Pre-Announcement Media Coverage

We are seeing so many remarkable pre-announcement pieces showing up, this is a place to post and discuss them. This one for example, is making discoveries sound 'ho hum' which a few months/years ago were heralded as amazing breakthroughs. Today for example: 

"Nearly Every Star Hosts at Least One Alien Planet"

When a month or so ago they were making a BIG deal about finding one planet in the sweet zone which could possibly support life, son they they say 25% of them could support life! Including mention of red dwarfs, etc. The Zeta predicted evidence continues to build up!

Here is another blog that relates, describing a wobble:

NASA Scientists "Discover" a Wobbly Planet!?

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  • Howard

    More familiarization with moon swirls?

    Runaway star Zeta Ophiuchi plowing through space debris.

    Astronomers find dozens of runaway stars (Jan 6)

  • Scott

    An example of creeping disclosure:

    Globular clusters most likely to host interstellar civilizations (1/6/16)
    If there are plenty of rocky exoplanets in globular clusters, scientists say they'd be places ripe for the evolution of intelligent life.

    Astronomers from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics say globular clusters -- large, dense spheres of stars -- are the galactic regions most likely to harbor interstellar civilizations.

    "A globular cluster might be the first place in which intelligent life is identified in our galaxy," lead researcher Rosanne DiStefano said in a press release.

    The statement appears obvious, simply a matter of numbers. But most astronomer have so far ignored globular clusters as possible hosts of alien life.

    Astronomers estimate upwards of 70 percent of all stars in the universe exist in globular clusters. The more stars there are, the more planets there should be -- the more planets, the more opportunities for intelligent life to develop.

    ...If civilizations have developed inside a globular cluster, there would be a greater chance of interstellar communication. Stars there would be much closer together. The average distance between two stars in a cluster is 20 times closer than Earth is to its nearest stellar neighbor.

    "Interstellar travel would take less time too," said DiStefano. "The Voyager probes are 100 billion miles from Earth, or one-tenth as far as it would take to reach the closest star if we lived in a globular cluster. That means sending an interstellar probe is something a civilization at our technological level could do in a globular cluster."...

    From ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for October 24, 2015

    Disclosure over the alien presence has been in process for years, pressed by notables giving testimony. But given the battle Obama has had over admitting that Nibiru exists and is nearby, engaging directly in the battle to admit the alien presence has been delayed. Reagan Executive Orders forced both these issues to become national security issues, thus the long running cover-ups. A creeping disclosure has resulted.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Don't think this was ever posted here but if I'm wrong then it's a re-post for good measure.

    Nibiru on Live Fox5 News! Expert Reveals 2 Dwarf Stars - Planet X 2016 update

    Published on Jan 10, 2016

    Realize how Astronomer keeps repeating "Dwarf Planet" Not Dwarf Star? Astronomer confirms Nibiru/Planet X living in our solar system called Brown Dwarf Objects with no eliptical orbit.

    Nibiru also known as A.K.A Planet X, Nemesis, The Destroyer, Wormwood, Hercolubus, Comet Typhon

    This video is from Aug 2015, but not many people got the chance to see it, for some reason.

  • Howard

    Talk About Nibiru Reemerges in Jerusalem

    This apocalyptic scenario is being raised again by autistic religious Jews in Israel who reportedly communicate spiritual messages through facilitated communication.

  • Howard

    Dark Twin fodder:

    Is 'Earth 2.0' planet hiding behind the Sun?

  • Vicky

  • Ecosikh

    Honey I'm home!

    On BBC Radio 4 and the BBC website

  • Matt B

    The creeping disclosure continues. The same "Planet 9" story given prominence on - note the references to Planet X and elliptical orbits.

    Scientists may have discovered ninth planet on far reaches of solar system

    AN INVISIBLE giant is lurking on the edge of our solar system. Scientists are hailing the possible discovery of a new planet 10 times the size of Earth.

    The object follows a “bizarre, highly elongated orbit in the distant solar system,” taking it — on average — some 20 times further from the Sun as Neptune, say researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).

    Researchers Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown say they found the planet through mathematical modelling and computer simulations, and have not yet observed the object directly.

    But they are convinced it is there.

    “For the first time in over 150 years, there is solid evidence that the solar system’s planetary census is incomplete.”

  • casey a

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    CIA jumps on the UFO bandwagon

    How To Investigate a Flying Saucer

    Southbound on a lone desert highway, police officer Lonnie Zamora was in pursuit of a speeding car outside the town of Socorro, New Mexico, when he was startled by a loud roar! Seconds later, he saw a large flame rise from the ground and pierce the sky above a remote patch of desert southwest of the highway. Fearing a nearby dynamite shack might have exploded, Zamora let the speeding car go, turned right, and drove down a bumpy gravel road that ran alongside the shack.

    Zamora’s cruiser clunked along the rocky road until he came upon a steep hill. Rising from behind the hill was a smokeless fire that glowed in a funnel of blue and orange tinted flames. The hill obscured the origin of the flames, so Zamora attempted to drive up it. His cruiser’s tires slipped and swayed on the loose gravel, but after three attempts, Zamora finally made it to the top.

    A shiny object, the size of a sedan, sparkled in the late afternoon sunshine about 150-200 yards from where Zamora was perched on the hilltop. At first glance, he thought it was a car overturned in an arroyo (dry creek bed), but when he drove closer, it appeared to be aluminum in color, not chrome, and oval-shaped like a football.

    Zamora drove toward the object, along the hill’s crest, for about 50 feet and then stopped the car. He radioed back to the sheriff’s office that he would be busy checking on a wreck “down in the arroyo,” and then he descended on foot down the hill toward the object.

    Roooaaarrr! Zamora was startled again by a very loud rumble, not exactly like a blast but also not steady like a jet engine. It started at a low frequency, with the pitch slowly rising. The flame appeared to be coming from the underside of the object, glowing light blue on top and orange at the bottom. Zamora panicked, afraid the object was about to blow.

    He ran to take cover but turned back to look at the object as he fled. He noticed a red symbol on the side, shaped like a point that was about 2 inches high and 2 inches wide. The object was smooth, a shiny white aluminum, with no visible windows or doors. There appeared to be two metal legs, slanted outward, supporting it.

    Zamora sprinted to his car, hit his leg on the fender, and crashed to the ground. He got up, ran another 25 feet or so, and when he looked back again, he saw the object begin to rise.

    It rose to the level of the car, then higher, about 20 to 25 feet in the air.

    Zamora ran another 50 feet from his car, just over the edge of the hill, and ducked. Kneeling as close to the ground as he could, he covered his face with his arms for protection. Suddenly, the roar stopped. In the uneasy silence, Zamora lifted his head and looked.

    The object sped away from him, toward the southwest, appearing to go in a straight line at about 10-15 feet off the ground. It cleared the eight foot tall dynamite shack by about three feet and then continued in a southwesterly direction, until it went over the high desert mountains and disappeared...

    Hector Quintanilla, the last chief officer of the US Air Force’s famous UFO investigation program, Project BLUE BOOK, was in charge of the Zamora case. His team was convinced that Zamora was telling the truth, and despite an extremely thorough investigation, they were unable to locate the object or its origins. In an article for Studies in Intelligence called, “The Investigation of UFO’s,” Quintanilla says that the Zamora sighting is “the best-documented case on record.” It remains unsolved.

    Project BLUE BOOK was based at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio. Between 1947 and 1969, the Air Force recorded 12,618 sightings of strange phenomena — 701 of which remain "unidentified" like the Zamora case. Although the CIA was not directly affiliated with Project BLUE BOOK, the Agency did play a large role in investigating UFOs in the late 1940s and early 1950s, which led to the creation of several studies, panels, and programs. Former CIA Chief Historian, Gerald K. Haines, wrote an in-depth article looking at the Agency’s role in studying the UFO phenomenon for Studies in Intelligence. In his article, “CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90,” Haines says that “while the Agency’s concern over UFOs was substantial until the early 1950s, CIA has since paid only limited and peripheral attention to the phenomena.”

    With over 20 years of investigations, from the late 1940s until Project BLUE BOOK’s termination in 1969, the CIA and USAF have learned a thing or two about how to investigate a UFO sighting. While most government officials and scientists now dismiss flying saucer reports as a quaint relic of the 1950s and 1960s, there’s still a lot that can be learned from the history and methodology of “flying saucer intelligence.”

    10 Tips When Investigating a Flying Saucer:

    1. Establish a Group To Investigate and Evaluate Sightings

    Before December 1947, there was no specific organization tasked with the responsibility for investigating and evaluating UFO sightings. There were no standards on how to evaluate reports coming in, nor were there any measurable data points or results from controlled experiment for comparison against reported sightings.

    To end the confusion, head of the Air Force Technical Service Command, General Nathan Twining, established Project SIGN (initially named Project SAUCER) in 1948 to collect, collate, evaluate, and distribute within the government all information relating to such sightings, on the premise that UFOs might be real (although not necessarily extraterrestrial) and of national security concern. Project SIGN eventually gave way to Project GRUDGE, which finally turned into Project BLUE BOOK in 1952.

    2. Determine the Objectives of Your Investigation

    The CIA’s concern over UFOs was substantial until the early 1950s because of the potential threat to national security from these unidentified flying objects. Most officials did not believe the sightings were extraterrestrial in origin; they were instead concerned the UFOs might be new Soviet weapons.

    The Project BLUE BOOK team, according to Quintanilla, defined three main objectives for their investigations:

    • To determine if UFO phenomena present a threat to the security of the US;
    • To determine if UFO phenomena exhibit any technological advances which could be channeled into US research and development; and
    • To explain or identify the stimuli which caused the observer to report a UFO.

    Although BLUE BOOK, like previous investigative projects on the topic, did not rule out the possibility of extraterrestrial phenomena, their research and investigations focused primarily on national security implications, especially possible Soviet technological advancements.

    3. Consult With Experts

    Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, various projects, panels, and other studies were led or sponsored by the US government to research the UFO phenomenon. This includes the CIA-sponsored 1953 Scientific Advisory Panel on Unidentified Flying Objects, also known as the “Robertson Panel.” It was named after the noted physicist H.P. Robertson from the California Institute of Technology, who helped put together the distinguished panel of nonmilitary scientists to study the UFO issue.

    Project BLUE BOOK also frequently consulted with outside experts, including: astrophysicists, Federal Aviation officials, pilots, the US Weather Bureau, local weather stations, academics, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, NASA, Kodak (for photo analysis), and various laboratories (for physical specimens). Even the famous astronomer Carl Sagan took part in a panel to review Project BLUE BOOK’s findings in the mid-1960s. The report from that panel concluded that “no UFO case which represented technological or scientific advances outside of a terrestrial framework” had been found, but the committee did recommend that UFOs be studied intensively to settle the issue once and for all.

    4. Create a Reporting System To Organize Incoming Cases

    The US Air Force’s Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) developed questionnaires to be used when taking reports of possible UFO sightings, which were used throughout the duration of Project BLUE BOOK. The forms were used to provide the investigators enough information to determine what the unknown phenomenon most likely was. The duration of the sighting, the date, time, location, or position in the sky, weather conditions, and the manner of appearance or disappearance are essential clues for investigators evaluating reported UFO sightings.

    Project BLUE BOOK categorized sightings according to what the team suspected they were attributable to: Astronomical (including bright stars, planets, comets, fireballs, meteors, and auroral streamers); Aircraft (propeller aircraft, jet aircraft, refueling missions, photo aircraft, advertising aircraft, helicopters); Balloons; Satellites; Other (including missiles, reflections, mirages, searchlights, birds, kites, spurious radar indications, hoaxes, fireworks, and flares); Insufficient Data; and finally, Unidentified.

    According to Quintanilla, “a sighting is considered unidentified when a report apparently contains all the data necessary to suggest a valid hypothesis, but its description cannot be correlated with any known object or phenomenon.”

    5. Eliminate False Positives

    Eliminate each of the known and probable causes of UFO sightings, leaving a small portion of “unexplained” cases to focus on. By ruling out common explanations, investigators can focus on the truly mysterious cases.

    Some common explanations for UFO sightings discovered by early investigations included: misidentified aircrafts (the U-2, A-12, and SR-71 flights accounted for more than half of all UFO reports from the late 1950s and most of the 1960s); celestial events; mass hysteria and hallucination; “war hysteria;” “midsummer madness;” hoaxes; publicity stunts; and the misinterpretation of known objects.

    Even history can shed some light. An interesting citation found by the 1953 Robertson Panel noted that some sightings had been attributed to an older phenomenon – “Foo Fighters” – that pre-dated the modern concept of UFOs: “These were unexplained phenomena sighted by aircraft pilots during World War II in both European and Far East theaters of operation wherein ‘balls of light’ would fly near or with the aircraft and maneuver rapidly. They were believed to be electrostatic (similar to St. Elmo’s fire) or electromagnetic phenomena… but their exact cause or nature was never defined. If the term ‘flying saucers’ had been popular in 1943-1945, these objects would have been so labeled.”

    6. Develop Methodology To Identify Common Aircraft and Other Aerial Phenomena Often Mistaken for UFOs

    Because of the significant likelihood a common (or secret military) aircraft could be mistaken for a UFO, it’s important to know the characteristics of different types of aircraft and aerial phenomenon to evaluate against each sighting. To help investigators go through the troves of reports coming in, Project BLUE BOOK developed a methodology to determine if the UFO sighting could likely be attributable to a known aircraft or aerial phenomenon. They wrote up detailed descriptions characterizing each type of aircraft or astronomical phenomenon, including how it might be mistaken for a UFO, to help investigators evaluate the incoming reports.

    7. Examine Witness Documentation

    Any photographs, videos, or audio recordings can be immensely helpful in evaluating a reported UFO sighting.

    A famous case examined by the Robertson Panel was the “Tremonton, Utah Sighting” of 1952, where a couple and two children traveling cross-country on State Highway 30 outside of Tremonton saw what appeared to be 10-12 bright shining objects moving westward in the sky in a rough formation. The husband was able to capture some of the objects on film.

    The case was considered significant because of the “excellent documentary evidence in the form of Kodachrome motion picture films (about 1600 frames).” The Panel examined the film, case history, ATIC’s interpretation, and received a briefing from representatives of the USN Photo Interpretation Laboratory on their analysis of the film. The laboratory believed the objects were not birds, balloons, aircraft, or reflections, and therefore had to be “self-luminous.” The panel disagreed with the assessment that the objects were self-luminous, believing that if a controlled experiment was conducted, a terrestrial explanation for the sighting would be confirmed.

    8. Conduct Controlled Experiments

    As suggested by the Robertson Panel for investigating the Tremonton, Utah sighting (mentioned in tip #7), controlled experiments might be required to try and replicate the unknown phenomena. In the Tremonton case, the Panel suggested an experiment where scientists would photograph “pillow balloons” at different distances under similar weather conditions at the site. They believed such an experiment could help dispel the “self-luminous” theory about the objects in the film. Unfortunately, in this case, the cost of conducting such an experiment made the idea unfeasible.

    9. Gather and Test Physical and Forensic Evidence

    In the Zamora case (from the introduction), Quintanilla contends that during the course of the investigation and immediately thereafter, “everything that was humanly possible to verify was checked.” This included bringing in Geiger counters from Kirtland Air Force Base to test for radiation in the landing area and sending soil samples to the Air Force Materials Laboratory. “The soil analysis disclosed no foreign material. Radiation was normal for the ‘tracks’ and surrounding area. Laboratory analysis of the burned brush showed no chemicals that could have been propellant residue,” according to Quintanilla. “The findings were all together negative.” No known explanation could be found for the mysterious event.

    10. Discourage False Reporting

    The Robertson Panel found that the Air Force had “instituted a fine channel for receiving reports of nearly anything anyone sees in the sky and fails to understand.” This is a classic example of needing to separate the “signal from the noise.” If you have too many false or junk reports, it becomes increasingly difficult to find the few good ones worthy of investigation or attention.

    The CIA in the early 1950s was concerned that because of the tense Cold War situation and increased Soviet capabilities, the Soviets could use UFO reports to ignite mass panic and hysteria. Even worse, the Soviets could use UFO sightings to overload the US air warning system so that it could not distinguish real targets from supposed UFOs.

    In order to lessen the amount of false-positive reports, the Robertson Panel suggested educating the military, researchers, and even the public on how to identify objects or phenomena commonly mistaken for UFOs. For example, they recommended training enlisted, command, and research personnel on how to properly recognize unusually illuminated objects (like balloons or aircraft reflections), as well as natural phenomena (such as meteors, fireballs, mirages, or noctilucent “night” clouds). By knowing how to correctly recognize objects that were commonly mistaken for UFOs, investigators could quickly eliminate false reports and focus on identifying those sightings which remained unexplained.

    Do you still want to believe? Then take a peek into our "X-Files."

    Take a Peek Into Our “X-Files”

    The CIA declassified hundreds of documents in 1978 detailing the Agency’s investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). The documents date primarily from the late 1940s and 1950s.

    To help navigate the vast amount of data contained in our FOIA UFO collection, we’ve decided to highlight a few documents both skeptics and believers will find interesting. Below you will find five documents we think X-Files character Agent Fox Mulder would love to use to try and persuade others of the existence of extraterrestrial activity. We also pulled five documents we think his skeptical partner, Agent Dana Scully, could use to prove there is a scientific explanation for UFO sightings.

    The truth is out there; click on the links to find it.

