Pre-Announcement Media Coverage

We are seeing so many remarkable pre-announcement pieces showing up, this is a place to post and discuss them. This one for example, is making discoveries sound 'ho hum' which a few months/years ago were heralded as amazing breakthroughs. Today for example: 

"Nearly Every Star Hosts at Least One Alien Planet"

When a month or so ago they were making a BIG deal about finding one planet in the sweet zone which could possibly support life, son they they say 25% of them could support life! Including mention of red dwarfs, etc. The Zeta predicted evidence continues to build up!

Here is another blog that relates, describing a wobble:

NASA Scientists "Discover" a Wobbly Planet!?

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  • casey a

    Some interesting things from Evelyn's link:

    They say that the big bodies from "outerspace" that are orbiting the Sun, get the closest to the Sun when they pierce the ecliptic. Doesn't Planet X reach its closest point to the sun when it pierces the ecliptic, as well? (Please correct me if im wrong here).

    Also there is a link, EARTH 2.0: The search for new worlds is gathering pace .

    Both the article & the link above are hosted(?) by Murdoch's NewsCorp.  What is also interesting is the info graph depicting how many planets were discovered each year. Look at the jump in discoveries in 2014.

  • casey a

    NASA Thinks Life May Lurk Beneath Europa's (Jupiter's moon) Surface

    Do aliens look like SHRIMP? Nasa researchers say tiny 'extreme shrimp' on sea bed could help hunt for extraterrestrial life

    Its remarkable to see NASA open up to the possibility that extraterrestrial life may live in conditions "alien" to us. However, all of this could be a PR campaign in an attempt to gain funding. Or perhaps, given the interesting times ahead of us they still hope to look relevant?

  • Ryan X

    Precursor explanation (cover up excuse) for satellite/power troubles ahead? Hard to say but interesting media release today:

    1. Star Trek-like invisible shield protects Earth from 'killer electrons'
    2. Earth is being protected by a 'Star Trek-style invisible shield': S...
    • These 'killer electrons' whip around the planet at near-light speed
    • If they hit Earth, they could knock out power grids and change its climate
    • Shield was found 7,200 miles (11,600 km) above Earth in Van Allen belts
    • Scientists are baffled as to how the shield formed, and how it works
    • 'It's almost like these electrons are running into a glass wall,' said Professor Daniel Baker from the University of Colorado Boulder

  • casey a

    Space agency attempted to steal evidence of extraterrestrial life, claims Sri Lankan politician (Oct. 29)

    [Image: Anuradhapura meteorite samples showing complex biological structures. (Credit: Journal of Cosmology)]

    (The politician could have been politically motivated in his claims (who knows). But the report published by the Journal of Cosmology is whats interesting. It's not recent. It was published on February, 2013)

    From wiki, "[the] team discovered fossilized diatoms (microscopic plankton) inside the meteorite as well as cells similar to those found in the Red rain in Kerala that fell in 2001" (Here is zetatalk on life found in the red rain.)


    The Journal of Cosmology had previously also published a paper by Richard Hoover (a retired NASA scientist) Re: proof of life found in meteors. Nasa, however formally distanced themselves from him & his paper (Huffpo Link & archive)

    Here is a quote from the criticisms against Hoover

    "Anyone can call himself (referring to Hoover) an astrobiologist. That doesn't make it so," said Pilcher, the Astrobiology institute director.

    However, here is the kicker. NASA's own website details Hoover's extensive accomplishments in astrobiology. (NASA Link & archive).

    The NASA news release was published in 2009, only 2 years before NASA decides to distance themselves from Hoover's allegations that life has been found on meteorites. How does NASA's Astrobiology Institue director not know of a well-accomplished fellow scientist's accolades?


    So where does this take us?

    Two days ago a research team in partnership with the european space agency has revealed that DNA can survive a flight through space and re-entry into Earth's atmosphere. So, after going through the scorching heat that a meteor could go through, as well as traveling in space, the DNA samples placed on the outside of the rocket was still viable!!

    Translation: Do no be surprised if you find living life in meteorites in the future. Are they anticipating what lies ahead?

  • casey a

    Backstory to post below:

    'Alien life found above Derbyshire proves we're descended from extraterrestrials', say scientists (08 October 2014) Link

           "we think [the microscopic organisms] came from an aquatic environment, and the most obvious aquatic environment in space is a comet."

    Microbial LIFE found living on the exterior of the International Space Station, say reports (21 August 2014) Link

  • casey a

    New Mars head discovered. (Original picture was taken in 2005)

  • casey a

    Traces Of Carbon In Mars Meteorite Stir Debate About Life On Red Planet

  • casey a

    Maybe Humans Didn't Drive Mastodons To Extinction

  • Starr DiGiacomo

  • casey a

    Are We Close to Discovering Planet X? Link

    Russian Scientist Discovers Huge New Asteroid That Could Crash to Earth Link

  • casey a

    Just to add on to the recent methane (which is usually produced by life) findings on Mars, this isn't exactly new & perhaps goes all the way back to the Viking landers from the 1970's. .

    Basically, martian soil was soaked with nutrients. And then they observed an increase in carbon dioxide, as possible evidence of metabolism from life.

    This finding was however, dismissed because #1) although organic compounds (not necessarily life) was common in comets and such, none was found in Mars back then (coverup?). And #2) there was no water on Mars, which we now have known for a while is untrue. And even just recently NASA talked about an ancient lake, as well as finding water along with ancient organic compounds.

