We are seeing so many remarkable pre-announcement pieces showing up, this is a place to post and discuss them. This one for example, is making discoveries sound 'ho hum' which a few months/years ago were heralded as amazing breakthroughs. Today for example:
"Nearly Every Star Hosts at Least One Alien Planet"
When a month or so ago they were making a BIG deal about finding one planet in the sweet zone which could possibly support life, son they they say 25% of them could support life! Including mention of red dwarfs, etc. The Zeta predicted evidence continues to build up!
Here is another blog that relates, describing a wobble:
NASA Scientists "Discover" a Wobbly Planet!?
Former Obama aide Podesta regrets not disclosing UFO files
It looks like we won’t be seeing the real-life Mulder and Scully anytime soon, as least according to recently departed White House adviser John Podesta.
“Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files. #thetruthisstilloutthere,”he tweeted on Friday, his last day in the White House.
Podesta’s love of the “X-Files” TV show, along with his fascination with all things extraterrestrial, is well documented. Back in 2002 Podesta even discussed the importance of disclosing government UFO records at a conference organized by the Coalition for Freedom of Information. “I think it’s time to open the book on questions that have remained in the dark, on the question of government investigations of UFOs,” he said. “We ought to do it, really, because it’s right, we ought to do it because the American people, quite frankly, can handle the truth, and we ought to do it because it’s a law.”
More recently, Podesta wrote the foreword to Leslie Kean’s 2010 book “UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record.”
The public’s appetite for information on UFOs remains strong. Earlier this year, for example, a slew of UFO files hit the Web when UFO enthusiast John Greenewald posted declassified records from Project Blue Book -- the U.S. Air Force’s records on alleged UFO and extraterrestrial sightings -- on an online database. Greenwald had spent decades filing Freedom of Information Act requests on the topic.
However, scant reference is made to Roswell, New Mexico, in the database. The alleged 1947 Roswell incident continues to be a source of controversy, with conspiracy theorists claiming the U.S. military found and covered up evidence of an alien spaceship crash.
Feb 25, 2015
casey a
NASA posturing begins.
NASA Briefing to Discuss First Spacecraft Arrival at a Dwarf Planet. http://www.nasa.gov/press/2015/feb...
(Ceres is classified as a dwarf planet. It is situated between Mars & Jupiter, in the asteroid belt.)
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) will host a briefing at noon EST (9 a.m. PST) Monday, March 2, to discuss the March 6 arrival of the agency’s Dawn spacecraft at the dwarf planet Ceres... Dawn will not only be the first spacecraft to reach a dwarf planet, it will be the first spacecraft ever to orbit two different worlds in deep space.
Feb 25, 2015
casey a
More plans from NASA to posture itself when announcement happens...
NASA Spacecraft Prepares for March 12 Launch to Study Earth’s Dynamic Magnetic Space Environment.
Feb 26, 2015
Moderating Staff
the interesting this about this is that this weeks programme is about "Jupiter sized planets that are affecting the solar system" - as was repeated on flag ship channels over the weekend.
Mar 2, 2015
casey a
Notice the bright spot on Ceres. It remains bright with the same hue & no greying off, even when its turned to the dark side.
The bright spot only disappears, when its outside the camera's view behind the asteroid.
Mar 3, 2015
Sandor Daranyi
Hello everyone,
Last Sunday was an interesting episode on Top Gear U.K, but I think they show it in many countries.
A bit of surviver staff in the Rockies in Canada, of course 4x4 to rescue, and an interesting guest Gillian Anderson from
X Files. So it is might be just me who think is surviving, x files, and the Rockies what could be a safe place ,could be part of announcement for the car enthusiast.
Could be watch on the link.
Mar 4, 2015
Kris H
All major US banks pass economic "stress test." Hmm, I wonder could cause such a situation...
Mar 6, 2015
casey a
Elite who want to escape poleshift are running their "Mars" campaign. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WH8kHncLZwM
Nasa finds evidence of a vast ancient ocean on Mars LINK
(Doesn't everybody gain, if we get more from this campaign by the elite?)
Mar 6, 2015
casey a
1966: Michigan children discover landed UFO in local field
Mar 18, 2015
casey a
Planets in the habitable zone around most stars, calculate researchers
The calculations show that billions of the stars in the Milky Way will have one to three planets in the habitable zone, where there is the potential for liquid water and where life could exist
Mar 18, 2015
casey a
Obama jokes about "plausible deniability" re: Aliens with Jimmy Kimmel
Mar 20, 2015
Mysterious "white spots" on the dwarf planet Ceres extend over the crater wall.
As the team reported to Andreas Nathues from the Max Planck Institute Solar System Research to date on the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, the angle of reflection of this highly reflective structures changed with the rotation of the dwarf planet and the white spots remain visible, even If They already crater rim from shoulderstand be covered and the crater interior is already in the shade (s. fig.). This circumstance Suggesting did whatever the sunlight reflecting here, must rise Relatively high above the another of the surface of Ceres.
Mar 20, 2015
Are orphan planets more common than we thought? Drifting worlds may be common thanks to 'mother' clouds of dust and gas
Planets wandering through space, unattached to any star or solar system, may be much more common that previously thought, according to an expert.
The planets are hard to find because, without orbiting a star, they reflect very little light.
But 50 have now been found in the past 15 years, leading some to suggest they may be abundant in the universe.
Ashley Yeager for Science News has explained that solo planets (artist's impression shown) could be common. This is thanks to more regions of dust and gas than we thought. Planets become 'rogue' when they are ejected or form on their own and about 50 have been found in the last 15 years
Rogue planets, or interstellar planets, are planetary objects that were either formed by themselves or were ejected from a system.
A brown dwarf is commonly regarded as the ‘missing link’ between stars and planets.
They are too large to be classed as true planets, but too small to have ignited nuclear fusion at their cores and be classed as stars.
When a celestial body first forms, its size will determine what sort of object it becomes.
As a star forms from a cloud of gas, its core becomes so large that hydrogen fuses into helium. Conversely, a planet forms into a smaller sphere that is not large enough to have nuclear fusion at its core.
Brown dwarfs fall somewhere in between. They are the size between a gas giant like Jupiter and a small star.
Their mass, meanwhile, can be anything from 15 to 75 times the mass of Jupiter.
This is not enough to sustain fusion but, owing to their size, this has led astronomers to coin brown dwarfs ‘failed stars’.
As they don't emit much light it’s thought there may be many rogue brown dwarfs drifting through the galaxy waiting to be discovered.
How abundant they are in the universe, though, has been the cause of some debate.
