Council of Worlds at WAR re Announcement Delays

Note the location of “Planet 9” and the inbound path for Nibiru provided by the Zetas in 1997. Nibiru arrived, right on schedule in 2003, and right where predicted a full 7 years earlier. Where the Zetas provided the location of the gravity draw represented by the Sun’s dark unlit binary and the inbound Nibiru in 1983, when the IRAS team lofted its infra-red balloon in search of the inbound Nibiru, this location was not provided to the public. All articles in print at that time only referring to the location as the “western edge of the constellation Orion”, quite vague, and the “western edge” is vast. Yet the Zetas pinpointed the location as being just outside the lower bow of Orion. Such is the accuracy of ZetaTalk. How would the public eventually become “aware of the history and accuracy of ZetaTalk predictions” as predicted by the Zetas on April 16, 2016? ? It would seem this is already in process.

SOZT March 19, 2016

So what happened to the announcement? Obama lacked the courage. As a result of this colossal failure,  having to disband the Jade Helm structure, the US military reacted. Obama is no longer running the country. Chief of Staff General Dunford is. Ben Fulford has for months been referring to Obama as the US “spokesperson”. Is this true, and how does this work? In that the Middle East, under the direction and press from Israel, Turkey, the Jewish bankers of the Federal Reserve, and the Saudis were supporting ISIS and this threatened to create a force that would not only invade Europe but also create an endless terrorism threat to the US, the military did indeed effect a silent coup. Russia needed to enter the fray, and Dunford, but not Obama, agreed. This will never be admitted, publicly, nor do the parties want this.

SOZT October 1, 2015
The three major social media outlets in use around the globe all had significant, and simultaneous outages between September 20-24, 2015. Skype had complaints from the UK, Australia, and Japan. Twitter received reports from the US, Australia, and Singapore. FaceBook had the loudest howls, primarily from the US and Europe. Notably these downtimes, some lasting for hours or even days, got no attention in the major media, and there was no real explanation for the outages.  Every Skype user has an account and a password, as do their contacts. Every Skype user can broadcast messages to their contacts, even if these contacts are not presently online. Every twitter use likewise has an account and a password, and by sending a tweet passes information along to subscribers, who can retweet the info in the future. FaceBook users likewise have an account and a password, with many friends who pick up info from each other and pass it along on their FaceBook accounts.  In all of this, the networks themselves are AWARE of the accounts and passwords, and could do a broadcast to all in the event of an announcement. Check your user agreements. This is legal!

SOZT April 25, 2015
When we announced that the Council of Worlds would be going to war with the elite over their blockage of the announcement, the tools available to the Council were not immediately apparent. Early in the campaign the Sony hack showed one such mechanism, whereby an anonymous hacker revealed embarrassing information about Sony executives. Similarly exposing pedophile activities by Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and blatant lies by self-promoting media talking heads such as Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly required nothing more than encouraging contactees to step forward.  In many, many cases a financial loss sufficient to trigger a clash among the elite is a result of an electronic delay during trades. 

SOZT July 4, 2015
What is the message here? As with other failed launches, this most recent failure is a definitive message from the Council of Worlds. Space X has had success in resupplying the ISS, though has flounded on landing on a floating ocean platform.  Resupply of the ISS is OK, reuse of their launch equipment so as to help the elite escape, not OK. The message now is that the elite should not expect to get into space at all. No escape. The message here is to take all hope away from such plans among the elite. They are to remain on Earth with the common man. We expect the battle to shift from attempts to block the announcement, or deny its meaning, to attempts to enslave the common man in some way. That is another fight, on another day.

SOZT November 1, 2014
The elite – the wealthy and politically powerful in the world – have continued in their attempts to thwart the announcement by Obama and his partners admitting that Nibiru, aka Planet X exists. We have long stated that the announcement date was set by Obama and Xi at their June 7-8, 2013 meeting in Santa Monica. The flustered slip given by the French Foreign Minister on May 13, 2014 re “500 days
until climate chaos” was in reference to this, as the date set was to be 500 days from the 2013 meeting, ie October 20, 2014.

