New Madrid Adjustment under microscope





As per Nancy and zetas, we are in progress of the sequence of 7 / 10. 


The Zeta sequence for 7 / 10 is as follows

(1) a tipping Indo-Australia Plate with (2) Indonesia sinking,

(3) a folding Pacific allowing (4) S America to roll,

(5) a tearing of the south Atlantic Rift allowing (6) Africa to roll and (7) the floor of the Mediterranean to drop,

(8) great quakes in Japan followed by (9) the New Madrid adjustment,

(10) which is followed almost instantly by the tearing of the north Atlantic Rift with consequent European tsunami.


However, none of the steps have been 100% completed. 


The indo-australian plate has been rising and tilting indicated by for example, the brisbane flood in January 2011 and Earthquake of 7.1 in Christchurch on 4th of September 2010 plus another quake of 6.3 on 22nd of February 2011 .


Indonesia has been sinking with lots of earthquakes, sinkholes, earth cracking, volcano eruptions, landsliding and off course flooding all around the coast line of Indonesia.


A folding pacific has created a lot of pressure tectonically in the pacific ocean and consequently a big earthquake magnitude of 9.0 happened on March the 11th 2011 in the ocean near the northern Japan with a 10 meter Tsunami and finally nuclear disasters.  Please note that this is not the great quakes mentioned in the 7 / 10 sequence. Not yet!


Severe earth wobble has caused wild weather around the world.  Drought, rain, bush fires, hailstorms, sandstorms, thunderstorms, cyclones, tornadoes, etc, have hit various part of the world.  In US alone, we have seen close to 300 tornadoes in April 2011 alone and around 400 died in total.

South America is now showing signs of rolling west as per Nancy's blog in "7 of 10 Status as of April 28, 2011". 

These are all precursors for the bigger events such as new madrid adjustment and off course the european tsunami in the 7 / 10 sequence.  It took almost four months to get to step 4.  It is time to prepare and please take it seriously!

The intention of this blog is to take a closer look at the new madrid adjustment in details and see if we can connect all the dots together.  I thought that this could be beneficial especially for all new members who have only joined this ning recently but also a good reminder to all existing members. 

Information has been compiled from Zetatalk, blogs from various members plus all other new madrid related information and articles on the world wide web . 

ZetaTalk: New Madrid


Written June 19, 2010

We have described the plate movements to be anticipated during the hour of the pole shift as a scripted drama, and stated that the plate movement ahead of the pole shift can be anticipated to fall along those lines. Thus, our statements that the New Madrid zone will adjust at the hour of the pole shift was well as before that hour are consistent. The Atlantic is tearing now, thus the Iceland volcanoes, and will tear further well before the pole shift to cause the European tsunami, as we have described. But this in no way compares to the major tearing of the Atlantic that occurs during the hour of the pole shift. The Seaway is pulling apart now, thus the humongous sinkhole just NE of Montreal, but this is no way compares to the pulling apart that will occur during the hour of the pole shift. When we speak of a New Madrid adjustment as potentially part of a 7 of 10 or an 8 of 10 stage, we are not speaking of the pole shift adjustments. Those are regularly referred to as the hour of the pole shift, to differentiate any Earth changes that come before. Prior to the pole shift, the New Madrid will adjust. Canada remains firmly attached at her border with the Eurasian Plate, and thus the Seaway will participate in this pre-shift New Madrid adjustment. But the primary reaction will be along the Mississippi, with bridges failing and land just to the west of the Mississippi dropping slightly. Certainly this adjustment, which may be a series of large quakes, will shatter cities throughout the region and affect cities all the way to the Great Lakes and down into Mexico.





The New Madrid adjustment



Where the N American continent is under great stress, it has not slipped because it is held in place on both sides. The Pacific side holds due to subduction friction along the San Andreas, and the Atlantic side holds due to the Atlantic Rift's reluctance to rip open. What changes this dynamic? When S America rolls, almost in step with the folding Pacific, it tears the Atlantic Rift on the southern side. This allows Africa freedom to move and it rolls too, dropping the Mediterranean floor above Algeria. What is holding the N American continent together has thus eased, so that when the Japan adjustments are made, there is less holding the N American continent in place than before, and the New Madrid gives way







The New Madrid adjustment will affect so much area, in a domino manner, that it will not be a single large quake, but a series, separated by weeks and months. The primary adjustment will be within days, after shocks for weeks, but months later still, adjustments. The New Madrid is associated with fault lines that run up toward the Great Lakes, Chicago will adjust and rupture, Ohio will be pulled in places, and as we have explained, the land to the West of the Mississippi will sink in places. There is a known fault line that runs from the center of the Gulf up along the East Coast, thus the effect in 1811-12 in the Carolinas and DC on up to Boston. Then, as we have explained, there will be a bow from San Diego out to Arizona, which will rupture the great dam on the Colorado. When this bow, which forces Mexico too far to the West for the comfort of the West Coast, adjustes, it will be a slip-slide adjustment of the San Andreas and related fault lines up the coast.





In September, FEMA's associate administrator for Response and Recovery, William Carwile, told a Senate panel that FEMA has five regional groups planning for possible earthquake responses, but a major quake along the New Madrid fault line could displace 7.2 million people and knock out 15 bridges. The response would require 42,000 first responders from local firefighters to the Pentagon."

"Although Memphis is likely to be the focus of major damage in the region, St. Louis, Mo., Little Rock, Ark., and many small and medium sized cities would also sustain damage, " the U.S.. Geological Survey found.

South Carolina is home to an active fault line, which could also produce a catastrophic earthquake.

A quake in Charleston in 1886 was a magnitude 7.6. That city in 2008 had a population in excess of 348,000. Much of that state's coastal area is at risk."

This year marks the bi-centennial of the New Madrid Quake. Mr. Nations is not the only one concerned many communities are making preparations and there aregeologists warning of the dangers. A new report out recently also stresses Americans are not prepared. FEMA is also asking that groups take part in the Great Earthquake ShakeOut Drill. A Map that shows the locations of the nuclear plants along the New Madrid Fault zone can be viewed here.



The Zeta mention that the Phoenix, AZ area will not be safe due in part to the breaching of dams along the Colorado River. I found 5 dams but there may be more.

The Zetas stressed in February that the Phoenix Lights redux UFOs were a warning about future changes in the southwest, a bowing in the
land from Mexico to northern California which would ultimately cause the Hoover Dam to break

ZetaTalk Explanation 2/10/2007: And why the anniversary blitz of Phoenix lights? Is not the flat
dry desert of Arizona expected to remain relatively undisturbed, during the coming pole shift?
When the New Madrid Fault adjusts, Mexico will be too far to the West for the current comfort
of the West Coast, which will bow in the Southern California and Arizona region. The fault line
that runs along Mexico's west coast runs just under the Arizona border, then on up along the
west coast of California. Before the west coast of the US starts adjusting to the new position of
Mexico, with slip-slide adjustments, there will be a bending of the Arizona desert area that will
fracture the dry soil, create a breach in the great Colorado River dam, and allow magma to rise
in the calderas in the US - Mammoth Lake in California and Yellowstone. If the Hoover Dam
breaks, whither the city of Phoenix, which lies on flat land and near farm land irrigated by the
waters of the Colorado?

Davis Dam
 is a dam on the Colorado River about 45 miles (72 km)) downstream from Hoover Dam. It stretches across the border between Arizona and Nevada. Originally called Bullhead Dam, Davis dam was renamed after Arthur Powell Davis, who was the director of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation from 1914 to 1932. The United States Bureau of Reclamation owns and operates the dam, which was completed in 1951.


The Flaming Gorge Dam is a concrete thin-arch dam in the Flaming Gorge of the Green River, a major tributary of theColorado River, in the U.S. state of Utah. One of the largest dams in the American West. Situated in Flaming Gorge, a canyon of the Green River named by John Wesley Powell, the dam was built and is operated by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Groundbreaking for the structure began in 1958 and was completed in 1964.


The Glen Canyon Dam is the second largest dam on the Colorado River [1] at Page, Arizona, USA. Construction of the dam began in 1956 by the industrial conglomerate, Merritt-Chapman & Scott. Although the dam was not dedicated until 1966, it was able to begin blocking the flow of the river in 1963.


Hoover Dam, once known as Boulder Dam, is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the US states of Arizona and Nevada. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936, and was dedicated on September 30, 1935 by President Franklin Roosevelt. Its construction was the result of a massive effort involving thousands of workers, and cost over a hundred lives.


Parker Dam spans the Colorado River between Arizona and California, 155 miles downstream from HooverDam 
. Built between 1934 and 1938 by the Bureau of Reclamation.


The Morelos Dam (the last dam on the Colorado River) will not be able to hold back the upcoming deluge of the Colorado River as the dams above breach.

The Morelos Diversion Dam, located on the Mexico–Arizona border, is the southernmost dam on the Colorado River. It sends nearly all of the remaining water to irrigation canals in the Mexicali Valley and to the Mexican towns of Mexicali and Tijuana. As a result, the river rarely reaches the Gulf of California, normally the river's mouth. Consequently, the vast wetlands at the mouth of the Colorado River have been reduced to just a fraction of their former size, affecting vegetation and wildlife. Before the construction of a number of dams along its reach, the Colorado flowed 129 kilometers (80 miles) through Mexico to the Gulf of California.


The bowing stress on N. America is the result of the daily Torque Effect caused by Planet X gripping the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift.   This causes the N American continent to be pulled into a bow, the Aleutian Islands pulled toward the tip of Mexico, with the center of the bow at San Diego.

ZetaTalk: N American Rip written Feb 10, 2006

We have discussed what we call the stretch zone, where a land mass is pulled apart so that the rock flakes pull across each other, silently, creating sinkholes and rifts and manifesting as broken gas and water mains and derailing trains. These stretch zones have dramatically expressed themselves in the African Rift area and in the SE United States and in the UK during the past couple years. When Planet X arrived in the inner solar system in 2003 and began seriously tugging at the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift, it accentuated this stretch on either side of the Atlantic. What went unstated during these discussions is why a stretch zone occurs. Look at S America, on the large S American plate. As the Atlantic is pulled apart, the Pacific compressed, it is required to have the upper part migrate to the West more than the tip, which is anchored at Antarctica. It moves as a whole, in the main, crunching the small plates in the Caribbean and Central America as it does so and popping the plate holding the Galapagos Islands which lies just to the west of S America. It can move, in short. But what of the African and N American plates? 

The African Rift is caused because Africa is not free to move. It is bulbous at the north end, and comes to a tip at the south end. It is anchored at the south end, at South Africa, so when the Atlantic pulls apart, the bulbous northern part of the African plate moves directly eastward, yawing open the African Rift, along with the Red Sea, which is also widening. This inability of plates to move during the ripping apart of the Atlantic and compression of the Pacific is what will create a new rift up through Pakistan and above the Himalayas into Russia during the pole shift, equivalent to the St. Lawrence Seaway in N America. The Indio-Australia plate moves in the direction of the Himalayas, diving under them. Hawaii rises up during compression of the Pacific, so can move, if only up. Japan likewise is forced up, violently so, during Pacific compression. The Antarctica plate, as we have mentioned, is pressed down in the Pacific so will pop up on the Atlantic side, creating new land there ultimately during the pole shift.


