2014/02/24 Brilliant Evidence * 2014/03/05 Tail Whips * 2014/03/06 Across the Sun

2014/03/06 Tail Whip Across the Sun

2014/3/5 14:17 Second capture, seems Sun activity.

2014/3/5 11:36 Last capture with large presence. Waiting for the next. Ciao Alberto

2014/2/24 from Alberto, via email: Ciao Nancy  3 image into 4 hours with same appearance. Mylar and orange filter. Alberto

2014/2/25 from Alberto, via email: same figure of yesterday.Ciao Alberto

2014/3/3 from Alberto via email: First wide , second tele with mylar and  orange filter. Ciao Alberto

Nancy's Note: this shows why many people take a photo of the Sun and cannot capture Planet X components. They narrow the field of view ONLY to the face of the Sun! Here Alberto compares the photo done both ways. The Sun in his first photo, wide view, is very tiny in the center of what is taken to be the "Sun". One must include the neighborhood for the big picture.