SOZT November 8, 2014
Relying solely on Russia or China to proceed would get the truth out BUT since the block had always been on the US end, via Reagan’s national security directive, without a confirmation from Obama this is awkward and subject to being countered. If true, where is the confirmation from Obama? It would be packaged as some odd communist attack against Obama going into the elections, to make him seem weak, almost comical. So where is this going now? For us to comment would be to empower the enemy, which of course we will not do. Your curiosity is not as important as having the announcement succeed.

SOZT December 10, 2014
We have stated that the public will see only the flash and parry of swords from a distance during the Council of Worlds war with the cover-up crowd. Meanwhile, periodic tests of the Emergency Broadcast System in the US are done, to see if the channels are open. As of this writing, they are not yet open. The war is still on, full press. Meanwhile, during the flash and parry of swords, one can see resistance, pleading, panic, and capitulation.

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  • Nancy Lieder

    While puzzling what moves the Council of Worlds might make, or allow. The ZetaTalk article called Things vs People applies. The Rule of Non-interference can be maintained if things, but not people, are manipulated. If you want to shoot your rival, they can cause the gun to jam, but they will not stop you from trying to shoot your rival. Something like that.

    In a spiritual learning house, a schoolhouse for emerging souls, the prime directive is non-interference. This places a wealth of spontaneous experiences before the emerging souls, who develop empathy by being subject to various painful situations. Empathy simply does not exist if a spirit has not been there, in its past. ... At a certain point in the progress of a world developing emerging souls, it on occasion becomes necessary to interfere further with circumstances, to maintain a proper balance for the first lesson that young souls are to learn, which results in their decision to be either Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self. ... In all these exceptions with the Rule of Non-Interference, manipulation is done to things, not the incarnated human or life form, and thus does not interfere with the setting the emerging young soul can control. The decisions by the entity, expressed into action by the incarnated human, are not interfered with, thus.

  • casey a

    Im wondering how much of the fear-based reporting RE: Ebola was propagated to attract viewers (& partisan politics at work).

    But also, how much of it was intended to hurt Obama's credibility & dissuade him from making the announcement.

    Fox News, Joe Scarborough, etc were irresponsibly ratcheting up the fear while actively downplaying the scientific community's advices.

  • Nancy Lieder

    @casey a, its a grand game of chess indeed! Trying to discredit Obama on any and all fronts so when the announcement happens, it will be claimed he is making it up to bolster his popularity or some such. This will occur in any case. We are just moving onto the next phase of the Awakening. But if the Council of Worlds is stepping, in, its going to get very interesting! I have been saying, I've popped my popcorn and pulled up my chair!

  • Corey Young

    Nancy, one could assume (based on the role of non-interference) that the new uptick in the COW war on the elite may be a further 'nudge' into the 8 of 10 Sociological changes. As you mentioned its the "things" and not the "person" directly that can be used as a lesson builder.

    While I will be interested to see what happens there are some things that immediately come to mind:

    -  satellites failing and falling from the sky (maybe fox news / rupert murdoch satellites )

    - Possibly information leaks (from anonymous or other) that expose some elite plans or past transgressions etc...

    - Even, manipulating the actions of Wall Street elite (everything is electronic right?) thus creating in-fighting among the elite themselves!!!

    Also, with the whole winter weather and giving the people time to plan rather than rushing out...I am beginning to think Obama chose a date close to the US Thanksgiving....A little reminder of the things that matter most in life....this would also 'hijack' that holiday and the christmas season from the consumer elitist culture (yet another indirect slap to the elites!!)

  • casey a

    Already two growing seasons have gone by, where ppl could have prepared with gardening, etc.

    Christmas is almost a universal holiday. It would be a shame if the announcement didnt take place some time before then. Families all around the world being able to sit down and at the very least discus what this means for them, (face to face).

    +1 @ Corey, time for COW to get their hands dirty...

  • Nancy Lieder

    @casey a, before I figured out the 500 day correlation, and before this was confirmed by the Zetas (was private ZT last Summer), I was trying to psych out the announcement date by studying the holidays and the like. What would be a good time frame for the US, Russia, and China.

    For the US, Obama would not want to push into the holidays - Thanksgiving and Christmas etc. The reason is retailers make their money at that time. Most retailers do NOT make a profit the rest of the year, but at Christmas, they do. Plus people travel, and schools out, etc and best for the announcement if they are tied to the home front by job and school.

