion. Such is the accuracy of ZetaTalk. How would the public eventually become “aware of the history and accuracy of ZetaTalk predictions” as predicted by the Zetas on April 16, 2016? ? It would seem this is already in process.

SOZT March 19, 2016

So what happened to the announcement? Obama lacked the courage. As a result of this colossal failure,  having to disband the Jade Helm structure, the US military reacted. Obama is no longer running the country. Chief of Staff General Dunford is. Ben Fulford has for months been referring to Obama as the US “spokesperson”. Is this true, and how does this work? In that the Middle East, under the direction and press from Israel, Turkey, the Jewish bankers of the Federal Reserve, and the Saudis were supporting ISIS and this threatened to create a force that would not only invade Europe but also create an endless terrorism threat to the US, the military did indeed effect a silent coup. Russia needed to enter the fray, and Dunford, but not Obama, agreed. This will never be admitted, publicly, nor do the parties want this.

SOZT October 1, 2015
The three major social media outlets in use around the globe all had significant, and simultaneous outages between September 20-24, 2015. Skype had complaints from the UK, Australia, and Japan. Twitter received reports from the US, Australia, and Singapore. FaceBook had the loudest howls, primarily from the US and Europe. Notably these downtimes, some lasting for hours or even days, got no attention in the major media, and there was no real explanation for the outages.  Every Skype user has an account and a password, as do their contacts. Every Skype user can broadcast messages to their contacts, even if these contacts are not presently online. Every twitter use likewise has an account and a password, and by sending a tweet passes information along to subscribers, who can retweet the info in the future. FaceBook users likewise have an account and a password, with many friends who pick up info from each other and pass it along on their FaceBook accounts.  In all of this, the networks themselves are AWARE of the accounts and passwords, and could do a broadcast to all in the event of an announcement. Check your user agreements. This is legal!

SOZT April 25, 2015
When we announced that the Council of Worlds would be going to war with the elite over their blockage of the announcement, the tools available to the Council were not immediately apparent. Early in the campaign the Sony hack showed one such mechanism, whereby an anonymous hacker revealed embarrassing information about Sony executives. Similarly exposing pedophile activities by Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and blatant lies by self-promoting media talking heads such as Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly required nothing more than encouraging contactees to step forward.  In many, many cases a financial loss sufficient to trigger a clash among the elite is a result of an electronic delay during trades. 

SOZT July 4, 2015
What is the message here? As with other failed launches, this most recent failure is a definitive message from the Council of Worlds. Space X has had success in resupplying the ISS, though has flounded on landing on a floating ocean platform.  Resupply of the ISS is OK, reuse of their launch equipment so as to help the elite escape, not OK. The message now is that the elite should not expect to get into space at all. No escape. The message here is to take all hope away from such plans among the elite. They are to remain on Earth with the common man. We expect the battle to shift from attempts to block the announcement, or deny its meaning, to attempts to enslave the common man in some way. That is another fight, on another day.

SOZT November 1, 2014
The elite – the wealthy and politically powerful in the world – have continued in their attempts to thwart the announcement by Obama and his partners admitting that Nibiru, aka Planet X exists. We have long stated that the announcement date was set by Obama and Xi at their June 7-8, 2013 meeting in Santa Monica. The flustered slip given by the French Foreign Minister on May 13, 2014 re “500 days
until climate chaos” was in reference to this, as the date set was to be 500 days from the 2013 meeting, ie October 20, 2014.

SOZT November 8, 2014
Relying solely on Russia or China to proceed would get the truth out BUT since the block had always been on the US end, via Reagan’s national security directive, without a confirmation from Obama this is awkward and subject to being countered. If true, where is the confirmation from Obama? It would be packaged as some odd communist attack against Obama going into the elections, to make him seem weak, almost comical. So where is this going now? For us to comment would be to empower the enemy, which of course we will not do. Your curiosity is not as important as having the announcement succeed.

SOZT December 10, 2014
We have stated that the public will see only the flash and parry of swords from a distance during the Council of Worlds war with the cover-up crowd. Meanwhile, periodic tests of the Emergency Broadcast System in the US are done, to see if the channels are open. As of this writing, they are not yet open. The war is still on, full press. Meanwhile, during the flash and parry of swords, one can see resistance, pleading, panic, and capitulation.

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  • casey a

    Democrats might skip Benjamin Netanyahu speech

    “It’s noteworthy that outside of Congress, Democratic and Republican figures are both saying Netanyahu’s address should be delayed.”...“It’s fairly clear this isn’t about honoring the U.S.-Israel special relationship. It’s about abusing it in order to undermine the president and his foreign policy.”

  • SongStar101

    Data Breach at Health Insurer Anthem Could Impact Millions

    News source

    Anthem Inc., the nation’s second largest health insurer, disclosed Wednesday that hackers had broken into its servers and stolen Social Security numbers and other personal data from all of its business lines. Given the company’s size, this breach could end up impacting tens of millions of Americans.

    Anthem didn’t specify how many consumer records may have been breached, but it did say all of the company’s business units are affected. The figures from Anthem’s Web site offer a glimpse at just how big this breach could be: “With nearly 69 million people served by its affiliated companies including more than 37 million enrolled in its family of health plans, Anthem is one of the nation’s leading health benefits companies.”

    The company said it is conducting an extensive IT forensic investigation to determine what members are impacted.

    “We are working around the clock to determine how many people have been impacted and will notify all Anthem members who are impacted through a written communication,” Anthem said in question and answer page released about the breach.

    Formerly known as Wellpoint Inc., Anthem said in a statement that the company was the target of a “very sophisticated external cyber attack” that exposed names, dates of birth, member ID/ Social Security numbers, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and employment information. The company stressed that the exposed data did not include medical records or financial information.

    According to Athem’s statement, the impacted (plan/brands) include Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia, Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Amerigroup, Caremore, Unicare, Healthlink, and DeCare. The company said impacted members will receive notice via mail which will advise them of the protections being offered to them as well as any next steps.

    Anthem said once the attack was discovered, the company immediately made every effort to close the security vulnerability, contacted the FBI and began fully cooperating with their investigation.

    More on this story as it develops. Stay tuned.

  • Nancy Lieder

    NBC was one of the networks that did not cover Obama's speechs. Now their talking head Brian Williams is caught in a self serving lie. Servicement came forward to say he had NOT "remembered" the scene right. Humm, could this be another COW maneuver?

    Can NBC News now have any credibility with Brian Williams as its face?

    And more. The soldiers involved have been angry since 2003, hearing his repeated lie, so why did they just come forward NOW with their testimony??? CNN made a big deal out of this, on and on in the news yesterday. Brian Williams, who likely was one of the media editors preventing the announcement, has gotten bit in the ass!

