Train derailments

Spain Experiences its Worst Train Accident in 40 Years

An increase in train derailments was one of the first symptoms of the approach of Planet X to become noticeable, being expressed even before Planet X entered the inner solar system in 2003.

Planet X was described as affecting the Earth from afar, like tugging on the edge of a spider web where the effects are felt elsewhere on the web; in this way there has been an increase in earthquakes and unpredictable weather going back years, even before Planet X entered the solar system, due to the increased swirling of the Earth’s core.

It is therefore logical that an increase in train derailments would accompany any increase in seismic activity – train tracks need to be straight and even the slightest shift to the side of a section of track would cause a train to derail.

The area most affected by train derailments is the stretch zone.  Stretch zone quakes are silent, and people are generally unaware anything is happening, although signs such as booms and trumpet sounds can occur.

This zone stretches from Western Europe across the Eurasian Plate, and also includes the South-East United States, the St. Lawrence Seaway, the Red Sea and the African Rift.

In other parts of the world, shifting ground is more associated with earthquakes that people are aware of, such as the Pacific which is compressing, so authorities inspect railway tracks after any seismic activity, reducing the likelihood of accidents.



Some Examples (click on pictures for link):

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  • Starr DiGiacomo

    PNR train falls off flooded track in Quezon province

    Uploaded on 11:10AM

    Bicol-bound Train No. 611 of the Philippine National Railways carrying 128 passengers goes off track in Sariaya town's Barangay Canda in Quezon province. Several injuries, but no fatalities, were reported in the incident that happened at about 12:15 a.m. Friday at the height of floods caused by heavy rains in much of the country due to Tropical Storm Ofel.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Hazmat situation.

    Homes evacuated after train derailment, chemical spill near Dixie Hwy. in West Point

    Posted: Oct 29, 2012 7:36 AM ADT Updated: Oct 29, 2012 3:40 PM ADT

    LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- Thirty or more homes and a stretch of beach along the Ohio River have been evacuated after a train derailment and chemical spill near Dixie Highway.

    The train derailed on Katherine Station Road north of the Salt River across from the Ohio Valley Speedway just after 6:30 a.m. At least one chemical -- butadiene -- was leaking from one of the derailed cars that had overturned and came to rest on its roof.

    Crews have laid a blanket of foam around that car. When full, the tanker would hold 30,000 gallons, and it would take up to 14 hours to empty it. Workers are also inspecting another car loaded with Hydrogen Fluoride to check it for a leak -- that leak is unconfirmed so far.

    Fire crews went door to door in the Abbotts Beach neighborhood, telling residents to leave their homes; West Point Community Schools were closed as a precaution after the Level 3 HazMat situation was declared.

    The closest home to the derailment was just over a half-mile away.

    Dixie Beach, a stretch of beach between the Ohio River and Dixie Hwy., was also evacuated.

    Meade County's school district says Muldraugh Elementary School, which was closed last year, is available for evacuees. It's not known what agencies might be providing help there for evacuees.

    Emergency crews estimate that they will be dealing with this derailment and cleanup for the next 24-72 hours -- there's no word on whether the evacuation radius will remain in place that entire time. 

    "It depends on how bad the leak is once we get in there and actually get a full assessment on everything, and once we start this cleanup," Rick Harrison, Buechel Fire Asst. Chief said.  "Once the leak is stopped, the hazardous is pretty much mitigated with the exception of the cleanup."

    Once any leak is stopped, crews have to get the rest of any chemical into another container, then clean up the accident site.

    All residents within a two-mile radius have been told to shelter in place and not to leave their homes.

    Those residents should shut off their HVAC systems and close all their windows and doors. If possible, tape any openings around windows and doors.

    "The response team that went in indicated there are potentially eight cars off the track," Hamilton said. "There's a total of 39 cars in this particular shipment. So we know that right now that eight of them are off."

    One of those cars was carrying butadiene in liquid form.

    Hamilton says no injuries have been reported as a result of the train derailment or the chemical leak. "But of course we want to ensure that we're not getting any readings that residents would be at risk."

    The train crew is no longer on the site.  They were never in a health risk because they were another 22 car lengths away from the derailed cars.

    Butadiene has a faint sulphur smell and is used in the production of synthetic rubber. Its vapors can cause dizziness or unconsciousness.

    "It is an inhalation hazard," Hamilton said. "There are a number of companies in Jefferson County that use the product. We do not know where it was intended to be delivered."

