We are seeing so many remarkable pre-announcement pieces showing up, this is a place to post and discuss them. This one for example, is making discoveries sound 'ho hum' which a few months/years ago were heralded as amazing breakthroughs. Today for example:
When a month or so ago they were making a BIG deal about finding one planet in the sweet zone which could possibly support life, son they they say 25% of them could support life! Including mention of red dwarfs, etc. The Zeta predicted evidence continues to build up!
Here is another blog that relates, describing a wobble:
Starr DiGiacomo
International Business Times
NASA Photo Shows Hidden Alien Structures And Vessels On Venus, UFO Expert Claims
10/14/19 AT 5:30 AM
A UFO expert claimed that NASA’s photo of Venus contained various alien structures on vessels on the surface of the planet. According to the UFO expert, some of the structures in the photo are bigger than Texas.
Scott Waring of ET Data Base came across images of the alleged alien structures and vessels on Venus while viewing the planet’s photo in Wikipedia. The original source of the photo is NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
According to the agency, the photo of the planet was taken by its Magellan spacecraft, which was launched in 1989 to map the surface of Venus.
Waring pointed out that several dark and light regions can be spotted on the surface of the alien planet. After zooming in on these regions, the UFO expert said that they are alien structures and vessels.
“I was looking for decent photos of Venus and found this incredible full planet view,” he stated in a blog post. “The photo is on Wikipedia and has a detail that is of the surface structures."
“Normally, the clouds over Venus prevent us from seeing its surface, but now I’m going to show you the alien structures that NASA doesn’t want you to see,” Waring added.
According to Waring, the structures come in different shapes. Some of them have geometrical features while others have rounded shapes. Waring speculated that the round objects could be vessels used by the alien beings on Venus.
Aside from having different shapes, the sizes of the structures and other objects also vary. Waring stated that some of them could be bigger than the entire state of Texas
If Waring’s speculations are correct, then this could mean that the alien race living on Venus found a way to adapt to the planet’s harsh conditions. Although Mercury is closest to the Sun, Venus is considered as the hottest planet in the Solar System with surface temperatures averaging 462 degrees Celsius.
Aside from its extreme temperatures, it has a very dense atmosphere that consists of over 96% carbon dioxide. In addition, the atmospheric pressure on the planet is 92 times that of Earth.
Oct 15, 2019
Juan F Martinez
Dutch family found living in cellar for 9 YEARS waiting for ‘end of days’ & unaware other people still existed, 16 Oct, 2019
A family of six has been rescued from the hidden cellar of a Dutch farmhouse after the eldest son escaped and wandered into a local pub to seek help. They had lived in total isolation for nine years, ‘waiting for the end of time.’
The children and a bedridden man, initially believed to be their father, had lived concealed in the basement of the farmhouse for nine years, waiting for the "end of time," according to Dutch media. One Josef B., 58, a handyman who was previously the only known tenant of the house, was arrested at the scene for refusing to cooperate with the investigation.
The siblings lived in the basement of the house, which was only accessible through a hidden staircase behind a cupboard in the living room, and were reportedly unaware there were other people in the world. The house itself was isolated by a canal, accessible by a single bridge, and secured by a locked gate. Neighbors who tried to investigate found that the property was dotted with surveillance cameras.
According to the eldest sibling, the children had never been to school, and they were not registered by any local authorities. The family was believed to be self-sufficient, with a vegetable plot and livestock to sustain them. Their mother is thought to have died before the family moved to the farmhouse – “a long time ago,” according to the mayor – though some reports suggest she is buried on the property.
Oct 16, 2019
Ovidiu Pricopi
Oct 16, 2019
Juan F Martinez
Navy Patents UFO-Like Compact Nuclear Fusion Reactor and Hybrid Space/Sea Crafts Oct 18, 2019 at 8:24 pm.
A mysterious set of patents filed recently by a U.S Navy researcher has caught the eyes of technologists and conspiracy theorists alike.
TMU) — A mysterious set of patents filed recently by a U.S Navy researcher has caught the eyes of technologists and conspiracy theorists alike.
These patents describe exotic technologies that do not exist in the commercial or military spheres—as far as we know—and that usually only surface in UFO lore, including high-energy electromagnetic force fields, revolutionary propulsion systems, and a “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft.”
The newest patent is for a practical fusion reactor that could be stored in aircraft to help achieve unimaginable speeds and maneuverability.
The mystery around these patents continues to grow during a time in which the Navy and State Department have stunningly reversed their decades-old policy of not acknowledging UFO sightings. The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division is the home of the high-level Navy researcher, the equally mysterious Salvatore Cezar Pais, who in recent years has filed patents for supposedly operable revolutionary technologies such as room temperature superconductor (RTSC) and the high-energy electromagnetic field generator (HEEMFG).
Perhaps the most surprising patent concerns the “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft,” which can supposedly navigate with equal precision through space, air, and water with no heat signature and “engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level.”
In the patents filed, Pais has revealed that Chinese scientists are already way ahead of the United States in such fields. The reason this is a shocking admission is because military personnel, Navy officers, and air pilots have for years reported USOs (unidentified submerged objects) that seem to fly in and out of the sea at incomphrensible speeds.
The newest patent teases the discovery of the “Holy Grail” of energy production, the long sought nuclear fusion reactor, which could revolutionize life on Earth by creating a sustainable long-term fuel source and reduce radioactive waste and greenhouse gas emissions. Currently, scientists do not know how to manage systems that utilize high-pressure plasma in the range of hundreds of millions of degrees Fahrenheit and can only create split second controlled nuclear fusion reactions.
However, the patent for Pais’ “Plasma Compression Fusion Device,” which was only disclosed September 26, 2019 states:
“At present there are few envisioned fusion reactors/devices that come in a small, compact package (ranging from 0.3 to 2 meters in diameter) and typically they use different versions of plasma magnetic confinement. Three such devices are the Lockheed Martin (LM) Skunk Works Compact Fusion Reactor (LM-CFR) , the EMC2 Polywell fusion concept, and the Princeton Field-Reversed Configuration (PFRC) machine. […] These devices feature short plasma confinement times, possible plasma instabilities with the scaling of size, and it is questionable whether they have the ability of achieving the break – even fusion condition, let alone a self-sustained plasma burn leading to ignition.”
Pais states that this technology would be capable of producing as much as a terawatt (1 trillion watts) of power, which vastly surpasses America’s largest current nuclear power plant. While it’s not known whether such technology is possible at all, much less in a compact structure, we do know that the U.S. military and private firms like Lockheed Martin are competing with the government run-Chinese Academy of Sciences to create the world’s first compact nuclear reactor.
The United States Secretary of Navy is listed as the assignee on several radical aviation technologies patented by an aerospace engineer working at the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) headquarters in Patuxent River, Maryland. One of these patents describes a "hybrid aerospace-underwater craft" claimed to be capable of truly extraordinary feats of speed and maneuverability in air, water, and outer space alike thanks to a revolutionary electromagnetic propulsion system.
Oct 19, 2019
Starr DiGiacomo
These are the 4 types of tsunamis that could impact Washingtonians after an earthquake
SEATTLE — The National Weather Service (NWS) says anyone in Washington who lives near the ocean or a large body of water is at risk of a tsunami.
Geologists have been monitoring the Cascadia Subduction Zone for years. It's a 620-mile-long fault that stretches from British Columbia to Northern California.
Right now, the Juan de Fuca plate is being slowly pushed into and underneath the North American plate. That zone is locked as the pressure builds daily.
One day, that lock will break when the pressure becomes too much.
When that happens, one plate will thrust below the other, generating one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded, a magnitude-9 or possibly even greater.
The NWS said there are four types of tsunamis that could directly impact Washington residents to varying degrees, depending on where you live and how the tsunami was triggered:
Distant tsunami
These tsunamis are caused by a distant earthquake or landslide that travels across the ocean. The greatest area of impact is for those living on the Pacific coast. Residents have hours to evacuate after the earthquake or landslide hits.
Cascadia Subduction Zone tsunami
This type of tsunami is created by a large magnitude 8 or 9 earthquake off the Washington, Oregon or British Columbia coast. This also impacts Pacific coastal communities, however, unlike the distant tsunami, residents only have tens of minutes to evacuate.
Local earthquake tsunami
Communities that are close to a body of water, whether it's an ocean or another large body of water, will be impacted by these tsunamis. They are caused by an earthquake on local faults, like the Seattle or Tacoma faults. Residents only have minutes to evacuate in this instance.