    A host of military veterans and pundits came forward on television and social media, challenging Mr. Williams’s assertion that he had simply made a mistake when he spoke, on several occasions, about having been in a United States military helicopter forced down by enemy fire in Iraq in 2003. Some went so far as to call for his resignation.

    Mr. Williams first reported on the episode when it happened in 2003, though the current controversy erupted last week after he spoke about it on air during a tribute to a retired soldier. Some veterans took to Facebook to complain, and a reporter at the military newspaper Stars and Stripes picked up the thread.

    In fact, some of the soldiers present in Iraq that day had been quietly fuming about Mr. Williams’s reporting for years, and had even tried to alert the news media to it earlier.

  • Shaun Kazuck

    I wonder if more will come out about the many Republicans who wish to run in 2016.  As soon as one scandal ended for him, another has begun...

  • Nancy Lieder

    Tony Abbott the current Australia PM is in hot water now because he awarded the pompous Prince Philip knighthood, among other elitist serving decisions I gather. Polarizing of the elite, clinging together, as their ship goes down. And the backlash!

    Abbott has faced a torrent of criticism in recent weeks over policy decisions ranging from his handling of the economy to awarding an Australian knighthood to Queen Elizabeth's husband, Prince Philip.

  • casey a

    Another case of Comcast (who owns NBC) using profanity to address their clients

    Bauer said she told a friend who works for a local television station about the offensive name on her bill. The friend passed the tip on and the station immediately contacted Bauer about the story. However, it turns out that that station is owned by Comcast (i.e. NBC) and the story was killed.

    (The thing about networks being under fire, is that they're all super-competitive with each other. So if they smell someone's bleeding, the rest of the lost will come hunting like piranhas.)

  • casey a

    Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired

    “Brokaw wants Williams’ head on a platter,” an NBC source said. “He is making a lot of noise at NBC that a lesser journalist or producer would have been immediately fired or suspended for a false report.”... “Tom Brokaw and [former NBC News President] Steve Capus knew this was a false story for a long time and have been extremely uncomfortable with it,” the source said.

    NBC brass hasn’t been talking to lower-level employees about the situation, leaving people in a panic, the insider said.

    “He is not going to be suspended or reprimanded in any way. He has the full support of NBC News,” a network source said.

    Except... Brian Williams Now Accused of Lying About Seeing “A Dead Body” During Katrina

    First he lies about Iraq war, and now it appears he lied about events during hurricane katrina. NBC is saying that they will launch an internal probe (what a load of crap). Its too late for that.

    He's going to be the butt of every joke & satire. Starting with conan. And 70% of a 10,000 polled survey say that they want him fired.


    There is a bigger can of worms to be opened here. What if ppl start asking what was the role of the media during the Iraq war? (Does the establishment want that?)

    One of the soldiers that was hit said "he didn’t remember Williams being on the helicopter, he did remember the NBC team leaving the scene and flying to Kuwait to report their “war story” for the Nightly News, all while the crew from the grounded flight was “stuck in Iraq trying to repair the aircraft.”"It was the "war story" that Brian (& the rest of the media) was there for. Brian Williams was just taking artistic freedom to lie about narrate the war--his story embellishment is just the tip of the iceburg.

  • SongStar101

    Joe Biden to skip Netanyahu speech, raising stakes in US-Israel drama

    Vice President Biden will now be out of the country on March 3, when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is scheduled to address a joint session of Congress. Congress's invitation was issued without consulting the White House, causing a breach of protocol.

    Vice President Joe Biden will be out of the country when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint session of Congress next month.

    The news, reported by Politico, raises the stakes in the drama over House Speaker John Boehner’s invitation to the prime minister, which was made without consulting the White House. The breach of protocol has roiled already tense relations between President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu. In his speech, the Israeli leader is expected to express concern about US negotiations with Iran over its nuclear weapons capability.

    On Friday, the vice president’s office confirmed to Politico that Mr. Biden plans to skip the speech, because he will be in an as-yet-unnamed foreign country.

    “We are not ready to announce details of the trip yet, and normally our office wouldn’t announce this early, but the planning process has been under way for a while,” a Biden spokesperson said.

    Just a day earlier, White House press secretary Josh Earnest said that the vice president’s schedule for the first week of March, when Netanyahu is due to visit, was “not yet set.” But he confirmed that Biden would attend Pope Francis’s address to a joint session of Congress on Sept. 24.

    Netanyahu is scheduled to address Congress on March 3, just two weeks before Israelis go to the polls. Mr. Obama will not meet with Netanyahu during his visit; Obama administration policy is not to meet with a foreign leader so close to an election.

    But the question of whether Biden would attend the speech has been hanging over the brouhaha since it broke last month. Israel is the US’s closest friend in the Middle East and enjoys strong bipartisan support. In his capacity as president of the Senate, Biden would be in the frame, just behind the prime minister, in any television coverage of the speech. 

    On Thursday, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi said there would not be a “boycott,” but she suggested there might be more than a few Democratic no-shows. 

    "When these heads of state come, people are here doing their work, they're trying to pass legislation, they're meeting with their constituents and the rest,” Congresswoman Pelosi said. “It's not a high-priority item for them."

    She also said there was a possibility that the event may not take place. "As of now, it is my intention to go. It's still my hope that the event will not take place."

    Israeli officials have spent the week doing damage control. On Friday, Deputy Foreign Minister Tzachi Hanegbi said that Netanyahu was misled into thinking the invitation was bipartisan.

    "It appears that the speaker of Congress made a move, in which we trusted, but which it ultimately became clear was a one-sided move and not a move by both sides," Mr. Hanegbi told 102 FM Tel Aviv Radio on Friday, according to Reuters.

    On Wednesday, Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer and Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein met with members on Capitol Hill to try to quell the controversy, though unsuccessfully.  It was the US-born Ambassador Dermer, a one-time Republican operative, who set up Netanyahu’s visit.

    The drama puts Democrats, particularly Jewish Democrats, in a tough spot.

    “I always respect the right of a president of a nation to come before us, but I think the time is totally inappropriate, just before the Israeli election,” two-term Rep. Alan Lowenthal (D) of California told The Hill newspaper.

    “It’s a deliberate attempt to try to influence the Israeli election and done right after the State of the Union address in which the president said foreign policy is getting better, and Mr. Boehner wants to demonstrate that things are not getting better," he added.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Emily Windsor Cragg, Daughter of King Edward VIII, files Claim to UK Crown with UK Parliament, charges Elizabeth II with Treason

    VANCOUVER, BC – Emily Windsor Cragg, the only daughter of the late Duke of Windsor, former King Edward VIII of the UK, announced in a interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre that she has filed a Claim to the UK Crown & Throne with the UK Parliament, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the International Criminal Court.