    On top of this Miller (the scientist) found the gas emanations to follow a daily rhythm. So for instance, all living matter follow  a daily cycle. We wake up, sleep following the pattern of the sun. Plants release & take in gases according to the sun's daily pattern. Just like that, Miller found gas emanations to follow a pattern that repeated every martian day. These were explained away as chemical reactions taking place. So they tried comparing it with organic & lifeless, chemical reactions that take place on earth, & the patterns followed that of living matter.

    Now NASA has to do an about turn, which isn't exactly an easy thing to do.

  • casey a

    Dalai Lama concedes he may be the last
  • SongStar101

    Curiosity has discovered organic matter on Mars

    Molecules found by Curiosity on Mars have been confirmed as organic matter -- the building blocks of all known forms of terrestrial life.


    The Curiosity rover has found and analysed the first definitively identified piece of organic matter on the surface of Mars.

    These organic molecules, consisting primarily of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms, are the building blocks of all life on Earth. However, it is important to note that these molecules may not have come from life forms on Mars -- organic molecules can be created from chemical processes that do not involve life, NASA said. At this stage, there is not enough evidence to determine the provenance of the molecules -- but either way, their presence has meaning.

    The team responsible for Curiosity's Sample Analysis at Mars instrument suite have several hypotheses. The first is, of course, a biological process. Others include chemical reactions in water at ancient hot springs on the Red Planet, or arrival from off-planet via dust, meteorites, asteroids or comets.

    Recently, Curiosity found evidence of dry river and lake beds on Mars -- of surface water on the planet -- such as minerals that can only form in the presence of liquid water, and erosion patterns formed by sediment deposited by water flows. This indicates that, billions of years ago, conditions on Mars could have supported life.

    The molecules -- which seem to confirm recent findings that a Martian meteorite contained extraterrestrial organic matter -- were found in a drilled sample in the Sheepbed mudstone of the Gale crater -- the location of Curiosity's exploration. The mudstone on the crater floor is consistent with the clay found on Earth from dried-up lakes, formed from sediment on the lake floor -- presenting optimum conditions for the preservation of organic matter.

    "We think life began on Earth around 3.8 billion years ago, and our result shows that places on Mars had the same conditions at that time -- liquid water, a warm environment, and organic matter," said Caroline Freissinet of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. "So if life emerged on Earth in these conditions, why not on Mars as well?"

  • sourabh kale

    Search for the Lost Giants

    A new history channel tv series


    About Search for the Lost Giants

    Stonemasons Jim and Bill Vieira are on a quest to investigate an incredible theory: that the myths and legends we’ve all been told about giants are actually rooted in fact. Jim has researched over 1,000 accounts of skeletons seven feet tall or over unearthed across America in the 19th and 20th centuries. SEARCH FOR THE LOST GIANTS will follow the Vieira brothers on their quest to find evidence of these missing bones, which seem to have slipped through the hands of history. They’ll dig for secret chambers, explore underground tunnels and dive into the deepest museum storage vaults–all to find that one bone, that one hair, that single strand of giant DNA that will answer the question: did giants walk the Earth?

  • Starr DiGiacomo



    Positive_Alien_-_Extraterrestrial.jpgNASA has put out a free, fascinating e-book exploring the possibility of human/extraterrestrial communic... The 300-page book, which has chapters written by more than a dozen different scholars, looks to archaeology and anthropology for clues to decoding extraterrestrial messages, should they ever arrive. In his introduction to the volume, editor Douglas A. Vakoch explains, "Like archaeologists who reconstruct temporally distant civilizations from fragmentary evidence, SETI [Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence] researchers will be expected to reconstruct distant civilizations separated from us by vast expanses of space as well as time. And like anthropologists, who attempt to understand other cultures despite differences in language and social customs, as we attempt to decode and interpret extraterrestrial messages, we will be required to comprehend the mindset of a species that is radically Other."

    Addressing a field that has been dominated by astronomers, physicists, engineers, and computer scientists, the contributors to this collection raise questions that may have been overlooked by physical scientists about the ease of establishing meaningful communication with an extraterrestrial intelligence. These scholars are grappling with some of the enormous challenges that will face humanity if an information-rich signal emanating from another world is detected. By drawing on issues at the core of contemporary archaeology and anthropology, we can be much better prepared for contact with an extraterrestrial civilization, should that day ever come.

  • casey a

  • casey a

    'Coffin' Found On Mars

    (Usually HuffPo speaks about these Mars findings derisively. This time there is no mocking--a change in tone, I guess)

  • G A Nicholas

    Don't know about the coffin being real, but here's a link to another picture I found interesting. Is it an Azetc type head or just an oddity of nature/hoax making the carving? Any thoughts?

  • casey a

    Hi GA. Is this what you're talking about? (Looks like an eye & a nose.)

  • casey a

    Young Red Dwarf Stars could Host Habitable Worlds (Dec 15).

    "Increasing odds of extra-terrestrial life" (Dec 19)

    Barren Deserts Can Host Complex Ecosystems in Their Soils (Dec 22).

    Life Can Survive on Much Less Water Than You Might Think. (Nov 4)

    If microbial life can survive in Earth’s Atacama Desert (right), one of the driest places on the planet, would it have

    any chance on Mars (left)? From a perspective of the availability of water for biological activity, or “water activity,”

    as reviewed in a new study, the answer is “yes.” Credit: NASA/JPL (left); Henry Bortman (right)

    If microbial life can survive in Earth's Atacama Desert (right), one of the driest places on the planet, would it have any chance on Mars (left)? From a perspective of the availability of water for biological activity, or "water activity," as reviewed in a new study, the answer is "yes." Credit: NASA/JPL (left); Henry Bortman (right)
  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Residents below aging B.C. dam warned: in case of major earthquake, get out in 10 minutes or die

    VANCOUVER — After deciding it would be too expensive to rebuild a 103-year-old dam built in one of the most collapse-prone areas of Canada, British Columbia’s power utility has settled on a controversial plan: Bracing for a disastrous flood.

