Weather: |
Tides and Whirlpools:
"We warned at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995, that unpredictable weather extremes, switching about from drought to deluge, would occur and increase on a lineal basis up until the pole shift. Where this occurred steadily, it has only recently become undeniable. ZetaTalk, and only ZetaTalk, warned of these weather changes, at that early date. Our early warnings spoke to the issue of global heating from the core outward, hardly Global Warming, a surface or atmospheric issue, but caused by consternation in the core. Affected by the approach of Planet X, which was by then starting to zoom rapidly toward the inner solar system for its periodic passage, the core was churning, melting the permafrost and glaciers and riling up volcanoes. When the passage did not occur as expected in 2003 because Planet X had stalled in the inner solar system, we explained the increasing weather irregularities in the context of the global wobble that had ensued - weather wobbles where the Earth is suddenly forced under air masses, churning them. This evolved by 2005 into a looping jet stream, loops breaking away and turning like a tornado to affect the air masses underneath. Meanwhile, on Planet Earth, droughts had become more intractable and deluges positively frightening, temperature swings bringing snow in summer in the tropics and searing heat in Artic regions, with the violence of storms increasing in number and ferocity."
From the ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for February 4, 2012:
The wobble seems to have changed, as the temperature in Europe suddenly plunged after being like an early Spring, Alaska has its coldest temps ever while the US and much of Canada is having an extremely mild winter. India went from fatal cold spell to balmy again. Has the Earth changed position vs a vs Planet X to cause this? [and from another] Bitter cold records broken in Alaska - all time coldest record nearly broken, but Murphy's Law intervenes [Jan 30] http://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/01/30/bitter-cold-records-broken-in-alaska Jim River, AK closed in on the all time record coldest temperature of -80°F set in 1971, which is not only the Alaska all-time record, but the record for the entire United States. Unfortunately, it seems the battery died in the weather station just at the critical moment. While the continental USA has a mild winter and has set a number of high temperature records in the last week and pundits ponder whether they will be blaming the dreaded "global warming" for those temperatures, Alaska and Canada have been suffering through some of the coldest temperatures on record during the last week.
There has been no change in the wobble pattern, the wobble has merely become more severe. Nancy noted a Figure 8 format when the Earth wobble first became noticeable, in early 2005, after Planet X moved into the inner solar system at the end of 2003. The Figure 8 shifted along to the east a bit on the globe between 2005 and 2009, (the last time Nancy took its measure) as Planet X came closer to the Earth, encountering the magnetic N Pole with a violent push earlier in the day. But the pattern of the Figure 8 remained essentially the same. So what changed recently that the weather patterns became noticeably different in late January, 2012?
The N Pole is pushed away when it comes over the horizon, when the noon Sun is centered over the Pacific. This regularly puts Alaska under colder air, with less sunlight, and thus the historically low temps there this January, 2012 as the wobble has gotten stronger. But by the time the Sun is positioned over India, the N Pole has swung during the Figure 8 so the globe tilts, and this tilt is visible in the weather maps from Asia. The tilt has forced the globe under the hot air closer to the Equator, warming the land along a discernable tilt demarcation line.
The next loop of the Figure 8 swings the globe so that the N Pole moves in the other direction, putting the globe again at a tilt but this time in the other direction. This tilt is discernable in weather maps of Europe, again along a diagonal line. Depending upon air pressure and temperature differences, the weather on either side of this diagonal line may be suddenly warm or suddenly cold. The tilt and diagonal line lingers to affect much of the US and Canada, but the Figure 8 changes at this point to be an up and down motion, pulling the geographic N Pole south so the US is experiencing a warmer than expected winter under a stronger Sun. Then the cycle repeats, with the magnetic N Pole of Earth pushed violently away again as the Sun is positioned over the Pacific.
From the ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for April 6, 2013:
Would the Zetas be able to let us know what is causing the early break-up of the Arctic Ice, the ice seems to have taken on a swirling pattern at the same time, would this be wobble related? [and from another] http://www.vancouversun.com/news/national/Canada+Arctic+cracks+spectacular+event/8185609/story.html The ice in Canada’s western Arctic ripped open in a massive “fracturing event” this spring that spread like a wave across 1,000 kilometres of the Beaufort Sea. Huge leads of water – some more than 500 kilometres long and as much as 70 kilometres across – opened up from Alaska to Canada’s Arctic islands as the massive ice sheet cracked as it was pushed around by strong winds and currents. It took just seven days for the fractures to progress across the entire area from west to east. [and from another] http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=80752&src=iotdrss A high-pressure weather system was parked over the region, producing warmer temperatures and winds that flowed in a southwesterly direction. That fueled the Beaufort Gyre, a wind-driven ocean current that flows clockwise. The gyre was the key force pulling pieces of ice west past Point Barrow, the northern nub of Alaska that protrudes into the Beaufort Sea.
The Figure 8 formed by the N Pole during the daily Earth wobble has shifted somewhat to the East, due to Planet X positioned more to the right of the Earth during its approach. This was anticipated, and well described in ZetaTalk, the Earth crowding to the left in the cup to escape the approach of Planet X, so the angle between these two planets would change slightly. This shift of the Figure 8 to the East is due to the push against the Earth’s magnetic N Pole occurring sooner each day than prior. Thus instead of occurring when the Sun is high over the Pacific, over New Zealand, it is now occurring when the Sun is high over Alaska. All the wobble points have shifted eastward accordingly.
This has brought a lingering Winter to the western US, and a changed sloshing pattern to the Arctic waters. Instead of Pacific waters being pushed through the Bering Straits into the Arctic when the polar push occurs, the wobble is swinging the Arctic to the right, and then later to the left, creating a circular motion in the waters trapped in the Arctic. Since the Earth rotates counterclockwise, the motion also takes this path. This is yet another piece of evidence that the establishment is hard pressed to explain. They are attempting to ascribe this to high pressure and wind, all of which are not new to the Arctic, but this circular early breakup of ice in the Arctic is new.
Mario Valencia-Rojas
South Africa Table Mountain June 16,2021
Jun 18, 2021
Juan F Martinez
The Jet Stream has disappeared, all vortexes now.
Jun 27, 2021
46.6C (116F): Canada records its highest ever temperature as the country’s west and the US Pacific north-west frazzle in an unprecedented heatwave
Canada has recorded its highest ever temperature as the country’s west and the US Pacific north-west frazzle in an unprecedented heatwave. Lytton in British Columbia soared to 46.6°C (116°F) on Sunday, breaking an 84-year-old record.
The new all-time Canadian heat record of 46.6°C (116°F) was set in Lytton, BC on June 27, 2021. Picture via Twitter
Lytton, which is about 150 miles (250km) north-east of Vancouver, surged past the previous Canadian record. That was set in two towns in Saskatchewan – Yellow Grass and Midale – back in July 1937 at a balmy 45°C (113°F).
Lytton was not alone. More than 40 other spots in British Columbia set new records.
The devastating heat dome
A “heat dome” of high pressure parked over the region has set new records in many other areas.
The US and Canada have both warned citizens of “dangerous” heat levels that could persist this week.
The high pressure zone is huge, from California right up to Canada’s Arctic territories and stretching inland through Idaho.
Environment Canada senior climatologist David Phillips told CTV: “I like to break a record, but this is like shattering and pulverising them. It’s warmer in parts of western Canada than in Dubai.”
He said there was a chance of topping 47°C somewhere.
British Columbia’s power providers said there had been a surge in demand for electricity to keep air-conditioners running.
Environment Canada said Alberta, and parts of Saskatchewan, Yukon and the Northwest Territories, should also be on alert.
In its warning, it forecast a “prolonged, dangerous, and historic heatwave will persist through this week,” with temperatures 10°C-15°C above normal, at near 40°C in many places.
Unprecedented heat in US north-west
The Pacific north-west has also been breaking records, particularly in parts of Washington and Oregon states.
The US National Weather Service called the heatwave conditions “historic” and said they would persist through the week, “with numerous daily, monthly and even all-time records likely to be set.”
Seattle and Portland, often the target of jokes about rainy climates, could be among those setting their hottest temperatures on Monday. Both have already surpassed 40°C.
Oregon eased Covid attendance restrictions to open up swimming pools and air-conditioned areas like shopping centres. But Seattle in Washington had to close one pool because of “unsafe, dangerous pool deck temperatures.”
Fruit growers have been rushing to pick crops, fearing the heat could shrivel cherries and other fruit. Pickers have been starting at dawn and stopping at lunchtime in the unbearable temperatures.
BJ Thurlby, president of the Northwest Cherry Growers, told the Seattle Times: “We are travelling in absolutely uncharted waters.”
The US track and field Olympic qualifying trials had to be halted in Eugene, Oregon, on Sunday, as the crowd was told to leave the stadium for safety reasons.
Some areas along the coast could cool a little later in the week, but Boise, Idaho, could see a week of 40°C+ temperatures. The National Weather Service said parts of the state could suffer “one of the most extreme and prolonged heatwaves in the recorded history of the Inland Northwest.”
The warnings for all were to stay hydrated, avoid strenuous activities, and check on vulnerable neighbours.
It’s certainly looking like a climate emergency. [BBC]
Jun 28, 2021
Lytton village wiped out by wildfires amid record-breaking heat wave, Canada
The Canadian village of Lytton, which set an all-time national heat record this week, has been engulfed by fast-moving wildfires, officials said Thursday, July 1, 2021. Mayor Jan Polderman said the whole place is on fire, adding that two people were reported dead. Around 486 sudden deaths were reported across the province of British Columbia amid a record-breaking heat wave, with the toll expected to continue rising.
More than 1 000 people in and around the town were evacuated late Wednesday, June 30, as the fire spread through the community.
As of Friday, July 2, there were 62 new fires reported in the province, and the cause is now under investigation, B.C. Premier John Horgan told reporters.
"I cannot stress enough how extreme the fire risk is at this time in almost every part of British Columbia." He added, "It will take an extraordinary amount of effort to get that historic location back to what it was."
"There was little or no time to warn the community. In fact, it was the mayor himself that got the first whiff, and within minutes, the city was engulfed."
Brad Vis, a member of Parliament for Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon, said that 90 percent of the village is burned, including the center.
The fire inflicted extensive damage to B.C. Hydro stations and highways, limiting access to the village by road.
"Our poor little town of Lytton is gone," said resident Edith Loring Kuhanga. "This is so devastating-- we are all in shock! Our community members have lost everything."
The fires were triggered by a record-breaking heat wave, which has been affecting the Pacific Northwest.
The heat was responsible for Lytton setting temperature records for three consecutive days this week, with the highest being 49.6 °C (121.3 °F).
B.C. Coroners Service had received reports of 486 sudden deaths between June 25 and June 30, which is double the average number expected.
Jul 2, 2021
jorge namour
JULY 1 2021
Currently / Temperatures under direct sun are 56 to 68 C.
Jul 4, 2021
Juan F Martinez
Extreme weather causes widespread damage and flooding across Switzerland – A storm of a rare intensity
Rain, hail and winds of up to 135kmh were recorded on Monday evening. From the Jura mountains in western Switzerland, the thunderstorms swept eastwards across the country, hitting Zurich especially hard.
Jul 14, 2021
Juan F Martinez
On Tuesday evening the regional unit of the People's Liberation Army warned that the relentless downpour had caused a 20m breach in the Yihetan dam in Luoyang - a city of around seven million people - with the risk that it "may collapse at any time." (Updated: 21 Jul 2021 06:07PM)
The PLA's Central Theater Command said it had sent soldiers to carry out an emergency response including blasting and flood diversion. "On Jul 20, a 20m breach occurred at the Yihetan dam .... the riverbank was severely damaged and the dam may collapse at any time," it said in the statement.