    For the US, October 19-20 would have been fine for the mid-terms as two weeks would have been enough time for people to get over the shock, adjust their voting accordingly, and go to the polls. But now we are pressing too close. I think, for Obama, he wants to jump to after November 4th. Then get back at it well before Thanksgiving. And if he loses the Senate to Republican's, then there is a real press to get it out before he could be impeached and lose legitimacy. I think there is a possibility that riots from the announcement would require a State of Emergency, and no impeachment after that. Obama would be a dictator.

    For Russia, ( they don't have elections or such now, holding their big Duma in April each year. Russian Duma etc for 2014 and prior years, always in April. 4/21 in 2011, 4/12 in 2012, 4/20 in 2013.

    Russia holidays likewise have a big holiday from November 1-4, so they would not mind putting it off from October 19-20 until after November 4. ( Saturday Nov 1 Public holiday National holiday, Sunday Nov 2 Public holiday National holiday, Monday Nov 3 Public Holiday National holiday, Tuesday Nov 4 Unity Day National holiday. This is a big Unity Day thingie. Then they are free and clear for months.

    China likewise has their big annunal People's thingie in March-April each year. No conflicts in the Fall to my knowledge.
    The second annual session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee is scheduled to open on March 3, 2014, in conjunction with the annual session of China's National People's Congress (NPC).

    China has Mid-Autumn holiday from Sep 19-21, and big National Day thingie from Oct 1-7. Their holidays are behind them, thus. ( They are clear until their New Years binge.

    Thus I see the press to pause briefly for the US mid-terms (Obama double out there campaigning now) and for the Russian Unity Day thingie. And then press on with the plan to NOT STOP once that October 20 day has been reached. Keep pushing. My guess.

  • Nancy Lieder

    OK, hows this for a Council of Worlds style punch to the cover-up elite. They have bunkers. They have stocked their bunkers with meals-ready-to-eat and pharma meds (both products have had curious shortages because the elite have been buying them up like crazy). They think they can last for years due to their supplies. It is the means by which they will bribe their militias and servants, in fact. Obey or you will be kicked out to starve.

    Whatever the COW does must not hurt the innocents, nor remove the Element of Doubt unduly, and be Things not People.

    What if the underground stores of the elite, the vast collection of food, booze, pharma, and whatever, suddenly disappear. No workers are harmed. Impossible to blame the workers as surveilance cams would just show poof. Taken into 4th density to be delivered after the Pole Shift to the common man, starving and desperate and put there by the ass holes of the elite. Perfect karma. Suddenly these elite feel naked and afraid. They can't complain to the media as their enclaves in any case are in hidden locations. What bunkers? Where did you say your bunkers are?

    If this were to happen, it would NOT be in the media, I suspect, but maybe the elite would give signs. Oh, poor baby, you have a tummy ache? You've gone on a non-stop drunk? You've not been seen for weeks? As I said, I've got my popcorn popped and have pulled up a chair!

  • MegaMontana

    Maybe a few chemtrail jets should come crashing down. Possibly crashing intact so evidence of modified jets for fogging the skies is provided :)
  • Nancy Lieder

    @Mega, oooh, I like the way your mind works! With the pilot of course able to eject or survive, with only enough injuries that he must be in hospital where the media can find and TRAP him, and he spills all! Who his employers are, what the game plan is, how long this has been going on! Snowden will be lonely as no one will care anymore. We have a new leaker star!

  • Nancy Lieder

    @Konstantin, ah, some electronic glitch where the quakes flow RIGHT to the public, and the pause until reviewed and edited function does not happen! YES!

  • Nancy Lieder

    This from a friend, an anonymous wise man who has been proven correct to an astonishing degree in the past.

