Pre-Announcement Media Coverage

We are seeing so many remarkable pre-announcement pieces showing up, this is a place to post and discuss them. This one for example, is making discoveries sound 'ho hum' which a few months/years ago were heralded as amazing breakthroughs. Today for example: 

"Nearly Every Star Hosts at Least One Alien Planet"

When a month or so ago they were making a BIG deal about finding one planet in the sweet zone which could possibly support life, son they they say 25% of them could support life! Including mention of red dwarfs, etc. The Zeta predicted evidence continues to build up!

Here is another blog that relates, describing a wobble:

NASA Scientists "Discover" a Wobbly Planet!?

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  • Juan F Martinez

    Tucker to reveal most compelling UFO evidence from Pentagon report in new Fox Nation episode

    New 'Tucker Carlson Originals' looks at UFO evidence with famous theoretical physicist Michio Kaku

    For close to 80 years, our leaders have told us that UFOs aren't real. Rather, that they're weather balloons or strangely shaped clouds.

    But earlier this year, U.S. intelligence officials released a lengthy report on UFO encounters with pilots and military officials, ultimately concluding they had no explanation for nearly every case except one.

  • Juan F Martinez

    Russia's Floating Nuclear Power Plants — Why the rush?

    Nuclear power has been the subject of considerable controversy for many decades now, but few nuclear power plants raise as many protests as those designed to float offshore or in the nearby waterways of small cities in hard-to-reach places.

    Floating nuclear reactors are starting to see major interest in the Russian Federation, as well as areas of northern Europe, who see them as key energy resources for future development in the Arctic, as climate change continues to melt sea ice and glaciers in the northern latitudes.

    Underneath those melting glaciers is a wealth of natural resources that have never even been seen — much less mined — by humans, but a problem remains: How do we build up the infrastructure necessary to exploit these resources. That's where floating nuclear power plants come in.

    "What's the point of a floating nuclear reactor though? Primarily, a floating nuclear reactor is used to provide substantial power for industrial and residential use in remote locations.

    The Akademik Lomonosov, for instance, is in use powering the northern Russian town of Pevek, as well as powering a desalinization plant in the region. Russia has also approved five additional floating nuclear power plants to operate along its northern arctic coastline." 


  • Juan F Martinez

    In 45 Days the Stars Fall?  Operation Starfall  August 31, 2021

    WASHINGTON, D.C. —Congresswoman María Elvira Salazar (FL-2 7), Michael Waltz (FL-06), Claudia Tenney (NY-22), and a dozen Republican lawmakers introduced the (HR 5123). This bill implements “Operation Starfall” – a strategic plan to provide access to wireless communications abroad and ensure we are ready when blackouts occur, disaster strikes, or when rogue regimes shut down internet access. This is critical to protecting the safety and wellbeing of American citizens at home and abroad.


    Not later than 45 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Air Force, in consultation with the Chief of Space Operations, shall develop and begin implementation of “Operation Starfall”, a strategic plan to deploy stratospheric balloons, aerostats, or satellite technology capable of rapidly delivering wireless internet anywhere on the planet from the stratosphere or higher.


    Lyn Melvin: In 45 Days the Stars Fall?

  • Juan F Martinez

    End of the world: One day warning for Earth being struck by catastrophic solar storm.

    THE END OF THE WORLD could be sparked by a catastrophic solar storm that future scientists may have as little as a day's warning about, a leading expert has revealed.

  • Juan F Martinez

    Germany turns disaster preparedness into apocalypse carnival mixing comedy and chaos for Blackout, armageddon for all the family

    Caught out by floods that devastated the country, left 180 dead and hundreds of thousands without power in the aftermath, Germany launches Blackout, a PR stunt to reassure a sceptical public that the government is in control.  Nearly 200 died in the floods that surged through the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia and its neighbours earlier this year as the world watched on, shocked that one of the most organised nations in the world had been caught on the hop by Mother Nature.

    When the waters receded the repair bill stood at around €13 billion for that single state and while there are certainly many lessons to learn, it seems the state government in Bonn has been prompted to move up a gear in its disaster planning to avoid a repeat of being caught flat footed in a disaster. Nie wieder – never again.

