New Madrid Jolt timeline

My question to the Zetas is why there wasn't any jolt felt!?

In 2010 when we first detailed the New Madrid Adjustment as part of the 7 of 10 Plate Movement scenarios, we stated that this would involve one large JOLT with an immediate tearing of the Atlantic and the European tsunami. We referred to the location of the JOLT being in the “primary blockage” without clarification. Nor did we clarify the location in the Atlantic that would experience “tearing”. Now that the Finale is in process, the public seeks more specifics.

In March of 2022 we detailed a role the Rock Bridge above the little town of New Madrid - located at the juncture of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers - would play. We stated that a JOLT there would “expedite the final rupture” and clarified that this Rock Bridge break would release the SE Portion from its attachment to the Mainland Portion, allowing it to “jump to the East”, destabilizing the Azores triple juncture of plates in the Atlantic. In April of 2022 we reiterated that the JOLT in the Rock Bridge will “signal” the start of the Finale.  

In May of 2022 we introduced the Rock Hook under Turkey and defined its role. Africa must roll for the Azores to be torn open, and the Rock Hook under Turkey is preventing this roll. The African Roll pulls on the SE Portion which is attached along their shared border in the Atlantic. This transfers to a tug on the Rock Bridge which ultimately snaps and sets the Finale in motion. Intrinsic to this is the S Atlantic void allowing Africa to slide its foot into the void and drop its NE corner so the roll can happen.

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for December 31, 2022

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  • Nancy Lieder

    On May 20 the Atmospheric Charts show that the Houston Storm episode could occur again in the Americas. The Gulf continues to have low pressure, as does the Caribbean Plate. For the Gulf this is caused by the SE Portion pulling away, so it has no attachment to hold it up, thus a void in the Gulf ensues. Dropping, it creates a void in the air above the Gulf, thus Thunderstorms develop. For the Caribbean, that this land would sink was part of the 7 of 10 Plate Movement. The Caribbean is pushed down by the S American Plate as it rolls to the West. 

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/5/21 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/5/22 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/5/23 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/5/24 T00:03

  • Nancy Lieder

    On May 24 we find confirmation that the New Madrid Fault Line is aggressively separating in the Gulf of Mexico. The sinking land on either side of the fault line shows that the land has support on only one side, not on all sides as formerly. Thus the sinking Gulf creates low air pressure which caused the Houston Tx storms weeks ago. Thus the water has a place to flow, into the new void of the Gulf, so pulls away from the beaches at Cancun.  []

  • Nancy Lieder

    On May 24 Godzilla arose again where the New Land predicted by the Zetas will rise. Once again, the software glitch indicated these huge waves would roar North, but the projections were quickly squelched. []

    But the ice on the Brunk Ice Shelf was not a quirk, breaking off as it is shoved up. 

    Brunt Ice Shelf in Antarctica Calves New Iceberg
    May 21, 2024
    The iceberg calved after a 14km-long chasm formed at ninety degrees to the existing Halloween Crack.  This follows a long period of weakening of the ice at the McDonald Ice Rumples. The break off is the third major iceberg calving from this area in the last four years and has taken place around a decade after scientists at British Antarctic Survey (BAS) first detected growth of vast cracks in the ice.

  • Nancy Lieder

    All eyes on the Void to open along the Eurasian/N American border in the N Atlantic. This is predicted to clap so broadlay that Gulf Stream water will bounce in and out, sending a tsunami to Europe. Today on May 24 we see the Gulf Stream swriling around the Void region, with a sizable Mag 4.4 quake right on the Void.

  • Kojima

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/5/25 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/5/26 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/5/27 T00:03

  • Mario Valencia-Rojas

    New wave anomaly due to the rising land as Zetas predicted. May 27,2024 6PM

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/5/27 T23:23

  • Nancy Lieder

    On May 28 we see how severely the Gulf of Mexico is sinking, with both sides of the New Madrid Fault Line pulling apart. There is no place to grip, so the centre of the separation is a void increasing in depth. The only other place on the Globe having this state is the region around India, which is likewise sinking land. 

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/5/29 T00:03

  • Nancy Lieder

    On May 29 the SE Portion Toe is pulling away toward the East, and as it does so the land on either side of the New Madrid Fault Line has less support, thus droops. This drooping land creates low air pressure above it, thus interpreted by Ventusky as Thunderstorm weather. In the case of the unexpected Houston storm weeks ago, the weather did cause a Thunderstorm. Today the entire area is swarming with surveillance planes, as is Florida and the Northeast US, all within the shifting SE Portion. Are they expecting major land shift disasters? Will Martial law be imposed?