    While it is inherently speculative to anticipate the response of the Council of Worlds, my expectation is that there will be a major power blackout for New York City. This metropolis is symbolically the "city of man," as well as the world's major financial center. And this technique has been employed on prior occasions.  This time, however, the power grid will not be allowed to reboot until the elites surrender.  And if this does not happen promptly, then London will be the next city to lose its electricity.  Service-to-Self elites are so accustomed to winning, and so willing to use any means to achieve it, that they find the idea of losing to be incomprehensible.  I suspect that they are about to learn a very hard lesson---arrogance and hubris and lack of empathy always leads to failure.
  • Corey Young

    That is a very interesting prospect Nancy....also note that NY and London are both the top financial trading hubs (trading is done electronically!!!) where the elite go to play and "win" with the peoples money, talk about a lesson indeed:

    Rank Change
    1 Steady United States New York City 778
    2 Steady United Kingdom London 777
    3 Steady Hong Kong Hong Kong 756
    4 Steady Singapore Singapore 746
    5 Increase 5 United States San Francisco 719
    6 Steady Japan Tokyo 718
    7 Decrease 2 Switzerland Zurich 717
    8 Decrease 1 South Korea Seoul 715
    9 Decrease 1 United States Boston 705
    10 Increase 3 United States Washington, D.C. 704


  • Ryan X

    Thanks Nancy for posting this blog and your thoughts on this whole thing.  It is great info.  I'm now paying attention more than ever.  I like your idea of the COW punch to the elite- would be perfect karma no doubt. Those of us that have been waiting for the announcement have got to be very curious as to what will happen next.  After my tv picked up the EBS broadcast and then the rocket launch failure shortly after, I knew something was going on so this really helps to shed some light on some things.  Was watching History 2 channel last night and it was an episode of In Search of Aliens and they briefly mentioned Sitchen, Nibiru, Planet X and the annunaki.  I was thinking it would be great to finally be able to talk with more people about the subject especially considering tv shows like that often still contain misinformation and lack the bigger picture that Zetatalk has presented for years online.  

  • Nancy Lieder

    @Linda, the Element of Doubt, as it is known since 1995 when written at the start of the ZT saga, states that mankind should GRADUALLY be accustomed to the concept of intelligent life elsewhere, the many forms it takes, visitations ongoing on Earth.

    The rule is, and will be for the near future, we keep the issue constantly before the populace, with a steadily increasing level of discussion, but always, always, with an element of doubt. This element of doubt is necessary during the Awakening so your populace does not become unduly alarmed. A faint, a palpitating heart, distractible excitement, arguing with friends and co-workers for a few days, and increased interest in UFO subjects - none of this is considered a show stopper. Were the entire populace to react like this, there would be no problem. The Awakening would occur tomorrow. What we seek to avoid is the nervous breakdown, the fear in friends and co-workers raising to such a level that they take violent steps against the reporter, or the intensity of fear in the observer that would make them susceptible, incline them, toward giving The Call to the Service-to-Self. For this reason visitations are currently recorded only in the subconscious.

    Planet X is considered a natural occurrence, thus not thwarted during its passage. Had the US government revealed that it found a wandering planet approaching the Solar System in 1983, allowing the common man to deal with this as they do today with the pronouncement of near-Earth-asteroids and the like, there would be no need for assisting eclipses. The cover-up has put this in the category of sudden shock, as it is now near, and the governments have lied lied lied to their people. Double blow. Until the announcement happens, when Obama and Putin and Xi allow their scientists to explain what they have "discovered" and been observing, any sudden proof of matters not right in the Solar System, like the Eclipse just not happening, the Moon in the wrong place, etc, would be a shock. The announcement allows a transition, so the double shock becomes just a single shock. Gosh, a passage is pending.

  • Nancy Lieder

    @Linda, the way the Zetas have described it is that the proof is there for eyes to see, not clouded by denial, the NEED to deny to avoid shock, etc. But for those who need an avenue by which they can deny, there is a route. Thus during the last Eclipse, when two Moon Swirls of Planet X went dancing across the Moon, caught by government observatory cams and satellites as well as amateur telescopes all over the world, there was much discussion, as noted in my latest newsletter just posted

    I was watching the Eclipse and listened to the professionals try to explain the Moon Swirls. The GodlikeProduction thread on the matter was amazing as the many posters were all over the map, trying to explain it. Even after the announcement, it is expected that many  many people will still be in denial, a deeper denial that before the truth was out. This is common. I know of someone with metastasized lung cancer, who simply does not hear what the doctors are saying. Wives wash lipstick off their husband's shirts and just don't see this, or comprehend the meaning.

    Meanwhile, per the Zetas, half the population are now contactees and hearing the truth from the visitors. It is a gradual awakening that is, apparently, better than a shock treatment. Would have been better for no lies in 1947 during Roswell, and no lies in 1983 when they sighted Nibiru approaching.