    Emily Windsor Cragg’s Claim to the UK Crown & Throne can be seen at

    Emily Windsor Cragg: My Claim to the UK Crown & Throne

    Emily Windsor Cragg’s Claim is to force Elizabeth Windsor and her complicit, compli­ant “Royal” family to step down so the Royal Bloodline through King Edward VIII’s line can take up the Reign and do the job correctly–to confront, mediate, facilitate and problem-solve these conflicts of interest that “Her Majesty” has willfully and negli­gently allowed to slip through her fingers.

    Under the Act of Settlement of 1701, the UK Parliament has the authority to reinstate the line of King Edward the VIII for cause, in which case Emily Windsor Cragg would be come UK Queen.

    In her Claim, Ms. Windsor Cragg states that King Edward VIII was the victim of a deceptive, unlawful coup d’état that involved the occultist branch of the Windsor family – her Grandfather King George V, her Uncle King George VI and his half-brother Adolf Hitler – in a plot including MI5 double agent Wallace Warfield Simpson to take over the UK Crown from legitimate heir and non-occultist Christian King Edward VIII and stage World War II as a False Flag.

    “What’s going on with the Windsor family RE SUCCESSION

    “Edward violated the 1772 Marriage Act by marrying a divorcee [Wallace Warfield Simpson] who was [secretly] a double MI-5 agent in the employ of King George V during WWI serving as intermediary between the King and his German cousin Kaiser Wilhelm, as well as with the eldest illegitimate son, Adolph Hitler

    “As a result Parliament [knowing the secret] passed an Act that removed Edward’s Royal privileges and all of any issue/children he may have ever had. There’s reason to believe from “a King’s Story,” that if Edward ever found out who and what Wallis was, it never seemed to show up in his writings or relationship at home; and his efforts to regain the throne were pitiful and few and consisted of some negotiations with Germans prior to WWII who were in charge anyway.

    “Now. Charles has violated the exact same act, and his present wife has Catholic connections, also forbidden by Law. So, it appears to me that the Royals can do one of two things: Cut Charles and his kids off (William-the-avowed-Satanist, Harry and Baby George) as happened before to Edward;

    “OR, by rescinding the special Act against Edward, they can place Charles back in the line of succession. Except for one ITEM: rescinding that Act would restore me as a member (albeit illegitimate] a half-member of the family, the bloodline of which I am a member in God’s sight by inheritance.” From Ms. Windsor Cragg’s Claim.

    Address the House of Commons and House of Lords

    Emily Windsor Cragg, who filed her claims with the UK Parliament in early January 2015, states that her next steps with be to follow up with the offices of the Prime Minister and the Leaders of the Opposition Parties, as well as with the House of Lords, to request the opportunity to address the House of Commons and House of Lords so as to avoid the constitutional crisis that has arisen as a result of Parliaments unlawful actions against her father King Edward VIII.

    Crowd funding Claim for UK Throne & Contact

    Emily Windsor Cragg has established a crowd funding project for individuals who would like to help support her Claim for the UK Crown & Throne and the values she would implement as UK Queen.

    Daughter of King Edward VIII files Claim to UK Crown & Throne with Parliament, charges British Monarchy with Treason

    Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has withheld and overturned her own Powers to confront and address moral conflicts of interest in the UK, US, Australia, New Zealand and the Commonwealth; in doing so, she has failed to reign or rule as Queen.

    Emily Windsor Cragg, the only daughter of the late Duke of Windsor, former King Edward VIII of the UK today announced that papers are being filed with the International Criminal Court to indict Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II with [fraud, malfeasance] Treason for the neglect of Coronation Vows to confront and address conflicts of interest in the United Kingdom.

    Claims are filed with Parliament, with the Archbishop of Canterbury and the International Criminal Court to force Elizabeth Windsor and her complicit, compli­ant “Royal” family to step down so the Royal Bloodline through King Edward VIII’s line can take up the Reign and do the job correctly–to confront, mediate, facilitate and problem-solve these conflicts of interest that “Her Majesty” has willfully and negli­gently allowed to slip through her fingers.

    On June 2, 1953, Elizabeth Windsor vowed and promised in her Coronation Vows:

    • To govern the peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain . . . according to their respective laws and custom– not allow UK’s being overrun by hostile minorities threatening to bring Sharia Law to the UK, without advising nor consenting by the peoples of Britain.
    • To cause Law and Justice in mercy [English Common Law] to be executed in all [her] judgments– not give over and abandon sovereignty to EU Maritime [Law of the Sea] tyranny, without having any consent of British citizens.
    • To maintain the Laws of God and . . . the Protestant Reformed religion established by law – not to realign British mores and Ethics with Tavistock Institute’s cynicism and nihilism, without having advised nor obtained consent by British citizenry.
    • To maintain and preserve inviol­able, the settlement of the Church of England, the doctrine, worship, discipline and government thereof – not to degrade Church leadership into passive political-correctness, common vices, misuse & abuse of children, without having advised nor obtaining consent by Anglican communicants.

    ACTUAL JOB DESCRIPTION [POWERS] of the Queen of Britain:

    • Power to choose and dismiss a prime minister.
    • Power to dismiss ministers and the government, dissolve parliament and call for new elections.
    • Power to enact laws and/or veto legislation passed by Parliament.
    • Power to issue proclamations with Parliament’s consent.
    • Power to “exercise Crown prerogatives,” including declaration of war and emergency.
    • The “right” and privilege to read confidential government documents and Intel reports; to advise and to warn.
    • Power to elevate or exile individuals; pardon convicted felons, grant and bestow titles and honours. The Queen hereby is declared NOT IMMUNE from conflicts of interest!

    Information Website:

  • Derrick Johnson

    Young woman at the center of Prince Andrew scandal says the FBI have videos of her having sex with Jeffrey Epstein and 'powerful friends' while she was underage 

    • Virginia Roberts alleges she was 'loaned out' to friends of Jeffrey Epstein
    • Named Prince Andrew and lawyer Alan Dershowitz among those involved
    • Claimed she was forced to have sex with prince on three occasions
    • In sworn statement filed yesterday, she claimed FBI possess key evidence
    • Said Epstein had cameras in rooms where she had sex while underage
    • Believes that FBI now has the videos which would support her claims
    • Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz, Jeffrey Epstein strongly deny allegations
  • Derrick Johnson

    They're going to try again

    SpaceX To Attempt Rocket Landing For Second Time


  • casey a

    Netanyahu is in a pickle re:his speech before congress. The more hardline pro-Israel groups supported by Sheldon Adelson are promising to shame or wage war against Democrats not willing to bow before Netanyahu.

    However, The national director of the Anti Defamation League  (leading anti-semitism group) says the uproar ignited by the PM's invitation to speak makes such a move unhelpful.

    Also, Israeli consuls in the U.S. have told the Foreign Ministry that friends of Israel fear the speech will harm ties between the two countries.

    Noticeable is AIPAC's (the biggest Israeli lobby) silence on this matter, because they're always supportive of right wing policies from Israel. So, everyone knows Nethanyahu is sacrificing U.S.-Israeli ties for his personal political gains.