Landslide-caused tsunami
These are caused by large landslides that occur underwater or slides from land into water. It depends on where the landslide occurs when determining who will be impacted when it hits. Those in the impact zone will have minutes to tens of minutes to evacuate.
RELATED: New tsunami evacuation maps released for 4 Washington coastal areas
Last week, the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) published new maps to help residents in four coastal areas safely evacuate in the event of a tsunami.
Waves from a Cascadia earthquake-induced tsunami could reach coastal areas like Long Beach or Westport in as soon as 15 minutes after the earthquake starts.
Effective walk times differ for communities based on their topography. For example, people at Cape Disappointment can safely walk to higher ground in as little as 15 minutes, while the walk to safety from Long Beach can take as long as 75 minutes, according to DNR.
If you live near a shoreline, the earthquake is your natural tsunami warning. As soon as shaking stops and you're able to stand, walk quickly to high ground or inland.
If an earthquake occurs close to the shore, the first in a series of waves could reach the beach within minutes.
Here's what to do after an earthquake:
New tsunami evacuation maps released for 4 Washington coastal areas
Vertical evacuation structures offer escape from massive tsunami
What you need to know about earthquakes and the Cascadia Subduction Zone
Tsunami simulations for Washington show what could happen after 9.0 earthquake
Buoyant tsunami pods offer protection after major earthquake
Oct 19, 2019
Juan F Martinez
Join us October 30 at 8:30 PM to see something in the skies above the Academy you've never seen before.
Oct 20, 2019
Juan F Martinez
A Huge UFO Spaceship Causes Closure Of China Airports - ABC News Posted 10-21-2019
Nancy Comment: This UFO was reported by ABC in 2010! (https://abcnews.go.com/International/ufo-china-closes-airport-promp...) And covered by ZT at the time. (http://www.zetatalk.com/7of10/7of10-25.htm) However, this posted video is quite dramatic and clear.
Oct 23, 2019
Starr DiGiacomo
Oct 24, 2019 08:50 AM CST
Japan Meteor In 2017 Found To Be A Tiny Piece Of Monster Asteroid That Could One Day Destroy Earth
The small meteor that became a "fireball," lighting up the skies of Japan over two years ago, turned out to be a tiny piece of a gigantic binary asteroid. Scientists believe that the main asteroid and its orbiting satellite could follow the shard's trajectory and eventually collide with Earth in the future.
In the early hours of April 28, 2017, an inch-wide object was seen flying over Kyoto, Japan. Despite its small size, the meteor was easily spotted because it lit the sky like a fireball.
In a bid to know more about the phenomenon, a team of scientists used an automated system called SonotaCo, which has the ability to track objects that enter the Earth's atmosphere. Data gathered from the system allowed researchers to simulate the trajectory of the meteor.
The scientists successfully tracked the path of the meteor as it traveled across space through the projection, leading them to conclude that the tiny space rock that collided with the home planet was actually a piece of a massive binary asteroid called 2003 YT1.
NASA's Center for Near Earth Object Studies classifies 2003 YT1 as a NEO (near-Earth object) asteroid, which means part of its course is an Earth flyby. According to the space agency's estimates, the enormous space rock has a diameter of over 2 miles. Asteroid 2003 YT1 happens to have a smaller asteroid that orbits around it, approximately 690 feet long.
The team believes that the Kyoto fireball was part of the trail of dust made by 2003 YT1, which got separated as it approached near the home planet. Its implication is rather alarming, as the binary asteroid would naturally follow the same path. This corroborates previous observations that it has a 6% chance of colliding with Earth, although this won't likely happen until the next 10 million years.
Writing about an impact from a similarly sized object in a post on Quora, mathematician and space expert Robert Walker wrote:
"There would be regional earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunami (if it hit the sea). Skies darker than the darkest cloud cover from the dust thrown up into the upper atmosphere, global temperature drops 8 degrees Celsius for a week and moderate global effects for months."
The link between asteroid 2003 YT1 and the Kyoto meteor were presented in a new study, which has been submitted for publication through ArXiv.org.
Oct 25, 2019
Juan F Martinez
Asteroid terror: NASA spot mammoth space rock to hit Earth's orbit five days before X-mas PUBLISHED: 02:05, Wed, Oct 23, 2019 | UPDATED: 08:20, Sat, Nov 9, 2019
AN ASTEROID the size of the World Trade Centre is on a dangerous Earth-bound orbit that could see the rock smash the planet during Christmas festivities. The asteroid, known as 216258 2006 WH1, is set for its closest approach to Earth on December 20 - just days before Christmas. The 540 metre space rock is the same size as the World Trade Centre and would cause a significant amount of damage and mass extinction.
Nov 10, 2019
Juan F Martinez
We may finally have a way to find mysterious Planet 9, but there’s a catch…
14 Nov, 2019 13:08 / Updated 13 hours ago
The enigmatic Planet Nine, an unknown gigantic mass lurking at the edge of our solar system, has captivated scientists and conspiracists alike for years, but we may finally have a method of finding it once and for all.
Planet Nine is the name given to a titanic object that interrupts the orbits of objects out in the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune. It is believed to be somewhere in the region of five times the mass of Earth. We don’t know exactly what it is. We don’t know exactly where it is, and we don’t even know where to begin looking for it. But now a team of researchers believes we may already have all the data we need.
According to study authors Matthew J Holman, Matthew J Payne, and Andras Pa, NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) may have already spotted the elusive beast, we just haven't had time to search for photos of it in the vast troves of data already captured.
TESS hunts for exoplanets using the transit method, meaning it lies in wait watching patches of the sky, waiting for something, anything, to cross in front of the distant starlight. However, a single exposure couldn’t possibly capture something as distant and faint as Planet Nine, which is where another technique, known as digital tracking, would come in.
Digital tracking involves the stacking of images from the same field of vision on top of one another, thus increasing the brightness of distant objects. The technique has so far been used to great effect in finding new asteroids, but has yet to be used in the hunt for Planet Nine or whatever the mysterious, massive object is out there beyond Neptune.
However, because Planet Nine is a moving target, some calculations (or guesswork in layman’s terms) are required to figure out its trajectory as it moves across the void of space. This would then, theoretically, allow scientists to stack the images and enhance the brightness of the object.
“To discover new objects, with unknown trajectories,” the researchers wrote in their paper, “we can try all possible orbits!”
Digital tracking has been used in conjunction with the Hubble Space Telescope to discover several objects beyond Neptune, so the technique is proven, however, the task is somewhat gargantuan.
While it is theoretically possible, practically speaking, anyone hoping to find Planet Nine in the TESS data would have to test for all possible orbits in a Herculean task that even the world’s most powerful supercomputers would need some time to accomplish, for now at least.
Nov 15, 2019
Juan F Martinez
Neptune’s moon Naiad employs some slick choreographic moves to avoid crashing into its near partner Thalassa as the pair closely orbit the ice giant, new research by NASA shows. 16 Nov, 2019 07:16
Two of Neptune’s 14 confirmed moons, Thalassa and Naiad are only 60 miles (100km) wide. The tiny Tic-Tac-shaped objects orbit just 1,150 miles (1,850km) apart but never collide.
This happens because, unlike our Moon, which simply circles around Earth, Naiad swirls around Neptune in a zigzag-like pattern, perfectly timed to avoid crashing into its ‘partner’ Thalassa, NASA explained. Experts have dubbed this crazy choreography a “dance of avoidance.”
Zetatalk calls this REPULSION FORCE.
ZetaTalk Explanation 2/15/1997:
What all matter seeks is a static state where all parts of it are equal and none moving, like a jell. Subatomic particles move in a wave pattern due to this attraction and desire to equalize crowding. Two particles move apart from each other to reduce crowding but then find they are attracted to each other when crowding has been reduced and move toward each other again.
In 1995 ZetaTalk stated that gravity is balanced by a Repulsion Force,
a spurt of gravity particles to reduce crowding. In 1998 scientists reported
that they had discovered that the Universe is expanding due to what they call a repulsion force which counteracts gravity. Quoting New York Times
in 1998: “Gravity should have gradually slowed the outward rush of cosmic expansion, but cosmic expansion has actually sped up in the billions of years since the stars exploded.”
Nov 16, 2019
Juan F Martinez
Aliens ‘turning off nuclear weapons to show humans they’re useless’ 17 NOV 2019
Aliens have been turning our nuclear weapons on and off to show us how "useless" they are against them, according to a lobbyist who says he thinks ETs are "not a threat"
Aliens have been turning our nuclear weapons on and off to show us how “useless” they are against their superior technology, a lobbyist has claimed.