    “[I]n a magnitude 9 earthquake, the people down below would have 10 or 15 minutes to get out of there, or I guess the bottom line is that they would all die,” said Mike Hicks, municipal director for the area.

    Since early December, BC Hydro has been busily transforming the area surrounding its Jordan River dam into a flood-ready no-man’s-land.

    The utility is pushing to stop development in the future “inundation zone” and has successfully obtained a ban on overnight camping at a popular nearby park. It is also looking to install a warning siren to alert day-trippers if they are about to be swamped by several million litres of reservoir water.

    Most contentious of all, the provincial utility offered to buy up 11 houses and businesses in the tiny community of Jordan River, a once-thriving resource town that would largely be flattened by a dam collapse.

    Locals are uniformly outraged at the offer, even as they see the value of their homes being wiped out by the news.

    “For just about everybody around here it’s not a money thing; we don’t want to move, fix your dam,” said Doug Harvey, speaking to local television.

    Mr. Hicks noted camping at Jordan River Regional Park was being shut down only four years after the municipal government spent $9.9-million to buy the land.

    “If they’re going to ask us to have no overnight camping, they should buy our park, simple as that,” he said. “They sterilized Jordan River, and they’re the ones responsible for this.”

    News of the looming dam collapse has also scuttled plans to turn the park over to the nearby Pacheedaht First Nation, who were to build a campground and interpretative centre.

    Said Mr. Hicks, “That’s all gone, too, with BC Hydro’s announcement that they’ll all be dead.”

    While the utility claims it cannot fix the dam, it has acknowledged there are ways the structure could be prevented from collapsing in an earthquake.

    ‘I guess the bottom line is that they would all die’

    BC Hydro  could simply lower the water in the reservoir, but it said this would cause an electricity shortfall that could cost as much as $200-million to fix.

    The dam could also be decommissioned, but this would also be “highly costly” and would risk flooding homes with spillover from an unregulated Jordan River.

    The utility’s dramatic plans for the area were fuelled by an alarming seismic study released this month showing the Jordan River dam, built in 1911, sits atop one of the most vulnerable parts of British Columbia and possibly the country.

    When the Big One hits (an event that is statistically due for coastal B.C.), the dam will shake as much as three times harder than buildings in Downtown Vancouver.

    The pressures are virtually guaranteed to rip apart the structure and kick off what has clinically been called an “uncontrolled release of upstream reservoir water.” As the utility said in a statement, it was “not aware of any dams in the world” strong enough to straddle the Jordan River without collapsing.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Kepler’s New Mission Discovers First Alien Planet Called The Super Earth


    Kepler lost its two reaction wheels, but this did not stop the NASA’s spacecraft to search foralien planets. Indeed, the space telescope discovers alien world again in its new mission. Since operating back again from a malfunction in May 2013, the spacecraft found its first new extraterrestrial planet named HIP 116454b, also called as the super Earth mainly because it is larger than approximately 2.5 times than planet Earth. Lies in the constellation Pisces, in 180 light-years from Earth, the newly discovered alien planet is near enough to be studied by other instruments, according to scientists.

    The reborn of Kepler has been even better because the first discovered planet is ripe for follow-up studies, said scientist Andrew Vanderburg of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA).

    Launched in March 2009, Kepler was on a 3.5-year mission to determine the number of Earth-like planets in the Milky Way galaxy. Scientists have discovered close to a thousand confirmed planets through Kepler. More than 50% of these known alien worlds are believed to be the real deal, along with approximately 3,200 other candidates.

    In May 2013, Kepler’s second of its four reaction wheels malfunctioned. These wheels are necessary for precise pointing. However, the letdown did not stop the team to find a way to increase the stability of Kepler. Members of the team used the subtle pressure of sunlight to provide a solution to the stability issue then proposed a new mission named K2. The new Kepler’s mission would continue the hunt of exoplanet and study other cosmic phenomena as well as space objects.

    Twelve times more massive as compared to Earth, the HIP 116454b is approximately 20,000 miles wide and its density suggests that it’s either a small version of Neptune with large, thick atmosphere or primarily covered by water.

    The distance between the newly discovered world to its host star is 8.4 million miles or 13.5 million kilometers. Its host star is an orange dwarf, slightly smaller as well as cooler than the sun in the solar system. HIP 116454b completes an orbit every 9.1 days.

    The planet’s close distance to Earth means it will be a top target for telescopes in space and on the ground.

  • Howard

    Never mind what might cause this,

    What If Every Volcano on Earth Erupted at Once?

    WARNING: Contains disinformation.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Two Orange Dwarf Stars To Reach The Solar System Might Wipe Out Human Race

    January 2, 2015 11:38 AM EST

    Some would say that the given time frame is truly a long stretch from today. However, the big threat that the phenomena might cause makes the study worth considering as it will have direct effect to future humanity.

    European astrophysicist Coryn Bailer-Jones who works at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg,Germany is predicting that around 14 stars might come within the next few million years. The astrophysicist came to this prediction after analysing the computer-simulated orbits of more than 50,000 stars that are nearby. The prediction also says that among the thousands of neighboring stars, there at least two that humanity should worry about, Forbes reports.