But Ms Yeager explained so-called globulettes - regions of dust and gas that can form planets - could make them more common than thought.
The number of possible planets in one such region is not known, and this depends on what the boundary between cloud density and planet formation is.
‘Globulettes are very numerous,’ Dr Thomas Haworth from the University of Cambridge told Science News.
‘Even if only a small fraction can be made to collapse, they could make a significant contribution to the population of free-floating planets.’
Rogue planets are of particular interest to astronomers because they represent objects that have likely failed to form into a star.
Brown dwarfs, for example, are substellar objects that are not massive enough to sustain fusion, but are still more than 13 times the mass of Jupiter.
The exact boundary between a giant planet and a low-mass brown dwarf is still being debated, but finding more rogue planets could shed light on this mystery.
And this could indicate that there are more rogue planets than we know of in the cosmos.
Mar 24, 2015
casey a
Has the orientation of the Moon shifted in the past? According to the d
istribution of ice on the lunar poles, that seems to be the case.
When the team created the map [of trace amounts of ice on the moon], they found that the ice on both poles was lopsided....
If that’s the case, there would need to be some mechanism for the shift, which is too big to be due to some kind of impact event.
Mar 31, 2015
casey a
The moon's got two tails – and its friends might too http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn27275-the-moons-got-two-tails...
(The moon has always had a small tail blowing away from the sun. But now, it turns out the moon has 2 tails. Is this second tail there because of Planet X?)
Apr 1, 2015
Starr DiGiacomo
Top NASA Scientist: We'll Find Signs of Alien Life 'Within a Decade'
Humanity is on the verge of discovering alien life, high-ranking NASA scientists say.
"I think we're going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade, and I think we're going to have definitive evidence within 20 to 30 years," NASA chief scientist Ellen Stofan said Tuesday (April 7) during a panel discussion that focused on the space agency's efforts to search for habitable worlds and alien life.
"We know where to look. We know how to look," Stofan added during the event, which was webcast live. "In most cases we have the technology, and we're on a path to implementing it. And so I think we're definitely on the road." [5 Bold Claims of Alien Life]
Former astronaut John Grunsfeld, associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, shared Stofan's optimism, predicting that signs of life will be found relatively soon both in our own solar system and beyond.
"I think we're one generation away in our solar system, whether it's on an icy moon or on Mars, and one generation [away] on a planet around a nearby star," Grunsfeld said during Tuesday's event.
Recent discoveries suggest that the solar system and broader Milky Way galaxy teem with environments that could support life as we know it, Grunsfeld said.
For example, oceans of liquid water slosh beneath the icy shells of the Jupiter moons Europa and Ganymede, as well as that of the Saturn satellite Enceladus. Oceans covered much of Mars in the ancient past, and seasonal dark streaks observed on the Red Planet's surface today may be caused by salty flowing water.
Further, NASA's Curiosity rover has found carbon-containing organic molecules and "fixed" nitrogen, basic ingredients necessary for Earth-like life, on the Martian surface.
Farther afield, observations by NASA's Kepler space telescope suggest that nearly every star in the sky hosts planets — and many of these worlds may be habitable. Indeed, Kepler's work has shown that rocky worlds like Earth and Mars are probably more common throughout the galaxy than gas giants such as Saturn and Jupiter.
Apr 8, 2015
Can life exist on rogue planets with no sun? Cold worlds that wander the stars may still harbour alien beings, claims scientist
The warmth of a sun has long been thought to be a key ingredient to life.
But astronomers say 'rogue', sun-less planets that wander the stars could still harbour extra-terrestrials.
While it sounds like science fiction, these planets may offer scientists a new avenue in their search for alien life.
The warmth of a sun has long been thought to be a key ingredient to life. But astronomers say 'rogue', sun-less planets that wander the stars could still harbour extra-terrestrials
This is according to Sean Raymond, an astrophysicist with the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux in France, who has taken a look at how life can form on rogue planets.
Writing in Aeon, he says: 'To have any chance of life – at least life like our own – a free-floating Earth would need liquid water.'
Apr 10, 2015
casey a
Nasa's Curiosity rover finds water below surface of Mars
New measurements from the Gale crater contradict theories that the planet is too cold for liquid water to exist, but Mars still considered hostile to life
Apr 15, 2015
casey a
Kids from around the country who participate in Let's Move programs joined first lady Michelle Obama to help plant the White House Kitchen Garden on Wednesday
Apr 16, 2015
Starr DiGiacomo
Thousands could survive West Coast tsunami by walking to safety: study
SEATTLE (Reuters) - Thousands of people living along the U.S. Pacific coastline from Northern California to Washington state could survive a powerful tsunami, as long as they are prepared to walk briskly to higher ground, a researcher said on Tuesday.
About 95,000 people live on a 620-mile stretch of the Pacific Northwest coast which is considered vulnerable to a tsunami triggered by an earthquake offshore, scientists said.
A research team assessing the risk to that population found that in many areas, people can be ready to move out of danger in the minutes between the earthquake and the tsunami by simply walking, according to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
"We've identified several towns where moving faster can mean the difference between life and death," said the lead author of the study, Nathan Wood, a geographer with the U.S. Geological Survey.
The study said 49 cities, seven tribal reservations and 17 counties in Northern California, Oregon and Washington are "directly threatened by tsunami waves" associated with a quake in the Cascadia subduction zone, an offshore undersea fault.
The study said the regional impact could be on par with Japan's 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster that devastated a wide swath of Honshu's Pacific coastline and killed nearly 20,000 people.
Because a quake would make car travel mostly impossible, the study focuses on walking people to safety, or higher ground.
In the coastal Washington cities of Aberdeen and Hoquiam, about 90 percent of the 20,000 residents could have enough time to evacuate if they walked to safety at a minimum of 2.2 mph, Wood said. That percentage rises to 99 percent if they move faster, and know where to go, he said.
The study found the most people in coastal communities should have sufficient time to evacuate, and that high ground is reachable if people are aware of the threat and practice their routes.
A small percentage of people who live too far from high ground would need tall, specially constructed structures to withstand the quake and tsunami, it said.
Apr 17, 2015
Starr DiGiacomo
Will a volcanic eruption destroy humanity? Scientists warn that world must begin preparing for explosive global catastrophe
21:28 EST, 15 April 2015
The world is woefully unprepared for a massive volcanic eruption that could kill millions of people and destroy much of modern society, a leading group of scientists have warned.
In a new report on the risks posed by natural disasters, experts at the European Science Foundation concluded that large volcanic eruptions posed the greatest risk human survival.
They calculated that there is between a five to 10 per cent probability of an explosive eruption large enough to cause huge numbers of deaths, alter the climate and poison the atmosphere occurring by the end of the century.