Stephen Bassett is the founder of Paradigm Research Group (PRG), which has spent years trying to get the US government to reveal the “truth” about extraterrestrials and UFOs — which he prefers to call Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in line with the US Navy's official definition.
Discussing what motives aliens might have, Stephen claimed several witnesses have observed them controlling our own nuclear weapons with ease.
But he insists this is not intended as a “threat” and actually shows us that ETs and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) support nuclear disarmament.
Nov 19, 2019
Juan F Martinez
NASA tracking THREE asteroids headed this way, two spotted just 2 days ago
NASA is currently tracking three near-Earth objects (NEOs) due to fly past the Earth on November 20. Worryingly, two of the three were only spotted this past weekend, once again raising tensions over planetary defense.
The first of Wednesday’s cosmic flybys and the largest, measuring 157.5ft to 360.8ft (48 to 110 meters) across, will be asteroid 2019 UK6, which will speed past at approximately 6.20am GMT (1.20am EDT). It is 2019 UK6 we had most prior warning about, as it was first observed on October 24.
NEO 2019 UK6 is an Amor asteroid, which that goes around the Sun and the Earth, occasionally, but very rarely, crossing Earth's path. Apollo asteroids, on the other hand, intersect with Earth’s orbit as the planet travels around the Sun.
The second of the Wednesday’s flybys will be 2019 WF, first spotted by NASA’s asteroid hunters just two days ago on November 17. Estimated to be about 24 meters wide, it will make its closest Earth approach at roughly twice the distance to the moon, so no danger of an extinction level event there anyway.
Last up will be 2019 WE, also spotted at the last second on November 17. This asteroid will sail past our planet at a distance of about 1.3 million kilometers away.
According to NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), all three will have what are dubbed “near-Earth approaches,” but thankfully none are believed to pose any threat.
Nov 19, 2019
Juan F Martinez
Council of Worlds At War?
Tesla just unveiled its new "bulletproof" truck. During a test, its windows broke. November 22, 2019 / 11:34 AM / CBS News
Tesla showed off its newest all-electric vehicle, Cybertruck, during an event in Los Angeles, but its unveiling on Thursday night didn't appear to go as planned. After the Tesla pickup truck was rolled out, the company's chief designer threw a metal ball to prove how tough it was –– except the demo failed spectacularly.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk told an audience the truck is "literally bulletproof" against small types of firearms. The truck's body withstood multiple strikes from a sledgehammer and the crowd cheered on. Musk then summoned design lead Franz Von Holzhausen to try and smash the Cybertruck's "armor glass."
Video shows Von Holzhausen throwing a metal ball and appearing to look shocked when the driver's seat window was completely shattered."Oh my f----ing god," Musk said. "Well...maybe that was a little too hard. It didn't go through."
Nov 22, 2019
Juan F Martinez
The US Tried To Detonate A Nuke On The Moon – USAF Colonel Says ‘Someone’ Intervened When We Did November 21, 2019
In Brief The Facts:
Documents as well as witness testimony from high ranking people with verified backgrounds point to the idea that extraterrestrials have tampered with and disarmed our nuclear weapons on more than one occasion.
Reflect On: With so much corroborating evidence, it's clear that something is going on which is why the mainstream has started to take this seriously. But why are stories like this never presented by the mainstream, are they trying to control the narrative?
Did the United States try and detonate a nuclear weapon on the Moon? Well, there is a slew of declassified documents that clearly show it was a deep desire for the United States to do so. These documents were heavily classified, and you can be assured that if the United States did, or at least did attempt what they were planning to do, it would remain highly classified and away from public knowledge. A declassified report by the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center from June 1959 shows just how seriously they considered the plan. It was called Project A119, and it outlines the desire of the government to investigate the capability of weapons in space, as well as gain further insight into the space environment and the detonation of nuclear devices within it, hence why they wanted to detonate a nuke on the Moon.
Nov 22, 2019
Juan F Martinez
Adorable Alien Baby Yoda for President
Baby Yoda is trending higher than most 2020 Democratic hopefuls November 29, 2019
#ET #Alien #Awakening #Transformation
Nov 29, 2019
Juan F Martinez
GREEN NEW MEAL: A-List Actress Suggests Humans May Have to Eat Their Pets to Survive ‘Climate Crisis’ posted by Hannity Staff - 7 hours ago
"British actress Emma Thompson issued a dire prediction during a “climate crisis” protest in London this week; suggesting humans may soon have to consume their pets for protein to survive the coming apocalypse.
“Better wrap up warm, stockpile food and remember there is a surprising amount of protein in the average household pet,” said Thompson.
Dec 7, 2019
Juan F Martinez
Recently Retired USAF General Makes Eyebrow Raising Claims About Advanced Space Technology : Retired Lt. Gen. Steven L. Kwast says fantastic technology exists that could transport a human anywhere on earth within an hour.
Recently retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General Steven L. Kwast gave a lecture last month that seems to further signal that the next major battlefield will be outer space. While military leadership rattling the space sabers is nothing new, Kwast’s lecture included comments that heavily hint at the possibility that the United States military and its industry partners may have already developed next-generation technologies that have the potential to drastically change the aerospace field, and human civilization, forever. Is this mere posturing or could we actually be on the verge of making science fiction a reality?
Lt. Gen. Kwast most recently served as Commander of the Air Education and Training Command (AETC) at Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA), but retired in August. According to some reports, Kwast was prematurely relieved of his duties at JBSA and blacklisted for promotion after speaking out on space-related issues despite a service-wide gag order. Kwast declined to comment on the reports and retired on September 1, 2019.
Despite the controversy surrounding his removal from his post at AETC, some defense analysts and Lt. Gen. Kwast’s own supporters within the Armed Forces were suggesting prior to his retirement that he should be appointed as Commander of the Pentagon's budding Space Force. Kwast has published several op-eds in recent years pushing for the U.S. military to take on a greater role in space in order to ensure American economic dominance and what he sees as the continued proliferation of American values.
Dec 16, 2019
Starr DiGiacomo
NASA-funded website lets public search for new nearby worlds
This artist‘s concept illustrates a close-up view of a cool brown dwarf. Objects like this, drifting just beyond our solar system, have been imaged by NASA‘s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer and could be discovered by Backyard Worlds: Planet 9. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
NASA is inviting the public to help search for possible undiscovered worlds in the outer reaches of our solar system and in neighboring interstellar space. A new website, called Backyard Worlds: Planet 9, lets everyone participate in the search by viewing brief movies made from images captured by NASA‘s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer () mission. The movies highlight objects that have gradually moved across the sky.
“There are just over four light-years between Neptune and Proxima Centauri, the nearest star, and much of this vast territory is unexplored,” said lead researcher Marc Kuchner, an astrophysicist at NASA‘s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. “Because there‘s so little sunlight, even large objects in that region barely shine in visible light. But by looking in the infrared, WISE may have imaged objects we otherwise would have missed.”
WISE scanned the entire sky between 2010 and 2011, producing the most comprehensive survey at mid-infrared wavelengths currently available. With the completion of its primary mission, WISE was shut down in 2011. It was then reactivated in 2013 and given a new mission assisting NASA‘s efforts to identify potentially hazardous near-Earth objects (NEOs), which are asteroids and comets on orbits that bring them into the vicinity of Earth‘s orbit. The mission was renamed the Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE).
The new website uses the data to search for unknown objects in and beyond our own solar system. In 2016, astronomers at Caltech in Pasadena, California, showed that several distant solar system objects possessed orbital features indicating they were affected by the gravity of an as-yet-undetected planet, which the researchers nicknamed “Planet Nine.” If Planet Nine—also known as —exists and is as bright as some predictions, it could show up in WISE data.
The video will load shortly Join the search for new worlds in the outer reaches of our solar system and in nearby interstellar space at Backyard Worlds: Planet 9. Credit: NASA‘s Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab/Krystofer D.J. Kim
The search also may discover more distant objects like brown dwarfs, sometimes called failed stars, in nearby .
“Brown dwarfs form like stars but evolve like planets, and the coldest ones are much like Jupiter,” said team member Jackie Faherty, an astronomer at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. “By using Backyard Worlds: Planet 9, the public can help us discover more of these strange rogue worlds.”
Unlike more distant objects, those in or closer to the solar system appear to move across the sky at different rates. The best way to discover them is through a systematic search of moving objects in WISE images. While parts of this search can be done by computers, machines are often overwhelmed by image artifacts, especially in crowded parts of the sky. These include brightness spikes associated with star images and blurry blobs caused by light scattered inside WISE‘s instruments.
Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 relies on human eyes because we easily recognize the important moving objects while ignoring the artifacts. It‘s a 21st-century version of the technique astronomer Clyde Tombaugh used to find Pluto in 1930, a discovery made 87 years ago this week.
A previously cataloged brown dwarf named WISE 0855?0714 shows up as a moving orange dot (upper left) in this loop of WISE images spanning five years. By viewing movies like this, anyone can help discover more of these objects. Credit: NASA/WISE
On the website, people around the world can work their way through millions of “flipbooks,” which are brief animations showing how small patches of the sky changed over several years. Moving objects flagged by participants will be prioritized by the science team for follow-up observations by professional astronomers. Participants will share credit for their discoveries in any scientific publications that result from the project.
“Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 has the potential to unlock once-in-a-century discoveries, and it‘s exciting to think they could be spotted first by a citizen scientist,” said team member Aaron Meisner, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, who specializes in analyzing WISE images.
Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 is a collaboration between NASA, UC Berkeley, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, Arizona State University, the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, and , a collaboration of scientists, software developers and educators who collectively develop and manage citizen science projects on the internet.
NASA‘s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, manages and operates WISE for NASA‘s Science Mission Directorate. The WISE mission was selected competitively under NASA‘s Explorers Program managed by the agency‘s Goddard Space Flight Center. The science instrument was built by the Space Dynamics Laboratory in Logan, Utah. The spacecraft was built by Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. in Boulder, Colorado. Science operations and data processing take place at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at Caltech, which manages JPL for NASA.
and another:
NASA wants you — to find a missing planet
NASA has helped fund a website called Backyard Worlds, where citizen scientists can search for new planets. Video provided by Newsy Newslook
An artists‘ conception of the mysterious Planet 9.(Photo: NASA)
Want to work for NASA from the comforts of your couch? The space agency is looking to fulfill an amateur astronomer‘s dream — credit for the discovery of a new planet.
NASA is looking for help to find the mysterious and as-yet undiscovered Planet 9, which astronomers think may be the most distant planet in our solar system.
A new website — — lets people comb through footage captured by the agency‘s (WISE) mission a few years ago.
The footage shows objects gradually moving across the sky. “There are too many images for us to search through by ourselves,” NASA said.
In this case, people are better than computers at spotting and identifying objects, such as a planet, in the footage. Human eyes can easily recognize the important moving objects while ignoring the background stars and other objects that computer programs would flag.
Astronomers believe the planet exists because of strange orbits of other distant objects that spin beyond Neptune. If Planet 9 — also known as — is there and is as bright as some predictions, it could show up in the WISE movies taken in 2010 and 2011.
This “has the potential to unlock once-in-a-century discoveries, and it‘s exciting to think they could be spotted first by a citizen scientist,” said Aaron Meisner, a researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, who specializes in analyzing WISE images.
If an average citizen spots something that leads to a discovery, he or she will get shared credit with the professional astronomers.
“There are just over four light-years between Neptune and Proxima Centauri, the nearest star, and much of this vast territory is unexplored,” said lead researcher Marc Kuchner, an astrophysicist at NASA‘s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.
Planet 9 could have a mass about 10 times that of Earth and an orbit about 20 times farther from the sun, on average, than Neptune, NASA said. It may take between 10,000 and 20,000 Earth years to make one full orbit around the sun, NASA suspects.
Pluto used to be the ninth planet before its demotion to dwarf planet status 10 years ago. NASA said the search for Planet 9 is a 21st-century version of the technique astronomer Clyde Tombaugh used to find Pluto in 1930, a discovery made 87 years ago this week.
Dec 18, 2019
Juan F Martinez
Astronomers Have Found an Earth-Size Planet Practically Next-Door to Us
Our neighbourhood in space is turning out to be quite the populous planet precinct. Astronomers have found a new exoplanet just a little bit bigger than Earth, orbiting a red dwarf star just 66.5 light-years away.
It's an excellent candidate, they say, to help fill our vast knowledge gap about the small, rocky planet population of our Milky Way galaxy.
Our detection ability and knowledge of exoplanets has practically exploded since the first discovery was published in 1992. At time of writing, over 4,100 exoplanets have been confirmed in our galaxy, and we now have a much deeper understanding of planetary systems and how they form and evolve.
But, since we're looking for small, dim or dark things that are very hard to see from a distance, naturally most of the confirmed exoplanets are the chonkers - ice and gas giants the size of Neptune and above.
The Kepler exoplanet-hunting missions, and now TESS, have been increasing the number of detections of smaller exoplanets: those around the mass of Earth and Venus, and therefore likely to be rocky, rather than gaseous. (That's one of the prerequisites for life as we know it.)
But, according to an international team led by astrophysicist Avi Shporer of MIT's Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, these rocky planets are hard to measure and hard to characterise. That's because we don't often find them around stars that are bright enough to allow for detailed follow-up investigations.
Dec 22, 2019
Juan F Martinez
“Its Extraterrestrial or Extra-Dimensional” - Fox News | UFO Coverage 19/12/19
Tucker Carlson speaks with Tom Rogan (Washington Examiner) on the emerging reality and truth behind the UFO phenomena - 19/12/19
Dec 22, 2019
Juan F Martinez
Jan 6, 2020
Juan F Martinez
Doomsday Clock is 100 seconds to midnight, the symbolic hour of the apocalypse January 23, 2020 at 11:00 AM
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is moving the Doomsday Clock up to 100 seconds to midnight — a metaphor for the end of the world — in a recognition of growing threats from nuclear war, climate change and disinformation.
The clock had been at two minutes to midnight since 2018. Now, the looming dangers are captured in a smaller unit in a testament to the need for urgent action, the Bulletin said Thursday, as its president warned of influential leaders who “denigrate and discard the most effective methods for addressing complex threats.”
The latest jump closer to midnight “signals really bad news,” said astrophysicist Robert Rosner, part of the Bulletin’s Science and Security Board. “What we said last year is now a disturbing reality in that things are not getting better.”
Thursday’s announcement also underscored changes over the years in the threats tracked by the Doomsday Clock, as the Bulletin’s scientists express growing concern about the state of the planet. They warned in 2007 that the threat of climate change is “nearly as dire” as the dangers of nuclear weapons.
The clock, a metaphorical measure for humankind’s proximity to destruction, has wavered between two and 17 minutes to the apocalypse since its inception in 1947. (...since shortly after Roswell, when the Z's told them. http://www.zetatalk.com/index/capr1302.htm)
Jan 23, 2020
Starr DiGiacomo
Comet last seen by ancient Egyptians could appear in sky in April
A comet which visits the solar system every 5,500 years should become visible to the naked eye in early April.
Tuesday, 31st March 2020, 5:00 pm
Comet C-2019-Y4 Atlas was discovered by astronomers working at the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (Atlas) project in Hawaii.
Described as a large, dirty snowball, it's still not known exactly how impressive a display will occur.
However astronomers are hoping that it might be similar to the Hale-Bopp comet - an unusually bright comet that flew by Earth, reaching its closest approach to the planet in 1997.
Speaking on Tuesday, East Yorkshire based astronomer George McManus, said: "Comets tend to develop long, fluorescent tails as they approach the sun before swinging back out into outer space.
"We hope that it will become visible to the naked eye in early April reaching closest approach to earth on May 23.
"Coming to within 100million miles of the earth, very close in astronomical terms, it presents no risk to the earth, but does have the potential to lift people's spirits as we go through the current crisis."
Mr McManus, a Dark Sky ambassador for the North York Moors National Park, has a 4.5 inch refracting telescope, but says a small set of binoculars will be perfectly adequate to improve any sighting of the comet.
"Look to the Northern sky. The comet should appear between the Plough and the planet Venus, easily the brightest object in the night sky at the moment other than the moon.
"We are hoping it will be as spectacular as Hale Bopp, which was visible in daylight."
"We don't know the precise composition of the comet - it could be 90 per cent ice or 90 per cent dust and that could effect whether it throws off a spectacular tail as it gets closer to the sun and the sun's gravity takes effect."
Apr 1, 2020
Juan F Martinez
Fatima is back in the news.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is back in the news and not a moment too soon. This time, he brings a warning not from his long experience as a Vatican insider or as a diplomat, but a more direct communication from God: The Vatican is lying about the third secret of Fatima, and it has been lying since the reign of Pope St. John XXIII!
Jun 7, 2020
Juan F Martinez
Very similar to the 2021 date
Jun 13, 2020
Juan F Martinez
Donald Trump Jr. asks POTUS...ARE ALIENS REAL?!?