    However, Netanyahu backpedalling now means he will look weak to his hardline base in Israel, & that is a grave offense to them. So the only ppl he has in bed with him are the ppl who can afford to look crazy like the Sheldon Adelsons.

    On the Iranian side, Rouhani & the moderates' political stakes are tied to the success of the nuclear talks.

    (The irony is that we know COW have ruled that there will be no nuclear exchanges between countries. All this posturing just to get another war started in the middle east, on top of the mess thats already going on there....And then how will U.S. troops be available at home during the earth changes, if they have to be deployed to fight wars for Netanyahu & co. So, this nonsense hardliners like Netanyahu is pulling is actually a threat to America's national security)

  • SongStar101  "The US is bankrupt, and cannot continue to fund Israel as before, particularly when they continue their bully stance." 

    Netanyahu bullying again? Even the UN?

    Israel welcomes resignation of head of U.N. inquiry into Gaza war crimes

    Jerusalem (CNN)Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed the resignation Tuesday of the head of a U.N. inquiry into alleged war crimes during last summer's conflict between Israel and Hamas militants in Gaza.

    Netanyahu said that Prof. William Schabas "was biased against Israel" and that the commission of inquiry's as yet unpublished report was written at the behest of the U.N. Human Rights Council, which the Prime Minister described as "an anti-Israel body."

    He said the report, due to be presented to the U.N. Human Rights Council in March, should be shelved. "This is the same council that in 2014 made more decisions against Israel than against Iran, Syria and North Korea combined," he added.

    Netanyahu said that Israel acted in accordance with international law during Operation Protective Edge and that it was "Hamas, the other terrorist organizations and the terrorist regimes around us that need to be investigated, not Israel."

    Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman also accused Schabas of bias -- saying his nomination was "like appointing Cain to investigate who murdered Abel" -- and welcomed his resignation, describing it as "another achievement of Israeli diplomacy."

    Schabas, a Canadian-born professor of international law based in London, was appointed by the U.N. Human Rights Council to head the three-person commission of inquiry in August.

    The council said its task was "to investigate all violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, particularly in the occupied Gaza Strip, in the context of the military operations conducted since 13 June 2014."

    This includes looking at the activities of Palestinian armed groups in Gaza, including attacks on Israel, as well as the Israeli military operation in Gaza and the West Bank, it said.

    The United Nations has said more than 2,100 Palestinians were killed in the conflict in Gaza. According to U.N. estimates, at least 70% of the Palestinians killed were civilians, but Israel reports a higher number of militants among the dead.

    On the Israeli side, there were 68 casualties, 65 of them soldiers and three civilians.

  • Kris H

    Check out @BreakingNews's Tweet:

    SpaceX launch scrubbed.
  • Derrick Johnson

    And the war continues…

    HSBC files show how Swiss bank helped clients dodge taxes and hide millions

    Data in massive cache of leaked secret bank account files lift lid on questionable practices at subsidiary of one of world’s biggest financial institutions

    HSBC’s Swiss banking arm helped wealthy customers dodge taxes and conceal millions of dollars of assets, doling out bundles of untraceable cash and advising clients on how to circumvent domestic tax authorities, according to a huge cache of leaked secret bank account files.

    The files – obtained through an international collaboration of news outlets, including the Guardian, the French daily Le Monde, BBC Panorama and the Washington-based International Consortium of Investigative Journalists – reveal that HSBC’s Swiss private bank:

    • Routinely allowed clients to withdraw bricks of cash, often in foreign currencies of little use in Switzerland.

    • Aggressively marketed schemes likely to enable wealthy clients to avoid European taxes.

    • Colluded with some clients to conceal undeclared “black” accounts from their domestic tax authorities.

    • Provided accounts to international criminals, corrupt businessmen and other high-risk individuals.

    The HSBC files, which cover the period 2005-2007, amount to the biggest banking leak in history, shedding light on some 30,000 accounts holding almost $120bn (£78bn) of assets.

    The revelations will amplify calls for crackdowns on offshore tax havens and stoke political arguments in the US, Britain and elsewhere in Europe where exchequers are seen to be fighting a losing battle against fleet-footed and wealthy individuals in the globalised world.

    Approached by the Guardian, HSBC, the world’s second largest bank, has now admitted wrongdoing by its Swiss subsidiary. “We acknowledge and are accountable for past compliance and control failures,” the bank said in a statement. The Swiss arm, the statement said, had not been fully integrated into HSBC after its purchase in 1999, allowing “significantly lower” standards of compliance and due diligence to persist.

    That response raises serious questions about oversight of the Swiss operation by the then senior executives of its parent company, HSBC Group, headquartered in London. It has now acknowledged that it was not until 2011 that action was taken to bring the Swiss bank into line. “HSBC was run in a more federated way than it is today and decisions were frequently taken at a country level,” the bank said.

    HSBC was headed during the period covered in the files by Stephen Green – now Lord Green – who served as the global bank’s chief executive, then group chairman until 2010 when he left to become a trade minister in the House of Lords for David Cameron’s new government. He declined to comment when approached by the Guardian.

    Although tax authorities around the world have had confidential access to the leaked files since 2010, the true nature of the Swiss bank’s misconduct has never been made public until now. Hollywood stars, shopkeepers, royalty and clothing merchants feature in the files along with the heirs to some of Europe’s biggest fortunes.


  • SongStar101

    UN Replaces Gaza Inquiry Chief

    A United Nations inquiry into possible war crimes committed last year in Gaza will proceed, despite the resignation of its chairman and despite protests from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    Mary McGowan Davis, a member of the independent commission of inquiry on Gaza, will replace former chief William Schabas, a U.N. statement said Tuesday. Schabas submitted his resignation Monday night after an Israeli complaint accused him of bias because of consultant work he did with the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyanhu on Tuesday called for scrapping the probe.

    William Schabas on Monday evening had submitted his resignation as leader of a three-member commission charged with investigating whether Israel committed war crimes during last summer’s conflict in Gaza. The commission, set up last August by the Geneva-based U.N. Human Rights Council, is scheduled to issue a final report March 23.  

    Netanyahu on Tuesday called the commission an "anti-Israeli body" and said its investigation should be abandoned. Israel had refused to cooperate with the inquiry.

    Schabas, an academic and outspoken critic of Israel, had faced pressure since that country formally accused him January 30 of "clear and documented bias," noting his previous "contractual relationship with the Palestinian side."

    PLO link acknowledged

    News media reviewed Schabas’ resignation letter and reported he acknowledged receiving $1,300 for a legal opinion he wrote in 2012 for the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). It was of a "technical legal nature" based on his scholarly writings, Schabas wrote.

    He further explained his decision to resign, telling Israel Radio he was "becoming an obstacle and a distraction to the work of the commission. So I had to get out of the way and let it get on with its work so it can prepare its report."