The devastation wrought by Mount Vesuvius on Pompeii (above) could pale into insignificance, scientists warn
Such an eruption would be of a similar size to the explosion of Tambora on Sumbawa, Indonesia in 1815, which killed around 100,000 people at the time.
The ash cloud thrown out from this eruption reached more than 26 miles (43km) into the atmosphere and triggered temperature changes that led to widespread famine and epidemics.
A volcanic eruption of a similar size to Laki eruption that hit Iceland in 1783 could have global impacts according to the new report.
Although the volcano was only rated at VEI 5 on the Volcanic Explosivity Index, it had a profound reach.
The eruption itself caused 9,350 deaths in Iceland and only caused moderate damage.
However, during the eight months that it erupted, it emitted huge amounts of sulfuric aerosols, ash and other gases.
This caused 'one of the most important climatic and socially repercussive events of the last millennium', according to the scientists at the European Science Foundation.
In Iceland an estimated 20–25% of the population died in the famine and from fluorine poisoning after the fissure eruptions ceased.
Around 80% of sheep, 50% of cattle, and 50% of horses died because of dental and skeletal fluorosis from the 8 million tons of hydrogen fluoride that were released.
There is evidence that the Laki eruption also weakened African and Indian monsoon circulations, reducing precipitation over areas in Africa.
The resulting famine that afflicted Egypt in 1784 caused nearly one sixth of the country's population to die out.
In Britain the summer of 1783 was known as the 'sand summer' because of the ash fallout and an estimated 25,000 people died due to breathing problems.
Extreme weather hit much of Europe, North America and the Gulf of Mexico for several years in the aftermath of the eruption, says the report.
The summer following the Tambora eruption is known as 'the year without summer'.
The scientists warn, however, that rising population levels and increasing reliance on global travel could mean the impacts of a similar eruption could be far more severe.
Writing in their report Extreme Geohazards: Reducing the Disaster Risk and Increasing Resilience, the experts warn that there needs to be an international response to prepare for such a disaster and to monitor for similar events.
They estimate that it could cost between £340 million ($500 million) and £2.3 billion ($3.5 billion) a year to increase the level of monitoring for catastrophic volcanic eruptions, but the benefits that an early warning could give would ten to hundreds of times greater.
The report states: 'Although in the last few decades earthquakes have been the main cause of fatalities and damage, the main global risk is large volcanic eruptions that are less frequent but far more impactful than the largest earthquakes.
'Due to their far-reaching effects on climate, food security, transportation, and supply chains, these events have the potential to trigger global disaster and catastrophe.
'The cost of response and the ability to respond to these events is beyond the financial and political capabilities of any individual country.
'An international geopolitical response will be required, where science has a unique and key role in preparation, response and mitigation.'
The report, which was presented at the general assembly of the European Geosciences Union in Vienna on Tuesday, examines the main geohazards facing the world including earthquakes, drought, asteroid strikes, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, avalanches and wildfires.
It said that large to extreme earthquakes and tsunamis had been more common in the past 2000 years and this had focused the world's disaster response resources onto this threat.
But it concluded that the risk posed by volcanic eruptions is potentially far more serious.
Pointing to recent eruptions like the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull, which caused widespread disruption when it threw clouds of ash into the atmosphere.
The 1783 explosion of the Laki volcano (above) poisoned much of the surrounding land in Iceland but its impact stretched far further, creating ash that caused the death of 25,000 people in the UK and a famine in Egypt
The 1783 explosion of the Laki volcano (above) poisoned much of the surrounding land in Iceland but its impact stretched far further, creating ash that caused the death of 25,000 people in the UK and a famine in Egypt
It created the highest level of air travel disruption in Europe since the second world war and cost the European economy around $5 billion.
However, the researchers said that this eruption was relatively minor - rating between three and four on the Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI).
By comparison, the volcanic eruption in 79AD of Mount Vesuvius that destroyed Pompeii in Italy was around VEI5. Mount St Helen's explosion in 1980 was also VEI5.
The report states that there has been around 20 eruptions greater than VEI5 since 1500 with only the Tambora eruption reaching VEI7.
However around 75,000 years ago the explosion of a supervolcano at the site of Lake Toba on Sumatra in Indonesia was one of the world's largest known eruptions - rated VEI8.
It caused a global volcanic winter that lasted around 10 years and has been linked to 1,000 years of cooling.
The remains of the Tambora volcano in Sumbawa, Indonesia (above) triggered global changes in climate
The graphic above shows the magnitude of volcanic eruptions on the Volcanic Explosivity Index. On the left it shows the volume of tephra (volcanic material) thrown out while on the right it shows the size of the ash plume
There is also some evidence that suggests around this time human populations fell to some of their lowest levels ever, clinging on in just a few isolated groups.
The report says that eruptions on this scale occur between once every 45,000 years to once every 714,000 years, but such an eruption could kill up to a tenth of the world's population.
'Events on the scale of the Toba eruption 74,000 years ago could return humanity to a pre-civilisation state,' warned the scientists.
'Volcanic eruptions can have more severe impacts through atmospheric and climate effects and can lead to drastic problems in food and water security, as emphasised by the widespread famine and diseases that were rampant after the Laki 1783 and Tambora 1815 eruptions.
'Hence extreme volcanic eruptions pose a higher associated risk than all other natural hazards with similar recurrence periods, including asteroid impacts.'
The experts also warned that even smaller eruptions, similar to the Laki eruption in Iceland in 1783, could have global impacts.
While the eruption caused 9,350 deaths in Iceland, the eight month emission of sulfuric aerosols, ash and other gases caused 'one of the most important climatic and socially repercussive events of the last millennium'.
In Iceland an estimated 20–25% of the population died in the famine and from fluorine poisoning after the fissure eruptions ceased.
The resulting famine that afflicted Egypt in 1784 caused nearly one sixth of the country's population to die out.
In Britain the summer of 1783 was known as the 'sand summer' because of the ash fallout and an estimated 25,000 people died due to breathing problems.
The scientists wrote: 'Why are we not prepared for extreme events? Reasons for this include the low perceived likelihood of such an event, low political sensitivity, and a disconnect between scientific communities and decision-makers.
'Reasons for the lack of socially acceptable strategies include the cost of preparing
for an extreme hazard, and, in some cases, the belief that consequences are so extreme that preparedness is futile.'
They added that world leaders now need to spend up to £2 billion a year on a global network to monitor volcanic activity as even a few weeks of early warning could be crucial.