Floods are common during China's rainy season, which causes annual chaos and washes away roads, crops and houses. But the threat has worsened over the decades, due in part to widespread construction of dams and levees that have cut connections between the river and adjacent lakes and disrupted floodplains that had helped absorb the summer surge.
Jul 22, 2021
B.C. declares provincial state of emergency due to wildfires
Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth declared a state of emergency on Tuesday afternoon in response to ongoing wildfires burning across the province.
It will take effect at midnight, Tuesday, July 20.
The forecast in parts of the province calls for shifts in winds and weather, raising concerns that property evacuations could rise to a level not yet seen this fire season, the government said.
The province previously declared states of emergencies linked to fires in 2003, 2017 and 2018.
On July 1, 2021, B.C. concluded a 16-month state of emergency, by far the longest in the province's history, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The state of emergency is initially in effect for 14 days once issued and may be extended or rescinded as necessary.
A state of emergency provides the province the ability to acquire land use or personal property to prevent or alleviate the effects of the emergency.
It also gives the government powers to control or prohibit travel to or from any area in B.C. and allows for the removal of trees, structures, or crops.
The province also has the authority to enter into any building or land without a warrant.
Farnworth said the decision to go to a provincial state of emergency was based on the advice of experts and due in part to the significant stretch of dry weather that is in the forecast.
"In a briefing last night, I received word that we'll be facing a few days of very difficult weather in the Interior," Farnworth added. "This declaration will address the potential of a mass evacuation scenario and provide our government with the means to secure the accommodation spaces necessary to house our citizens, if necessary."
More than 3,000 wildfire personnel are currently battling blazes around the province.
In the coming days, federal personnel and resources will be arriving in B.C. to assist with wildfire efforts along with firefighters from Mexico.
On Monday afternoon, the Inkaneep Creek wildfire, now named the Nk'Mip Creek wildfire, ignited near Osoyoos.
More than 200 properties within the Osoyoos Indian Band have been ordered either to evacuate immediately or to be on alert due to a fast-moving new wildfire that sparked in the area Monday evening.
The First Nation and the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen (RDOS) have declared a state of local emergency due to the now 1,100-hectare blaze, which broke out at approximately 4 p.m. near Inkameep Road, on the Osoyoos Indian Band Reserve (OIB) between Oliver and Osoyoos, B.C.
There were growing calls for a provincial state of emergency as more evacuation orders and alerts were issued in recent days.
Last week, B.C. Premier John Horgan said it was not necessary at that time.
"There is not one advantage" to calling a state of emergency except to bring more people together, Horgan said Friday.
Since April 1, almost 1,145 fire "incidents" have been recorded in the province with 300,000 hectares burned to date.
The B.C. Wildfire Service said this is about 200,000 more than the 10-year average at this time in the season.
There are currently 299 wildfires burning in the province, 37 of which are considered to be highly visible or a threat to public safety.
Forty evacuation orders affecting approximately 5,724 people (2,862 properties), in addition to 69 evacuation alerts impacting approximately 32,076 people (16,038 properties) are in place as in Tuesday.
Jul 22, 2021
Unprecedented Flooding this week!!! Massive! Flooding frequencies/intensities appear to have had an uptick globally! These are not just floods, some areas had no warnings in the daily weather report forecasts.
Photos: Catastrophic Flooding Across Western Europe
New Zealand west coast hit by heavy floods after month of rain falls in one weekend
New Zealand’s west coast has been hit by severe flooding, with a local state of emergency declared and thousands evacuated from their homes.
The latest floods arrived in the aftermath of heavy rains and storms over the past two months that prompted states of emergency in Canterbury and Wellington.
Deadly floods and mudslides hit Tajikistan
India – Fatalities Rise in Maharashtra Floods and Landslides
Dozens of people have lost their lives in floods and landslides across the state of Maharashtra in western India. At least 76 people have died in landslides and floods in…
Russia – Thousands Evacuate Floods in Far East
While northern areas of Russia‘s Far East Region are fighting wildfires, territories further south have seen ongoing floods which have forced almost 4,000 people to evacuate their homes. In a…
Yemen – Fatalities After Flash Floods in 5 Governorates
Storms and heavy rain have caused flooding in several parts of Yemen over the last few days. Figures from the Yemen Meteorological Service show heavy rainfall affected the country from…
Turkey – Hundreds Evacuate Dramatic Floods in Rize and Artvin Provi...
More than 400 people evacuated their homes after major flooding struck in Turkey‘s Black Sea Region late on 21 July 2021. Turkey’s Ministry of Interior Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency…
India – Massive Rescue Efforts Underway After Floods in Mumbai and ...
Massive rescue efforts are underway after heavy monsoon rainfall continues to wreak havoc in Mumbai and surrounding areas of the state of Maharashtra in India. Some areas in Maharashtra recorded…
Indonesia – More Than 5,000 Families Displaced by Floods in West Ka...
Communities in West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan Provinces of Indonesia have endured days of flooding where homes have been submerged and thousands of families evacuated. The flood situation for many…
USA – Deadly Flash Floods in Colorado and New Mexico
Severe flooding struck in parts of Colorado and New Mexico, USA, over the last few days. Officials report at least 3 people have died and 3 more are missing as…
Tajikistan – Deadly Floods and Mudslides Strike Sughd Region
At least 12 people have died after being swept away by floods and mudslides in Tajikistan. Flooding and mudslides swept through villages in several districts of Sughd Region on 19…
China – Over 350,000 Evacuated, 33 Dead, 8 Missing After Zhengzhou ...
As many as 33 people have lost their lives in the catastrophic flooding in Henan province in central China. Massive flooding struck the city of Zhengzhou and areas of Henan…
Pakistan – Over 20 Fatalities After Rain and Flash Floods in Khyber...
Over 20 people have died in rain-related incidents in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province in northern Pakistan over the last 10 days. Many of the victims died when heavy rain or floods…
Romania – Evacuations, 1 Dead After Heavy Rain Triggers Flash Floods
One person has died and dozens evacuated or rescued by emergency services after heavy rain and storms caused flooding and wind damage across parts of Romania over the last few…
China – Massive Floods Hit Henan Province After 600mm of Rain in 24...
Update, 21 July 2021: As of 21 July, 12 fatalities were reported and 100,000 people had evacuated their homes in Henan province according to Chinese state media. The Henan provincial…
Nigeria – Hundreds of Homes Damaged by Floods in Taraba State
As many as 300 homes were damaged by severe flooding in Jalingo, Taraba State in North Eastern Nigeria after heavy rain from 09 July 2021, while heavy rain on 16…
USA – Flash Floods Cause Chaos in Alabama
Flash flooding occurred in Birmingham metropolitan area and surrounding Jefferson County in Alabama, USA, after heavy rain on 19 July 2021. Roads were blocked and fire fighters carried out rescues…
Colombia – Floods in Antioquia Leave 3 Dead, Thousands Affected
Overflowing rivers and flash floods have affected parts of Antioquia Department in northwest Colombia since mid-July 2021. The department’s Administrative Department of Risk Management of Antioquia (DAGRAN) said 2 people…
Iran – 8 Dead as Flash Floods and Storms Affect 15 Provinces
Flash flooding, storms and heavy rainfall have affected 15 provinces of Iran over the last week, causing fatalities, displacements and emergency rescues. The recent spate of severe weather began on…
Jul 25, 2021
India – Massive Rescue Efforts Underway After Floods in Mumbai and Maharashtra
Massive rescue efforts are underway after heavy monsoon rainfall continues to wreak havoc in Mumbai and surrounding areas of the state of Maharashtra in India. Some areas in Maharashtra recorded more than 1,000 mm of rain in 48 hours.
Flood rescue Kolhapur Maharashtra, July 2021.
In Mumbai, heavy rain caused a building to collapse in the Govandi area early on 23 July 2021. Rescue operations are ongoing but media reports suggest 7 people have died and 3 injured. Just last week at least 20 people died in similar circumstances after several homes were destroyed in the Mumbai suburbs of Chembur and Vikhroli as a result of the heavy rain and landslides on 18 July.
Wider areas of Maharashtra state have been severely affected, resulting in massive rescue operations across several districts. Hundreds of people have been rescued so far, with many more still in need of help.
India’s National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) has deployed teams to the districts of Ratnagiri, Kolhapur, Raigad, Satara, Sangli, Thane and Palghar. Units of the Coast Guard, Indian Navy and the Indian Army have joined the rescue and relief efforts in several areas, notably in Ratnagiri and Raigad districts.
The Indian Air Force has also undertaken rescue efforts using helicopters in Chiplun in Ratnagiri, where flood waters are so high residents have taken refuge on the roofs of houses.
The heavy rain has triggered several landslides in Mahad in Raigad district. During the evening of 22 July a landslide damaged 32 houses in Taliye Village in Mahad. Media report at least 5 people have lost their lives while many more are still missing. Rescue operations are underway.
Nearly 6,000 passengers were stranded as train services on the Konkan Railway route in Maharashtra’s Ratnagiri district were suspended on 22 July.
Roads have been closed across the region, including major roads such as the Pune-Bangalore NH-4 and the Mumbai-Goa highway.
Rain and Rivers
The state has seen heavy monsoon rain since the start of the month. From 01 July to 22 July, Ratnagiri recorded 1,781 mm of rain, which is the highest for 40 years and above the July monthly average of 972.5 mm.
Rainfall intensified in the region from 21 July. Reports from the India Meteorological Department (IMD) show Mahabaleshwar of Satara District received 1,074.8 mm of rain in 48 hours to 23 July (480.4 mm to 22 July and 594.4 mm to 23 July).
India’s Central Water Commission report that 3 rivers in the state are flowing above “Extreme Flood Situation” (highest warning level) as of 23 July, including the Wardha river in Chandrapur district; the Gad river in Sindudurg district; and the Bav river at in Ratnagiri district.
Flood rescue Ratnagiri Maharashtra, July 2021.
The heavy rain has triggered several landslides in Mahad in Raigad district. During the evening of 22 July a landslide damaged 32 houses in Taliye Village in Mahad. Media report at least 5 people have lost their lives while many more are still missing. Rescue operations are underway.
Nearly 6,000 passengers were stranded as train services on the Konkan Railway route in Maharashtra's Ratnagiri district were suspended on 22 July.
Jul 28, 2021
Juan F Martinez
BRAZIL - Historic snow generates Euphoria.
Via Red Climatica Mndial
Jul 30, 2021
Tracie Crespo
Lightning strikes in Bangladesh kill 16 at wedding party
Several lightning bolts hit the wedding party within a few seconds, killing at least 16 people and injuring the groom.
Several lightning bolts have hit a wedding party in Bangladesh within a few seconds, killing at least 16 people and injuring the groom, officials say.
The group had just left a boat at the riverside town of Shibganj to take shelter from the thunderstorm when the lightning struck, a government administrator for the town said on Wednesday.
The bride was not with the wedding party, Sakib Al-Rabby told the AFP news agency, confirming that 16 people died as several bolts struck within a few seconds of each other in the western district of Chapainawabganj.
A week of torrential rains in the southeastern district of Cox’s Bazar left some 20 dead, including six Rohingya refugees.
Lightning kills hundreds of people in the South Asian nation each year.