    Around 9:15 a.m. Jody Duncan with Metro Emergency Management confirmed that butadiene was indeed leaking from one of the cars. Officials deployed foam and believe the leak has been contained.

    Duncan says the train is owned by P&L Railroad. Besides butadiene it was carrying the following chemicals:

    • Hydrogen Chloride
    • Hydrochloric acid
    • Sodium Hydroxide
    • Styrene Mortimer
    • Calcium Carbide
    • Methyl isobutyl ketone

    Duncan says they have not found any evidence that any chemical other than butadiene leaked.

    Hamilton says barge traffic has been halted because of the possibility that some of the chemicals may have spilled into the nearby rivers.  

    "It is so close to the Salt and Ohio River that as a precaution we went ahead and stopped the barge traffic until we know whether or not there is a leak," Hamilton said.

    The Coast Guard was assisting.

    Motorists on southbound US 31W (Dixie Highway) should detour via I-265 east to I-65 south. Northbound Dixie Highway should detour via KY 313 (Joe Prather Highway) in Hardin County to I-65 north.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Derailment of tourist train kills 3 in Brazil

    Three people were killed and about 40 others injured when a tourist train derailed near Campos de Jordao, a summer resort in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, emergency services officials said Sunday.

    The accident occurred Saturday between the cities of Pindamonhangaba and Campos do Jordao in the mountainous Vale do Paraiba region when a mudslide blocked the tracks, causing the train to derail, the fire department in the nearby city of Santo Antonio said.

    Ten adults and two children were taken to a hospital in Campos de Jordao, while five others, all in serious condition, were transported to the city of Tabuate.

    The rest of the injured had to remain at the accident scene until late in the evening because emergency services personnel had a difficult time reaching them due to the rough terrain.

    Two people were pronounced dead at the accident scene and the third victim - a pregnant woman - died at the hospital in Taubate.

    Campos de Jordao, located 167 kilometers (103 miles) from Sao Paulo, has buildings inspired by those in the Swiss Alps.

    The city, which offers beautiful scenery and cold temperatures, is popular with tourists looking for a holiday weekend getaway or a place to spend a vacation.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Cause of derailment unknown.

    Two people suffered minor injuries when a CTA train derailed in the Orange Line rail yard at Midway Airport Friday morning, officials said

    The train derailed around 2:30 a.m. in the 4600 block of West 59th Street, according to the Chicago Fire Department.

    "There were no passengers in the train, they were just laying it up in the yard," CTA spokeswoman Lambrini Lukidis said.

    The train wasn't in service and the accident won't affect morning commuters, she said. The cause of the derailment wasn't known.

  • KM

    Burma (aka Myanmar), SE Asia

    Burma train crash and fire kills 25 (Nov 9)

    Wrecked train carriages in Burma, 9 November
    Dozens of people were injured in the accident

    A train carrying petrol has derailed and burst into flames in northern Burma, killing at least 25 people and injuring dozens more.

    The information ministry said many of the dead and injured were villagers trying to collect spilled fuel.

    The train was travelling from Mandalay to Myitkyina in the north, near the border with China.

    No explanation has been given for the accident, but Burma's railways are in poor condition after years of neglect.

    Officials told the BBC Burmese service that three wagons overturned and burst into flames.

    There were seven wagons carrying petrol and two more of diesel, officials said.

    The ministry posted images on its website of burnt-out wagons and what appeared to be charred bodies.

    The train came off the rails near Kantbalu, a town some 500 miles (800km) north of the main city, Rangoon.

    The number of people killed in the accident was unclear. The government said 25 people died and 62 people were injured.

    But emergency officials told the BBC that more than 80 were wounded, and that 27 had been killed.

    Two people died after being transferred to hospital, emergency officials said.

    Moderator Comment:  Note this tragic train derailment occurred in Myanmar just a day before the powerful 6.8 earthquake centered 500 miles to the north. (Yangon aka Rangoon)

  • Howard

    Passenger Train Derails in Iran, Leaving 4 Dead and 26 Injured (Nov 10) -
    Several cars of a train carrying 324 people from the city of Zahedan to Tehran derailed and overturned near the city of Yazd. The accident killed 4 people and injured 26, IRNA agency said on Saturday. One of the persons killed was a passenger, the other three were the train drivers.  Train derailments are rare in Iran.


  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Train derails in the Berkshires

    Posted at: 11/15/2012 10:35 PM | Updated at: 11/16/2012 12:53 AM

    HOUSATONIC - Great Barrington Police say no one was hurt when a freight train derailed shortly before 7 p.m. on Front Street in the town of Housatonic. 