  • julia wall

    Following-on from Jacob & Linda...many thanks to Nancy, Gerard and the Z's for all their dedication, patience and hard work...this is only the beginning! We're all on a huge spiritual learning curve, and events like the above failed rocket launch help me to keep positive & stay focused! love to all x

  • Nancy Lieder

    Via email. Yet another diabolical mind! My my! Of course, to maintain the Element of Doubt, the Council of Worlds will likely do something very much behind the scenes so the elite get the message but the rest of the world has ... that Element of Doubt!

    liked the words from the wise man you mentioned the power blackout would be awesome so to further on that point would not the best form of revenge be to take away there(the elite) power altogether, by this i mean a total reset of the banking system as a whole a removing all traces of mans debt so every one has a clean slate,, the common man might have something less to stress about and be able to focus a bit more on survival.

  • Ryan X

    Hey Nancy, 

    Just saw this on the news... is it related?  

    Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo Crashes During Flight Test

  • Nancy Lieder

    humm Virgin Galactic sustaining a blow. The commercial space industry, being disabled. Another sign of the flash and parry of swords? Thou shalt not leave the face of the Earth, sayeth the Council of Worlds!

    Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo experienced "an in-flight anomaly" during a test flight Friday, the company said on Twitter. Details about the anomaly weren't immediately released. Virgin Galactic has planned for years to sell trips in which SpaceShipTwo transports passengers about 62 miles above Earth -- the beginning of outer space -- and let them experience a few minutes of weightlessness before returning to ground. Friday's test flight began in Mojave, California, the company said. It's the second incident in a week involving the commercial space industry. On Tuesday, an unmanned Antares rocket exploded just after takeoff off the coast of Virginia. Controllers deliberately destroyed the craft after it became apparent there was a problem, a spokesman for Orbital Sciences Corporation

    Virgin Galactic, headed by none other than the knighted Sir Richard! Who went down into the Mariana Trench whcn it was closing, and came up early, for no stated reason, and did NOT tell the public that ZetaTalk was right. Friend of the Queen, who intends to desert her subjects when the time comes, and sabotaged the Scotland vote to hold onto their wealth. Lovely bunch these. Are they part of the cover-up crowd? I would bet so.

  • Stanislav

    @Nancy Lieder it's not Council of Worlds since the accident led to victims.

    One dead in Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo test crash

    At least one person is dead and another injured after Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo space tourism craft crashed in a California desert, the California Highway Patrol has said.


    NANCY COMMENT: This was my conclusion, that it would not be big earthquakes that would cause innocents to die but leave the arrogant elite relatively untouched. Nowhere is it written than NO innocents would die. This is also, in my opinion, a message to the lackies of the elite. Take their money, help these guys, run the risk.

  • Gerard Zwaan

    Stanislav.  The Columbia shuttle was taken down by aliens by instruction of the COW back in 2003

    Those astronauts who go on missions know the dangers, the shuttle having blown up previously due to a faulty O-Ring. Thus, they had made their peace with death, to a one. Not so the billions of innocents about to be tortured, maimed, starved, and deserted in their hour of need by those who were using the space program for their own power mad ends. The message of the disintegrating and finally exploding shuttle was to the Bush Administration, who will not fail to get the message. They will not be allowed to destroy another 3rd Density world, they must stand with their citizenry, so much treated with disdain, and there will be no escape to Mars or elsewhere!

  • Ryan X

    In any war there will be casualties.
  • Andrey Eroshin

    Hello everyone! if it is a game of chess, then we do not know the truth about the crashed shuttle Branson, and the message will be exclusively for the elite, when engineers will report to his boss about the causes of the accident, but maybe it coincidence, in general it is an element of doubt in the action, only now it will be work against the elite

  • Mark

    I agree - if Branson's plane was not the COW, then it's one hell of a coincidence - too much of one for me, since Virgin Galactic is the vehicle by which many in the elite thought they can escape the pole shift.

    This looks to me exactly what the COW means by war!

  • casey a

    The weekend after the U.S. midterm elections (Nov 8-10) is positioned right before the APEC meeting in Beijing where Obama & many leaders will be meeting on Nov 11 & 12.