    So tomorrow, the population of North Rhine-Westphalia will hold a prep session for the apocalypse by taking part in Blackout, the sexy name for National Disaster Protection Day 2021 when the point of the exercise is to imagine Germany suddenly plunged into darkness without electricity and how you would react in order to survive.

    Cynics might brand the day of disaster a calculated PR stunt by a government under pressure to reassure a demoralised, corona-weary, lockdown-sick public that they have a grip on the situation as the nights draw in and the temperatures start to plummet. And those cynics might even be right.

  • Juan F Martinez

    Human civilization could ‘collapse’ like Roman Empire if climate change not addressed, UK PM Boris Johnson warns

  • Juan F Martinez

    J. J. Benítez: "A huge meteorite will arrive in 2027 and will cause 1,200 million deaths"

    The journalist and researcher has sold millions of books with his 'Trojan Horse' series. Now, J. J. Benítez returns with'Mis primos' (Editorial Planeta), where he compiles 250 cases about the phenomenon of extraterrestrials
    He also states that the coronavirus is a dress rehearsal for something terrible, what do you mean?
    Hopefully, I'm wrong. If it weren't, it would be the arrival of a huge meteorite in 2027.
    Why in 2027?
    It is the information I have received. It would cause 1.2 billion deaths in 48 hours.
    So we have six years left.
    Hopefully I'm wrong!

  • Juan F Martinez

    Astronomers Discover Massive Planet 10 Times Bigger Than Jupiter Orbiting Two Star System.

    A group of astronomers has discovered one of the biggest planets ever found orbiting a massive and extremely hot two-star system, despite previously believing that such an environment was too inhospitable for a planet to form in.

    The planet was discovered by Markus Janson, a professor of astronomy at Stockholm University, and colleagues, according to research published Wednesday in the science journal Nature. Pre-Announcement Media Coverage

  • Juan F Martinez

    NASA 'looks to the heavens' for help: Agency enlists 24 theologians to assess how the world would react to the discovery of alien life on distant planets and how it might change our perception of gods and creation

    NASA is hiring 24 theologians to take part in its program the Center for Theological Inquiry (CTI) at Princeton University

    The group will asses how humans will react if alien life is found on other planets and how the discovery will impact our ideas of gods and creation

    Dr Andrew Davison, a priest and theologian at the University of Cambridge with a doctorate in biochemistry from Oxford, is among 24 theologians

    Davison believes we are getting closer to finding life on other planets

  • Juan F Martinez

    Largest-ever group of ‘rogue’ planets discovered in Milky Way. 70 wandering ‘rogue’ planets the size of Jupiter in Milky Way are largest group ever discovered

    Astronomers have found dozens of ‘rogue’ exoplanets roaming the Milky Way without a parent star to hold them in orbit. At least 70 such cosmic nomads have been confirmed, but the number could be as high as 170, a new study says.

    Only a few such planets, which have masses similar to those in our solar system, had been discovered to date, with this latest batch representing the largest single collection we know about. They were spotted in the Milky Way around 420 light-years from Earth, according to findings published last week in the Nature Astronomy journal.

  • Juan F Martinez

    Pepsi Super Bowl Ad, subliminal hint of Nibiru approach. Pre-Announcement Media Coverage.


  • SongStar101

    U.S. House to hold public hearing on UFOs for the first time in 50 years

    Scheduled for Tuesday, May 17 at 10:00 a.m., the U.S. House Intelligence subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation will head the meeting.

    UFOs are considered one of the greatest mysteries of our time, but now possibly a challenge to national security.

    More than 7,600 UFO sightings in Florida have been sent to the National UFO Reporting Center, which has tracked and maintained records of spottings for the last 47 years.

    Some sightings have even been reported by U.S. fighter pilots.

    “Dude that is a f–ing drone bro,” said a pilot tracking an unidentified object in the sky. “There’s a whole fleet of them. Look on the ASA.”

    Three videos were released by the federal government in 2020 and thrusted the modern UFO craze into headlines.

    “What the f– is that thing,” said another pilot. “Oh my gosh dude. Wow. What is that man? Look at him fly!”

    “I think that they realize at this point that there have been too many sightings,” said Denise Stoner, the Assistant State Director of Florida MUFON (Mutual UFO Network).

    That could be a reason the U.S. government waited until 2020 to release the videos. That’s 16 years after the first video names FLIR1 was filmed in 2004 and five years after two others in 2015.