'Threats from low-frequency, high impact events are grossly underestimated in disaster risk reduction. This is particularly true for volcanic eruptions.
'During the Holocene, at least seven VEI 7 eruptions took place. All but one occurred at a time when the global population was far below 1 billion.
'With a population above 7 billion and heading for 12 billion, a recurrence of a VEI 7 eruption could have extreme consequences.'
Apr 17, 2015
Have we found alien life? Astronomers discover 50 galaxies that may be home to advanced civilisations
A team of scientists have detected around 50 galaxies emitting radiation that could indicate an advanced energy-wielding civilisation.
A team from Penn State University in the US searched 100,000 galaxies for signs of highly advanced extraterrestrial life using observations from NASA's WISE orbiting observatory.
"Whether an advanced space-faring civilisation uses the large amounts of energy from its galaxy's stars to power computers, space flight, communication, or something we can't yet imagine, fundamental thermodynamics tells us that this energy must be radiated away as heat in the mid-infrared wavelengths," said Jason T. Wright, assistant professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds at Penn State University.
Apr 17, 2015
casey a
Do pilots believe in UFOs? Many of them do and here is my close encounter story - Obama's campaign pilot
Apr 17, 2015
Starr DiGiacomo
Aliens Created Our Species, Scientist Says
A group of researchers worked for 13 years at the Human Genome Project (Project completed in 2003) indicate that they made an astonishing scientific discovery:
They believe so-called 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.
Non-coding sequences, originally known as "junk DNA", were discovered years ago, and their function remained a mystery. The overwhelming majority of Human DNA is "Off-world" in origin.
After comprehensive analysis with the assistance of other scientists, computer programmers, mathematicians, and other learned scholars, Professor Chang had wondered if the apparently "junk Human DNA" was created by some kind of "extraterrestrial programmer".
Human Genome Project Discovery Implications associated with "Human-looking Extraterrestrials"
The implications of these scientific finds would reinforce claims by other scientists and observers of having contact with 'off-world' human looking extraterrestrials.
The 'off-world' human looking extraterrestrial have been claimed to have provided some of the genetic material for human evolution, and that many of these extraterrestrials have allowed some of their personnel to incarnate as 'star seeds' on Earth in human families. These "star seeds", "star children" or "star people"
Human DNA encoded with extraterrestrial signals
Now in 2013, scientists from Kazakhstan believe that human DNA was encoded with an extraterrestrial signal by an ancient alien civilisation.
They call it "biological SETI" and the researchers claim that the mathematical code in human DNA cannot be explained by evolution.
In a nutshell, we're living, breathing vessels for some kind of alien message which is more easily used to detect extra terrestrial life than via radio transmission.
The scientists also claim that human DNA is ordered so precisely that it reveals an "ensemble of arithmetical and ideographical patterns of symbolic language".
Their research has led the scientists to conclude that we were invented "outside the solar system, already several billion years ago".
One mystery remains: If we were the creation of aliens, who created them?
Apr 22, 2015
Governments are HIDING aliens, claims former defence minister: Paul Hellyer urges world leaders to reveal 'secret files'
Paul Hellyer, who was a Canadian minister from 1963 to 1967, is now urging world powers to release what he believes to be hidden data on UFOs.
'Much of the media won't touch [the documents]', he said during a keynote speech at the Disclosure Canada Tour at the University of Calgary.
'You just have to keep working away and hope that someday you get a critical mass,' he said, according to a report by CTV.
'[The public] will say, in one way or another, "Mr President or Mr Prime Minister we want the truth and we want it now because it affects our lives."'
Hellyer, 91, first went public with his belief in aliens on Earth in 2005, becoming the first high ranking politician to do so.
Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3051151/Governments-...
Apr 23, 2015
Shaun Kazuck
Seems the Air Force is sending up its classified Planet X viewing craft for its fourth mission in late May.
Apr 25, 2015
Starr DiGiacomo
Is California next? US Geological Survey warns risk of magnitude 8 or larger 'Big One' earthquake has increased dramatically
PUBLISHED: 13:09 EST, 27 April 2015 | UPDATED: 14:20 EST, 27 April 2015
A new report from the U.S. Geological Survey has warned the risk of 'the big one' hitting California has increased dramatically.
Researchers analysed the latest data from the state's complex system of active geological faults, as well as new methods for translating these data into earthquake likelihoods.
The estimate for the likelihood that California will experience a magnitude 8 or larger earthquake in the next 30 years has increased from about 4.7% to about 7.0%, they say.
Scroll down for video
In the new study, the estimate for the likelihood that California will experience a magnitude 8 or larger earthquake in the next 30 years has increased from about 4.7% for UCERF2 to about 7.0% for UCERF3.
The San Andreas system in Northern California consists of five major branches with an overall length of about 1,25O miles.
Experts say there is a 99 percent chance of a magnitude-6.7 earthquake or larger in the next 30 years in California because of the number of fault lines in the region.
The San Andreas Fault that forms the tectonic boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate is the biggest.
'We are fortunate that seismic activity in California has been relatively low over the past century,' said Tom Jordan, Director of the Southern California Earthquake Center and a co-author of the study.
'But we know that tectonic forces are continually tightening the springs of the San Andreas fault system, making big quakes inevitable.
'The UCERF3 model provides our leaders and the public with improved information about what to expect, so that we can better prepare.'
The Third Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, or UCERF3, improves upon previous models by incorporating the latest data on the state's complex system of active geological faults, as well as new methods for translating these data into earthquake likelihoods.
The study confirms many previous findings, sheds new light on how the future earthquakes will likely be distributed across the state and estimates how big those earthquakes might be.
Compared to the previous assessment issued in 2008, UCERF2, the estimated rate of earthquakes around magnitude 6.7, the size of the destructive 1994 Northridge earthquake, has gone down by about 30 percent.
Apr 28, 2015
Derrick Johnson
Researchers discover mysterious new planet hundreds of light years away
A huge “puffed up” planet “too big for its star” some 500 light years from Earth has been discovered by Australian researchers — with the help of a backyard astronomer.
The planet’s size in relation to the star it orbits challenges theories about how planets are formed, researchers from the Australian National University said.
“We have found a small star with a giant planet the size of Jupiter orbiting very closely,” said George Zhou from the Research School of Astrophysics and Astronomy.
“It must have formed further out and migrated in, but our theories can’t explain how this happened.”
Astronomers believe that planets are created from a “disc” of dust and gas around stars, Zhou said.
“We think that planets are the leftovers of star formations,” he said.
But he said the star — HATS-6 — was almost too small for it to have any leftovers and the discovery of a planet — named HATS-6b — raised questions about how large a disk could form around a star relative to its size.