    Its hard to imagine Obama would have the announcement on that weekend & then leave for Beijing.

    The weekend after that (Nov 15-17), Australia is hosting the G-20 summit.

    This leaves the weekend of Nov 21-23 before American thanksgiving day (Nov 27)...

    Nancy' Comment: Wouldn't it be cool if the three partners announced at the APEC meeting in Beijing!

  • casey a

    yea. i like.

    Even from the establishment's point of view, it would make sense.

    It would come off as being that the world governments are in control and working together. Less reason for riots.

    (Always believed riots were the last resort ppl took). If they see world governments working together & in control of the situation, maybe immediate panic can be mitigated.

    Whether riots take place later may depend on how ppl perceive their governments to be tackling the passage. Now the Chinese ghost towns & NDAA are making sense-providing ppl with an alternative.

  • Nancy Lieder

    Sir Richard vows to "finish what he started". Look at the anger in his face! My bets are on the COW, not Branson

  • Andrey Eroshin

    he offended

  • Mark

    his (Richard Branson's) reaction is without a shadow of a doubt the dictionary definition of 'hubris'


    Hubris is usually perceived as a characteristic of an individual rather than a group, although the group the offender belongs to may suffer consequences from the wrongful act. Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of one's own competence, accomplishments or capabilities, especially when the person exhibiting it is in a position of power.

  • casey a

    what happens if the next two test flights crash as well? Will he do "damage control" and say "stay the course" again & again? How many times?

    My guess is that the elite looking upto him will ditch him quicker than you can say "sinking ship".

    Then it will be Branson all by himself (still thinking he's gonna finish what he started). Hopefully he has a change in mind..

  • Muzz

    So how does this elite stuff work?

    Plan "A" leave the planet, come back after the passing of Planet X, aka Nibiru, and dominate the world. Now if you could just find someway to get off the planet, nothing seems to be working anymore.

    Plan "B" run for the bunkers, employ a militia, come out after the passing and dominate the world. Just got this really big Nancy / Zeta hunch, this is not going to work either.

    Plan "C" learn to care for each other, grow gardens, share and give random acts of kindness. Now this has got plenty of merit, I wonder if they will heed the warnings, as in my book the COW has the upper hand on this one, and as Nancy has said, time to pull up a chair with the popcorn ready! (as this will be better than any soap TV show) IMO.

    APEC Bejing Nancy, that would be so cool, the elite appear to be squirming.
    Love and Light Eve.
  • Nancy Lieder

    Via email, another comment:

    I just wanted to comment on the War and the possibilities that were being floated on ning. If the Annunki's ships of gold sank then one would assume they were "manned" and several died aboard the ship, by the hands of the COW. Similar to how the pilot died aboard Virgin Galactic. So the Rule of Non-interference is no longer fully enacted. Since they are the COW, I would guess that they make the rules and can change the rules, especially in a time of war. What if the probability of the virgin galactic ship disintegrating on its own was high enough that the COW simply had to make the odds a little higher so the action happens. That wouldn't be considered full interference. An example could be a bunker that is 50% likely to collapse and they just add some extra pressure so the odds are 70%, and then the bunker simply naturally collapses. So the idea is that the odds of the sts elite having success is dwindled and their odds of failure greatly increases on all fronts.

  • Mark

    it is the same stuation as with the Columbia shuttle - in fact it is shockingly similar - the Council of Worlds intervined then and they did the same now.

    quote: "Those astronauts who go on missions know the dangers, the shuttle having blown up previously due to a faulty O-Ring. Thus, they had made their peace with death, to a one. Not so the billions of innocents about to be tortured, maimed, starved, and deserted in their hour of need by those who were using the space program for their own power mad ends. The message of the disintegrating and finally exploding shuttle was to the Bush Administration, who will not fail to get the message."

    and so it is the same with the test pilots of the Virgin Galactic plane - exactly the same situation except for this time it was Richard Branson and not NASA

  • Andrey Eroshin

    on civil aircrafts (spaceships) no catapult or parachutes, that the crew and passengers could saved, therefore passengers who bought 700 tickets, should think about it with Branson

  • Poli

    ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for February 9, 2013

    "...The announcement team is ready, yet Obama is not proceeding, lingering for yet another day or week, as he fears the reaction will be devastating and exhausting.