Jun 19, 2020
Starr DiGiacomo
The Spokesman-Review
On June 24, 1947 – 73 years ago Wednesday – automatic firefighting system company owner and licensed pilot Kenneth Arnold of Boise, flying from Chehalis to Yakima, spotted nine large metallic-looking objects flying rapidly near Mount Rainier. It would be the first of many reports of “flying saucers” or unidentified flying objects from around the world.
While flying to Yakima on a sales call, Arnold read about a downed Marine C-46 transport that had crashed near Mount Rainier in January. With skies clear and a little time on his hands, Arnold lingered over the area in hopes of spotting the wreckage and earning a $10,000 reward.
Arnold gave up his search shortly before 3 p.m. and was proceeding to Yakima when a series of bright flashes caught his eye. At first, he thought the objects might be geese, but they seemed to reflect an awful lot of sunlight – “as if someone had started an arc light in front of my eyes,” Arnold would say. And they appeared to be moving incredibly fast. Arnold figured the objects were 25 or 30 miles away and flying at an altitude of 10,000 feet.
Judging from their distance, speed and size against the mountaintops the objects passed in front of and behind, Arnold estimated the size of each to be larger than a DC-4 airliner and moving about 1,200 miles per hour. Which would have suggested the craft were traveling at nearly twice the speed of sound. The first Air Force pilot to break the sound barrier wouldn’t do that until October — four months later.
Once he was back on the ground, Arnold filed a report of his sighting. He said the objects didn’t alarm him – he had just assumed they were some kind of experimental aircraft. But the military was baffled by the report. Both the Army and the FBI would interview Arnold and come away impressed by his “character and apparent integrity.” But they had no clue what Arnold had seen or what might travel that fast. “As far as we know, nothing flies that fast except a V-2 rocket, which travels about 3,500 miles an hour,” an Army spokesman in Washington D.C., told reporters, “And that’s too fast to be seen.”
“Everyone says I’m nuts,” Arnold told the Associated Press. “And I guess I’d say it too if someone else reported those things. But I saw them and watched them closely. It seems impossible, but there it is.”
Arnold described the objects as being ”flat like a pie pan” and “saucer shaped.” So that’s what reporters wrote into their news stories. Headlines flashed around the country of “flying saucers.” One notable exception: In a Page 1 story on June 27 – just three days after Kenneth’s encounter‚ the Spokane Daily Chronicle called them “flying piepans.”
Arnold didn’t enjoy the publicity in the least. A preacher in Texas told his flock the sighting was a harbinger of doomsday. Later that week, Arnold was in Pendleton, Oregon, for an air show when a woman in a café recognized him from newspaper reports and ran out of the joint, sobbing: “There’s the man who saw the men from Mars!”
However, Arnold spent $150 on a new camera with a telescopic lens – just to be ready if he saw the “flying piepans” again.
Other UFO sightings of that era
While the Kenneth Arnold incident was one of the first highly-publicized UFO sightings, it would be followed by many others. Newspapers at the time seemed hungry for reports of this type, often playing stories on the front page – even of events hundreds of miles away. Here are some of the more notable examples from a decade or so after Arnold’s incident.
JULY 5, 1947
Shortly after takeoff on a flight from Boise to Portland, Oregon, United Airlines Capt. E.J. Smith and his co-pilot, Ralph Stevens, see five flying discs. Smith later tells reporters that, before his own sighting, he had been skeptical of Arnold’s widely-reported account.
JULY 7, 1947
The Army Air Force reportedly recovers a crashed saucer and alien bodies. The saucer turns out to be a new, top-secret balloon-borne device intended to detect nuclear blasts and there never were any alien bodies. Still, conspiracy theories would persist, 73 years later.
JAN. 7, 1948
Air National Guard pilot Thomas Mantell is dispatched to investigate a UFO sighting. The object goes into a steep climb. Mantell follows, but has no oxygen gear in his cockpit. He blacks out after he passes 25,000 feet and is killed when his P-51 Mustang crashes.
JULY 24, 1948
The crew of a DC-3 passenger liner flying from Houston to Atlanta passes a glowing, fast-moving wingless torpedo-shaped aircraft that appears to have two rows of lit windows. Air Force investigators say they probably saw a meteor.
OCT. 10, 1948
Air Force pilot George Gorman, flying a P-51 Mustang, chases – and is chased by – a rapidly-moving ball of light. Other pilots flying in the area also see the light. Afterwards, a Geiger counter shows Gorman’s plane measures higher in radioactivity than it should have.
MAY 11, 1950
A farm couple photographs a slow moving saucer-shaped craft flying over a nearby field. Experts find no evidence the photos had been faked. Skeptics point out the craft is exactly the same shape as the rear-view mirror of a 1961 Ford F-100 pickup.
AUG. 5, 1950
The general manager of the local minor league baseball team uses a 16 mm movie camera to film two silvery objects flying over the city. Air Force experts examine the film but are accused of removing some of the footage.
AUG. 25, 1951
Professors of what would become Texas Tech watch groups of 20 to 30 bright lights fly overhead. The lights return over the next few weeks and one student even manages to photograph them. An Air Force investigator would say the lights were actually plover: birds.
JULY 12-29, 1952
A series of radar sightings of unexplained objects coincides with reports of white moving lights and orange balls of fire, with tails like a comet. While investigating, an Air Force F-94 fighter pilot reports he is surrounded by four white glowing objects.
JULY 14, 1952
Two commercial pilots flying a Pan Am DC-4 from New York to Miami spot eight red, brightly- glowing saucer-shaped objects flying in tight formation at 2,000 feet above the Chesapeake Bay. Observers on the ground also see the objects.
JULY 24, 1952
Two Air Force colonels flying a B-25 bomber from San Francisco to Colorado Springs spot three silver, delta-wing aircraft flying at high speed. Air Defense Command officials would say no civilian or military aircraft was flying nearby.
AUG. 5-6, 1953
Civilians and military personnel observe colored glowing lights dancing in the skies. Flight controllers follow along on radar as Air Force planes pursue the lights, which manage to stay miles in front of them.
AUG. 21-22, 1955
Two families report a landed disc-shaped craft near their homes and that they shot at glowing humanoids who peered at them through their windows. Air Force investigators would label the case as a hoax.
JULY 24, 1956
A meteorologist and former Royal Air Force intelligence staffer photographs flying objects. She would later claim to have had repeated contact with occupants of alien craft and that her son was fathered by one of the aliens.
Jun 26, 2020
Juan F Martinez
Pentagon’s UFO hunter dept may soon be forced to make findings PUBLIC
24 Jul, 2020 10:32
Amid mounting pressure from the government, the Pentagon could soon be forced to discuss its oft-denied, highly secretive UFO hunter operations publicly and on a biannual basis.
The Pentagon previously claimed it had disbanded its UFO-hunting Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Programme (AATIP), run by the Defence Intelligence Agency from 2007 to 2012.
However, the existence of an Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force (UAPTF) run by the Office of Naval Intelligence, whose aim is “to standardize collection and reporting” of “unidentified aerial phenomenon,” was revealed in a Senate 2021 intelligence authorization bill in June.
The bill passed the House on Thursday and has now moved on to the Senate. If approved there, the UAPTF could be forced to issue a public report on UFO sightings every six months.
The program is not classified but deals with classified material and several alumni have spoken out, including its former director, Luis Elizondo, who resigned in October 2017 after 10 years with the program. Elizondo is reportedly convinced that extraterrestrial objects of undetermined origin have crashed on Earth and he is not alone.
“After looking into this, I came to the conclusion that there were reports — some were substantive, some not so substantive — that there were actual materials that the government and the private sector had in their possession,” former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said, calling for more transparency.
Jul 24, 2020
Juan F Martinez
UFO sighting: Is a 'black cube' orbiting the Sun proof of a NASA cover-up? Jul 28, 2020
The supposed appearance of an "alien cube" near the Sun has sparked a viral UFO frenzy. One Twitter user said: "With the reports of the giant cube near the sun: Has anyone checked on the cuboid tower on Saturn recently? I’m thinking it might have been a demon space ship." Recently unearthed UFO reports show a similar "black cube" was previously photographed by the NASA and ESA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft.
Jul 29, 2020
Pentagon forms new task force to investigate UFOs
WASHINGTON —The Pentagon is forming a new task force to investigate UFO sightings that have been observed on several occasions by U.S. military aircraft.
The creation of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, or UAPTF, continues an effort begun in recent years to investigate unexplained aerial incidents encountered by the U.S. military.
"The Department of Defense established the UAPTF to improve its understanding of, and gain insight into, the nature and origins of UAPs. The mission of the task force is to detect, analyze and catalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to U.S. national security," the Pentagon wrote in a statement late Friday.
"The Department of Defense and the military departments take any incursions by unauthorized aircraft into our training ranges or designated airspace very seriously and examine each report. This includes examinations of incursions that are initially reported as UAP when the observer cannot immediately identify what he or she is observing," the statement added.
The new task force will be overseen by the Department of the Navy and will report to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security. The U.S. Navy has previously led efforts to look into unidentified aerial phenomena since the service branch has reported several encounters involving their aircraft.
In April, the Pentagon declassified three videos captured by U.S. Navy pilots that appear to show unidentified flying objects. Two of the videos contain U.S. service members commenting on how quickly the object moves while another speculates that the unidentifiable object could be a drone.
"Dude, this is a f--king drone, bro," one pilot is heard saying. Another says "there's a whole fleet of them."
"They're all going against the wind. The wind's 120 knots to the west. Look at that thing, dude!" the first person says. "It's rotating!"
President Donald Trump has previously described the U.S. Navy footage as "a hell of a video" and told Reuters that he wonders "if it's real." In June, the Senate Intelligence Committee voted that the Pentagon as well as intelligence community leaders should provide a public analysis of the encounters.
Aug 22, 2020
Starr DiGiacomo
Weakening Magnetosphere, Pole Shift and Fireballs Sign of World End, Claim Netizens
If a pole shift happens, the magnetosphere of the earth could remain weakened by 90 percent for several decades
August 21, 2020 16:54 +08
Several previous studies had found that the magnetic shield that surrounds Earth has weakened by 9 percent over the past 200 years. Further analysis conducted by NASA has suggested that the magnetosphere has become extremely weak in one particular area that stretches across Chile to Zimbabwe, and it is now known as the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA).
Is Magnetosphere Going to Split?
Interestingly, life on Earth, as we know it, depends very much on the magnetosphere, as it protects living beings on the blue planet from deadly space radiation. Birds have a peculiar capability to sense the magnetic poles on Earth, and it helps these creatures to successfully navigate across the globe during periods of mass migration.
After recent analysis, NASA has suggested that the SAA is now expanding westward, and it is also weakening dramatically, much more than previous speculations.
Several top space scientists believe that the weakening of the magnetosphere could result in magnetic pole reversal, where the north and south pole gets switched. According to experts, the last time the magnetic pole reversal happened was around 7,80,000 years ago, and as a result, humans are completely not aware of its repercussions.
If a magnetic pole switch happens, the strength of the magnetic field will be reduced by 90 percent, and this phenomenon will continue for several decades, or sometimes for several centuries. As humans were not present on the earth during the last pole shift, it is practically impossible to predict how it will affect the daily lives of humans. However, space experts predict that a probable magnetosphere weakening could drastically affect the functioning of satellites, and it could also make earth more vulnerable to deadly space radiation.
World End to Happen Soon?
In the meantime, a section of netizens has started claiming that all these recent events including the probable pole shift that could happen are indicating possibilities of an imminent world end. According to these people, the world will witness events very similar to the one depicted in the movie 2012 if a pole shift happens.
Citing recent close approaches made by asteroids, these doomsday mongers outlandishly conclude that humanity is currently going through the end times.
"When our magnetic North Pole reaches the 40-degree point. The pole shift speeds up dramatically and is imminent. Day after tomorrow/2012 films- that's what occurs. Stay vigilant," commented Mark Elkin, a popular conspiracy theorist, on his Facebook page.
"Earth's wobble will play with atmospheric compression so, floods, landslides, tornadoes, lightning, large hail. We're entering the debris field so an increase in fireballs, meteors, and comets to come," commented Daniel Dempsey, a Facebook user.
Aug 24, 2020
Juan F Martinez
Rocket Launch: August 29, 2020 2:04 AM ET | ULA Delta IV Heavy NROL-44
Aug 29, 2020 02:04 AM Cape Canaveral Air Force Station SLC-37 ULA Delta IV Heavy NROL-44 MISSION
This mission will be launching a classified spy satellite for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) aboard the United Launch Alliance (ULA) Delta IV Heavy. This rocket is the largest of the Delta IV family. Its triple-body rocket is formed by mounting three common booster cores together.
Aug 28, 2020
Juan F Martinez
Multiple coordinated media reports of 'Something Weird Happening on Venus'.
The discovery of a strange gas in its atmosphere puts the planet “into the realm of a perhaps inhabited world,” a researcher says.
Microbes unlike any life on Earth could be thriving high in the clouds of Venus, according to a new discovery by astronomers.
Sep 15, 2020
The Phenomenon Movie
First UFO Documentary to hit theaters Nationwide 10/6
"70 years of secrecy has led to this. The most credible documentary ever made about UFOs"
Director James Fox’s explosive documentary is being hailed as the most credible examination of the longstanding cover-up and global mystery involving unidentified aerial phenomenon. Including shocking testimony from high-ranking government and military officials, NASA Astronauts, other credible sources, and riveting never-before seen footage, the timely film also reveals the monumental events behind the NY Times’ recent bombshell disclosure of The Pentagon’s secret UFO Program, and provides eye-opening evidence that mankind is not alone in the universe. Senator Harry Reid calls it “Meritorious. It makes the incredible credible." Former Senior CIA Officer Jim Semivan, calls it “The most important documentary of the year.” Dr. Jacques Vallee says “70 years of secrecy has led to this. The most credible documentary ever made about UFOs.” George Knapp calls it, “A definitive examination of an enduring global mystery. This film will land on an unsuspecting Earth with the force of an alien invasion."
Sep 16, 2020
Juan F Martinez
Earth is set to capture a minimoon in October that may stay until May 2021 – but some experts say the object could be man-made space junk 22 September 2020
Sep 22, 2020
[Fox News] Tucker Carlson: It’s ‘Outrageous’ the Government Is Still Hiding Evidence of UFOs (Video)
Tucker expressed disgust at people who care more about the fly that landed on Mike Pence’s head than they care about a UFO documentary
As he often does, Tucker Carlson took a break from talking politics for a few minutes at the very end of his Fox News show on Friday night — to talk about aliens and UFOs.
The last time Tucker talked about aliens on his show was mid-September, when we got the the news that there is very likely some form of life on Venus. This time, the topic was prompted by the release of an obscure new documentary called “The Phenomenon” — which claims to be, according to the product description on Vudu, “the most credible examination of the global mystery and cover-up involving UFOs.”
The doc, which was put up for sale and rental on streaming services this past Tuesday, features former Sen. Harry Reid talking about how the government is still keeping most of the evidence of UFOs under wraps. It’s also narrated by “Sphere” star Peter Coyote.
Also Read: Tucker Carlson Wonders When the Government Will Finally Tell Us Abo...
“If this wasn’t an election year we’d be doing a full hour of this, maybe a full week. It’s that important,” Tucker said of the release of the documentary, which currently has six reviews from critics listed on Rotten Tomatoes, and five user reviews.
“We used to be defensive on this topic, but there’s no reason to be. There is now an enormous amount of evidence, including physical evidence, that UFOs — whatever they are — are real,” Tucker went on. “Why don’t we know a lot more about this? Because the government has hidden that information from us, outrageously. But now some of that information has come into public view thanks to a new documentary called ‘The Phenomenon.’
“Tucker Carlson Tonight” then pulled up a clip from the film in which Reid says he thinks “it’s very, very bad for a country” that the government won’t tell us about the UFOs. And that “most” of the physical evidence for UFOs has remained locked away.
“It’s outrageous,” Tucker said after the clip. “And it’s not a partisan question, by the way. That of course was former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, a Democrat if there ever was one. But that’s not even the biggest claim he makes. According to the film, Reid said that UFOs have actually and repeatedly interfered with our nuclear weapons capabilities.
“So where are these UFOs from? Some researchers told the filmmakers that their origins are becoming clearer.”
Oct 20, 2020
Juan F Martinez
British royal Prince Philip has a long-running obsession with aliens and UFOs which was sparked by Lord Louis Mountbatten writing an official report about a strange encounter with a spaceship on his estate.
The Queen of England’s husband has reportedly spent decades building up a trove of books on extraterrestrials. The fascination developed after Mountbatten made an official report about a bizarre experience one of his employees allegedly had with a silver spaceship on the grounds of his Broadlands estate in Romsey, Hampshire.
“Mr Briggs was still dazed when I first saw him and was worried that no one would believe his story,” Mountbatten wrote of the 1955 incident. “Indeed, he made a point of saying that he had never believed in Flying Saucer stories before, and had been absolutely amazed at what he had seen.”