    Bailer-Jones' study is set to appear in an upcoming issue of Astronomy & Astrophysics journal. According to the study, the possibility of the dwarf stars entering the boundaries of the solar system might potentially disturb the trillions of comets orbiting in the Oort cloud beyond the primary planets. This might send many comets into the inner solar system and has the potential to hit Earth. Apparently, the comets are made of rocks, dust and organic materials.

    According to New Scientist's report, the two stars that have 90 percent probability of reaching the solar system the closest are named as Hip 85605 and GL 710. The Hip 85605 might reach the solar system in 0.13 to 0.65 light years away, while the GL 710 might take around 0.32 to 1.44 light years in the next 1.3 million years.

    The estimate on the current position of the Hip 85605 and GL 710 is not accurate and could still be wrong. However, the threat posed by the movements of these stars nearing the solar system is not a joke.

    Report says that the Earth can be affected in three ways. First, the gravity can attract comets into the inner solar system and the passing comets might harshly affect Earth's atmosphere due to the powerful ultraviolet radiation that the comets might cause. Second, a small number of the alleged stars might explode like supernova while passing through the Oort Cloud. Finally, the study says that the effect of the supernova remnants could cause long-term global cooling. The global cooling was also suspected to have wiped out the dinosaurs in the past and it is possible that's such incident might wipe out the human race millions of years from now.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Deep Earth Life Excites Extraterrestrial Life Researchers


    Earth is commonly associated with green forests, blue oceans and animals that live in both. However, there’s a possibility too that Earth hosts another biosphere. Tiny microbial organisms could be living below the surface. This could also be the same with extraterrestrial life.

    In a recent study published in the journal Nature, geoscientist Barbara Sherwood Lollar says that deep-Earth life environment could be far vaster than previously thought.

    The idea that alien life could also be the same has received a sudden impact with the NASA’s announcement that Mars Curiosity rover had discovered a plume of methane that spiked and then dissipated on the red planet, an indication of microbial life.

    Geochemist Lisa Pratt says that the new study and the new NASA’s discovery of the red planet suggest that scientists should begin searching for something that is different than the conventional cellular life, which researchers used to seeing and studying on Earth.

    In 2006, Sherwood Lollar and Pratt announced through a Science paper about the discovery of bacteria living deep in a gold mine in South Africa, completely isolated from sunlight. These microbes managed to live deep in Earth by deriving their energy from hydrogen gas produced by water and the surrounding rock reactions. These microbes are estimated to have lived between three million and twenty-five million years.

    Just last year, Sherwood Lollar also part of a team that discovered similar environment. They analyzed water in a mine in Timmins, Ontario with similar chemistry to the mine in South Africa. The team estimated that the water found in the Timmins mine was billions of years old. The site is still subject for further study to know if there’s microbial life living in it.

    So, scientists and ordinary people are now curious about how many similar places in the planet host life. Furthermore, the possibility of dark life in the red planet provides exciting stuff among scientists and researchers.

  • casey a

    Ted Turner had a tape made for CNN in case the world ever ended. (Its apparently the Armed Forces band playing "Nearer My God, to Thee"--the song the band on the Titanic supposedly played, when it went down). (The context to the tape was provided in case a nuclear war took place. But in 1988 would he not have known about Planet x?)

    ABSTRACT (from the  New Yorker, in 1988): Talk story about a signoff tape, made by Ted Turner, head of CNN, in the event of nuclear war… We wondered what was on the tape. What did Mr. Turner think America wanted to hear as it prepared for incineration?… “We need to totally disarm,” Mr. Turner told us, “Because, just as with guns, if you've got nuclear weapons you're eventually going to use them… Normally, when a TV station begins & ends the broacast day, it signs on & off by playing the National Anthem,” he said. “But with CNN–a 24-hour-a day channel– we would only sign off once & I knew what that would mean. So we got the combined Armed Forces marching bands together –the Army, Navy, Marine & Air Force bands–& took them out to the old CNN headquarters & we had them practice the National Anthem for a videotaping. Then, as things cranked uo, I asked if they'd play 'Nearer My God, to Thee' to put on videotape just in case the world ever came to an end. That would be the last thing CNN played before we–before we signed off. And, I'll tell you, those guys in the military bands knew what I was up to. He began to play the tape. “I can't watch this without getting tears in my eyes,” Mr. Turner said, and he left the room, tossing his hands in the air. We watched & listened as the band completed the hymn. When it was over, in about a minute, the band members snapped their instruments down to parade rest & the screen went dark. Mr. Turner came back into the office. “Pretty strong, huh?” he said. “I keep this tape around because when the world ends it'll be over before we can say what we wanted to say. Before we can leave any final messages.

    This was supposedly leaked by a former CNN intern

    It was then picked up by BBC (& given a headline to reflect the truth on the announcement, perhaps).  Does CNN really have a video ready for the apocalypse? - BBC

  • casey a

    Kepler 438b: Most Earth-like planet ever discovered could be home for alien life.

  • casey a

    NASA made posters for some known exoplanets. Here is one.

    Two suns, you say? That's right, just like Luke Skywalker's home world of Tatooine, Kepler-16b orbits a pair of giant stars.

  • Yvonne Lawson

    Can you solve some of the world’s biggest UFO mysteries? Rare microfilms of  alien sightings are now available online for free

    Mr Arnold saw nine UFOs over Mount Rainier, on 24 June 1947 and the US  government agencies took an interest in reports. A similar sighting (pictured)  occurred over Tulsa, Oklahoma on July 12, 1947

    The files relate to USAF  investigations into UFO from 1947-1969

    They were conducted under 'Project  Blue Book' which ended in 1970

    More than 700 cases remain  unsolved, accounting for  5.5% of the files

    In 1948, the US  government launched several inquiries into UFO sightings, which many believed  were sparked by Cold War paranoia.