“HATS-6 is one of the lowest mass stars known to host a close-in gas giant planet,” the team of researchers said in a study published in “The Astronomical Journal.”
HATS-6b orbits its star every 3.3 days, researchers said.
Astronomers first got an indication of the planet’s existence when they noticed that light from HATS-6 dimmed, — suggesting that a planet was passing between the star and Earth.
To confirm the transit signal, they went to of the world’s biggest telescopes — Chile’s Magellan Telescope — and a backyard astronomer in the northern city of Perth, T.G Tan.
Zhou said that the amateur astronomer had been really helpful. “He was able to catch the transit of the planet from Perth, after it had set over our horizon,” Zhou said.
He said the university — part of the HATSouth Exoplanet Survey — used telescopes to monitor hundreds of thousands of stars. With about a thousand planetary candidates they needed to enlist amateurs to monitor their transits.
“Amateurs have been getting ever more sophisticated,” Zhou said, with Tan a “near professional.”
‘He was able to help us actually confirm that this transit signal was not a blip. That was a massive contribution from him.”
Continuous observation
The HatSouth project is an international collaboration between the Australian National University, Princeton University, the Max Planck Institut fur Astronomie and the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile.
“We have a series of small telescopes spread around the world — in Namibia, New South Wales and Chile — we’re able to gather continuous observations of objects in the night sky. That’s how we’re discovering these planets.”
Zhou said the planet’s atmosphere would make an interesting study.
“The planet has a similar mass to Saturn, but its radius is similar to Jupiter, so it’s quite a puffed up planet. Because its host star is so cool it’s not heating the planet up so much, it’s very different from the planets we have observed so far,” he said.
“By having an atmosphere that’s puffed up it actually allows us to look through the atmosphere,” Zhou told CNN.
When starlight passed through the top atmosphere, astronomers would be able to look for absorption signals that revealed details of its composition, he said.
“Every element has its barcode — or spectrum. We want to break the light of HATS-6b into its rainbow of color, within that, there’s a barcode for absorption.”
Source: http://myfox8.com/2015/05/08/researchers-discover-new-planet/
May 9, 2015
Starr DiGiacomo
video in link
New York City is one of the world's 10 cities most vulnerable to climate change. As sea levels rise, many things that make New York a great place to live will start to disappear. In this video, Nexus Media explores five iconic New York sights and activities that we'll lose as climate change continues to affect the environment.
May 10, 2015
Newly Discovered Roswell Alien Photos Unveiled (May 5)
The alleged photo evidence was unveiled by Adam Dew. The Kodachrome slides were supposedly found by his friend's sister roughly 17 years ago when she was cleaning out a property for real estate somewhere in Sedona, Arizona.
The box contained wo images of the Roswell “alien” along with photos of Bing Crosby, Clark Gable, and Dwight Eisenhower from before his term as president. The fact that the images were lying with other undeniably authentic photos suggests they are authentic.
Dew, who has a background in video production and journalism, investigated and worked on the slides as they were not in focus when he received them. He then dated the slides back to the late 1940s.
When Dew showed the images to Neil deGrasse Tyson, the astrophysicist did not say the images were fake, just suggested the evidence is inconclusive (per the above Kodachrome Trailer video). Dew defended his findings by saying that the first popular images of aliens did not become widespread until the 1960s, but he dated the image back to the 1940s.
Dew also came in contact with a man who claims that he had personally seen the alleged alien bodies when the Roswell incident happened. The man wished to remain anonymous. When shown the Kodachrome slides, he said that the alleged alien body is very similar to what he saw years ago.
Jaime Maussan, a prominent Mexican UFO researcher, notes that the images are of something “undeniably” non-human.
Maussan points out that the photos, which show a typical extraterrestrial body-type by today’s standards, were taken before an archetype of an alien existed. Maussan notes that the image was taken prior to any sketches of the Roswell aliens being released.
On May 5, the images were unveiled at an event in Mexico where around 10,000 people attended. What is intriguing is that the people who wanted to see the alleged alien photos paid $350. Dew's slides did manage to impress people even Edgar Mitchell, who was an American astronaut that landed on the moon. Mitchell said that the images felt very authentic.
The researchers say they spent five years studying the images to determine their authenticity before deciding to release them.
However, not everyone is in agreement. Many feel the photos are “authentic,” just not authentically extraterrestrial. It was pointed out that the images strongly resemble those of child mummies.
May 10, 2015
J Ph
St. Augustine's centuries-old Spanish fortress and other national landmarks sit feet from the encroaching Atlantic, whose waters already flood the city's narrow, brick-paved streets about 10 times a year — a problem worsening as sea levels rise. The city has long relied on tourism, but visitors to the fortress and Ponce de Leon's mythical Fountain of Youth might someday have to wear waders at high tide.
May 11, 2015
Ryan X
Rare direct image of a super-Jupiter exoplanet A giant planet 11 times the mass of Jupiter has been directly photographed, the closest such planet to Earth we've seen with our own eyes.
The big, wide universe has a lot of stars. The exact figure is unknown, although estimates put the number somewhere in the region of 70 sextillion. Some of those stars, just like our own sun, have their own planetary satellites. Yet, according to the NASA Exoplanet Archive, astronomers have only confirmed the existence of 1,832 planets outside of the solar system.
And most of these confirmed planets we haven't even seen. They are too far away, and don't emit any light of their own, making them very difficult to spot. Their existence is proven by the behaviour of the star's light. A disappearing, reappearing star might mean, for instance, that a planet is passing between it and our telescopes, eclipsing it briefly.
So a directly imaged planet is a rare and wonderful thing.
Say hello, then, to VHS 1256b, a giant planet just 40 light-years from Earth, the closest for which a direct image and spectrum have been obtained to date. A team of researchers from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, the Polytechnic University of Cartagena and the Centre for Astrobiology collaborated on the project.
May 12, 2015
Starr DiGiacomo
@Ryan. I've deleted it as I found a utube video of Charles Bolden which merely suggests that people have a family preparedness plan which NASA refers to as Eagle Horizon which also happens to include some facts about WH Continuation of Government.. Here is that video
May 22, 2015
casey a
hey ryan & starr.
There were similar antics around the Oct. 20 date. It might be part of the coverup crowd's dirty tricks
May 22, 2015
Starr DiGiacomo
The big omission is "when" Miami will be thrust under the waves.
THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2015
A few months after Hurricane Sandy bared down on New York, killing over 150 people and wreaking $65 billion in damage, federal leaders cried for help to make the Northeast more flood-proof. Dutch expert Henk Ovink answered. Ovink had helped make his homeland, where 55 percent of the country is extremely flood-prone, a world pioneer in preparing for sea level rise. With Ovink at the helm, the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force put together a groundbreaking plan to make the region more sea-level rise resistant and started a contest to sponsor innovative design plans.
Which is all to say that there aren't many people alive who know more about helping threatened cities cope with sea level rise.
So there's good cause to be worried when the Dutch expert says there’s no place in worse shape today than Miami. He’s begun calling the city “the new Atlantis,” after the legendary and beautiful island subcontinent that was submerged by the sea in one night.
“If we look around the world and take into account sea level rise and the increase of water related disasters, among the places in the world that have the most assets and investments at risk, Miami is leading that list,” Ovink tellsNew Times. “Miami will no longer be a land city, but a city in the sea.”
In recent years, scientists have repeatedly warned that South Florida’s coastal communities and barrier islands could be completely underwater in 100 years. Earlier this year, National Geographic published research on the projected cost of an extreme weather event in 2050. With so many buildings, roads and other infrastructure so close to sea level, Miami was number one on the list, with a projected loss of $278 billion dollars, followed by Guangzhou, China ($268 billion), and New York-Newark ($209 billion).
A first step is for leaders to recognize and talk about climate change.
“It’s scary that the state of Florida briefed staff not to talk about climate change,” Ovink says. “When you think about future risks and how to deal with them, that is not right approach. You have to address those issues and come up with a strategy. It's an opportunity.”
The problem, Ovink says, is that dozens of individual cities, like Miami Beach, are pursuing their own balkanized strategies rather than making a unified effort to find creative solutions.
Government, businesses, NGOs and residents should plan together, Ovink says, and do more than just stop-gap efforts. In the very short term, ideas might include raising buildings, preventing ocean water from flooding freshwater aquifers, and installing pumps to stop city flooding. But long term efforts need to be more comprehensive.
Last year, a New York Times Magazine article about Ovink and Dutch water management efforts showed just how behind the U.S. is in its thinking around water. Beyond just keeping water out, Rotterdam, in Southern Netherlands, is “building floating houses and office buildings and digging craters in downtown plazas that will be basketball courts most of the year but will fill up with runoff during high-water periods, taking the strain off the surrounding streets.”
In another region, a “wide trench” is being cut through the city where the river bottlenecks and an island is being built. Higher areas of the island may contain housing, but low-lying sections will be developed into parks and beaches. During flood periods, the lower sections of the island will simply be engulfed by water.
“In the Netherlands, we’re in a great place,” Ovink says, because “we have institutional, programmatic funding until 2050 and a collaborative, innovative approach.”
Ovink says Scott should propose a process now to deal with uncertainties and safeguard the state. The strategy should involve policy reform, investment and innovative projects that actually change the risk Florida is now facing. Inaction only means our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are going to suffer more, he says.
“And perhaps [the governor] could announce it himself,” he says, “to make sure he’s taking it seriously.”
May 23, 2015
casey a
San Andreas trailer
May 24, 2015
K Tonkin
Nasa asks for the public's help to identify mysterious bright spots on Ceres
If you vote, notice that 38% of those polled selected "Other" as the source of light on Ceres!!!
Cast your vote for lights on Ceres
Nasa scientists have asked the public what the bright spots on the surface of dwarf planet Ceres could be, being no closer to the answer despite the Dawn probe taking the most clear and detailed pictures of the planet ever.
The Dawn space probe, which was launched in September 2007, took the pictures of Ceres that show the bright spot from almost 29,000 miles away. The probe is getting closer to being pulled into orbit around the dwarf planet.
The pictures show two clear bright spots on the surface of the planet, which is around 590 miles in diameter and made up of rock and ice.
Bright spots had been seen on the surface of the planet earlier, but only after the Dawn probe took detailed images, could Nasa scientists see that there were many bright spots close to each other.
May 25, 2015
Starr DiGiacomo
Army Corps of Engineers seeking ‘civilian workers’ ahead of ‘impending national disaster’?
KENNEWICK, Wash. (INTELLIHUB) — A tip was sent to me by a reader via email Saturday documenting how the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is now soliciting civilian workers for “maintenance” positions ahead of what appears to be an upcoming and potentially ‘imminent event’ of some type.
Shockingly as listed in the solicitation numbered “NCFL156545791382984S” which is posted at USAJobs.gov the Army Corps of Engineers is literally calling upon skilled individuals amongst the civilian population in search of potential prospects rather than using already active Army personnel.
The “job summary” section of the solicitation strokes the prospect’s ego, reading:
“Civilian employees serve a vital role in supporting the Army’s mission. They provide the skills that are not readily available in the military, but crucial to support military operations. The Army integrates the talents and skills of its military and civilian members to form a Total Army.”
It’s also important to note that the position may extend up to “four years” and that “employees” will be required to respond to “disaster stricken areas of the US”.
Did I miss something?
Disaster stricken areas of the U.S., WTF does that mean?
Does the U.S. Government know something that they have not yet told the general public?
Is there an impending disaster looming such as the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano or possibly a predestined asteroid impact which rumor has may be coming in September? After reading a potion of the solicitation’s “about” section you may be asking these very questions too. It reads:
“Employees occupying these positions will provide emergency support to disaster stricken areas throughout the US. Employees must pass a stringent medical screening and be prepared to live and work in extremely austere conditions. Work schedule will initially be arduous, with much overtime. Sleeping arrangements may be limited to using a sleeping bag or in the vehicle used to move from location to location. The duty station for pay purposes for these positions is Kennewick, WA with possible 75% or Greater Business Travel in various locations throughout the US.”
Additionally it’s important to point out that “Kenniwick, WA” is only the “duty station for pay purposes”, signifying that employees who have accepted the position can end up anywhere throughout the U.S. as “75%” of the job is listed as “travel”.
Interestingly duties of the job include:
“[…] computing and making flood releases, inspecting, repairing and maintaining the appurtenant structures and systems of the dam (skills include, but are not limited to, electrical and mechanical work); and participating in the dam inspections. Maintains and repairs facilities such as public restrooms, camp sites, picnic areas, park roads, etc. Repair equipment such as, hydraulic gates, hoists, hangers, cranes, elevators, sump pumps, water systems pumps, chlorinators and stand-by generators. Dam Operation; Collects humidity, temperature and wind velocity readings from weather instruments, makes gage readings pertaining to water storage and performs related calculations. Reports weather information and operating data in accordance with establishedschedules. Makes gate settings to regulate outflow of water in accordance with regulatory requirements. Inspects dam and appurtenant structures and equipment using standard inspection checklists. Performs a variety of miscellaneous duties such as, maintaining roads and clearing debris. Operates a variety of vehicles and vessels, such as, sedans, light duty pickup trucks and 5-ton trucks, tractors, fork lifts, motor boats, work barges, etc.”