    Schabas’ resignation comes weeks after prosecutors at The Hague’s International Criminal Court announced they’d begun a preliminary inquiry into alleged atrocities in the Palestinian territories.

    During the 50-day Gaza conflict between Israel and the Islamic militant group Hamas, more than 2,200 Palestinians and 72 Israelis were killed. The U.N. said two-thirds of the Palestinian casualties were civilians.

    Israel denies allegations of war crimes, saying that it was acting in legitimate self-defense against Palestinian rocket attacks and that Hamas used civilians as human shields.

    Netanyahu says Hamas should be investigated

    Netanyahu said Hamas, not Israel, should be investigated for war crimes. The prime minister disparaged the U.N. rights council, saying that last year it "made more decisions against Israel than against Iran, Syria and North Korea combined."

    The Associated Press reported the council has passed more resolutions condemning Israel’s alleged abuses than those of other states. The council’s 47 members include several Arab and Muslim-majority countries.

    Palestinian officials expressed disappointment over Schabas’ decision to step down. They said Israel seeks to intimidate and discredit anyone who tries to hold it accountable for war crimes.

    U.N. officials said that despite Schabas’ resignation, the commission’s report would be presented as scheduled. The commission has nearly completed compiling evidence and has begun writing.

  • SongStar101

    Although charges existed which forced him to resign from the IMF in 2011,  according to wiki were dropped and forgotten.  "It was later revealed that the person who made these allegations, could not be trusted and the case was later dismissed."

    Dominique Strauss-Kahn on Trial for 'Aggravated Pimping' in France

    Economist and international party boy Dominique Strauss-Kahn is facing allegations of "aggravated pimping in an organized group."

    The former managing director of the International Monetary Fund, 65, lost his high-paying, high-powered job after a sex scandal in 2011. Strauss-Kahn was accused of accosting a hotel maid and gang-raping a prostitute on a trip to New York.

    The French economist denied the allegations, and they were eventually dropped. But an investigation into an alleged prostitution ring in France led to the pimping charges in May 2011.

    According to The New York Times, Strauss-Kahn is charged with "aggravated procurement in a group" (aka pimping). French authorities claim he organized parties where women were reportedly paid to have sex with businessmen.

    Known for his wild ways – he's been called the "king of the party" and has admitted to partaking in orgies – Strauss-Kahn denies there was any wrongdoing and claims he didn't organize the parties and didn't know women were being paid for sex.

    "I long thought that I could lead my life as I wanted … And that includes free behavior between consenting adults. There are numerous parties that exist like this in Paris, and you would be surprised to encounter certain people," The New York Times quoted him saying in 2012. "I was naive."

    Strauss-Kahn is expected to appear in a Paris court on Feb. 10. He could face up to 10 years in prison if convicted.

  • casey a

    List of  what countries have the most # of clients involved with the Swiss accounts.

    Also, The Guardian has reviewed the list of US clients with accounts in HSBC’s private Swiss bank. They include... hedge fund managers, retail magnates and major political donors. Link

    (Will Fox News & others cover this "scandal" for a year, like they did the IRS? Probably not.)

    Stephen Green, the former HSBC boss (& now appointed to the house of Lords and the minister for trade and investment), refuses to answer questions put to him by the BBC's Richard Bilton. [VIDEO]

  • casey a

    If you click on the ICIJ link below, they provide the profile of some 61 individuals. This is for the most part a joke (perhaps an attempt to get the attention of ppl by including celebrities). Right now, of all the ppl's profiles leaked Richard Caring had the most (with around £2m). But if you actually click on the different countries, you see there are some individuals/clients with far more than that-- whose identities they're withholding. If they can reveal the identities of Christian Slater, David Bowie, Tina Turner or some tycoons that aren't real powerbrokers, then they should reveal the identities of the real powerbrokers they're hiding as well.

    Pic below shows how many clients hold how much. (Click to enlarge).

    (Note the great majority of ppl hold less than $1 million. But there's a few who hold hundreds of millions & close to a billion. In venezuala, there is one individual(s) who holds $7.5 billion... Ppl from all these countries are asking for their identites to be released. Americans want to know who those few Americans are. Germans want to know who those few Germans are. Pressure coming from all fronts....

    Also note how the Bahamas & Cayman Islands have the lowest # of clients. Yet they have the most # of clients that hold money in the + $600 million categories compared to other countries. (Funnel money to the Bahamas & from there funnel it to a Swiss Bank).

  • SongStar101

    Secret Service deputy director steps down

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The deputy director of the U.S. Secret Service is leaving his post, the agency said on Monday, in the latest top level departure this year after a series of high profile security lapses.

    A.T. Smith has accepted another position within the Department of Homeland Security effective Tuesday, the Secret Service said in a statement.

    Smith has served as deputy director since April 2012 and was responsible for daily operations, including 6,500 employees, at the agency charged with protecting the president, it said.

    “Deputy Director Smith has had an exceptional law enforcement career spanning nearly 29 years within the United States Secret Service. His contributions to the agency have been invaluable,” said Secret Service Acting Director Joseph P. Clancy. 

    In January, the Secret Service forced aside four senior officials while another has opted to retire.

    The departures represent a house-cleaning within top management. The Washington Post reported last month that some members of Congress had expressed concern to the administration about Smith's continued presence in the top leadership.

    Recent lapses by the agency include allowing a knife-carrying man to jump a fence and run into the White House in September in one of the worst security breaches since President Barack Obama took office in 2009.

    An independent review of the agency released in December cited a leadership crisis at the agency and recommended an outsider be brought in to challenge an insular culture.

  • casey a

    Belgium considers arrest warrant against HSBC Switzerland directors

    Belgium charged the unit with tax fraud and money laundering in November, accusing the British-based bank of offering diamond dealers and other wealthy clients in Belgium ways of hiding cash and evading tax.

    "The bank is not giving the required information voluntarily. The judge has said that if it's so hard to get the information, he's considering international arrest warrants for the present directors in Belgium as well as Switzerland

  • casey a

    90% of Netanyahu's campaign contributions come from the U.S. Sheldon Adelson isn't on this list. But the paper he runs in Israel (Israel Today) is a very pro-Netanyahu outlet. It is distributed for free, but costs him millions. Essentially a free newspaper propaganda outlet for ppl.

  • casey a

    SpaceX launch scrubbed yet again. Reason given is high winds at the upper altitudes. Link.

  • casey a

    Brian Williams suspended for 6 months without pay. He's even trending on social media. (Maybe they're hoping that in 6 months ppl watching the news will forget all this). Williams had just signed a $10 mil a year contract with NBC/Comcast, 2 months ago. So they dont wanna lose that money. Add to this the irreparable damage done to their brand...

    NBC "Nightly News" was consistently the top rated news program for its time slot. Now its fallen behind ABC's "World News Tonight". Link

  • Nancy Lieder

    Drudge has the reputation of being the first to know. Is the announcement about to be allowed? Drudge is doing more than commenting on Obama's appearance. He is cluing his friends in that the jig is up! He did this once before with a tweet, "Have an Exit Plan" which the Zetas said was telling his ultr-right buddies that they could not stop the announcement. All efforts had failed.

  • Craig

  • casey a

    More of Obama testing the water with online media. Here he sits down with VOX & discusses politics.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    David Carr, New York Times columnist, dead at 58

    Carr, who wrote the Media Equation column for the paper, collapsed at his office on Thursday

    Picture linked from International New York Times

    NEW YORK — Media columnist David Carr, who wrote the Media Equation column for The New York Times and penned a memoir about his fight with drug addiction, collapsed at his office and died on Thursday. He was 58.

    Just hours before his death he had moderated a Times Talks conversation with Edward Snowden, director Laura Poitras and journalist Glenn Greenwald about the documentary Citizenfour, which chronicles Snowden's leak of National Security Agency documents. Carr, engaged as always, drew them out with pointed questions and wry observations to speak candidly about the film.

  • Nancy Lieder

    This article on truth in the media gives an example of how closely the media is controlled by the elite, the ultra-right, the oil interests of the West, etc etc. As yes, 911 and the weapons of mass destruction. Lies lies lies and Brian Williams a tiny nit in comparison. Any wonder the truth about Nibiru is being suppressed by this bunch?

    2/11/2015 Commentator Robert Parry, who broke the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980s as an Associated Press and Newsweek reporter, wrote this week in Wretched US Journalism on Ukraine that he has never witnessed the media march so much in lock-stop to the leaks and pronouncements of the U.S. Department of State and other Western authorities. This includes, he wrote, the media’s parroting of the “Weapons of Mass Destruction” canard enabling the Iraq war in 2003.

  • Nancy Lieder

    Via email, some excellent research by Don Deppeler on media ownership. Don noted I  misspelled Stewart as Steward. I corrected the ZT and also indicated that the Daily Show was on "Viacom (owner of CBS)" rather than just "CBS". Same content, same meaning, just more explicit. Apparently Redstone's absence from board meetings lately (this is on this blog earlier post) means CBS/Redstone wants the announcement to happen. It is NBC that is the holdout!!

    In the new ZT, you have Jon Stewart's surname misspelled as "Steward" several times, and also have him as being "CBS". He's actually with Viacom, via Comedy Central, and yes, Viacom is owned by Sumner Redstone (original birth-name Murray Rothstein, as he's Jewish; Wiki shows it), and Redstone/Rothstein is also the majority owner of a different organization - CBS - through its parent company "National Amusements" [how ironic! and telling!], but Jon Stewart was never CBS except through this chain of ownership.

    It seems, from today's ZT about it, that jewish Brian Roberts (CEO of Comcast, owner and chief shareholder of NBC) is putting pressure on jewish Sumner Redstone/Rothstein, who is actually one of the biggest fish in the pond.  You may have seen this excerpt yourself, but I thought it worthwhile to share with you:


    Control of voting power by a single shareholder can dilute the impact of "say on pay" advisory votes, experts say. A major shareholder can override other shareholders' concerns.

    For instance, Sumner Redstone controls 79.7 percent of the vote at CBS and 79.3 percent of the vote at Viacom, possibly contributing to the higher pay of CEOs Les Moonves and Philippe Dauman, who were ranked No. 2 and No. 5.

    Comcast CEO Brian Roberts, which owns NBC, ranked No. 10, controls 33.3 percent of the voting power at Comcast. And Discovery CEO David Zaslav, ranked No. 8, answers to one big boss: cable magnate John Malone, who controls 28.9 percent of the vote.

    "When you have the vote in your back pocket, you do not need to negotiate in the same way," said Nora McCord, managing director at Steven Hall & Partners, an executive compensation consulting firm in New York.

  • Corey Young

    This is a pretty big development in the War against the cover up crowd, and a bigger blow to those in the Service-to-Self camp:

    Sun News Network shuts down

    Broadcaster had grappled with CRTC over right to be carried on basic cable packages

    CBC News Posted: Feb 13, 2015 5:38 AM ET Last Updated: Feb 13, 2015 3:18 PM ET

    Sun News Network went off the air at 5 a.m. ET Friday after failing to find a new owner.

    Programming on the channel was replaced with a Sun TV logo.

    Sun Media Corp. issued a statement saying it spent months unsuccessfully trying to find a buyer, but financial losses meant it could not continue to operate.....

    .......When Quebecor launched the station, media pundits quickly dubbed it "Fox News North."

    This is interesting, while they blame the 'CRTC' for not giving it preferential treatment...the biggest telltale sign that links to the War on the Coverup is the fact that the station could not find a 'buyer'! Which is a symptom (as per Nancy has relayed via the Zeta's) of the super rich beginning to turn on each other, and they will not invest in a prominent mouthpiece for ultraright (Sun News) to spread lies in Canada.


    Also, is it any wonder why the PM (Harper) has lost so many cabinet members in the last month? the Rats are further fleeing the scene and by the time the election hits, the Conservatives will be out of power (I hope!!!)



  • casey a

    HSBC whistleblower: There are 'more revelations'

  • casey a

    A couple of days ago, the SpaceX rocket landed on water instead of the drone ship. They excused this due to stormy conditions.

    Here's something else the elite are working on. We know about Boston Dynamics's array of robots. They've come up with a an all-electric robot that would be quieter. LINK Without dependence on gas, just charge & send them out.

    On top of this, "Microsoft says its new computer vision system can outperform humans" LINK You put two & two together, you have  drones that can map the environment semi-autonomously & better than humans can. (And thats just the best case scenario..)

  • Stanislav

    Hackers heist up to $1 billion from banks worldwide

    A hacking ring has stolen up to $1 billion from banks around the world in what would be one of the biggest banking breaches known, a cybersecurity firm says in a report scheduled to be delivered Monday.

    The hackers have been active since at least the end of 2013 and infiltrated more than 100 banks in 30 countries, according to Russian security company Kaspersky Lab.

    After gaining access to banks' computers through phishing schemes and other methods, they lurk for months to learn the banks' systems, taking screen shots and even video of employees using their computers, the company says.

    Once the hackers become familiar with the banks' operations, they use that knowledge to steal money without raising suspicions, programming ATMs to dispense money at specific times or setting up fake accounts and transferring money into them, according to Kaspersky. The report is set to be presented Monday at a security conference in Cancun, Mexico. It was first reported by The New York Times.

    The hackers seem to limit their theft to about $10 million before moving on to another bank, part of the reason why the fraud was not detected earlier, Kaspersky principal security researcher Vicente Diaz said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press.

  • casey a

    MI5 accused of covering up sexual abuse at boys’ home :-

    Court case to address alleged cover-up of British state involvement at the Kincora children’s home in Northern Ireland

    MI5 is facing allegations it was complicit in the sexual abuse of children, the high court in Northern Ireland will hear on Tuesday. The case, in Belfast, is the first in court over the alleged cover-up of British state involvement at the Kincora children’s home in Northern Ireland in the 1970s. It is also the first of the recent sex abuse cases allegedly tying in the British state directly.

    Amnesty International branded Kincora “one of the biggest scandals of our age”. One [military official] says MI5 was complicit in the abuses; another says he reported it to MI5 but no action was taken. Colin Wallace, a former army information officer in Northern Ireland, said: “There is now irrefutable evidence that previous inquiries were deliberately engineered or manipulated to mislead parliament by concealing the role of government agencies in covering up the abuses.”

    There have been limited inquiries into Kincora, but officers of the former Royal Ulster Constabulary, army intelligence officers, a former Northern Ireland ombudsman, and the judges conducting those earlier inquiries all said the truth about what went on there – and why it was allowed to continue for so many years – had been suppressed.


    (Back in the 80's they framed the guy who was investigating this abuse. Later, Margaret Thatcher was forced to admit this.)

    Among the first to accuse the Ministry of Defence and MI5 of a cover-up was the former army information officer Wallace (the investigator), who was himself the victim of dirty tricks, and subsequently left the MoD.

    In 1980, as more people began to take notice of his claims about [the child abuse], Wallace (the investigator) was arrested and convicted of manslaughter. He spent six years in jail amid suggestions he had been framed. His conviction for manslaughter was quashed in 1996 in the light of fresh forensic evidence and shortcomings at his trial. In 1990, Margaret Thatcher was forced to admit that her government had deceived parliament and the public about Wallace’s role.

    An independent investigation by David Calcutt QC had found that members of MI5 had interfered with disciplinary proceedings against Wallace!!! As a result, Wallace was awarded £30,000 compensation. 

    (This whole thing looks like its about to blow up. More victims coming forward. And it has reached court with a lot of publicity. On separate earlier occasions Jimmy Saville now known to be a pedophile would joke about bringing a fan of the Queen's husband to the palace.

    Wonder when the truth comes out how all of this will affect the aftertime plans of the royals & their "friends".)


  • Mark

    Truth coming out about the Rendlesham Forest UFO sighting in 1980?  - even long time paid government mouthpiece and debunker Nick Pope says it is real.


    Britain's Roswell: the truth behind the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident

    Did an extra-terrestrial craft land in a Suffolk forest during the winter of 1980? The maker of a new film, The Rendlesham UFO Incident, believes so

    Dubbed “Britain’s Roswell”, the Rendlesham Forest incident, which took place over a series of nights in December 1980, continues to fascinate UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists. It is easy to understand why. Consider the following three statements, for example:
    1) “This was not some vague ‘lights in the sky’ sighting – the UFO actually landed.” – Nick Pope, a Ministry of Defence employee from 1985 to 2006.
    2) “When I arrived [at the scene], it was going in and out through the trees and at one stage it was hovering.” – Sgt. Adrian Bustinza, a security police commander who investigated the incident at the time.
    3) “Okay, we’re looking at the thing; we’re probably about two to three hundred yards away. It looks like an eye winking at you... And the flash is so bright to the starscope that it almost burns your eye.” – Taken from the Halt tape, recorded on December 27 1980 by United States Air Force lieutenant colonel Charles Halt.
    Only last month, a dog walker uploaded fresh footage of unidentified lights in the sky above Rendlesham Forest, while a new film on the subject, produced by long-time Suffolk resident and Rendlesham Forest incident expert Daniel Simpson, has recently been released. There is even an official UFO trail for walkers to follow through Rendlesham Forest. But what actually happened? And, 35 years after the event, are we any closer to unravelling the mystery?

    article continues........

  • casey a

    These UFO stores are a Billion times more effective & intriguing than the baby steps NASA is taking with "the minute amount of methane emissions" in Mars

  • casey a

    So congress is at an impasse on funding the dept of homeland security. The GOP-controlled house passed a funding bill. However, they included a "poison pill" that would undo Obama's immigration reform as well. Obama has made it clear he would veto those kinds of dirty tricks. The senate republicans are wary about passing this bill, as well.

    The problem the Republicans are having is that the representatives from the house are coming from districts that are militantly anti-Obama. Whereas, senators represent their entire state. So they can't afford to be that militant. And 24 of the 34 senators up for re-election are republican.

    John Boehner has repeatedly said he's willing to see a homeland security shutdown. (The essential workers would be forced to work, regardless). He supposedly believes that the public would blame the house democrats for this. But the republicans have become synonymous with the words "government shutdown". And a new poll suggests this. (Keep in mind Boehner is also getting flack for undermining the President by inviting Netanyahu w/o telling Obama).

    GOP Congress On The Verge Of A Meltdown

    Poll: Blame for DHS shutdown would fall to GOP

    ---Also, Majority of Americans oppose Netanyahu invite There will also be a 5 minute delay between the speech & broadcasts in Israel. Anything that can be construed as campaigning, will be censored.

  • Ryan X

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Household Spending 'Ina...

    TEL AVIV, Israel — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara spent almost as much on cleaning their private residence each month as the average Israeli worker earns in the same period, according to an official investigation that uncovered examples of "inappropriate" spending of taxpayers' money.

    The average cost of cleaning Netanyahu's residence in Caesarea reached 8,200 Israeli shekels ($2,120) per month in 2013 even though he and his family spend most of their time in their official residence in Jerusalem, according to the government report released Tuesday. The average Israeli salary was $2,376 in 2013, according to Haaretz newspaper.

  • casey a

    Peter Oborne, former chief political commentator for The Telegraph in an article on why he left the Telegraph exposes how HSBC flexes its big muscles to stop real journalism.

    Reporters were ordered to destroy all emails, reports and documents related to the HSBC investigation. I have now learnt, in a remarkable departure from normal practice, that at this stage lawyers for the Barclay brothers (i.e. the owners of the paper) became closely involved. When I asked the Telegraph why the Barclay brothers were involved, it declined to comment. This was the pivotal moment. From the start of 2013 onwards stories critical of HSBC were discouraged. HSBC suspended its advertising with the Telegraph. Its account, I have been told by an extremely well informed insider, was extremely valuable. HSBC, as one former Telegraph executive told me, is “the advertiser you literally cannot afford to offend” 


    As much as a delay in the announcement is agonizing, it has an upside-- in that  the elite are being hollowed out with all the leaks.

  • casey a

    Comcast (NBC's parent company) Stock Downgraded Amid Title II Uncertainty; Time Warner Cable Merger Less Likely, Top Analyst Says.

    The FCC chairman has recently said that high-speed internet in the U.S. should be classified as a public utility. This would mean the big companies would have to open their lines to other Internet providers at a fair price. Essentially, it would reduce monopolies, and allow for a more open internet. The internet would be regulated like phone lines & remain free & fair.

    Here a video that explains title II & net neutrality better than i could:

    Given this regulatory climate there is increasing doubt on whether the proposed merger of Comcast & Time Warner Cable will go ahead......

    If Comcast & Time Warner Cabler merge, Here is what a map of the leading internet service provider by state would look like

    (The United States of Comcast).. Notice how most of the populated areas would be under their control.

    So we shouldn't be suprised that NBC (who's owned by Comcast) is holding out? If zetas have said that the plan all along was to control information (tv, internet) & airplane carriers, then it doesnt take much to guess why Comcast had acquired NBC some years ago.

    Since cable & internet are synonymous, Comcast is the leader in cable subscription, as well. And after Comcast, Time Warner Cable is the second biggest cable provider.

    Comcast (& other big internet companies) would have a virtual monopoly on the flow of information. During the coming times, they could even restrict access to important websites. (They already do this under the guise of choking competition & get away with it-- because the internet isn't labelled a public utility.) They might get sued, but that would take forever to get settled & would drag on in the courts during the earth changes. In the meantime, to preempt that nonsense, they should be classified as public utilities, be regulated like phone service & allow smaller internet service providers to rent their cable lines.

    Even after classifying them as a public utility, they might be up to funny business. Supporting a free internet is a popular thing. Also it is popular among silicon valley (who've backed Obama & democrats financially). So you can say that is why Obama is supporting it. However, Obama has also gone out of his way to encourage municipalities to build their own broadband internet.

  • casey a

    One more thing, due to lobbying efforts from companies like Comacast, in 20 states municipalities are forbidden from building their own broadband!!!

  • casey a

    Here's some uncomfortable old news:

    Comcast CEO Brian Roberts has donated $76,000 to Democrats since 2006, compared to $13,500 in contributions to Republicans.

    David Cohen (Comcast Executive VP), a longtime Democratic operative, has successfully sheparded the regulatory review of Comcast’s merger with NBC Universal earlier this year.

  • casey a

    Brian Roberts (CEO of Comcast) called Barack Obama, tried to talk him out of Title II proposal.

    The personal reach-out by Roberts himself, of course, demonstrates the high priority with which Comcast holds net neutrality legislation. It also demonstrates the limits of the conglomerate's political influence, with President Obama ultimately endorsing strong rules [on Comcast & other big Internet providers].

    When Comcast Corp. heard rumors that President Obama was preparing to call for tough new Internet regulations, the cable giant’s influence machine swung into action. CEO Brian Roberts telephoned Obama’s senior adviser. But the adviser told him nothing and the last-ditch lobbying fell flat.

    A few days later, on Nov. 10, 2014, Mr. Obama called for the “strongest possible rules” to make sure broadband providers treat all Web traffic equally—a change that would regulate Internet service like a public utility.

    The news took Comcast by surprise......

    Of the 10 leading corporate spenders on lobbying, three are phone or cable companies—Comcast, AT&T Inc. and  Verizon Communications Inc. —according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.

    And of all individual corporations (notwithstanding lobbying groups), Comcast is the biggest lobbying spender. (Notice that the National Assn of Broadcasters & National Cable & Telecommunications Assn would invariably be representing Comcast & other cable providers interests as well. And this isn't including whatever they funnel through the US Chamber of Commerce).

    However, Comcast & cable companies ambitions involve stepping on the toes of powerful opponents like Google, etc

  • casey a

    Reporter Calls Comcast CEO’s Mother To Complain About ‘Horrible Treatment’ – Gets Instant Service 

    Tattling to someone’s mom may have worked during our juvenile years, but the same technique had to be relied upon to get some decent service [from Comcast]... The reporter realized that the only way to get the company’s attention in this case was to tattle on the CEO to his mom, which is something most of us stopped doing around the age of 9 or so...

    Comcast is a very ‘influential‘ company in the United States and maybe it is quite clear why it can get away with such bad customer service.

     Back from May, 2014 -  Comcast is “waging a campaign of shock and awe for its proposed merger with Time Warner Cable by fielding one of the biggest lobbying teams ever seen in Washington

    (More ppl like BP than they like Comcast!). In fact, Comcast & Time Warner Cable are the 2 most hated companies in America. Not a suprise that the seth lords want to join forces then; & that they treat their customers so poorly.

    By forcing them to open their lines to other small internet service providers, their monopoly will be CRUSHED. All those mistreated customers will drop them in a heartbeat.

  • Ryan X

    @Casey  Thanks Casey for the great Comcast info.  I've been warning people about this situation with Comcast for at least the last 4 years now.  It would be so great if their precious little monopoly got stripped away from them.  Down with American Corporate Oligopolies and no more of this arrogant b.s....

  • casey a

    Here's a list of media companies (specifically) that lobby Washington. On the left is the total amount of money a group has spent & on the right is money they spent in contributions to political candidates.

    Source: Center for Responsive Politics.

    After the broadcast & telecommunications lobby groups, Comcast spends an almost equivalent sum of money. After Comcast, National Amusements only spends half of that. And the chart on the right tells you everything. No other media group/lobby is more focused than Comcast to get what they want (through direct contributions). And what they want is the time warner cable merger. Comcast employs 35 lobbying firms (37 counting its subsidiaries). Its talent includes 107 lobbyists, including two retired senators and three former House members.

  • casey a

    Yes. And since we know that the announcement is inevtiable, the longer Comcast/NBC holds out, the easier it is for other media companies (when/if pressed) to fault the delay on Comcast/NBC & use them as a scapegoat. (The same way Brian Williams is taking blame for his Iraq war coverage, instead of the whole media really)

    It would be the perfect plan to deflect ppl's anger off their backs & instead, towards Comcast. Comcast is public enemy #1, anyways.

    Also, re: Comcast hiring hitmen to intimidate other companies' media personalities, it is a giant waste of time. Ppl dont watch traditional cable media anymore. So an individual anchor isn't as powerful as he/she used to be. I dont wanna say Comcast is clueless, but then again they think they'll win against COW.

  • casey a

    From the 12th onwards the daily show w/ Jon Stewart has been running repeat episodes. So has the "Late night show w/ Larry Wilmore" (the "Colbert Report" replacement).  And comedy network (in Canada) is not showcasing Jon Stewart on their front page anymore.

  • Derrick Johnson

    White House admits it is withholding details of Iran nuclear talks from ally Israel in case Netanyahu leaks secrets to scuttle the talks

    • State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki says 'not everything you're hearing from the Israeli government is an accurate depiction of the talks' 
    • Israeli officials responded arguing that if the deal being negotiated was a good one, why was there a need to hide details?
    • Washington's acknowledgment of a gap in its briefings to Israel highlights growing space between the allies on the emerging agreement with Iran