    In what became  known as 'Project Blue Book,' more than 12,000 encounters with UFOs were looked  into by the Air Force.

    Now, decades after  the files were closed, the microfilms have been made available online for free – allowing anyone to re-examine the evidence.

    The USAF says that  the Blue Book included 12,618 sightings reports, with 701 of which remained  'unidentified' – or around 5.5 per cent of the files.

    The files, which  can be accessed here, were previously only available by  visiting the National Archives in Washington, according to a report in

    'There is plenty  of work for amateur investigators to try to come up with explanations they never  had time to consider or research,' Nigel Watson author of the UFO investigations  Manual told MailOnline.

    One case that Mr  Watson is particularly intrigued in for historical reasons is a report filed by  Kenneth Arnold which led to the popular term 'flying saucers'.

    Read more:

  • Mark

    Are there hidden planets in our solar system?

    Astronomers believe there are at least two unknown planets waiting to be discovered well beyond Pluto.

    They claim these planets are changing the position of objects away from Neptune, causing them to behave in strange ways.

    If their theory proves true, scientists say it could 'revolutionise' solar system models.

  • casey a

    Has Science Just Admitted Planet X/Nibiru Exists? Believers Say Full ‘Nibiru Disclosure’ Is Coming

  • casey a

    NASA Cuts ISS Live Feed As 'UFO' Appears (video)

  • casey a

    Al Gore's speech at the World Economic Forum that's taking place in Switzerland. (Its basically a place where the political elite meet the corporate elite). But Gore's speech on climate change is interesting (to say the least). Looks like he's doubling down on climate change. Its one way of getting ppl's attention on the earth changes & renewable energy, I guess.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    UFO Disclosure Advocate to Play a Major Role in Hillary Clinton’s Election Campaign

    john podesta

    An advocate for freedom of information, John Podesta has said that it’s time for a full disclosure of everything, including the existence of space aliens. The Wall Street Journal said John Podesta, who serves as a senior White House aide, may resign and join the election campaign of Hillary Clinton.

    Mr. Podesta’s role in a Clinton campaign remains unclear, the Journal reported. People with inside access to the discussions said he likely would get the role of a campaign chairman should Hillary decide to run. Podesta would be an impressive Clinton’s asset given his political and social learning.

    In 2013, Podesta called Republicans “Killer Cultists” when he referred congressional Republicans the Jonestown cultists who left more than nine hundred people dead and committed mass suicide in 1978. He said that they should focus on executive action because they would likely face a second term against a cult with similarity of Jonestown taking charge in one of the houses of Congress. Republicans got furious, and Podesta eventually issued an apology through Twitter.

    UFO and extraterrestrial enthusiasts will be most interested in Podesta’s suggestion that authorities should impart their knowledge about extraterrestrials to the public if they have any proof. Speaking at a press conference in 2002, he asked the U.S. government to declassify any UFO information. He also composed the foreword to the book “UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record,” published in 2010.

    He wrote that the time to disclose UFO subject is long overdue. If Podesta is faithful to his words and if he’s in a position of power, Steve Bassett’s petition requesting for disclosure might not be needed anymore as disclosure may just come naturally.

    In the U.S. history, no female has become president, and if human rights and equality advocate Hillary Clinton make it to the Presidential Office with Podesta at her side, people could expect full disclosure.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Doomsday Clock Ticks Closer To Apocalypse Because Of Climate Change, Atomic Scientists Warn

    Thu, 2015-01-22 14:17

    Firefighters battle a wildfire nearly Fresh Pond, California, in September 2014. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists warned Thursday that the effects of climate change -- including increased heat, drought and wildfires -- are accelerating as countries fail to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Reuters

    Doomsday is creeping closer as Earth suffers from rising sea levels, melting glaciers, intensifying storms and devastating drought. Scientists have moved the symbolic Doomsday Clock ahead by two minutes, from five minutes to three minutes till midnight, amid growing concerns about climate change -- and the feeble response by countries to stop this existential threat.

    “Despite some modestly positive developments in the climate change arena, current efforts are entirely insufficient to prevent a catastrophic warming of Earth,” the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, a 70-year-old group, warned in a Thursday announcement. The organization also cited “global nuclear weapons modernization and outsized nuclear weapons arsenals” in the United States, Russia and other nations as additional reasons for moving the clock closer to Doomsday.

    "It was inaction on climate change and nuclear weapon dismantling and reduction," Kennette Benedict, executive director, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, said in an interview with International Business Times discussing the decision to advance the minute hand on the Doomsday Clock. "You’ve seen the reports on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and [the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's] report that the last decade was the warmest in many, many decades. Science is getting much clearer now. We’re really observing quite extraordinary changes, especially in the Antarctic, and the inevitability of the sea level rise."

    The scientists cited a handful of factors that show the accelerating threat of climate change. Let’s take a look:

    1. Climate change is already happening -- and it’s our fault

    A damaged house is seen after 2012's Hurricane Sandy passed through in the greatly affected community of Atlantique on Fire Island, New York. Rising sea levels -- caused largely by global warming -- intensified the extent and magnitude of coastal flooding during the storm.  Reuters

    It’s not a distant or wishy-washy threat. Climate change is here and now, according to a United Nations-led panel of global climate scientists. “Human influence on the climate system is clear and growing, with impacts observed on all continents,” the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said in a stark November report.

    Over the past century, burning oil, coal and natural gas for energy use, converting forests into industrial farmland and razing pristine jungles has pumped massive amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. As a result, the atmosphere and oceans are warming, sea levels are rising and concentrations of carbon dioxide -- the most abundant greenhouse gas -- have increased to levels unseen in at least the last 800,000 years, according to the assessment.

    Need proof the climate is changing? The panel pointed to the mass die-offs of forests in the U.S. West, where heat-loving beetles are thriving and killing trees. More frequent heat waves are destroying crops and causing tens of thousands of deaths worldwide. In New York City, sea levels are 1.1 feet higher today than in 1900. That change proved especially dangerous during 2012’s Hurricane Sandy; the added ocean height worsened the extent and magnitude of coastal flooding during the storm.

    Here’s another unsettling tidbit:

    2. 2014 was the hottest year on record

    A man walks through the dried-up bed of a reservoir in China's Shaanxi province in July 2014. Last year was the planet's hottest year on record, scientists say.  Reuters

    Last year, surface temperatures on the land and oceans reached a combined global average of 1.24 degrees Fahrenheit (0.69 degrees Celsius) above the 20th century average -- the hottest level on record since 1880, scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said earlier this month.

    NASA scientists separately determined that the 10 warmest years in the past 135 are all since 2000, with the exception of 1998. Last year “is the latest in a series of warm years, in a series of warm decades,” Gavin Schmidt, who directs NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, said recently.

    He noted that while chaotic weather patterns in certain years can mess with global temperatures, “the long-term trends are attributable to drivers of climate change that right now are dominated by human emissions of greenhouse gases.”

    3. Temperatures will keep rising -- and probably past the 2-degree threshold

    The coal power plant 'Scholven' owned by German utility giant E.ON. The world needs to keep most its remaining fossil fuel reserves in the ground by 2050 to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius.  Reuters

    Global warming must be kept to below 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) over pre-industrial levels to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change. But scientists generally agree that we’ll breeze past that threshold before the middle of the century, and we could see warming of up to 4.8 degrees Celsius by 2100.

    To prevent extreme warming, the world needs to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions entirely before the end of the century. As in, to zero. That means keeping all of the world’s remaining fossil fuel reserves in the ground, an action that will require aggressive government policies such as carbon pricing and trillions of dollars of investment in cleaner energy alternatives.

    To limit warming to just 2 degrees, countries will have to keep 80 percent of coal, half of natural gas, and one-third of oil in the ground by 2050, according to a recent study by University College London researchers. Scientists say it’s technically possible to do this, given the recent advancements in solar and wind power and energy-saving technologies. But policy experts say it’s a “politically unachievable” feat right now.

    4. Last year’s climate negotiations were kind of a dud

    A delegate yawns during a plenary session of the U.N. Climate Change Conference COP 20 in Lima, Peru, in December 2014. Nearly 200 nations agreed at the meeting to work toward a global treaty to reduce emissions, which countries will sign at this year's conference in Paris.  Reuters

    The Doomsday Clock scientists said the U.N. climate talks in Peru in December were “inadequate” given the scope of the threat.

    At the meeting, 196 countries agreed to work over the next 12 months to develop an international treaty for reducing emissions and investing in low-carbon technologies. Many negotiators and outside observers hailed the conference as a success; it’s perhaps the closest countries have come to an inclusive global agreement in nearly two decades of talks. But critics, including the atomic scientists, pointed out that the “plan to make a plan” isn’t doing much right now to curb global emissions and halt investment in fossil fuels.

    The U.N will have another climate summit in Paris later this year, and Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' Benedict hopes to see serious developments regarding global warming. "I think it almost takes a change in consciousness and we hope that might happen in Paris, that there might be more money set aside for the people who will suffer the most from climate change. People in poor countries, especially low-lying countries along the coast, that would be a big step forward and would signal, to many, that the international community is taking this seriously," Benedict said. "Talk is talk, what we need is action at this point."

  • casey a

    Big asteroid to fly by Earth Monday.

    Also mentioned in the article is: Don Yeomans, director of the Near Earth Object Program @ NASA has retired. He used to be one of the company guys put forth to chirp the coverup lies.

  • SongStar101

    Inhabitants of PX,  radio communications? Wonder if this will be on the increase as PX approaches?  Interesting.

    Mysterious radio signal from space caught live for first time

    Astronomers in Australia have picked up an “alien” radio signal from space for the first time as it occurred. The signal, or radio “burst”, was discovered on May 15, 2014, though it’s just being reported by the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. “The burst was identified within 10 seconds of its occurrence,” said Emily Petroff, a doctoral student from Melbourne’s Swinburne University of Technology. “The importance of the discovery was recognized very quickly and we were all working very excitedly to contact other astronomers and telescopes around the world to look at the location of the burst.”

    Emerging from an unknown source, these bursts are bright flashes of radio waves that emit as much energy in a few milliseconds as the sun does in 24 hours.  “The first fast radio burst was discovered in 2007,” Petroff tells, “and up until our discovery there were 8 more found in old or archival data.” While researchers use telescopes in Hawaii, India, Germany, Chile, California, and the California Islands to search for bursts, it is the CSIRO Parkes radio telescope in Eastern Australia that is the first to catch one as its happening.

    The cause of these mysterious signals remains unknown, with possible theories ranging from black holes to alien communication. However, UFO hunters shouldn’t get too excited. According to Petroff, “We're confident that they're coming from natural sources, that is to say it's probably not aliens, but we haven't solved the case completely. The two most promising theories at the moment are that these bursts could be produced either by a star producing a highly energetic flare, or from a neutron star collapsing to make a black hole. Both of these things would be from sources in far-away galaxies just reaching us from billions of light years away.”

    Catching the bursts as they happen is key to finding the source, and though Petroff’s team scrambled upon making their discovery, they didn’t move fast enough to find the afterglow and pin down the cause. “Finding one in real-time has been the goal for a while because we would then be able to act on it and mobilize other telescopes to look that way,” Petroff says. “We did this in the case of this real-time discovery, but we didn't get on the target until about eight hours later with other telescopes, at which time nothing was found.” However, they were able to eliminate a few possible causes, such as gamma-ray bursts from exploding stars and supernovae. Also, the team was able to determine that the source had been near an object with a sizeable magnetic field from the way the wavelengths were polarized.

    While the source of the fast radio burst remains a mystery, the team remains hopeful that they can learn from their mistakes and one day solve the case. “All we can do is learn from our experience with this discovery and create a more efficient system for next time,” Petroff says. “We still spend a large amount of time looking for fast radio bursts with the Parkes telescope and the next time we are in the right place at just the right time, we'll be able to act faster than ever before and hopefully solve the mystery once and for all!”

  • KM

    Aboriginal folklore could be oldest accurate oral history in the world: Stories of ancient sea level rise have survived for 10,000 years

    • Traditional stories describe how the Great Barrier Reef once formed part of the Queensland coastline and was studded with rivers and promontories
    • Other tales tell how modern day bays were once dry land rich in kangaroo
    • Scientists say they coincide with sea level rise at the end of the last ice age
    • The stories could constitute an oral  that survived 300 generations 

    Traditional stories passed down through generations by Australian Aborigines may be among the oldest accurate oral histories in the world, scientists have claimed.

    The findings have allowed them to map how the continent may have looked around 10,000 years ago.

    Oral folklore tells how the Great Barrier Reef once formed part of the coastline of north east Queensland, while Port Phillip Bay in Victoria was once a rich place for hunting kangaroo and opossum.

    Researchers have found other stories from all over the continent that mirror how the landscape  towards the end of the last ice age.

    The Great Barrier Reef, off the Queensland coast, was once part of the mainland according to Aboriginal tales

    The Great Barrier Reef, off the Queensland coast, was once part of the mainland according to Aboriginal tales

    They say at this time sea levels rose as a result of the melting of the huge ice caps that covered much of the  around 10,500 years ago.

    The researchers now believe that these stories could constitute some of the oldest accurate oral histories in the world, passing through some 300 generations.


    Several stories tell how the Great Barrier Reef was once the original coastline of north east Queensland. 

    Stories told by the Googanji people describe how a river entered the sea near to what is now called Fitzroy Island.

    The Yidindji people who lived in the Cairn's area of Queensland also tell how Fiztroy Island was once called 'gabar', or lower arm.

    They told how it had once been part of a promontory sticking out from the mainland while nearby Green Island was four times larger and the Island is now all that is left sticking out the ocean.

    They also describe a place called 'mudaga', or pencil cedar, between Fitzroy Island and King Beach after the trees that once grew there.

    The finding is remarkable as many anthropologists believe that exaggeration and Chinese whispers often distort oral history so severely that they can no longer be reliable if they are older than 1,000 years old.

    However, Dr Nick Reid, a linguist at the University of New England, has found that the stories of Australian Aborigines are astoundingly accurate.

    Hidden within  of seagull gods and ancestral heroes causing seas to rise and great floods are details of how the landscapes looked before the time.

    Dr Reid studied 18 traditional Aboriginal stories and found that they seemed to coincide with true geological events.

    Writing for the Conversation, he said: 'How do we know that these stories are authentic? We suggest that because they all say essentially the same thing, it is more likely that they are based on observation.

    'All tell of the ocean rising over areas that had previously been dry. None tell stories running the other way – of seas falling to expose land.

    'The huge distances separating the places from which the stories were collected – as well as their unique, local contexts – makes it unlikely that they derived from a common source that was invented.'

    This graphic shows how Aboriginal stories from all over Australia describe the sea level rise that occurred at the end of the last ice age around 10,000 years ago, causing much of the coastline to be flooded by water

  • casey a

    This is a year old. But what this scientist explains re: mars & meteorite samples is priceless. I hope he gets exposure after disclosure & that he is safe in the meantime.

    Former NASA Scientist claims conspiracy about Mars photo

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Mysterious Planet X May Really Lurk Undiscovered in Our Solar System

    • Uploaded by BadAstro on Feb 4, 2015
    • Hits: 87

    Mysterious Planet X May Really Lurk Undiscovered in Our Solar X" might actually exist and so might "Planet Y."At least two planets larger than Earth likely lurk in the dark depths of space far beyond Pluto, just waiting to be discovered, a new analysis of the orbits of "extreme trans-Neptunian objects" .Researchers studied 13 ETNOs frigid bodies such as the dwarf planet Sedna that cruise around the sun at great distances in elliptical paths. [Meet Our Solar System's Dwarf Planets. Theory predicts a certain set of details for ETNO orbits, study team members said. For example, they should have a semi-major axis, or average distance from the sun, of about 150 astronomical units the distance from Earth to the sun roughly 93 million miles, or 150 million kilometers.) These orbits should also have an inclination, relative to the plane of the solar system, of almost 0 degrees, among other the actual orbits of the 13 ETNOs are quite different, with semi-major axes ranging from 150 to 525 AU and average inclinations of about 20 degrees."This excess of objects with unexpected orbital parameters makes us believe that some invisible forces are altering the distribution of the orbital elements of the ETNOs, and we consider that the most probable explanation is that other unknown planets exist beyond Neptune and Pluto," lead author Carlos de la Fuente Marcos, of the Complutense University of Madrid, said in a statement."The exact number is uncertain, given that the data that we have is limited, but our calculations suggest that there are at least two planets, and probably more, within the confines of our solar system," he potential undiscovered worlds would be more massive than Earth, researchers said, and would lie about 200 AU or more from the sun so far away that they'd be very difficult, if not impossible, to spot with current of the cold objects that orbit far from the are discovering trans-Neptunian objects belonging to the Oort Cloud, the most distant region of Earth's solar system. See how the dwarf planets of Sedna and 2012 VP113 stack up in this : By Karl Tate, Infographics ArtistView full size imageThe new results detailed in two papers in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters aren't the first to lend credence to the possible existence of a so-called Planet March 2014, Chadwick Trujillo and Scott Sheppard announced the discovery of 2012 VP113, an ETNO that never gets closer to the sun than 80 AU. 2012 VP113 thus joined Sedna as the two known denizens of the "inner Oort Cloud," a far-flung and largely unexplored region of space beyond the Kuiper Belt (where Pluto lies).Trujillo and Sheppard suggested that the orbits of 2012 VP113 and Sedna are consistent with the continued presence of a big "perturber" perhaps a planet 10 times more massive than Earth that lies 250 AU from the , the pair also stressed that other explanations are possible as well. For example, Sedna and 2012 VP113 may have been pushed out to their present positions by long-ago interactions with other stars in the sun's birth cluster. The objects may also have been nabbed from another solar system during a stellar close encounter.

  • casey a

    For anyone who didnt see it, there was an apocalyptic commercial run during the Super Bowl.

    Here are some of the things shown:

    - Snow in summer

    - Unexpected severe storms excused as a hurricane in nebraska(???)

    -"Tsunamis in paris"

    - Birds migrating away en mass.

    - The homeless apocalyptic bearded man with a "this is the end" sign (that you see in every apocalypse movie).

    -Bar tender in denial & still showing up for his job to an empty restaurant.

    - Some ppl are just walking about in shock & dont know what to do.

    - Guy loots a T.V. in the middle of the mayhem & right in front of a cop. The cop isn't concerned about keeping the rule of law & is more fixed on the coming storm.

    - Ppl driving away in panic & running over a pedestrian. Abandoned cars left by the road.

    - Fireballs & an asteroid swarm heading to earth.

  • casey a

    Obama aide John Podesta says ‘biggest failure’ was not securing the disclosure of UFO files

  • casey a

    Mystery Mars haze baffles scientists

  • Dee Nguyen

    This scene of 2 suns was shown for 1 to 2 seconds in The Walking Dead, Season 5 Episode 10. About 5-10 min in the show. I took this photo with my phone while watching it on demand.

  • KM

    Closest known flyby of star to our solar system: Dim star passed through Oort Cloud 70,000 years ago

    Artist's conception of Scholz's star and its brown dwarf companion (foreground) during its flyby of the solar system 70,000 years ago. The Sun (left, background) would have appeared as a brilliant star. The pair is now about 20 light years away.

  • Nancy Lieder

    Scholz's Star on the BBC also. Note when describing the "companion" of Scholtz they are essentially describing Nibiru! An unlit brown dwarf traveling with the star. They are also introducing the concept of such a pair interacting with OUR solar system, as the mythical Oort Cloud (which the Zetas say in fact does not exist is purported to surround OUR solar system. Next they will say "oh, and we have one right next to our Sol! Just noticed it.

    The object, a red dwarf known as Scholz's star, cruised through the outer reaches of the Solar System - a region known as the Oort Cloud. Scholz's star was not alone; it was accompanied on its travels by an object known as a brown dwarf. These are essentially failed stars that lacked the necessary mass to get fusion going in their cores. Observations of the dim star's trajectory suggest that 70,000 years ago this cosmic infiltrator passed within 0.8 light years of the Sun.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    The real controversy is that there is no controversy

  • casey a

    Same story about Scholz's star, with better headline; relates it to within span of human history. There was another star in the solar system when humans first spread from Africa Link

  • casey a

    In a Curious Case for Astronomers, a Brown Dwarf Goes Missing

    Talks about:

    -a brown dwarf that orbits a binary system.

    -The brown dwarf isn't easy to capture/image (Might be hinting at the excuses establishment might throw for coverup. idk)

    -The brown dwarf's movement/path didn't follow man's scientific expectations.........

    (This so-called brown dwarf, as I understand it, is completely made up. The orbit of the twin stars had periodic irregularities. So they simply hypothesized that it must be a brown dwarf tugging the stars.)

    ====But according to our current understanding, if an orbiting object were to slow down from its established orbit, it would be heading for a collision to its sun. So are they indirectly confessing that our current understanding of gravity fails to explain why planets orbit?)

    (What Would Happen if the Earth Stopped In Its Orbit?) graphic =

  • casey a

     (One of many witness drawings of the Kecksburg object). Notice the markings on the UFO, which the zetas say is synonymous with STS aliens.

    A 2012 poll showed that nearly 80% of Americans believe the government has concealed information about UFOs.

    [According to zetatalk, the crash at Kekcksburg was spaceships provided by the STS aliens, that the military was trying to control & crashed. Zetatalk on Kecksburg]


    [A judge ordered NASA to open up their files on the case & yet nothing was found...

    The judge had some less than ideal things to say about NASA, as well. But I guess they're trying to turn over a new leaf. They have one chance. Let's hope they do it right; And that old habits & friends dont come back knocking]