    A total of 17 cars went off the tracks, with one resting against the Soul Tube Music Studio  building.
    Police say there  is no concern about hazardous materials, and there's no major structural damage.
    The northbound train, with 43 cars, originated in Caanan, Connecticut and was headed for Pittsfield at about 10 miles per hour, when it ran off the tracks, sending sparks into the air, and shearing off part of the roof on top of Robby Baier's studio at 168 Front Street, while his wife, Carol, was inside.
    "She said, "It was as loud as usual but suddenly it got louder and louder and louder," Baier said. "It got to the point where she knew something was wrong and our dog suddenly jumped up."
    Baier says he bought the building about twelve years ago, a building that dates back to the 1850s, when it served as the Housatonic train station.
    Police at the scene say most of the cars, including at least four tankers that usually transport ethanol, were empty. Some of the cars were hauling trash.
    "I guess we were just lucky," Baier stated. "We should also put it in perspective. This isn't Hurricane Sandy where people are much worse off then this and are facing insurmountable hardships."
  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Hunter-bound coal train derails  Save

    A LOADED coal train on its way to Newcastle was derailed just south of Boggabri at about 2.45pm on Wednesday.

    The accident resulted in five or six laden coal wagons plummeting off a bridge from elevated stanchions over a creek about 800 metres outside of the town.

    Photographs show the bridge to be badly damaged and it is expected to take some time to repair the structure.

    The Australian Rail Track Corporation, which has responsibility for the coal rail lines, said an investigation was under way.

    The driver was apparently unhurt in the accident and Barwon local area command police attended the scene.

    Passengers on board a CountryLink service from Sydney to Moree were put on a bus from Werris Creek as a result.

    Passenger services will continue by bus until the tracks are fixed.

    The Boggabri derailment is the latest in a series of coal train accidents this year on the lines into Newcastle.

  • Howard

    New Jersey Bridge Collapse Derails Freight Train; Causes Toxic Chemical Spill (Nov 30) -


    A railroad bridge collapsed on Friday over a creek in southern New Jersey, causing a Conrail freight train to derail and spill hazardous chemicals into the air and water, authorities said.

    Seven of the 82 cars derailed, and a tanker car that fell into Mantua Creek leaked vinyl chloride into the waterway, which feeds into the Delaware River near Philadelphia, said Deborah Hersman, chairwoman of the National Transportation Safety Board.

    More than 12,000 gallons (45,425 liters) of the highly toxic and flammable industrial chemical leaked from a gash in the car's side, local officials said.

    Twenty-two people were examined at a nearby hospital as a precaution and were doing fine, said Larry Ragonese, a spokesman for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

    Ragonese said the health danger and environmental impact were minimal.

    "Initially there was a release of gas into the air that affected some nearby residents and people working right in that area," he said.

    Air quality monitors in the area did not register any problem, said Lawrence Hajna, also with the DEP. "All the levels are coming in within our safety range."

    Exposure to vinyl chloride can cause a burning sensation in the eyes or respiratory discomfort, the DEP said.

    The accident took place at about 7 a.m. EST (1200 GMT) in Paulsboro. Area residents initially were told to stay indoors, with windows shut, and local schools were closed.

    The leak was contained and no longer posed a threat, and authorities were using booms to trap the chemical in the water, Ragonese said.

    At the scene, one of the freight cars was nearly vertical, nose-down and partly submerged in the creek. Other cars lay jumbled on the collapsed bridge and the embankment.

    "It's part of living in Paulsboro, with refineries and trains. We accept it," said resident John Diamond, 53, who was taking photographs.

    The area is thick with chemical plants, and two refineries, PBF Energy's Paulsboro and NuStar's Asphalt, are nearby.


    The head of the Gloucester County, New Jersey, Office of Emergency Management, Tom Butts, said the leaking tanker car in the water had a tear in it, and the tank was "breached."

    About half of its contents leaked out, he said.

    The tank was carrying some 25,000 gallons (94,635 liters) of the chemical, said John Burzichelli, a state assemblyman and former mayor of Paulsboro.

    "When you live between two oil refineries, you have a sense that these things can happen," he said.

    Locals fish and go crabbing and jet-ski in the creek in the warm months, Diamond said.

    Jeff Tittel, director of the New Jersey Sierra Club, said improved safety procedures, inspection, enforcement and oversight are needed to help prevent such accidents.