According to an official tally, there were more than 200 lightning deaths in 2016, with 82 people dying on a single day in May.
Many deaths are never officially recorded, however, and one independent monitor counted at least 349 deaths from lightning strikes.
Some experts say deforestation has increased the death toll. Bangladesh has planted hundreds of thousands of palm trees in a bid to ease the impact of climate change and reduce the number of lightning deaths.
Aug 5, 2021
Athens: Major fire prompts evacuation of residential areas
A major blaze threatened northern suburbs of the Greek capital
The Greek national road, which runs from Athens to Lamia has been closed due to the blaze.
The fire is thought to have started in the nearby heavily forested area of Kryoneri, but has spread significantly throughout the afternoon.
Evacuation of Varibobi was ordered short after 4:30 p.m.
As the blaze is near some power substation there are reports of problems in the power surge and thus on the hottest day in the Greek capital where over 42 degrees Celsius are being recorded.
Aug 5, 2021
Japan rain: Nearly two million residents told to seek shelter
Nearly two million people have been urged to evacuate their homes amid heavy rainfall in parts of Japan.
Highest-level rain warnings have been issued in a number of prefectures, including Fukuoka and Hiroshima.
One woman has died and her husband and daughter are missing after a landslide destroyed two homes in Nagasaki prefecture.
More than 150 troops, police and firefighters have been sent to help with rescue operations in the area.
"They are carefully searching for the missing residents, while watching out for further mudslides as the heavy rain continues," a local official told the AFP news agency.
The west of the country is worst affected but heavy downpours are expected across the country in coming days.
In total, non-compulsory evacuation warnings are now in place for more than 1.8 million people across seven prefectures, according to Japanese broadcaster NHK.
Yushi Adachi, from Japan's meteorological agency, described the current rainfall as "unprecedented".
"It's highly likely that some kind of disaster has already occurred," he said.
Local television footage showed submerged roads. Rivers in Saga and Fukuoka have overflowed with water levels still rising, local media reports said.
An official in Kumamoto, south-western Japan, said a 76-year-old man was missing after trying to secure his fishing boat.
The flooding comes just weeks after heavy rain caused landslides and prompted rivers to burst their banks, killing dozens.
Aug 15, 2021
jorge namour
Massive wildfire near Jerusalem forces residents to evacuate
Firefighters working to contain blaze but say it is advancing quickly amid strong winds, causing a massive black cloud to completely block out sun near the capital
An abnormally massive wildfire near Jerusalem on Sunday forced residents in several small outlying communities to evacuate.
Some homes in the communities of Kiryat Ye’arim and Sho’eva were evacuated as all residents in Ramat Raziel were ordered to leave immediately.
Firefighters were trying to contain the blaze but said it was advancing quickly amid strong winds, causing a massive black cloud that blocked out the sun near the capital.
Teams were also working to fend off the flames from the nearby Eitanim Psychiatric Facility.
Ten firefighting planes scrambled to aid in the efforts to extinguish the fire on top of reservist firefighters that were called to the scene.
"We are quickly working together with security and rescue services to control the flame," said the head of the Mateh Yehuda Regional Council Niv Vizel. "Council officials are at the scene and are in contact with local communities. We urge all residents and visitors to comply with police so we can get the situation under control as soon as possible."
The Jerusalem area has been a hotspot for wildfires over the past months due to tinder-like summer conditions.
Two weeks ago, a wildfire nearly reached a local mall and gas station, forcing Highway 1 to be closed off for nearly two hours.
Aug 17, 2021
Juan F Martinez
It Just Rained on Greenland's Summit For The First Time in Recorded History
It has just rained at the summit of Greenland's ice sheet for the first time in recorded history, in yet another worrying milestone in our ecological unravelling.
Like much of the Northern Hemisphere, Greenland's been experiencing a massive heatwave with temperatures at the glacier's summit rising above freezing for the third time in less than a decade. On 14 August 2021, at a place normally far too frigid for water to fall as a liquid, the National Snow and Ice Data Center's (NSIDC) Summit Station recorded several hours of rain.
"There is no previous report of rainfall at this location, which reaches 3,216 meters (10,551 feet) in elevation," NSIDC reported, noting the amount of ice lost in one day was seven times more than the daily average for this time of year.
Aug 20, 2021
Yvonne Lawson
Ida Turns New York Area Into Disaster Area With Catastrophic Flooding
The New York City metropolitan area was struck by sudden disaster on Wednesday night as the remnants of Hurricane Ida flooded subways, roads, and homes across the city and beyond. Intense flooding inundated many areas of the city, Long Island, and across the Hudson in New Jersey. Governor Kathy Hochul has declared a state of emergency and has asked for federal help for what appears to be the worst natural disaster to strike the city since 2012’s Superstorm Sandy. Below are updates from the storm.
Subway passengers fled trains, stuck in system
Six trains were stuck in floodwaters and their passengers had to be evacuated, according to New York Post reporter David Meyer, citing the MTA. The Metro-North and Long Island Railroad are “totally offline.”
On CNN, straphangers described being stuck far from home in the Times Square station with no other means home after the city ordered all non-emergency vehicles off the roads until 5 a.m.
Governor Hochul declares a state of emergency
Hochul, in only her eight day in office, appeared on CNN shortly before midnight, saying that Ida’s path through New York was devastating “far more than anyone expected.” Shortly after the appearance, she declared a state of emergency, urging New Yorkers to “stay off the roads and avoid all unnecessary travel.” A travel ban in New York City is also in effect until 5 a.m.
All subway service was temporarily suspended
New York City breaks a rainfall record for the second time in less than two weeks
On August 22, Tropical Depression Henri dumped 1.94 inches on Central Park between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m., breaking the record for the most rain in an hour in New York City. Ida bested that record just 11 days later, dropping three inches of rain between 8:51 and 9:51 p.m. on Wednesday night. The intense downpour caused flooding throughout the city, as well as the first flash-flood emergency ever to be issued in New York City
The Weather Service reports rainfall totals of up to 4.5 to 7 inches in some areas, and more rain is expected. Earlier in the night, the Weather Service issued a tornado warning in some neighborhoods in the Bronx after radar determined a tornado had formed.
New Jersey declares a state of emergency
Just after 10 p.m., Governor Phil Murphy declared a state of emergency
In Newark, parts of Liberty Airport flooded after 3.24 inches of rain was recorded between 8 and 9 p.m. Many areas of New Jersey have reported flooding, including Elizabeth, Jersey City, Passaic, North Plainfield, Short Hills. A bayou boat was deployed in Lambertville
See the source for many tweets and pictures: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/09/ida-aftermath-floods-new-yo...
Sep 2, 2021
The Parana River, the second-longest river in South America after the Amazon, is about to dry out, leaving millions in fear
The water levels of the Paraná river, the second-longest in South America after the Amazon, are at their lowest since 1944.
The river is key to commercial shipping and fishing but also provides 40 million people with drinking water.
A drought in the region means water levels have dipped so low that fishers’ livelihoods are at risk.
The Paraná is 4,880km (3,032 miles) long and flows south from south-east Brazil through Paraguay and Argentina.
It merges with the Paraguay and Uruguay rivers to form the Río de la Plata Basin.
“The Paraná is the largest, most biodiverse and the most important socio-productive wetland in Argentina,” explains geologist Carlos Ramonell.
The Parana River is the second longest in South America. Map by BBC
Southern Brazil, where the Paraná’s source is located, has seen three years of below-average rainfalls.
The level of the river is so low that cargo ships have to reduce the amount of grains that are loaded for export.
The Paraguay river is also running very low
As a result, the Paraná’s flow rate has dropped from an average of 17,000 cubic meters a second to just 6,200.
The low water levels are causing problems for energy production with the hydroelectric plant that spans the Parana river between Argentina and Paraguay running at only 50%.
On Wednesday, Brazil’s Vice-President Hamilton Mourão warned that the drought could also lead to energy rationing in Brazil.
It is also hampering the transport of goods with ships not able to load up fully in case they run aground.
The Paraná is a key waterway for the transport of grains and the situation is forcing exporters to consider using land routes.
Forecasters say the drought could last until 2022. [BBC]
Sep 2, 2021
Juan F Martinez
Sep 3, 2021
Juan F Martinez
Keep an eye on Larry, a strong Cat 4 monster. If the wobble causes it to head inland it would be a direct hit to DC, Philly, NYC and East Coast! Here are the 5 PM AST Saturday, September 4 Key Messages for Hurricane #Larry. Larry could bring a risk of strong winds, heavy rainfall, and coastal flooding to Bermuda by the middle of next week.
Sep 5, 2021
Gerard Zwaan
Torrential downpours hit parts of southern Spain on September 23, 2021, causing severe flash flooding in the province of Huelva.
The floods inundated homes and swept away vehicles in the cities of Huelva and Lepe, and caused more than 600 emergency interventions.
According to the Andalusian Meteorological Agency, parts of the province received as much as 100 mm (4 inches) of rain in a 12-hour period on September 23.
Featured image credit: Guardia Civil
Source: https://watchers.news/2021/09/23/flash-flood-huelva-spain-september...
Sep 24, 2021
Gerard Zwaan
Flash floods hit Marseille after 2 months' worth of rain overnight, France
Posted by Teo Blašković on October 5, 2021 at 11:50 UTC (23 hours ago)
Categories: Featured articles, Floods, Severe storms
Flash floods hit parts of the city of Marseille in southern France on October 4, 2021, after 173 mm (6.8 inches) of rainfall fell overnight, with most of it in the space of 2 hours. The amount represents 2 months' worth of the city's average October rainfall. Travel was disrupted in the region and a number of train services were suspended.
Meteo France warned of the risk of significant flooding along the banks of Huveaune River, which runs through Marseille, and urged locals to be vigilant as storms were expected to last into the night.
Some of the residents living on the banks of the river in the Saint-Loup district were evacuated ahead of the storms.
The worst affected were parts of eastern Marseille, including the areas of Valmante, Les Olives, La Valentine and La Pomme.
Marseille Mayor Benoit Payan ordered residents to stay at home, amid concerns that further rainfall may intensify flooding.
Heavy rains also hit central parts of the country on October 3, with 150 and 300 mm (5.9 - 11.8 inches) of rain in 24 hours over Cevennes, and up to 458.5 mm (18 inches) in Villefort, Lozere -- representing about 3 to 4 months of rain.
Source: https://watchers.news/2021/10/05/marseille-flood-rain-october-2021-...
Oct 6, 2021
Gerard Zwaan
Italy sets new European 12-hour rainfall record
Posted by Teo Blašković on October 6, 2021 at 12:06 UTC (17 hours ago)
Categories: Earth changes, Featured articles, Severe storms
The day started with 496 mm (19.5 inches) of rain in just 6 hours registered in Cairo Montenotte, Province of Savona, Liguria, breaking the country's 6-hour rainfall record of 472 mm (18.6 inches) set in 2011.1
In just 12 hours, the same storm system dropped 740.6 mm (29.1 inches) of rain in Rossiglione, 13 km (22 miles) E of Cairo Montenotte, in the Province of Genova, Liguria, setting a new European 12-hour rainfall record.
That's more than half of the average rainfall the region gets in a year -- 1 270 mm (50 inches).
Agenzia Regionale Protezione Ambiente Ligure (ARPAL) reported 1-hour rainfall totals of 145.2 mm (5.7 inches) in Cairo Montenotte, 178.2 mm (7 inches) in Urbe and 181 mm (7.1 inches) in Vicomorasso - a new national record. Furthermore, figures from ARPAL show the station at Rossiglione recorded more than 900 mm (35.4 inches) of rain in 24 hours.2
All that rain caused numerous rivers to overflow and produced traffic-disrupting landslides.
While authorities said they responded to many calls for help, including rescue operations, there are no reports of casualties.
1 Italy breaks national 6-hour rainfall record with 496 mm (19.5 inches) - The Watchers
2 Italy – Floods and Landslides in Liguria Region After 181mm of Rain in 1 Hour - FloodList
Source: https://watchers.news/2021/10/06/italy-sets-new-12-hour-european-ra...
Oct 7, 2021
First nor'easter of the season hits Northeast, leaving more than 587 000 customers without power, U.S.
A rapidly intensifying coastal storm affecting parts of the Northeast U.S. since October 25, 2021, brought strong winds and flooding rains, from New Jersey into most of southern New England. This is the first nor'easter of the season, with the worst effects forecast to hit New England late October 26 through October 27.
Parts of New Jersey received up to 125 mm (5 inches) of rain by 11:00 LT on October 26. Central Park in New York City received 68.58 mm (2.7 inches) of rain by 13:00 LT while Islip on Long Island received 66.04 mm (2.6 inches).
Strong winds brought by the storm left more than 29 000 customers without power in Massachusetts by 23:59 LT on October 26 (03:59 UTC, October 27).
As the storm continued intensifying, the number of customers without power in Massachusetts rose to 189 000 by 08:25 UTC (up from 150 000 at 08:00 UTC), 21 620 in Maine, and 9 030 in New Hampshire.
The number rose to more than 587 000 by 16:00 UTC -- 492 000 in Massachusetts, 82 000 in Rhode Island, and 13 000 in Connecticut.
The Nor'easter responsible for producing flash flooding and powerful winds across much of the Northeast will begin to wane in strength and impact today as the surface low moves out into the North Atlantic, NWS forecaster Kebede noted at 07:00 UTC today.
Additional rainfall amounts will be marginal, but winds will remain strong until this evening when the surface pressure gradient weakens. Wind advisories, high wind warnings and flood watches remain in effect for parts of southern New England.
Autumn-like temperatures will return to the East Coast for the next several days in the wake of the departing Nor'easter as well as the arrival of high pressure over the Ohio Valley and eventually the Northeast.
Oct 27, 2021
‘A Major Catastrophe’: BC Storm Could Leave Lasting Impact November 17, 2021
SURREY, British Columbia—While torrential rain has stopped throughout British Columbia’s Lower Mainland, fallout from the storm threatens to leave a lasting impact on much of the province.
Mudslides continue to block major highways, and with extensive damage in some of the main arteries connecting the area to the rest of the country, there is no clear estimate as to when road access in many areas may be restored. Many communities are left isolated, and travellers and commercial truck drivers are stranded throughout B.C.
Floodwaters cover Highway 1 in Abbotsford, B.C., on Nov. 16, 2021. (The Canadian Press/Jonathan Hayward)
RCMP recovered the body of a woman from a landslide near Lillooet, some 160 km northeast of Vancouver, on Nov. 16, while a search continues for others who are missing.
“This is a major catastrophe, not only for this region in terms of the displacement of thousands of people and the impacts on people, property, and animals, but also the fact that this is one of the major bread baskets of the country,” says David Leis, a vice president with the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, who is a resident of Abbotsford, a city near the U.S. border about 70 km southeast of Vancouver.
“We have major infrastructure failure. This also means that Canada’s largest port, the Port of Vancouver, is highly limited in its activity, and that is a disaster for the whole country, particularly given the current supply chain challenges.”
As of Nov. 17, main road and rail services to and from the port remained cut off. The port, which handles $1 out of every $3 of Canada’s trade in goods outside of the continent, is crucial for Canada’s supply chains, already in stress as part of a wider global pandemic-led disruption of supply links.
Isolation and Evacuations
On Nov. 16, Abbotsford Mayor Henry Braun issued an urgent evacuation order for all residents of Sumas Prairie, an area south of the city, as a key pumping station fighting water levels in the region was on the brink of becoming inoperable with rising waters.
The low-lying area is home to major farming and agricultural operations.
“I know it’s hard for farmers to leave their livestock, but people’s lives are more important to me than livestock and chickens. We’ll deal with the rest come morning,” Braun said at a news conference.
Further north in the central interior, the residents of Merritt, with a population of 7,000 people, were evacuated on Nov. 15 because of flooding from the Coldwater River and from the collapse of the city’s sewage treatment plant. Locals were forced to travel to Kamloops, Kelowna, and Salmon Arm for safety, with officials saying the evacuation may last at least one week or more.
A man drives a boat on a flooded road in Chilliwack, B.C., on Nov. 16, 2021.
In Hope, about 122 km east of Vancouver in the Fraser Valley, which became isolated from the rest of the province due to road damage, rescue crews earlier in the week airlifted to safety 275 people caught between two separate slides on Highway 7 west of the community.
Lorne Marchildon was on his way home from Osoyoos to Cloverdale, some 45 kilometres southeast of Vancouver, on Nov. 14 and has been stranded in Hope ever since.
“Tonight will be my fourth night sleeping in my truck,” Marchildon said in an interview on Nov. 17, adding that he didn’t want to go to the shelters for stranded travellers so that there’s more room for others who need it.
“At the beginning, there was a lot of hope that they’re going to fix it, they’re going to get us through. But now, there’s no one in the streets anymore. People are just waiting now because they’re exhausted.”
Marchildon says he was in the area when the mudslides hit Highway 7 between Hope and Aggasiz on Nov. 14.
“I saw the disaster. I saw the people running around screaming for their kids in the dark. It was just terrible.”
Elsewhere in the province, stores with empty shelves are a common sight as panic buying and supply chain route disruptions deplete fresh food supplies. Segments of oil and gas pipelines were also shut off temporarily due to flooding and debris flows.
The province declared a state of emergency on Nov. 17, with Premier John Horgan saying it will give the province more options to respond to the natural disaster.
Bill Blair, the federal minister of emergency preparedness, said on Nov. 17 that the Canadian Forces will deploy air support personnel to assist with evacuation efforts, support supply chain routes, and protect residents against floods and landslides.
‘Uncertainty Creates a Lot of Stress’
Ray Nickel, a board member with the BC Chicken Marketing Board, says his organization is following the developments closely.
“From what we understand, our farm families are safe, so that’s obviously our number one concern,” Nickel said in an interview. “And then, corresponding with that, obviously, we’re very concerned about our animals and the safety and welfare of those. You can imagine, the uncertainty creates a lot of stress, especially when you’re threatened like this.”
Search and rescue personnel help flood evacuees disembark from a helicopter in Agassiz, B.C., on Nov. 15, 2021.
The BC Milk Marketing Board issued a statement to its producers on Nov. 16 saying that farms in many areas in the Fraser Valley, the Interior, and Northern B.C. will not have their milk picked up until further notice. The board asked the producers to dispose of their milk responsibly into their manure pit.
This exacerbates a milk shortage throughout the province where grocery stores outside of Greater Vancouver have already run out of dairy supplies because shipments were stalled from the highway closures.
Dave Earle, CEO of the BC Truckers Association, encouraged residents to remain calm and trust the industry to get food and supplies to them.
“What’s really important for everybody to realize is the goods will get there. It just may take a little longer, they may cost a little more, but the goods will get there,” Earle in an interview with CFJC Today in Kamloops.
Rob Fleming, B.C.’s minister of transportation and infrastructure, said his department is focused on getting the roads repaired and supply chain routes cleared.
“We fully recognize how important it is now in British Columbia to reopen the road connections from the Lower Mainland to the Interior to get supply chains moving again,” Fleming said on Nov. 16.
Nov 18, 2021
jorge namour
NOVEMBER 22 2021
اخبار اسكندرية - Alex News
Traffic paralysis due to rainwater gathering in Sporting
Mohamed Al-Tha
Victor Samouha Square in Alexandria today 22/11/2021
· · On the sea a while ago "sporting"!!
Nov 26, 2021
Mario Valencia-Rojas
The wind gusts in Colorado and Kansas are insane right now! The U.S. Air Force Academy near Colorado Springs, Colorado just recorded a 100 mph wind gust while Garden City, Kansas just measured an 84 mph wind gust. These are NOT from thunderstorms.
Dec 15, 2021
'Life-threatening' weather wreaks havoc for 100 MILLION people across the heartlands: At least 300K are without power after dust storm barrels through Kansas, 107MPH wind topples trailers in Colorado and tornadoes touch ground in six other states
A blinding dust storm moving at hurricane force winds of 90mph tore through half of Kansas, as trailers were knocked over in Colorado and fires spread throughout Oklahoma on Wednesday.
The wild weather affected 100 million people in states throughout the Midwest and Great Plains with the National Weather Service calling it a 'historical weather day.'
'The Central US has never seen a December storm like this,' tweeted Bill Karins, a meteorologist for MSNBC, saying it was 'multi-hazard, life threatening weather today.'
It came amid some record-high temperatures, just days after dozens of powerful tornadoes swept through the area, flattening buildings in nearby Kentucky.
Footage of the powerful storm in Kansas, where wind gusts reached up to 90mph, show the winds whipping red dust at such high speeds that KSN meteorologists warned 'It's zero visibility,' as drivers were forced to pull over and put on their brake lights.
'Visibility was extremely low,' Jaclyn Liberator, who took a video of the dangerous storm, told KSHB.
'There was one point depending on which car was in front of us... like we couldn't even see it was a flat bed truck, and we couldn't even see it was pulling the flatbed we saw only 10 feet of the flatbed so basically 10 to 20 feet in front of us.'
Dust storms and earthquakes: Kansas is hit with several natural disasters in one day
Just hours before a powerful dust storm passed through Kansas, greatly reducing visibility and taking down power lines, those in Saline County experienced four earthquakes.
The first occurred on Tuesday afternoon shortly after 4pm when a 2.5 magnitude quake shook Gypsum.
Then in the early hours of Wednesday, a 4.0 magnitude quake rocked the same area, and a third, this time at a magnitude of 3.4, struck later in the morning.
And a fourth, 3.1 magnitude quake, occurred just after 12.17pm on Wednesday.
The National Weather Service in Wichita said wind in the city of Russell hit 100mph at the airport at about 4pm.
But the brunt of the storm appeared to strike Hutchinson and central Kansas between 4pm and 5pm, the Topeka Capitol Journal reports.
In just that one hour, power outages around Hutchinson shot up from 48, impacting around 500 customers, to more than 455, affecting more tan 5,700 customers.
And by 5.15pm, the number had limed to 672 outages, with some 7,835 customers left in the dark, as emergency personnel throughout the region responded to downed powerlines and poles.
A large storage facility in Hutchinson also collapsed Wednesday night, after witnesses saw the roof blow off from one side, as if 'it was hinged,' around 6pm, KWCH reporter Alex Flippin tweeted, with another reporter, Greg Payne on the scene as debris fell from part of a roof at the Kansas City's Charles B. Wheeler Downtown Airport.
Officials say the roof of one of the hangars was ripped off during wind gusts up to 77 mph.
'We have a roof that just came off,' Payne said on his live broadcast Wednesday night, noting he wasn't sure what he heard until he saw the debris start to fall.
The winds also sparked fires throughout the central and western parts of the state, Jane Welch, a spokeswoman for the state's Division of Emergency Management told the New York Times, saying at least one home was destroyed, but no deaths or injuries were reported.
Forecasters had earlier warned that the gusty winds, dry air and warm temperatures would create conditions rife for 'an extreme to potentially catastrophic grassland fire.'
Eric Metzger, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Wichita, said the biggest blaze was in Russell and Ellsworth counties in the central part of the state, where two fires 'merged together into one massive fire.'
'It's probably about 40 miles long,' he said, noting that before Wednesday, Kansas had not had any rain for over a month.
'I've lived out here for more than 20 years,' he said. 'This is historic for us.'
Welch also noted that the winds were so strong that it was too dangerous for emergency crews to fight the fires from the air, and the National Weather Service warned people they may need to evacuate.
In Wichita, meanwhile, the Air Quality Index was reported at 99, putting the city on the verge of unhealthy levels.
'We are advising residents, especially those in sensitive groups, to consider limiting time outdoors until air quality improves,' city officials wrote on Twitter.
At 3pm, Gov. Laura Kelly issued an inclement weather declaration for Shawnee County, effectively closing state offices in the area, as a tornado warning had been issued for the western part of the state.
Dec 16, 2021
IMD Issues Red Alert As Severe Cold Wave Conditions Prevail In Northern States Of India
IMD has predicted cold wave to severe cold wave conditions in some parts of Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh & Delhi, Rajasthan and MP during the next 24 hours.
The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted a red alert with a 'cold wave to severe cold wave' conditions to persist in several states and union territories for this week. States like Delhi, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh are likely to witness very cold conditions for the next two days. Meanwhile, certain areas of Northwest India will witness a rise by 3-5°C and a rise of nearly 2-4°C over Central & East India and Maharashtra thereafter. IMD has also said that light to moderate rainfall and snowfall are expected over the western Himalayan region between December 22 and 25 under the influence of two Western Disturbances.
IMD latest prediction of weather conditions:
Parts of India experience severe cold
A cold wave swept Delhi on Monday with the minimum temperature at the Safdarjung Observatory, considered the official marker for the capital, dropping to 3.2 degrees Celsius, five notches below normal and the lowest so far this season. Two "back-to-back" western disturbances and the resultant slowing down of cold northwesterly winds from Tuesday night will push the minimum temperature up, said R K Jenamani, a senior scientist at the India Meteorological Department (IMD).
On Monday, the Met department had also issued three orange alerts warning of cold to severe cold waves and cold days in Madhya Pradesh where minimum temperatures dipped in the last three days due to chilly wind from north India.
The first alert predicted a likely severe cold wave at isolated places and a cold wave at many places in the ten divisions of MP- Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur, Gwalior, Chambal, Ujjain, Rewa, Shahdol, Hoshangabad and Sagar, in the next two days. In the second alert, IMD said that 17 districts, including Indore, Jabalpur, Rewa, Satna and Mandla, are likely to witness either a "severe cold day" or a "cold day" in the next two days.
Intense cold conditions continued to paralyse normal life in Rajasthan where the mercury dipped below freezing point at four places on Sunday night. The night temperature was - 1.8 degrees celsius in Fatehpur (Sikar), - 0.5 in Sikar and Churu, and -0.1 degrees in Karauli. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Monday had also tweeted about taking measures to save crops from frost.
Dec 21, 2021
Derrick Johnson
They'll be tricky to start in the morning! New cars are delivered to Russian port caked in several inches of ice due to freak weather
Dozens of cars have been delivered to a Russian port caked in several inches of ice due to freak weather.
Unusually cold and windy conditions meant the Toyotas and Hondas were plated with a thick layer of frozen seawater on arrival in Vladivostok on board the Sun Rio Ro-Ro cargo carrier.
The frozen vehicles had to be hoisted off the deck by a crane in temperatures of -19C (-2F) in Russia's Pacific capital on Tuesday.
Some were clad in ice up to six inches thick, said reports.
econd hand Japanese cars are popular in Russia, even though they are 'wrong-side drive' for local roads. There is a regular export market across the Sea of Japan.
Ship icing occurs due to a humid sea wind and sub-zero air temperatures which can lead to an increase in draft, heeling and heighten the risk of a ship's overturn.
Local sea captain Pyotr Osichansky, 72, said: 'It's December, and the sea is rough and windy.
'Seawater splashes on board, and turns into a thick [ice] crust. This year winds are much stronger than usual.'
Crowds of people came out to witness the icy cars being lifted from the Panama-registered ship.
'The cars are so caked in ice you can't tell the type of vehicle,' said an onlooker.
Dec 29, 2021
Derrick Johnson
Baked Alaska: State records all-time December high of 67F on Sunday after heat dome settled over Aleutian Islands
Climate change has set a new record high temperature in Alaska - it was 67 degrees Fahrenheit in Kodiak on Sunday.
The previous records, recorded in the 1980s, were in the low to high 40s, but temperatures typical sit in the 30s this time of year.
The warmer than usual weather is due to a dome of stagnant high pressure sitting on the southeast area of the Aleutian Islands in the northern Pacific Ocean.
Alaska is also warming faster than any other US state and twice as quickly as the global average, according to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
'Alaska's Changing Environment notes that, since 2014, there have been 5 to 30 times more record-high temperatures set than record lows,' the NOAA said on its website.
Kodiak was not the only city in Alaska to experience record temperatures.
Cold Bay, located in the Aleutian Islands, saw a high of 66 degrees - the previous record was 44 degrees in 1999.
And Unalaska, Alaska, spiked to 57.3 degrees by noon Monday after bottoming out at 50 degrees overnight, The Washington Post reports.
In addition to warming the usually cold region, this dome also dumped an unusual amount of rainfall over the area.
This is because the air can hold about four percent more water with every degree it warms.
In Fairbanks, which is located on Alaska's mainland, residents saw 1.93 inches of rain on Sunday - the city's wettest December on record.
Dec 29, 2021
'Evacuate now. Go north or east': Thousands of terrified Boulder residents flee as TWO fast-moving DECEMBER wildfires - whipped up by 100mph winds - burn: entire cities of Superior and Louisville are evacuated
Colorado's governor has issued a state of emergency as two wildfires swept the grasslands around Boulder, forcing the evacuation of thousands of people.
Six people were taken to hospital with burns said Kelli Christensen, a spokeswoman for UC Health in Broomfield, speaking to The Colorado Sun.
Thousands of frightened residents have been ordered to evacuate after strong winds downed power lines and caused a transformer to explode, sparking two fast-moving grass fires, according to the Boulder County Sheriff's Office.
The Middle Fork Fire is north of Boulder near the intersection of North Foothills Highway and Middle Fork Road.
The Marshall Fire is south of Boulder close to the intersection of South Cherryvale Road and Marshall Drive.
The size of the fires have not been confirmed, but some estimates put the Marshall Fire at 1,200 acres.
All residents of Superior, a total of about 4,000 households, have been instructed to evacuate, authorities announced. Evacuees were directed to the South Boulder Recreation Center - where the power has now been knocked out - the Lafayette YMCA, or the Longmont Senior Center.
Residents of Louisville, population 21,000, have also been directed to quickly evacuate. The South Boulder Recreation Center is serving as an evacuation site.
Two wildfires were sparked near Boulder, Colorado this morning after strong winds caused downed power lines and exploding transformers in the area
Residents of Superior and Louisville have begun to be evacuated. Citizens of Boulder County have been warned to flee to if they see flames
Thousands are without power and roads have been closed as the winds and fire persist
'In the case of evacuation, head east or north. Do not evacuate to the south,' the Louisville Police Department warned.
Huge plumes of smoke filled the air as the dangerous winds continued to blow the fires along. The National Weather Service reported an 'extraordinary' gust of wind reaching 105 mph just south of the Boulder city limit Thursday morning.
Boulder County spokeswoman Jennifer Churchill said any residents who can see fire should leave immediately. All local residents were instructed to close their windows to protect against the smoke.
Colorado Governor Jared Polis tweeted: 'Prayers for thousands of families evacuating from the fires in Superior and Boulder County. Fast winds are spreading flames quickly and all aircraft are grounded.'
Denver International Airport has been put in a ground delay, meaning flights will be pushed back at least 40 minutes.
The city of Boulder activated its Emergency Operations Center to help residents respond to the active situation.
Multiple structures reportedly caught fire. and thousands of people were reportedly without power after the intense winds sent power lines crashing to the ground.
Xcel Energy reported more than 48 power outages affecting close to 4,700 customers, Fox 31 reported.
The Costco store in Superior was evacuated as the fires crept toward the supermarket Thursday afternoon.
A crowd of shoppers was seen exiting the store as gray smoke filled the entrance and obstructed the view.
The Colorado State Patrol closed Highway 93 between Highway 58 and Highway 128; Highway 36; and US 36, among other roads, noting that 'several high profile vehicles have been blown over due to the wind.'
University of Colorado Boulder Facilities Management confirmed that many trees and branches on the campus have been toppled over by the winds.
The Boulder Office of Emergency Management made clear that the fires are their top priorities and have requested that people only call their hotline in regards to the fire.
Dec 30, 2021
Twenty-two people DIE as epic snow storm leaves 125,0000 cars stranded in Pakistan: At least 10 children among dead who froze to death or were asphyxiated by car fumes trying to keep warm on road to mountain resort
At least 22 people including 10 children have died after a heavy snow storm left an estimated 125,000 cars stranded in a mountain resort town in Pakistan.
Eight of the fatalities were from the family of Islamabad police officer Naveed Iqbal, who died alongside his wife and six children.
Police said most people had frozen to death in their cars but that others may have died from asphyxiation after turning on their vehicle's heaters to keep warm after getting stuck on the road.
Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid said the military had been mobilised to clear roads and rescue thousands still trapped. The Punjab province chief minister's office said the area had been declared a 'disaster area' and urged people to stay away.
Soldiers, including a special military mountain unit, were called in to assist rescue efforts and had freed thousands of vehicles by Saturday morning, though thousands more were still stuck in the area.
At least 22 people have died in a traffic jam after tens of thousands of visitors thronging a Pakistani hill town to see unusually heavy snowfall
Police said most people had frozen to death in their cars but that others may have died from asphyxiation after turning on their vehicle's heaters to keep warm
Murree, a resort town around 70km northeast of the capital Islamabad, attracts more than a million tourists annually though streets leading into the city are often blocked by snow in winter
Murree is a popular winter resort that attracts more than a million tourists annually though streets leading into the city are often blocked by snow in winter.
Umar Maqbool, a local administrator, said the heavy snowfall hampered rescue efforts during the night and even heavy equipment brought in to clear the snow got stuck initially.
'Until [the military arrived] no vehicle or even people on foot are allowed to enter Murree except for the emergency and rescue vehicles and those bringing food for the stuck people,' interior minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said.
Video shared on social media showed cars packed bumper-to-bumper, with three foot piles of snow on their roofs.
'People are facing a terrible situation,' Usman Abbasi, a tourist stuck in the town where heavy snow was still falling, told AFP by phone.
For days, Pakistan's social media has been full of pictures and video of people playing in the snow around Murree, a picturesque resort town built by the British in the 19th century as a sanatorium for its colonial troops.
Prime Minister Imran Khan said he was shocked and upset at the tragedy.
'Unprecedented snowfall & rush of ppl proceeding without checking weather conditions caught district admin unprepared,' he tweeted. 'Have ordered inquiry & putting in place strong regulation to ensure prevention of such tragedies.'
Authorities warned last weekend that too many vehicles were trying to enter Murree, but that failed to discourage hordes of day trippers from the capital.
'It's not only the tourists, but the local population is also facing severe problems,' tourist Abbasi told AFP.
'Gas cylinders have run out and drinking water is not available in most areas - it's either frozen or the water pipes have been damaged due to severe cold.'
He said hotels in the town were running out of food, and mobile phone services were patchy.
The town of around 30,000 clings to the side of steep hills and valleys and is serviced by narrow roads that are frequently clogged even in good weather.
Sheikh Rashid said residents had sheltered people trapped in the town and provided blankets and food to those they could reach on the outskirts.
Authorities said schools and government buildings had taken in those who could make it to the town from the clogged roads.
Helicopters were also on standby for when the weather cleared. Among the dead were 10 men, 10 children and two women.
Jan 9, 2022
549 cities under state of emergency due to severe floods, Brazil
The worst affected by floods are Minas Gerais and Bahia with 341 cities and 175 municipalities under a state of emergency.
Minas Gerais is home to the country's 3 most at-risk tailings dams, renewing traumas in a region that has experienced two catastrophic dam collapses since 2015.1
In the last few days, the state reported at least 15 fatalities, including 10 in Canyon de Furnas.2 More than 55 0000 were affected and 28 000 forced to evacuate, the state's Civil Defence reported.
While Minas Gerais has seen periods of heavy rainfall since October 2021 (the start of the rainy season), the situation worsened around December 22 when 13 municipalities experienced severe flooding.3
According to Brazil’s mining agency, 36 mining dams in the state are in a condition of emergency. A dam at an iron ore mine in Nova Lima dribbled on Saturday, January 8, causing two days of traffic delays on a major route.4
Authorities in Pará de Minas were keeping an eye on the Carioca hydroelectric dam in case it ruptured.
The landslide shown in the video below took place on January 13 in the city of Ouro Preto:
A video has also emerged online that shows the overtopping of the dam immediately downstream of the Pau Branco landslide on January 8, 2022.5
"At the start of the video it is clear that the rainfall was heavy, and the dam was full with water cascading down the spillway on the far side," Dr. Dave Petley of The Landslide Blog noted.
"As the landslide becomes visible on the left side of the footage a displacement wave races across the lagoon and causes an initial overtopping event. This quickly develops as the volume of the lagoon is filled with landslide debris. Initially, most of the overtopping is water from within the lagoon, and this is reflected by the videos from the road below the dam."
Jan 14, 2022
Tracie Crespo
Florida tornadoes destroy dozens of homes, leave 7,000 customers without power
Two tornadoes struck southwest Florida Sunday morning, destroying at least 28 homes and damaging others in Lee County, while leaving about 7,000 houses there without power, officials said.
The tornadoes were generated by the same storm system that brought freezing rain and snow to other parts of the East Coast, where more than 50 million people Monday morning were under winter weather alerts.
As of early Monday morning, the storm system had knocked out power to more than 180,000 customers in its path, according to PowerOutage.us.
In a Sunday news conference, Cecil Pendergrass, co-chairman of the Lee County board of commissioners, said at least 62 homes were currently "unlivable."
The twister was an EF2 tornado with maximum winds of 118 mph. It may have completely destroyed 30 mobile homes of the 108 mobile homes damaged near Fort Myers, according to a damage survey by the National Weather Service.
Four injuries were reported, but no one was taken to a hospital, officials said.
In Charlotte County, north of Fort Myers, an EF1 tornado with winds of 110 mph left behind a path of destruction, according to the weather service.
"A waterspout moved across Gasparilla sound near Boca Grande Causeway before then moved ashore as a short-lived tornado near Placida damaging at least 35 homes and a marina storage facility," the NWS said in a bulletin.
No one was injured, but some residents have been displaced, the Charlotte County government said in a tweet.
The storm system also has caused flight cancellations by the thousands. On Sunday, airlines canceled 3,058 flights nationwide, and more than 1,200 more flights had been canceled as of 6:45 a.m. Monday.
Jan 17, 2022
Tornadoes Hit Greek Islands During Blizzard
A series of tornadoes hit the Greek islands on Monday during the blizzard that has been sweeping across Greece since Sunday.
Meteology.gr uploaded a photograph of a tornado apparently approaching the island of Andros. Another video shows a tornado hitting the island of Skopelos, further north.
Tornadoes formed over the water at Greek islands
Tornadic waterspouts are tornadoes that form over water or move from land to water. They have the same characteristics as a land tornado.
They are associated with severe thunderstorms and are often accompanied by high winds and seas, large hail, and frequent dangerous lightning.
If a waterspout moves onshore, the National Weather Service issues a tornado warning, as some of them can cause significant damage and injuries to people.
The Greek islands have been completely covered in snow since Sunday in a once-in-a-lifetime weather event. Locals say that the last time this amount of snow fell on the Cyclades was decades ago.
Syros, Naxos, Tinos, Andros, Mykonos, Santorini, and the other islands of the Cyclades are covered in a white veil of snow
Snowstorm Elpis sweeps through Greece
The tornadic waterspouts of the last few days in Greece follow the second and most severe part of the storm known as “Elpis” which is in progress all across the country.
According to the National Meteorological Service (EMY), the main characteristics are very low temperatures; heavy snowfall — even in lowland areas of northern and eastern Greece as well as in the Aegean islands — while northerly winds of 8 to 9 Beaufort are expected to blow in the area.
Ships in the ports of Piraeus, Rafina and Lavrio remained docked on Tuesday due to strong winds reaching up 9 on the Beaufort scale.
Ferry routes to the Saronic Gulf were being carried out only with closed-type ships. The Aghia Marina-Nea Styra and Keramoti-Limenas Thasou ferry lines were not operating.
Jan 26, 2022
Iceland hit by record-breaking waves, among the highest ever measured in the world
A violent bomb cyclone affecting Iceland on February 7 and 8, 2022, produced hurricane-force winds and record-breaking waves at the southern coast of the country. One of the waves reached 40 m (131 feet) and blew off the scale, making it by far the highest measured wave off the coast of Iceland and among the highest ever measured in the world.
Garðskagi wave measuring buoys repeatedly reported 30 m (98 feet) waves during the storm, breaking the previous record wave height in Iceland set on January 9, 1990, at 25 m (82 feet).
However, one of the waves was so powerful that the meter struck out at 40 m (131 feet) and therefore it's currently uncertain how high the wave actually was.
Further analysis of the 40-m high wave is in progress. If it turns out to be correct, this is by far the highest measured wave off the coast of Iceland and among the highest that have been measured in the world.
The southern coast of the country is one of the most exposed coastal areas on Earth, so it can be expected that the waves will reach a height that is the highest that exists.
The Icelandic Met Office forecasted winds reaching 125 km/h (78 mph) but some regions exceeded calculations making this weather event rare for the country.
Feb 13, 2022
Juan F Martinez
Catastropic landslides and flooding in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Many dramatic videos coming into our Telegram Channel.
Feb 16, 2022
jorge namour
From #Madagascar and the wind speed of 137 km / hou
Feb 24, 2022
USA – Floods Cause Traffic Chaos in Alabama
Storms in Alabama, USA brought heavy rainfall and flash flooding on roads and highways in the Birmingham Metropolitan area on 16 March 2022.
Floods in Homewood AL, USA, March 202.
Jefferson County Emergency Management Agency reported flooded roadways, water rescues and cars washed away from the road due to flood waters. The agency warned motorists to avoid travel in the warning areas including metro Birmingham, Fultondale, Hoover, Vestavia, Homewood and Mountain Brook.
The agency added, “Some parts of Birmingham around UAB and Hoover around Bluff Park have seen nearly 5 inches (130 mm) of rain with these storms. Please stay out of these areas.”
Local media said multiple motorists became stranded in the floods. Birmingham Fire and Rescue Service were called on to carry out 8 flood rescues. One person sustained injuries and was hospitalized after being rescued from a vehicle trapped in flood waters. One person was in critical condition and taken to St. Vincent’s Hospital after he was swept away by floodwaters and rescued by bystanders.
Four people died in devastating flooding in areas of Alabama including Birmingham in October 2021.
Mar 20, 2022
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott declares a disaster as massive 45,000-acre Eastland Complex Fire burns through at least 50 homes and leaves a sheriff's deputy dead
A declaration disaster was issued in 11 Texas counties as a massive wildfire that has burned down at least 50 homes and left a sheriff's deputy dead continues to spread.
Firefighters are tackling the Eastland Complex Fire, which has burned through 45,000 acres and was only around 15 percent contained as of Saturday, according to the Texas A&M Forest Service fire.
The fire started on Thursday and has quickly spread because of the dry conditions and wind gusts of more than 40 mph in large parts of the state.
On Friday, Gov. Greg Abbott declared a disaster in the counties hardest hit by wildfires after confirming that dozens of homes had been destroyed by the flames.
About 18,000 people live in Eastland County. In the town of Gorman, about 475 homes were evacuated, but officials don't yet know how many structures may have burned, Texas A&M Forest Service spokesman Matthew Ford said.
The Texas A&M Forest Services warned that fires could also affect parts of Oklahoma and Kansas, and Nebraska warned of an extreme fire risk.
Videos of the blaze posted to social media show the blaze form into what appears to be a 'fire tornado'
Flames pictured spreading quickly through dry grass as the wildfire spread because of the dry conditions and wind gusts
The flames from the Eastland Complex Fire seen on Thursday night. Since it has started the wildfire has burned through 45,000 acres
La Paloma fire activity is seen in Starr County on Friday. The fire has burned through an estimated 1,036 acres and is 80 percent contained
Priscilla Maynard is pictured in front of a burned home Friday near Carbon, Texas as a firefighters struggle to contain a wildfire spreading throughout Eastland County
On Thursday, Eastland County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Deputy Barbara Fenley died helping resident escape the blaze.
According to the Sheriff's Office, Fenley was going door to door, getting residents to evacuate their homes and the last time she communicated she indicated she was going to check on an elderly person in Carbon, Texas.
'With the extreme deteriorating conditions and low visibility from smoke, Sgt. Fenley ran off the roadway and was engulfed in the fire,' the sheriff's statement said.
The 51-year-old leaves behind a husband and three sons.
'She didn't care who you were or what you did. She was always going to be there; Doesn't matter if you were 5 years old or 85 years old, she was going to take care of you,' her son Jon told NBC 5.
The Cisco Police Department posted a tribute to their 'sister' and said she will be deeply missed.
'She was a special servant and an attribute to our profession. We will kneel in prayer for her family, friends and colleagues as they mourn. RIP dear friend, you will be missed.'
Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush commended the 51-year-old's bravery.
'Deputy Fenley was killed while trying to save citizens from the fires burning across West Texas last night. Her service to our state will not be forgotten,' Bush posted on Twitter.
Mar 21, 2022
Gerard Zwaan
Record-breaking cold hits Europe, causing widespread damage to agriculture
Unseasonably cold weather hit parts of Europe over the past weekend, following warmer-than-normal temperatures in previous weeks that caused rapid greening of flora. Damage to agriculture is widespread but it seems it’s not as bad as it was last year when a similar cold episode happened. The worst affected countries were France, Germany, Spain and Austria.
According to Jason Samenow and Kasha Patel of The Washingon’s Post Capital Weather Gang, temperatures plummeted 11 – 18 °C (20 – 30 °F) below normal, triggering harsh frosts and shocking early-blooming plants and crops in several countries.1
“It’s still difficult to evaluate the damage caused by the frost, but orchards and vineyards have been impacted,” Jean-Marc Touzard, director of research at the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), said.
The national minimum temperatures dropped to -1.5 °C (29.3 °F) overnight Sunday and early Monday, April 4, 2022, marking the country’s coldest morning since 1947, according to data provided by Meteo France.
While Mourmelon in the Marne department east of Paris saw record temperatures of -9.3 °C (15.2 °F), French mountainous regions recorded -21.5 °C (-6.7 °F), setting a new April record.
For France, April 1 -3 were the coldest first three days of April since at least 1930, according to French meteorologist Guillaume Séchet.
Growers across the affected regions burned candles, sprayed water and used wind turbines in efforts to protect their crops from freezing temperatures, AFP reported.2
“Frost is a normal thing in early April. What’s less normal is for the plant to already be developed at that point,” winemaker Thomas Ventoursa said.
“Since 2016, we have had three big frost episodes and it’s true that it makes you seriously wonder about the future of our trade in this period,” Ventoursa added. “Everyone is tense because after the very poor harvest of 2021, we were at least expecting something normal.”
“It’s very bad. It hit hard overnight. A lot of fruit growers are affected,” Christiane Lambert, president of the FNSEA farmers’ union, told AFP.
In the Tarn-et-Garonne department in the southwest, Damien Garrigues sprayed his apple trees to cover buds in ice in a bid to protect them from even lower temperatures.
“For now it’s not as bad as last year,” he said, noting he lost 20 percent of production in 2021.
Big losses are expected for plum growers in the Lot-at-Garonne department, but not as bad as last year when 100% of plums were destroyed by a cold snap.
The agriculture ministry said it’s too early to draw conclusions about the damage as it’ll only be visible after a few days.
1 Record-setting cold snap hits Europe, stunning spring crops – The Washington Post
2 French fruit, vineyards endure coldest April day in 75 years – AFP
Featured image credit: Global Times (stillshot)
Source: https://watchers.news/2022/04/05/record-breaking-cold-hits-europe-c...
Apr 5, 2022
SNOW-WAY: Parts of Alberta just got some heavy spring snow
Let’s just say the Easter bunny may have a heck of a time navigating Fort McMurray next week, thanks to a hefty amount of snow they got overnight Saturday into Sunday, April 10.
The northern Alberta city can expect a further five centimetres of the white stuff to fall today according to Environment Canada, on top of the already large amount they’ve already received.
It’s set to be cold too thanks to strong winds tonight pushing the temperature to feel like -19°C overnight. Not very spring like at all!
“Yeah only called for roughly 5cm overnight and easily 20-30 cm came down,” claimed one Fort McMurray resident on how much snow had fallen in the city in a tweet. You just gotta love that sneaky Alberta spring snow!
“The Weather Gods got this forecast WWWAAAAYYYYY off…. cleaned a foot of snow off my truck TWICE since midnight last night,” one person jokingly tweeted.
Apr 13, 2022
Montana and North Dakota are hit by 'one-in-a-century' blizzard that has already dumped 47 INCHES of snow and closed I-94: Fears 20-foot tall snowdrifts will bury homes
Historic storms have pummeled parts of the U.S. with blizzards, record-breaking hail and tornadoes, causing widespread damage across the central and southern states.
Montana and North Dakota were slammed by the spring snowstorm, which featured 60mph winds and whiteout conditions with up to 47 inches of snow.
The winter storm is expected to continuing piling snow on residents through Thursday.
Much of the region has already reported at least one foot of snow, while forecasters predict most areas will see two feet of accumulation by the time the system passes. At least one mountain community had already reported nearly four feet of snow Wednesday morning.
The entirety of Interstate 94 was closed for nearly a day, however the North Dakota Department of Transportation has reopened the highway between Bismarck to Jamestown. The remainder of the interstate is expected to remain closed for the foreseeable future.
A No-Travel Advisory remains in effect for the state as meteorologists predict the spring snowstorm could become one of the biggest in a quarter century.
A separate weather system brought thunderstorms, high winds, heavy rain and hail across the midwest and into the south.
Nearly two dozen people were injured after a tornado struck Texas Tuesday night and although the damage was significant, officials report there was no loss of life.
Baron Weather forecasters claim the severity of the multiple storm systems remains uncertain, noting that some communities remain under 'enhanced risk' of tornadoes and fires.
Montana and North Dakota were slammed by a spring snowstorm Tuesday. The system is expected to continuing piling snow on residents through Thursday. A pedestrian is seen walking through the snow in Bismarck, ND on Wednesday
The storm has left much of North Dakota bracing whiteout conditions. This picture was taken in Bismarck on Tuesday afternoon, with a weather radar barely visible through the blizzard
A No Travel Advisory remains in effect for much of North Dakota and Montana as meteorologists predict the spring snowstorm could become one of the biggest in a quarter century. An icy, snow-covered ND road is pictured on Tuesday
This graphic shared by News12 shows snowfall totals for the 24 hours up until Wednesday afternoon, with Pony in Montana recording 47 inches of snow
Historic storms have pummeled parts of the U.S. with blizzards, record-breaking hail and tornadoes, causing widespread damage across the central and southern states
The same storm system responsible for tornadoes in the south is responsible for record-setting snow in the northern Plains.
Billings, Montana reported 13.9 inches of snow Tuesday, making it one of the snowiest days the community has seen in decades, AccuWeather reported.
The last time Billings saw that much snow accumulated in one day was May 11, 1981 when 15 inches piled up.
Other areas of Montana reported three to four feet of accumulation. Albro Lake, located in the mountains of southwestern Montana, reported 47 inches of snow. Nearby Pony, Montana record 36 inches.
However, forecasters claim the worst of the storm is lingering over the central part of North Dakota, where visibility remains low.
Airports across the state have cancelled almost every arriving and departing flight that was scheduled Wednesday, after numerous delays on Tuesday, KFYR reported. It is unclear if flight routes will resume Thursday.
Residents across the state have prepared to be snowed in for the next few days and several school districts have already opted to close schools until the storm system passes.
'It's a little windy, it's a little cold. I don't know, it's not that bad if you have your earbuds in or something, just kinda jam out, take it a minute at a time, and have at it,' Gus Lindegren of Bismarck told the tv station, noting he was trying to get ahead of the snow.
'I grew up on a farm in North Dakota, and I don't get too excited about blizzards. You just prepare for them, don't do anything dumb,' echoed Mike Deisz, also of Bismarck.
Rick Krolak of the National Weather Service office in Bismarck said the storm brought to mind the blizzard of 1997 that hit on April 4 of that year, dumping up to two feet of snow in some areas, knocking out power to thousands of residents and leaving motorists stranded on major highways.
'Its definitely looking like its going to pack a punch,' he said of the storm.
Apr 14, 2022
Canada – Thousands Evacuate Floods in Alberta and Northwest Territories
Ice jams, rain and melting snow have caused rivers to overflow in northern parts of Canada. Whole communities have been ordered to evacuate in Northwest Territories and hundreds have been displaced in northwestern Alberta Province.
Floods in Hay River, Northwest Territories, Canada, May 2022 Photo : Town of Hay River
Northwest Territories
An ice jam caused flooding of the Hay River in Northwest Territories, Canada, from 07 May 2022. Around 250 residents pre-emptively evacuated their homes in the town of Hay River and surrounding areas.
The government of Northwest Territories said levels of the river remained high but steady for the following days as ice held in the river channel due to cool temperatures.
However levels jumped 1.7 metres as “ice began to shift on 11 May with an ice jam from upstream moving into the downstream ice jam near town. This shift in ice caused water levels to increase rapidly through the Town of Hay River and K’atl’odeeche First Nation,” the government said.
“Water levels are extremely volatile right now and impacted by ice in the channel. Rapid changes in water levels are possible,” the provincial government added.
Officials in Hay River town said floodwaters had reached the downtown area. An evacuation order is in-place for entire Town of Hay River and Kátł’odeeche First Nation. “Everyone must leave,” the provincial government said. The nearby towns of Yellowknife and Fort Smith are serving as host communities for the town wide evacuation.
Northwest Territories government also reported ice jams on the Mackenzie River at Jean Marie River and at Wrigley, adding that water levels are slowly increasing further downstream on the Mackenzie River, as is normal for this time of year.
Meanwhile about 280 km (175 miles) south of Hay River, local officials declared a state of emergency on 09 May 2022 after snowmelt and heavy rain caused flooding in Chateh and John D’or Prairie in northwestern Alberta Province. Around 1,000 people evacuated their homes in Chateh, according to local media reports. On 10 May the community of Paddle Prairie also declared a state of emergency and around 30 homes were evacuated.
Officials in the City of Calgary were busy making preparations for possible flooding in spring and early summer, eager to avoid any repeat of the 2013 floods in the city when 5 people died and 80,000 were evacuated.
In a statement of 12 May 2022, the City said water levels in the Glenmore Reservoir and Ghost Reservoir have been lowered to create more room for potential flood water.
In addition to seasonal preparations, Calgary is in a better position to be protected from flooding thanks to significant infrastructure investments. According to officials, these investments have reduced flood risk by 55 per cent and potential flood damages by $90 million every year.
A continuous flood barrier from the Peace Bridge to the Reconciliation Bridge will be in place this year, helping protect wide areas of the city. Construction has also begun on the Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir (SR1) west of the city.
“Once complete, SR1 is a complete game changer for Calgary, protecting thousands of residents that live and work along the Elbow River and downtown Calgary from a 2013-size flood,” said Sandy Davis, Team Lead of River Engineering. “Working with the higher gates at the Glenmore Dam, this infrastructure will reduce damages by over $3 billion through the next century, safeguard Calgary’s downtown, the region’s economic engine, protect critical public infrastructure like roads and CTrain lines and vital services like our drinking water and wastewater treatment plants that we all depend on.”
May 15, 2022
Photos, videos show apparent tornado touch down in southern Sask.
Eyewitnesses say tornado formed suddenly near Keeler, Sask. around 7 p.m. CST
While not confirmed by Environment and Climate Change Canada as of 9 p.m. CST, the tornado was spotted by Rob Been near the village of Keeler—about 45 kilometres northwest of Moose Jaw—around 7 p.m. CST.
Been told CBC News he was taking a post-supper nap when he was awakened by loud thunder. The next thing he knew, a tornado appeared to be forming.
Unconfirmed tornado near Moose Jaw, Sask.
"You're awestruck at just the sheer power and the volatility of it," said Been.
"The winds came up so quick, the hail came down in a hurry. That thing formed almost out of nowhere."
Environment and Climate Change Canada did not issue a warning for a possible tornado in the area, however a severe thunderstorm warning was in effect at the time. Portions of central and southeastern Saskatchewan were placed under severe thunderstorm watches shortly afterward.
Eric Dykes, a meteorologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada, said the intensity of this storm was unexpected.
"There were no supercell tornadoes in the area at that moment. Radar didn't indicate too much at the time storms were expected, but severe storms were not expected to that degree last night.
Been said he isn't aware of any damage close to his property at this time. He still can't believe how close he was to the storm.
"Being a truck driver, I've seen tornadoes off the in distance before but never this close," he said. "Kind of as close as I'd like to get, honestly."
Dayle Bueckert also found herself surprisingly close to the storm.
The Saskatchewan farmer was driving with her kids north along Highway 2 from Moose Jaw when she spotted the apparent landspout tornado.
"It formed right in front of me and I was like, 'whoa, this is crazy,'" she said. "I wasn't going to stay in the storm so I continued driving ... I only got mostly rain and hail."
Bueckert said hail varying between pea to nickle size fell at their home near Eyebrow.
As for damage, Bueckert and her husband are planning to assess their recently-seeded canola farm near Keeler Wednesday morning.
Meteorologist Dykes also received reports to Environment and Climate Change Canada.
"We did get one report that was called in to us, a gentleman said that he did see it. And he believes that he saw it on the ground for about 15 minutes."
Dykes says they will be looking for more eye-witness reports of the possible tornado before they classify it. He encourages people to come forward with their photos and videos. He says so far there have been no reports of injuries or fatalities associated with this weather event.
If confirmed, Tuesday's landspout tornado could be the first reported in Saskatchewan in 2022.
May 20, 2022
Powerful derecho storm slams Ontario and Quebec, Canada, killing 5 and leaving trail of destruction
Five people are reported dead after severe thunderstorms raced through parts of Canada on Saturday, according to Environment Canada.
“There were five fatalities reported and a few others injured as a result of the strong winds with this line of thunderstorms,” read a weather summary for Ontario and the National Capital Region. “There was also extensive damage to trees, power lines and buildings. There were also overturned cars reported as well as widespread power outages.”
The line of thunderstorms developed near Sarnia, a city in Ontario, late Saturday morning and tracked over southern Ontario towards Ottawa Saturday afternoon, according to Environment Canada.
The storm left more than 350,000 customers without power, and “many power outages continue today,” the agency said Sunday.
Storms also swept through central Quebec on Saturday, resulting in broken tree limbs, uprooted trees, damage to buildings and “more than 500,000 homes without power,” Environment Canada said.
Hydro Quebec said on its website that restoration of service progressed overnight and Sunday morning, and close to 500 crews were mobilized on Sunday.
May 23, 2022
Gerard Zwaan
Severe thunderstorms, tennis ball-sized hail wreak havoc across France
Severe thunderstorms brought heavy rain and up to tennis ball-sized hail to France on June 3 and 4, 2022, wreaking havoc in vineyards across large parts of the country, leaving thousands of homes without power, one person dead and 15 injured – two of them seriously.
A woman died after being trapped under a car by flash waters caused by a storm in the northern city of Rouen, the mayor’s office announced.1
In the Landes and Gers region of southwest France, hailstones bigger than golf balls crashed down on parts of the Armagnac vineyard, affecting tens of thousands of hectares.
“In the vineyards, there is nothing left, the roof of our agricultural building is a giant Swiss cheese, and in the house, the windows are broken,” wine grower Nelly Lacave from the Landes region told AFP. “My father, who is almost 70 years old, has never seen this,” she added.
In Loir-et-Cher, central France, 30 000 scouts who gathered for a camping trip over the Pentecost holiday weekend had to be rushed to safety, many of them inside the local chateau.
Météo-France reported some areas saw a month’s worth of rain in just 12 hours to 06:00 LT on June 5, including 74 mm (2.91 inches) in Saint Yan (Saône et Loire) – normal June rainfall, 57 mm (2.2 inches) in Vichy (Allier) – 3/4 of normal June rainfall, and 54 mm (2.1 inches) in St Didier en Donjoj (Allier) – representing around 3/4 of the usual June rainfall.
Roads and streets were flooded up and down the country, including in areas of the capital, Paris, and in the northern departments of Yvelines, Seine-Maritime, Eure and Eure-et-Loir.2
Authorities warned that levels of the Eure River are dangerously high in Eure-et-Loir while local media reported that 2 bridges over the river in the Mayenne department were washed away.
Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said one person died in flood waters in Rouen. 15 people were injured, of which 2 seriously.
Météo-France said very intense electrical activity accompanied the storms, with around 50 000 lightning strikes on the ground in 24 hours, including ~41 000 in just 12 hours.
Saint Gervais d’Auvergne (Puy de Dôme) recorded winds of 106 km/h (65.8 mph), Montbeugny (Allier) and Chalmazel Jeansagnière (Loire) 104 km/h (64.6 mph) and Saint André en Terre Plaine (Yonne) 103 km/h (64 mph).
1 Storms kill woman, wreak havoc across large parts of France – The Local – June 5, 2022
2 France – One Dead as Fierce Storms Wreak Havoc Across 65 Departments – FloodList – June 5, 2022
Featured image credit: Meteo France
Source: https://watchers.news/2022/06/06/severe-thunderstorms-tennis-ball-s...
Jun 6, 2022
British tourists among thousands evacuated in Spain as 'out of control' wildfire rips through mountains near Marbella after breaking out on estate once owned by Colonel Gaddafi
Thousands of people including British tourists have been forced to flee a village on Spain's Costa del Sol overnight as a wildfire raged nearby.
The entire village of Benahavis, located in hills around 10 miles north of Marbella, has been told to evacuate due to a rapidly-spreading wildfire fanned by 25mph winds.
British tourists are thought to be among 3,000 people evacuated so far, with some put up in emergency accommodation in nearby San Pedro de Alcantara.
3,000 people - including British tourists - have been evacuated from Benahavis, north of Marbella, due to a wildfire raging in the hills
Helicopters are being used in a desperate bid to dampen flames in the Sierra Bermeja mountain range in Malaga
Smoke rises over the hills north of Marbella, as a wildfire rages close to the town of Benahavis, which has been evacuated
The estate, called La Resinera, was bought by the Libyan Foreign Bank in 1995.
Gaddafi, captured and killed in October 2011 following the fall of Tripoli to opposition forces, had announced plans to build a golf course and nearly 2,000 homes there.
But the Spanish government froze his assets in the country, and the real estate project, in March 2011.
Three firefighters have been injured trying to contain the 'out-of-control' blaze, including one with burns to 25 per cent of his body.
Police shut the sole road from Benahavis to the coast late Wednesday and drove around with loudspeakers ordering everyone out of their homes and hotels with only their essential belongings.
Many locals were forced to sleep overnight in their cars.
The forced evacuation is thought to have affected Torre Tremores, the exclusive villa on the outskirts of Benahavis where PM Boris Johnson stayed last year on holiday.
The army has been brought in to help firefighters tackle the blaze, which has already burnt nearly 5,000 acres of land.
The wildfire remained 'out of control' this morning although a predicted change in the direction of the wind in the coming hours is expected to improve the situation.
Benahavis Town Hall tweeted late last night in English and Spanish: 'The village is being evacuated. If there is anyone with mobility problems please call 999.
'Buses and taxis are available at the entrance to the village for those who require them.'
Jun 9, 2022
Derrick Johnson
Yellowstone faces 'INDEFINITE' closure after once-in-thousand year flooding forced a state of emergency and destroyed roads, bridges and homes and even the course of two rivers
ellowstone National Park could be closed 'indefinitely' as devastating flooding continues to ravage the towns, roads, and bridges along the Yellowstone River.
Park officials characterized the severe flooding tearing through the region as a once in a 'thousand-year event,' that could alter the course of the Yellowstone river and surrounding landscapes forever.
Officials say that the river's volume is flowing 20,000 cubic feet per second faster than the previous record measured in the 90s.
10,000 tourists were evacuated - including a dozen trapped campers who were rescued by helicopter - emptying the park completely of all visitors.
Officials warned on Tuesday that local drinking water has become unsafe, and to be on alert for displaced wildlife.
All entrances to the park were closed on Tuesday, and though park services say some southern roads may open in a week, they predicted that the northern roads will be closed through the fall.
Houses in surrounding communities have been flooded or washed away by streams that turned into raging rivers, roads have been carved away, and bridges have collapsed into the torrent.
The Governor of Montana, Greg Gianforte, declared a statewide disaster.
All park entrances and roads are temporarily closed due to extremely hazardous conditions from recent flooding,' reads a warning at the top of Yellowstone National Park's website, 'The backcountry is also closed at this time.'
In a statement issued Tuesday on its website, the park warned that its northern portion likely to remain closed for a 'substantial length of time,' citing the severe damages to vital infrastructures within the park.
The statement describes lengths of road that are 'completely gone,' and will require extensive time and effort to repair or rebuild entirely.
'It is probable that road sections in northern Yellowstone will not reopen this season due to the time required for repairs,' the update read.
The statement noted that roads in the southern section of the park appeared to be less damaged, and that authorities would be assessing that damage to determine when a reopening might be possible.
Officials have characterized the unprecedented flooding as a once in a millennium occurrence.
'This isn't my words, but I've heard this is a thousand-year event,' said Cam Sholly, the superintendent of Yellowstone.
Sholly noted that the river's volumetric flow has shattered recorded records by a staggering level as of last weekend.
'From what I understand, one of the highest cubic feet per second ratings for the Yellowstone River recorded in the '90s was at 31,000 CFS, and Sunday night we were at 51,000 CFS.'
Sholly also pointed out that historic weather events 'seem to be happening more and more frequently.'
All tourists were ordered out of the park, as rockslides rained down on roads, mudslides slid down valleys, and the raging river pulled landscapes, bridges and buildings alike into its torrent.
'It is just the scariest river ever,' Kate Gomez of Santa Fe, New Mexico, said Tuesday. 'Anything that falls into that river is gone.'
12 backpackers remained in the park's back-country after the closure, and were eventually evacuated by a Montana National Guard helicopter.
After declaring a statewide emergency on Tuesday, Gianforte said in a statement that rapid snowmelt and recent heavy rains have brought 'severe flooding that is destroying homes, washing away roads and bridges, and leaving Montanans without power and water services.'
'I have asked state agencies to bring their resources to bear in support of these communities,' he said.
The upheaval followed one of the region's wettest springs in many years and coincided with a sudden spike in summer temperatures that has hastened runoff of melting snow in the park's higher elevations from late-winter storms.
Videos shot by shocked locals and bystanders captured the devastating effects of the severe weather, including a home that was swept away by surging floodwaters on the banks of the Yellowstone River, a bridge collapse, and cars on a mountain pass narrowly being missed by falling rocks dislodged by the storm.
In Red Lodge, Montana, a town of 2,100 that's a popular jumping-off point for a scenic, winding route into the Yellowstone, a creek running through town jumped its banks and swamped the main thoroughfare, leaving trout swimming in the street a day later under sunny skies.
Residents described a harrowing scene where the water went from a trickle to a torrent over just a few hours.
The water toppled telephone poles, knocked over fences and carved deep fissures in the ground through a neighborhood of hundreds of houses. The power was knocked out but restored by Tuesday, though there was still no running water in affected neighborhood.
The rains hit just as area hotels have filled up in recent weeks with summer tourists. More than 4 million visitors were tallied by the park last year. The wave of tourists doesn't abate until fall, and June is typically one of Yellowstone's busiest months.
Mark Taylor, owner and chief pilot of Rocky Mountain Rotors, said his company had airlifted about 40 paying customers over the past two days from Gardiner, including two women who were 'very pregnant.'
Taylor spoke as he ferried a family of four adults from Texas, who wanted to do some more sightseeing before heading home.
'I imagine they´re going to rent a car and they´re going to go check out some other parts of Montana - somewhere drier,' he said.
At a cabin in Gardiner, Parker Manning of Terre Haute, Indiana, got an up-close view of the roiling Yellowstone River floodwaters just outside his door. Entire trees and even a lone kayaker floated by.
In early evening, he shot video as the waters ate away at the opposite bank where a large brown house that had been home to park employees, who had evacuated, was precariously perched.
In a large cracking sound heard over the river's roar, the house tipped into the waters and was pulled into the current. Sholly said it floated 5 miles (8 kilometers) before sinking.
Jun 16, 2022