    “More and more of these vehicles, if you will, are being spotted and captured on film,” Stoner said.

    The skyrocketing increase of people spotting UFOs grabbed the attention of congress. So much that on Tuesday, a House oversight committee is holding a public meeting.

    “Is the government hiding something,” questioned Ken Attkisson.

    Well, there’s no clear answer to that. Last year a report from the Director of National Intelligence was declassified.

    The document outlines 144 reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), which only one could be justified.

    “Yeah, there could be some sort of aliens out there,” said Attkisson.

    “I feel like there’s terrestrial life out there that’s looking for another planet to survive on, another planet to live on,” added Perfecto Menera

    Believe it or not, Southwest Florida has its fair share of sightings. Since 2019, there have been 69 sightings sent into the National UFO Reporting Center.

    SWFL SIGHTINGS (2019-2022):

    • Cape Coral – 8
    • Fort Myers- 15
    • Fort Myers Beach – 3
    • Lehigh Acres- 3
    • North Fort Myers – 4
    • Naples – 21
    • Port Charlotte- 11
    • Punta Gorda- 4

    “That is more than I thought,” said Menera.

    “Maybe E.T. was real,” added Attkisson.

    All jokes aside, the feds think these UAPs may pose a challenge to national security.

    “They’re all going against the wind. The wind’s 120 knots from the west,” a pilot said in one of the released videos.

    While there’s a slim chance we get answers at Tuesday’s hearing, it’s at least a start to try and figure out what the objects are.



    UFO secrets to be revealed to US public next week in historic hearing – how to watch

    THE HOUSE of Representatives will hold a public hearing on UFOs and shed light on the galaxy's greatest mysteries.

    The hearing is set for 10:00AM on Tuesday, May 17th.

    The US House Intelligence Committee's Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence and Counterproliferation Subcommittee will take the floor and unpack what they know about unexplained sightings for the American public.

    Pentagon officials and intelligence directors will testify.

    "The American people expect and deserve their leaders in government and intelligence to seriously evaluate and respond to any potential national security risks — especially those we do not fully understand," Representative André Carson said.

    Representative Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said the public hearing will "break the cycle of excessive secrecy and speculation with truth and transparency."

    Among other related topics, the hearing will discuss a nine-page 2021 report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).

    Of the 144 UAP sightings between 2004 and 2021, the document writes that officials were only "able to identify one reported UAP with high confidence...The others remain unexplained."

    The hearing will stream on the House Intelligence official YouTube channel, with coverage beginning at 7:00AM on the day of the hearing.

    With the new proliferation of space launches thanks to Elon Musk's SpaceX, the cosmos and their infinite possibilities are at the forefront of the public psyche.

    In an interview with NPR, technology history Kate Dorsch highlighted the fact that UFO lore is a uniquely American phenomenon.

    "Of course, we will never have complete sighting data because not everyone reports," Dorsch said. "But it is fair to say that Americans seem more willing to talk about their experiences than people in other places in the world."

    Dorsch said that other countries and cultures are more likely to ascribe unexplained sightings to be advanced technologies from Earth-based militaries.

    "For example, UFO sightings in the '50s and '60s in Germany very rarely had the sort of alien-extraterrestrial bend," she added.

    "Instead, Germans saw things they couldn't explain and assumed that they were American or Russian technology, that the global superpowers were testing new kinds of war technology over their skies."

    The American discussion on UFOs will come to a new head when lawmakers come together next Tuesday.

    It'll be the first open hearing on the subject since 1970.

  • Juan F Martinez

    UN unveils urgent 'lifesaver' as billions 'unprepared' for doomsday-like disasters

    Next month, the UN will unveil an action plan to develop an early warning system that will help all countries mitigate disasters.

    The Secretary-General for the United Nations has issued a dire warning about the devastating impacts of climate change, saying that half of the world's population is currently unprepared for a major natural disaster. The climate crisis, triggered by human activity like burning fossil fuels, has resulted in average global temperatures rising to dangerous levels, and is beginning to cause, or aggravate major natural disasters around the world. Antonio Guterres, the leader of the UN called for countries to have early warning systems that would protect billions of people from extreme weather fueled by climate change. This comes as a new report warned that half of all countries did not have early warning systems, which has even resulted in higher death rates.

