Please Place your Planet X Related Captures Here

Due to the expectation of increased "Signs in the sky",

this post was created to collect videos and photos of Planet X and other related effects for better organization.
Please save your images and videos here, that other members can help with further analysis.

Always provide a source for the images you post, and if you are the source please provide the date, time and general location of your photos & videos.

Related Informations:

Planet X Personas

Second Sun

Shrouded Monster

Planet X Moon Swirls [2]

Earthquake Lights

Earthquake Clouds

Neon Swirls

Electromagnetic Swirls

Radar Circles

The Dark Twin

Dead on and Deadly

Additional Informations from the F.A.Q:
Q: What is Planet X/ Nibiru ..?
More info:

Q: How does the path of Planet X/ Nibiru looks like?

Q: What is the "Earth Wobble"?

Q: Why is Planet X/ Nibiru not always visible in the sky?

Planet X is seen most readily at sunrise or sunset, when light in the red spectrum curves over the horizon and the glare of white light is reduced. Red light bends most readily, and the charged dust cloud shrouding Planet X is composed primarily of red iron oxide particles.[...] The Zetas are frequently asked to pinpoint the spot where Planet X could be sighted, but it is a complicated picture! - Read more:
▪ Funnled MoonSwirls [Link]
▪ When can Planet X be seen naked eye? [Link]
▪ Amateur images [Link]
▪ Second Sun in the Clouds [Link]
▪ Second Sun Visibility [Link]

Please place SOHO & STEREO and Magnetosphere images here



Comment by stephan grumbach on May 5, 2011 at 10:03am

Easy Lens Flare Testing

1.)  Make an image with your camera and identify supposed objects

2.) Start to move your finger from the sun side over the sun in front of your camera,

 3.) until your finger covers the sun, if the dot disappears it is a flare if not it is an object.  4.) Move your finger from the flare/object side to the sun if the dot appears in front of your finger it is a flare


Easy Reflection Testing


Beware of the Glare

More Video captures:

Load Previous Comments
  • Smalik

    Photo from Russia, Ural. Photographed through the sight glass in welder

  • Kojima

  • Sergio

    Hi family, i want to share with you this picture i recieved from my girl on 11/12/12.

    Sunrise in Andros Island, Greece.

    You can see clearly an object at 10 in the sun, likely one of the Moons.  Please feel free to comment.

  • Gerard Zwaan


    Nancy's Comment: made a couple snips which show the Sun and the very bright Moon Swirl as separate entities. They are not one and the same! No filter, just clouds which is why the photos from Malaysia show Moon Swirls so well. They block the Sun's glare.

  • Sevan Makaracı

  • Chris Harris

    Photos below taken in Northern NSW Australia using a 12MP trail cam.

    First photo is USING NO FILTER.

    Second photo is using a 55mm HOYA R25A red light filter.



  • hamitha kader

    Malaysia. 29-11-2012. Time 2:59pm


    another pic


  • Gerard Zwaan

  • Yves Noel

    Picture from Shenzhen on December 5th. I wrote on my Facebook that many places on earth you can see the Moonswirl and the red Planet. So My friend (we are in Montreal, Canada) sent me replied by saying tomorrow I will take a picture of the sun in China. Well please find this picture and if anybody can confirm what we really see @ 7 o'clock and 1 and about 4-5 o'clock. Also the sun looks like an egg. Thanks in advance for your comments.

  • hamitha kader

    After searched everywhere my brother finally  bought me disket and I used it to filter and get this pic today.

    Malaysia, 07-12-2012. Time: 12:12pm

  • Heather

    Something looks strange at 12:30 on this image, 1st is the original taken in Bristol RI on 12/9/12, 2nd is negative, and enlarged. 

  • Gerard Zwaan


    Nancy's Comment: dated 12/11/12 this orb is approximately in the same location as Oman orb. Later in the vid it is partly behind the wires. Does not look like a lens flare, and a vertical line of flares can be seen below and just to the right of the orb in this snap.

  • JRGarcia

    In following the Neumayer station in Antarctica 12142012, I was able to capture Nibiru in a manner that cannot be rebutted. Similar sequences have been debunked in the past as flares but in this case, how can clouds cover parts of a supposed lens flares? 


  • Gerard Zwaan




    A day catch on November 1, 2012.
    Photograph taken with a filter and a camera phone Samsung SGF-F480i.

    From Spain (Europe)

  • Chris

    Montana,  January 6th,  about 9am.    This is my first capture, and multiple pics were taken to confirm it was not a flare.  I am not sure if it is Mr. X or one of his various swirls,  but the orb is definitely apparent.

  • Gerard Zwaan

  • M. Difato

    I was watching NASA Edu. on dish network today1/8/13 @ 11:30 EST and could not believe ( a gift from COW?) given A view of Planet X or Dark Twin live from International Space Station. They shortly there after faded this Planet from view as video shows. When the returned to the same camera the moved the solar fin to cover location of Planet. Moments after that they went to mission controll room and there were a lot of heavy heads in hands and real somber feel to the room. I wonder how many High School Teachers had this on in classrooms.

     I am a simple thinker but given these images and time of day (live feed @ ~11:20 am Est. 1/8/13) can't we get a better feel for what the distance may currently be between us and Planet seen in video? Or is this to much to soon? Looks pretty darn close.

    Nancy's Comment:

    How can you tell what direction these image are taken? This would not be PX as it is too close to the Sun, and there is no sunlight coming in. Looks like night to me. Could be the Dark Twin, yes, depending upon what direction the camera was turned, and where the ISS was located at the time.

  • Rebecca S. Barnhart

    I think you can see something at 11:00 position, not sure, taken in York PA 1-8-13 at sunset.

  • Gerard Zwaan

    According to the CFH site, the moon rises before sunset. Also according sky safari plus. Yet this moon rise is very bright and odd looking. And then of course the bright object that appears before sunrise.


  • Gerard Zwaan

  • Nancy Lieder

    Received via email and particularly good. A trail of Moon Swirl orbs falling below the Sun.

    Dear Nancy.

    Pictures were taken 2013 january 06, approx 11-41 am.
    Location: Moldova (Transnistria), Tighina (Bender).
    Camera is pointed: almost directly on the south (a tiny bit eastish). That is the sun is almost right on the south.
    No windows, no glases, no filters. Just on open air. A small bright object on approx 7-8 o'clock is definitely not a lens flare.
    Camera: iPad (Asus EEE) 5 Mpix.

    This is the first time when I got a goal taking PX pictures. I've taken a series of pictures (and there is clearly seen it is not a lense flare), but send you just one foto because of a big summary size of files. If you would need a whole series, I'll send it. I suppose it is or moon swirl or PX itself (cannot say for sure).
    You can use this foto to your discretion.

    Best wishes,

  • Nancy Lieder

    An older vid from early 2012, per Gerard. Second Sun capture, with dual reflections!

  • Chris

    These pictures were taken on January 16th, between 9 and 10am GMT.  All credit is due to my co worker Cindy, a newbie to Planet X but quickly becoming quite the photographer.   I believe the orbs point themselves out? (taken in Montana)Nancy's Comment: These are lens flares. The clues to this are the very bright and cleanly circular appearance, and that they stand in front of the clouds. Lens flares are INSIDE the camera, not outside at a distance, and thus form in front of objects. But this appearance, so round and bright, is characteristic.

  • Chris

    Thursday, Jan 17th.  Montana

  • Kyle Rieth

    This is a picture I took in west Michigan with out a filter on 1.15.2013. It appears to be a moon swirl.

    Nancy's Comment: This is likewise a lens flare, though no clouds in the skies It is a classic appearance, very similar to the Montana flares you will note. The Moon Swirls are larger, very bright also but with a softer edge, as the trash in the tube furs up the edges.

  • M. Difato

    Planet X and Moons? 1/20/13 1:30 Central N.Y. Video@

    there are as many as 6 Moons visible? Heavy low clouds.Nancy's Comment: This does indeed appear to be a capture of Moon Swirls behind the clouds. Heavy cloud cover often allows a good capture, as the photos from Malaysia often show. Clouds dim the Sun's glare. In any case, Moon Swirl brightness seems to rival the Sun, they are so bright. That vertical line is something cameras do when recording a very bright light, that and the dot in the center of the Sun. A reaction to bright light.

  • Rebecca S. Barnhart

    found this picture on the internet, behind the fox on the left is the sun, to the right of the sun between 4 and 5 o'clock position seems to be another capture.

    Kupol mine in the Chukotka region of Russia.

  • alexix

  • Starr DiGiacomo

  • Nancy Lieder

    Comment by Teri Whittlinger 50 minutes ago

  • Starr DiGiacomo

  • Andrey Eroshin

  • Chris Harris

    Photo taken in Northern NSW, today, 3pm, using a 12mp trail cam and no filter, employing the cloud cover to assist in revealing the moon swirl at the 1 o'clock position:

  • Rebecca S. Barnhart

    taken at 4:30 PM Feb 4 2013, object to the left at 10 o'clock

  • Chris Harris

    Pictures taken at midday, Feb 4 2013, northern NSW, Australia, using a 12 mp trail cam and no filter as the cloud cover reduced the solar glare sufficiently. The second image is merely a colour nagative of the original (using IrfanView):



  • Gerard Zwaan

  • Gerard Zwaan



    AZIMUT                                          135º

    UTC/GMT Zulu Time                        Fri.  22-Feb-2013  15:50:01  GMT

    LOCAL TIME                                  Fri.  22-Feb-2013  16:50:01 

    Local Timezone To UTC/GMT Time   OFFSET -1 HOURS

  • Chris

    These were taken on Feb. 21st 2013 in Montana, about the 4:30pm range.  After my last pics were revealed to be flares (grazi Nancy), I waited until  I was sure.  Naked eye you could see the spot off to the right at 3:00 position, it appeared as a tiny rainbow, yet no rain and blue sky.  I knew right away that this was the real deal.  Enjoy  :)Nancy's Comment: Sorry to have to say that a "rainbow" effect might mean the object at 3 o'clock is a sundog. They form along the halo line around the Sun to the right/left/top and also have a rainbow of colors at the point they hit the halo. Applaud your efforts, Chris! Especially your efforts to get a naked eye observation along with photo.

  • S.K.

    Taken by my friend Emin in Copenhagen, Denmark today, at sunset.

  • Nancy Lieder

    Someone sent me this link

    as there seem to be object around the Sun. I made a few snips and indeed, Planet X complex in sight! At 2:43 a bright orb at 10 o'clock and at 2 o'clock a dim orb behind the sunrays. Second photo adjusted for brightness.

    At about 3:00 one sees a distinct dim orb at 4 o'clock, likely the Planet X corpus shrouded in dust itself. Second photo adjusted for hue.

    At 3:19, adjusted for hue, one sees again the dim orb at 4 o'clock, another dim orb at 7 o'clock, and a bright orb at 3 o'clock. None of the shots show the Sun as an even circle, all are lumpy, yet this balloon is high above the atmosphere.

  • Lynne Warbrooke

    Small YouTube video I came across this morning. Hard to NOT see . Taken on 11 March 13 in Portsmouth UK



     Nancy's Comment: More than two suns there! Lots of Moon Swirls too.

  • Lynne Warbrooke

    Done some more research on this video this morning and could this be either the moon or maybe Venus looming? Its very clearly a second object and I would appreciate any help on identifying it.

     Nancy's Comment: Lynne, good eye and brain! Er, good thinking (proper English). The Moon is full and near the Sun on 3/11, directly toward the South at midday. Most likely the clear object is the Moon, but many Moon Swirls are also present clustered around the Sun.

  • Corey Young

    Hey @Lynn,

    That video is pretty compelling. Its not a lens flare or it would show up in front of the clouds. Obviously there are two objects close to one another on the video. I would have to say it is PX itself or a capture of a moon swirl with the light being funneled towards earth.

  • Howard

    YouTube version of the video Nancy posted on the high altitude glider. (same video)

  • S.K.

    Here is an epic tail capture from my good friend An-kala.

  • Howard

    2nd sun reflected over water (location unknown). Taken on August 28, 2012.  Posted on Facebook.

  • Svetlana Faleeva

    Hello to all friends from newcomer Svetlana! I want to share my latest pics of inbound Planet X.I've captured these photos on March 14th 2013 right after sunset that proves"The Planet X seen most readily at sunrise or sunset,when light inthe red spectrum curves over the horizon and the glare of white light is reduced."

  • Svetlana Faleeva

    I'm posting pics captured on March 14th 2013 right after sunset ,Lakeland,Florida.