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/5/29 T19:43

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/5/31 T00:03

  • James of Idaho

    May 30th, 2024- Current ocean temps. Light blue colder, yellow warmer...👽👽👽

  • Nancy Lieder

    Compressed or ripping rock generates heat. The N Pacific is compressing - hot yellow. Border between SE Portion and Africa in the Atlantic is being tugged by the Africa Roll - hot yellow. The armpit of Africa is being bent by the Africa Roll - hot yellow. And the North Sea by Norway is being stretched as is Eurasia Plate. Good find James!

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/6/1 T00:03

  • Nancy Lieder

    On June 1 the droop of the Mainland to the West of the Mississippi River is back. This has become the norm in the Gulf where both Portions are drooping from lack of support. At the start of the day this droop, causing lower air pressure and thus Thunderstorms, is present in the Gulf at the start and then progresses up through Texas climbing all the way to the Dakotas. Note that the US Military is doing surveilance in step with this process. Hardly any planes in the air at dawn, but by noon and early afternoon, there they are. The Weather Map shows that these storms run up along the New Madrid Fault Line too. 

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/6/2 T00:03

  • Kojima

    * Recent some major earthquakes worldwide [2024/05/19 - 2024/06/01]

  • Nancy Lieder

    On June 2, another Zetas RIGHT Again episode in Istanbul. Disasters just starting as the Africa Roll has a long way to go yet.

    Istanbul building collapse leaves one dead, several others injured
    June 2, 2024
    An apartment building on June 2 collapsed in Istanbul's Kekmece district, killing one resident trapped under the rubble, with teams rescuing eight people.
    March 26, 2011
    When the 7 of 10 scenario for Africa occurs, dropping Africa and widening the Red Sea, the isthmus holding Istanbul will tear, dropping the city into rubble.

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/6/3 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/6/4 T00:03

  • jorge namour

    M 3.7 - 36 km NNW of Pierre, South Dakota
    2024-05-30 19:39:51 (UTC)44.668°N 100.545°W12.7 km depth


    2024-06-03 06:41:10 19.396 -155.276 2 2.4 ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII
    2024-06-03 06:35:51 19.381 -155.237 0 2.8 ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII
    2024-06-03 06:34:44 19.357 -155.207 0 2.4 ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII
    2024-06-03 06:28:20 19.382 -155.270 2 2.6 ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII
    2024-06-03 06:24:09 19.393 -155.280 1 2.0 ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII
    2024-06-03 06:23:34 13.910 -93.110 10 4.1 OFF COAST OF CHIAPAS, MEXICO
    2024-06-03 06:22:10 19.386 -155.261 1 2.3 ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII
    2024-06-03 06:20:37 16.080 -98.600 10 4.2 OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO
    2024-06-03 06:19:39 19.389 -155.275 2 2.3 ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAI

    Kilauea - "See the first footage of Kilauea volcano erupting in Hawaii"

    Kilauea volcano began erupting again in Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park.


    Magnitude 5.9

    Date time 2024-06-03 06:41:52.1 UTC
    Location 29.671 ; -42.880
    Depth 7 km

    Easter Island region
    2024-06-04 12:31:31 (UTC-03:00)
    10.0 km
    Easter Island region
    2024-06-04 11:59:19 (UTC-03:00)
    10.0 km

    south of Panama
    2024-06-03 21:34:46 (UTC-03:00)
    10.0 km

    3 km NW of Unteriberg, Switzerland
    2024-06-03 21:34:32 (UTC-03:00)
    1.3 km

    15 km SE of Oni, Georgia
    2024-06-03 19:03:42 (UTC-03:00)
    8.0 km

    western Xizang
    2024-06-03 15:54:06 (UTC-03:00)
    12.9 k

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/6/5 T00:03

  • James of Idaho

    June 5th, 2024- Current ocean temperature increases.   Not much water left that hasn't seen an increase in temperature.  Even looking at the Hudson Bay area we see water temps on the rise from tectonic plate movement as well as volcanic underwater activity.

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/6/6 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/6/7 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/6/8 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/6/9 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/6/10 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/6/11 T00:03

  • Nancy Lieder

    on June 10 we find Beijing under record heat, and on June 11 striated earthquake clouds [] over head along with the Thunderstorms that develope when a heat dome causes air pressure differences. Might we have the 5 day scenario from Bejing blowout to New Madrid Finale in store? 