    Top 5 CIA Documents Mulder Would Love To Get His Hands On:

    1. Flying Saucers Reported Over East Germany, 1952 (PDF 325 KB)
    2. Minutes of Branch Chief’s Meeting on UFOs, 11 August 1952 (PDF 162 KB)
    3. Flying Saucers Reported Over Spain and North Africa, 1952 (PDF 266 KB)
    4. Survey of Flying Saucer Reports, 1 August 1952 (PDF 175 KB)
    5. Flying Saucers Reported Over Belgian Congo Uranium Mines, 1952 (PDF 262 KB)

    Top 5 CIA Documents Scully Would Love To Get Her Hands On:

    1. Scientific Advisory Panel on Unidentified Flying Objects, 14-17 Jan... (PDF 907 KB)
    2. Office Memorandum on Flying Saucers, 15 March 1949 (PDF 110 KB)
    3. Memorandum to the CIA Director on Flying Saucers, 2 October 1952 (PDF 443 KB)
    4. Meeting of the OSI Advisory Group on UFOs, 21 January 1953 (PDF 194 KB)
    5. Memorandum for the Record on Flying Saucers, 3 December 1952 (PDF 179 KB)


    Do you want to believe? Then find out how to investigate a flying saucer.


    Posted: Jan 21, 2016 05:18 PM

    Last Updated: Jan 21, 2016 05:49 PM

  • casey a

    China Just Released True Color HD Photos Of The Moon

  • SongStar101

    Real-life 'X-Files'? CIA posts trove of UFO documents

    The truth is out there – the CIA is offering a peek into its ‘X-files,’ shining a spotlight on a series of once-classified UFO documents.

    “To help navigate the vast amount of data contained in our FOIA UFO collection, we’ve decided to highlight a few documents both skeptics and believers will find interesting,” explained the agency, in a blog post.

    Related: Astronaut Scott Kelly's 'UFO' photo generates extraterrestrial buzz

    The UFO documents, which date primarily from the 1940s and 1950s, are among hundreds that the CIA declassified in 1978.

    “We also pulled five documents we think his skeptical partner, Agent Dana Scully, could use to prove there is a scientific explanation for UFO sightings,” it added.

    The “Mulder” documents include 1952 reports of flying saucers over the then-East Germany, Spain and North Africa, as well as a survey of UFO reports from the same year. The agency also posted a 1952 report of “two fiery disks” flying over a uranium mine in the then-Belgian Congo and the minutes of a CIA branch chief’s meeting discussing UFOs.

    The report from East Germany details “an object ‘resembling a huge frying pan’ and having a diameter of about 15 meters [49 feet].” The object landed in a forest clearing in Germany’s Soviet Zone, according to the report.

    “A smoke-trailing object over Barcelona” and an unusual object “emitting a pale green light” over the Tunisian city of Sousse are described in the report from Spain and North Africa.

    Photos posted on the CIA website include an unexplained sighting above Minneapolis in 1960 and another above Sheffield, U.K. two years later. It also posted an image of a UFO investigation in Socorro, N.M.

    The “Mulder” documents include an office memo from 1949, a 1952 memo to the Director of Central Intelligence and a ‘Memorandum for the Record on Flying Saucers,’ also from 1952. The agency also posted a 1953 document detailing the suggestions of a scientific advisory panel on UFOs and the minutes of an Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) UFO advisory group from the same year.

  • Mark

    Caught this on the Nightly Show 1/28/16 but could only find this link to the story

    It's been posted before several times on the ning the fact that the US has been militarising its local law enforcement 

    Obama has been restricting the amount of military hardware that is given to local police forces for some time (or at least has been trying to) but now he has set a deadline of April 1st for local law enforcement agencies to return federal military equipment. 

    Thought it was interesting we have another possibly related date as the wait for the announcement goes on. (FYI the April 1st date is from the Nightly Show report on the subject)

    this is the Nightly Show link for those in the US who can watch it:

  • Howard

  • Derrick Johnson

    Lost Tapes Reveal Apollo Astronauts Heard Unexplained ‘Music’ On Far Side Of The Moon

    "If you’re behind the moon and hear some weird noise on your radio, and you know you’re blocked from the Earth, then what could you possibly think?"

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Filled with (Human emissions global warming disinformation) but it is The NY Times. Maybe it's their way of tapping the population on the shoulder with "Hey, Maybe you should consider getting away from coastal areas."

    Seas Are Rising at Fastest Rate in Last 28 Centuries

    Juan Carlos Sanchez paddled a kayak with his shoes on a flooded street in Miami Beach last year. Credit Lynne Sladky/Associated Press

    The worsening of tidal flooding in American coastal communities is largely a consequence of greenhouse gases from human activity, and the problem will grow far worse in coming decades, scientists reported Monday.

    Those emissions, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels, are causing the ocean to rise at the fastest rate since at least the founding of ancient Rome, the scientists said. They added that in the absence of human emissions, the ocean surface would be rising less rapidly and might even be falling.

    The increasingly routine tidal flooding is making life miserable in places like Miami Beach; Charleston, S.C.; and Norfolk, Va., even on sunny days.

    Though these types of floods often produce only a foot or two of standing saltwater, they are straining life in many towns by killing lawns and trees, blocking neighborhood streets and clogging storm drains, polluting supplies of freshwater and sometimes stranding entire island communities for hours by overtopping the roads that tie them to the mainland.

    Such events are just an early harbinger of the coming damage, the new research suggests.

    “I think we need a new way to think about most coastal flooding,” said Benjamin H. Strauss, the primary author of one of two related studies released on Monday. “It’s not the tide. It’s not the wind. It’s us. That’s true for most of the coastal floods we now experience.”

    In the second study, scientists reconstructed the level of the sea over time and confirmed that it is most likely rising faster than at any point in 28 centuries, with the rate of increase growing sharply over the past century — largely, they found, because of the warming that scientists have said is almost certainly caused by human emissions

    They also confirmed previous forecasts that if emissions were to continue at a high rate over the next few decades, the ocean could rise as much as three or four feet by 2100.

  • Scott

    US military knowledge and coverup of UFOs and aliens (including reference to the Rendlesham Forest incident in the UK in 1980) has received recent coverage.

    “Famous UFO Stories”
    Rendlesham Forest UFO incident


    A FORMER US naval officer has sensationally claimed to have seen pictures of real aliens and UFOs among top-secret military files.

    ...The man, who says he was a third-class petty officer at a US Naval telecommunications centre during the 1980s, before more senior posts in the US Army and Navy Seals, claims to have valuable new evidence about the Bizarre Rendlesham UK UFO mass sightings, in Suffolk in 1980.

    The married man, now living in Ohio, said he was based at NAS Moffett Field, in California, and he was there from February 1986 to October 1989, while also working with contacts in Silicone Valley.

    He said: "I have never seen a UFO or ET or alien, however I have seen literally tens of thousand of documents confirming they are real and have visited Earth."

    Asked if the files had included photographs of genuine alien crafts and beings, he said: "Yes, absolutely."

    The veteran said he was now able to speak because his confidentiality agreement with the US authorities expired in 2014.

    ..."I do not possess anything other than my testimony and documents that authorise that I legitimately had the individual top-secret security clearances.

    ...Turning the strange subject more sinister, he said he had chosen to come forward because he could "shed light on things that might give some people closure."

    He said there were colleagues he knew of whose deaths had been connected to aliens or whistle blowing about them and the truth behind how they died had been covered up.

    ..."The Government wants there to be enough water under the bridge before someone speaks, with incidents like Rendlesham Forest people are emotionally charged.

    "They don't want someone to stir up the pot, and I would never compromise national security or servicemens' lives, but people deserve to have answers.”

    The whistleblower said no one had died during the Rendlesham incident, but added: "In other cases people have paid the ultimate price and their families have not been told the truth."

    ..."I would like to share my knowledge in hopes that someone will be able to use it effectively towards disclosure."

    Whistleblower about to 'lift lid on 1000s of UFO files' is GENUINE, says ex-MoD man (2/16/16)

    U.S. Navy Whistleblower Claims Proof of Aliens and UFOs, Saw Thousands Of Photos Of Aliens And UFOs At Naval Base (2/25/16)

    Top secret UFO documents 'prove Britain's biggest alien sighting was real' claims US naval officer (2/25/16)

    Top secret UFO documents 'prove Britain's biggest alien sighting was real' claims US naval officer (2/25/16)

    Navy officer saw 'proof of aliens and UFOs' in government files and claims people have been killed to keep them quiet (2/26/16)

    UFOs And Aliens 'Have Visted Earth' Former US Naval Officer Claims (2/26/16)

    Aliens visiting earth? Retired US naval officer claims seeing 'evidence' of UFO sightings (2/27/16)

  • Scott

    "Mars shifted poles after volcano eruptions".

    Article describes a pole shift: "Imagine if you had a peach and you twisted the fruit's flesh around its pit — that's what happened to Mars".

    How massive volcanoes gave Mars a makeover (3/4/16)

    Massive Martian volcanoes reshaped the Red Planet billions of years ago into what it is today, new research shows.

    Powerful volcanic activity literally moved the planet, according to a study published in the journal of Nature on Wednesday. These findings join a list of other factors that may have changed Mars into the cold, dry planet we now know.

    A large volcanic structure known as the Tharsis volcanic dome caused the Red Planet's surface to tilt by 20 to 25 degrees 3 billion to 3.5 billion years ago.

    Tharsis is home to the largest volcanoes in our solar system, and because of their mass they were able to spew out so much lava that the outer layers of Mars rotated around its core.

    Imagine if you had a peach and you twisted the fruit's flesh around its pit — that's what happened to Mars.

    Tharsis dome formed 3.7 billion years ago, and from there hundreds of millions of years of volcanic activity created a plateau on the Red Planet that weighed a billion billion tons. For reference, that's about 1/70th the mass of Earth's moon. This mass was so huge, that is caused the planet's mantle and crust to swivel around, changing the position of the planet's poles and moving Tharsis dome onto the planet's equator.

    So why is this important? Scientists who conducted this research at the Universite Paris-Sud in Paris believe this changes the way we view Mars in its first billion years, which is when life may have been present on the planet. A tilt like this one would have significantly changed the planet's appearance.

    These findings could explain a variety of puzzling geological features on the Red Planet, like why reservoirs of water ice on Mars are located far away from the planet's poles and why rivers formed where they did.

    This study also changes a widely accepted theory that the Tharsis dome formed before 3.7 billion years ago and existed before Mars' rivers.

    However, the observations now show that Mars' rivers could have formed at the same time as the Tharsis dome. It's also likely that this period of time on Mars was when liquid water was stable on the planet, and that formation of river valleys were likely caused by the volcanic activity.

    This research gives scientists insight into Mars' early geology and could provide new clues in where to look for traces of life on the Red Planet.

  • Scott

    Pole shift described in press release for Mars study.

    Great tilt gave Mars a new face (3/2/16)

    "It wasn't the rotation axis of Mars that shifted (a process known as variation of obliquity) but rather the outer layers (mantle and crust) that rotated with respect to the inner core, rather like turning the flesh of an apricot around its stone."

  • Ryan X

    Comet flyby threw Mars into chaos: Close encounter disrupted the pl...

    Another excuse being served up to explain future earth problems?

  • Howard

    Scientists have discovered a large exoplanet that passes very close to its star, possessing the most eccentric orbit ever observed, and then slingshots far, far away, before it finally returns for another pass.

    The planet, HD 20782, has an eccentricity of .96, which means it moves on an almost flattened elipse, traveling as far as 2.5 times the distance between the sun and the Earth before swinging around its star very close, coming at .06 of the same Earth-Sun distance. That’s closer than Mercury is to the sun.

    It’s not a small planet. It’s about the size of Jupiter, but it acts like a comet — a pretty bizarre planet by scientific standards.

    In the case of HD20782, the suspects could be that there was more than one planet in the system and two planets got too close together, or the planet is in a binary star system.


  • casey a

    Scans of King Tut’s Tomb Reveal New Evidence of Hidden Rooms

    Second round of radar scanning will look for more clues to what lies behind the walls of Tut’s burial chamber.

    Previous zetatalk:

    Did King Tut’s tomb have information on the nature and timing of the last Pole Shift, and is this related to the Mummy’s Curse? Were those who threatened to publish, or use, this timeline information killed by the elite, those with knowledge of same, to silence them? It is no secret that the elite, including the Vatican, have been aware of the approaching cataclysms to be caused by the next passage of Nibiru, aka Planet X. The Book of Enoch was removed from the official Bible because of such information. The Swiss franc brazenly states this. These elite were certainly alive and well in 1922 when the tomb was opened.

    The subject of books and movies, the Mummy’s Curse seemed very real as participants in exploring the newly opened tomb died in rapid succession of an infected mosquito bite, a mysterious fever, malarial pneumonia, arsenic poisoning, or blood poisoning after going blind. All this can be ascribed to some type of assassination by poison or germs. Then there are the more overt and direct instances of being smothered in bed, shot by a family member, killed by a black mailer, shot by an assassin, or jumping to one’s death. Clearly, this was not chance and was as a result of an effort to wipe out those with knowledge or those who indicated they would seek to use this knowledge.

    Why do the elite fear this knowledge falling into public hands? Knowledge is power, in that knowledge allows one to be positioned to take advantage of others. If I know the date, where you do not, I can secure control or ownership of vital resources, can locate to high ground, can control migration routes so that you must pay me a toll or indenture yourself to me. These same issues exist today with the struggle to end the cover-up over the near presence and pending passage of Nibiru, aka Planet X. The argument is often framed as avoiding panic and rioting in the public, but the deeper reason for the fight is that many enjoy the power they have over others.

  • Ecosikh

    Here we go again....

    Is there really a NINTH planet in our solar system? Scientists say they have even more evidence of mysterious world and it could be hurtling towards Earth! 

  • Scott

    "HD 80606 b is in a highly elliptical comet-like orbit around its star."

    The Wild Temperature Swings of an Exoplanet (3/25/16) posted by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

    The exoplanet HD80606 b spends most of its time far from its star, but every 111 days it swings in feverishly close.

    NASA simulate wild orbit & dramatic climate of ‘chemical cauldron’ exoplanet (3/29/16)

    ...a planet 190 light-years from Earth has caught the lense of NASA’s Spitzer infrared space telescope because of its “wildly eccentric” 111 day orbit around its star.

  • KM

    Search for alien life expands to 20,000 star systems: Planets orbiting red dwarfs may be more habitable than thought, says Seti

    • Seti previously ruled out red dwarfs because habitable zones were small
    • Recently, scientists discovered that life could thrive around these stars 
    • But now says older systems have more time to produce intelligent species
    • New 2-year project involves picking from a list of about 70,000 red dwarfs

    The search for alien worlds is expanding to 20,000 star systems that were previously considered poor targets for intelligent life.

    New data has led the SETI Institute to believe systems orbiting red dwarfs - dim, long-lived stars that are on average billions of years older than our sun - are worth investigating.

    'This may be one instance in which older is better,' said astronomer Seth Shostak of California-based SETI, a private, non-profit organisation.

    The search for alien worlds is expanding to 20,000 star systems that were previously considered poor targets for intelligent life. Pictured is an artist's impression of an alien planet.  New scientific data has led the SETI Institute to believe systems orbiting red dwarfs are worth investigating

    The search for alien worlds is expanding to 20,000 star systems that were previously considered poor targets for intelligent life. Pictured is an artist's impression of an alien planet.  New scientific data has led the SETI Institute to believe systems orbiting red dwarfs are worth investigating

    'Older solar systems have had more time to produce intelligent species.'

    The two-year project involves picking from a list of about 70,000 red dwarfs and scanning 20,000 of the nearest ones, along with the cosmic bodies that circle them.

    To do this, scientists will use the SETI Institute's Allen Telescope Array in northern California, a group of 42 antennas that can observe three stars simultaneously.

  • Howard

    Is Planet X to blame for Earth's mass extinctions?

  • Scott

    The phrasing used to describe the exoplanet hints at the Earth during the last weeks prior to the pole shift.

    This Newly Discovered Triple Sun Planet Would See Some Truly Bizarre Skies (4/1/16)

    Newly-discovered planet KELT-4Ab has three suns—but that triple-solar view isn’t the only weird thing you’d see happen overhead. Not by a long shot.

    ...[Jason Eastman of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics] sketched out a timeline for what that might look like...

    ..."Your year and day would be the same: 3 Earth days, which means half of planet would be in continuous daylight and the other half would be in continuous darkness".

    ZetaTalk: 3 Days of Darkness
    written Sep 30, 2004

  • Scott

    Introducing key terms before announcing the cause and effect?

    Global warming changing Earth's wobble, NASA says (4/8/16)

    ...shifting the way the Earth wobbles on its polar axis, a new NASA study finds.

    ...tilt the wobble further...

    ...Jianli Chen, a senior research scientist at the University of Texas' Center for Space Research, first attributed the pole shift to climate change in 2013 and he said this new study takes his work a step further.

  • Scott

    No, Planet Nine Won't Kill Us All (4/8/16)

    ...Nemesis is a small star or brown dwarf (a "failed star" that's considerably larger than a planet) hypothesized to zoom through space not far from the sun.

    ZetaTalk Explanation 1/23/2016 (in "Planet 9"):

    There is great confusion between the Sun’s binary twin and Nibiru, a planet that orbits both foci. Nibiru comes from the direction of the binary twin, and returns in that direction. In the early 1980’s, what is now being termed Planet 9 was being termed Nemesis, and is the reason that NASA/JPL went looking for the source of this perturbation in 1983 with an infrared balloon sent above the atmosphere. They found an object out in the direction of Orion. Nibiru, at that time, was approaching for its next passage around the Sun. A front page article in the Washington Post, published December 31, 1983 documented this search.

  • Kris H

  • casey a

    John Podesta, Clinton's campaign chair leading on re: aliens

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    NASA Openly Admits Alien Life Exists: Get Ready for Disclosure!

    Most people ‘in the know’ realize that NASA is just part of the military industrial complex, but a recent open admission on mainstream news that “there are indications of alien life” is likely the beginning of a bid to get your undivided attention before full-forced disclosure ensues.