    The Council of Worlds has lost patience. The deliberate blackout during the Super Bowl was just a gentle nudge. Punch 2 has been delayed because the Obama administration was dead serious about announcing the presence of Planet X, having NASA explain what they have withheld from the public, having NOAA and the USGS explain how the near presence of Planet X has affected the globe. It is time for the little guy, the common man, to have the same access to information that the elite enjoy. Rather than punish the common man by releasing the full force of the 7 of 10 plate movements, the Council will be punishing those involved in continuing the cover-up, whether friend or foe."

  • Kris H

    I wonder if they could just release the announcement on YouTube and send it out through social media. There are verified accounts for Obama and the White House, etc. This could be sent in concert with a China/Russia announcement. This would be viral and unstoppable. Then there would be so many questions being demanded that US media could not ignore. Those responsible for keeping it from the public would be outed in time. And this would only serve to further support the validity of Zetatalk.
  • casey a

    My heart sank when I read the new ZT. So frustrating.

    If only Snowden had known about this. Or if Michael Hastings had been provided protection by COW, we could have had disclosure by now.

  • casey a

    Also in other news Comcast & Time Warner Cable are about to merge pending approval.

    They are the two biggest cable providers in America...

    On the other hand AT&T will be purchasing Direct TV, pending approval.

    (Dont quite know what to make of it.)

  • Love is the answer

    The COW have few options, one of them is to fully proceed with 7 of 10 events and let the drama to unfold, then the elite will have some explaining to do, or perhaps they'll run away and hide in their bunkers?

  • casey a

    The top 1% own 35% of U.S. stocks. The top 10% own 80% of U.S. stocks.

    Why wait for the weekend?

  • SongStar101

    Some thoughts....  The COW is at war,  which means that things will start to run amuck for the elite.  In the grand scale,  the grid is the system in place.  It checks and balances....bring out the popcorn!   Motioning toward the more grand scale,  the grid is their reliance,  this seems most vulnerable to them.  It seems only reasonable to assume the COW can do as it wishes,  thus.  It appears all are at a standstill now awaiting the Announcement,  but surely not for long?

    Power grid collapses in Bangladesh causing nationwide blackout

    A general view shows Dhaka during a power blackout on November 1, 2014

    Imagine what happens when electricity is cut off nationwide in a country of 160 million people. In Bangladesh, everyday life was brought to a standstill on Saturday as factories, hospitals, and homes plunged into darkness or had to rely on generators.

    Even the prime minister's official residence was left with no electricity, as the small but extremely densely populated South Asian country experienced one of the worst blackouts in world's recent history.

    A general view shows Dhaka during a power blackout on November 1, 2014 (AFP Photo / Munir uz Zaman)

    "The national grid collapsed so the whole country lost power," Reuters quoted Mohammad Saiful Islam, a director of the state-run Bangladesh Power Development Board, as saying. "Our repeated efforts to restore electricity across Bangladesh failed repeatedly."

    Local media reported that the blackout was caused by the failure of a transmission line transporting electricity from India. India's Power Grid Corp, however, said there were no problems on their side of the border.

    Garment factory owner Anwarul Alam Chowdhury said he was able to get 2-3 hours' worth of power out of his generator, but then had to halt the factory's output.

    "This is a big slap for my business," he said, explaining that many other factories were forced to shut down production as well.

    Bangladesh's plunge into darkness provides a glimpse into a recently debunked hoax about NASA confirming six days of 'total darkness' in December.

    The hoax went viral on Twitter, leaving many people shocked and bewildered as to how the experience would feel.

  • SongStar101

    The Superbowl blackout in Feb 2013 was a nudge from the COW... 

    "An electromagnetic pulse, causing an electrical surge, causes an automatic shutdown on equipment. This is a protective maneuver, as either the surge or its opposite, a brownout or dip in the flow, can damage equipment."

    The Bangladesh story only has this explanation for 160 million people who suffered without power?

    "Our repeated efforts to restore electricity across Bangladesh failed repeatedly."

  • Muzz

    Thank you, thank you, thank you Zetas.
    This brings a smile to my heart and am sure many others.
    Same to you Nancy, (and team of wonderful dedicated moderators), I can feel things are about to change forever, :-)
    Love and Light Eve.
  • casey a

    Nice. 2 birds with one stone. Expedite the announcement; but also bring social justice for the grave crimes done in the past.