    Mammatus cloud forebode thunderstorms but is there a nexus for Beijing between the heat wave being suffered there and the signs that China is burning from methane released from the ripping rock? The sustained heat that ripping rock produces, when the Methane burns, can indeed result in a heat wave.

    China has been stretched over the past few years, causing methane release with melting roads and methane poisoned school children in Beijing and a roaring dragon in the mountains due to solid rock vibrating when being pulled apart. The fault lines in China converge on Beijing, avoiding the big belly. So when any China Belly Blowout occurs, Beijing will be at the center. 

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/6/12 T00:03

  • jorge namour

    287 km N of Qamdo, China

    2024-06-12 00:48:16 (UTC-03:00)
    10.0 km

    M 4.3 - 7 km NNW of Puan, South Korea
    2024-06-11 23:26:50 (UTC)35.790°N 126.688°E10.0 km depth

    28 km SW of Urakawa, Japan
    2024-06-12 02:35:30 (UTC-03:00)
    62.4 km

    160 km SE of Sarangani, Philippines
    2024-06-12 14:01:20 (UTC-03:00)
    33.6 km

    northern East Pacific Rise

    2024-06-11 23:25:56 (UTC-03:00)
    10.0 km

    Caribbean PLATE


    iempo Origen (UTC): 2024-06-10T14:55:03 ± 0.6 sec
    Latitud: 19.950o ± 7 km
    Longitud: -75.828o ± 3 km
    Profundidad: 25. km ± 5 km
    Magnitud: 4.3 Richter Mecanismo Focal
    Ubicado a: 7 km Sureste Santiago de Cuba, Prov. Santiago de CubA

    Cuba registers a 4.3 magnitude earthquake in Santiago de CubA

    10 Jun, 2024

    Havana, June 10 (EFE).- The National Seismological Service (Cenais) of Cuba registered this Monday an earthquake of magnitude 4.3 on the Richter scale, noticeable in Santiago de Cuba (east), the second city in the country.

    The earthquake - the ninth noticeable this year - was located exactly 7 kilometers southeast of the town, according to the institution.

    National Seismological Service reported on social networks that the organization also received "reports of perceptibility" in several locations in the eastern provinces of "Santiago de Cuba, Guantánamo, Granma and Holguín

    Cuba registered a total of 7,475 earthquakes in 2023, of which 14 were perceptible, according to the Cenais annual summary.


    Senapred declares a red alert in Concepción due to the overflow of the Andalién River. As a measure of action, the agency issued an evacuation order for the Puente 1 and Santa Rita sectors. June 12, 2024

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/6/13 T01:43

  • Nancy Lieder

    On June 13 and for several days prior we see that the SE Portion is being dragged across the hump of the Caribbean Plate. The 7 of 10 Plate Movements outlined that the Caribbean Plate is pushed down when S America Rolls its bulbous top part to the West, as the Caribbean Plate is hooked and attached to the S American Plate in several places. Thus the Caribbean has been showing red on the air pressure maps indicated as Thunderstorm potential. This was true for Florida also, more so days prior than today. No wonder rain storms are dumping there. 

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/6/14 T00:03

  • Nancy Lieder

    By June 13-14 the drooping of the Mainland being pulled to the SW from the eastern Canada region, has returned to threaten the Chicago area. Note that the air pressure differrence is noted off the East Coast in the Atlantic, but the drooping is occurring from Chicago to the SW of Chicago. The US Military surveilance picked up again over these areas. 

  • Nancy Lieder

    On June 14 we are reminded that the New Madrid Adjustment affects more than just N America. As Africa Rolls, pulling its foot into the S Atlantic, the top nob of the Africa Plate pulls to the East, widening the Gibraltar gap, and tearing the border between the Eurasian Plate and Africa Plate. This means the border has less support, and will droop, rolling flood water in the direction of the border in the Mediterranean. Tilt a table and the contents will slide to the lower side. Tilt a plate border and the same thing occurs, water seeks its level. 

    Majorca, Spain []
    Murcia, Spain []

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/6/15 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/6/16 T00:03

  • Kojima

    * Recent some major earthquakes worldwide [2024/06/02 - 2024/06/15]

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/6/17 T00:03

  • Kojima

    IRIS EQ-Map

    * 2024/6/18 T00:03