The job pays $21.93-$25.57 per hour.
Jun 9, 2015
Starr DiGiacomo
Will YOUR child witness the end of humanity? Mankind will be extinct in 100 years because of climate change, warns expert
07:02 EST, 19 June 2015
Humans will be extinct in 100 years due to overcrowding, declining resources and climate change, according to a prominent scientist.
The comments were first made by Australian microbiologist Dr Frank Fenner in 2010, but engineer and science writer David Auerbach has reiterated the doom-laden warning in his latest article.
He criticises the recent G7 summit for failing to deal with the problems facing the survival of humanity, such as global warming and exhausting Earth's resources.
Mr Auerbach goes on to say that experts have predicted that 21st century civilisation faces a similar fate to the inhabitants of Easter Island, who went extinct when they overexploited their natural habitat.
‘Homo sapiens will become extinct, perhaps within 100 years,’ Dr Fenner told The Australian in 2010. He later passed away in November 2010 at the age of 95.
‘A lot of other animals will, too. It's an irreversible situation.
'I think it's too late. I try not to express that because people are trying to do something, but they keep putting it off.’
At the G7 talks in Bonn in Germany earlier this month, governments failed to come up with a clear plan to cut emissions in the coming years.
It emerged that countries' current pledges for greenhouse gas cuts will fail to achieve a peak in energy-related emissions by 2030.
This will likely result in a temperature rise of 2.6°C by the end of the century, the International Energy Agency said.
‘When the G7 called on Monday for all countries to reduce carbon emissions to zero in the next 85 years, the scientific reaction was unanimous: That’s far too late,’ Mr Auerbach wrote.
‘At this point, lowering emissions is just half the story - the easy half. The harder half will be an aggressive effort to find the technologies needed to reverse the climate apocalypse that has already begun.’
He noted that ‘dangerous’ climate change was already here, but the question now was whether ‘catastrophic’ climate change could be avoided.
Earlier this week, Nasa released new data that showed how temperature and rainfall patterns will change around the world by 2100. This map, produced using the data, shows the maximum daily temperatures in July under scenarios that predict carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere will reach 935 parts per million
The widely agreed goal is that global temperatures must be kept below a rice of 2°C by the end of the century.
A 5°C increase, as predicted to occur by 2100 at the moment, would cause widespread flooding, famine, drought and mass extinction.
‘Even the 2°C figure predicts more than a metre’s rise in sea levels by 2100, enough to displace millions,’ Mr Auerbach noted in his Reuters article.
But he said that current targets are simply not enough to keep under this 2°C target.
The US has suggested cutting emissions by up to 28 per cent by 2025 from 2005 levels, the EU 40 per cent from 1990 to 2030, and China an unspecified amount.
‘Ultimately, we need a Cold War-level of investment in research into new technologies to mitigate the coming effects of global warming,’ he concluded.
‘Without it, the UN’s work is a nice gesture, but hardly a meaningful one.’
Jun 20, 2015
Queen 'could move out of Buckingham Palace'
The Queen may have to move out of Buckingham Palace to allow maintenance work costing £150m to be carried out.
It is one option being considered by the royal household, which says the palace needs new plumbing and wiring, with some rooms last decorated in 1952.
Jun 25, 2015
Military and police in biggest ever London training exercise to prepare for terror attack
Emergency services, the military and Government were being tested on their ability to handle a devastating terror assault on a number of key sites.
The exercise was planned several months before last Friday’s beach attack on holidaymakers in Tunisia and the beheading in France but officials say they hope to learn vital lessons to improve their response to what is now their most-feared type of assault.
The Met’s deputy assistant commissioner Maxine de Brunner said the two-day “live play” exercise, codenamed Strong Towers, was “focused on the extreme end of what may happen”.
It is likely to draw upon tactics seen in the terror attack on Mumbai in 2008, the stabbing of two police officers in Australia last year and the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris in January.
Ms de Brunner said: “When the very worst happens, we are prepared to be the very best. [It’s based on] what we think a terrorist could throw at us.”
Speaking in advance, she insisted the mock attack bore no relation to any current threat. The threat to the UK from international terrorism remains unchanged at “severe”.
Ms de Brunner said: “It’s not being created out of response to any specific intelligence. We have been planning this since January. It’s completely unconnected with anything that might be going on at the moment.
“It will be hugely challenging for officers and partners. They won’t have seen anything like this.”
One of the first incidents involved officers, including armed response units and others trained to carry firearms, being called to the disused Aldwych Tube station.
Full details of the exercise, which will last until tomorrow afternoon, have been kept under wraps to make it as realistic as possible for officers on the ground.
The public was advised that any gun-shots and explosions they heard around Aldwych were not real. Surrey Street, alongside King’s College London, was cordoned off.
It is the first such event since 2012, when the capital’s ability to respond to a chemical attack was tested. The Government requires the Met to test its capability on a regular basis to respond to the “changing nature of terrorism”.
The Home Office-funded “major live play” is part of its national counter-terrorism programme and also involved London Ambulance, London Fire Brigade and Ministry of Defence staff, British Transport Police, City of London police, City Hall and Transport for London.
Jun 30, 2015
Search for deadly asteroids must be accelerated to protect Earth, say experts
Campaigners including Brian May and Lord Rees are marking Asteroid Day by raising awareness of the the threat posed to the planet by speeding space rocks
from Today's Guardian
Jun 30, 2015
Starr DiGiacomo
Asteroid tsunami could kill thousands in Britain, warn scientists
Although the UK is not directly in an asteroid path, it is at risk from impact 'corridors' of known asteroids in the Atlantic Ocean and North Sea which could trigger devastating tsunamis
Britain is at risk from an asteroid tsunami which could kill hundreds of thousands of people living in coastal regions, scientists have warned.
Experts at the University of Southampton have developed software which predicts the impact ‘corridors’ of known asteroids and calculates the risk to communities if they struck.
Although the UK is not directly under an asteroid path, it is at risk from impacts in the Atlantic Ocean and North Sea which could trigger devastating tsunamis. For example there is a one in 10,000 chance that a space rock could hit just off the coast of Norfolk within the next 85 years.
PhD student Clemens Rumpf who developed the software – called Armor - is hoping it will help organisations like the United Nations decide whether to evacuate communities or send spacecraft to intercept deadly objects.