  • Juan F Martinez

    It's Predicted That Florida Will Soon Be Underwater (Here Are The Stats)

    The scientists have spoken. If climate change manifests itself according to predictions, Florida will soon have to abandon football in favor of water polo as a fave sport. Either that or the NFL Dolphins will have to be replaced by those seafaring porpoise cousins. And it's not a matter of if, but when.

  • Juan F Martinez

    'Planet killer' asteroid measuring almost one MILE wide is spotted lurking in the inner Solar System – and could hit Earth one day, scientists warn

    A massive asteroid described as a 'planet killer' has been spotted lurking in the inner Solar System – and it could one day hit Earth, scientists warn.  Nearly a mile in diameter (1.5km), the asteroid, called 2022 AP7, has an orbit that crosses the orbit of Earth and is described as 'potentially hazardous'. 

    It's one of three near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) found in the inner Solar System, hiding in the glare of the sun, although the other two are smaller.

  • Juan F Martinez

    John Kerry applauds fellow Davos attendees as 'extraterrestrial' for wanting to save the planet


  • SongStar101

    Did earth's inner core stop spinning? New study finds it may soon start turning in reverse

    Planet Earth's inner core may have stopped turning and could go into reverse, according to a study published this week.

    Earth is formed of three layers: the crust, the mantle, and the core.

    Made almost entirely of metal – specifically, iron and nickel, its inner core rests 3,200 miles below the crust, separated from the mantle by the liquid outer core which allows the inner core to rotate at a different speed from the planet's rotation.

    Researchers studied seismic waves from repeating earthquakes that have passed through the Earth’s inner core over the last six decades to infer how fast the inner core is spinning, Xiaodong Song and Yi Yang of China's Peking University published Monday in the journal Nature Geoscience.

    The study's authors said they found that the inner core's rotation "came to near halt around 2009 and then turned in an opposite direction."

    Since then, the authors said, seismic records – which previously changed over time, showed little difference.

    "This globally consistent pattern suggests that inner-core rotation has recently paused," they wrote. “We show surprising observations that indicate the inner core has nearly ceased its rotation in the recent decade and may be experiencing a turning-back."

    When you look at the decade between 1980 and 1990, Song said, you see clear change but when you look at 2010 through 2020 you don’t see much change.


    Has Earth’s inner core stopped its strange spin?

  • Tracie Crespo

    What Happens if Lake Mead Hits Dead Pool and Hoover Dam Stops Working?

    Story by Robyn White  9h ago

    The Hoover Dam, standing 726.4 feet tall, is one of the greatest feats of American engineering—and one of its most important. The dam formed Lake Mead, the largest man-made reservoir in the U.S., which irrigates 1,500,000 acres of land and provides water to over 16,000,000 people—a vital source of life to the populations of California and Nevada.

    A photo shows the Hoover Dam, which forms Lake Mead in Nevada.
    A photo shows the Hoover Dam, which forms Lake Mead in Nevada.© superjoseph/Getty

    What Would Happen If The Hoover Dam Broke?

    But what would happen if it were to break—and how likely is that? As the water levels of both Lake Mead, and its tributary the Colorado River, are near record lows after a yearslong megadrought in the region, the chances are slim.

    Robert Glennon, a water policy and law expert and emeritus professor at the University of Arizona, told Newsweek: "It's not too likely to break because there's not much water. Usually dams break when the river overtops the dam and water flows, and the downstream base erodes the dam itself.

    "The question [as to whether it will break] is a great one, but I would reframe it. What's more likely to happen is that the water in Lake Mead hits what we call dead pool. Dead pool is when the water above the dam is so low that no water passes through it."

    Before the Hoover Dam's construction, the southwest used to be at the mercy of the wild Colorado River, which would occasionally overflow and flood farmlands. The Hoover Dam allowed the water to be controlled, so that this would no longer happen.

    The Hoover Dam was also constructed to provide a reliable source of water for the southwest, including major cities like Los Angeles.

    It also produces hydropower. The Hoover Dam produces around 4 billion kilowatt-hours of hydroelectric power each year for Nevada, Arizona, and California, for around 1.3 million people.

    If the Hoover Dam stopped functioning, the electrical grid would be majorly affected. The income the electricity produces also funds its upkeep. The dam is completely self-supporting, meaning if it broke, income for repairs would be difficult to come by.