Nov 25, 2020
Juan F Martinez
COVID-19 bill started a 180-day countdown for UFO disclosures
President Trump’s signature Sunday on the $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and government funding bill started a 180-day countdown for the Pentagon and spy agencies to say what they know about UFOs.
The provision received very little attention, in part because it wasn’t included in the text of the 5,593-page legislation, but as a “committee comment” attached to the annual intelligence authorization act, which was rolled into the massive bill.
The Senate Intelligence Committee, chaired by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), said in the comment that it “directs the [director of national intelligence], in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the heads of such other agencies … to submit a report within 180 days of the date of enactment of the Act, to the congressional intelligence and armed services committees on unidentified aerial phenomena.”
The report must address “observed airborne objects that have not been identified” and should include a “detailed analysis of unidentified phenomena data collected by: a. geospatial intelligence; b. signals intelligence; c. human intelligence; and d. measurement and signals intelligence,” the committee said.
The report must also contain “[a] detailed analysis of data of the FBI, which was derived from investigations of intrusions of unidentified aerial phenomena data over restricted United States airspace … and an assessment of whether this unidentified aerial phenomena activity may be attributed to one or more foreign adversaries.”
Former Pentagon and legislative officials confirmed Tuesday to the publication The Debrief that the package begins the clock on UFO disclosures.
Defense Department spokesperson Sue Gough told The Post: “We are aware that the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence committee report on the Intelligence Authorization Act for fiscal 2021 included a requirement for the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, to submit a report on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) within 180 days of enactment.”
Spokespeople for Rubio, who pushed for more UFO transparency, did not respond to The Post’s multiple requests for comment.
The push for more information follows the Pentagon’s April publication of three Navy videos showing unidentified objects.
Chris Mellon, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence, told The Debrief that “the newly enacted Intelligence Authorization Act incorporates the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report language calling for an unclassified, all-source report on the UAP phenomenon. This was accomplished in the Joint Explanatory Statement accompanying the bill.”
“Consequently, it’s now fair to say that the request for an unclassified report on the UAP phenomenon enjoys the support of both parties in both Houses of Congress,” said Mellon, who is also a former staff director of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
“Assuming the Executive Branch honors this important request, the nation will at long last have an objective basis for assessing the validity of the issue and its national security implications. This is an extraordinary and long overdue opportunity.”
Mellon added: “I’m hopeful the new Administration will rigorously execute its oversight prerogatives because the concerns of the public and numerous U.S. military personnel have been ignored by a complacent national security bureaucracy for far too long.”
Nick Pope, who ran the “UFO office” of the UK’s Ministry of Defence, told The Post, “I welcome this move, which shows how seriously the phenomenon is being taken in the intelligence community.”
Pope said that “the Pentagon’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force is probably already drafting the report for DNI to send to the Senate Intelligence Committee. Questions remain about what the report will say and how much can ever be made public, given the highly classified nature of some of the material, but this is a step in the right direction.”
Trump as commander-in-chief has brushed off questions about UFOs and possible alien life. “I’m not a believer, but you know, I guess anything is possible,” he said in an interview last year.
Dec 30, 2020
Juan F Martinez
Clock ticks towards release of UFO report as emergency relief bill forces US intelligence agencies to reveal knowledge 10 Jan, 2021 12:51
We’re set to hear what US intelligence agencies have learnt about UFOs in their decades investigating the phenomenon, thanks to a law buried deep in the emergency relief bill that was signed by President Donald Trump.
A 180-day clock is ticking for the secretary of defense and the director of national intelligence to provide Congress with an unclassified report about “unidentified aerial phenomena” – more commonly referred to as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) – due to one of the stipulations contained in the 5,600-page bill that Trump signed in late December.
The report is required to include “a detailed analysis of unidentified aerial phenomena data and intelligence reporting collected or held” by almost all US intelligence agencies.
Jan 10, 2021
Juan F Martinez
Scientists say ‘invisible aliens’ live among us. Revolutionary discovery or proof that too many useless academics live among us?
The aliens have landed. For decades, this belief has been associated with cranks, but now a surprisingly healthy number of university-employed scientists and researchers are suggesting that aliens live among us, on planet Earth.
Jan 13, 2021
Juan F Martinez
First image from Mars — NASA confirms SAFE LANDING of Mars 2020 probe.
The US space agency confirmed that its Perseverance rover has safely touched down on the surface of the Red Planet, where it is supposed to probe the soil for traces of past life over a full Martian year.
“I’m safe on Mars,” NASA tweeted from the account set up for the rover, just before 4 pm Eastern time on Thursday.
The probe survived the descent through the Martian atmosphere and used a newly developed autonomous guidance system to safely land in Jezero Crater, at the edge of Isidis Planitia.
The landing was the most difficult part of the mission, as the signal lag from Earth to Mars is 11 minutes, meaning there is no way for the probe to be piloted remotely.
Among its instruments are 19 cameras and two microphones that will allow audio recordings of Mars.
The NASA probe left Earth in June 2020, to fully exploit the favorable launch window. Two other probes, the UAE’s Hope orbiter and China’s Tianwen-1, were also sent towards the red planet at the time.
NASA’s plan is to follow the ground deployment of Perseverance with Ingenuity, a drone helicopter that would make the first powered flight on another planet. Ingenuity is scheduled to deploy by March 19, and conduct a series of proof-of-concept flights while communicating with the rover.
Feb 18, 2021
Pentagon ADMITS that it has been testing wreckage from UFO crashes - including a possible 'memory metal' that experts claim may have been recovered during the 1947 Roswell crash
The Pentagon has admitted to possessing and testing out wreckage from UFO crashes, with the researcher who found the startling news hypothesizing that the debris may be from the famous Roswell, New Mexico, crash in 1947.
Researcher Anthony Bragalia made the revelation on his blog UFO Explorations, sharing that he secured more than 150 pages from the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) after the agency responded to a three-year Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request he submitted.
'Although much of the reports' details are redacted, what can be gleaned is that these technologies represent a literal quantum leap beyond the properties of all existing material known to man,' Bragalia wrote in his blog.
Researcher Anthony Bragalia secured more than 150 pages from the US Defense Intelligence Agency after the agency responded to a three-year FOIA request
Included in the pages were the repeated mention of 'advanced technology reports' surrounding Nitinol, described as a shape recovery alloy. Bragalia shared that the Nitinol had similar properties to the 'memory metal' found near the Roswell, New Mexico, UFO crash site of 1947
Bragalia's FOIA request was 'unambiguous in its meaning,' according to the researcher who prided himself in finding the loophole for information that is normally confidential and secret.
'The original 2017 FOIA request made to the DIA asks for the physical descriptions, properties and composition of UFO/UAP material held by the government and its contractor,' he said, before adding that it 'refers to UFO/UAP material and 'physical debris recovered by personnel of the Department of Defense as residue, flotsam, shot-off material or crashed UAPs or unidentified flying objects.'
Bragalia attached the FOIA request and parts of the five documents he was given access to, which comprise the entire 154pgs he had. The researcher did share that there were several documents that had to be heavily redacted.
The document show that the testing was being carried out by Bigelow Aerospace, a Las Vegas, Nevada-based company that does private contract work for the Department of Defense.
'Although much of the reports' details are redacted, what can be gleaned is that these technologies represent a literal quantum leap beyond the properties of all existing material known to man,' Bragalia wrote in his blog
Bragalia highlights that more than 40 witnesses to the Roswell crash mentioned that a metal-like material from the site could 'remember itself' when folded or physically altered
Included in the pages were the repeated mention of 'advanced technology reports' surrounding Nitinol, described as a shape recovery alloy.
Bragalia shared that the Nitinol had similar properties to the 'memory metal' found near the Roswell, New Mexico, UFO crash site of 1947.
Pages from the FOIA reply indicate that the Pentagon was exploring whether Nitinol could be integrated into the human body for the improvement of health, the researcher wrote in his blog.
The debris from the crash was flown to Wright Field in Greene County, Ohio, with Battelle Memorial Institute soon securing a contract to start phase diagrams for making memory metal - using Nickel and ultra-high purity Titanium
The debris from the crash was flown to Wright Field in Greene County, Ohio, with Battelle Memorial Institute soon securing a contract to start phase diagrams for making memory metal - using Nickel and ultra-high purity Titanium.
During a discussion in the 1960s with researcher Kevin Randle that was captured on tape, General Arthur Exon said that some of the wreckage being tested from the site was comprised of 'specially processed' Titanium. Exon had flown over the site in 1947.
Two months after the Roswell crash in September, General George Shulgen of Air Intelligence said that 'the materials of construction' of the flying saucers were possibly made of 'composite or sandwich construction utilizing various combinations of metals and plastics.'
During a discussion in the 1960s with researcher Kevin Randle that was captured on tape, General Arthur Exon said that some of the wreckage being tested from the site was comprised of 'specially processed' Titanium
'The DIA-sponsored reports I received mention a highly-engineered material called "metamaterial" as comprised of "composite media.'" Bragalia wrote. 'Metamaterial can be layered with metal and plastics.'
He added: 'Based on the documentation received, it appears that the retrieved debris exhibits other extraordinary capabilities. In addition to "remembering" their original form when bent or crushed, some of these futuristic materials have the potential to make things invisible, "compress" electromagnetic energy, and even slow down the speed of light.'
Bragalia shared that the whereabouts of the debris from the UFO wreckage is currently unknown, adding that Bigelow Aerospace laid off nearly all of their 85 employees in March 2020.
A spokesperson shared that 'a perfect storm of problems' including the pandemic resulted in the layoffs.
Mar 2, 2021
Juan F Martinez
UNITED KINGDOM preparing for "space threats."
Mar 25, 2021
Juan F Martinez
Roswell prepares for UFO festival
2020 UFO sightings spike during lockdowns
The year of the pandemic was also the year of the UFO. A massive statistical analysis shows that Americans in lockdown spent a lot of time eyeing the sky, resulting in an across-the-board spike in UFO sightings.
We need to talk about UFOs again — Yes, this is being published on April 1. No, this is not a joke column.
Upcoming UFO report will be 'difficult to explain,' former national intelligence official says
Thanks to Trump-era covid relief bill, a UFO report may soon be public — and it’ll be big, ex-official says
Apr 3, 2021
Watch: Leaked US Navy Video Shows Mysterious UFO Disappear Into Water
"I can confirm that the video was taken by Navy personnel," said a spokesperson for the United States Department of Defense.
Filmmaker and UFO enthusiast Jeremy Corbell has released footage that appears to show an unidentified flying object or a UFO disappearing into the water off California. The footage was captured by the US Navy off the coast of San Diego in July 2019, according Mr Corbell. It appears to show a dark spherical object, as seen by an infrared camera, flying over the ocean. "It splashed," military personnel can be heard saying in the video just as the object appears to vanish into water.
The United States Department of Defense has confirmed that the video was recorded by military personnel, reports NBC News. The footage will be reviewed by the Pentagon's Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force - a programme established last year to "gain insight into the nature and origins of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena."
"I can confirm that the video was taken by Navy personnel, and that the UAPTF included it in their ongoing examinations," Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough confirmed in an email to The Debrief.
The leaked UFO footage released by Jeremy Corbell on May 15 has clocked in more than 9.7 lakh views on Twitter. Watch it below:
See Video Here
On his website, Mr Corbell says the UFO appeared to be "transmedium capable" - i.e. capable of travelling through both air and water. "It is noted in intelligence reports that the 'spherical' craft could not be found upon entry to the water - that a submarine was used in the search - and recovered nothing," he writes.
Mr Corbell says the footage was recorded on July 15, 2019 by Navy personnel abroad the USS Omaha. During the summer of 2019, the Navy reported several sightings of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - the Pentagon's term for UFOs. The USS Omaha was just one of several vessels that observed unexplained aerial phenomena close to the coast of California.
5CommentsLast year, the Pentagon had officially released three short UFO videos that were taken by Navy pilots in 2004 and 2005.
May 26, 2021
Juan F Martinez
Aliens like our NUKES, former intel official admits, claiming that UFOs ‘interfered’ with US atomic capabilities 9 Jun, 2021
UFOs aren’t just real, they’re capable of mind-bending feats of flight and have a keen interest in toying with the US’ nuclear facilities. That’s according to an intelligence official tasked with investigating these phenomena.
Speaking to the Washington Post on Tuesday, Luis Elizondo, former director of the military’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), revealed that UFOs – or whoever pilots them – are fascinated with nuclear energy.
There is “some sort of intersection between these UAP or UFO sightings and our nuclear technology with nuclear propulsion, nuclear power generation, or nuclear weapons systems,” Elizondo told the Post, adding that “those same observations have been seen overseas in other countries.”
Furthermore, these craft have “interfered and actually brought offline” the US’ nuclear capabilities on more than one occasion, and did the opposite in other countries, “put them online.”
Elizondo spoke as Congress prepares to receive a report on UFO – or to use the military’s favored term, UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) – activity. The report, ordered under the Trump administration last year and compiled by the Pentagon, will neither confirm nor deny that these craft are extraterrestrial, according to snippets revealed by the press last week. The AATIP was disbanded in 2012, and Elizondo has previously claimed that higher-ups in the military attempted to bully him into silence when he first began speaking about UFOs.
While ‘true believers’ have long held that the UFOs captured on film since the 1950s are extraterrestrial visitors, military types have countered with another theory: that they’re actually highly advanced technology developed by the US’ adversaries.
Elizondo isn’t so sure. Video footage he’s seen suggests technology “that could be anywhere between 50 to 1,000 years ahead of us...they can outperform frankly anything that we have in our inventory and we’re pretty certain anything that our foreign adversaries have in their inventory.”
This video footage – shot by military pilots – shows craft performing impossible feats of physics, outrunning supersonic jets, and changing direction seemingly instantly. The Pentagon has admitted that much of this footage is genuine, and former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe stated earlier this year that the government has more footage that hasn’t yet been made public.
The rapid changes in direction baffled Elizondo. “Human beings can withstand about 9 g forces or some of our best aircraft can withstand about 16 Gs,” he explained. “These things are doing 3-, 4-, 600 Gs in midflight.” Furthermore, they can fly at hypersonic speeds. While hypersonic technology exists – Russia has rolled out several hypersonic missiles, for example, these craft can make turns that not even the latest human-developed hypersonics can.
Furthermore, the UFOs seemingly have the ability to cloak themselves from human observers and to operate in any medium – air, water, or the vacuum of space – without compromising performance.
That a former defense official would speak so candidly about UFOs would seem unthinkable a decade or two ago, when UFO ‘truthers’ were considered cranks and loons, and the government kept tight-lipped on the phenomena. But now, as if at once, officials from every level of the US government have fallen over each other to entertain the idea of extraterrestrial visitors.
In the runup to Congress’ report on the matter, former President Barack Obama, former CIA Director John Brennan, and a host of military spokespeople have all offered comments along the lines of “we don’t know what they are, but we’re keeping an open mind.” And though their comments represent a complete departure from the silence of yesteryear, they’re not the most outlandish claims uttered by high-ranking military officials around the world. Haim Eshed, the former head of the Israeli military’s space division, claimed late last year that the US signed a deal with a “Galactic Federation” of aliens, to keep their existence under wraps and avoid “mass hysteria.”
Whatever the reason for the sudden embrace of UFO trutherism in Washington, the coming report likely won’t venture into the sci-fi territory of Eshed. Much of it will likely be classified, but in another interview with the Washington Post last week, Elizondo called for its release to the public.
“Wherever these technologies come from, they are clearly far more advanced than any earthly technology known to our intelligence services,” he said. “We urgently need our best scientific and intelligence collection tools applied to understand what our pilots are witnessing.”
Jun 9, 2021
Juan F Martinez
NASA finally approves the launch of an infrared asteroid hunting space telescope able to locate threats 30M miles away
Jun 16, 2021
Juan F Martinez
What's Trump trying to tell us? Why are social media companies censoring and blacklisting individuals? Is there something they don't want us to know?
Former US President Donald Trump is suing Facebook, Google and Twitter for removing him from their platforms.
Jul 9, 2021
Juan F Martinez
SpaceX will launch NASA's new alien-hunting mission to a specific Moon
SpaceX has been awarded the launch contract for a NASA mission that's main objective is to hunt for alien life on a faraway moon.
On Friday, NASA announced that it has confirmed the launch date for its upcoming Europa Clipper mission and that SpaceX has been awarded the $178 million launch contract. NASA's objective is to fly past a Jupiter moon named Europa 45 times, and with each pass, observe it for any signs of alien life. NASA will get as far down as 16 miles from the moon's surface as NASA researchers believe that the moon could have a global ocean that may host alien life.
NASA has awarded SpaceX a $178 million launch contract, and in October 2024, Europa Clipper will be carried off Earth aboard SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket. NASA plans to capture high-resolution images of the surface of the moon in hopes of being able to figure out the composition of its thick icy crust. Europa Clipper's objective is to gather data on the oceans so researchers can find out how salty it is and its depth. If you are interested in reading more about this story, check out this link here.
Jul 25, 2021