    Most people already believe what NASA Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan states:

    “I think we’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade . . .I think we’re going to have definitive evidence within 20-30 years.”

    It isn’t going to take that long if we open our eyes.

    Stofan goes on to say:

    “We’re on the verge of things that people have wondered about for millennia. Within all of our lifetimes we’re going to understand that there is life on other bodies in the solar system. We’re going to understand the implications of that for life here on Earth.”

    What we’re going to understand is that our ‘secret’ government has been hiding this fact for ages. In an effort to transition the US and other countries through its reach to a cabal-run oligarchy, our shadow government has been lying about off-planet corporate slavery ringsalien abductions, benevolent beings who can only do so much until our collective consciousness elevates, and much, much more.

    William Cooper, among others, tried to disclose the true purpose of NASA, but he was exterminated. His death, among thousands of others, will not be in vain.

    We will learn that aside from extraterrestrial beings visiting our planet and many different ET races tinkering with our DNA over millenia, there are ancient humanoid races that are more than 10 million years old.

    We will learn that a recent computer hacking retrieved millions of government and corporate per..., some say as part of documentation for Nuremburg-like trials, will begin soon against those who have mind-controlled, enslaved and tortured us. Undeniable photos of UFOs were also unearthed.

    We will also learn that chemtrails and GMOs were the LEAST of plans made for us ‘sheeple’ and ‘useless eaters’ by a Luciferian cabal, and that President Harry Truman signed a document with certain ETs that allowed the ‘elite’ to conduct highly technological experiments with intelligence gained from these ETs in exchange for looking the other way when certain humans were abducted for ET experiments.

    We will learn that we are not helpless, as we have been programmed to believe. We are, in fact, a rare humanoid race that has an incredible range of emotion and creative power. We will learn that our minds and emotions can either fuel chaos on this planet, or restore it to its rightful place of peace and cooperation, of care for others at least as much as ourselves.

    We will learn that our ascension into infinitely peaceful beings is indeed possible, and it has been described in countless books, many of which have been suppressed along with UFO information.

    NASA is telling us now that the likelihood of alien life is a ruse. Be sure to remember those who have been executed to try to prove this information to us decades ago, and to use discernment when the truth is finally revealed.

    Here’s the full disclosure by William Cooper:

    Aug. 26, 2013

    Dr. Ellen Stofan


    Dr. Ellen Stofan was appointed NASA chief scientist on August 25, 2013, serving as principal advisor to NASA Administrator Charles Bolden on the agency's science programs and science-related strategic planning and investments.

    Prior to her appointment, Stofan was vice president of Proxemy Research in Laytonsville, Md., and honorary professor in the department of Earth sciences at University College London in England. Her research has focused on the geology of Venus, Mars, Saturn's moon Titan, and Earth. Stofan is an associate member of the Cassini Mission to Saturn Radar Team and a co-investigator on the Mars Express Mission's MARSIS sounder. She also was principal investigator on the Titan Mare Explorer, a proposed mission to send a floating lander to a sea on Titan.

    Her appointment as chief scientist marks a return to NASA for Dr. Stofan. From 1991 through 2000, she held a number of senior scientist positions at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., including chief scientist for NASA's New Millennium Program, deputy project scientist for the Magellan Mission to Venus, and experiment scientist for SIR-C, an instrument that provided radar images of Earth on two shuttle flights in 1994.

    Stofan holds master and doctorate degrees in geological sciences from Brown University in Providence, R.I., and a bachelor's degree from the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Va. She has received many awards and honors, including the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. Stofan has authored and published numerous professional papers, books and book chapters, and has chaired committees including the National Research Council Inner Planets Panel for the recent Planetary Science Decadal Survey and the Venus Exploration Analysis Group.

    Last Updated: March 23, 2016
  • Scott

    Canadian survey reports increased UFO sightings in 2015 (4/12/16)

    A survey of UFO sightings in Canada found that the country saw a general increase in reported sightings in 2015 and the second highest totals in 30 years.

    The Canadian UFO survey was released on Monday, revealing statistics about various sightings that took place throughout the country in 2015.


  • Ryan X

    WISEA 1147 – Rogue Planet or a Brown Dwarf Star?
  • Scott

    Weird Tailless Comet, First Ever Seen, Is a Building Block of Earth (4/29/16)

    [Caption:] This illustration shows the most likely orbit for Comet C/2014 S3 (Pan-STARRS), the first-ever object found to be on a long-period cometary orbit. The comet's current orbit takes 860 years to complete one trip around the sun.

    ..Follow-up observations of dust in this comet's stubby tail — conducted with the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile and the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope — revealed that S3 more closely resembled stony asteroids from the asteroid belt than a typical comet.

  • Moderating Staff

    Comment by Ecosikh 8 hours ago

    Are aliens living just 40 light-years away? Astronomers 'hit the jackpot' by finding THREE Earth-sized habitable worlds bathed in 'eerie red light' around a nearby star

    • Astronomers have spotted three Earth-sized planets orbiting a dwarf star
    • The miniature planetary system is just 40 light-years away from Earth
    • At least one of these worlds may be not too hot, not too cold, but 'just right'
    • Scientists said they may have 'hit the jackpot' in the search for life

    They're not too hot, not too cold, and may provide just the right conditions for life to form. 

    Astronomers have found three Earth-sized worlds within the so-called habitable 'Goldilocks' zone of a nearby star.

    The scientists believe at least one of these 'three bears' planets may be 'just right' for life to get going, giving the search for life elsewhere in the universe a significant boost.

    Astronomers have found three Earth-sized worlds (artist's illustration showing one of the planets and the star) within the so-called habitable 'Goldilocks' zone of a nearby star. The scientists believe at least one of these 'three bears' planets may be 'just right' for life to get going, giving the search for life in the universe a boost

    Astronomers have found three Earth-sized worlds (artist's illustration showing one of the planets and the star) within the so-called habitable 'Goldilocks' zone of a nearby star. The scientists believe at least one of these 'three bears' planets may be 'just right' for life to get going, giving the search for life in the universe a boost

    Read more: 

  • Scott

    A sample of the headlines for this story.

    Are we the only intelligent life in cosmos? Probably not, say astronomers. (5/1/16)



    Are we alone in the universe? Not likely, according to the maths (5/3/16)

    A New Equation Counts How Many Alien Civilizations Have Ever Existed (5/3/16)

    The Odds That We’re the Only Advanced Species in the Universe Are Extremely Low (5/3/16)

    Intelligent life elsewhere in the universe is almost DEFINITE, say scientists (5/3/16)

    Scientists Almost Certain Advanced Life On Other Planets Has Existed At Some Point (5/3/16)

  • Scott

    Planet Nine: A world that shouldn't exist (5/3/16)

    Planet Nine: A world that shouldn't exist

    New research by astronomers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) examines a number of scenarios and finds that most of them have low probabilities. Therefore, the presence of Planet Nine remains a bit of a mystery.

    The Mystery Of Planet Nine: Why Is It So Far From Us? (5/3/16)

    A new study examines the most probable explanations for why Planet Nine exists at the outer edges of our solar system and reveals that even the most likely explanation is highly unlikely.

    New Evidence of Undiscovered, Mysterious Planet Nine Befuddles Astronomers (5/4/16)

    For the second time this year, world-class astronomers claimed to have proven the existence of Planet Nine despite being baffled about the planet’s genesis and uncertainty of its present location.

    The most likely theories about where ‘Planet Nine’ came from are still pretty crazy (5/4/16)

    ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for April 23, 2016

    The Planet 9 prong also presented the cover story that astronomers do not always agree, nor are they always wise and knowledgeable.  They argue. They grope. And through all this ZetaTalk will stand like a beacon.

  • Moderating Staff

    Comment by Ecosikh 7 hours ago

    Did first humans to reach the Moon see an alien spaceship? Recently discovered Apollo 8 image appears to show mysterious object on lunar surface

    • A film clip from the famous NASA mission shows a large triangular object
    • Shape looks three-dimensional, prompting speculation it could be a UFO
    • Apollo 8 took off from Florida in 1968 and reached moon on Christmas Eve

    Apollo 8 is famous for being the first time humans travelled to the moon - but the astronauts might not have been alone in space, if this image is to be believed.

    Found at the end of a reel of film taken during the mission in December 1968, it appears to show a large triangular object sitting on, or above, the lunar surface.

    The shape is three-dimensional, and seems to be creating its own shadow, prompting speculation that it could be a UFO

    Read more: 
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  • Nancy Lieder

    Astronomer Paul Cox at mentioned Nibiru at 51:27 and the Second Sun at 199:15 during the 8 hour video. Links to those periods in the video below.


    Second Sun

  • M. Difato

    Planet X approach is ‘causing devastating climate and seismic activity’
    PUBLISHED: Wed, Jun 8, 2016
    THE mysterious Planet X is approaching and will cause widespread destruction across Earth, a conspiracy theorist has claimed.

    Although the planet has not even been confirmed by scientists, some believe that there is an elusive planet in our solar system which has a huge orbit and such a strong magnetic pull that it can effect life on Earth.

    A new video uploaded to YouTube by Skywatch Media News says that Planet X is bound for Earth after completing half of its 3,600-year elliptical orbit.

    It says that the magnetic force of Planet X is so strong that it can effect anything within 48.6 astronomical units (AU) of it – one AU is the distance between Earth and the Sun.

    With the planet having completed the first half of its elliptical orbit, it is heading back towards Earth and its strong magnetic pull is causing problems already.

    Read more:

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    The NY Times

    CreditGérard DuBois

    LAST month astronomers from the Kepler spacecraft team announced the discovery of 1,284 new planets, all orbiting stars outside our solar system. The total number of such “exoplanets” confirmed via Kepler and other methods now stands at more than 3,000.

    This represents a revolution in planetary knowledge. A decade or so ago the discovery of even a single new exoplanet was big news. Not anymore. Improvements in astronomical observation technology have moved us from retail to wholesale planet discovery. We now know, for example, that every star in the sky likely hosts at least one planet.

    But planets are only the beginning of the story. What everyone wants to know is whether any of these worlds has aliens living on it. Does our newfound knowledge of planets bring us any closer to answering that question?

    A little bit, actually, yes. In a paper published in the May issue of the journal Astrobiology, the astronomer Woodruff Sullivan and I show that while we do not know if any advanced extraterrestrial civilizations currently exist in our galaxy, we now have enough information to conclude that they almost certainly existed at some point in cosmic history.

    Among scientists, the probability of the existence of an alien society with which we might make contact is discussed in terms of something called the Drake equation. In 1961, the National Academy of Sciences asked the astronomer Frank Drake to host a scientific meeting on the possibilities of “interstellar communication.” Since the odds of contact with alien life depended on how many advanced extraterrestrial civilizations existed in the galaxy, Drake identified seven factors on which that number would depend, and incorporated them into an equation.

    The first factor was the number of stars born each year. The second was the fraction of stars that had planets. After that came the number of planets per star that traveled in orbits in the right locations for life to form (assuming life requires liquid water). The next factor was the fraction of such planets where life actually got started. Then came factors for the fraction of life-bearing planets on which intelligence and advanced civilizations (meaning radio signal-emitting) evolved. The final factor was the average lifetime of a technological civilization.

    Drake’s equation was not like Einstein’s E=mc2. It was not a statement of a universal law. It was a mechanism for fostering organized discussion, a way of understanding what we needed to know to answer the question about alien civilizations. In 1961, only the first factor — the number of stars born each year — was understood. And that level of ignorance remained until very recently.

    That’s why discussions of extraterrestrial civilizations, no matter how learned, have historically boiled down to mere expressions of hope or pessimism. What, for example, is the fraction of planets that form life? Optimists might marshal sophisticated molecular biological models to argue for a large fraction. Pessimists then cite their own scientific data to argue for a fraction closer to 0. But with only one example of a life-bearing planet (ours), it’s hard to know who is right.

    Or consider the average lifetime of a civilization. Humans have been using radio technology for only about 100 years. How much longer will our civilization last? A thousand more years? A hundred thousand more? Ten million more? If the average lifetime for a civilization is short, the galaxy is likely to be unpopulated most of the time. Once again, however, with only one example to draw from, it’s back to a battle between pessimists and optimists.

    But our new planetary knowledge has removed some of the uncertainty from this debate. Three of the seven terms in Drake’s equation are now known. We know the number of stars born each year. We know that the percentage of stars hosting planets is about 100. And we also know that about 20 to 25 percent of those planets are in the right place for life to form. This puts us in a position, for the first time, to say something definitive about extraterrestrial civilizations — if we ask the right question.

    In our recent paper, Professor Sullivan and I did this by shifting the focus of Drake’s equation. Instead of asking how many civilizations currently exist, we asked what the probability is that ours is the only technological civilization that has ever appeared. By asking this question, we could bypass the factor about the average lifetime of a civilization. This left us with only three unknown factors, which we combined into one “biotechnical” probability: the likelihood of the creation of life, intelligent life and technological capacity.

    You might assume this probability is low, and thus the chances remain small that another technological civilization arose. But what our calculation revealed is that even if this probability is assumed to be extremely low, the odds that we are not the first technological civilization are actually high. Specifically, unless the probability for evolving a civilization on a habitable-zone planet is less than one in 10 billion trillion, then we are not the first.

    To give some context for that figure: In previous discussions of the Drake equation, a probability for civilizations to form of one in 10 billion per planet was considered highly pessimistic. According to our finding, even if you grant that level of pessimism, a trillion civilizations still would have appeared over the course of cosmic history.

    In other words, given what we now know about the number and orbital positions of the galaxy’s planets, the degree of pessimism required to doubt the existence, at some point in time, of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization borders on the irrational.

    In science an important step forward can be finding a question that can be answered with the data at hand. Our paper did just this. As for the big question — whether any other civilizations currently exist — we may have to wait a long while for relevant data. But we should not underestimate how far we have come in a short time.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    What Happens If GPS Fails?

    Despite massive reliance on the system’s clocks, there’s still no longterm backup.

    In only took thirteen millionths of a second to cause a whole lot of problems.

    Last January, as the U.S. Air Force was taking one satellite in the country’s constellation of GPS satellites offline, an incorrect time was accidentally uploaded to several others, making them out of sync by less time than it takes for the sound of a gunshot to leave the chamber.

    The minute error disrupted GPS-dependent timing equipment around the world for more than 12 hours. While the problem went unnoticed by many people thanks to short-term backup systems, panicked engineers in Europe called equipment makers to help resolve things before global telecommunications networks began to fail. In parts of the U.S and Canada, police, fire, and EMS radio equipment stopped functioning. BBC digital radio was out for two days in many areas, and the anomaly was even detected in electrical power grids.

    Despite its name, the Global Positioning System is not about maps; it’s about time. Each satellite in the constellation (24 are needed, plus the U.S. has several spares) has multiple atomic clocks on board, synchronized with each other and to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)—the time standard used across the world—down to the nanosecond. The satellites continually broadcast their time and position information down to Earth, where GPS receivers in equipment from iPhones to automated tractors acquire signals and use the minuscule differences in their arrival time to determine an exact position.

    What if all these flying clock radios were wiped out, and everything on the ground started blinking 12:00?

    While GPS was initially conceived to aid navigation, globally synchronized time is now a much more critical function of the system. Telecom networks rely on GPS clocks to keep cell towers synchronized so calls can be passed between them. Many electrical power grids use the clocks in equipment that fine-tunes current flow in overloaded networks. The finance sector uses GPS-derived timing systems to timestamp ATM, credit card, and high-speed market transactions. Computer network synchronization, digital television and radio, Doppler radar weather reporting, seismic monitoring, even multi-camera sequencing for film production—GPS clocks have a hand in all.

    But last January’s system failure brings up an often-ignored question: What if all these flying clock radios were wiped out, and everything on the ground started blinking 12:00? According to Mike Lombardi, a metrologist at the National Institute for Standards and Technology, “Nobody knows exactly what would happen.” Since so many of these technologies were designed specifically with GPS in mind, the unsettling truth, he says, is “there’s no backup.”

    This isn’t a secret. Concern for the consequences of the country’s reliance on this invisible utility has been growing among industry and government workers for more than 15 years, after the Department of Transportation issued a report on the need for a backup navigation system, in 2001. But while the means to create one has existed since, a winding bureaucratic path has kept it from actually being implemented. And that leaves many of the everyday tools society depends on vulnerable until one is.

    * * *

    There are plenty of reasons GPS could fail.

    Intentional attack is one, as emphasized by a declassified 2012 risk estimate by the Department of Homeland Security. One of the system’s most basic problems is its signals are weak enough to be easily obstructed. Truckers with cheap jamming devices designed to elude employer tracking have unintentionally interfered with airport systems; criminals thwarting GPS tags on stolen goods in shipping containers have accidentally shut down port operations.  On a grander scale, North Korea has tormented South Korea with waves of jamming attacks. (Jamming devices are now illegal in the U.S., but not difficult to obtain illicitly.)

    A few steps up from jamming devices in both complexity and damage are spoofers: systems that get GPS receivers to lock on to mimicked signal. Spoofers don’t trigger equipment alarms, and deliver altered time and position information to unaware users. It's been suggested that Iran used this tactic tolead astray two U.S. Navy patrol boats captured in the Gulf last January.

    “It wouldn't take that large of an event to take out all GPS."

    A plausible worst-case attack scenario would look something like this: Spoofers feed erroneous data to electrical substation equipment in a metro area, which could overheat power lines and transformers, causing widespread outages. Meanwhile, multiple hidden jammers could cripple cellphone service, and also force fire, police, and emergency medicine departments to revert to old, single-frequency channels. Supplies in this scenario could only be bought in many places with cash, which would be limited without ATM service. According to the DHS report, it could take 30 days or more before the malicious devices are located and disabled. The longer it took, the more systems that would be compromised.

    As for unintentional threats to GPS, the DHS risk estimate lists space debris, space weather, defective software, and good old-fashioned human mistakes, among other things. Of these threats, space weather is the most potentially catastrophic, according to Norwegian geophysicist Pal Brekke, whose country was hardest hit by the January outage. Eruptions of high energy radiation from the sun (known as solar flares) and ejections of electrically charged gases have disabled satellites in the past.

    With satellites and the chips inside them getting smaller as technology progresses, "one particle from the sun that penetrates a satellite can ruin things,” Brekke says. “It wouldn't take that large of an event to take out all GPS."

    * * *

    So far, mitigating the loss of GPS signals has involved two approaches. One is interoperability with other global navigation satellite systems like Russia's GLONASS (which also failed due to a ground control error in 2014) or theEuropean and Chinese systems, both of which are expected to be up by 2020. The other is better clocks, says Lombardi, the NIST metrologist, who's published numerous articles on the topic. "The typical cell tower clock has an oscillator similar to that of a wristwatch," he says, "and can drift out of tolerance in minutes without a signal." How long a clock can maintain time on its own, called "holdover," also affects electrical grids, many of which rely on GPS-dependent devices called synchrophasors used to precisely regulate current flow, as well as help locate faults in the network. A lack of such timing technology was the reason it took some Canadian technicians three months to locate failures after theinfamous blackout of 2003.

    Chip-scale atomic clocks the size of a penny are a promising new technology that can hold time for about a day, but are currently too expensive to deploy widely. Moreover, hedging and holdover still aren't backups for when space-based signals are simply unavailable.

    The bulk of a more promising, comprehensive backup system already exists, right here on the ground. After the sextant but before GPS, navigators around the world used Long Range Aids to Navigation, or “LORAN,” a terrestrial system of transmitters and receiving equipment first developed during WWII. By the mid-1990s, Loran "tower chains" provided coverage for North America, Europe, and other regions in the Northern Hemisphere. Its use declined in favor of the much finer accuracy of GPS after it became available for civil use in 1995, but the U.S. Coast Guard continued working on an improved system using the existing infrastructure. If adopted, "Enhanced" LORAN, or eLoran, could provide positioning accuracy comparable to GPS. Broadcast at hundreds of thousands of watts, the signal is virtually un-jammable, and unlike GPS, can even be received indoors, underwater, and in urban or natural canyons. It also turns out that eLoran can provide a UTC time signal with sub-microsecond time resolution across a large geographical area.

    The technology is available—the Coast Guard demonstrated a working prototypelast year—so why isn’t America using it? John Garamendi, a California congressman, asked this question at a July 2015 congressional hearing on the Federal Radionavigation Plan, the nation's primary planning document for position, navigation, and timing (PNT). "There are two kinds of time," he opened, "real time … and then federal time, which seems to be the forever time. The e-Loran system was identified as a backup 15 years ago, and here we are, federal time, not yet done."

    Cost doesn’t seem to be a problem. A complete alternate PNT system is estimated at $350 million to $400 million; it costs $1 billion yearly to maintain GPS. And science and industry appears to share a consensus that eLoran is the solution. Even the Air Force Colonel and engineer who created GPS, Brad Parkinson, had been on record for years saying "eLoran is the only cost-effective backup for national needs."

    In a 2004, a presidential directive tasked DHS and DOT with creating a backup to the GPS system. In 2008, the DHS issued a press release that it was committing to the system and transferred control from the Coast Guard to its National Protection and Programs Directorate. But push and pull between DHS and the Coast Guard appears to have slowed progress.

    Space Katrina would be biblically catastrophic.

    After this year’s satellite error, many European officials who had previously followed America’s reluctance to adopt eLoran stepped up development. Meanwhile, pressure from Garamendi, who argued in his address that “without an eLoran system in place ASAP, this country is in serious, serious jeopardy,” prompted a letter to him from the Deputy Secretaries of Defense and Transpor... informing that the PNT Executive Committee has agreed that an eLoran-based timing network “could provide a near term solution” (if private entities bore some of the cost) while they “continue [their] efforts to prescribe a complete set of requirements necessary to support a full complementary PNT capability for the nation.” In other words, it seems: federal time.

    Why is the sense of urgency among decision-makers so out of sync? Could some of it be similar to why people delay backing up our computers even though they’ve been telling themselves to for weeks? How do we decide, when presented a risk with unknown odds, when it’s time to sacrifice time and resources to prevent it?  

    Now is a critically important time to answer that question, as the world actually been given odds on another, even more catastrophic risk than GPS failure: destruction of the electrical power infrastructure itself. On July 23, 2012, a billion-ton cloud of electrified gases blasted off the far side o... at over six million miles per hour. According to professor Daniel Baker at University of Colorado, this coronal mass ejection (CME) "was in all respects at least as strong as the 1859 Carrington Event," referring to the strongest solar storm ever recorded, which set fire to telegraph stations and caused auroras down to Cuba. As was widely reported two years ago, if the 2012 CME had occurred one week later, it would have hit Earth.

    Space Katrina would be biblically catastrophic. Power could be out for years while electrical transformers were repaired, if the resources are even available to do so. "Collateral effects of a longer-term outage would likely include disruption of the transportation, communication, banking, and finance systems, and government services; the breakdown of the distribution of potable water owing to pump failure; and the loss of perishable foods and medications because of lack of refrigeration,” reads a 2008 National Academy of Sciences report.

    In 2014, physicist from San Diego calculated the likelihood of a Carrington-level event in the next decade. The odds he came up with were 12 percent.

    The predicament of events like this is not that they’re occurring more frequently, but that the rapid development of technology is opening the tools on which humanity depends to an increasingly wide variety of rare but potentially destructive cosmic threats. In the span of a century, we’ve transferred much of the weight of modern society to global infrastructures with wobbly legs. If they collapse, time will very quickly appear to move backward.

  • Howard

    Planet Discovered that Orbits 2 Suns (Jun 13)

    A team of astronomers announced the discovery of an unusual new transiting circumbinary planet (orbiting two suns).

    This planet, detected using the Kepler spacecraft, is unusual because it is both the largest such planet found to date and has the widest orbit.

    Kepler-1647b, the largest exoplanet to orbit two suns has been found with an orbital period of 3 years.

    "It's a bit curious that this biggest planet took so long to confirm, since it is easier to find big planets than small ones," said another coauthor on the study, SDSU astronomer Jerome Orosz in a press release. "It took so long to confirm because its orbital period is so long."


  • Stanislav

    Planet X approach is ‘causing devastating climate and seismic activity’

    8 January, 2016. THE mysterious Planet X is approaching and will cause widespread destruction across Earth, a conspiracy theorist has claimed.

    Although the planet has not even been confirmed by scientists, some believe that there is an elusive planet in our solar system which has a huge orbit and such a strong magnetic pull that it can effect life on Earth.

    A new video uploaded to YouTube by Skywatch Media News says that Planet X is bound for Earth after completing half of its 3,600-year elliptical orbit.

    It says that the magnetic force of Planet X is so strong that it can effect anything within 48.6 astronomical units (AU) of it – one AU is the distance between Earth and the Sun.

    With the planet having completed the first half of its elliptical orbit, it is heading back towards Earth and its strong magnetic pull is causing problems already.

    The video claims that the magnetic pull is tugging on the poles of Earth, causing it to wobble.

    This explains why Earth has undergone climate change in recent years as the Earth is moving slightly off its axis.

    The North pole is being dragged slightly southwards, meaning that the polar ice caps are facing more towards the sun, causing them to melt.

    The video states that: “We are now in the initial stage of the pole shift.”

    This in turn has led to extreme climate change: “Weather is becoming more extreme as Planet X’s strong magnetic pull effects that of Earth.”

    Additionally, the shifting of the poles has caused an increase in seismic and volcanic activity.

    Take a look through these stunning drone images, highlighting the effects of pollution on planet earth but also the opportunities to tackle this scary problem.
    The narrator of the video points to the spate of tremors around the globe in the last couple of months, with deadly quakes striking Ecuador and Japan.

    Additionally, he said that the “tremors are happening near to the surface”, which is making them more dangerous, and he claims that some volcanoes are approaching an unprecedented 40 eruptions a day.

    He states: “One can argue that there is certainly evidence of Planet X’s effects upon Earth, causing it to wobble, which in turn causes high seismic and volcanic activity, as well as extreme weather.

    “The Planet X effect is setting the Earth up for a coming pole shift.”

    Although no one knows what might happen when Planet X reaches its closes point to Earth in its orbit, it is feared that it could spark another ice age or catastrophic earthquakes. Source:

  • SongStar101

    Planet Nine is not alone: More planets predicted to be hiding at edge of Solar System

    The Solar System could be harbouring far more planets than we currently know about, astronomers have said. After carrying out calculations relating to the hypothetical Planet Nine, the scientists said the presence of even more planets could better explain the unusual orbits of objects at the far reaches of the Solar System.

    Artist's impression of Planet Nine, the planet speculated to exist in our Solar System by scientistsCaltech/R. Hurt IPAC

    Evidence for the existence of Planet Nine was presented by Caltech scientists earlier this year. Scientists found six trans-Neptunian objects (ETNOs) with highly unusual orbital paths. However, they said these paths could be explained by the presence of a massive planet (about 10 times the mass of the Earth), the gravity of which was influencing the six objects.

    Since the announcement, scientists across the globe have been running computer simulations and carrying out research in a bid to learn more about this potential planet.

    Spanish astronomers Carlos and Raúl de la Fuente Marcos along with Sverre J. Aarseth from the University of Cambridge have now looked more closely at the orbits of the ETNOs. By trying to work out their evolution over time, the team said the orbits of these objects are not as stable as scientists first thought.

    Published in the journal Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society, researchers found Planet Nine could keep three of the ETNOs confined to a specific orbit for hundreds of millions of years. However, the three others would become highly unstable in just a dozen million years or so, "eventually triggering their ejection from the Solar System," they wrote.

    Carlos de la Fuente Marcos said: "With the orbit indicated by the Caltech astronomers for Planet Nine, our calculations show that the six ETNOs, which they consider to be the Rosetta Stone in the solution to this mystery, would move in lengthy, unstable orbits.

    "These objects would escape from the Solar System in less than 1.5 billion years and [three of them would] abandon it in less than 300 million years; what is more important, their orbits would become really unstable in just 10 million years − a really short amount of time in astronomical terms." To account for this problem, the authors say Planet Nine's proposed orbit needs to be slightly modified.

    The unusual orbits of objects around Planet 9Caltech/R. Hurt IPAC

    Further to this, however, the researchers say the presence of additional planets would help explain Planet Nine and its ETNOs stable orbits. "We believe that, in addition to a Planet Nine, there could also be a Planet 10 and even more," said Carlos de la Fuente Marcos.

    The study concludes: "Is Planet Nine alone or are there more? Planet Nine, if it exists, moves in an elongated orbit that may be vulnerable to long-term secular perturbations resulting from the Galactic tide or discrete events like close encounters with passing stars.

    "In this context, a lone Planet Nine may not be able to survive in its present orbit for the age of the Solar System, but a planet within a planetary group has better chances to be long-term stable. Therefore, if Planet Nine exists, it is probably not alone."

  • Howard

    Newly Discovered Planet Has 27,000 Year Orbit Near Orion's Belt (Jun 15) CVSO 30c, orbits its star at 600 times the distance between the Earth and the sun. and it takes 27,000 years for it to complete a roundtrip.

    The newly-discovered planet is orbiting a T-Tauri star named CVSO 30, which is 1,200 light-years away from Earth in the 25 Orionis group.  It was found by a group of astronomers led by Dr Tobias Schmidt, from the University of Hamburg.

    In 2012, astronomers found CVSO 30 was host to one exoplanet (CVSO 30b). This was found using a detection method known as the transit method, where the light from a star observably dips as a planet travels in front of it.

    But this method is extremely difficult. Because they are small and dim, planets are easily lost in the brilliant glare of the giant stars they orbit.

    Direct imaging is only effective for planets on wide orbits around young stars, because the light from the planet is not overwhelmed by light from the host star, which makes it easier to spot. 

    The new planet, CVSO 30c, was able to be seen through direct imaging because it orbits so unusually far from its host star - at 600 times the distance between the Earth and the sun.

    Because of this, it takes an incredible 27,000 years to complete a single orbit.


  • Mark

    The Daily Mail 'speculates' today what would happen if all 1,500 of the world's active volcanoes erupted all at once; and classifies 'active' as any volcano that has erupted in the last 10,000 years - exactly mirroring the Zeta's prediction that these would be the volcanoes that will erupt during the pole shift.

    And just for good measure, says that the resulting ash fall out would somehow sink buildings!


    What would happen if Earth's 1,500 volcanoes erupted at once? Experts outline terrifying doomsday scenario

    The Earth currently has 1,500 'active volcanoes' - meaning they have had at least one eruption during the past 10,000 years.

    This is aside from the continuous belt of volcanoes on the ocean floor, about 500 of which have erupted in historical time.

    However, not all eruptions are the same.

    Dr Matthew Watson, a volcano specialist from the University of Bristol told MailOnline: 'You can broadly categorise eruptions into two different types.

    'The first, effusive, produces lava flows and lots of gas. The second, explosive, produces ash and gas.

    'The difference in activity is controlled mostly by the viscosity of the magma.

    'The more viscous the magma, the more difficult it is to get gas out of the system and the more likely you are to have an explosion.'

    Despite the type of eruptions differing massively, if all the world's volcanoes erupted at the same time, the results would be catastrophic in a number of ways.

    Firstly, the people in the firing line of the eruption would be affected, not only by the flow of magma from the volcano, but also from the huge ash clouds expelled.

    Pyroclastic flows are fast-moving clouds of rock, ash and gas that are very hot, with temperatures rising up to 1000°C.

    These would be impossible to outrun or even drive, as they can travel up to 450 miles per hour.

    As well as affecting people near the volcano itself, pyroclastic flows can cause destruction for up to 100 miles from the site.

    The number of people living near volcanoes that this would affect is massive.

    For example, around three million people live near Mount Vesuvius, while 130 million people live on the island of Java which alone has 45 active volcanoes.

    The far-reaching damage

    But the destruction close to the volcanoes would just be the beginning.

    The eruptions would send plumes of volcanic ash into the sky that could travel for thousands of miles.

    Dr Watson said: 'Ash is pretty unpleasant stuff. Its comprised of tiny fragments of glass, crystals and rock.'

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    NASA Astronomers Discover Earth’s New Asteroid Companion

    First Posted: Jun 18, 2016 04:59 AM EDT

    NASA Astronomers Discover Earth’s New Asteroid Companion

    NASA astronomers have discovered a tiny asteroid which is constantly orbiting the Earth around the sun. By NASA/JPL-Caltech, via Wikimedia Commons CC BY 2.0

    NASA astronomers have discovered a tiny asteroid which is constantly orbiting the Earth around the sun.

    The newly found asteroid, 2016 HO3, was spotted first on April 27 by the Pan-STARRS 1 asteroid survey telescope on Haleakala, Hawaii. While, the size of the "quasi-satellite" has not been confirmed yet, it's expected to be between 130 feet and 330 feet wide (40 to 100 meters). Astronomers claim that the asteroid has been out there for about 50 years and will probably stay for centuries to come.

    The new asteroid orbits the sun and constantly circles around Earth as well. Does this mean that Earth has a new moon? Well, the answer is no. It is too far to be considered natural moon or a true satellite of the Earth. Instead, it can be called as a "quasi-satellite."

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    A full list of government FEMA preparations for catastrophe in place by Sept 29 2016. All systems GO by October 1st. The preparation announcements start @ 4:30  @ 6:15 the preps for a catastrophic EMP are listed GridX II a North American wide excercise.

    Due to resource constraints the Air Force to discontinue airforce space surveillance system as of October 1st.

    FEMA district 3 alert for Wash. DC,  DE, MD, PA, VA, WV

    FEMA purchase orders for 14.2 million MRE's  and 2 million water pouches to be delivered to District 3 by Oct 1st

    FEMA purchase orders delivered to Austin 13.6 million dollars for MRE's and heater meals by Oct. 1st

    9 week training course for UN Peacekeepers (Foreign Soldiers) to learn urban warfare, English and US Weapons systems ongoing since 4th week of July 2015 Estimated 386,000 troops completed training by Oct 1st 2016

    11 million dollars in antibiotics ordered by CDC and delivered to FEMA region 3 by Oct 1st 2016

    WHO had its 2nd meeting in its history to discuss MERS corona virus. Vaccine must be in place by Oct 1st 2016

    2800 MRAP's (Mine resistant, ambush protected)  must be delivered to DHS by Oct 1st 2016

    No leave will be allowed for US military from Sept 28th to November 5th.............

    NORCON yearly training for civil unrest, suspended until Sept 27th and to be performed in NE Coastal areas

    All DHS agents must qualify with sidearm, shotgun and AR-15 by Sept 28th 2016

    Testing of GPS and communication satellites coordinated for the very 1st time EVER with testing date of Sept 29th 2016

    POTUS mandates to FEMA and DHS dealing with Extreme Climate Change must be completed by Oct 1st 2016

    Over 300 school systems in the US have in place their 3 day kits for each school and 3 day kits for each student to take with them ....deliveries scheduled for month of Sept 2016

    All National Guard untits will complete riot control and disaster assistance training during their annual 2 week training. All training must be completed by Sept 30th 2016

    Daily testing of EBS from Sept 25th through Oct 2nd 2016

    Eastern based Coast Guard units to perform massive group training usually performed in the Gulf, in the VA and DE areas. It's a 10 day training mission beginning Sept 26th 2016 (EMERCOM)