    "[Dead pool] would mean no hydropower, no water supply. So there are 40 million people who rely on the Colorado River and if there's no water coming through Hoover Dam that affects the water supply for 40 million people. And we're talking about the Great Western cities, southwestern cities. We're talking about farmers and we're talking about tribes," Glennon said.

    "A final way to look at this problem, if you live in New York City, why should you care about the flow in the Colorado River? And the answer is, do you like to eat salad? Most Americans do. And between November and March, more than 90 percent of the salad greens to leafy lettuces comes from this region. So if there's no water flowing down the river there's no salad."

    But how likely is this scenario?

    A physical breach is extremely unlikely. It would take a natural disaster or a huge explosion to collapse the dam. But if this were to happen, the water held in Lake Mead would spill out over the land as the walls collapsed.

    When the lake is at its maximum capacity of 1,220 feet, it holds 9.3 trillion gallons of water. This is enough water to cover 10 million acres, which is bigger than the state of Maryland.

    Lake Mead's water levels are not what they once were, but they remain large. It holds enough water to cause a wave that would devastate communities.

    It is difficult to predict how many places would be damaged, as it all depends on the speed at which the wave comes. But the wave from Lake Mead would likely wash away or destroy anything in its path.

    Anthony F. Arrigo, associate professor of communication at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and author of the 2014 book Imaging Hoover Dam: The Making of a Cultural Icon, told Newsweek: "Without the dam system along the Colorado it's not hyperbole to say that the southwest would be virtually uninhabitable. The reason that the southwest exists as we know it today is because of the dams. There is no other reason.

    "There simply is not enough water falling from the skies or under people's feet to support the millions of inhabitants and hectares of agriculture. The only reason that Los Angeles was able to grow beyond a few hundred thousand people is because they received lots of water piped in from the Colorado River."

    While its physical collapse is not likely, dead pool is—and officials believe it could happen in just a few years.

    As of February 15, Lake Mead's water levels were at 1047.58 feet. This is only around 30 percent of its full capacity. In July 2022, the lake's water levels reached an all-time low of 1,040 feet.

    Lake Mead's water levels could reach 992 feet by the end of July 2024, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation reported in a two-year "probabilistic projection" for the Colorado River system. This is the "probable minimum" level the lake could reach within 24 months.

    Officials have warned that dead pool could be reached by 2025, if the lake continues drying up at the rate it is currently. But Glennon said that one would need a "crystal ball" to know for sure.

    "The longer we wait, the worse it will get and there's a specific reason for this. The Grand Canyons in the west are V-shaped, like a martini glass. So they're very wide at the top and very narrow at the bottom.

    "We're now getting close to the bottom. And in each foot of elevation at the narrow section of the canyon, holds less water. So we can drop a heck of a lot faster than the feet way up higher.

    "It would be a catastrophe for the cities and farmers and tribes downstream. A catastrophe for the food production in the four months of the calendar from November to March. Dead pool, the killing of the Colorado River, is just a horrible thought."

  • Juan F Martinez

    Official Government Report Claims There May Be "Alien Mothership" Inside Solar System

    The Pentagon recently released a draft report about the ongoing UFO mystery yesterday, and the media is all over it. While stories of Chinese spy balloons being shot down continue to baffle the public, there are a few ideas even scarier: that the UFOs are all coming from someplace else…someplace massive.

  • Juan F Martinez


    “My goal is to create X, the Everything App. Twitter is an accelerator.

    - Elon Musk

    Are you ready?

  • Jorge Mejia

    UFOlogist Jaime Maussan said: "These specimen are not part of our terrestrial evolution"

    Mexico's Congress saw an official event where two “alien corpses” were unveiled in Mexico City. The official “unveiling” of the two alleged “alien corpses” was carried out by ufologist Jaime Maussan.

    The two small “corpses” were displayed for all observers. Organisers claimed that the small mummified specimen were a thousand years old and had been “retrieved” from Cusco, Peru.

    Maussan told members of the Mexican government that “UFO specimen” were studied at the Autonomous National University of Mexico, where scientists, he stated were able to draw DNA evidence using radiocarbon dating.

    Hinfuistan Times
    Wednesday, Sep 13, 2023

    Personal Note:
    Yesterday, September 12, an audience was held ´before Mexico's Congress with pilots, an airport controller, ufologist Jaime Maussan, and others. They described their experiences and questions to this "phenomenon". I could not attend fully, but here is the Youtue link (in Spanish):

  • Juan F Martinez


  • Juan F Martinez

    ‘Earth-like’ Planet Nine could be hiding in our solar system: research

    T & FB: @ZetaTalk_Followers   X (Twitter): @ZT_Followers

  • Juan F Martinez

    Scientists say they have found evidence of an unknown planet in our solar system.

    New findings represent the ‘strongest statistical evidence yet’ that Planet 9 exists, researcher says.

  • A. Hall

    A new film released just  a month ago on June 29th, 2024 seems to be trying to get the idea in peoples heads of what is to come.  Sadly the budget was not bigger and thus they could not obtain better actors & production to pass the message along to MORE people.   Many scenes are set in New Madrid, Missouri and basically showing that the New Madrid fault line will open up.   Thou the films story points to Fracking as the possible cause.  http://

    Lines from the film are pretty clear:   [ This fault line hasn't seen this much activity in over 100 years.]   [We are seeing buckling.... it will reach to the Gulf of Mexico.]  [ The United States is going to split completely from east to west.]  [If we're seeing this much activity,  this means something way bigger could be on the way.....  AND we need to know about it! ]   [The New Madrid....the Midwest...all underwater] 

    I  know from working in the film industry in production. that sometimes  Agents may seriously discourage more notable named actors from even considering taking a part on such a controversial subject as this.  Funding and story lines have had to be adjusted for us due to control of the narrative

  • Mario Valencia-Rojas

  • Mario Valencia-Rojas

  • Kamil Rak

    The ZetaTalk YouTube channel is back!

    🌌 What is Planet X? The Mystery of the 12th Planet Revealed! 🛸

    All credit goes to ZetaTalk.

  • Kamil Rak

    The Truth About the Azerbaijan Airlines Crash

    New ZetaTalk:

  • Kamil Rak

    The Truth About Sakaleeshpur Indian Village Chickens

    New ZetaTalk:

  • Kamil Rak

    🌍 Are We Ready for the Great Pole Shift? 🌌

    New video:

  • Kamil Rak

    🌍 Surviving the New Madrid Fault Line Rip: Are You Prepared? 🌌🌪️

  • Kamil Rak

    The Truth About the South Korean Plane Crash

    New ZetaTalk:

  • Kamil Rak

    Planet X visible with naked eye!

    New ZetaTalk:

  • Kamil Rak

    🌊 Surviving the European Tsunami: Are You Prepared? 🌍⚠️

    New video:

  • Kamil Rak

    The Earth is undergoing a spiritual transformation.

    New video:

  • Kamil Rak

    The Truth About the Thick Fog

    New ZetaTalk:

  • Kamil Rak

    🌌 The Soul According to the Zetas: A Profound Exploration ✨

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  • Kamil Rak

    The Truth About the New Orleans Terror Attack

    New ZetaTalk:

  • Kamil Rak

    The Truth About Aliens and the US Air Force Training Manual
    New ZetaTalk:
  • Kamil Rak

    The Truth About Trudeau Resiging
    New ZetaTalk:
  • Kamil Rak

    The Truth About California Fires

    New ZetaTalk:

  • Kamil Rak

    🌌 What to Expect When Planet X Is Revealed: Emergency Alert System Activation and Martial Law 🌍⚠️

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  • Kamil Rak

    The Truth About Possible Sunken Worlds Revealed by High Resolution Models of Earth

    New ZetaTalk:

  • Kamil Rak

    🌊 Surviving the East Coast Tsunami: Essential Tips and Insights 🌍⚠️

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  • Mario Valencia-Rojas

  • Kamil Rak

    The Truth About Volcanoes Erupting in Antarctica

    New ZetaTalk:

  • Kamil Rak

    The Truth About Israel-Hamas Ceasefire
    New ZetaTalk:
  • Kamil Rak

    🌌 Who Are the Zetas? Exploring the Beings Behind ZetaTalk 👽✨

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  • Kamil Rak

    🌍 How to Survive Food Scarcity After the Pole Shift 🌋🍄

    New video: