Animal Behavior, Methane Poisoning, Dead or Alive and on the move (+ interactive map)


When Planet X entered the inner Solar System in late 2002 - early 2003, it was not just the Earth that reacted, as it did with an increase in earthquakes, volcanism and extreme weather, the animal life on Earth also started showing signs of the approaching monster.

The most noticeable symptoms were:

  • Crazy Animal Behaviour:  Reports of bizarre behaviour including animal attacks from normally passive creatures and spiders spinning webs over whole fields.
  • Confused Animals:  Whales and dolphins stranding themselves on beaches in droves or getting lost upstream in coastal rivers.
  • Large fish and bird kills:  Flocks of birds falling dead from the sky and shoals of fish dying and floating to the surface of lakes, rivers and washing up along coastlines.


Crazy Animal Behaviour

Reports of crazy animal behaviour have included sheep that charged a farmer’s wife off a cliff, deer attacking a car and rabbits biting pedestrians.  Spiders have spun webs over whole fields and caterpillar larvae have covered whole trees in silk.

As usual, the Zetas explain the true causes: (Jan 11th 2003)

Animal behavior also has been noted as almost crazed, where animals normally passive and seeking to avoid confrontation will attack with provocation, or fly in the wrong direction during migration. This is due to signals the animals or insects get from the core of the Earth, signals not known to man, but nonetheless there.  [……]  Spiders weaving webs to an extreme so that acres are covered under webs, get noted, but the base behavior is normal for a spider.  EOZT


Confused Animals

Other erratic behaviour among animals included a seeming loss of direction with whales and dolphins swimming inland and stranding themselves on beaches.

Unreliable Compasses  (March 28th, 2009)

The compass is unreliable for the past few years, and lately has gotten very extreme in its variance. Many animals and insects have a biological compass, recording during migrations where that compass laid, and when taking a return trip relying on the recording to guide them back. If the Earth's N Pole swings away from the press of Planet X, which is increasingly pointing its N Pole at the Earth, then these animals are not given correct clues and aim for land or up a river. Sad to say, this will only get worse as the last weeks and the pole shift loom on the horizon.   EOZT

Are due to the Magnetic Clash   (July 1st, 2006)

The compass anomaly, swinging to the East, is indicative of the Earth adjusting to the approach of Planet X and the clash of their magnetic fields. The change is indicative of a clash in magnetic fields as Planet X comes ever closer to the Earth, their fields touching. It is the combined field that Earth must adjust to, and continue to adjust to, not the exact position of the N Pole of Planet X within these fields, and the Sun's magnetic field enters into the equation too. This dramatic change, noted by a conscientious tracker, checking dual compasses daily for years, indicates that the Earth is trying to align side-by-side with Planet X, bringing its magnetic N Pole to point toward the Sun, as Planet X is currently doing in the main. These adjustments are temporary, and change about, as magnets can make dramatic and swift changes in their alignment with each other. Put a number of small magnets on a glass, with iron ore dust, and move a large magnet about under them, and watch the jerking about they do. Are we saying the Earth's magnetic field is going to get more erratic in the future, dramatically so? There is no question that this will be one of the signs that will come, yet another not covered by the Global Warming excuse.   EOZT


Large fish and bird kills

Hundreds, if not thousands, of these events have taken place with the frequency increasing year on year.  Poignant examples include the 20 tonnes of dead herring which washed ashore in Norway and 1200 pelicans found on a beach in Peru.

Earth Farts  (January 9th, 2007)

We have explained, in great detail, that the stretch zone does not register great quakes when rock layers pull apart and sink, as this is a silent Earth change. Nancy has carefully documented breaking water and gas mains, derailing trains, dislocating bridge abutments, mining accidents, and outbreaks of factory explosions, showing that these have occurred in rashes on occasion, when the rock layers pulled apart. [……]  In September-October of 2005, a smell of rotten eggs was sensed from LA to Thunder Bay on Lake Superior to the New England states and throughout the South-Eastern US. We explained at that time that this was due to rock layers being pulled apart, releasing gas from moldering vegetation trapped during prior pole shifts, when rock layers were jerked about, trapping vegetation. We explained in March of 2002 that black water off the coast of Florida was caused by this phenomena. Do these fumes cause people to sicken, and birds to die? Mining operations of old had what they called the canary in a birdcage, to warn the miners of methane gas leaks. Birds are very sensitive to these fumes, and die, and this is indeed what happened in Austin, TX. Were it not for the explosions associated with gas leaks, it would be common knowledge that gas leaks sicken, as the body was not structured to breathe such air for long.   EOZT


Zetatalk Explanation  (January 8th, 2011)

Dead fish and birds falling from the sky are being reported worldwide, suddenly. This is not a local affair, obviously. Dead birds have been reported in Sweden and N America, and dead fish in N America, Brazil, and New Zealand. Methane is known to cause bird dead, and as methane rises when released during Earth shifting, will float upward through the flocks of birds above. But can this be the cause of dead fish? If birds are more sensitive than humans to methane release, fish are likewise sensitive to changes in the water, as anyone with an aquarium will attest. Those schools of fish caught in rising methane bubbles during sifting of rock layers beneath them will inevitably be affected. Fish cannot, for instance, hold their breath until the emergency passes! Nor do birds have such a mechanism.   EOZT



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  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Thousands of puffins wiped out in storms: Records numbers wash up dead on coasts of Spain and France

    Bodies of dead puffins have been found washed up on the bays of France and Spain, provoking worries that the storms have thinned their numbers

    Bodies of dead puffins have been found washed up on the bays of France and Spain, provoking worries that the storms have thinned their numbers

    of Biscay

    • A few die each year, but recently many more have died due to storm weather
    • Drowning is common cause of death for the puffins
    • They are often swept away in strong storms while hunting at sea

    PUBLISHED: 17:11 EST, 19 February 2014

    Thousands of puffins are feared to have been killed in the recent storms that have hammered the UK for the last month. 

    The British Trust for Ornithology said today it’s received a record number of reports of puffins, wearing uniquely-numbered metal rings showing they are from the UK, being washed up dead on the coasts of France and Spain.

    It’s feared they have been wiped out in their thousands while hunting far out to sea in the storm-lashed Bay of Biscay for their favourite food, sand eels.

    BTO spokesman Paul Stancliffe said: 'Sadly, the sight of a puffin, beak full of sand eels, might be a little harder to come by this summer as they struggle to survive the recent storms that have rocked the Bay of Biscay.'

    In a normal winter, the BTO would expect two or three ringed puffins to be found in the Bay, which covers western France and northern Spain, but during the last few weeks, more than 35 have been reported and countless more are feared to have been drowned and lost forever far out at sea.

    The previous highest number of ringed birds found was back in 1979 when 17 dead puffins were reported.

    British puffins head out into the Atlantic for the winter months, riding out the worst that the weather can throw at them.  

    As the winter progresses, they make their way back into the Bay of Biscay before heading home to their breeding colonies and the burrows and tunnels in the ground on clifftops that they used the previous summer. 

  • Howard

    500 Dead Sheep in New Zealand a Mystery (Feb 3)
    Police are investigating the death of 500 sheep on a Southland property.

    The sheep were found dead in a gully on Mt Wendon, owned by Steve and Steph Hastie in the Wendon Valley.

    Steve Hastie declined to comment and Steph Hastie said they "really don't want to think about it".

    The sheep are believed to have been smothered.

    The incident happened when the ewes were heading back to their paddock through a series of open gates after the lamb sale on Mt Wendon between 11pm on February 2 and 7am the following morning.

    Police, who said the landowner found the sheep dead in a gully, went public yesterday in a bid to solve the mystery.

    Constable Wayne McClelland, of Gore, said the cause of the deaths, whether natural or suspicious, was being investigated.

    Detective Sergeant Greg Baird, of Gore, confirmed police were investigating the possibility the sheep had smothered themselves after being spooked.


  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Four Tons of Dead Fish Found in Kompong Cham Lake
    FEBRUARY 27, 2014

    About four tons of fish were found dead on the surface of Boeng Vien lake in Kompong Cham province this weekend, leading villagers to collect them to make emergency batches of the fermented fish paste known as prahok.

    Srey Santhor district governor Heng Vanny said that local authorities had not yet determined how the fish had died, but believed it could be due to recent fast growth of the invasive aquatic plant known as water hyacinth.

    Mr. Vanny said that water levels in the lake were particularly low due to the dry season, leading the water hyacinth to die and rot.

    “We think the rotten plants and the weather are the reason,” he said.

    Water hyacinth is known to put down vast networks of underwater roots, or “runners,” and can starve water of its oxygen, killing fish. Provincial Fisheries Administration deputy chief Hing Sothanarith said that fish were still dying Wednesday, but in smaller numbers than over the weekend.

    “We told people to collect the dead fish to make prahok, and we instructed them not to cook them for eating, because we are worried that the fish will make people sick if the fish really died of poisoning,” he added.

  • sourabh kale

    Mass die off of Frogs in the Curragh


    Hundreds of dead frogs have been reportedly found in a lake in the Curragh.

    Water samples were collected yesterday after an estimated 250 to 300 dead or dying frogs were found in the area writes Paula Campbell.

    An overnight analysis of the water sampled by the Herpetological Society of Ireland returned results that are within the normal range  for a healthy habitat however.

    The primary symptoms of the frogs discovered were dry, crackly skin around the neck area. There was also red discolouration in the skin of some of the frogs, known as common frogs, in what has been described as a ‘mass die off’ of the frogs in the lake.

    There are a number of possible causes of this huge frog die-off including being a target for rats during the spawning seasons as they become an easy target because the are worn out after all the frog reproduction.

    The Ranavirus, which causes internal haemorrhaging could also be a cause, alongside Chytrid, a pathogenic water fungus which invades the immune system, giving the animals a crusty appearance.

    Skin swabs have been taken for DNA analysis in an effort to identify the root cause of this mass mortality occurrence.

    The common frog also known as Rana Temporaria is a protected species so it is vital that the cause of this outbreak is found to prevent any future incidents.

    A similar occurrence was reported in Waterford last year.

  • John Smith

    Age-old indicators under stress in high Bolivia  For centuries, farmers in the fragile ecosystems of the high Andes have looked to the behavior of plants and animals to figure out what crops to grow and when.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Hundreds of ducks found dead around lakes

    DUNKIRK, N.Y. (WIVB) – Hundreds of ducks are being found dead along Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, and the state Department of Environmental Conversation says extensive ice coverage is to blame.

    The ducks have been found along the Lake Ontario shoreline, the Niagara River, in the open waters of Lake Erie, and Dunkirk Harbor. Conservationists say the fish eating birds found dead are emaciated and lack water-proofing, which is often a side effect of starvation.

    Biologists believe the extensive ice coverage on the lakes has forced wintering waterfowl to concentrate in the limited remaining open water. That, in turn, reduces the food for all and, along with severe cold, is killing off the undernourished birds.

    Though the mortality rate is difficult to estimate, the DEC categorized it as “extensive.”

  • lonne rey

    Minnesota Mystery: What’s Killing the Moose?

    GRAND PORTAGE, Minn. — For moose, this year’s winter-long deep freeze across the Upper Midwest is truly ideal weather. The large, gangly creatures are adapted to deep snow: Their hollow fur insulates them like fiberglass does in a house. And the prolonged cold helps eradicate pests that prey on moose, like ticks and meningeal worm, or brain worm. Yet moose in Minnesota are dying at an alarming rate, and biologists are perplexed as to why.

    n the 1980s, moose numbered about 4,000 in the northwest part of the state; today, there are about 100.


  • Starr DiGiacomo

    7 March, 2014 9:36AM AEDT

    Hundreds of Dead Birds found near Dubbo


    Some of the recused corellas found with hundreds of dead birds near Dubbo ( - ABC Western Plains)

    Wildlife Information and Rescue Service volunteers have been responding to rescue calls with hundreds of native birds found dead or extremely ill in the Troy Reserve area.

    Around 25 birds have been rescued so far but hundreds are reported to have died with WIRES volunteers saying calls from the public are still coming in.

    It appears that a significant number of corellas have been killed, but sulphur crested cockatoos and galahs have also been effected.

    Ann Mara is Chair of Dubbo WIRES Volunteers, "There's Carcass after carcass after carcass, many dead and some of them dying, lots of carcasses in the river itself. You know that's really hard on our volunteers. It's a terrible scene."

    The NSW Environment Protection Authority is investigating the deaths.

    Initial laboratory tests conducted by the EPA indicate that they may have died as a result of pesticide exposure. The EPA is also investigating the source of the pesticides.

    As a precaution, people are warned to keep away from sick or dead birds and are advised not to handle them. Pets should also be kept away from affected birds.

    Stuart McLeod is the Director of Technical Services with Dubbo City Council, "By all accounts it's a commercially available pesticide which is causing the problem. Where dead birds are seen in the river council workers have been out on the river collecting those birds."

    Mr. McLeod reassured residents that there's no danger to the Dubbo City water supply as the effected area is ten kilometres downstream of the city's water treatment plant.

  • Derrick Johnson

    Rare false killer whale showing off Southern California allows for amazing encounters

    Last confirmed sighting of sleek mammals in region was in 2001

     Captain Dave used a GoPro camera and managed, from his skiff, to not only capture close-ups of the false killer whales, but also vocalizations from the curious mammals, including one that seemed to be speaking to the camera. It’s one-of-a-kind footage, to be sure.

    “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Anderson said. “I was sitting there for about five minutes and the whales came over and surrounded me. Their whistles were so loud I could hear them above the surface. I grabbed my GoPro and wasn’t even sure it was on and stuck it in the water. I was tempted to touch them but I didn’t want to disturb them. It was one of the most amazing encounters I’ve ever had with wild cetaceans.”

    False killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) do resemble killer whales only slightly in body shape. They’re all black and lack the white eye patches and gray saddles of killer whales. They do, however, share some of the same feeding habits (both are known to prey on other marine mammals) and social behavior. They grow to about 16 feet, about half the size of the largest killer whales, and are somewhat mysterious.

    It’s unclear where the large pod came from, but it’s possible that it traveled up the coast from Mexico or Central America, where false killer whale populations exist. The water off Southern California is unseasonably warm, and that could help explain the extremely rare visit.

    Here’s another quality video, courtesy of  Dana Wharf Whale Watch:

    Captain Dave used a GoPro camera and managed, from his skiff, to not only capture close-ups of the false killer whales, but also vocalizations from the curious mammals, including one that seemed to be speaking to the camera. It’s one-of-a-kind footage, to be sure.

    “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Anderson said. “I was sitting there for about five minutes and the whales came over and surrounded me. Their whistles were so loud I could hear them above the surface. I grabbed my GoPro and wasn’t even sure it was on and stuck it in the water. I was tempted to touch them but I didn’t want to disturb them. It was one of the most amazing encounters I’ve ever had with wild cetaceans.”

    False killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) do resemble killer whales only slightly in body shape. They’re all black and lack the white eye patches and gray saddles of killer whales. They do, however, share some of the same feeding habits (both are known to prey on other marine mammals) and social behavior. They grow to about 16 feet, about half the size of the largest killer whales, and are somewhat mysterious.

    It’s unclear where the large pod came from, but it’s possible that it traveled up the coast from Mexico or Central America, where false killer whale populations exist. The water off Southern California is unseasonably warm, and that could help explain the extremely rare visit.

    Here’s another quality video, courtesy of  Dana Wharf Whale Watch:  



  • Howard

    Massive Fish Kill in Georgian Lake (Mar 18)
    A large number of dead fish has been discovered on the shores of Kumisi Lake.

    Specialists at the National Food Agency claim the fish died due to a lack of water and oxygen.

    Kumisi Lake is a popular place for anglers and lies about 20 km south of Tbilisi.

    Specialists studied the situation in the lake and found that the fish was not poisoned, but died due to lack of oxygen.\


  • Howard

    Sea of Dead Fish on Maninjau Lake in West Sumatra (Mar 18)
    Thousands of floating dead fish have bizarrely appeared on the top of a scenic lake in Indonesia.

    It is not the first time locals have seen the unusual phenomenon - at least 7,000 tonnes of fish died in 2009.

    West Sumatra Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Agency said the fish perished from sulphur poisoning and they also detected a small amount of ammonia, 'which is not supposed to exist under normal conditions.'

    The 99.5-square-kilometer Maninjau is a volcanic crater lake in Agam district.

    The lake, which has a depth of close to 500 metres, is known for its mountain-rimmed panorama and has become one of West Sumatra’s famous tourist destinations.


  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Big stink in Trinidad as dead fish wash ashore

    Saturday, March 22, 2014
    La Brea residents protest on Coffee Beach yesterday, to raise the issue of dead fish which have been washing ashore all week.

    The skies were clear and the breeze was cool, but there was nothing relaxing about walking along the La Brea shoreline yesterday, as the stench of rotting fish carcasses and the massive flocks of corbeaux lingering about had residents both sick and scared. After waking up yesterday to a foul odour in their community, they found their beaches crowded with the birds feasting on dead mullets and moonshines, which were littered across the beach.

    At about 9 am, residents bore placards in protest of their woeful situation, hopeful that Government would bring some relief to the fishing community, which has already suffered through last December’s Petrotrin oil spill disaster. Spokeswoman for the residents, Oneca Branker-Showers, said they have been experiencing nausea and diarrhoea due to the stench of dead fish, which have been washing ashore since last week Saturday. 

    Holding Petrotrin responsible, because of its controversial use of Corexit 9500 dispersant during the oil spill cleanup, she said the dead fish were causing more suffering. “The smell is very awful and I have been getting diarrhoea because of the stench. I have no kids, but children in the area have been vomiting and getting diarrhoea,” she said.

    “I believe it is due to the chemicals that were used to clean up the oil spill. It is probably the Corexit 9500 that is causing this. We are still experiencing the environmental hazards day after day, night after night and it is very uncomfortable living here these days. “Months after the oil spill and the beaches and mangroves have not been completely cleaned and we still have fumes now and again when the oil comes up from under the seabed.”

    She added, “If you walk along the shoreline you will see spots of oil still coming up. There is also a canal at Carat Shed Beach with oil in it and this gives off fumes.” Although a handful of residents raked up the dead fish into heaps, the high tide washed up more fish. “From oil fumes to dead fish fumes. La Brea people are people too, we have rights,” Avianne Rankin shouted as she held onto a placard.

    According to the Centre for Biological Diversity, dispersants break down oil into small droplets. It also pushes the oil residue below the surface, creating a toxic environment for fish by releasing harmful oil break-down products into the water. Petrotrin had launched an investigation into the matter, but according to head of Corporate Social Responsibility, George Commissiong, the company is still awaiting test results. 

    He said via e-mail: “Further to reports of dead fish along the beaches in La Brea, our HSE personnel visited the beaches and took samples of the carcasses. “The carcasses have since been sent for independent testing in order to determine the cause of death. The results have not been received. “While the residents have blamed the company and the recent oil spill for the fish kill, this has not yet been established.”

    More species of fishes found
    Initially, most of the dead fish were suspected to be mullets and salmon, but according to fisherman Jason James, brochet, torrot and moonshines were being killed as well. Now, the question for fishermen is whether or not their catches are safe for consumption. “The amount of fish we are seeing on the beach here and nobody is getting a response as to whether the fish in the sea are good for human consumption or not. 

    “We need to know exactly what is taking place with the fish: whether it is safe to fish or to eat because this is a fishing village and a lot of people depend on fishing to eat.”

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    BERITAJAKARTA.COM — 3/27/2014 10:09:28 PM

    Hundreds of Fish Found Dead on Marunda Beach

    Hundreds of dead fish are found floating on Marunda Beach, Cilincing, North Jakarta. Such a thing is complained by local fishermen who suspect those fish dead because of the wastes polluting the water. Since last Monday (3/24), those dead fish got dragged to the shore until to Marunda coastal area.
    Chief of Marunda Coastal Fishermen, Al-Alam Aslik (62), suspected those fish dead because of wastes from households as well as big companies around the location, which flowing from several rivers and canal that estuary to Marunda waters. “We do not know where the wastes come from, but around here there are industrial areas like KBN, Marunda Centre, et cetera,” he told, Thursday (3/27).
    According to Aslik, his party has reported this matter to related unit. As a matter of fact, they even had sent sample of seawater as requested by North Jakarta Fisheries, Poultry, and Maritime Sub-Department. But until now, there is no response.
    Responding this matter, Head of North Jakarta Fisheries, Poultry, and Maritime Sub-Department, Liliek Litasari, admitted that she has not received information about dead fish on Marunda Beach. However, she said that there is nothing odd about alleged pollution on Marunda Beach.
    “It (Marunda Beach) is estuary of rivers which water flows there. Besides, there are also big companies around there. So, if there were wastes, it’s possible. We will check it to the location,” she stated.
    Meanwhile, North Jakarta Mayor, Heru Budi Hartono, uttered that pollution on coastal area like Marunda might be caused by waste comprehensive factor from rivers as well as contra flow from the sea. Because of that, he will conduct investigation regarding indication and allegation of factories near the location throwing wastes to the waters.
    “Indeed there is allegation and we must increase surveillance. After this, I will coordinate with (North Jakarta) Fisheries, Poultry, and Maritime Sub-Department to check the matter directly,” he finished.
  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Dead fish discovered at Pike Lake

    Dead fish discovered

    WARSAW -

    Indiana DNR is getting reports of a large amount of dead fish. They've been seen floating in at least two Kosciusko County lakes.

    Robert Schultz has been fishing on Kosciusko County Lakes for thirty some years.

    "A lot of good memories," he said.

    He knows all the lakes like the back of his hand, but he saw something rare early Monday morning at Pike Lake.

    "...Probably about 7, 7:30, this whole bank right here was completely full right here all the way around, that bank was completely full cause the water was calm and the wind wasn't blowing," Schultz said.

    The bank was full of dead Gizzard Shad.

    "It's absolutely everywhere," Schultz said.

    The harsh winter killed a lot of shad. The DNR says this type of fish just can't handle the freezing temperatures.

    "Probably about four years, it's been this solid of a freeze," Schultz said.

    He says he's seen hundreds of dead fish...

    "There's some shad like this big that's died," he said stretching his hands wide.

    At Pike Lake, a lot of the dead shad have been gobbled up by birds and larger fish, but fisherman like Schultz expect to see more.

    The DNR says it's also received reports of dead shad at Winona Lake. Again, a spokesperson says they died from the cold weather. But if other fish are found dead, he says it would likely have something to do with a lack of oxygen produced by plants.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    dead fish Puslinch Lake

    Dead fish seen floating in Puslinch Lake behind the Old Marina Restaurant. -- April 1, 2014

    Published Tuesday, April 1, 2014 1:03PM EDT 
    Last Updated Tuesday, April 1, 2014 6:28PM EDT

    Hundreds of dead fish have washed up along the shores of Puslinch Lake.

    While it may be alarming, the reason is not surprising.

    It’s called a winter kill.

    Dead fish found floating in Puslinch Lake

    According to the Ministry of Natural Resources, it happens most often in shallow bodies of water that are frozen for an extended period of time, preventing the natural exchange of oxygen.

    “Unfortunately the fish are dying from lack of oxygen,” says Art Zymerman, president of the Puslinch Lake Conservation Association. “What I see here now is the worst winter kill that I’ve seen in the ten years that I’ve been on the lake, and even the lake residents that have been here much longer than me. Everyone is concerned.”

    The winter kill will have a devastating effect on the fish population at Puslinch Lake.

    Zymerman says he expects to see hundreds, if not tens of thousands of fish wash up on the shoreline in the coming weeks.

    That’s why fishermen are being asked to stay away until later this summer.

    Anyone who visits the lake will smell the rotting fish but experts say it will only take a few weeks for the lake to clean itself up naturally.

  • SongStar101

    A quarter of Europe's bumblebees, vital to crops, face extinction: study

    OSLO (Reuters) - Almost a quarter of Europe's bumblebees are at risk of extinction due to loss of habitats and climate change, threatening pollination of crops worth billions of dollars, a study showed on Wednesday.

    Sixteen of 68 bumblebee species in Europe are at risk, the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) said. It is preparing a global study of the bees, whose honeybee cousins are in steep decline because of disease.

    "Of the five most important insect pollinators of European crops, three are bumblebee species," said the IUCN, which groups governments, scientists and conservation groups.

    "Together with other pollinators, bumblebees contribute more than 22 billion euros ($30.35 billion) to European agriculture a year," it said in a statement.

    Of Europe's bumblebee species, populations of almost half are falling and just 13 percent are increasing, it said.

    Often with yellow and black stripes and bigger than honeybees, bumblebees live in small nests of up to 200 and do not make honeycombs. Some bumblebees are commercially bred to pollinate tomatoes, peppers and aubergines in greenhouses.

    "Climate change, the intensification of agriculture and changes in agricultural land are the main threats" to bumblebees, said the report, the first Red List assessment of threats to bumblebees.

    The European Union's top environment official said the 28-nation bloc was taking action to improve the situation.

    "The EU recently banned or restricted the use of certain pesticides that are dangerous to bees and is funding research into status of pollinators," said EU Environment Commissioner Janez Potoċnik in a statement.

    "However, efforts clearly need to be scaled up," he added. The IUCN study was funded by the European Commission.


    The study did not mention the possibility that honeybee diseases were spreading to bumblebees.

    A study in the journal Nature in February said that deformed wing virus, for instance, was found in both honeybees and bumblebees in Britain. The virus was more prevalent in honeybees, suggesting it was spreading from them to bumblebees.

    "In general, we don't know a lot about bumblebee disease," Stuart Roberts, a member of the IUCN's global bumblebee assessment team, told Reuters.

    "Some of these threatened bumblebees are isolated, living in the Arctic or the Alps," he said. "In those places the chance of picking up a disease from a honeybee is almost nil."

    The Arctic species Bombus hyperboreus, living in the Scandinavian tundra and Russia, is vulnerable because global warming is shrinking its habitat, the study said.

    Populations of the critically endangered Bombus cullumanus, now found only in France, have fallen by more than 80 percent in the past decade, apparently because of a reduction in the amount of meadows with clover, its favorite forage, the study added.

    Only queen bumblebees survive the winter.

    Honeybees, living in longer-lasting colonies of thousands of bees, make honeycombs largely to ensure that the insects have food to survive months with no nectar-making flowers. ($1 = 0.7249 Euros)

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Birds fall dead from the sky near Norman

    Oklahoman Published: April 4, 2014

    OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Birds were seen falling dead out of the sky in Norman, alarming some residents, though state wildlife officials say there’s no cause for concern.

    According to an Oklahoma City television station,, a homeowner near Highway 9 and Interstate 35 found more than a dozen birds in her yard Thursday.

    Becki Miller of Norman said she heard a thump and noticed a bird had just fallen. Over the course of 24 hours, she observed at least a dozen birds drop dead in her yard, and worried the birds had been poisoned or were diseased.

    According to the TV station, another 20 birds were found Thursday within a square mile of Miller’s home.

    Micah Holmes, information supervisor with the Department of Wildlife, said this is not a rare phenomenon this time of year and homeowners should not be concerned.

    “It’s certainly not common, but it’s not rare either,” Holmes said. “It’s a time of year that’s stressful for these birds because they’re migrating long distances.”

    Holmes said the birds are also in the process of mating, which causes them to fight one another, and although the weather seems nice enough to humans, there are not a lot of seeds or other things for the birds to eat as they travel.

    The food scarcity makes this a vulnerable time of year for them,” Holmes said. “It makes them susceptible to illness, and since they’re migrating there are a lot more birds close together, so illness passes among the birds a lot more quickly.”

    Although only around 30 birds were found in Norman Thursday, Holmes said they are likely part of a much larger flock of 10-20,000 birds of different varieties.

    “When people see these birds they’re tempted to just call them all blackbirds because they are black, but the flock usually consists of primarily red wing blackbirds, common grackles and brown headed cowbirds,” Holmes said. “We as wildlife management try to keep it in perspective: these are large flocks of birds, so it does not have a large effect on bird populations.”

    Holmes said anyone who is concerned by bird deaths can report issues to the Department of Wildlife.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    A flock of dead seagulls was found in a suspicious manner in the parking lot of Security Square Mall Sunday afternoon. Fox 45 responded to a tip and went to investigate to determine if the birds might have been poisoned. All but one of the birds was already dead and it was a gruesome sight. Many passersby's were horrified by the disturbing display in the mall parking lot Sunday afternoon. "I never saw anything so horrible in my life. This is unspeakable," said Corey Witherspoon. "Yeah, this is barbaric. Hopefully, man didn't do this. Hopefully, it's nature. I hope man didn't do this. It would be despicable." The dead birds were found lying together in a parking lot with pieces of bread around them. "Looked like they were poisoned or something, to be honest, cause I see the bread still sitting over there," said Tybeka Henderson. Fox 45 called Colleen Layton-Robbins of Frisky's Wildlife, who said "There's no way a lot of these birds could be hit unless someone's doing it on purpose." However she did issue a reminder that feeding birds any kind of bread, even in a well-meaning manner, is harmful for them as it damages bone growth. The actual cause of death has not been determined. 

  • Howard

    Video of a 15-ft oarfish apparently trying to beach itself in the shallows off Mexico's Sea of Cortés, far from its usual environment 3,000 feet below the waves. (Filmed in March 2014)

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Dead fish and big questions linger on banks of Bayou Grosse Tete

    Tuesday, April 8, 2014 - 8:04pm

    People living along Bayou Grosse Tete found a bunch of dead fish floating in the water near their homes over the weekend. While many of the fish bodies floated away with the recent rains some of the bodies are still stuck on the banks of the bayou. Residents want to know what caused the kill.

    "Probably a hundred fish laying behind my house, and they stink like heck," Jessie Romig, who lives on Bayou Grosse Tete, said.

    Romig is a fisherman. He explained Friday the shad were swimming fine, but Saturday it was a different story.

    "Woke up Saturday morning and walked back here," He said. "There was thousands dead, thousands of thousands dead."

    Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries officials said they investigated kill and found oxygen levels were an issue.

    "The oxygen level in the kill area was below what the fish could survive on, " Mike Wood, LDWF Director of Inland Fisheries, said.

    Now the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality is trying to figure out what caused the oxygen levels to dip.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    update @ Howard's post

    Giant Oarfish found dead on beach just days after the rare species was filmed swimming off Mexico

    • The rare species caught on camera in the shallow Sea of Cortez, Mexico
    • Shallow crystal waters are far cry from usual home in deep waters
    • Measured 15ft long (4.5metres) and was identified by its dorsal fin
    • Now a rare oarfish has beached itself on Isla San Francisco because of 'exhaustion' and died
    • World's longest bony fish thought to be source of sea serpent legends

    A rare fish, which inspired stories of sea monsters, has died after becoming beached in Mexico, just days after the rare species was videoed swimming by onlookers.

    A giant 15 foot oarfish was spotted swimming in shallow waters in the crystal waters in the Sea of Cortez, in the Baja California area in the west of the country.

    Tour guides from company Un-Cruise adventures were then able to get up close to the creature and record it gliding through the turquoise water.

    But less than 48 hours after the sightings the fish became beached on nearby Isla San Francisco and died. 

    The expedition leader said they believed the fish had become worn out. He said the fish was then attacked by scavenging birds.


    Regalecus glesne, is the world’s longest bony fish and can grow up to 56ft (17metres) long.

    The oarfish is seldom seen by humans as it typically lives between 650ft and 3,000ft (198 metres and 914 metres) below the waves.

    The one spotted in the Sea of Cortés, Mexico measured around 15ft (4.5metres) long.

    When the creatures swim into shallow waters they tend to die soon afterwards as they only expose themselves in such a way when they are injured or dying.

    The fish’s dorsal fin runs the entire length of its body, which one researcher has claimed can give off electric shocks.

    Oarfish can be found in almost all temperate and tropical oceans but are rarely seen.

    They are thought to be the ‘sea serpents’ described in old stories.

    The rare fish, which is seldom seen by humans, has an incredibly long, undulating body.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Hundreds of Fish Found Dead in Byrd Park Lake

    Posted: Apr 17, 2014 4:39 PM EDTUpdated: Apr 17, 2014 4:41 PM EDT

    RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) -Fountain Lake looks as pretty as it always does until you get to close to some of the edges and see several dead fish, which has disturbed many park goers.

    "It kind of bothered me to see so many at one time," says Douglyne Wallace.  

    200 bluegill fish were reported dead on Wednesday. Though many are cleaned up, there are still dozens floating in big pools of pollen.

    Some say they've even noticed this before. 

    "I saw something like this last year, but not this much," says Arthur Cunningham. About two or three, you might expect. But never this bad. This is a problem." 

    Park goers say the amount of fish they have seen wash up dead has varied from day to day, but still they want to know, what has caused all of these fish to die?

    The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality sent a biologist to Byrd Park but they don't have all the answers yet.  

    "We didn't see an immediate explanation, but the water quality was not ideal," says Bill Hayden of the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

    The biologist pointed out a high pH level as well as an algae bloom could be to blame. The up and down temperatures this week could be another explanation.

    It does not appear to be a toxic issue since only the bluegill have been affected.

    As DEQ continues to investigate, the city will maintain the lake and continue to monitor any more fish that could die.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    NParks staff find dead fish at Sungei Buloh reserve

    SINGAPORE — Scores of dead fish have been found again — this time at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve near the West Johor Straits.

    The mysterious deaths come two months after 160 tonnes of fish from fish farms on both the East and West Johor Straits were found dead and washed up at parks and on beaches. Low levels of dissolved oxygen in the water, a plankton bloom or both, as well as the hot weather, had been fingered as the cause then.

    A plankton bloom was, however, not detected yesterday, said a joint statement from the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) and the National Parks Board (NParks) in response to TODAY’s queries.

    NParks staff noticed the dead fish in the morning. When AVA inspectors visited coastal fish farms in the West Johor Straits, none were found to have been affected. The inspectors also did not detect abnormalities there, such as mass mortalities.

    The AVA said it is monitoring the situation closely, while NParks said it would be removing the dead fish at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve.

    The authorities did not give an estimate of the number of dead fish in the area.

    The AVA also said it conducts regular inspections of fish farms for compliance with licensing conditions, which include requiring the farms to ensure waste generated from farming operations is properly disposed in approved waste containers on land.

    For the West Johor Straits, a skip tank and bins at Lim Chu Kang Jetty are designated as waste collection points.

    “The AVA has been working closely with local farmers to encourage good farm practices, including proper waste management. In addition, we work with relevant agencies to detect illegal dumping of waste into the sea by fish farms. We will take enforcement action if farms are found to be disposing their farm waste into the water,” said the AVA. Kok Xing Hui

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Millions of dead fish found floating and lying in Thondamanaru lagoon area

    Colombo April 19

    Shoal of fish, may be a couple of million – our reporter lost count of it, were seen dead floating and lying in the shores of Thondamanaru and around the Barrage area located in the Valvetiturai Kankesanthurai Road.

    Mysteriously all those dead fishes found in Thondamanaru Lagoon area were almost one kind which in Tamil called “Thirali,” a typical edible small fish found solely in Palk Strait area.

    These fishes were said to be dead and floating and were seen in heaps in the shore from last Thursday and Friday.

    As the dead fishes started polluting the Selva Sannathi Temple area, Karaveddy Divisional Secretary K. Sivasri, Valvetiturai Urban Council Chairman N.Anandarajah and representatives of the Fisheries Societies visited the area and took measures to remove dead fishes.

    Asian Tribune learnt the Sri Lankan Army personnel were also involved in the cleaning operation along with workers of Valvetitural and Valikamam East Pradesha Sabhas.

    Three tractor loads of dead fishes were collected and taken and buried around the sea shores in Thondamanaru.

    It remains mysterious why particularlyThirali fish only died.

    According to an opinion, due to very warm atmospheric conditions prevailing these days, the sea water must have evaporated to a great leve and the water might have turned more brackish and fishes would not be able to bear up saltiness newly developed in the sea water.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    22 April 2014 Last updated at 13:07 ET

    1,000 fish found dead in Oona river in County Tyrone

    Dead trout in river OonaOne of the fish killed in the incident

    About 1,000 fish, mostly trout, have been found dead in the Oona River near Dungannon, County Tyrone.

    The Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) said pollution in the water is being classified as "high severity".

    Investigating officers have identified a potential source of the discharge. Samples have been taken by the NIEA.

    "We got a call on Easter Sunday at around four o'clock from a member of public to say they saw dead fish," Brian Luke from the NIEA said.

    "We sent our officers to investigate and trout of all ages and sizes were found.

    "So far, we see the pollution coming from an agriculture source in the area.

    Brian LukeBrian Luke said it was a devastating blow for the area

    "This is an important fishing area. It's a devastating blow for the area.

    "Investigations with scientists will be carried out. Biologists will be on site this Wednesday or Thursday.

    "The pollution will eventually be washed away naturally. Normally that happens better in wetter conditions."

    BBC NI reporter Gordon Adair has been to the scene.

    "The Oona is one of those exceptionally pretty little rivers that are dotted around the country," he said.

    "Thankfully in its finest part, the mature part of the river down near the village of Eglish, County Tyrone, it's fairly much unaffected.

    "In fact, while I was there I saw a number of good healthy trout turning in the water, but it's in the upper reaches that it's a very different story.

    "I'm led to understand that the environment agency have identified a probable source - obviously it's the early stage of the investigation - and that it is an agricultural source, slurry I am told, that somehow made its way into the river."

    The environment agency will carry out a criminal investigation.

    "The recovery of the river will be a matter for angling clubs who use it and for DARD (Department of Agriculture and Rural Development), they will have a look at how to repair the environmental damage that has been done and the possibility of restocking the river," the reporter added.

    "Hopefully it will be given a good chance to recover.

    "There is very little water in the river at the moment, so that lack of water has meant that the pollutant wasn't moved down stream with great velocity and hopefully that will have saved the lower reaches of it."

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    2 million fish found dead in Tehran’s Fashafuyeh dam

    23 April 2014, 22:33 (GMT+05:00)

    Tehran, Iran, April 23
    By Milad Fashtami - Trend:

    Some 2 million fish are found dead in Tehran province's Fashafuyeh dam due to water pollution.

    Reports suggest that the incident has happened because the Vavan housing complex's sewage system goes directly into the lake.

    Mohsen Shokati, head of Rey City Environmental Protection Office, said that over 30 tons of fish have been killed in the past few days.

    "Previously the housing complex's sewage system poured into the lake through a canal, but now it directly goes to the lake," he noted.

    "Vavan housing complex needs a Water treatment facility. The construction work even started, but due to lack of budget the project was halted," Shokati said, adding that the facility is currently 60 per cent complete.

    He went on to note that Fashafuye dam's water is being used for agriculture, fish farming, and animal husbandry.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    500,000 Dead Carp in Kentucky - April 25

    Scientists are studying the cause of a massive fish kill in western Kentucky, which state wildlife officials are saying is the largest kill of its kind recorded.   

    The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources reports around 500,000 Asian carp died within a 24-hour period Wednesday on the Cumberland River just below Lake Barkley. KDFWR Fisheries Biologist Paul Rister says soon after discovering the kill fisherman were still catching fish,

    “One group of gentlemen had just pulled in their limit of white bass,” Rister said.

    The impact on just Asian carp has biologists and a state aquaculture specialist flummoxed.  Bob Durborow is an Aquaculture Specialist at Kentucky State University and has 30 years of experience, He says he hasn't seen anything of this magnitude before. Durborow is testing specimens he received on Thursday.

    “You know, they were of course dead,” he said of the specimens. “But, they appeared live. Their eyes looked like they were live their gills looked they were from live fish they were a good specimen to check. So, I feel confident that what we find from these fish might give us an indication of what is actually the problem.”

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Atlantic Menhaden Fish Kill Under Investigation In Canton

    BALTIMORE (WJZ)—Hundreds of dead fish floating to the surface in the Inner Harbor and Patapsco River. Right now, it’s a mystery what’s causing it. It’s the first fish kill of the season.

    Meghan McCorkell has more on the impact it’s having.

    Investigators with the Department of the Environment are now testing the water to figure out what killed hundreds of fish.

    From Fort McHenry to Fells Point and in Canton out to the Patapsco River, up to 1,000 dead fish have floated to the surface of the water.

    “Every year about this time, there seems to be a problem with the fish, unfortunately,” said Canton resident Mary Hein.

    State officials are testing the water to try and figure out what’s causing the fish to die.

    “We at this point do not think it’s a result of a sewage spill or any type of big pollution overrun. It most likely is a natural process but we just don’t know,” said Halle Van der Gaag of Blue Water Baltimore.

    She says problems like this have a far-reaching impact.

    “If you eat and fish down below or pull your crabs out from the Chesapeake Bay, what kind of pollution you’re seeing in Baltimore does make its way south,” she said.

    Fish kills can also have a big impact on business.

    At Nick’s Fish House, outdoor dining on the water makes up the bulk of their business. Workers hope the dead fish stay away.

    “It scares me. I don’t want it coming down here because then it will prevent business from coming here,” said worker Nick Shagouris.

    The restaurant has put floating barriers in the water to try and keep dead fish and garbage out.

    The results from the water samples are expected to come back in the next week or so. The bulk of the fish being found dead are Atlantic menhaden.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Beached dead and bloated blue whale threatens town with methane gas explosion

  • Howard

    More extremely rare deep water fish appearing near the surface. 

    Interesting that both of these fish possess long snouts that contain electrical sensors for locating prey in the depths, perhaps making them hyper-sensitive to the electro-magnetic screech from rock strata under compression.

    Rare Goblin Shark Caught off Florida (Apr 19)

    Shrimp fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico have caught a goblin shark – a species so rare that one has not been seen for 10 years.

    The 18ft-long pink predator was caught in a shrimp net 10 miles off Key West, Florida.

    The crew were shocked to find the prehistoric-looking shark thrashing around with the rest of the haul.

    It has a long snout hiding racks of sharp teeth and is often called a “living fossil”.

    Goblin sharks have been found in the Pacific, off the coasts of Japan and California, and in ocean depths of up to 5,000 feet. The latest sighting has surprised researchers.

    “This is a very rare finding,” John Karlson, a research biologist at NOAA, told NBC News on Saturday. “We don’t know very much about these animals.”

    “I didn’t even know what it was,” said Carl Moore, a fisherman. “I didn’t get the tape measure out because that thing’s got some wicked teeth. They could do some damage.

    Much to the disappointment of scientists, Mr Moore decided to snap a quick photo of the shark with his mobile then release it back into the water.

    Scientists know so little about the shark that they cannot even determine how old or how big it gets.

    Researchers, using his photographs, have guessed that the shark was a female and at least 18 feet long.

    It is thought that deep underwater the colour red appears black making the shark appear almost invisible to predators and prey.

    Its snout contains electrical sensors so it can find prey even when it cannot see or hear.

    They eat fish, including other sharks and rays, as well as crabs, shrimps and other small organisms.

    Mr Moore caught the creature on April 19 but only reported the catch to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Friday.

    David Schiffman, a marine biologist at the University of Miami, did not believe that a goblin shark would ever be found in the Gulf.

    At first I wasn’t sure if it was even possible for this to happen,” he said.

    “But then, when the photos came through, it is undeniably a goblin shark.”


    Rare Deep Sea Rhinochimaera Netted Off Southern India (May 3)

    A country boat fishermen have caught a strange-looking rare fish, believed to be fully grown ‘Rhinochimaera,’ a deep sea fish that is usually found in depths up to nearly 5000 feet.

    Fishermen caught the fish while fishing about 40 nautical miles south of Pamban.

    Sources in the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) said the fish belonged to the Rhinochimaera genus and Chimaera family.

    The exact species could be confirmed only after a detailed study, they said.


  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Thousands of dead fish found floating on a lake in Meniffe, California, America

    Investigation into the death of thousands of fish in Menifee Lake continues today, with speculation among residents of the community increasing as lake maintenance officials await further water test results.

    An official would not go on record with comment today until further test results are available. The initial explanation given Menifee 24/7 was climate changes, but a source said there is no official explanation at this point. Dead fish started floating to the surface on Saturday and many still are visible against the lake shore.

    “I first noticed it when I walked around the lake on Saturday, and it rained the night before,” Menifee Lakes resident Bob Howard said today. “Maybe the rain washed something into the lake. Nobody knows at this point and there are all kinds of rumors.

    “Initially, I just noticed blue gill and crappie dying. Today for the first time I’m seeing dead catfish. It really ruins my walk around the lake. I hope they find out what happened.”

    and elsewhere:

    Large amount of dead fish found floating along a river in Xiasha District, China

    Recently, several friends broke the news, Xiasha Economic Development Zone along the river appeared a large floating fish, dead fish phenomenon.

    Users also said that floating fish attracted a large number of people fishing nearby, and some even sell the salvage of dead fish up around the hotel.

    Emergency departments river returns to normal

    As management, river management xiasha Dyke found, the first time the organization personnel dead fish on the river to make a deal with the situation.

    On the one hand, the organization river cleaning staff salvage of dead fish floating in the water, after two days of fishing, sanitation workers were recovered from the 2000 pounds of dead fish, and made a landfill.

    On the other side, the staff take emergency water distribution methods, the river water quality repair.

    After a series of treatments, the river has returned to normal.

    Environmental surrounding industrial enterprises involved in one investigation

    For the cause of a large area of ​​dead fish, users are also different opinions: some believe can cause such a big impact, only industrial waste-water treatment; while the other side, it was thought to be caused by hypoxia river water.

    , The reporter contacted the phone xiasha Economic Development Environmental Protection Agency to monitor the brigade brigade Changsheng Bin guess for many users.

    Sheng Bin told reporters that since last week occurred floating fish, dead fish phenomenon, xiasha environmental protection departments on the river surrounding businesses expand carpet investigation, so far, the investigation work is still in progress.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Dead fish lining Wisconsin shorelines

    May 3, 2014 

    In this photo taken April 28, a pair of dead fish lies in the sand along the East shoreline of Lake Petenwell in Rome. Thousands of dead fish are washing up on the shores of some Wisconsin lakes.
    In this photo taken April 28, a pair of dead fish lies in the sand along the East shoreline of Lake Petenwell in Rome. Thousands of dead fish are washing up on the shores of some Wisconsin lakes. / AP Photo/Daily Tribune Media
    Members of the Crystal Lake Sportsman's Club drill holes and clear snow in February on Little Elkhart Lake. The effort was aimed at adding more oxygen to the lake, though the harsh winter appears to have killed many, if not all, of the lake's fish.

    State wildlife officials fear the long, harsh winter has led to a significant fish die-off in Little Elkhart Lake, where large numbers of dead fish have been found in the water and on shore.

    The phenomenon, which has now been found at several other inland lakes in Wisconsin, is the result of thick ice that trapped fish in shallow waters with low oxygen, according to the state Department of Natural Resources.

    At Little Elkhart Lake in northwest Sheboygan County, no fish species was spared, including northern pike, largemouth bass, bluegill and crappie. Even the ever-hardy bullhead has been found dead in high numbers, which could signal a severe, if not total fish die-off.

    “It looks to be a pretty significant kill based on the species people are finding,” said Travis Motl, a fisheries biologist who works out of the Plymouth DNR office. “This was a particularly bad winter.”

    Motl plans to visit the lake — which is a popular fishing spot — in late May and will survey the fish population to determine how bad the die-off was. From there, the DNR will work with area conservation groups to restock the lake.

    The issue stems from three-foot-thick ice and heavy snow cover this past winter that left little oxygen in the shallow lake. Compounding the problem was that the lake’s abundant plant life was choked off from the sun, killing those plants and creating a mass decomposition process that further depleted the water’s oxygen levels.

    At the same time, given that it’s considered a “seepage lake,” meaning it’s fed by groundwater rather than streams, no fresh oxygenated water was entering the lake during the winter.

    Local fishermen first noticed the problem during a February ice fishing tournament, when dead fish floated up to the surface as people began drilling holes in the ice. Others reported seeing fish swimming on their sides along the ice, where there’s more oxygen.

    The DNR didn’t have an aerator available to assist, so about a dozen members of the Crystal Lake Sportsman’s Club plowed snow into long rows on the lake’s surface to get more sunlight to plants in the water.

    They also spent a day drilling 674 holes in the ice in hopes that a forecasted rainstorm would melt the snowbanks they’d created and send fresh water into the lake, in turn adding oxygen to the water.

    However, the effort wasn’t enough, and club members said the mass die-off on Little Elkhart Lake appears to be the worst they’ve seen in more than three decades.

    “Most winters, we have one or two thaws where the snow melts and it rains, and all that water runs back into the lake somewhere, which helps the fish out,” said Justin Fink, the club’s president.

    Motl said winter die-offs are most common on lakes with similar profiles as Little Elkhart Lake, with its shallow water and rich plant life. Those with deeper water and fewer plants weather harsh winters much better.

    The DNR expects the cold winter will result in more dead fish in lakes throughout the state.

    So far, no other Sheboygan County lakes appear to have endured similar fish kills, which has surprised Motl, though the issue has been found at other inland Wisconsin lakes, including Lake Petenwell, near the Town of Rome in Adams County.

    Residents near Lake Petenwell are seeing a second unusual sight — pelicans have come to scoop up the dead carp, walleye and other fish.

    “We don't normally have pelicans here,” resident Jim Kiehl said. “Then, I saw dead fish lying on the bank.”

  • sourabh kale
    Birds Are Losing Their Way
    What's happening? They are losing their inner-compass...
    May 7, 2014
    The migratory pattern of birds - even if it is a dry subject and the aim of comedic cracks - for some odd reason, has always held the high fascination of biologists.Never more so than now...That's because the classic experiments were so predictable. Such as a cage with some kind of monitors to catch which direction the bird wanted to travel at night.That is, until it started going tragically wrong in the mid-2000s.German researchers discovered in 2004 that the regular experiment became an erratic mystery while observing the European Robin.They would not orient themselves in a single direction. They would not hop in a direction. They were shut down. They were completely lost. Changing variables like food, light, cages...lots of things - didn't do a thing according to biologist Henrik Mouritsen. For three years they tried to solve the mystery.That's when they realized they left out oneimportant invisible one...The electromagnetic noise coming from allthe electronics on the nearby campus. Theymade a Faraday cageof sorts by using aluminum screens in the cages - the birds started jumping again. It worked!After spending so many years and so much research just to correct a problem occurring with the original experiment, thesure results presented a new problem to biology and the environment at large.Mouritsen said:We are absolutely sure that the effect is real.That's why now, the results could be published just today in thejournalNature. Scarily enough - the levels affecting the birds are 1,000 times below WHO guidelines. Being so immersed in electronics it is going to be a difficult task finding out which electronics are causing birds to lose their way. It could be anything that has to be plugged in.So far, the bird disorientation only happens in large urban and industrial areas or learning campuses. And they ruled out power lines or cellphone signals because the frequencies they emit are too low and too high respectively. But the frequencyband range most responsibleis 2 kHz - 5 MHz, which would include AM radio, and all area electronic equipment. Itis absolutely baffling news to the physicists who will say as Mouritsen recounts, "that can't have any effect."But he didn't dwell in the realm of conventional physics - he stepped it up a notch to quantum mechanics.
    "Theoretical predictions suggest that [the disruption] might be an effect of electron spins." Electromagnetic noise might be affecting electron spins in a molecule namedcryptochrome, Mouritsen says — the eye protein that some scientists believe plays a pivotal role in avian magnetic orientation. This could cause the molecule's chemical properties to change, and the birds to lose all sense of direction at night. But the theory, Mouritsen warns, is "unproven."The findings have fascinated other researchers but some say that it's not that big of a deal and the bird can leave the urban area in any direction to gather its bearings. Mouritsen sees it as a growing problem of high electromagnetic radiationthat could be reduced by some means.So it's not just a matter of adaptation. Do birds know to stay away from the city? Willthey? Mouritsen doesn't know but says,"I'm sure the birds would have been better off if one of their key compasses had never been disturbed."This certainly wouldn't be the first time animal patterns have been "off" in recent years. It is commonly thought that bees, birds, dolphins and other animals are highly sensitive to electromagnetic radiation. So one would think a little more forethought would go into forays like Navytesting experiments around the world. While cell towers seem to be ruled out of the above experiment, they are certainly implicated for having adetrimental effect on mammals.A couple years ago, I tried to make sense of all the dolphin deaths - like the ones that wound up off the shores of Peru. I speculated because I didn't buy the theorythat they just suddenly decided to do it and everyone followed the leader. That was a long time ago and thousands more have died under mysterious circumstances - yet "more research" is always needed.No, the innate intelligence of animals is much too underestimated; much too disregarded. For the first time ever, they have lost their way.But where will they go when there is no more room to adapt? Why should they be stretched to the brink of no more adaptation to begin with?
  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Dead Fish found at Karanji Lake

    [Updated 2014-05-11 09:59:00 ]

    Mysore :Hundreds of fish in picturesque Karanji Lake were found dead on Saturday May 10, due to the heavy inflow of sewage water from manholes.

    Reports say that the cause is heavy inflow of sewage water from overflowing manholes in Siddartha Layout in east Mysore may have caused their death. This follows a heavy downpour in Mysore since few days. Water samples have been collected to assess exact cause of death.

    Zoo officials confirmed that over 300 fish were found dead on the east side of the lake from where storm water enters the water body. Incessant rain caused problem as storm water mixed sewage water overflowed from manholes and polluted the lake.

    MCC commissioner PG Ramesh confirmed that sewage inflow may have caused fish death and we are working to prevent inflow of sewage to the Lake. We are diverting sewage line to protect the water body and work is in progress. In few weeks time we will be able to divert the UGD water away from the lake. 

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Thousands of fish found dead in Shark River

    Updated 4:18 pm, Monday, May 12, 2014

    BELMAR, N.J. (AP) — Authorities are trying to determine what's causing a massive fish kill in the Shark River.

    Monmouth County's health department received a report at 5:30 a.m., Monday. Officials say thousands of fish have died, but a total count has not been completed.

    Public health coordinator Michael Meddis tells the Asbury Park Press ( ) moss bunker appears to be the affected species and the fish kill is mainly taking place in the boat basin in Belmar.

    Meddis says bunker reproduce in large numbers and typically use a lot of oxygen.

    State environmental officials tell the newspaper that preliminary test results showed acceptable oxygen levels and almost no algae in the water. They say "slightly low oxygen levels" likely resulted in a fish kill.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Dead fish found in river

    On May 16, the Ministry of Emergency Situations received a report that dead fish had been found in the Shahvard river that flows through Voskevaz village in Aragatsotn region.

    A task force was sent to the site shortly afterwards to find that fish in the river had been dying in large numbers (about 20 kg).

    Representatives of the Department of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of the local Governor’s Office and Epidemiological Service have taken samples of water for analysis.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    First the river now the beaches. More than 5 tons of dead fish wash up on Jersey beaches.

    Dead Fish Wash Up on Jersey Shore
    May 16, 2014, 2:56 am
    Authorities are scrambling to clean up thousands of dead fish washing up on the Jersey Shore before crowds flock to the beaches amid sunny weather this weekend.
    Dead fish were first spotted in the Shark River early Monday, and have now washed through an inlet into the ocean and onto beaches. The fish, believed to be moss bunker, are spread for about 3 miles along the shore, from Belmar down to Spring Lake.
    Prisoners from the Monmouth County Jail have been brought in to help pick up the fish in Neptune Township, where more than 5 tons have been found dead this week alone.

    State environmental officials say there is no indication of disease, and that the fish, which normally produce in large numbers and consume a lot of oxygen, simply overproduced.

    Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty says crews will be patrolling the beaches this weekend to clear any dead fish out of the way of beachgoers.

  • Howard

    Rare Deep Sea Lancetfish Swims Ashore on North Carolina Beach (May 12)

    A rarely seen deep sea fish was found alive in Nags Head on a beach south of Jennette’s Pier on Monday evening.

    It is a deep water, open ocean fish with a large mouth and very sharp teeth. They grow up to 6.6 feet in length.

    Very little is known about their biology, though they are widely distributed in all oceans, except the polar seas.

    The photos were taken by Leif Rasmussen from Manteo.

    After taking pictures of the strange-looking fish, Rasmussen walked the fish back out to the ocean, as deep as he could walk. He then released the fish back into the water.

    Pier officials say the fish ended up swimming up to the shore again, so they believe something was wrong with it.


  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Winterkill strikes Grand Lake near Duluth; thousands of fish found ...

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Thousands of Dead Fish in Marina Del Rey

    Officials are worried that the foul odor will cause a huge discomfort for both visitors and resident nearby.

    |  Sunday, May 18, 2014  |  Updated 7:05 AM PDT

    Thousands of Dead Fish in Marina Del Rey

    Thousands of dead fish wash up at Marina Del Rey on Sunday, May 18, 2014.

    Thousands of dead fish have flooded one of seven basins at Marina Del Rey late Saturday evening.

    The first report came in just after 9 p.m. at the A-Basin located at 13000 block of Tahiti Way, officials said.

    Authorities said upon sheriff’s arrival at the reported location, they discovered thousands of dead fish floating in the water.

    It was not immediately known what caused these fish to die and wash up to the basin. California Fish and Game was called to the scene but are not expected to clean up the dead fish until later in the day, officials said.

    Authorities said the fish may have died due to a lack of oxygen.

    Officials are worried that the foul odor will cause a huge discomfort for both visitors and residents nearby.

  • Howard

    Another Rare Deep Ocean Fish Swims Ashore (May 21)

    A rare Deal fish that swam up on a Yorkshire England beach normally lives in the open ocean at depths of up to 1,000 metres, a leading marine biologist has said.

    Prof Mike Elliott, at the University of Hull, said the Deal Fish found on the beach at Hornsea normally inhabits colder deep waters north of Scotland.

    The fish was found on the beach by Hornsea resident Allan Dougal and his son.

    Mr Dougal said that it was at the water's edge and "after clearing its gills of sand it was returned to the sea where it swam away".

    Prof Elliott said: "This fish gets much bigger and can get up to eight-and-a-half feet. They go down in deeper water of about 200 to 1,000 metres deep, they are oceanic fish

    "They are rare in the North sea, North of Scotland would be a bit more common.


  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Moderator Update 5/28:

    "Thousands of dead fish that were creating a big stench in Galveston County for the most part are gone.

    "We first reported Sunday about the dead fish that washed ashore near the 146 bridge leading into Kemah on Sunday.

    "When we went back Monday to see if they were still there, we found only a few remaining.

    "When we went back Monday to see if they were still there, we found only a few remaining.

    According to a fish and wildlife officials we spoke with, these types of fish decompose very quickly."

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Fish kill found in a river in Tocantins, Brazil

    Nova mortandade de peixes foi registrada por internauta no sul do estado (Foto: Deyvid Brito/Internauta)

    Dead fish were again caught by the population of the state, but this time the entry was made in Formoso River, south of Tocantins. According to the netizen Deyvid Brito, the photos were taken on Thursday (22), near the pumping area of ​​Rio Formoso project facing irrigated agriculture in the region. “I’m from Formoso do Araguaia and today, in the early afternoon, passing through the BR-242, the right side of the highway, I realized that there were several dead fish,” he says.

    The scene caught by the internet is not the first. In April, fishermen Tocantinópolis, upstate, said they found evidence of a fish kill on the Tocantins River . And in February, thousands of dead fish were found near the dam of the hydroelectric plant Luís Eduardo Magalhães in Paved , 50 km from Las Palmas. In the latter, Investco, the company responsible for the plant, was fined more than U.S. $ 2.5 million for the death of fish.

    According to the Nature Institute of Tocantins (Naturatins), the Coordinator of Surveillance and Environmental Quality sent a monitoring team of Formoso do Araguaia, to inspect the area where the dead fish were found. The goal, according to the agency, is to investigate the causes of the destruction of these animals. However, the coordination of the State Naturatins thought better call for reinforcements.

    According to the agency, on Monday (26) a team of Gurupi also go to the site and a report is expected to leave in three days, counting from Monday.

  • lonne rey

    Cold Wave Kills 6 Million Fish in Eastern Bolivia

    LA PAZ – Authorities in the eastern Bolivian province of Santa Cruz declared an alert following the death of 6 million fish from the unusually cold weather gripping the country in recent weeks.

    The provincial government said the fish died in the Grande, Pirai and Ichilo rivers that run through the tropical region.

    This is an “environmental catastrophe” brought on by the lowest temperatures registered in Santa Cruz in nearly half a century, Gov. Ruben Costas told reporters.

    The cold wave that gripped the Southern Cone of South America last month caused a severe drop in temperatures in southern and eastern Bolivia, even falling below 0 C (32 F) in areas where the thermometer isusually above 20 C (68 F).


  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Village of fire: How methane gas seeping out of the ground means that Chinese farmers working in the field can’t risk even a single spark from a tool in case the air bursts into flames 

    • Nanjiawan village in China has been dubbed the 'Invisible Fire Village'
    • Lighting a cigarette or starting electrical equipment can be hazardous
    • Locals called in priests at first believing they had been cursed by evil spirits

    Methane gas is coming up from the ground in a village in China causing the air to burst into balls of fire.

    The phenomenon is now so common that Nanjiawan village in south-west China has been dubbed the 'Invisible Fire Village'.

    Lighting a cigarette or starting electrical equipment can have disastrous consequences.

    Dangerous: Methane gas is coming up from the ground in a village in China causing the air to burst into fire

    Dangerous: Methane gas is coming up from the ground in a village in China causing the air to burst into fire

    Superstitious locals called in priests at first believing they had been cursed by evil spirits.

    After that failed to drive away the methane gas explosions some of the more enterprising villagers dug tunnels under their homes and used the gas to create basic underfloor heating systems.

    The gas was discovered less than a year ago when Su Geng, 83, reported to authorities a strange smell coming from her cellar.

    She said: 'They told me after doing a test that there was methane leaking out of the ground. They set fire to the air to prove it to me.'

    Villagers need to be careful when working in the fields because even a single spark from a metal farming tool striking a stone can cause the air to literally burst into flames

    Villagers need to be careful when working in the fields because even a single spark from a metal farming tool striking a stone can cause the air to literally burst into flames

    The phenomenon is so common now that Nanjiawan village in south-west China is known by its nickname 'Invisible Fire Village'

    The phenomenon is so common now that Nanjiawan village in south-west China is known by its nickname 'Invisible Fire Village'

    Some of the more creative villagers dug tunnels under their homes and used the gas to create basic underfloor heating systems

    Some of the more creative villagers dug tunnels under their homes and used the gas to create basic underfloor heating systems

    Methane secreting from the ground occurs in many places around the world.

    On one hillside on Turkey's Mediterranean coast fires have been burning for thousands of years.

    However, families in China are afraid that the 'Invisible Fire' will one day burn out of control and lead to deaths. 

    Putting it out: Superstitious locals called in priests at first believing they had been cursed by evil spirits

    Putting it out: Superstitious locals called in priests at first believing they had been cursed by evil spirits

    Lighting a cigarette or starting electrical equipment can have disastrous consequences

    Lighting a cigarette or starting electrical equipment can have disastrous consequences

    The gas was discovered less than a year ago when an 83-year-old woman noticed a strange smell coming from her cellar

    The gas was discovered less than a year ago when an 83-year-old woman noticed a strange smell coming from her cellar

    A police spokesman said: 'It doesn't matter how often they are told that it is an explainable natural phenomenon, there are many who view it as a sinister thing and insist that it evil spirits and other hocus pocus is at play.

    'In fact the most logical explanation is staring them in the face every day. There is a natural gas mine not far from the village. 

    'It's likely that the gas leaks and goes underground to the village, causing the fires there. It is not witchcraft or sorcery but simple natural science.'

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Thousands of Fish Found Dead Along Clear Creek

    05/27/2014 06:13 PM
    05/27/2014 08:04 PM
    PIERCE CITY, MO.--- Thousands of fish are showing up dead along Clear Creek from Monett to Pierce City. Along the creek, there are fish of all sizes that are dead and there's a thick odor in the air. 
    "Without knowing what's there 100%, it's hard to say if it's safe to be in the water," said Teresa Boman, Aquatic Ecologist. 
    Aquatic Ecologist Teresa Boman first noticed dead fish in Pierce City along Clear Creek this weekend.
    "If the fish are dying off, clearly that's a sign that something is happening to the water that is potentially harmful to us as a citizen," she said. 
    Boman talked to farmers in Monett who also noticed fish dying upstream.
    "Farmers have noticed 100% of their fish have died off in the creeks," she said.
    Staff from the Missouri Department of Conservation were working their way along Clear Creek, counting the number of dead fish Tuesday.
    "We are in the thousands already. At least 3 or 4 thousand fish," said Adam Boman, Missouri Department of Conservation. 
    Adam Boman says about 100% of the fish in a roughly six mile stretch from Monett to Pierce City are dead and, in Pierce City, there is a partial kill.
    "15 or 20 years ago, there was one this bad on this same creek, but this is by far the worst one I've seen in my career," he said. 
     It's an issue that has farmers and parents worried.
    "Farmers have their cattle drinking out of the creek, people have their kids playing in the creek," said Adam. 
    Teresa says it could be years before the creek recovers.
    "We cant repair or do anything about it until we actually know what the cause is," said Teresa. 
    People we talked with today are also worried because the creek is part of the Spring River Water Shed, and eventually it dumps into Shoal Creek. The Deptartment of Conservation will work with the Department of Natural Resources on what is killing the fish. The DNR believes it's coming from improperly treated or untreated wastewater. They expect to have the results of the water samples by next week.
  • Starr DiGiacomo

    WKEF-TV ABC 22 News :: News - Top Stories - Dead Fish Wash on Indian Lake Shoreline
    Tuesday, June 3 2014, 07:36 AM EDT
    Dead Fish Wash On Indian Lake Shoreline
    LOGAN COUNTY -- People who spent some time on Indian Lake this weekend made a surprising discovery: dead fish washed up on the shoreline.

    Officials from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources say it's called a "fish kill."

    The white bass fish died about a week ago, possibly from a virus.

    Since the fish are spawning, they are stressed and their bodies may not be strong enough to fight the virus.

    Officials add that "fish kills" usually occur when there is a reduction of oxygen in the water.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Thousands of fish found dead in river near Uttoxeter

    THOUSANDS of fish have been found dead in a river near Uttoxeter and an environmental investigation is now underway to confirm the cause.

    Angler Glen Pointon posted a tweet with a picture showing several dead fish on a riverbank near the River Tean.

    He said: “It’s one of the saddest moments in fishing I have ever seen, a river I often fish called the river Tean, a tributary of the Dove has been polluted over the last 24 hours and killed every single bit of life in the river.

    “Thousands of trout fry, grayling, huge trout, stone loach, bull heads are lying in their thousands all over the bed of the river. The Environmental Agency are there now. Gutted is not the word.”

    An Environment Agency spokesman said: “We are currently dealing with a fish kill on the River Tean.

    “The incident was reported to us yesterday evening and our officers attended the scene shortly after.

    “Today we are continuing to investigate the cause, checking and taking samples on the river upstream and downstream of where the incident occurred.

    “We are still assessing how many fish have died but early estimates are in excess of 1000.”

  • lonne rey

    Sea star disease epidemic surges in Oregon, local extinctions expected

    CORVALLIS, Ore. – Just in the past two weeks, the incidence of sea star wasting syndrome has exploded along the Oregon Coast and created an epidemic of historic magnitude, one that threatens to decimate the entire population of purple ochre sea stars.

    Prior to this, Oregon had been the only part of the West Coast that had been largely spared this devastating disease.

    Researchers say this is the first time that die-offs of sea stars, more commonly known as starfish, have ever been identified at one time along such a wide expanse of the West Coast, and the sudden increase in Oregon has been extraordinary.

    “This is an unprecedented event,” said Bruce Menge, the Wayne and Gladys Valley Professor of Marine Biology in the Department of Integrative Biology of the OSU College of Science. “We’ve never seen anything of this magnitude before.

    “We have no clue what’s causing this epidemic, how severe the damage might be or how long that damage might last,” he said. “It’s very serious. Some of the sea stars most heavily affected are keystone predators that influence the whole diversity of life in the intertidal zone.”


  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Crows, falcons fall dead