New Madrid Jolt timeline

My question to the Zetas is why there wasn't any jolt felt!?

In 2010 when we first detailed the New Madrid Adjustment as part of the 7 of 10 Plate Movement scenarios, we stated that this would involve one large JOLT with an immediate tearing of the Atlantic and the European tsunami. We referred to the location of the JOLT being in the “primary blockage” without clarification. Nor did we clarify the location in the Atlantic that would experience “tearing”. Now that the Finale is in process, the public seeks more specifics.

In March of 2022 we detailed a role the Rock Bridge above the little town of New Madrid - located at the juncture of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers - would play. We stated that a JOLT there would “expedite the final rupture” and clarified that this Rock Bridge break would release the SE Portion from its attachment to the Mainland Portion, allowing it to “jump to the East”, destabilizing the Azores triple juncture of plates in the Atlantic. In April of 2022 we reiterated that the JOLT in the Rock Bridge will “signal” the start of the Finale.  

In May of 2022 we introduced the Rock Hook under Turkey and defined its role. Africa must roll for the Azores to be torn open, and the Rock Hook under Turkey is preventing this roll. The African Roll pulls on the SE Portion which is attached along their shared border in the Atlantic. This transfers to a tug on the Rock Bridge which ultimately snaps and sets the Finale in motion. Intrinsic to this is the S Atlantic void allowing Africa to slide its foot into the void and drop its NE corner so the roll can happen.

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for December 31, 2022

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  • Kojima




    CO-Africa/S America


    CO-India-SE Asia/Australia


  • Nancy Lieder

    On September 30 the Bridge of hard rock linking the Ozarks and Appalachia hard rock had CO from methane burns. The Bridge is being assaulted, and when that slips the SE Portion will slide with Africa during its Roll, allowing the New Madrid Rupture to proceed. 

  • Kojima




    CO-Africa/S America


    CO-India-SE Asia/Australia


  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 2 the main fault line in China is finally engaged in a serious quake swarm. This is the anticipated route for the big China Belly blow out, but previously the quakes in China had been one or two along this route while the quake swarms had all been clustered in Western China. Could this be the final Run? We shall soon see. 

  • Nancy Lieder

    To add to the impact of the quakes up along the main China Fault Line is this report from China that booms were heard in 4 provinces in Central China, the China Belly location which will push out into the Pacific. (

    Mysterious and loud detonations in Xi'an, Shaanxi, Mianyang, and Sichuan have sparked a heated debate. On September 27th, unusual and reverberating sounds reverberated through locales such as Mianyang in Sichuan and Xi'an in Shaanxi, China. These incidents quickly gained notoriety online, prompting a wave of speculation as people attempted to unravel the source of these enigmatic noises. The conjectures ranged from possible explosions to suspected sonic booms, with some even raising concerns about the potential involvement of a nuclear detonation.

  • Kojima




    CO-Africa/S America


    CO-India-SE Asia/Australia


  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 3 in a clear response to the China Belly blowout ongoing, big quakes along the periphery of China highlands. If the Belly starts to move, then everything else in line will try to move also. 

  • Kojima




    CO-Africa/S America


    CO-India-SE Asia/Australia


  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 4 the Philippine Plate reacted to the China Belly blowout by tilting more. 

  • Kojima




    CO-Africa/S America


    CO-India-SE Asia/Australia


  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 5 the Nexus of 4 fault lines at New Jersey and New York City is yet more angry and red with Methane burn. This cannot bode well for the New York City area. 

    Prior ZT:
    New York City sits atop the convergence of two East Coast fault lines  the Ramapo and the East Coast Fault Line. As the SE Portion of the N American Continent is tugged back and forth - first to the East to remain glued to the Africa Plate and then to the West to remain with the Mainland Portion of the N American Continent  these fault lines break. The rock strata shifts and separates, and the ground above shifts accordingly. If the nexus of the East Coast and Ramapo faults were not enough, the New Madrid and the Brevard fault line rising along the Appalachian Mountains are also tugged back and forth. This will accelerate as the New Madrid finale approaches.

  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 6 quakes in the Reelfoot Lake region (where the Mississippi River ran backwards in 1811-1812) showed a progression of small quakes from the South to the North, through the little town of New Madrid. This was registered on VolcanoDiscovery site and RaspberryShakes site. Note that the Panama Platelet expected to snap off to allow the Mainland Portion room to drop has snapped also, on this day. All this expedites the unzipping of the New Madrid Fault Line. 

  • Kojima





    CO-Africa/S America


    CO-India-SE Asia/Australia


  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 7 the Brake moved. The Zetas have called the movement of the Indo-Aussie Plate the "brake" because when it moves all other Plate Movements follow. This was significant top and bottom, at the India/Paki border and again near Bali. Big quakes and big swarm. Also notable in the day after we has a snap of the Panama Platelet that will allow the Mainland to drop and shift West more rapidly, is yet another large quake at the Isthmus where the Toe of the SE Portion is connected. Note that a series of quakes along the Aleutian Islands shows that the N Pacific is compressing due to this shift to the West of the Mainland.  

  • Kojima





    CO-Africa/S America


    CO-India-SE Asia/Australia


  • Kojima





    CO-Africa/S America


    CO-India-SE Asia/Australia


  • Kojima




  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 9 the Mainland as expected is dropping aggressively. Since the Panama Platelet snapped off, allowing the Mainland room to crush down, this has been expedited. Meanwhile quakes in the New Madrid region just below the Bridge have picked up. 

  • Kojima




  • Kojima




  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 11 the globe made peripheral adjustments to the main action in the China Belly and New Madrid Bridge. The armpit of S America had a big Waggle quake while Samuel, Brazil nearby went jittery again. On the other side of the globe there was another big quake at the start of the Russia Rip (an inland bay to rise up the Ural Mountains). Also taking the stage today is the region of Istanbul which the Zetas predicted would be devastated by the Plate Movements.

    ZetaTalk Prediction 3/26/2011:
    When the 7 of 10 scenario for Africa occurs, dropping Africa and widening the Red Sea, the isthmus holding Istanbul will tear, dropping the city into rubble. 

  • Kojima




  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 12 the ripping rock at Beijing has turned that area deep red with Methane release. Are we close to having the Beijing blowout predicted a year ago in late October, 2022 via UFO displays? This blowout, via simultaneous UFO displays in Japan and Taiwan, shows the whole region to be affected. (

  • Kojima




  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 13 we see that the Bridge is fully engulfed with CO from burning Methane, as is the pathway of the New Madrid Fault Line as it runs up the western side of Indiana. The wobble affects this and as can be seen 14:00 UTC is the peak hour for this stress. Thanks to Kojima animations, we she the drama as it unfolds. 

    As the SE Portion slides over the hump of the Caribbean Plate, it will squash the Caribbean down upon the knob of S America. This can be seen on this day, October 13, with quakes across the top of S America along the hard rock mountain ranges. 

  • Kojima




  • Kojima




  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 14 and 15, the Russia Rip eased the ripping Eurasian Plate at the China Belly, but the Triangle defined by the Oct/Nov UFO displays in Japan/Taiwan/Beijing is still outlined by large quakes. At the New Madrid Fault Line the Toe is on the move, pulling across the hump of the Caribbean Plate. On opposite sides of the globe, these action spots are picking up the pace. 

  • Kojima




  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 16 it is evident that the SE Portion is being scraped over the hump of the Caribbean Plate. Looking at the shape of the Caribbean Plate and the shape of the SE Portion one can see that as Africa Rolls to the EAST and drops DOWN on its eastern side, it would pull the SE Portion of N America such that the rounded Atlantic part of the Caribbean would be scraped. And indeed, the earthquakes there this morning show that scrape!

  • Kojima




  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 17 a sudden Methane CO emission West of the Mississippi River - from the Arkansas River junction up past Memphis all the way to Cairo. At the very least, this indicates that Mainland region is dropping in elevation as predicted by the Zetas. Simultaneous Mississippi River bridge closures at Cairo (the Juncture with the Ohio River) and Memphis show the establishment is aware.

    Lane Closures for I-55 and Crump Boulevard
    October 2, 2023
    MEMPHIS, Tennessee – The Tennessee Department of Transportation contract crews will be closing the I-55 Mississippi River Bridge to continue construction activities on the I-55 and Crump interchange. Activities include work on the Wisconsin Bridge, repair work on the I-55 bridge, moving concrete barrier rail, and striping. All work is weather-dependent.

    Mississippi River bridge from Cairo, Ill. to Mississippi County, Mo. to close for one year
    September 14, 2023
    The Us 60/62 Mississippi River bridge is scheduled to be closed to all traffic for an entire year, starting in October.This bridge connects the southern tip of Illinois, just south of Cairo, to Mississippi County in Missouri. The Illinois Department of Transportation and Governor JB Pritzker sent out a release stating the bridge will be closed to all traffic starting on October 2, 2023, and will last until October 1, 2024.

  • Kojima




  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 18 the result of the SE Portion scraping over the hump of the Caribbean Plate can be seen in an earthquake in the Atlantic on the SE Portion. Simultaneously, we have action at the Bridge, where the Ozarks is heating up with SO2 from methane in ripping rock all the way to Cairo and beyond. The wobble places stress on this region until about 15:00 UTC, and this build up can be seen, then eased until tomorrow. At 17:00 UTC one can see CO all across the hard rock Bridge, reaching West to East. 

  • Kojima




  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 19 many of the key scenarios to watch for happened – Mississippi Bridges faltering (, stress on the New Madrid fault line above the hard rock Bridge between the Ozarks and the Appalachian mountains, Pipeline breaks (, and the canals at the SW of Chicago ( collapsing.


    Thousands of Gallons of Gasoline Spill in Pipeline Break near Tekonsha

    October 19, 2023

    A break in a pipeline between Coldwater and Tekonsha spilled about 8,400 gallons of gasoline, contaminating the soil of a field but so far not any water, as far as officials can tell. The break in the BP pipeline happened about 90 yards to the west of Bell Road between Girard and Vincent Lake roads in Girard Township. It’s still not known what caused the break.


    *Emergency Bridge Closure* LA 3032 Eastbound Shreveport-Barksdale Bridge, Bossier Parish -

     Oct 19, 2023

    The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development advises motorists that beginning Friday, October 20, 2023 at 8:30am, the Eastbound Shreveport-Barksdale Bridge (LA3032) over Red River will be closed to traffic. This is an Emergency closure necessary to make deck repairs.

    1 Injured after Home Explosion in DeKalb County

    October 18, 2023

    A home in DeKalb County was destroyed and a woman was injured after an explosion on Tuesday afternoon. Crews from the Paw Paw Fire Protection District were working the scene in the 5800 block of Goble Road and confirmed the explosion to WGN-TV News. According to the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office, volunteer fire departments from neighboring towns also responded. 

  • Kojima




  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 22, smack ON the Bridge! This is now very close. 

  • Kojima




  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 21 the Chicago Bend is alive with ripping rock and derailments in Michigan. The New Madrid fault line goes straight up toward Lake Michigan after crossing the Bridge of hard rock connecting the Ozarks and Appalachian Mountains. Then the fault line bends, going East under the Seaway. This is new activity at the bend, a sign that the Bridge will soon pull apart. In addition to this sign is the action at the Toe of the SE Portion, which has a dozen quakes in a day. The SE Portion is clearly on the move!

    LANSING, Michigan
    A locomotive and 4 tanker cars derailed Friday afternoon in northwest Lansing. The train, which was transporting corn oil for Adrian and Blissfield Railroad, derailed about 12:30 p.m.  Chris Bagwell, president of the company, says it’s unclear what caused the derailment. “I wish I could say exactly what caused derailment. We don’t know yet because the cars are still in place.” The engine alone weighed over 300,000 pounds, while each tanker car is over 286,000 pounds. “We have no punctures or holes. No leaks.”

  • Kojima




  • Kojima




  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 23 we appear to be setting up for another Run from the China Belly Blowout through to the Atlantic waggle allowing the SE Portion to slide over the hump of the Caribbean. This is predicted to be a 5 day Run, but there have been several and the final Run has not yet occurred. But could happen! The SE Portion et al is certainly ready for the big lurch into the Atlantic. Note China has big quakes up into China along a major N/S Fault Line, and the Triangle formed by Japan/Taiwan/Beijing outlined too. The S Pacific is compressing with many quakes along New Zealand islands in the Loyalty Islands scissor region. 

  • Kojima




  • Nancy Lieder

    If yesterday was the start of a serious 5 Day Run from China, today on October 24 we see action in the Americas. While S America is in a waggle, the Caribbean Plate is pulling toward the Pacific to make room for the SE Portion to scrape over the hump in the Caribbean. The Toe is showing continuous quakes as it pulls to the East. Look at the distress in the Mainland near where the New Madrid Fault Line is separating - all the way from NOLA to the Seaway exit! Meanwhile in China we see a potential blowout near Taiwan as well as Beijing, which is red hot. 


  • Nancy Lieder

    On October 25 we have action on all fronts! China is moving closer to the major Beijing blowout that the Triangle of UFO's warned was going to happen to Japan/Beijing/Taiwan. The quakes surrounding Beijing are prepping for an explosion as the UFO display showed, while quakes in western China show the push to the Belly. In the Americas there are new quakes in the SE Portion above the Caribbean hump and out in the S Atlantic. The pace has increased dramatically on all these major fronts. 

  • Nancy Lieder

    The SE Portion is definitely on the Move on October 27, with two quakes on the Yucatan Peninsula! These are occurring one after the other - the first at 4:00 am and the second 6 hours later at 10:00 am. By 1:00 pm Florida had joined in with a quake too. Meanwhile, the SE Portion is ripping its Toe from the Isthmus and continuing to scrape over the hump of the Caribbean Plate. 

  • Kojima




  • Kojima




  • Nancy Lieder

    There are two places on the globe that routinely get jittery  - China and the Mainland of the US which is dropping like a stone on the Isthmus and forcing the Caribbean Plate and Toe of the SE Portion to vie for space. No other places on Earth are jittery like this, just China and the Mainland, as the Heliplots from October 29 show. .