    Looks like this is going to get into the 8 of 10?

  • casey a

    Amnesty International just said that Israel committed war crimes in Gaza during the recent incursion.

    Also, there is momentum gaining for peace talks, as well as granting Palestinians statehood. (Isreali policy has however been polarizing against any bilateral solution). This has been quashed by the U.S. (on behalf of Israel) at the U.N.

    Maybe this time, COW can provide some punches that will garner international outcry to the issue.

  • Andrey Eroshin

    I propose to resettle all elite in Antarctida to the penguins

  • Khan

    UFO crash before the Antares rocket, October 28, 201

  • Corey Young

    While not suprising, it looks like just a small piece of what the CoW has promised....maybe a minor hint of things to come (and a further push into the Sociological 8 of 10 Scenerio's):

    Leaked Luxembourg files expose global companies' secret deals to avoid tax

    Fortune 500 companies move profits through European country to slash their tax bills

    By The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, for CBC NewsPosted: Nov 06, 2014 10:01 AM ETLast Updated: Nov 06, 2014 10:01 AM ET

    Pepsi, Ikea, FedEx and nearly 340 other international companies have secured secret deals from Luxembourg, allowing many of them to slash their global tax bills by routing hundreds of billions of dollars through the tiny European country, leaked documents show.

    The companies have saved billions of dollars in total taxes, according to a review of nearly 28,000 pages of confidential documents obtained by the Washington-based International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and shared with journalists from 26 countries, including CBC News.

    In some instances, the leaked records indicate, companies have enjoyed effective tax rates of less than one per cent on the profits they've shuffled into Luxembourg — even while maintaining the barest of presences there.

    The leaked files show, among other things, that the Canadian Crown corporation that invests federal public servants' pension money set up a web of entities based in Luxembourg to handle real-estate transactions in Berlin. It was able to avoid paying close to $20 million in German land-transfer taxes.

    ....Luxembourg officials have supplied some information to the EU but have refused, EU officials say, to provide a larger set of documents relating to its tax rulings.

  • Nancy Lieder

    Via email. Disinformation did not miss the October 20 date, or the forced delay either!

    On a related note; a friend googled "planet x announcement" on youtube and discovered there is an active effort at disinformation geared at a November date via this claim by a 'Cecilia Perkins' (with an appropriate female avatar) but with the voice belonging to another youtuber going by "BackToConstitution".  Upon scrutiny, this "Cecilia" uploaded over 567 videos on Oct. 16th; all uploaded on ONE DAY. It seems the effort is to blur any "announcement claims"; it uses a fake Brian Williams newscast screenshot throughout the 11-minute video but that turns out to be a lie of course; there IS no link as the narrator promises, only an image of a black cat at the end when the voice-over says "here's the link".  It also claims an Oct. date for announcing it in November; how was it this was known on Oct. 16th, unless it was someone who supposedly knew of the goings-on?  The title of the video is "Planet X: The Announcements Begin".  Seems the Cover-up is pulling out all the stops to besmirch and blur any claims of an "announcement", which will hinder those out jogging, in sleeping, or out to lunch when it really does happen.  Thus they are attempting to 'get a leg up' on the disclosure process.
  • Mark

    @ Corey Young

    While this kind of smells like the kind of expose that the Zetas have said the COW is going to make happen, I don't think think it qualifies.

    • first of all, these revelations are leaks from an international investigation that has been ongoing for some time - so no COW intervention was needed
    • second, despite the 'scandal' - everything that has been done has been totally legal under the laws of said country - Luxemburg - the COW has said they will expose people's crimes
    • third, the media suddenly crying that this is a surprise is a complete joke - everyone has known since time immemorial that Luxemburg has been facilitating this sort of tax evasion all along
    • fouth, the type of revelations that you can expect from the COW will be directed at individuals or small groups who have been taking a direct hand in stopping the announcement, not a whole country and their lax tax policies
    • and fifth, whatever the COW have up their sleeves will be so much more shocking than this, that it will surprise EVERYONE, and this little 'revelation' will seem pathetic by comparison

    the Guardian has been reporting it quite well: