Council of Worlds at WAR re Announcement Delays

Note the location of “Planet 9” and the inbound path for Nibiru provided by the Zetas in 1997. Nibiru arrived, right on schedule in 2003, and right where predicted a full 7 years earlier. Where the Zetas provided the location of the gravity draw represented by the Sun’s dark unlit binary and the inbound Nibiru in 1983, when the IRAS team lofted its infra-red balloon in search of the inbound Nibiru, this location was not provided to the public. All articles in print at that time only referring to the location as the “western edge of the constellation Orion”, quite vague, and the “western edge” is vast. Yet the Zetas pinpointed the location as being just outside the lower bow of Orion. Such is the accuracy of ZetaTalk. How would the public eventually become “aware of the history and accuracy of ZetaTalk predictions” as predicted by the Zetas on April 16, 2016? ? It would seem this is already in process.

SOZT March 19, 2016

So what happened to the announcement? Obama lacked the courage. As a result of this colossal failure,  having to disband the Jade Helm structure, the US military reacted. Obama is no longer running the country. Chief of Staff General Dunford is. Ben Fulford has for months been referring to Obama as the US “spokesperson”. Is this true, and how does this work? In that the Middle East, under the direction and press from Israel, Turkey, the Jewish bankers of the Federal Reserve, and the Saudis were supporting ISIS and this threatened to create a force that would not only invade Europe but also create an endless terrorism threat to the US, the military did indeed effect a silent coup. Russia needed to enter the fray, and Dunford, but not Obama, agreed. This will never be admitted, publicly, nor do the parties want this.

SOZT October 1, 2015
The three major social media outlets in use around the globe all had significant, and simultaneous outages between September 20-24, 2015. Skype had complaints from the UK, Australia, and Japan. Twitter received reports from the US, Australia, and Singapore. FaceBook had the loudest howls, primarily from the US and Europe. Notably these downtimes, some lasting for hours or even days, got no attention in the major media, and there was no real explanation for the outages.  Every Skype user has an account and a password, as do their contacts. Every Skype user can broadcast messages to their contacts, even if these contacts are not presently online. Every twitter use likewise has an account and a password, and by sending a tweet passes information along to subscribers, who can retweet the info in the future. FaceBook users likewise have an account and a password, with many friends who pick up info from each other and pass it along on their FaceBook accounts.  In all of this, the networks themselves are AWARE of the accounts and passwords, and could do a broadcast to all in the event of an announcement. Check your user agreements. This is legal!

SOZT April 25, 2015
When we announced that the Council of Worlds would be going to war with the elite over their blockage of the announcement, the tools available to the Council were not immediately apparent. Early in the campaign the Sony hack showed one such mechanism, whereby an anonymous hacker revealed embarrassing information about Sony executives. Similarly exposing pedophile activities by Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and blatant lies by self-promoting media talking heads such as Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly required nothing more than encouraging contactees to step forward.  In many, many cases a financial loss sufficient to trigger a clash among the elite is a result of an electronic delay during trades. 

SOZT July 4, 2015
What is the message here? As with other failed launches, this most recent failure is a definitive message from the Council of Worlds. Space X has had success in resupplying the ISS, though has flounded on landing on a floating ocean platform.  Resupply of the ISS is OK, reuse of their launch equipment so as to help the elite escape, not OK. The message now is that the elite should not expect to get into space at all. No escape. The message here is to take all hope away from such plans among the elite. They are to remain on Earth with the common man. We expect the battle to shift from attempts to block the announcement, or deny its meaning, to attempts to enslave the common man in some way. That is another fight, on another day.

SOZT November 1, 2014
The elite – the wealthy and politically powerful in the world – have continued in their attempts to thwart the announcement by Obama and his partners admitting that Nibiru, aka Planet X exists. We have long stated that the announcement date was set by Obama and Xi at their June 7-8, 2013 meeting in Santa Monica. The flustered slip given by the French Foreign Minister on May 13, 2014 re “500 days
until climate chaos” was in reference to this, as the date set was to be 500 days from the 2013 meeting, ie October 20, 2014.

SOZT November 8, 2014
Relying solely on Russia or China to proceed would get the truth out BUT since the block had always been on the US end, via Reagan’s national security directive, without a confirmation from Obama this is awkward and subject to being countered. If true, where is the confirmation from Obama? It would be packaged as some odd communist attack against Obama going into the elections, to make him seem weak, almost comical. So where is this going now? For us to comment would be to empower the enemy, which of course we will not do. Your curiosity is not as important as having the announcement succeed.

SOZT December 10, 2014
We have stated that the public will see only the flash and parry of swords from a distance during the Council of Worlds war with the cover-up crowd. Meanwhile, periodic tests of the Emergency Broadcast System in the US are done, to see if the channels are open. As of this writing, they are not yet open. The war is still on, full press. Meanwhile, during the flash and parry of swords, one can see resistance, pleading, panic, and capitulation.

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  • Nancy Lieder

    ZetaTalk progress report on the COW wars.

    Who hacked Sony?
    The FBI says it cannot confirm whether the computer leak that has devastated Sony Pictures Entertainment was orchestrated by North Korea, or any other entity. Meanwhile, the hackers themselves have posted more threats and confidential data. Guardians of Peace, a group that has taken responsibility for the hacks, unveiled on the Github coding website. The movie in question is 'The Interview,' a Seth Rogen comedy about two news anchors being recruited by the CIA to kill North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, which is scheduled for a Christmas release in the US. Initially, the media and several security companies ran with the most enticing North Korean narrative for the attack. Pyongyang has publicly objected to the release of 'The Interview' since summer, and added fuel to the fire with a statement congratulating the hackers, while failing to take responsibility.
    [and from another]
    I saw this interesting news on Drudge report. Is this a test also like the one with the TV emergency broadcast in October?
    [and from another]
    Back in 2011, the FCC began to roll out emergency government alerts to cellphone users in major cities before the program was made mandatory on all new smartphones. Although a user can opt out of some of the alerts, presidential messages direct from the White House cannot be turned off. Early tests of the cellphone emergency alert system in New Jersey caused panic after Verizon customers received text messages warning them that a “civil emergency” was in progress and to “take shelter,” prompting alarmed citizens to flood 911 lines with anxious calls. Back in October we also reported on how television viewers in several different states were interrupted by an emergency alert from the White House warning them to stand by for an emergency message and not to use their phones.  AT&T subsequently blamed a nationally syndicated radio station for triggering the alert message, although this explanation was questioned by some given that only the federal government has the capability of sending out EAS alerts.
    [and from another]
    52-year-old Belgian Geert Tack - a private banker for ING who managed portfolios for wealthy individuals - was described as 'impeccable', 'sporty', 'cared-for', and 'successful' and so after disappearing a month ago, the appearance of his body off the coast of Ostend is surrpunded by riddles. This is the 36th Dead Banker of the year.
    [and from another]
    Prince William and Kate fly to New York for three-day visit. They'll visit Obama, Biden & Hillary, separately. Has the queen sent them to seek amnesty?
    [and from another]
    Prince William will make a side trip to visit Washington for a day, while Kate stays in New York. It will be their first visit to New York and Washington.
    [and from another]
    William jetted down to Washington for a quick visit with President Obama at the White House.
    Barristers representing the government are due to go to the supreme court in the latest attempt to keep secret a series of letters written by Prince Charles to government ministers.
    [and from another]
    It’s official: torture doesn’t work. Waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of 9/11, did not in fact “produce the intelligence that allowed us to get Osama bin Laden," as former Vice President Dick Cheney asserted in 2011.

    We have stated that the public will see only the flash and parry of swords from a distance during the Council of Worlds war with the cover-up crowd. Meanwhile, periodic tests of the Emergency Broadcast System in the US are done, to see if the channels are open. As of this writing, they are not yet open. The war is still on, full press. Meanwhile, during the flash and parry of swords, one can see resistance, pleading, panic, and capitulation.

    While loudly maintaining bravado,
    refusing to give Obama coverage on his immigration amnesty announcement, there are subtle signs that the media is starting to comply. No perpetrator was identified when several major media sites - including the popular Drudge Report and CNN and MSNBC – were down for hours,
    clamped off at the website ISP. This was done by the elite, to warn the media not to comply with the Council’s demands. Now the CIA torture reports - an extreme embarrassment to cover-up advocates Dick Cheney, the CIA, and the Republican Party -  is getting prime time coverage.  Progress has been made.

    While loudly proclaiming that they will indeed go to Mars, the Orion test flight was delayed for a day
    until crucial life support equipment tests were removed. Meanwhile, the bravado and bragging continues, as the elite hope that after the announcement they can go back to business as usual – saving their own skins. Bankers are still being found dead for mysterious or suspect reasons, but killing witnesses will not allow them to escape an expose. The banking industry has now begun to pressure media moguls to allow the announcement. Netanyahu’s power grab
    looked on the surface to be coming from strength, but he has over reacted by isolating himself. He will thus be the obvious target when Israel’s secrets are revealed.

    Since the Council of Worlds went to war with the cover-up, the Sonny hack occurred, with the FBI still not able to discern who the perpetrators are. N Korea does not have the skills, and demands that The Interview - a movie embarrassing to N Korea - be pulled just part of the frame-up.  The group making claims, the Guardians of Peace, is working at the hands of the Council of Worlds, and is being assisted by angels, thus. Sony is being used as an example, to other media elite, of what lies ahead for them if they do not comply with the Council’s demands. Time is running out for these media moguls.

    And what of William and Kate’s sudden visit to the US, which included a one-on-one between William and Obama? The Queen and many in the UK government are adamantly opposed to breaking the cover-up over the presence of Nibiru. The Queen has sought asylum
    in various countries, including the US under Bush, as she intends to desert the commoners in the UK when the Earth changes increase. William and Kate and their adorable toddler have recently visited New Zealand,
    seeking this for the royal family. But this visit to the US is to strike a deal – the Queen will allow the announcement re Nibiru if Obama agrees to bring the royal family to the US and give them protection. The offer was, of course, refused.   

  • Rich Racosky

    Thanks Nancy! What a chess match happening!  No question who wins.

  • casey a

    haha. The punch line was hilarious--this is the queen that attempted to steal funds put aside for poor folks. All so that she could use them to renovate the palace.. Also, the republicans were intent on shutting the government because of Obama's immigration executive order. Once the CIA report was released they did a 180 degree turn, and have agreed to fund the government (Link). And Obama threatened to veto a billl that would make permanent some corporate taxes, and the bill thus blew up as well.

    Also on monday he went on "the colbert report". The Lincoln cartoon behind him caught my eye.

    Picture from Rex/Guardian

    He looks like he getting into that campaign mode. Have the gloves come off?

  • Andrey Eroshin

    Nancy, we can crunch of popcorn and look some free of charge movie of Sony Pictures)))

  • Nancy Lieder

    Via email, this. NEW leak on Luxembourg tax deals. Dirty dirty dirty.

    A new leak of confidential documents expands the list of big companies seeking secret tax deals in Luxembourg, exposing tax-saving maneuvers by American entertainment icon The Walt Disney Co., politically controversial Koch Industries Inc. and 33 other companies. A new leak of confidential documents expands the list of big companies seeking secret tax deals in Luxembourg, exposing tax-saving maneuvers by American entertainment icon The Walt Disney Co., politically controversial Koch Industries Inc. and 33 other companies.

  • casey a

    Luxembourg Leaks: Tricks of the Trade

    The European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker survived a "no-confidence" vote when the initial leaks came out. Now this-- "Bob Comfort, the former head of tax for Amazon, claimed Juncker [who was then Luxembourg's Prime Minister] had fiercely courted the online giant, behaving as a “business partner” and “helping solve problems”. Months after arriving in Luxembourg in 2003, Amazon secured a confidential deal from the local tax office."

    "The new files revealed that alongside PwC tax rulings were also brokered by Ernst & Young, Deloitte and KPMG, among other accounting firms....In many cases Luxembourg subsidiaries handling hundreds of millions of dollars in business maintain little presence and conduct little economic activity in Luxembourg. One popular address – 5, rue Guillaume Kroll – is home to more than 1,600 companies.

    Just about every big firm has done some sort of business with these accounting firms. They are the big boys in town that cater to the corporations. This is from wikipedia-- "It is reported that the Big Four audit 99% of the [100 most valued companies in the London Stock Exchange, & 96% of the top 250].

    Also in this week's zetatalk it was said, "During this war, the cover-up crowd may start attacking EACH OTHER, and the war is at that point.".

    Imagine the elite that (may not even be implicated in these leaks and) have realized that they have far more to lose in continuing the this stance. As it starts dawning on them they too could be exposed to the public, one would imagine they would do the COW's bidding and put pressure on their fellow elite to admit defeat. For so long they've divided and conquered ppl around the world. Its nice to see these tactics used against them.

  • casey a

    Under "2. How It Works" section, there is a graphic illustrating the tax scheme.

    And here's a short clip of the Luxembourg subsidiaries. (This is comical, almost)-

  • casey a

    An anonymous Wikipedia user from an IP address that is registered to United States Senate has tried, and failed, to remove a phrase with the word "torture" from the website's article on the Senate Intelligence Committee's blockbuster CIA torture report. (Mashable Link)

  • Andrey Eroshin

    It was McCain, from his office, not very a smart idea)))

  • Ecosikh

    The backlash - "GCHQ to chase pedophiles" - "CIA saved lives" - "The Report is Crap" - "Whitehouse approved interrogations".

    Classic PR tactics - trying a positive spin on the reports, shifting the blame to those who deny culpability at the same time. What is needed is a civil court case where the burden of proof needs to be on the balance of probabilities (i.e. 50:50) and not beyond reasonable doubt. No wonder the US withdrew from the International Court of Justice...

  • Nancy Lieder

    Are the banks afraid of an expose? Meanwhile, they hold out on Obama's announcement, but dish out survival bug-out bags to their employees! The top banker, the evil doers, they have their bunkers already. Bastards!

    They Know Something: Why Did The Treasury Department Just Purchase Thousands of Survival Kits For Bank Examiners?
    December 10
    ... Whatever it is, it should be clear that preparations are being made.
    The latest eye-opener comes from the U.S. Treasury, a department tasked with managing the country’s debt as well as the banking system as a whole. According to a new report the Treasury Department has ordered over $200,000 Survival Kits for as many as 3,814 employees who oversee the federal banking system.
    It’s not clear why the federal government has ordered the kits, but perhaps they are expecting some sort of disturbance to take place and they want their employees to be prepared for it. According to Zero Hedge, the kits will be delivered to every major bank in the United States and include Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Capital One. ...

  • Shaun Kazuck

  • SongStar101

    Canada Revenue Agency privacy breach leaks prominent Canadians' tax details

    Business leaders, art collectors, authors and politicians among more than 200 on agency's list of donors

    Nov 25, 2014

    Detailed tax information about the private lives of hundreds of Canadians — many of them rich and famous — was sent to CBC News by Canada's tax agency in a major privacy breach.

    The highly confidential details, including home addresses of taxpayers and the value of tax credits they were granted, are contained in a copy of a Canada Revenue Agency spreadsheet covering the years 2008 to 2013.

    The 18 pages include information on donations made by such Canadian luminaries as author Margaret Atwood, former prime minister Jean Chrétien, grocery magnate Frank Sobey, cartoonist Lynn Johnston, pollster Allan Gregg, financier Stephen Bronfman, former CBC executive Richard Stursberg, Olympics chief Richard Pound and many others.

    "Letting confidential figures slip that way, is very sloppy … I'm sure they didn't do it on purpose," Atwood told CBC on Tuesday.

    The list outlines what donations of manuscripts, photographs and fine art these Canadians have made to Canadian galleries and museums, and includes their home addresses and the value the taxman attached to the donations for the purpose of claiming a charitable tax break.

    The values for the donations range widely, from less than $5,000 for some personal papers to a Rubens painting deemed to be worth $200 million and given to the Art Gallery of Ontario.

    The artifacts being donated to art galleries and museums across the country include manuscript collections from well-known writers, photographs, sculptures and oil paintings, many from the artists themselves  — and even cels from animated films.

    CBC News is withholding most details from the list, apart from the names of some of the people cited, out of respect for privacy.

    Revenue Minister Kerry-Lynne Findlay later confirmed to the House of Commons there had been a privacy breach, saying the department reported it to the privacy commissioner and was attempting to reach the individuals affected.

    "This privacy breach is extremely serious and completely unacceptable," Findlay said, after grilling by the opposition. "Measures are being taken to notify, support and protect individuals affected by this breach."

    A spokesperson for the federal privacy commissioner confirmed the office was notified of the incident by Canada Revenue Agency commissioner Andrew Treusch on Tuesday afternoon by telephone, and that the agency would be providing a preliminary report "very quickly."

    "From what we have seen in media reports, the incident clearly raises significant privacy concerns," said Valerie Lawton.

    The unredacted list, delivered to CBC in digital format, was an erroneous response to a request for unrelated records under the Access to Information Act.

    A handful of the entries on the list refer to "gifting tax shelters," a form of donation that in the past has provided a bigger tax break for investors than the actual value of the item donated. The list carefully identifies these schemes to ensure they are given proper scrutiny by officials.

    Some 50,000 of these gifting tax shelters existed in 2006, but tougher rules and scrutiny by the revenue agency since have reduced them to about 10,000 registered each year, altogether worth about $85 million in tax breaks annually.

    Rankin, a former privacy lawyer, said the breach, along with agency staff cuts that appear to weaken its ability to chase down offshore tax evaders, suggest mismanagement is rampant.

    "They're putting their money in going after people who are environmental charities and birdwatchers, and they've got lots of money for that," he said. "But … the management of the CRA is missing in action on this."

    An Ottawa lawyer specializing in privacy law called the latest breach "very, very serious," among the worst he has seen in 30 years.

    "I don't remember a case when CRA lost control over such information," Michel Drapeau said in an interview.

    Former Ontario privacy commissioner Ann Cavoukian said she was "outraged" to learn of the breach. "It's completely unfathomable," she said. "Perhaps you have to discharge certain employees.… You need a complete overhaul, top to bottom."

    The tax receipts provided to donors can be claimed for charitable-donation tax credits, which are a smaller percentage of the fair market value of the donated item, based on a formula. The credits can then be used to reduce taxes payable.

  • casey a

    That CRA leak is interesting. People say America is one of the most unequal industrialized nations. Yet, if you look at the provinces & states in Canada & the U.S., Alberta, Canada is the most unequal province/state within all of Canada & the U.S. That discrepancy is probably also because of oil. But anyways, in other news.... Sen. Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee says:-

    "US Attacked Iraq Based On False Report Of Saddam Hussein's Ties To Al Qaeda" Link

    Carl Levin declassified part of a CIA  letter proves that Mohammad Atta was never in Prague to meet an Iraqi Spy. (This is how Cheney & co. promoted the FALSE iraq-al qaeda link. In fact Saddam & Al qaeda were not allies). There is also proof that during this fictional meeting, Mohammad Atta was actually in the U.S.

    Levin said that a recent book published by Jiri Ruzek, head of Czech counterintelligence in 2001, described the story about Atta's meeting with al-Ani as a rumor, and said that the U.S. pressured officials in Prague to confirm it.

    “There was a concerted campaign on the part of the Bush administration to connect Iraq in the public mind with the horror of the Sept. 11 attacks. That campaign succeeded. According to public polls in the week before the Iraq war, half or more of Americans believed Saddam was directly involved in the attacks,” Levin said

    (Actually 70% of the country believed Saddam was directly involved with 9/11. That is how well it was sold. But now we've got a man down.. Dick is going down, & he aint coming back. He's been absolving himself from any responsibility with the torture report, but now there's this. What's interesting is how George Lucas was able to get Emperor Palpatine to look like Dick 40 years ago.

  • jorge namour

    London airspace 'open but restricted' -- air traffic control
    By Laura Smith-Spark, CNN

    December 12, 2014 -- Updated 1621 GMT

    London airspace is open but restricted due to a technical issue, UK air traffic control network NATS says.

    (CNN) -- London airspace is open but traffic is being restricted, the UK-based global air traffic management company NATS said Friday.

    "Airspace is open. We're restricting traffic volumes in accordance with capability we currently have in our system," it said via Twitter.

    The update came a short time after the European air traffic control network, Eurocontrol, said all London airspace was closed because of a computer failure. It said no flights would be accepted in or out of London until 7 p.m. (2 p.m. ET.) Continue...

  • KM

    Not only you but your family will be in danger': Sony hackers flash stark warning across employees' screens as they boast that the damage so far is just tip of the iceberg

    • A message reportedly appeared on several Sony screens on Thursday
    • It was sent by the 'Guardian of Peace', who claim to be behind the massive hack of emails between Sony execs
    • In one , Sony Co-Chair Amy Pascal called Angelina Jolie 'a minimally talented spoiled brat' 
    • Producer Scott Rubin and Pascal also mocked Barack Obama in the series of emails
    • Pair implied President only liked  with black actors and subject matter - such as Django Unchained and 12 Years A Slave
    • They have since apologized for their remarks 

    Hackers behind the massive Sony breach flashed a disturbing message on the company's computers on Thursday, according to reports.

    The group purporting to be the Guardians of Peace or #GOP, who have claimed responsibility for the attack, sent the message to 'several' computer screens at the , a source told The Wrap

    The insider, who did not reveal the specifics of the warning, said it left recipients feeling 'disturbed'.

    Sony Pictures has not yet responded to MailOnline's request for comment. 

    The message - the fourth by the group - comes just weeks after the GOP apparently sent a similarly threatening message to staffer's computer screens in late November.

  • Nancy Lieder

    GodLikeProduction forum, which is popular and has a lot of traffic, has always supported a debunker link. Phil Plait, under the screen name Dr. Astro, for instance holds forth while any attempt to even post the ZT website will get the comment deleted and the poster banned. Via email I got this notice this morning. I also saw some lingering mention of their spamming attack when I visited GLP this morning.

    I went to GLP a couple of days ago,as well as a few minutes ago, and they seem to be having a little problem at the moment. Someone is filling up their pages up with the same threads. They are using a bot that's faster than the ability of the moderators to delete them. From what I gather, at one point the 1st 16 pages were filled with mostly these threads. The one that I saw a couple of days ago was pretty interesting, telling people not to trust anything that is said on that site. How Ghetto Monk (Trinity) and the moderators push an agenda, banning and deleting the comments of anyone who has an apposing point of view. The Zetas once talked about how GLP is controlled by I guess the elite, so I wonder if this intense botting is part of the COW's war. Though I must say that the current message up is meaningless and lame, unlike the 1st one that I saw that reminded me of the Zeta's comments.

    Here are some comments from GLP posters on what they observed.

    botnet was posting about 150 threads at a time every 2 minutes or so...claimed to be 'anonymous'

    Even Trinity/Ghetto Monk the owner/manager was impressed.

    Massive botnet. Best attack of that nature I've seen. posting shit load of random threads from single IP's. Apparently some other large sites are still getting hit and are down.

  • Ryan X

    I noticed this as well.  It would seem that CT Site forums and some other sites have been under some kind of attack and have been down for awhile. 

  • casey a

    Back from thursday, Accidental emergency alert sent to Kentucky counties

  • casey a

    Sony Pictures Tries to Disrupt Downloads of Its Stolen Files. | So they haven't let up yet? Or is this just damage control?

    Sony employee alleges rampant workplace racism in leaked email days.

  • Howard

    Extinction Protocol, another arm of the cover-up currently inoperative, has been inactive for a month now, since November 13.

    ZetaTalk on Extinction Protocol

  • Nancy Lieder

    Via email, this link to a conference in Damascus. I just listened to this short  vid (English translator speaks periodically) and what is being reported is how thoroughly the US Congress is bought by Israel. They run the US, is the point, and give specifics.

    Two days of meetings were brought to a screeching halt when Gordon Duff spoke at the Damascus conference. Seated on his right, and speaking next, was Colonel James Hanke, US Army Special Forces (ret). On his left, the Syrian Minister of Justice Najm al Ahmad and Mike Harris. Handling the camera on this short video is Jim W. Dean. This may well have been the first time in history an American intelligence team of “non-activists” gave a military briefing to an audience of this type, including key military leaders of diverse tribal forces throughout Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, a Russian delegation and others from around the world. You could hear a pin drop.

  • casey a

    Your help is needed... (didn't know where else to put this)

    In the wiki article about "Nibiru Cataclysm", there used to be a very slanted & biased character assassination on Nancy being a puppy killer.

    However, after someone rightfully took it down, the page has been locked for edits to resolve the dispute through discussion.

    The original article on this issue, nitpicked portions of the already original biased interview. This article says Nancy put down several dogs, when she only had one. Also, it only notes the parts of the interview that makes Nancy look bad. Hence being biased. A clip of the original interview on youtube was also added. But this is a short clip not providing the whole context of the interview. Also as soon as Nancy is over with the interview, they call her crazy. This clearly shows the bias of the interviewers.

    Why does it matter? Because wikipedia states that biography of living people cannot be slanted and should be a fair representation of the person.

    The issue is being discussed in the "Talk page" of the article under "3. Updating new Planet X claim from Nancy Lieder"

    You can click the edit button near the title, and add you opinion on how the article and the original interview were biased and not a fair representation, at the bottom of the edit window.

    Make sure to add 4 tildas (~~~~) at the end of your comment to sign it. The reason I ask you to do this is because we're settling this issue by consensus. There are two editors that want to re-interpret wiki's policy to do a character assassination on Nancy. The admin's locked the page so this issue could find consensus.

    So please. Your help is needed. Please help to avoid unbiased reporting on Nancy in the wiki & let your voice be heard.

    thank you.


    Nancy's Comment: I listened to that YouTube and it is a follow-on interview, not the original when the subject first came up. Thus they make it seem like I INITIATED the subject. The original interview was months before. I was asked by a caller what they should do with their pets during the Pole Shift. The Zetas said the kind thing was to put them to sleep else they would either starve or more likely be eaten. Nor do they include that the 18 month puppy was put to sleep as it was a biting dog (tried to bite the vet) and he begged me to euthanize it. Either that or it would have been a junk yard dog, at the end of a chain, as the photo on the YouTube vid shows. No life for any dog.

  • Derrick Johnson

    Sony Demands News Outlets Stop Publishing Information From Leaked Documents

    By Lisa Richwine

    "LOS ANGELES, Dec 14 (Reuters) - Sony Pictures Entertainment told certain news organizations on Sunday to stop publishing information contained in documents stolen by hackers who attacked the movie studio's computer network last month, three media groups reported.

    The New York Times, The Hollywood Reporter and Variety published stories reporting that they had each received a letter from David Boies, an attorney for Sony, demanding that the outlets stop reporting information contained in the documents and immediately destroy them.

    The studio "does not consent to your possession, review, copying, dissemination, publication, uploading, downloading or making any use" of the information, Boies wrote in the letter, according to the New York Times report."


  • SongStar101

  • SongStar101

    Cheney into the spotlight

    Dick Cheney refuses to call CIA's brutal interrogation techniques 'torture'

    'I'd do it again in a minute,' former vice president says 

    Former Vice President Dick Cheney refuses to call the enhanced interrogation techniques detailed in last week's Senate Intelligence Committee report on the CIA's brutal handling of prisoners "torture."

    “We were very careful to stop short of torture,” Cheney said on "Meet the Press" Sunday. The Senate has seen fit to label their report torture.  But we worked hard to stay short of that definition."

    "All of the techniques that were authorized by the president were, in effect, blessed by the Justice Department opinion that we could go forward with those without, in fact, committing torture,” the former vice president continued.

    Cheney said he defines torture as "an American citizen on a cell phone making a last call to his four young daughters shortly before he burns to death in the upper levels of the Trade Center in New York City on 9/11."

    "Meet The Press" host Chuck Todd asked if the "involuntary rectal feeding" detailed in the Senate Intelligence Committee's report met the legal definition of "torture."

    “That does not meet the definition of what was used in the program,” Cheney said. “What was done here apparently certainly was not one of the techniques that was approved. I believe it was done for medical reasons."

    "It wasn’t torture in terms of it wasn’t part of the program," he said.

    Cheney called the committee's 520-page report "seriously flawed."

    "They didn't talk to anybody who knew anything about the program," he said. "They didn't talk to anybody within the program. The best guide for what in fact happened is the one that was produced by the three CIA directors and deputy directors of the CIA when this program was undertaken.”

    Whatever the label, Cheney said, the interrogation program "worked. It absolutely did work."

    He was asked if he was bothered by the fact that 25 percent of the detainees turned out to be innocent.

    "I have no problem as long as we achieve our objective ... to get the guys who did 9/11, and it is to avoid another attack against the United States," Cheney said.

  • SongStar101

    CIA Had Propaganda Campaign Which Involved Leaking Classified Information to Sell Torture

    The CIA developed a campaign to push propaganda on the “effectiveness” of using torture techniques on detainees into the media.

    Jesselyn Radack, an attorney who represented CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou who was sentenced to prison and prosecuted after he spoke out about the CIA’s use of waterboarding, called the propaganda campaign by the agency “stunning,” especially how it deceived not only the White House and Congress but the press as well.

    “It’s incredibly disturbing to me that the CIA was engaged in such a propaganda campaign and engaging in leaks of classified information while at the same time it filed six crimes reports against John Kiriakou for allegedly mishandling classified information.”

    “It doesn’t square, however, with [President Barack] Obama administration’s unprecedented use of the Espionage Act against more people for alleged mishandling of classified information than all previous presidential administrations combined,” she also wrote in an article for Salon.

    Yet, what is important to recognize is that the public never knew that the “senior intelligence officials” were really people in CIA’s Public Affairs Office making authorized disclosures. Neither did the judges adjudicating Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits or, later, lawsuits on behalf of victims of rendition, detention and torture.

    The attorney saw "striking" similarities between the debate around the Detainee Treatment Act and what had happened in Israel when the Israeli Supreme Court ruled several "techniques were possibly permissible, but require some form of legislative sanction," and that the Israeli government "ultimately got limited legislative authority for a few specific techniques."

    Later, in 2012, when the CIA had an opportunity to assist in the production of a blockbuster movie on the raid to kill Osama bin Laden, a “hemorhhage of leaks” of “highly classified information” to filmmakers occurred.

    Acting and deputy inspector generals for the CIA investigated who was behind the leaks, however, when CIA Director Leon Panetta, chief of staff Jeremy Bash and under secretary of intelligence Michael Vickers were implicated, the report on the investigation was edited to reflect the unauthorized disclosures had not come from senior officials.

    Leaks about the value of CIA torture and what the agency wanted the world to believe about its contribution to the global “War on Terrorism,” especially in hunting bin Laden, were permissible. But anything critical of CIA policies, in the press and potentially from intelligence employees, needed to be suppressed.

  • SongStar101

    SSCI Report Reveals CIA Torture Program Originated in Same Department as MKULTRA

    The release of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) executive summary(PDF) to their report, “Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Detention and Interrogation Program,” has rightly gotten a wide amount of press coverage.

    The sheer brutality of the program’s use of torture is overwhelming, from the use of forced enemas on detainees — the CIA called it “rectal hydration” and “rectal feeding” — to intense use of solitary confinement, threats to kill prisoners’ families, homicide, and more. Revelations from this report will continue to be reported and absorbed into the world’s understanding of the criminal extent of the U.S. torture program for months or years to come.

    But one revelation has gone notably unreported. The man associated with implementing the most brutal part of the interrogation program was drawn out of the same division of the CIA that some decades ago had been responsible for the notorious MKULTRA program. As a CIA history of OTS explains, MKULTRA “involved Agency funding for the testing and use of chemical and biological agents and other means of controlling or modifying human behavior” (p. 19).....

    .....Morgan and his co-authors concluded, “The results show that assessment of HRV provides a noninvasive means of evaluating the neural systems intimately involved in the capacity to attend to and respond to a threat. These findings linking HRV to cognitive performance robustly support the utility of HRV in the assessment of human performance.” It is not impossible to imagine that such “novel telemetric technology” would be used to assess the response of CIA prisoners to the experience of torture, or that OTS would be interested in providing and perfecting such technology for the CIA’s clandestine services.

    The SSCI report has helped bring the origins of the CIA post-9/11 interrogation/torture program into even sharper focus. But the failure of the press to even notice, with rare exception, the role of OTS, or its history in clandestine actions, including MKULTRA work, means that a full exploration of CIA’s torture program cannot take place.

  • KM

    Lawyer who provided legal basis for CIA torture techniques says agency might have gone too far and broken the law

    • Former Justice Department lawyer John Yoo said the sleep deprivation, rectal feeding and other harsh treatment outlined in a U.S. Senate report last week could violate anti-torture laws
    • Yoo was Deputy Assistant U.S. Attorney General in the Office of Legal Counsel in 2002
    • Yoo co-wrote a memo that was used as the legal sanction for what the CIA called its program of enhanced interrogation techniques after the September 11 attacks
    • The memo said only prolonged mental harm or serious physical injury, such as organ failure, violated the Geneva Convention's ban on torture
    • Aggressive interrogation methods like waterboarding fell short of that mark 

    As former Vice President Dick Cheney argued on Sunday that the CIA's aggressive interrogation of terrorism suspects did not  to torture, the man who provided the legal rationale for the program said that in some cases it had perhaps gone too far.

    Former Justice Department lawyer John Yoo said the sleep deprivation, rectal feeding and other harsh treatment outlined in a U.S. Senate report last week could violate anti-torture laws.

    Yoo said on CNN's 'Fareed Zakaria GPS' 'If these things happened as they’re described in the report, as you describe them, those were not authorized by the Justice Department. They were not supposed to be done and those people who did those are at risk legally because they were acting outside their orders.'

    Speaking out: Former Justice Department lawyer John Yoo said the sleep deprivation, rectal feeding and other harsh treatment outlined in a U.S. Senate report last week could violate anti-torture laws

  • SongStar101

    Newly published media revelations about ISIS warn of elite intentions:

    ISIS is very real, and motivated by the reasons they give, but the history of many countries shows how often false flag threats are used as an excuse by the establishment to justify wars, repression, and draconian measures. The wolf is at the door is the cry, and thus the citizens must gather behind their leadership in support, or put up with distressing conditions. ISIS at the current time is being used in many countries to position for the unrest expected after the announcement admitting the existence and pending passage of Nibiru, aka Planet X. Any sign of troops in the streets, road blocks, travel restrictions, or canceled public events will be explained as counter-terror measures.


    ISIS leader says US prisons in Iraq led to creation of terrorist organization

    One of the Islamic State’s senior commanders reveals exclusive details of the terror group’s origins inside an Iraqi prison – right under the noses of their American jailers.

    Seventeen of the 25 most important Islamic State leaders now running the war in Iraq and Syria spent time in US prisons.

    "We wrote each other’s details on the elastic of our boxer shorts. When we got out, we called each other"

    A leading member of the Islamic State has revealed the group could never have been formed without the help of the US. American prison camps in Iraq gave the Islamists the perfect opportunity to meet and plan their eventual rise to power.

  • SongStar101

    Zetatalk shows credibility:

    Sydney Hostage Siege

    The Australian Federal Police had been scheduled to hold a media conference this morning on its disruption of terrorism operations in Western Sydney, but the event was cancelled soon after the siege began.

    In September, hundreds of police were involved in a series of counter-terrorism raids across Sydney. Police at the time said there had been an ISIS-inspired plot to take a member of the public hostage and execute them.

    The radicalisation of Australian Muslims has been a major concern for the nation’s security agencies. Earlier this year it was reported Australia had become the highest per capita contributor of foreign fighters to the ISIS forces in Iraq and Syria.

  • Andrey Eroshin

    The missile launched by Russians fell together with the satellite outside Kazakhstan

    16.12.14. Starting on Monday, December 15, the Proton rocket with the satellite the Express on Tuesday failed outside Kazakhstan. Data on destructions at the moment aren't present.

  • Ecosikh

    methane fluctuations on Mars "indicative of life forms"

    from the Guardian

  • casey a

    Comcast, Charter and Time Warner Cable all say Obama’s net neutrality plan shouldn’t worry investors Link

    For a long time internet providers were trying to get a segregated form of the internet, but now they're bracing for regulations that will help keep it free the way it is now. Are they giving up?

  • casey a

    [The elite] are laying plans to promote their agenda after the

    announcement...They want to be seen as leaders, presenting solutions and financing survival sites. Of course, our warnings about enslavement will apply...Entertainment with sports and familiar personalities like Oprah are part of the plan, so the public lured into virtual slavery at these sites. previous zetatalk


    Michael Bloomberg recently announced that 12 cities will receive $45 mil. Link

    The grants announced today will go to the U.S. cities of Albuquerque, NM; Boston, MA; Centennial, CO; Jersey City, NJ; Long Beach, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Mobile, AL; Minneapolis, MN; Peoria, IL; Rochester, NY; Seattle, WA; and Syracuse, NY. Funding will allow mayors in each of these cities to create dedicated innovation teams — or “i-teams”. (innovate what?)


    Warren Buffet was making a public "sports tour" visiting the Detroit Lions & Cleveland Cavaliers (owned by Dan Gilbert mentioned in the ZT above). Buffet was being described as a friend of NBA player Lebron James. Probably hogwash peddled to the ppl. Link  When these cities are torn apart, it could give opportunists like Buffet to exploit survivors & set up camps before the shift. Once earth changes are allowed to pick up in pace, sports leagues wont conduct business as usual. So professional athletes will be for "hire". Maybe we'll see more of these PR campaigns from the elite that are public figures. (Picture: David Liam Kyle/NBAE/Getty Images, espn)

  • casey a

    European Parliament passes motion in favor of Palestine recognition. Link

    Israel criticized at Geneva Convention (U.S., Canada & Israel boycott) Link

    Swiss ambassador Paul Fivat, who chaired the conference, told reporters afterwards that the declaration was legally binding on all nations that adopted it...A declaration adopted by consensus among 126 of the 196 parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention insists that international humanitarian law must be followed in areas affected by the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

    European Court of Justice orders Hamas off EU terror list; Israel reacts with anger Link

    The 2001 listing of Hamas was based not on sound legal judgements but on "factual imputations derived from the press and the Internet," the General Court of the European Union said in a statement.

    Israel's defense establishment lies about failed missile test - again Link

    The test involves a fighter plane firing a missile to simulate one fired from Iran. The anit-missile system was supposed to lock on and intercept the incoming missile with its own missile. But in the last moment, the test managers realized there was no lock on, so they avoided deploying the intercepting missile. But said the test was successful. Wonder if Cow was involved.

    Palestinians to put French draft on Israeli withdrawal to UN Security Council Link

    The palestinian version of a proposal, John Kerry had said the U.S. would veto. So the palestinians proposed a french version that imposes a 2 year deadline within which to have peace. (France has separately said if this doesn't happen they'll officially recognize palestine). They are hoping now that the U.S. will abstain & avoid vetoing, and the rest of the members in the Security coucil will move towards accepting the proposal.

    Netanyahu, predictably is saying that Europe hasn't learned its lessons from the holocaust. If he's against such a resolution he'll be seen as being against peace. And if he capitulates, he loses credibility among his hardliner base.

  • casey a

    Resolution on israel/palestine proposes peace within one year of accepting the resolution, and the end of 2017 as deadline for troop withdrawals from palestine. Proposal is still open for negotiations (& vote wont be pushed soon). So now the ball is in Netanyahu's court. Will he just keep yelling talk points or will he say anything productive? His hardline stance is looking like a failure now.....

    Also, Russian state TV is running action movie-style previews for Putin's press conference: Link

  • casey a

    Iran unveils monument to Jewish soldiers killed in war with Iraq .(Bibi's being cornered. This is in the backdrop of Iran's nuclear talks on hold & Bibi attempting fear-mongering tactics a la Cheney).

  • Kris H

    White House announced an "end of year" news conference for Friday afternoon...


    Dec 18, 2014, 06:43 PM GMT 2h

    White House announces President Obama will hold end-of-year news conference Friday afternoon - @dsupervilleap
  • casey a

  • casey a

    It felt like an announcement was going to happen. Wolf Blitzer & analysts were giving key words. "Big suprise", "Came out of nowhere", "its not [Obama's] fault". But this was in the context of the "Sony hack". And then the press conference itself was late by half an hour. Now it looks like Obama isn't back in washington until after New year's. Although Obama said "interesting stuff happens in the 4th quarter (referring to the remainder of his term)"

    On 2nd thought, it would not have looked good (politically) if the announcement was made & then the President's family went on vacation..

  • casey a

    Obama Shuts Out Big Networks, Takes Questions Only from Women. Link

    Then there was the fact that the Beltway elite - the A-list network news reporters for ABC News, MSNBC, and Fox News - were shut out of the proceedings. The president didn’t call on any of them, and perhaps there was payback on his mind...[The] reporters were warned in advance that the president would call on different (read: smaller, arguably less influential) publications when the press was assembled.

    Was the main stream media still trying to block announcement?

    Nancy's Comment: I was listening to this presser, and before he took questions he made some statement to the effect of he 'Knows who's been naughty or nice". Whoa! That's a loaded and very revealing statement indeed!

  • Nancy Lieder

    New ZT on the red orb appearing next to the ISS on December 5. Turns out it has a message to the elite!
    The red laser incident marks the third time since mid October that the NASA video feed has captured what UFO watchers believe to be an alien craft in close proximity to the International Space Station. But while in the previous two sightings the supposed UFO appeared to be merely observing the space station in operation, this time, whatever the entity is — or is not — seems to be taking aggressive action toward our planet. But according to NASA, there’s a very Earthly explanation for the leaser beam in space. The laser beam was actually a test firing of the new Optical Payload for Laser Communcation, or OPALS, system run in part by NASA from its Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. The purpose of OPALS is to create a new, ultra-high speed communications link between Earth and spacecraft such as the space station.
    [and from another]
    Faster downlinks from space could mean people receive higher-definition video from both satellites orbiting our planet and spacecraft farther into space, including NASA's Mars rovers. Laser communication technology also has the potential to provide faster Internet connections in remote areas on Earth. OPALS launched to the space station aboard a SpaceX Dragon cargo capsule in April. The payload was able to establish an optical communications link when its laser locked onto a ground beacon emitted by the Optical Communications Telescope Laboratory's ground station at JPL's Table Mountain Observatory in Wrightwood, California.
    [and from another]
    OPALS successfully demonstrated optical communication by transferring videos and files from the nadir-pointed payload on the International Space Station (ISS) to our primary ground receiver at JPL's Optical Communications Telescope Laboratory (OCTL) in Wrightwood, California, and at times, other international ground stations.

    The glowing red orb with laser light pointed toward Earth was not from the OPALS system, as can be quickly ascertained by its location. OPALS is attached to the ISS, on the body of the ISS per NASA’s own documentation on the system. The red orb captured on December 5, 2014 is independent of the ISS, nor is any other human body such as a satellite in view just prior to the red orb’s appearance. NASA has allowed other images of UFO visits to appear on its website recently, an attempt to expedite disclosure
    on the alien presence. On October 7, 2014
    an elongated cigar shaped UFO suddenly appeared, then disappeared.

    What is the purpose of a red glow and red ray from a UFO? Does this have something to do with the OPALS system, which uses a red laser ray for rapid communication of data? This display has more than one motive. It is first a means of getting into the news, as once the images had been released they could not be withdrawn, and even casual examination will reveal what we had mentioned – OPALS is attached to the ISS, where this red orb is not. Yet for those needing the Element of Doubt, it is provided as those nervous about the alien presence can just accept NASA’s bluster.

    A second motive is to show off alien technology. The Council of Worlds has authorized destroying those launches that assist or promote the elite’s attempts to escape the Earth during the forthcoming Pole Shift. Since the exact reason for an aborted launch, exploding dramatically in front of the cameras, cannot be pinned down and can be argued, there are those among the elite who argue that better expertise or different captains will fix the problem. Press on, is their attitude, and meanwhile keep the cover-up over the presence of Nibiru and the pending passage a secret. This glowing red UFO and its pointed red laser is the Council’s way of saying “we have lasers too, but they’re not for communications”.

    Prior ZT:
    This is neither a lens flare nor a docking supply ship. The mystery is less what it is than why NASA would allow the video to be released to the public. We have stated that disclosure would not be forthcoming from the US government, but the cover-up over the alien presence will be gradually dropped. They plan to have Nancy explain how aliens interact with the contactees, and how they interacted with MJ12 in the past. The announcement admitting Nibiru nearby will put Nancy in the spotlight, to explain how she knew so exactingly where and when Nibiru would arrive in 2003. In preparation for this time, NASA has been allowing proof of alien life via their Mars rover, and lately, proof from ISS images.

  • casey a

    spacex launch (expected on dec 19) delayed until january due to engine problems. link

    Nancy's Comment: and yet India, which is just practicing launching and getting small satellites up, has a successful launch. They are a LONG way from saving the elite via their shuttles.

    ISRO says the crew capsule project would take at least another seven years to reach the point where an astronaut could be put into space.

  • casey a

    Kerry: Peres and Livni told me UN vote on Palestine would help Netanyahu.

  • casey a

    NASA approves SpaceX path towards crewed Dragon debut. SpaceX has already been showing off how they can re-land their rocket after launch. But their final goal is to re-land the spacecraft vehicle using propulsion & no parachutes. (All these resources put to waste... )

  • casey a

    Who owns the film studios?  American media is owned by 6 media giants. Turns out they own the studios as well.

    Viacom & CBS are essentially the same, because they're controlled by the same person --Sumner Redstone,. Interestingly enough, Sony is actually the only studio that isn't owned by one of the 6 media giants.

    (Picture used from Frugaldad)

  • casey a

    Is Sumner Redstone (Viacom & CBS boss) Finished?

    Also, Viacom's CEO has been wisely dumping his shares

    Nancy's Comment: I note in the article that Sumner Redstone has been appearing WEAK and ill since November 13. Signs of stress due to the COW war? "The 91 year old media titan has been embattled since he was perceived to be weak or ill during a conference call earnings report back on November 13th."

    And here again is a timeline relationship. The stock dump .. starting just before Thanksgiving. "Philippe Dauman has sold nearly $140 million worth of Viacom stock since just before Thanksgiving."

  • casey a

    FCC's preparations with the Emergency Alert System has not gone unnoticed (11 Dec):- .The following is from wiki on what had taken place: wiki

            On October 24, 2014, television viewers of certain stations in Atlanta, Detroit, and Austin reported seeing Emergency Action Notification messages and notifications that the programming was being interrupted by the White House, despite the fact that there was no real emergency. The emergency alert originated at Nashville, Tennessee radio station WSIX-FM, where morning show host Bobby Bones replayed the 2011 EAN test as part of a rant about a genuine EAS test locally interrupting Game 2 of the 2014 World Series on October 22. The errant test was relayed to some radio and television stations and cable systems nationwide, as Bobby Bones' program was also broadcast on other Country-formatted stations, particularly those owned by WSIX-FM's parent company, iHeart Media

    So then, the NAB (lobby for radio broadcasters) say there needs to be a working group run by the broadcasters to resolve this issue, or else the next time this happens it could be a “more purposeful, malicious breach”. (link)

    That sounds like a veiled threat/bluff(?)--something like, dont mess with us [the broadcasters], or else we might make this thing look even more messy. Anyways, that statement was prepared before December 5, so it could be a thing of the past by now. Meanwhile the FCC is going around making sure cable/radio broadcasters are compliant with EAS protocol & have fined a couple of stations that weren't.

  • Nancy Lieder

    Humm. Mysterious stock market hits? Per this article, the analysts CANNOT figure out why the stock plunged to almost 50% of its pre-plunge value! Isn't something like this clear from who is selling, who is buying, etc? I guess if the COW can hack, via human hands, they can drive sell orders too.

    Shares of BYD, best known for making electric vehicles and 9.1 per cent owned by Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Energy Holdings Co, ended down 28.8 per cent at HK$25.05 in record trading volume, after falling up to 47 per cent in afternoon trade. Around 252.7 million BYD Hong Kong shares changed hands, more than 50 times the 90-day average. There was confusion among analysts about the timing of the calls, with several of them saying they were unable to dial in.

    Please note the new ZT wherein they state:


    To abide by the rule of Non-Interference, mankind must be taking the actions. What the Council is doing is working THROUGH the hands of man. Men take the actions, though they can be provided with information or assistance via manipulation of THINGS. We have explained that the rules allow things but not people
    to be manipulated. Information such as internal codes for Sony computers is provided. Electronic communications such as stock market buy/sell orders are lost or delayed. This is not interfering with mankind’s self-determination, but will eventually force the elite to acquiesce to allow Obama to make his announcement re Nibiru.