Red lines showing impact 'coridors' where asteroids are likely to hit
“We have discovered around 13,000 asteroids and around 500 of them have a chance of hitting Earth,” he said.
“We can now calculate where they could impact and the damage that would be caused so that we could get evacuation plans in order.”
“When an asteroid strikes one of the biggest problems is a tsunami. Britain is an island with lots of coastline, and lots of people living there so it is a risk.”
The new maps show a wide asteroid risk zone running through Europe, passing directly over Scandanavia, Germany, France and Spain.
The US is largely unaffected, although Florida and Louisiana could be hit. South Australia is particularly at risk with several asteroid paths crossing the Lake Gairdner National Park and heading up towards Queensland.
The asteroid impact probability distribution was also combined with the Earth population map to produce the global asteroid impact risk distribution which shows that south east Britain is one of the most at risk areas of the world.
Dr Hugh Lewis, Senior Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering, at the University of Southampton, added: “It’s very easy to be flippant because of the Hollywood effect but it is a real risk.
“When you look at global vulnerability Britain is at very high risk. You might think that is odd because we are a very small country but we have a high population density on the coastline so that means we are vulnerable to an impact in the Atlantic Ocean.
"Small asteroids are hitting the Earth all the time, and even if we don’t anything large, we are still likely to have tens of thousands of people dying in the next 85 years. It has a similar death toll to other natural disasters.
“This new software not only allows us to see where an impact is likely to happen but we also simulate what might happen if we tried to deflect it, such as by using a spacecraft to give it a slow push in space.
The last large asteroid to hit Earth was the Tunguska impact of 1908 which felled 80 million trees over an area of 830 square miles, with the energy of 1,000 atom bombs. Had that fallen in central London it is likely to have killed everyone within the M25.
The Chelyabinsk meteor which hit Russia in 2013 injured nearly 1,500 people.
The research was released to coincide with World Asteroid Day, which was co-founded by Queen guitarist and astrophysicist Dr Brian May to raise awareness of the importance of monitoring space rocks. It is backed by more than 100 scientists and astronauts including Astronomer Royal Martin Rees and Richard Dawkins.
Jun 30, 2015
Could German UFO files finally reveal whether aliens have visited Earth? Court forces government to release top secret documents
Germany's parliament has been ordered to release confidential documents about UFOs after a lengthy legal battle.
The existence of the files was disputed as recently as 2008, but a UFO enthusiast discovered evidence to the contrary and pushed for their release.
News of the impending publication has been welcomed by UFO researchers, but some fear they may not be as exciting as hoped.
The German Supreme Administrative Court in Leipzig ordered the Bundestag to make the UFO files available.
In 2008, Dr Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany's Minister of the Interior denied that the German government had ever investigated UFOs, but in 2009, a UFO enthusiast named Robert Fleischer discovered a parliamentary department had been investigating extraterrestrial objects.
A German blogger named Frank Reitemeyer took the Bundestag to court over the secret reports and the dispute has only just been resolved,The Express reported.
No date for the release of information has yet been confirmed.
Jul 10, 2015
casey a
Researchers confirm: The Largest Pyramid in Mexico has been found
Another features which makes this “unique” pre-hispanic structure stand out are the seven platforms which integrate it and were specific spaces intended to serve as palaces, temples, housing and administrative units. It is a unique structure for various specific functions within the social, political, economic and religious structure, which is not repeated in any other archaeological site of the Mayan world stated researchers.
(A complete complex where the "inhabitants" ran everything from...)
Jul 11, 2015
More post announcement planning than pre announcement, but more signs from the UK government that they intend to suppress after the announcement:
WhatsApp, Snapchat and iMessage could be banned under new laws
You should make full use of WhatsApp, Snapchat and iMessage because you may not have them for much longer.
The popular apps could be banned under new laws as they use encrypted messages.
The government sees this as a potential security concern and home secretary Theresa May hopes to ban the types of messages with the controversial ‘snooper’s charter’, aka the Draft Communications Data Bill.
British Military Should Focus on Drones, Spy Tech, Says Prime Minister David Cameron
Britain's defense forces should spend more of their budget on spy planes, drones and covert forces to fight extremist militants, Prime Minister David Cameron said today.
The government last week announced it would meet the minimum defense spending target set by NATO of two per cent of gross domestic product for the full five years of Cameron's Conservative administration, elected in May.
"I have tasked the defense and security chiefs to look specifically at how we do more to counter the threat posed by ISIL and Islamist extremism," Cameron said in a statement, referring to Islamic State (IS) militants, who have carved out large regions of control in Syria and Iraq.
Jul 13, 2015
Geographers offer advice on how to survive the earthquake predicted to obliterate the Pacific Northwest
Scientists have outlined their tips on how to survive the earthquake that will hit the Pacific Northwest.
The killer quake along Cascadia, a fault line which runs from Cape Mendocino, California, to Vancouver Island, Canada, is 72 years overdue, according to peer-reviewed studies.
The 'Big One' will hit when Juan de Fuca, a 700-mile chunk of the Pacific Ocean, slides under Canada and America, causing the entire coastal region to sink at least six feet.
When - not if - it arrives, it is unlikely the people of coastal Oregon, Washington and California will be able to escape.
But if they want to try, there are a few tips they should keep in mind.
Run, don't drive, to higher ground, says Kevin Cupples, the city planner for the town of Seaside, Oregon, in an interview with the New Yorker.
The force of the quake will cause liquefaction, when solid ground acts like liquid, across vast swathes of the porous region.
In the areas that aren't 'liquefied', the highways will likely be crumpled by landslides, with 30,000 avalanches set to hit Seattle alone.
Citizens will have a 20-minute interval to climb to the highest altitude possible before the full force of the tsunami hits, scientists predict.
Their alert will be when dogs start barking.
The first sign the quake is coming will be a set of compressional waves, only audible by dogs. Then there will be the quake, then 20 minutes later, the tsunami.
Geographers estimate that many could survive just by walking - however, they need to be going at least 3.5mph.
If everyone ups their average speed from 2.5mph to 3.5mph, the death toll drops to 15,970. About 70 per cent of them would be in Washington, nearly 30 per cent in Oregon and only 4 per cent in California.
Jul 15, 2015
Nancy Lieder
This could not be more pointed!
Jul 16, 2015
NASA’s ‘Planet X’ Files Leaked: NASA Knows Nibiru Is Coming (Jul 17)
Jul 19, 2015
Moderating Staff
Is this another big NASA "no big deal" announcement? NASA tends to hype things that turn out to be much less than extraordinary when the information is released, but I guess we will find out tomorrow what NASA is so excited about... ...again.
Jul 23, 2015