The giant plates of N America and Eurasia are locked against each other, unable to rotate against each other due to their shape. Slip-slide along the West Coast, measured as a creep by geologists, is due only to slight adjustments along that edge of the plate, primarily due to adjustments within the small plates to the west of the N American plate, which move to accommodate pressure. The N American plate does not move, pre se, but other dramas occur. We explained, months before it expressed enough to show up on IRIS charts, the Earth torque caused as the N Pole continuing to rotate to the East while the S Pole was held back by Planet X, tending to open the globe like a jar of pickles. This creates a diagonal stress on the N American continent where New England is pulled to the east while Mexico is pulled to the West, so the New Madrid is put under slip-slide stress where one half, east of the Mississippi, will move toward the NE while the other, west of the Mississippi, moves toward the SW. The virtual hook of land in the N American continent near the Kamchatka peninsula is solid rock and will not snap off to become a separate land plate, nor would this ease the deadlock along the N American and Eurasian plates even it if did. These massive plates cannot move

The stress on the N American plate will resolve by ripping. Ripping the St. Lawrence Seaway open. Pulling the SE down into the crumbling Caribbean and into the widening Atlantic, as neither of these sinking fronts will be able to support the edge of the weighty N American plate. There is pressure along the West Coast, of course, and as the N American plate confronts the compressing Pacific, this will only result in the predictable volcanic increases and West Coast earthquakes. But the primary drama preceding the pole shift will be the ripping action that a plate unable to move must endure. The notable area of catastrophe during this is the eastern half of the continental US. From Houston to Chicago to New England, the diagonal pull will tear the underpinning of cities and create a catastrophe for the US that will make the New Orleans disaster appear trivial. A widening Seaway also does not affect just those land masses bordering the Seaway, as buckling occurs inland and afar. What does man assume caused the Black Hills to be so rumpled, with the appearance of a recent bucking and heaving? This is the center of a land plate! The tearing of the Seaway does not end at Duluth, MN, it travels underground to S Dakota!








Indeed, tearing of the St. Lawrence Seaway will occur during the New Madrid adjustment. We have warned that quakes on the West Coast, or the Seaway, or in the New Madrid region will occur before the major quake in the New Madrid region we have referred to as the adjustment on a 7 of 10 level. There will be quakes in these areas, magnitude 4-7, which should not be considered the New Madrid adjustment of which we speak. Please do not ask, at every quake, what this "means". It means the New Madrid adjustment is still pending. When the tension in the N American continent starts to force major tearing of rock strata, so that the changes we have described can take place, this will not be all at once, simultaneously. We have described a series of large quakes, with one major one stemming from the New Madrid area that will be called a magnitude 9 but in truth will be larger. It is this quake that will set in motion adjustments elsewhere.


Mexico will lurch to the west as this major quake occurs, with a settling of land to the west of the Mississippi almost instantly afterwards. The Mississippi will seem to have widened, and those to the west will see a new view as they look east, as their land will have shifted to the southwest as well as dropped. Because the lurch of Mexico to the west actually intensifies the bowing of the N American continent, the Seaway tears open. This is actually various adjustments at weak points along the Seaway rather than the tearing apart into a larger inland bay that occurs during the pole shift itself. Niagara Falls will remain, but some of the inland locks will break. When the upper Mississippi region finds the land to its west slipping down and to the southwest, those parts north which were formerly firmly attached find they can spring northward, as the pressure from the bow had been inclining them to do. This allows the edge of the rip, at Duluth, MN, to tear further inland, with consequent rumpling in S Dakota and minor shifting of ground in all parts in between.






Due to the rise in sea level to 675 feet within two years after the pole shift, the N American continent will appear to be two separate land masses in the future. The 7 of 10 will not effect this change, but will tear most bridges on the Mississippi River when the New Madrid adjusts. This will of course affect travel and distribution of goods, but in that the Mississippi employs barges, a workaround will be arranged quickly enough. But after the pole shift the eastern half of the continent will certainly be more isolated. Travel across the widened seaway by boat, across the flooded Mississippi Valley by barge, and by foot through the swampy land of what is now northern Illinois will certainly be possible. After the New Madrid adjusts, those living in the US should be considering their proximity to loved ones, in this light, the travel restrictions being considered a wake-up call re what is coming if nothing else.


The Bridges And Structures
Of The Mississippi River

Second Edition — August 2007


Mississippi River Map


Lake Itasca Area
Bemidji Area
Cass Lake — Ball Club Area
Grand Rapids Area
Blackberry To Crosby
Brainerd Lakes Area
Little Falls Area
Saint Cloud Area
North Metro Area
Port Of Minneapolis
Saint Anthony Falls Area
Mississippi River Gorge
Saint Paul Area
South Saint Paul To Hastings
Red Wing To Winona
La Crosse Area
Lansing To Clinton
Quad Cities Area
Muscatine To Louisiana
Saint Louis Area
Chester To Cairo
Louisiana Structures



In describing the 7 of 10 scenarios, we do not detail every minor quake or every point where a minor tsunami might be generated. The 7 of 10 scenarios did not even include the major quakes in Japan, which are predicted to be in the range of magnitude 9's. Nor did they include the tsunami that large quakes in Japan always involve, which we have recently stated could be considered to be as high as 150 feet for the South Island quakes. After the New Madrid adjusts the West Coast adjusts, as we have stated. We have not detailed this, as compared to the New Madrid this is minor. All the fault lines closely watched on the West Coast will adjust, the volcanoes nervously watched will erupt, and certainly the waters off the coast will be choppy if not generating some minor tsunami during the plate adjustments. The West Coast of the US is alert and guarded in this regard, as is Japan. They anticipate this type of activity, and will be alert to signs that a quake or eruption or tsunami is pending. Thus, we focus on the larger changes, and in warning those areas that will not receive such services from their governments.



There is general confusion about our predicted Earth changes. This is most often envisioned as happening all at once, suddenly, without warning. Where earthquakes and stretch zone accidents do seem to happen almost without warning, their approach is never that silent. The N American continent has been getting these warnings for some time, with increasing intensity. Quake swams in the New Madrid region and west of this spot have been occurring, and are on the increase. Sinkholes and shifting roadways are occurring from Pennsylvania through Tennessee and elsewhere. The center of the bow being formed by the N American continent, the San Diego area, has an epidemic of water main breaks, and the snapping rock inland from this point has affected a mine in Utah. None of this is officially ascribed to the New Madrid adjustment that is pending, though FEMA gives evidence of their nervous preparations for the disaster they know is pending.


Will the New Madrid just suddenly rip with our predicted magnitude 9 quake? Hardly. There will be a progression of quakes in the magnitude 4-5 range all along the New Madrid fault line, which runs up to the Great Lakes and thence along the seaway. The bow will become more stressed, cracking rock inland from San Diego all the way to the Mississippi, and forcing adjustments north and south of this point too, from the Aleutian Islands to the tip of Mexico. Sinkholes and crevasses will proliferate throughout the US in her stretch zones, in a swath that ranges from the New England states south to the tip of Florida and all points west. This is a large bow. Then quakes will increase to the point of being considered magnitude 6-7 along the long New Madrid fault line and its attendant splinters. The New Madrid adjustment will thus NOT sneak up on you, but will be well announced.

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for March 12, 2011



Potential Nuclear disaster risk in the new madrid zone




New Madrid Nuclear


Bob Nations, Jr., the Director of Shelby County Office of Preparedness, says that since the lack of preparation exposed by Hurricane Katrina, he is "preparing for the catastrophic event" in his six-county jurisdiction. 

Nations admitted that after a major quake, Tennessee's infrastructure and response capabilities "would get overwhelmed fairly quickly." 

There are 15 nuclear power plants in the New Madrid fault zone -- three reactors in Alabama -- that are of the same or similar design as the site in Japan experiencing problems. 

The USGS report predicts that a major quake would create horrific scenes like something out of a science fiction movie, potentially cutting the Eastern part of the country off from the West in terms of vehicular traffic and road commerce. 

"The older highways and railroad bridges that cross the Mississippi River, as well as older overpasses, would likely be damaged or collapse in the event of a major New Madrid earthquake," according to USGS. 

In September, FEMA's associate administrator for Response and Recovery, William Carwile, told a Senate panel that FEMA has five regional groups planning for possible earthquake responses, but a major quake along the New Madrid fault line could displace 7.2 million people and knock out 15 bridges. The response would require 42,000 first responders from local firefighters to the Pentagon. 

Another study by the Mid-America Earthquake Center last year estimates that nearly 750,000 buildings would be damaged, 3,000 bridges would potentially collapse, 400,000 breaks and leaks to local pipelines and $300 billion in direct damage and $600 billion in indirect losses would occur. Source


Other potential nuclear risk: Three Mile Island


The Three Mile Island accident was a core meltdown in Unit 2 (a pressurized water reactor manufactured by Babcock & Wilcox) of the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania near Harrisburg,United States in 1979.



Viewed from the west, Three Mile Island currently uses only one nuclear generating station, TMI-1, which is on the left. TMI-2, to the right, has not been used since the accident. Note that this is a pre-accident photo taken when TMI-2 was in operation.

Current status

Unit 1 had its license temporarily suspended following the incident at Unit 2. Although the citizens of the three counties surrounding the site voted by a margin of 3:1 to permanently retire Unit 1, it was permitted to resume operations in 1985. General Public Utilities Corporation, the plant's owner, formed General Public Utilities Nuclear Corporation (GPUN) as a new subsidiary to own and operate the company's nuclear facilities, including Three Mile Island. The plant had previously been operated by Metropolitan Edison Company (Met-Ed), one of GPU's regional utility operating companies. In 1996, General Public Utilities shortened its name to GPU Inc. Three Mile Island Unit 1 was sold to AmerGenEnergy Corporation, a joint venture between Philadelphia Electric Company (PECO), and British Energy, in 1998. In 2000, PECO merged with Unicom Corporation to form Exelon Corporation, which acquired British Energy's share of AmerGen in 2003. Today, AmerGen LLC is a fully owned subsidiary of Exelon Generation and owns TMI Unit 1, Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, and Clinton Power Station. These three units, in addition to Exelon's other nuclear units, are operated by Exelon Nuclear Inc., an Exelon subsidiary.

General Public Utilities was legally obliged to continue to maintain and monitor the site, and therefore retained ownership of Unit 2 when Unit 1 was sold to AmerGen in 1998. GPU Inc. was acquired by FirstEnergy Corporation in 2001, and subsequently dissolved. FirstEnergy then contracted out the maintenance and administration of Unit 2 to AmerGen. Unit 2 has been administered by Exelon Nuclear since 2003, when Exelon Nuclear's parent company, Exelon, bought out the remaining shares of AmerGen, inheriting FirstEnergy's maintenance contract. Unit 2 continues to be licensed and regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in a condition known as Post Defueling Monitored Storage (PDMS).[83]

Today, the TMI-2 reactor is permanently shut down with the reactor coolant system drained, the radioactive water decontaminated and evaporated, radioactive waste shipped off-site, reactor fuel and core debris shipped off-site to a Department of Energy facility, and the remainder of the site being monitored. The owner says it will keep the facility in long-term, monitored storage until the operating license for the TMI-1 plant expires at which time both plants will be decommissioned.[10] In 2009, the NRC granted a license extension which means the TMI-1 reactor may operate until April 19, 2034.[84][85]



New Madrid Fault

What is the New Madrid fault line, and why is it so much on the tips of tongues these days?
The New Madrid fault line essentially follows the Mississippi River from Illinois to Arkansas.
The New Madrid fault system, or the New Madrid seismic zone, is a series of faults beneath the continental crust in a weak spot known as the Reelfoot Rift. It cannot be seen on the surface. The fault system extends 150 miles southward from Cairo, Illinois through New Madrid and Caruthersville, Missouri, down through Blytheville, Arkansas to Marked Tree, Arkansas. It dips into Kentucky near Fulton and into Tennessee near Reelfoot Lake, and extends southeast to Dyersburg, Tennessee. It crosses five state lines, and crosses the Mississippi River in at least three places.

Seems like a local affair, but this is deceptive. 
Where quakes along the West Coast of the US cause a jolt in the underlying rock, the area surrounding the New Madrid is essentially mud, soil, wet from the mighty Mississippi and Missouri and Tennessee and Ohio rivers which join near the New Madrid fault line, and liquifaction thus affects a huge area.

The shock or repeated shock of earthquake waves can cause water-saturated soil to rearrange itself in such a way that it essentially becomes a suspension of solids in the liquid. Heavy structures on such areas can suddenly sink or shift. Buried objects can shift and relatively low density objects can float to the surface.

The last great quakes on the New Madrid fault line occurred in the Winter of 1811-1812.
The 400 terrified residents in the town of New Madrid (Missouri) were abruptly awakened by violent shaking and a tremendous roar. It was December 16, 1811, and a powerful earthquake had just struck. This was the first of three magnitude-8 earthquakes and thousands of aftershocks to rock the region that winter. Survivors reported that the earthquakes caused cracks to open in the earth's surface, the ground to roll in visible waves, and large areas of land to sink or rise. By winter's end, few houses within 250 miles of the Mississippi River town of New Madrid (Missouri) remained undamaged. The crew of the New Orleans (the first steamboat on the Mississippi, which was on her maiden voyage) reported mooring to an island only to awake in the morning and find that the island had disappeared below the waters of the Mississippi River. Damage was reported as far away as Charleston, South Carolina, and Washington, D.C.

Just how far ranging was the effect, compared to a quake of similar Richter on the West Coast?
Earthquakes in the central or eastern United States affect much larger areas than earthquakes of similar magnitude in the western United States. For example, the San Francisco, California, earthquake of 1906 (magnitude 7.8) was felt 350 miles away in the middle of Nevada, whereas the New Madrid earthquake of December 1811 (magnitude 8.0) rang church bells in Boston, Massachusetts, 1,000 miles away. Differences in geology east and west of the Rocky Mountains cause this strong contrast. [And more recently] earthquakes of similar magnitude-the 1895 Charleston, Missouri, earthquake in the New Madrid seismic zone and the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake, [showed similar effects].
The [quake] in 1968, centered in southeastern Illinois near the confluence of the Tennessee and Ohio rivers, caused moderate damage, but it was felt across 23 states -- as far as the Carolinas -- and into Canada.

A map on the USGS website shows the relative extent of influence, which is far more dramatic than might be imagined. 
In 1994 the 6.7 Richter Northridge quake was felt throughout southern California, barely reaching over the border into Nevada and Arizona and Mexico.
The comparable 1895 Charleston, MO quake covered the eastern half of the US, primarily affected, of course, were the states central to the New Madrid fault line - Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana. 
But the effect covered at least half of the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Iowa, and crossed the border into the states of New York and Florida.

But the seriousness of the situation is not described by the effects of quakes in 1811 and 1895, as going into the pole shift, during the quakes preceding the pole shift, there is another aspect to the fault line adjustments.
There is an Earth torque, cause by the twisting of the globe that Planet X causes when it tugs on the S Pole of Earth and the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift, daily.

ZetaTalk: Torque Effect, written May 1, 2004
By gripping the Atlantic Rift, the cause of the Global Quakes that have racked the Earth [since 2003], Planet X is creating a slow continental drift. The Atlantic Rift is held back when it faces or is in opposition to Planet X, creating not only a pile up in the plates following the rift, but also tearing apart the rift by the momentum to the East. What is the effect on the plates on either side of the rift when a void is created? There is a slide into the void, on the side experiencing a pileup, and thus the N American Plate is dropping into the void, relieving the stress of compression along its northern border in the Arctic by a torque to the side as it does so. The overall effect of this drift, which will increase in speed and force, will be a torque. Hold the globe with the left hand on the N Pole, the right hand on the S Pole. The N Pole going in the direction of rotation with the S Pole held back, the torque forces the N American Plate down and into the Caribbean.

Complicating the torque is the fact that the N American continent is held rigid at the top, where the plate boundary crosses through the Arctic from the Kamchaka Peninsula just above Japan in almost a straight line to Iceland in the Altantic, East of Greenland.
The N American plate, thus, CANNOT roll round to adjust to the stress of having the Atlantic widen and the Pacific shorten during the tugging Planet X does upon the Earth. 
Mexico wants to move westward faster than Alaska, but cannot without pulling the N American continent in a diagonal, a stress the Zetas call the N American Rip.
This ZetaTalk was written during a time when S Dakota, at the Black Hills, was showing an odd stress wobble once daily, a clear sign this was a wobble induced by the tugging of Planet X.

ZetaTalk: N American Rip, written Feb 10, 2006
When Planet X arrived in the inner solar system in 2003 and began seriously tugging at the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift, it accentuated this stretch on either side of the Atlantic. What went unstated during these discussions is why a stretch zone occurs. Look at S America, on the large S American plate. As the Atlantic is pulled apart, the Pacific compressed, it is required to have the upper part migrate to the West more than the tip, which is anchored at Antarctica. It moves as a whole, in the main, crunching the small plates in the Caribbean and Central America as it does so and popping the plate holding the Galapagos Islands which lies just to the west of S America. It can move, in short. But what of the N American plate? The giant plates of N America and Eurasia are locked against each other, unable to rotate against each other due to their shape. Slip-slide along the West Coast, measured as a creep by geologists, is due only to slight adjustments along that edge of the plate, primarily due to adjustments within the small plates to the west of the N American plate, which move to accommodate pressure. 

The N American plate does not move, pre se, but other dramas occur. We explained [in May 2004], months before it expressed enough to show up on IRIS charts, the Earth torque caused as the N Pole continuing to rotate to the East while the S Pole was held back by Planet X, tending to open the globe like a jar of pickles. This creates a diagonal stress on the N American continent where New England is pulled to the east while Mexico is pulled to the West, so the New Madrid is put under slip-slide stress where one half, east of the Mississippi, will move toward the NE while the other, west of the Mississippi, moves toward the SW. The virtual hook of land in the N American continent near the Kamchatka peninsula is solid rock and will not snap off to become a separate land plate, nor would this ease the deadlock along the N American and Eurasian plates even it if did. These massive plates cannot move.

The stress on the N American plate will resolve by ripping. Ripping the St. Lawrence Seaway open. Pulling the SE down into the crumbling Caribbean and into the widening Atlantic, as neither of these sinking fronts will be able to support the edge of the weighty N American plate. There is pressure along the West Coast, of course, and as the N American plate confronts the compressing Pacific, this will only result in the predictable volcanic increases and West Coast earthquakes. But the primary drama preceding the pole shift will be the ripping action that a plate unable to move must endure. The notable area of catastrophe during this is the eastern half of the continental US. From Houston to Chicago to New England, the diagonal pull will tear the underpinning of cities and create a catastrophe for the US that will make the New Orleans disaster appear trivial. A widening Seaway also does not affect just those land masses bordering the Seaway, as buckling occurs inland and afar. What does man assume caused the Black Hills to be so rumpled, with the appearance of a recent bucking and heaving? This is the center of a land plate! The tearing of the Seaway does not end at Duluth, MN, it travels underground to S Dakota!


The first evidence of this torque on the N American continent occurred in August of 2003, when a massive power outage struck New York City, causing a complete blackout with a million commuters walking home to suburbia silently across the bridges.
The cause? A substation at Niagara, on the stretching seaway.

Reuters, Aug 14, 2003
A New York State official said the Niagara Mohawk power grid overloaded on Thursday, causing a massive power outage, and New York Major Michael Bloomberg said it was likely a natural occurrence. A massive power outage swept across swaths of the eastern United States and Canada on Thursday, leaving sections of New York , Detroit, Cleveland and Toronto without electricity. It was not immediately clear whether the Niagara Mohawk problem caused the wider outage.
AP, Aug 14, 2003
Canadian officials insisted a massive blackout Thursday across the Northeast and parts of Canada originated in the United States, though U.S. power workers denied that and American officials blamed Canada.

This was followed by trail derailments and bursting gas and water mains and sinkholes and yawing crevasses that were suddenly and dramatically in the news.
Sinking, or lack of support in stretch zone, results in sinkholes.
The incidence of sinkholes, in the US alone, during the 6 months period from April to October 2004, was certainly astonishing.
These hit Florida hard, not surprising as it is at a point, literally, where the pull down is the most extreme.
Detroit and Milwaukee, at the end of the St. Lawrence Seaway yawing.
up the East Cost through Virginia and into Pennsylvania, a point where sinking and rising land create a break, a snapping of the Earth, as land south of Pennsylvania is pulled down while land North tends to bounce up as the Seaway yaws.
And into land at the edge of the stretch zone, such as Missouri and central Canada.

Missouri Sinkhole, June 9, 2004
To folks around Wildwood MO, it is nothing but freaky: an entire 23-acre lake vanished in a matter of days, as if someone pulled the plug on a bathtub. Lake Chesterfield went down a sinkhole this week, leaving homeowners in this affluent St. Louis suburb wondering if their property values disappeared along with their lakeside views.
Milwaukee Sinkhole, June 11, 2004
A Milwaukee street was closed Friday because of a huge sinkhole. The hole, at 35th and Juneau streets, measures around 40 feet long, 40 feet wide and about 15 feet deep.
Florida Sinkhole, June 25, 2004
US 27 was closed Tuesday when the Department of Transportation discovered a giant sinkhole below the surface. The sinkhole was about 20 to 30 feet in diameter.
Florida Sinkhole, July 1, 2004
The discovery of a sinkhole near Highway 100 east of Franklin forced work to stop last week on the city's sewer extension project.
Detroit Sinkhole, Aug 23, 2004
A giant sinkhole in Sterling Heights grew even bigger late Monday morning as repair crews worked to stabilize the ground surrounding it. The hole measured approximately 160 feet long and 60 feet wide. The cavity was estimated to be as deep as 30 feet. Crews could not say what caused the sinkhole.
Scranton PA Sinkhole, Sep 19, 2004
As the Pittston Avenue sinkhole continues to expand, so does the number of damaged properties in Lackawanna County. Across town on Pittston Avenue, city and state officials met Monday morning to examine the subsidence that swallowed a portion of the road near Brook Street, rupturing a gas line and forcing the evacuation of at least 50 residents. The sink hole has expanded by about five feet and now consumed three-fourths of the two-lane road.
Virginia Sinkhole, Oct 5, 2004
A collector lane of Interstate 81 in Montgomery County was closed Monday because of a sinkhole. Crews will repair the sinkhole by excavating it, filling it with rock, capping it with concrete and paving over it.
Florida Sinkhole, Oct 14, 2004
50-Foot Wide Sinkhole Opens In Couple's Backyard. The Fishers were in disbelief when they noticed two 30 foot trees, a shed and two other citrus trees had been swallowed up by the ground.

If trains were derailing due to twisting track, and sinkholes appearing suddenly under highways, this was not the only horror aflicting transportation.
Road heaved, bridges dropped, and land slid on top of traffic.
Particularly in July, 2004, oddly, in 3 different US states.
This shows a relationship to a diagonal pull across the US, happening at that time.

Kansas Road Pop, July 13, 2004
Sweltering Heat Causes Street to Rise 5 Inches, Crack, and Blow Up. Experts say the crack is unusual, because the heat-related breaks typically occur in concrete, as opposed to asphalt.
Illinois Heaving Road, July 29, 2004
A block of road was in normal condition last week, but since then it has risen three or four inches out of the ground. Now, traffic is blocked off in that area. The City Engineer's office say they still don't know what's causing the road to rise up.
Pennsylvania Quarry, July 29, 2004
A huge chunk of earth surrounding a quarry collapsed overnight. Deep crevices can be seen right on the shoulder of the roadway. The cause of the collapse is under investigation.
Denver I70 Overpass, May 15, 2004
I-70 is closed in both directions at C-470 after a steel girder collapsed onto the eastbound lanes of I-70 and landed on a SUV. The girder weighed several tons. The girder was put up as part of a project to widen a ramp that leads to I-70.

This twisting of the North American continent involves New England pulled to the East along with the rotation of the Earth, Mexico and the southwest pulled to the West, as the South Pole was being tugged in that direction.
This opened crevasses in the southwest.
This was not due to compression, subduction of plates, but due to the stretch, the land in these areas being pulled apart.
These sudden crevasses were not associated with any particular earthquake, but they WERE associated with road pops from Kansas to Illinois to Pennsyvania!
Again, in July 2004.

Mexico Crevasse, June 29, 2004
Huge Mile-Long Crevasse Opens along Fault in Western Mexico
A gaping, mile-long crevasse opened early Tuesday along what officials described as a geological fault line in western Mexico. The crevasse reportedly opened without warning early Wednesday. It stretches about one mile across farm fields in a sparsely populated area in Zapopan, a suburb of the western city of Guadalajara. It is as much as 15 feet wide in some places.
Arizona Crevasse, July 14, 2004
Quarter-Mile-Long Fissure opens North of Willcox
Authorities today are investigating the cause of a fissure north of Willcox that spans a quarter mile and is up to five feet wide at some points. The fissure was discovered Wednesday morning by a resident who told Cochise County Sheriff's deputies that he awoke to loud rumbling and crackling overnight. He found a fissure near his home, that officials say appears to be expanding. Authorities do not know how deep the fissure is, but a spokeswoman for the Sheriff's Department said it's too deep to see the bottom. Willcox is about 80 miles east of Tucson.

Sinking land in the stretch zone very much affects gas and water mains running under streets, and a rash of reports emerged as Planet X tightened its grip on the Earth.
During the 6 months reporting period from April to October 2004, pipes were snapping all across the stretch zone like never before.

Atlanta Explosion, Aug 23, 2004
Georgia Power crews continued working Monday afternoon to repair underground power lines in downtown Atlanta that exploded overnight, sending manhole covers flying into the air. An official with Georgia Power said such explosions are not common. The force of the blast sent three, 50-pound manhole covers into the air.
Boston Tunnel Leak, Sep 15, 2004
Gridlock ensued when water began leaking into the northbound lanes of the tunnel, at one of its deepest points. The tunnel carries Interstate 93 through the city. The leak occured in a portion of the wall which has been in place for 10 years.
Buffalo Water Main, Sep 20, 2004
A water main break in Buffalo early this morning has shut down part of Chippewa Street. Water bubbling up from the break flooded the area and caused parts of Chippewa to buckle. As the area began to resemble a lake, police blocked off intersections and water crews were summoned to the scene.
Virginia Main Break, Oct 22, 2004
The crack extended about three-quarters across on the bottom, which indicated that it was a stress crack caused by the earth's movement. The earth shifted, and deep below the surface a water line bent and cracked.
Boston Main Break, Oct 29, 2004
City officials said a 36-inch water main gave way, shooting a high-pressure jet of water underground and clearing away the dirt and sand under the road. The hole stretched nearly across Perkins Avenue and was at least 15 feet deep. The DPW Commissioner said he was unsure what caused the 36-inch pipe to let go.


By June, 2005 scientists were openly admitting they were concerned about the New Madrid fault.

AP, Jun 22, 2005
US scientists, reporting in the British science journal Nature on Thursday, say the New Madrid Seismic Zone is deforming rapidly, experiencing rates of strain that are similar to those in notoriously active plate boundaries.
New Data Confirms Strong Earthquake Risk to Central US, Jun 22, 2005
Strain is building on a fault near Memphis, Tennessee that was the site of a magnitude 8.1 earthquake in 1812. Such a strong earthquake would rock the entire eastern half of the country and prove devastating to the local region. In a three-month period in 1811-12, three major earthquakes rattled a broad expanse of the United States, causing damage as far away as Charleston, South Carolina and even rattling nerves in Boston. The quakes triggered landslides into the Mississippi River and, according to some boaters who were not drowned, sent part of the river running the other direction for a time. The earthquakes were centered around New Madrid, Missouri. They measured 8.1, 8.0 and 7.8 and represent three of the four strongest earthquakes ever recorded in the lower 48 states. Sandy soil in some areas became liquefied in past events. This tendency for soil east of the Rockies to liquefy, along with other differences in geology, means earthquakes there pack more potential for damage and are felt over a much wider region than western temblors.

A few months later, in September of 2005, a mysterious smell like rotting cabbage or the cat's litter box wafted across the US.

Bellaire, Ohio Strange Smell 
Sep 20, 2005
A mysterious smell has been lingering around numerous neighborhoods in one local community, and now residents want to know where that odor is coming from and if it's dangerous.

Central Texas: Strange Odor Prompts School Evacuation 
Sep 22, 2005

Washington Post: Mysterious Stench Nauseates Northeast 
Sep 30, 2005

LA TimesMysterious Stench Swirls Around City 
Sep 22, 2005
And so it went across the Southland, as some detected strong odors from the coast to the Valley. Workplaces and weblogs were buzzing, with descriptions comparing the smell to old socks, rotting cabbage soup, moldy wet wallboard and the cat´s litter box.
Thunder Bay Canada: Strange Smell in Lonlac 
Sep 27, 2005
Municipal officials are urging Longlac residents to exercise caution as they investigate reports of gasoline-type odours in the towns sewer system.
Washington DC Affiliate: Mystery Odors Reported Around District 
Sep 28, 2005
Students returned to class Wednesday afternoon at two adjacent schools in Northeast Washington, but the mystery continues over what caused the odor that led to evacuations.
Greenville, South CarolinaWorkers Sickened at Downtown Greenville Building 
Sep 29, 2005
A foul smell at a downtown Greenville building sickened several workers and forced an evacuation. Four people were sent to Greenville Memorial Hospital for treatment of nausea.
Lake Erie burps and nearby residents smell it 
Sep 30, 2005
State and federal environmental officials are trying to determine the cause of a big stink reported along Lake Erie. Hundreds of residents called authorities or the National Weather Service yesterday to report the smell, which has been variously described as like gasoline, natural gas or even decaying garbage and rotten eggs.

The cause, per the Zetas, was methane gas released when rock fingers were pulled apart, releasing gasses from rotting material trapped between rock layers.

ZetaTalk: Stretch Stench, written Oct 1, 2005
We have gone into great detail on what occurs in the stretch zones along the Atlantic, which includes the southeast United States and the St Lawrence Seaway, and warned recently that the stretch would accelerate and be exacerbated by the torque effect which is twisting the North American continent at a diagonal, pulling New England to the East and Mexico to the West. The overall effect of these forces is to drag the southeastern US down, along a line from Pennsylvania to Texas; to pull the continent diagonally; and to ease stress on the West Coast, as can be shown by IRIS charts indicating reduced earthquake incidence along the West Coast compared to the rest of the Ring of Fire. What happens to rock layers under a diagonal pull, or being pulled apart? As can be seen during recent years, this has resulted in derailing trains, sinkholes suddenly appearing, gas and water main breaks, torn roadways and separating bridges. Despite the effect on man, crawling about on the surface of what they assume to be terra firma, these changes are superficial. When the pulling starts, weak points break and thereafter the plumbing and roadways hold, giving the impression that the pulling has stopped, but this is misleading. 

The North American continent is giving evidence that its rock layers are separating from each other, and sliding sideways in a diagonal, thus exposing portions of these layers to vent into the air above. If rock is being stressed, then where are the earthquake predictors giving evidence of this, the frantic animals, the static on the radio, the earthquake swarms? Rock in the stretch zone, pulling apart rather than compressing, does not emit the particles flows that animals and radios sense, nor register on instruments are tension and release quakes. What lies beneath mankind's civilization, waiting to be exposed? More than rock and trapped oil and coal deposits, those these may vent during stretching. More than trapped volcanic gasses, perhaps trapped for eons since the rock was hardened or breached during previous upheavals. There is also, surprisingly, rotting material, trapped when extreme stress on the surface created yawing that swallowed surface material or when rock layers rolled over each other to sandwich such material between rock layers. Exposed, to the degree that venting upward into the air can occur, these smells are solid evidence that the rock layers below are adjusting. Since the concept of the stretch zone behavior as precursor to a pole shift was introduced by ourselves, the Zetas, and the detailed description of the torque on the North American continent was made by ourselves months before it expressed on the IRIS charts, we can only say, as Nancy is fond of saying, Zetas right again!

In early 2006 there was additional evidence that the N American continent was being put under stress, pulled in a diagonal.
Within a 4 week period, mining accidents from Canada to Mexico occurred, in a line parallel to one that could be drawn from Maine to Mexico, the stress line that the Zetas have described. 
The first was in the Sago mines in West Virginia, then another in Ontario, Canada, followed by a rare disaster in Mexico.

Workers Try to Reach Trapped Mexico Miners 
Feb 20, 2006
Rescue workers were burrowing through debris clogging a Mexican coal mine early Monday in a desperate effort to reach some 65 miners who were trapped for more than a day by a gas explosion. A federal labor official told reporters during a news conference at the site that officials found nothing unusual during a routine evaluation on Feb. 7. Last month, 14 miners died in two separate accidents at mines in West Virginia, in the United States. Two men died in a fire Jan. 21 at a mine in Melville, nearly three weeks after 12 men died after an explosion near Tallmansville. In Canada last month, 72 potash miners walked away from an underground fire and toxic smoke after being locked down overnight in airtight chambers packed with enough oxygen, food and water for several days.

Methane gas was suspected. 
Although a constant source of worry, why the sudden rash of explosions across the continent, and along a diagonal line parallel to what the Zetas have described? 
If so, coincidentally, Maine was reporting odd methane bubbles off their coast.

University of Maine geologists reported in December, in the Portland Press Herald, 12-26-05, that dozens of methane fields off the coast of Maine were releasing large amounts of gas, disrupting the ocean floor and creating massive bubbles.


By July, 2006, Cleveland, Ohio was reports quake swarms. 
Accompanying this was another blackout caused by problems in what is called the Lake Erie Loop. 
The stretching Seaway, at it again!

An Earthquake Every Two Weeks? It's Happening Near Cleveland 
Jul 13, 2006
Without damage or injury and sometimes unnoticed, a corner of suburban Cleveland has become the earthquake capital of Ohio, shaking on average every two weeks since New Year's Day and making people wonder: What's next? Earthquake experts don't know why the repetitive quakes have come at this time. Eye-catching series of earthquakes -- measuring from magnitude 2.0 to 3.8
Power returns to most areas hit by blackout 
Jul 21, 2003
New York state was facing the largest blackout in the history of America and had lost more than 85 percent of power in New York state. the exact cause remains unknown, but indications so far point to a downed 345,000 volt power line east of Cleveland, Ohio, on the "Lake Erie loop" - a series of transmission lines around the lake.

Then on Sep 10, 2006, a rare quake in the Gulf of Mexico, on a fault line the USGS was unaware existed.

Gulf Quake Felt From La. to Fla. 
Sep 10, 2006
The largest earthquake to strike the eastern Gulf of Mexico in the last 30 years sent shock waves from Louisiana to southwest Florida Sunday, but did little more than rattle residents. The magnitude 6.0 earthquake, centered about 260 miles southwest of Tampa, was too small to trigger a tsunami or dangerous waves. The USGS received more than 2,800 reports from people who felt the 10:56 a.m. quake. Scientists said it was the largest and most widely felt of more than a dozen earthquakes recorded in the region in three decades. The most prevalent vibration, which lasted for about 20 seconds, was felt on the gulf coast of Florida and in southern Georgia. But residents in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana also called in reports. The epicenter is an unusual location for earthquake activity, but scientists recorded a magnitude 5.2 temblor in the same location on Feb. 10. The temblor was unusual because it was not centered on a known fault line.

The Zetas related this to the stress on the N American continent, and the pending New Madrid diagonal rip.

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live, written Sep 16, 2006
We have stated that the New Madrid fault line will give way soon, in a diagonal pull not predicted by the experts as they discount the torque the N American plate is currently subject to. New England goes East, along with the Earth's rotation, but Mexico is tugged back toward the West when the S Pole is tugged by Planet X. This Earth Torque was predicted by ourselves 9 months prior to the Dec 26, 2004 tsunami quake in Sumatra, and has shown up on IRIS charts ever since. The diagonal pull on the New Madrid will cause the land East of the Mississippi to slide NE, land West of the Mississippi to slip SW, tearing many of the bridges across the Mississippi. As the fault lines known by man are those that have recently adjusted, during the quiet times between pole shifts, it comes as a shock to find new fault lines in the center of the plate, and even more shocking, that large quakes are occurring there! This is only the start of New Madrid activity, which has also cause quake swarms in the SE US and torn the land in the SW and Mexico into crevasses. Just when it will hit, we will not say, as by the rules we are placed under by the Council of Worlds, we are not allowed to warn the public.

This was followed by more adjustments in New England, which is scheduled to rise some 450 feet above sea level during the coming pole shift.

The tiny New England states are grouped at the end of what will become increasingly a peninsula of land, due to the widening of the St. Lawrence Seaway and the melting poles. The land is rocky, and will rise some 450 feet by our estimate above the current level due to the land being freed from its current connections during this continental rip.

Quake swarms continued in Maine, and a dramatic drop in the water level in wells at the USGS site.

Maine Quake Causes Dramatic Drop in Well Water Level
Oct 3, 2006
A minor earthquake that shook parts of Maine at 8:07 p.m. local time Monday caused water to drop 2.5 feet at a
U.S. Geological Survey monitoring well. Nearly 17 hours later, the water level was still dropping. Hydrologists call the change in the well dramatic. The preliminary magnitude 3.9 earthquake was the third such event to shake the state in the past few weeks. A magnitude 2.5 earthquake on Sep 28 and a magnitude 3.4 on Sep 22 were centered in the same location.

Per the Zetas, all these are clues that the New Madrid does not have long to go before it gives way, allowing the diagonal slip along the Mississippi that the Zetas have predicted.

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live, written Oct 7, 2006.
Periodically, during the N American plate rip taking place steadily, there is evidence that rock fingers are being pulled apart, fault lines slip sliding past each other, and land rising or dropping. During 2004 and into 2005 there were seemingly endless reports of water and gas mains breaking, sinkholes developing and bridges and roadways buckling in the stretch zone. Crevasses occurred suddenly in Mexico and the SW. In the Fall of 2005, there was a stretch stench noted across the continent, from moldering soil pockets suddenly exposed to the air and releasing methane gas. During a two week period, mining disasters occurred at the Sago mine in W Virginia, eastern Canada, and Mexico, all trapping miners in well publicized rescue operations. Methane gas was again the prime culprit. Blackouts along the Seaway are blamed on a single failure creating a domino effect, but the station at Niagara, along the Seaway, has been the culprit, repeatedly. Quake swarms occur near Cleveland, Ohio, pointing to the separating Seaway as the source. 

Now quakes in the Gulf at a previously unknown fault, and in Maine, with result that the water level is either falling or the land rising. Why do these events seem to come and then go, if the stretch is continuous? The answer lies in what holds the fabric together. That part of the rock strata preventing the stretch or torque from occurring is put under stress until it snaps, then movement occurs. What might be termed soft structures snap when movement is first allowed. Thus, gas and water mains long considered structurally sound snapped when the FIRST movement occurred, and soft soil adjustments such as crevasses or sinkholes likewise occurred. Once these soft area have adjusted, this type of activity seems to stop, but the fault lines are still sliding and rock fingers are still separating. Maine, and the New England area, will rise significantly when the Seaway rips, as we have stated. As all precursor quakes during the time going into the shift proceed along the scripted drama that will occur during the shift itself, the New England area can expect to rise as adjustments occur in the N American continent. Thus, the water level FALLS.

The Zetas have stated the devastation will make the New Orleans disaster appear trivial. 
New Orleans, after all, was another disaster waiting to happen, not a surprise. 
It was only a matter of time.
For the New Madrid disaster, affecting cities from Houston to St. Louis to Kansas City to Memphis to Cincinnati to Chicago and parts in between, the number of people left suddenly homeless will be immense, compared to New Orleans.
These cities are not quake proofed, as is the norm on the West Coast. 
Lets look at the New Orleans disaster for a preview of what to expect, insofar as rescue attempts.

ZetaTalk: New Orleans, a Preview, written Sep 2, 2005
We have described from the start of ZetaTalk a situation where the coastlines and river basins will be massively flooded during the pole shift, to the extent that coastal cities are flooded with a flood tide that just keeps rising, putting homes and the lower levels of buildings under water. All this seems fantasia to many, despite the physical evidence that such flood tides have happened in the past. Where New Orleans flooded because it was below the current sea level, and where the flooding of the city is not to the extent we have described for the pole shift, it nonetheless is an example of how water and wind can wreck a city and make all the former residents homeless, in a wink. Add to the mess in New Orleans the fact of tall buildings toppled by earthquakes, and people trapped in earthquake rubble, and you have the picture of what is to come. 

We have described from the start of ZetaTalk a situation where the grid, electrical power and phone lines, will be almost completely disrupted, water and gas mains ruptured, with no hope of repair, the result of an assault by earthquakes, water wash during flooding, and hurricane force winds. Many sitting comfortably in their homes dismiss such a possibility, as surely the modern technology they have come to enjoy will be able to quickly repair itself, as is this not the case after an ice storm or earthquake now? Where the disruption in New Orleans is due to flooding and winds, without the addition of quake damage, the total interruption of services for those trapped in New Orleans is certainly evident - pumps down, gas line breaks, water fouled, and no electricity. 

We have described from the start of ZetaTalk the anticipated effects of denial among those not willing to acknowledge the need for making changes in their lives, to the extent that they refuse to make any changes or take any steps toward taking themselves to safety. This despite mounting evidence that their survival will be tenuous if they do not take such steps. Where the depth of this denial, affecting a large portion of the population, seems incredulous, this is precisely what has occurred in New Orleans. Given orders to evacuate by the authorities, many chose to remain, comforting themselves by denying the possibility of harm. This denial was evident among the rich as well as poor, among vacationers remaining in fancy hotels as well as no place to go but the hovel that was their current home. 

We have described from the start of ZetaTalk the reaction of the rich and powerful to the threat of accelerating Earth changes, that being that they would suppress talk of this in the media in order to maintain the status quo, keeping the common man at their stations, at their jobs, and being consumers until the last. Where such treatment of the common man is nothing new, what occurred going into assault on New Orleans or the Gulf coast? Known to be unsafe, below sea level, or potentially in the path of such monster storms, housing and industry and commercial ventures were funded and encouraged. Encouraging the status quo, instead of championing an alternative such as moving enterprises and people inland, occurred. 

We have warned from the start of ZetaTalk that self sufficiency, rather than relying on government handouts or camps, was absolutely key to survival after the pole shift, as rescue would not be forthcoming and camps would become work or perhaps death camps, ultimately. To those clinging to the comforting thought of the government as a substitute parent, or to those working for the government, this is dismissed as bad advice, but what has occurred in New Orleans? First, everyone is marched into the Super Dome, where bad water and lack of food is compounded by crowding. Bad move, and not the last bad move, as now the crowd is being relocated yet again, where more disappointments from government services are likely to result. 

We have emphasized from the start of ZetaTalk the need to distill drinking water to clean not only germs but pollutants such as heavy metals, as the pole shift will create a cesspool of industrial wastes where these are stored in tanks or produced, and exploding volcanoes will put lead into surface water as the volcanic ash drifts and lands far and wide. Most often, our admonitions result in a lot of discussion about water filtration systems, as though these will be handy and replacement parts available. Distilling water is time consuming, a multi-step operation, and thus tiresome to even think about. But what has happened in New Orleans? Suddenly, drinking water is not available, and the knowledge about how to clean the water is being discussed in the media. Of course, those living in the cesspool can't hear these discussions, and are drinking dirty water. If these citizens had been told how to clean their water, beforehand, with what they had at hand, all manner of problems would have been avoided.

We have described from the start of ZetaTalk that the expectation of a return to normalcy could hinder adjustments after the pole shift, as many would simply sit and wait for rescue. There will be no rescue, and normalcy will not return, as the broken link rule would prevail. Where the pole shift will put the entire world into crisis mode, such that any emergency response team is overextended, this was certainly seen in the microcosm of the New Orleans disaster where the disaster was only regional. Despite decades of planning, FEMA failed once again. Yes, they were handed surprises, such as a failing levee system soaked beyond endurance so the soil surrounding the narrow tops eroded. The city cannot be drained because the pumps are under water - broken link one. Looters and gangs are stopping rescue efforts because police efforts were not supported by the missing New Orleans Reserves, who were of course stationed in Iraq - broken link two.

So if the slipping of the New Madrid will be WORSE than the disaster of New Orleans, affecting more cities and a wider area, and dropping land West of the Mississippi so flooding occurs, are these cities more prepared? 
Those in the wake of the pending New Madrid quake, beware, and get prepared!

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  • bill

    Mudslide Severs Traffic On Hwy 16 East in BC

    Prince George, BC - A mudslide has completely closed Highway 16, just west of the junction with Highway 5 at Tete Jaune Cache.

    Ministry of Transportation and Highway officials say the slide came down and covered both lanes of traffic, approximately 7-km west of the junction. 

    There is no detour available to motorists hoping to get from Prince George east to Jasper or southeast to Valemount.  MOTI is estimating crews may be able to re-open a portion of the highway by 3pm, but, at this point in time, that estimate has a low confidence rating.

  • bill

    earthquake along Mississippi River between MO, TN

    TIPTONVILLE, TN (KAIT) - A small earthquake rattled areas along the Mississippi River Sunday morning.  According to the United States Geological Survey, there was 3.30 magnitude earthquake centered around the Mississippi River about two miles west of Tiptonville, Tennessee.  

    The quake happened around 8:40am Central Daylight Time.  The quake was large enough to be felt locally.  There have been no reports of damage.

    The earthquake is one of hundreds of small tremors that shake the New Madrid Seismic Zone from Illinois to Arkansas along the Mississippi River.  It is one of the most active earthquake zones in the United States.  The area felt two of the most powerful earthquakes in our nation's history when a series of 8.0+ magnitude quakes hit in 1811 and 1812.

  • bill

    Nearly 30 people isolated by mudslide in Chile

    Nearly 30 people were cut off early Sunday by a mudslide caused by the torrential rains in central and southern Chile, police said.

    The mudslide occurred in Farellones, located a few kilometers (miles) from Santiago, the Carabineros militarized police force said.

    Snow and heavy rain caused the emergency situation at kilometer 4 in Farellones on the road to a ski resort, police said, adding that all the residents who were cut off are in good condition.

    Avalanches, meanwhile, destroyed an unoccupied vehicle in San Jose de Maipo, a city outside Santiago in the lower part of the Andes.

    Heavy snow has kept the Los Libertadores border crossing, which links the Chilean city of Los Andes to the Argentine city of Mendoza, closed, police said.

  • bill

    Magnitude 5.4 - MENDOZA, ARGENTINA

    Magnitude 5.4
    Location 32.995°S, 68.529°W
    Depth 14.1 km (8.8 miles)
    Distances 29 km (18 miles) ESE of Mendoza, Mendoza, Argentina
    161 km (100 miles) S of San Juan, San Juan, Argentina
    179 km (111 miles) N of San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina
    930 km (577 miles) W of BUENOS AIRES, D.F., Argentina
    Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 17.1 km (10.6 miles); depth +/- 7.1 km (4.4 miles)
    Parameters NST=351, Nph=352, Dmin=232.7 km, Rmss=0.74 sec, Gp= 50°,
    M-type=body wave magnitude (Mb), Version=8
    • Magnitude: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
      Location: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
    Event ID usb000ai6n
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    6.0 earthquake hits Alaska’s Aleutian Islands

    (AP) – A strong earthquake that struck a remote and sparsely populated region of Alaska was felt on the island of Shemya where the U.S. military operates an air station.

    The Alaska Earthquake Information Center says the quake had a preliminary magnitude of 6.0 and occurred shortly after 8 a.m. Tuesday in the Aleutian Islands that extend into the Bering Sea in far southwestern Alaska.

    Shemya is 108 miles west-northwest of where the earthquake was centered. It is home to Eareckson Air Station, which serves mainly as an early warning radar installation.

    A state Web page says most of the military personnel are off the island, but there are dozens of civilian contractors maintaining the facility.

    The Earthquake Information Center says there were no immediate reports of damage.

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    Alert level raised for remote Alaska volcano

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — The alert level for a remote Alaska volcano has been raised after an apparent ash-producing explosion Tuesday afternoon.

    There is no real-time seismic monitoring network on Cleveland Volcano, meaning scientists must rely on limited data, such as pilot reports, webcam images and low-frequency sounds. A pilot report suggests the ash cloud rose to an altitude of 35,000 feet, or 6.6 miles. The sounds detected suggest it was a brief eruption.

    The Alaska Volcano Observatory says additional eruptions are still possible with little warning, and ash clouds 20,000 feet above sea level are possible.

    The 5,675-foot volcano is on an uninhabited island about 940 miles southwest of Anchorage.

    Seismologist Stephanie Prejean says the explosion, at this point, appears to be within the range of those reported from the volcano during the past year.


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    New Madrid Adjustment: Giant Sinkhole underneath St Catherine Street, Montreal


    As city workers and others prepare to fix a sinkhole at St Catherine Street and McGill College, pedestrians voice their concerns, in Montreal Wednesday June 20, 2012.

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    MINNESOTA: Flooding "Rips Up" Duluth, Drowns Zoo Animals

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    Stretch Zone Movement Causes 3 large Oil spills in Canada, two this month!

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    REME prepare for Canada 18.06.12

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    Mass Fish Kill in canal near Lake Manitoba, Canada (June 17, 2012)

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    Two more giant sinkholes on the same day . . .in Tennessee and Florida

    A 20-ft wide sinkhole, that is still growing, opened in Pikeville, Tennessee
    A 20 ft wide sinkhole opened up in a field near Highway 127, and it is still growing. The photos, taken by Jessica Brown, show the current sinkhole including a visible water line. The sinkhole measures 20 feet across, 20 feet deep to the waterline, and 26 feet of water with very strong currents.

    Sinkhole swallows houses in Hudson, Florida
    On Wednesday afternoon, June 20, Susan Minutillo, 79, was doing an errand for a friend. When she returned to her home about a half-hour later, she experienced something she never expected. It seems that around 3:00 p.m., a sinkhole under the back half of her home began to collapse. Forty-five minutes later, half the house was gone, and County officials plastered a condemned sign on her garage door.

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    Strange Sounds Saga Continues: Mystery “Roar” In Eastern PA Town

    It would surprise me if there were someone out there who hasn’t heard of the ongoing “strange sounds” incidents happening all over the globe.

    Actually, there has been a noticeable lull in activity, until now that is. We have a new report from the Upper Gwynedd Township suburb of Philadelphia.

    Heidi Lucas, who lives near the Merck & Co. West Point plant in West Point Village has been so bothered by a strange “roaring sound” that she and her husband took it up with the Upper Gwynedd Township Board of Commissioners.

    More specifically, the sound is a “roar mixed with a mechanical vibration”. This mystery sound has been going on for two years and has had Lucas so distraught at times that she would spend evenings driving around in an attempt to locate the source.

    Logic would say the Merck plant is responsible, however, Merck has been in total cooperation regarding this dilemma.

    here’s the source article from a local news site, The Reporter:

    Mystery sound in Upper Gwynedd puzzles residents

    UPPER GWYNEDD — Heidi Lucas says she is not sure when she started hearing the sounds. At first she would notice it at night, then quickly disregard it.

    Last June, Lucas says the noise struck her as becoming more invasive. So she started keeping records of when it was audible.

    “It started to become persistent and consistent,” said Lucas, who lives in the 600 block of Park Road in the West Point Village, Her house is about three roads away from Merck & Co. Inc.’s West Point plant.
    On April 17, Lucas and her husband, Tim, appeared at the Upper Gwynedd Township Board of Commissioners workshop meeting to discuss the situation.
    Exiting the township building at 1 Parkside Place, Lucas said she noticed the same sound, which she described as a loud roar with a mechanical vibration.
    “The sound permeates the village,” she said.
    Lucas said the noise, which reminds her of a jet engine or a large power washing system, has led her to drive through the township several times during the night searching for the source.
    Following eight months of contact with state Rep. Kate Harper, R-63rd District, as well as individual meetings with township and Merck officials, Lucas called her appearance at the commissioners meeting a last resort.
    She struck a conciliatory tone with the elected officials, asking them to help find the source of the noise.
    “We’ve lived here for more than 30 years,” she said during the meeting. “We’ve had no need to complain about anything.”
    According to Lucas, neighbors have expressed similar complaints during casual conversation. She said another told her in an e-mail that sound has been an annoyance for two years.
    “Two other people said ‘why bother saying anything at all,’” Lucas said last week.
    A municipal ordinance permits sounds not to exceed 65 decibels during the day and 60 decibels at night, according to township Manager Len Perrone.
    Multiple sound studies conducted by Merck at the intersection of West Point Pike at Jones Avenue — the location identified by the couple as the source of the sound — have delivered readings below the township’s decibel requirements, according to company spokesperson Colleen Lange.
    In May, the Board of Commissioners voted to approve a sound study of five locations in the township. The municipality’s sound engineer is currently collecting samples, according to Commissioner Jim Santi. He said the firm GAI Consultants will be paid $4,000 to complete the work.
    According to Santi, three of the locations will be on Merck property, one at the industrial park on Jones Avenue and one near residental properties on Park Avenue.
    No one has confirmed Merck’s manufacturing plant as the source of the sound, according to Lucas.
    “I would like for someone to try to help us work this out,” she said.
    Meanwhile, Lange says the pharmaceutical company will continue to work with the township to solve the problem.
    “That’s our goal,” she said. “Merck will continue to act as a good neighbor.”

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    Biological Hazard in USA on Sunday, 17 June, 2012 at 05:11 (05:11 A...

    Recently a sampling crew found blue-green algae blooming in Sodus Bay. “I don't think anybody wanted to go in the water anyway because it was like pea soup,” boater Bruce Arrabito said. Boaters like Arrabito remember summers like 2010. That’s when slimy algae covered the bay, some of it was toxic to people and animals. It's a sight boater, Joyce Ebmeyer worries she'll see again. “This is just the beginning stages, Ebmeyer said. “It was blue everywhere; it will probably get the same way.” Ebmeyer claims the algae from 2010 made her friend sick. “My friend had a reaction to it when she was here two years ago and she was wheezing and could hardly breath and a friend of hers had an asthma attack,” Ebmeyer said. Some marinas have strategically placed bubblers near the docks where blue algae form. Algae need hot, dry conditions, and calm water. The idea is to use these bubblers to prevent algae from forming. But that can't rid the water of what's already there. To do that, Ed Leroux of the group, Save Our Sodus says they're looking at using Hydrogen Peroxide. “It's worked exceptionally well in the Netherlands,” Leroux said. “It stops the algae bloom dead in its tracks.” That may be able to flush out this nuisance for good. Leroux says his organization has received several grants to take on projects to control and rid of the algae. It’s not known if the blooms in the bay are toxic. The results from samples taken Friday will be available sometime Monday.

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    Earthquake: 4.2 quake strikes near Incline Village-Crystal Bay, Nev.

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    Magnitude 3.1 - UTAH

    Magnitude 3.1
    Location 37.025°N, 113.427°W
    Depth 4.8 km (3.0 miles)
    Region UTAH
    Distances 13 km (8 miles) SSE of Washington, Utah
    15 km (9 miles) ESE of Saint George, Utah
    20 km (12 miles) SW of Hurricane, Utah
    62 km (38 miles) ENE of Mesquite, Nevada
    Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 10.4 km (6.5 miles); depth +/- 2.8 km (1.7 miles)
    Parameters NST= 46, Nph= 57, Dmin=53.4 km, Rmss=1.31 sec, Gp= 40°,
    M-type=local magnitude (ML), Version=6
    • Magnitude: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
      Location: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
    Event ID usb000ankv
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    Sinkhole Closes Grosh Field

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    Sink Hole in Monterey on Josselyn Canyon Road

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    Earthquake: 3.0 tremor rolls near Gilroy

    A shallow magnitude 3.0 earthquake was reported Saturday evening six miles from Gilroy, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The temblor occurred at 8:12 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time at a depth of 5.0 miles.

    According to the USGS, the epicenter was seven miles from Aromas, seven miles from San Juan Bautista, 10 miles from Hollister and 34 miles from San Jose City Hall.

    In the last 10 days, there have been no earthquakes magnitude 3.0 and greater centered nearby.

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    Minor earthquake followed by series of aftershocks in Reno-Carson C...

    RENO, Nev. — Authorities say that parts of northern Nevada have been shaken by a small earthquake.

    A preliminary report from the U.S. Geological Survey says the magnitude-4.2 quake struck at 8:51 p.m. Friday at a depth of about seven miles. The temblor was centered about 16 miles southwest of Reno, and was felt by residents in a wide area around Reno and Carson City.

    There were no reports of damage.

    The quake was followed by a series of aftershocks later Friday night and early Saturday morning, including one that was magnitude 2.6.

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    Johnson County shaken by another mild earthquake

    Johnson County was shaken by a 3.5 magnitude earthquake on Sunday afternoon, shortly before 1 p.m.

    The U.S. Geological Survey recorded the earthquake about two miles northeast of Keene and about seven miles northeast of Cleburne. It was first detected at around 12:47 p.m.

    The quake came just a day after another minor one in Cleburne. The U.S. Geological Survey reported a 2.1 magnitude quake at around 1 a.m. on Saturday near Keene, about 25 miles south of Fort Worth and seven miles northeast of Cleburne.

    The second quake, which took place on Sunday, was stronger. Still, it was unlikely to do harm, said Don Blakeman, a geophysicist at the U.S. Geological Survey.

    “It’s not large enough to create any damage, but it certainly could rattle dishes and rattle windows,” he said.

    Blakeman said some people in Cleburne called the U.S. Geological Survey to report a “thump” or some quake vibrations.

    Rhonda Price, who works for dispatch in the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office, said she could feel the quake’s impact. Dispatch received about 50 calls about the quake, but there have been no reports of damage or injuries, she said

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    Magnitude 3.4 Earthquake Shakes San Jose Area

    SAN JOSE (CBS SF) — An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 3.4 rattled an area south of San Jose early Monday morning, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

    The quake occurred at 1:13 a.m. about 9 miles north of Morgan Hill and about 15 miles southeast of downtown San Jose, according to the USGS.

    The temblor had a depth of about 4 miles.

  • bill

    Small earthquake rattles Seeley Lake to Ovando

    A small earthquake rocked houses from Seeley Lake to Ovando just after 10 p.m. Sunday, according to U.S. Geological Survey data.

    The 3.2 magnitude quake was centered between Black and Alloy mountains in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, about 21 miles northeast of Seeley Lake. Its epicenter was nine miles beneath the earth’s surface.

    Brad Weltzien said his family felt the bump at their house just south of Seeley Lake.

    “It was real quick – like one huge blast of wind, but it was still as can be last night,” Weltzien said. You could hear lots of cracks from the house, but it didn’t move anything. We didn’t feel it shake so much as hear the house make noise.”

    Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks biologist Jay Kolbe was camped within a mile of the epicenter on Sunday in the Danaher Meadows area, close to the headwaters of the South Fork Flathead River. He was back in Seeley Lake Sunday evening and didn’t feel the quake. But he said the area looked prime for earthquake activity.

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    Sharpes Ferry Bridge collapses in Marion Co.(video)


    The 85-year-old Sharpes Ferry Bridge in Marion Countycollapsed overnight.

    Officials said they have not figured out why part of the bridge washed away, considering it just opened in March after an $8 million renovation. Crews re-enforced it with a new concrete bridge and walkway.

    WFTV was there when the engineers and builders of the Sharpes Ferry Bridge studied the 200-foot section that crumbled into a pile of rubble.

    In just a 12-hour period, some parts of Ocala were pummeled by 7 inches of rain. 

    The wind was gusting at more than 40 miles per hour.

    People who spoke with WFTV said the bad weather is no excuse for the collapse.

    "Do you think it was worth $8 million?" WFTV reporter Tim Barber asked.

    "I wouldn't give you $5 million. I wouldn't give you $1 million," said Ocala resident Jesse Price.

    State and county officials said they are taking more precautions until they figure out how part of the bridge washed away.

    "This thing is a joke, and whoever designed it is a joke," said Price.

    Sandbags are available at Tuscawilla Park.

    WFTV found out the company that designed the bridge is C3TS of Miami.

    The company that built it is Orian Marine Group out of Tampa.

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    Sinkhole opens up in Ocala; Truck teeters on edge

    Truck teeters on edge of sinkhole gallery

    OCALA, Fla. — 

    Some of the worst damage caused by Tropical Storm Debby that WFTV found on Monday was in the city of Ocala.

    A United Van Lines truck was teetering on the edge of the hole near Southwest 52nd Terrace and Southwest 42nd Street.

    Reporter Berndt Petersen received information on a large sinkhole that opened up near a condominium complex and caused an evacuation to part of the building.

    Police said they moved some of the residents out and they brought the bulldozers in.

    Crews hauled in huge earth movers to fill the giant sinkhole that opened in Ocala's Fore Ranch subdivision.

    "My friend sent a text and said they had seen it, and people were starting to evacuate," said Brittany Laxton, Fore Ranch resident. 

    Residents in the condos nearest to the 100-foot-long hole were ordered to leave.

    Debby's heavy rains also washed out 250 feet of retention wall from the new $8 million Sharpes Ferry Bridge on County Road 314.

    "The old bridge worked.  You have to slow down.  It saves lives.  This thing is a joke," said Marion County resident Jesse Price.

    In Ocala, workers distributed hundreds of sandbags at Tuscawilla Park.

    Sharon Cook said her pool is a mess.

    "It's full of water and it's leaking out, and it's leaking out toward the house," said Cook.

    There was flooding in the Heritage Hills neighborhood, and 18th Avenue was under nearly two-feet of water. 

    Shirley Fielitz said she hopes the pumps will get rid of it.

    "I hope so, because I don't drive.  But I have people pick me up, and I have two doctor's appointments next week," said Fielitz.

    Fore Ranch residents said they remember the last time a big hole opened there, just over a year ago.

    "I've been told by our landlord it was possible, and they were trying to make sure it wasn't happening, and it did. And it's a little scary to think that," said Laxton.    

    Some smaller holes have also opened out there, and several Ocala streets had to be closed Monday because of flooding.

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    Mudslide destroys dam supplying drinking water to B.C. town

    KASLO, B.C.—A mudslide has wiped out a dam that funnels water to the southeastern B.C. village of Kaslo, on Kootenay Lake, about 70 kilometres north of Nelson.

    Officials estimate the slide on Josephine Creek happened at around noon on Sunday, destroying the concrete and steel dam that holds the intake to Kaslo’s main reservoir.

    No water is draining into the reservoir and Kaslo has switched to an emergency water supply and imposed strict water conservation measures because it may be some time — if ever — before the dam can be rebuilt.

    The City of Trail also endured flooding and heavy rain over the weekend, with washouts, sewer backups and mudslides reported as the Columbia River rises to levels not seen for more than a decade.

    The Regional District of Central Kootenay has ordered 30 homes evacuated north of Castlegar in the Pass Creek area, the same neighbourhood where an elderly man died after being swept into Goose Creek on Saturday.

    The man’s body was recovered Sunday but his name has not been released.

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    Sicamous Creek B.C Mudslide

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    earthquakes rattle North Texans

    Posted on June 26, 2012 at 6:24 PM

    JOSHUA, Texas — "This is what got jarred loose right here," Camille Dearing said, pointing at the back of her home in Joshua.

    She admits it's not much damage — a separated downspout, maybe a hairline mortar crack and loosened vent.

    But Sunday's earthquake in Johnson County was strong enough to knock Dearing out of a deep sleep.

    "As I jumped up, then I felt the whole house feel like it shifted sideways," she said. "That was the scary part. Sound first, then movement.

    It scared her granddaughter, too. "Kaboom!" exclaimed four-year-old Audrey

    The rumbling lit up 911 lines across Johnson County. It was the third mild quake in four days, including a 2.6 magnitude jolt just after 11 p.m. Monday

    "Shook the windows really bad," said Lisa Hansen, who lives near Alvarado. "I almost thought they were going to break.

    She said Sunday's 3.6 magnitude tremor felt like a wave that rolled beneath her house, causing furniture to shift.

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    3 sinkholes formed in a retention pond in Ocala

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    Florida: Sinkhole opens up at Ocala townhome complex

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    Roof collapses at a busy Canadian mall in Northern Ontario

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    Sinkhole emerges in major Costa Rican highway, chaos ensues

    Posted: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - By Matt Levin
    General Cañas Highway was closed Wednesday after heavy rains opened up a sinkhole. Airline passengers should expect long delays if traveling to the airport. Transit officials believe the route will be closed for at least a week.

    A giant sinkhole that opened up last night in the middle of General Cañas Highway has created a snarl of traffic for drivers trying to enter and leave the capital.

    The highway, which connects the San José to Alajuela and also the country's main airport, was closed after heavy rains produced the sinkhole. The chasm – reported 3.5 meters wide and 4 meters deep – is in front of the Los Arcos community in Ciudad Cariari, west of San José, and several minutes from the Juan Santamaría Airport.

    The highway closure begins at the Juan Pablo II Bridge in La Uruca, a northwest district of the capital.

    Alternative routes have become congested. Long lines of cars were reported on Route 27 (San José to Santa Ana), streets near La Uruca, and on the roads that connect San José to the province of Heredia.

    The Public Works and Transport Ministry (MOPT) even recommended for anyone who needs to use the road on their morning commute to work from home or "take a vacation." Transit Police are pleading with drivers to maintain patience.

    President Laura Chinchilla called for transit officials to convene and figure out a contingency plan for the highway. A press conference to announce the plan is set for 3 p.m.

    MOPT officials believe the General Cañas Highway will remain closed for at least a week in order to repair the sinkhole. Construction workers will install two Bailey bridges over the damaged roadway. The bridges will allow for light vehicles to pass through the route, according to the daily La Nación.

    Workers need to fix the sewer system beneath General Cañas before the highway can reopen for all vehicles. Damage to the sewer system and a build up of water brought on by the rains led to the collapse.  

    Silvia Chaves, a spokeswoman for Aeris, the company that manages Juan Santamaría International Airport, said the officials are doing all they can do accommodate late-arriving airline passengers.

    "We set up a special protocol to deal with the passengers as they arrive. They are given priority for migration procedures, taxpaying and access to the planes. The terminal is working as usual. There has been no delays so far," Chaves said.

    She said flights have not been delayed due to tardy crew members, since most airline workers stay at hotels near the airport.  She said some passengers have missed their flights, but its up to each airline to resolve those issues.

    The National Tourism Chamber (Canatur) issued a press release asking for Transit Police to provide a special route for airport passengers. Canatur stated that a United Airlines flight to Houston that left at 11:45 a.m. was missing 40 passengers. Taca airlines said its waiting an extra 10 minutes before closing check-in for flights.

    "Passengers have had to take alternate routes, however, because the roads are jammed, the movement of people to the airport is complicated," said Juan Carlos Ramos, president of Canatur in the release. "What we seek is a temporary measure to enable a fast track to accelerate the mobilization of these users."

    Canatur recommends setting up a route where travelers could show their passports to transit authorities, in order to receive access to the special airport route.

    AVOID the Pista General Cañas - SINK HOLE

    Ya might want to AVOID - ONCE AGAIN - the Pista - General Cañas - especially 200 meters before de los Arco between San Jose and Alajuela.  A HUGE SINK HOLE has developed in the middle of the highway (it's being blamed on "rain")
  • bill

    Nassau Co. bridge swallowed by storm water

    BRYCEVILLE, Fla. -- Debby's relentless rain overpowered a Nassau County bridge Wednesday morning. Bryceville's Brandy Branch Creek swallowed the bridge on 301 near Otis Road and drivers are now having to put up with detours. The force of flooding was just too much for the structure, which was built in the 1940's.

    "I wouldn't have even imagined that bridge would have snapped," said Bryceville resident Jeremy Johnson. "I was just in awe at the way the asphalt broke clean and the way the bridge just collapsed in."

    It's a safe bet that the bridge was brought down by rushing water. But the lead engineer for the repairs, Phil Cleland, told Action News that specifics surrounding the failure won't be known until it's removed from the creek. 

    Police were posted both north and south of the Brandy Branch Creek Bridge directing drivers to detours. This is an area folks expected to get easier to travel around. 

    The Florida Department of Transportation was already planning to knock the structure down and build a new, wider bridge when 301 expands to four lanes. But Mother Nature got a jump start on the project.

    "It shows you how Mother Nature does take in her forces whatever we built and it gets ripped from the ground," said Johnson. 

    After the bridge went down, detour signs went up and it's causing some confusion. Drivers told Action News that the detours will add up to 20 minutes to their travel time when going in and out of Bryceville. 

    Cleland said it will take a couple weeks to get a temporary bridge in place. 

    According to FDOT Spokesperson Mike Goldman, the 301 expansion project will be completed by Fall 2014. A 14 mile stretch of 301 spanning the Duval County line to south of Callahan will feature a four-lane road.

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    City of Regina fixing giant sinkhole

    This sinkhole formed suddenly on Thursday afternoon, the City of Regina says. This sinkhole formed suddenly on Thursday afternoon, the City of Regina says. (Jordan Jackle/CBC)

    A leaky water pipe was the problem behind a massive sinkhole that formed Thursday on one of Regina's busiest streets, the city says.

    The hole, about four metres around and three metres deep, opened suddenly on Victoria Avenue near the intersection with Reynolds Street in the heritage area.

    City crews were working on it Friday morning, and said they hope to have it fixed by the end of the day.

    However, the hole blocks an entire lane, so it was slow going for eastbound traffic during the morning rush hour.


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    Sinkhole threatens north Florida town's courthouse

    June 29, 2012

    LIVE OAK, Fla. — Flood water runoff from Tropical Storm Debby has created what appears to be a giant sinkhole that threatens to badly damage the county courthouse and adjacent businesses in this north Florida town.

    Officials said Thursday the hole is not yet visible from above ground, but depressions in a street that runs by the courthouse, and cracks in the business buildings and a nearby parking area are evidence of its presence.

    "There appears to be a sinkhole," said Bob Farley, the town's administrator.

    The courthouse, which is without power, was ordered closed, and public records and other valuables were removed in boxes loaded onto National Guard trucks in the event of a sinkhole collapse.

    The Big Wheel Market Place and the Robinson building next to the courthouse both had large wall cracks and were leaning toward each other into the depressed ground.

    Geologists were called in to evaluate the site and recommend a course of action.

    Randy Harris, Suwannee County coordinator, said the relentless rain (16 inches in 24 hours) that Debby dumped on Live Oak moved over and underground rapidly Wednesday to cause the sinkhole.

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    San Diego residents hear boom, feel shaking

    Some San Diego-area residents say they heard a loud boom and felt the ground shake but there are no reports of earthquake or damages.

    The U.S. Geological Survey says it received more than 500 reports from people in San Diego County who felt shaking Friday. The survey maintains an online site where people can report what they felt.

    USGS geophysicist Bruce Presgrave says it was most likely a sonic boom.

    San Diego police spokeswoman Lt. Andra Brown says three residents called to report the noise, including one in the La Jolla area whose windows rattled about five seconds. One police sergeant said it sounded like a sonic boom.

    Miramar Marine Corps Air Station says its jets would not have been traveling fast enough to cause a sonic boom.

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    Military Police Training to Drive Armored Vehicles on Civilian Streets in St Louis

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    Outdoor Water Use Banned, Boil Water Advisory in Effect After Bridg...

    A footbridge along Swimming River Road has partially collapsed, causing damage to three mains. NJ American Water says 55,000 customers could experience water outage or low pressure.

    New Jersey American Water banned outdoor water use and is asking residents of several Monmouth County municipalities to only use water for essential reasons, according to spokesman Richard G. Barnes.

    A water main failure around 12:45 p.m. at the Swimming River Reservoir has caused water outages in parts of Holmdel, and could potentially affect up to 55,000 users in the region, said Barnes. 

    The mains collapsed at at the company’s Swimming River Water Treatment Plant in Tinton Falls, on the Middletown border. 

    The households that can be directly affected are in Middletown, Holmdel, Aberdeen, Highlands, Sea Bright, Rumson, Fair Haven, Little Silver, Oceanport, Shrewsbury, the northern part of Tinton Falls and parts of Long Branch.  

    Customers in those areas are being advised to boil water as a precaution for a full minute and let cool before drinking it, said Barnes, adding that is standard procedure whenever water pressure is lost. New Jersey American Water will provide information as to when the advisory is lifted, he said. 

    New Jersey American Water and the Monmouth County OEM have established three water distribution locations where customers may go to receive bottled water. The locations are open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday:

    • Middletown High School North, 63 Tindall Road, Middletown 
    • Middletown High School South, 900 Nut Swamp Road, Middletown 
    • Wolf Hill Park, 3 Crescent Place, Oceanport


    Brookdale Community College's Lincroft campus closed at 2 p.m. Friday, and a message on their Facebook page says it "will remain closed until further notice."

    Holmdel Police say as many as 3,000 people could be without water in southern Holmdel on Friday afternoon. One of them, Kim Casola of Holmdel, said she saw helicopters, numerous police officers and a diving team in the water at the site of the broken footbridge. "The entire mid-section of pipes are like crumpled debris in the water below," she said. Mobile command centers from Middletown Township Police and the Monmouth County Office of Emergency Management are set up alongside the reservoir. 

    NJ American Water is asking customers in the towns it serves to conserve water inside and outside their homes while the company works on temporary measures to alleviate the situtation. They have issued Code Red alerts to affected users and township OEMs. Non-essential use, including the use of outdoor sprinklers, is discouraged. 

    Shortly after 3 p.m. Oceanport's OEM issued a phone alert to residents. This message is listed on the borough web site: "6/29/12 NJ American Water is reporting a disruption in the delivery system supplying Oceanport and the surrounding area with water. Please refrain from any unnecessary water use until further notice."

    Neighboring Marlboro Township is not affected, as it is serviced by Gordon's Corner Water and the Municipal Water Authority. Hazlet Township is served by Shorelands Water at this time of year. 

    New Jersey American Water  recommends the following steps: 
    •        Throw away uncooked food or beverages or ice cubes if made with tap water during the day of the advisory; 
    •        Keep boiled water in the refrigerator for drinking; 
    •        Rinse hand-washed dishes for a minute in diluted bleach (one tablespoon of household bleach per gallon of tap water) or clean your dishes in a dishwasher using the hot wash cycle and dry cycle.   
    •        Do not swallow water while you are showering or bathing; 
    •        Provide pets with boiled water after cooling; 
    •        Do not use home filtering devices in place of boiling or using bottled water; most home water filters will not provide adequate protection from microorganisms; 
    •        Use only boiled water to treat minor injuries. 

  • bill

    Water repairs affecting 200K Monmouth County residents may take unt...

    — Pipe repairs are under way but some 200,000 residents affected by a bridge collapse at a New Jersey American Water Company site may stay under a boil water advisory until the 4th of July, spokesman Richard Barnes said today.

    Temperatures are expected to climb to 93 degrees today however Barnes emphasized the importance of cooperation from residents "at least for the next day or two."

    "We're hoping that we can bring some level of normal service around July 4," he said.

    Around Monmouth County, 22 towns remain under an advisory for residents to boil any water used for consumption. Also, a mandatory ban on outdoor watering remains in effect which means no filling pools, washing cars, using sprinklers and watering lawns. The bridge collapse and major pipe break Friday at the Swimming River Reservoir in Middletown and subsequent water restrictionsimpacted about 200,000 people.

    "We really need our customers to cut back," said Barnes.

    But repairs are underway and two 12-inch temporary pipes have been connected to a 30-inch water main to distribute water to Middletown, according to the company's Facebook page where they are posting updates and photos of the repairs.

    Water repairs affecting 200K Monmouth County residents may take until July 4th
    Water repairs affecting 200K Monmouth County residents may take unt...
    Construction crews work to put in temporary pipes to restore water to local customers at the New Jersey American Water Swimming River Reservoir in Middletown. Volunteers and the Middletown OEM distribute cases of water to residents at Middletown High School North.Watch video

    However, workers are awaiting the arrival of a 36-inch pipe from Alabama that will take water from the Swimming River Reservoir, where the bridge collapsed, and into the treatment plant to then be distributed to customers.

    But until then, residents affected by the water emergency can get water from three distribution sites: Middletown High School North, Middletown High School South and Wolf Hill Park in Oceanport. The distribution sites are open until 7 tonight. They will open again Monday morning around 7 or 8, Barnes said.

    Barnes did not say what caused the bridge to collapse but said the company is currently focusing efforts on repairing the pipes in order to restore service.

  • bill

  • bill

    Earthquake: 3.5 quake strikes near Covelo

    A shallow magnitude 3.5 earthquake was reported Sunday morning five miles from Covelo, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The temblor occurred at 3:05 a.m. Pacific time.

    According to the USGS, the epicenter was 11 miles from Laytonville, 25 miles from Rockport , 34 miles from Fort Bragg and 132 miles from Sacramento.

    In the past 10 days, there have been two earthquakes magnitude 3.0 and greater centered nearby.

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    Earthquake: 3.3 quake strikes near Warm Springs, Nev.

    A shallow magnitude 3.3 earthquake was reported Saturday evening six miles from Warm Springs, Nev. , according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The temblor occurred at 9:25 p.m. Pacific time.

    According to the USGS, the epicenter was 25 miles from Silverbow, Nev. , 39 miles from Pritchards Station and 157 miles from Las Vegas.

    In the past 10 days, there have been no earthquakes magnitude 3.0 and greater centered nearby.

  • bill

    Earthquake Strikes Johnson County

    JOHNSON COUNTY (CBS.DFW.COM) - An earthquake struck the county for the sixth time in a week.

    According to the U.S. Geological Survey the quake happened just before 11:30 p.m. Friday.

    The earthquake was centered two miles south of Keene. It was a 2.3 magnitude earthquake.

    There have been no reports of injuries or damage.


  • bill

    Recent Earthquakes In California: The Need For Government And The P...

    A San Diego earthquake on June 29, 2012, erupted at 12:45 p.m. and was felt throughout parts of Southern California. No significant injuries or property damages have been reported; however, this event together with recent earthquake activity highlight the urgent need to prepare the area in the event of much larger earthquakes.

    The California-Nevada Fault Map is centered at 33°N,117°W of on the U.S. Geological Survey. The map shows real earthquake activity in California. At least 50 recent quakes of varying magnitude hit the area as of July 1st. There were 7 earthquakes in the last day from Palm Springs to below San Diego and 1 ocean quake. Over 30 earthquakes hit the same area within the last week together with 2 ocean earthquakes. There are 4 known fault lines from Santa Anna to Palm Springs, 4 known fault lines in the adjacent Pacific Ocean, and 3 small fault lines in San Diegoitself.

    FEMA advises citizens to be prepared for an earthquake. A disaster kit should be maintained to include a flashlight and extra batteries, portable radio and extra batteries, first aid kit, essential medicines, and sturdy shoes. Have enough food and water for the entire family for at least three days. Further guidance can be obtained by calling FEMA at (800) 621-3362.

    The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) lists at least 4 nuclear power plants in California. These plants are Diablo Canyon 1 and 2 located 12 miles WSW of San Luis Obispo, CA. The plants are operated by Pacific Gas & Electric Co. The plants are 310 miles from San Diego. In addition, San Onofre 2 and 3 are located 45 miles SE of Long Beach, CA. The plants are operated by Southern California Edison Company. These plants are located just 93 miles from San Diego.

    The NRC’s regulations are aimed at enhancing public safety by setting forth standards for systems necessary to operate the nuclear power plant or shut it down in case of an emergency or natural exigency like an earthquake event. The safety systems’ buried piping is subject to rigorous routine inspection and testing requirements set forth in the NRC agency regulations, as well as from standards of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

  • bill

    Brownstone Building Collapse in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn, New York...

    A view of this morning's collapse.A building collapsed in Brooklyn early Monday morning.


    A view of this morning's collapse.

    The Department of Buildings ordered the demolition of a 19th-century brownstone that partially collapsed in Brooklyn this morning.

    Remarkably, no one was injured at 1:30 a.m. when the left rear wall at 241 Carroll St. came down, authorities said.

    Only six of the building’s 13 residents -- all on the top floor -- were home when the walls came crumbling down, fire officials said. The building will likely be brought down tomorrow or Wednesday.

    “We heard this huge noise and I went down and I had my son and my daughter behind me and at first I thought that the fan fell down,” said Marion Floc'h Barral, was home on third floor with her husband, three kids and a 16-year-old family friend visiting from France.

    “And then I looked ... and I was seeing the skies through the walls."

    The three-story structure, built in the mid-1800s, was a victim of age and deterioration, officials said.

    “[The Department of] Buildings feels that it was just an old building, built roughly mid-1800s,” said assistant fire chief James Leonard. “It collapsed due to failure of the bearing wall on the exposed side."

    He added: “Wood rots. The mortar between the brick just gets old and starts to fall apart and gravity will bring the building down eventually."

    Building owner Sisi Schneider and her hubby were out of town when the near-disaster struck.

    “We just consider it a miracle that everyone's OK and we're looking for places for the tenants,” said Schneider.

    The city also ordered everyone out of nearby buildings at 243 and 240 Carroll St., and at 115 and 117 First Place.

    Those four buildings are not expected to be demolished but city engineers want to inspect those neighboring structures as a precaution, officials said.

    Thirty -seven residents have been displaced by the evacuation and demolition orders, according to Lenoard.

    The owners of 241 Carroll had applied, in November 2010, to renovate it from a four-family structure to a three-family building, officials said. But the owners never followed through to pick up the permit.

    Schneider said they had plans to fix up the building later this summer.

    "We had seen some hairline things on the side of the building, we were waiting for school to finish session before we started the work,” she said. “We never did anything, we never started the work."

    Neighbor Kyle Wright, 35, said the collapse sounded like a sea of window air conditioner units crashing to earth.

    "I was on the couch in the back side of the apartment and what it sounded like was an air conditioning falling out of a window but it sounded like it was happening repeatedly,” said Wright, who lives on First Place.

    “I threw on my shoes and came outside when I was approached by a firefighter who needed access to our building. We went out to my back deck and that's when I realized that half of the building was basically on the ground."

    Another neighbor, 43-year-old Scott Lehr, described a chaotic scene of dust and crumbled walls.

    “I heard a siren, I went outside and I saw a big chunk of the roof fall down. It was pretty crazy,” said Lehr.

    “So we evacuated. We didn't really have anywhere to go so we went to the Marriott in Brooklyn and that's where my family is now. It was a little scary. But we rallied. The kids were a little scared but I think everybody's fine now."

    A view of this morning's collapse.A building collapsed in Brooklyn early Monday morning.


    A building collapsed in Brooklyn early Monday morning.

    House collapses at 241 Carroll Street

    Rubble from the collapsed house at 241 Carroll Street on Monday July 02nd, 2012 (DNAinfo/Theodore Parisienne)

    House Collapses at 241 Carroll Street

    The internal sections of the collapsed house at 241 Carroll Street in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn, are seen in these photos on Monday July 02nd, 2012. (DNAinfo/Theodore Parisienne)

  • bill

    Building Partially Collapses, Closing Cleveland Avenue


    Credit: NBC4

    Cleveland Avenue is closed on the city's North Side after a building partially collapses into the street.

    COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Cleveland Avenue is closed between Genessee Avenue and Linden Place after a partial building collapse Monday afternoon.

    Crews tell NBC4 the roof of an unoccupied, old, brick building came crashing down onto the sidewalk and into the roadway in front of the building sometime before 3:30 p.m. Monday.

    No injuries have been reported at this time.

    A city building inspector is on scene.

    It is unclear at this time when Cleveland Avenue will reopen

  • bill

    Huge sink hole in Utica

  • bill

    quake hit in an area one mile southwest of Nicoma Park

    NICOMA PARK, Okla. — There was an earthquake in Central Oklahoma Sunday night.

    The U.S. Geological Survey reports a 2.7 magnitude quake hit in an area one mile southwest of Nicoma Park.

    The quake hit about 10:30 p.m. Sunday night.

    No reports of damage or injuries related to the earthquake.

  • bill

    3.0 earthquake strikes in Mono County

    A shallow magnitude 3.0 earthquake was reported Sunday evening in Mono County, 22 miles from Toms Place, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The temblor occurred at 8:47 p.m. Pacific time at a depth of 3.7 miles.

    According to the USGS, the epicenter was 29 miles from Mammoth Lakes, 31 miles from Round Valley and 167 miles from Sacramento.

    In the last 10 days, there have been no other earthquakes magnitude 3.0 or greater centered nearby.

  • bill

    2.5 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Millbrae Area

    MILLBRAE (CBS SF) — An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 2.5 was recorded near Millbrae, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

    The earthquake struck at 8:47 p.m. and had a depth of 6.2 kilometers, the USGS said.

    The epicenter was located three miles west-southwest of Millbrae.