    "This time it was ... vinyl chloride. What if it was chlorine?" he said, referring to a chemical that is extremely dangerous if inhaled and has the potential to explode.

    Also, he said there is no mechanism to alert communities to what kinds of chemicals trains are carrying through the states.

    The cause of the accident was undetermined. The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating, and members of the agency arrived at the scene mid-afternoon.

    NTSB's chairwoman said four out of the five train cars that were on the bridge when it collapsed landed in the creek, and two other cars rolled onto the embankment.

    "We have requested a great deal of information from the railroad" as part of the investigation, Hersman said.

    Conrail said the train consisted of two locomotives, 82 rail cars and one caboose.

    "We very much regret the impact on the local community," said Conrail spokesman John Enright, who was at the scene. "We will be working very closely with federal investigators to determine the cause."

    New Jersey State Senate President Steve Sweeney, also on the scene, said a nearby homeowner reported hearing a "loud bang" from the bridge about two days ago. Burzichelli said Conrail had come out to examine it in response.

    Conrail is jointly owned by rail operators CSX Corp and Norfolk Southern Corp.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Train derailment leaves fifteen injured

    Published: 3 Dec 12 09:26 CET
    Updated: 3 Dec 12 14:29 CET

    A night train carrying 132 passengers north from Stockholm derailed near Sundsvall in northeastern Sweden on Monday morning, injuring fifteen people.

    The six-carriage sleeper ran into problems outside Stöde station near Sundsvall, when two of the cars jumped off the tracks.

    "I was sleeping when I heard a huge crash, then the train began shaking violently," passenger Andreas Jarskog told the Expressen newspaper.

    The train had originated in Gothenburg and passed through the Swedish capital and was headed toward Östersund in northwestern Sweden.

    About 40 passengers were in the two carriages that completely derailed. According to reports, they are leaning against an electricity pole next to the tracks.

    Another two carriages on the train appear to have partially derailed.

    "The carriages are evacuated of all but one person who has neck pain. We’ll be bringing that passenger out once we have a protective neck brace in place,” emergency services spokesperson Ellinor Fransson told Dagens Nyheter (DN) newspaper.

    Buses have replaced trains on the Torpshammer-Sundsvall part of the track, the Swedish Transport Authority (Trafikverket) said on its website, which added that normal rail traffic on the line won't likely resume until Wednesday afternoon.

    "The train has torn up quite a bit of the track, so that must be replaced," Transport Authority spokeswoman Monica Näslund told the TT news agency.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Train plunges into Amanzimtoti River, while six die in Mpumalanga bridge collapse (South Africa)

    by Staff writer, December 11 2012, 15:59
    DERAILED: The goods train lies partly submerged in the Amanzimtoti River on Tuesday morning. Picture: NETCARE 911
    DERAILED: The goods train lies partly submerged in the Amanzimtoti River on Tuesday morning. Picture: NETCARE 911

    FOUR people were injured on Tuesday when a goods train carrying timber plunged into the Amanzimtoti River near Durban, KwaZulu-Natal emergency services said.

    “The raging river has eroded the sand from under the train tracks, causing the train to plunge several metres into the torrential waters,” Netcare 911 spokesman Chris Botha said.

    Paramedics arrived at the scene to find the four train staff members severely traumatised, cold and wet. “After they were stabilised on scene, medics transported them to the Netcare Kingsway hospital,” Mr Botha said.

    Barry Gonin, director at forecast service Weather Intelligence Systems, said the heavy rainfall in KwaZulu-Natal had led to rising water levels, which caused the accident.

    “Rivers were swelling but I am not sure if they passed their threshold. It was not rainfall directly that caused the accident but it was a contributing factor over a period of time,” he said.

    Weather Intelligence Systems alerts Transnet Freight Rail of weather hazards so that it can slow down trains or repair tracks. However, the railway at the Amanzimtoti River was not a Transnet-owned track but was rented, limiting its capacity to intervene.

    The Railway Safety Regulator has sent inspectors to the site of the incident. It said two locomotives and one wagon had derailed.

    Meanwhile, 14 people died when a bridge on the R65 between Ermelo and Lothair collapsed in heavy rain on Monday night just before 9pm, the Mpumalanga department of community safety said.

    “We have 14 people killed. The bridge was swept away and four cars just plunged into the water,” provincial safety spokesman Joseph Mabuza said.

    The bridge was over a dry river bed but flash floods fill it with water when it rains heavily, Mr Mabuza said. He added that divers had completed their search as all missing people had been accounted for.

    Weather warning

    KwaZulu-Natal was on Tuesday still under a warning from the South African Weather Service for heavy rainfall and severe thunderstorms, especially in the western parts of the province.

    Severe weather continued to cause damage elsewhere in the province too.

    Late on Monday, the homes of more than 300 people in Ladysmith, KwaZulu-Natal, which was hit by a massive hailstorm on Sunday, sustained further damage when a new storm moved into the area, a nongovernmental organisation said.

    “It has been raining hard.... The plastic sheeting we provided to affected residents to seal their roofs has been blown away,” Al-Imdaad Foundation project co-ordinator Abed Karrim said. “The houses are being flooded. People are in a state of shock at the damage the storm is causing.”

    Sunday night’s hailstorm, reportedly with “fist-sized” hail stones, tore through Ladysmith and surrounding areas such as Acaciavale, Ntombi’s Camp and Steadville.

    The Al-Imdaad Foundation was distributing blankets and mattresses, and providing hot meals to those affected by the storms.

    Earlier, co-operative governance and traditional affairs MEC Nomusa Dube said KwaZulu-Natal would need millions of rand to help those affected by hailstorms.

    Ms Dube led a disaster management team to provide assistance to those left homeless on Monday.

    “This was indeed an intense storm judging by the severity of damages,” she said. “We need everyone in the spirit of ubuntu to make a contribution ... it is time for humanity to unite.”

    Bransby Bulo, a forecaster at the South African Weather Service, said on Tuesday morning that while conditions were rainy in Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal, improvements could be expected later in the week.

    “Durban had 66mm of rain this morning and further south in Paddock was 120mm of rain,” he said. “We are expecting conditions to improve from today although it’s still cloudy, down from an 80% chance to a 60% chance of rain.

    “In Mpumalanga it’s also cloudy at the moment with an 80% chance of showers and thundershowers later today. We are expecting an improvement from tonight.”

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Train derails near Krum

    Several cars from a BNSF Railway freight train derailed near Rector Rd and FM 156 in Sanger, Thursday, December 13, 2012, in Sanger, TX. 

    No injuries reported; investigation under way

    One crew offloaded boxes of M&M’s candies as another crew began clearing the track after the last two cars of a southbound BNSF Railway train derailed north of Krum at about 1:15 p.m. Thursday.

    Krum firefighters responded to reports that refrigerant may have been leaking from one of the cars. No injuries were reported.

    Firefighters found no spill or other hazardous materials, according to Capt. Brad Sebastian.

    From the scene, it appeared that a worker may have thrown a switch early where the tracks go from one line to two, Sebastian said.

    “The last two cars went to the left side while the rest of the train was on the right side,” Sebastian said. “It [the train] carried them slowly down the line until the curve and then it yanked right off.”

    One car was overturned. The other car, while derailed, was still upright when firefighters arrived, he said.

    Joe Faust, spokesman for BNSF, said the cause of the accident remains under investigation. The company had a team on scene to assess the situation.

    “We don’t have an estimated time when the track will be reopened,” Faust said.

    The company was already working on a plan to reroute some of its train traffic that would be affected by the line’s closure.

    This is the second time this year a train has derailed near Krum.

    On July 22, seven cars of a 37-car freight train heading southbound from Tulsa, Okla., to Fort Worth derailed near Krum Jackson Cemetery. That derailment damaged trees, but no injuries were reported.

    Those cars were carrying sand.

  • Alice M. Haney

    Hi Folks,

    I used to live just noth of there and was interested to note the earthquake on:

    It is my opinion the tracks moved during the quake.

    MAP 2.6  2012/12/13 02:10:24   32.548   -97.276 13.1




  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Mudslide derails train south of Everett

    train derailEVERETT — A mudslide just south of Everett derailed a Burlington Northern Santa Fe freight train Monday afternoon.

    The slide came off a large slope and hit 66-car train at about 1:30 p.m., BNSF Spokesperson Gus Melonas said. The slide was at least 75-feet long and forced 11 cars on their side. Some of the cars split open on impact, Melonas said.

    Officials said it was the same area of track where a slide closed routes earlier in the day. The trains carried many different types of items, Melonas said, including disinfectant chemicals. A Haz-Mat team responded to the incident, but discovered no threat to public health.

    Melonas said the tracks will remain closed for freight through a good portion of the week. Amtrak and Sound Transit Sounder trains will not run until late Wednesday at the earliest.

    BNSF operates more than 1,000 feight trains every day on more than 32,000 miles of track across the United States.

    Posted here also:

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Mt. Vernon Train Derailment

    By WSIL Manager

    MT. VERNON -- Crews in Mt. Vernon are handling a train derailment that happened early Sunday morning.

    Mt. Vernon Police Chief Chris Mendenhall says the train derailment happened after 6:00am near Rackaway Street and Liberty Road in Mt. Vernon.
    Mt. Vernon Fire was called to the scene, and has a hazmat team on the scene.
    Chief Mendenhall says 8 cars were involved in the derailment, and at least one of them is believed to be carrying ethanol.
    Streets in that area have been closed off, but no one in that area has been evacuated.
    Mt. Vernon Fire officials were not immediately available for comment.
  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Sea-to-Sky Highway closed after train derails new Whistler

    THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Bonny Makarewicz
    THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Bonny MakarewiczOne of three CN train cars that derailed eight kilometres south of Pemberton, B.C., blocks the southbound lane of Highway 99 on Thursday.

    PEMBERTON, B.C. — The Sea-to-Sky Highway between Whistler, B.C., and Pemberton was blocked for a time on Thursday by a derailment that sent one rail car tumbling off an overpass onto the road below.

    The RCMP say a vehicle on the highway suffered some minor damage from flying debris but no one was hurt.

    THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Bonny Makarewicz
    THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Bonny MakarewiczWorkers attend the scene after the derailment Thursday.

    Sgt. Steve LeClair says three empty cars of a northbound CN Rail train went off the tracks about 10 kilometres south of Pemberton, with one falling from the railway overpass onto the highway.

    The road was closed in both directions for a while before being opened to single lane, alternating traffic — a situation that will remain until the derailed cars can be removed.

    The cause of the derailment is under investigation.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Train Derailment Near Crawford County Leaves 5 Cars Off Track

    JANUARY 4, 2013-

    A train derailment sends emergency crews from Crawford and Mercer Counties into action...

    The derailment happened just after 4:30 this afternoon on the Western New York and Pennsylvania railroad tracks near the town of Carlton, south of Cochranton....

        That's close to the Crawford - MercerCounty line.

        According to the Crawford County Emergency Management Agency ... Five train cars left the track...

        One of the cars was hauling isobutylene, a highly flammable gas.

        The other 4 cars were hauling non-hazardous materials.

        There was no release or spill from any of the cars and no injuries.

    anuary 4, 2013

    Local units respond to hazardous spill at train derailment

    MERCER COUNTY — At least three Crawford County emergency response units have been called to a Mercer County train derailment to help deal with a potentially hazardous spill.

    Five cars of a Western New York & Pennsylvania freight train just south of the Crawford County line about 4:30 p.m., one mile north of Mercer County’s New Lebanon rail crossing. Four of the cars were said to contain non-hazardous plastics. However, one is said to contain isobutylene, an extremely flammable substance easily ignited by heat, sparks or flames capable of forming explosive mixtures with air. Vapors are initially heavier than air and spread along the ground, causing dizziness or asphyxiation without warning.

    Crawford County Hazmat and Cochranton and West Mead 2 volunteer fire departments were dispatched to the scene, and members of Crawford County Office of Emergency Services were also en route.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    20 cars of Union Pacific grain train headed to Roseville derail near Sulfur; no injuries

    6:11 PM, Jan 5, 2013 

    6:09 p.m. update:

    Twenty cars of a Union Pacific grain train derailed near Sulfur, Nev., on Saturday afternoon, a company spokesman said.

    The derailment of the westbound, 105-car train occurred shortly after 3 p.m. about 45-50 miles west of Winnemucca, Union Pacific West region spokesman Aaron Hunt said.

    The train was heading to Roseville, Calif., but where it originated and what company it was hauling grain for was unknown, Hunt said shortly before 6 p.m.

    There were no injuries, Hunt said.

    Hunt said that the cause of the derailment was unknown. Crews were on their way to the scene, which he said happened in a “fairly remote area.”

    The train was carrying grain, he said, but the extent of any spillage was unknown. Cars can derail upright and avoid a major loss of cargo, he said.

    Traffic was being rerouted on another line through Nevada, and no trains were being held up because of the derailment.

    Asked about the number of cars sent off the track in a typical derailment, Hunt said the total “varies a lot,” but Union Pacific had been working to reduce derailments in general and last year spent $3.6 billion on its infrastructure, mostly on track projects.

    “Our numbers have really improved,” he said. Reportable derailment rates have dropped 32 percent since 2001, he wrote in a later email.

    4:51 p.m. update:

    Scanner traffic indicates that about 20 train cars on the Union Pacific railroad derailed near the Humboldt-Pershing county line. However, no injuries or fires occurred.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Officials with CSX Transportation and other safety officials clean up the mess Monday morning, after a train derailed late Sunday evening, about half a mile north of the intersection of Cooler Road and Dothan Road.

    Train derails near Bainbridge, nobody hurt

    Published 8:46am Monday, January 7, 2013

    Decatur County Sheriff Wiley Griffin said that a train derailed late Sunday evening in the county, but nobody was injured, no cargo was lost, and no considerable damage was done.

    Griffin said that about half the cars in a 50-car train left the track Sunday at approximately 10 p.m., about half a mile from the intersection of Dothan Road and Cooler Road. Griffin said the cars were mostly empty flatbeds, were not carrying any freight, and nobody was injured.

    The train, which is owned and operated by CSX Transportation, was still being removed from the tracks Monday morning, Griffin said. He said the derailed cars could be completely removed by midnight Monday.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    China train 'derails in test run, one dead'

    A subway train derailed Tuesday in a test run on a new line in southwestern China, killing one driver and injuring another, state media reported.

    Two women walk down the platform after alighting from a subway train in Shanghai on June 27, 2012. A subway train has derailed in a test run on a new line in the southwestern Chinese city of Kunming, killing one driver and injuring another, according to state media.

    The first carriage of the train ran off the tracks in the city of Kunming in Yunnan province at 9:09 am (0109 GMT), the China News Service said. There were no passengers on board.

    One driver was struck by falling heating equipment in the driver's cabin and died, while another was slightly injured and taken to hospital, the report said, citing the subway's operator, state-owned Kunming Rail Transit Co.

    The city government was investigating the cause of the accident, it added.

    Chinese authorities have long been accused of compromising safety in their rush to develop the country's vast transport network.

    Two metro trains in Shanghai collided in September 2011, injuring 284 people, just months after a deadly high-speed rail crash in the eastern city of Wenzhou killed at least 40 in China's

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Eight injured on Soweto train

    Comment on this story

    Eight people received medical treatment after a train derailed in Soweto on Tuesday, but there were conflicting reports about what had happened to them.

    While Johannesburg emergency services said they were treated for injuries sustained when they jumped from the train, Metrorail said they were treated for shock.

    The train derailed between the New Canada and Crown Mines railway stations on Tuesday afternoon.

    Johannesburg emergency services spokesman Robert Mulaudzi said the eight passengers jumped off the train when they saw smoke and thought it was on fire.

    He said one person was critically injured and seven sustained minor knee injuries. They were treated at the scene before being taken to Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital.

    However, Metrorail provincial manager Thembela Khulu said no one had jumped from the train and that the passengers had been “treated for shock”.

    “... There are no physical injuries,” she said.

    Khulu said the smoke seen by passengers was from a grass-fire alongside the railway tracks.

    She said the cause of the derailment was not yet known. “We don't know at the present moment. Technicians are on the site as we speak. It is not something major.” - Sapa

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Freight train derails in Auckland

    12:03 PM Wednesday Jan 9, 2013
    The cause of the accident was not yet known. Photo / Paul Crispe
    The cause of the accident was not yet known. Photo / Paul Crispe

    A freight train has derailed near Mauku, southwest of Auckland.

    The accident happened early today on the Glenbrook Steel Mill access line, KiwiRail spokeswoman Kimberley Brady said.

    Because the train derailed on a branch line, it wouldn't cause any delays to normal services, Ms Brady said.

    There were no injuries, she said.

    The cause of the accident was not yet known and KiwiRail was waiting on inspection feedback before they could start to remove the freight cars.

    "We don't know how long it will take at this stage but we're in the process of investigating the derailment then they'll start clearing the site and then repair the track," Ms Brady said.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    2 Trains Collide in Switzerland, 17 Injured

    (GENEVA) — Two passenger trains collided Thursday morning near a station in northern Switzerland, injuring 17 people, police said.

    The accident near Neuhausen station occurred shortly after 7.30 a.m. (0630 GMT), said Patrick Caprez, a spokesman for police in Schaffhausen canton (state). Nine of the injured people were taken to nearby hospitals; Caprez didn’t have details on the injuries but said none of their lives were believed to be in danger.

    It wasn’t immediately clear what caused the collision.

    A locomotive for one of the trains — a double-decker passenger train — derailed.

    Rail traffic in two directions from Schaffhausen, a town on Switzerland’s northern border with Germany, was interrupted and buses were being used instead.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Imperial train derailment; houses evacuated

    4:57 PM, Jan 11, 2013 
    Imperial train derailment

    IMPERIAL, Mo. (KSDK) - Nearly 20 homes in an Imperial neighborhood had to be evacuated Friday afternoon following a train derailment.

    Eight train cars derailed from a southbound Burlington Northern Santa Fe train. The derailment happened around 2:30 p.m. just south of Imperial, MO on Main Street.

    The homes evacuated were located on Church Hill Court.

    Authorities at the scene said the cars were empty, but the home evacuations were done as a precautionary measure because of the possibility residual hazardous materials leaking out.

    Two of the cars were identified as having hazardous chemicals within: potassium hydroxide and ethyl glycol, respectively.  Ethyl glycol is commonly used as an automotive antifreeze.  In its pure form, it is odorless and colorless.  It can be fatal if ingested.  Potassium hydroxide is a caustic material used in industrial processes, such as drain cleaners and leather tanning chemicals.

    The train company has dispatched a HAZMAT team to work with local authorities in clearing the area.

    Residents were allowed to return to their homes before 5 p.m., but instructed to stay away from the train tracks.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Two Die in Trans-Siberian Train Crash

    Two Die in Trans-Siberian Train Crash Two Die in Trans-Siberian Train Crash
    09:56 12/01/2013
    Tags: Trans-Siberian line, train, Russian Emergencies Ministry, Irkutsk

    IRKUTSK/MOSCOW, January 12 (RIA Novosti) - Two train drivers were killed in Russia's Irkutsk region on Saturday when their train carrying coal was derailed, the local Emergencies Ministry said.

    "According to initial information, the locomotive crew of two have been killed - the driver and his assistant," the Ministry said.

    Russian Railways confirmed the deaths of two locomotive crew.

    At least 20 of the train's 60 wagons left the tracks, after the train collided with a single locomotive on the Utulik-Slyudyanka section of the Trans-Siberian line at 05.10 a.m. Moscow time.

    Emergency workers are at the scene.

    Rail movements in both directions have been stopped as a result of the crash, and power lines have been brought down.

    A passenger train travelling from Novosibirsk to Vladivostok has been delayed due to the accident, and "food and hot water have been supplied to it," local Emergencies Ministry staff said.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Military train derails in Egypt, killing 15

     Xinhua, January 15, 2013

    A military train derailed in Egypt on Tuesday, killing at least 15 people and injuring 103 others, a spokesman from the health ministry said in a statement to MENA.

    The train carrying young recruits was traveling from south Egypt to Cairo and derailed in the Giza neighborhood of Badrashin.

    The injured had been sent to hospitals for treatment, the health ministry said in the statement.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Freight train derailment under investigation

    Updated Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:39pm AEDT

    Freight train derailment at Yunta

    The Australian Transport Safety Bureau is investigating the cause of a freight train derailment in north-eastern South Australia on Thursday.

    The derailment at Yunta, about 200 kilometres south-west of Broken Hill, has forced the closure of the track and trains travelling between Sydney and Adelaide are being diverted through Melbourne until early next week.

    The train was en route from Perth to Sydney when ten wagons came off the track.

    The derailment sparked a small fire which was contained by the Country Fire Service.

    The Australian Rail Track Corporation says about 300 metres of track have been damaged.

    The bureau's general manager of surface safety investigations, Peter Foley, says it will take about a month to work out what caused the accident.

    "We look at the site. We download the data recorders from the locomotive and that tells us what speed the train's been doing, what the power settings were on the locomotive, what the brake settings were, et cetera," he said.

    "We talk to the witnesses that are involved. In this case it'll be the train driver obviously.

    "We ascertain which was the first wagon to derail, we look at potential mechanisms for that derailment, whether it might have been something on the wagon, or it might have been something in relation to the track and we go through a process whereby we eliminate the possibilities."

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    UPDATE 5:45 P.M.: Train derailment in Colfax causes evacuations

    Evacuation lifted; clean-up to go into the night

    By: Katie Sanders, Special to Gold Country News Service

    UPDATE 5:45 P.M.: COLFAX -- A train derailment in Colfax caused the evacuation of residents and businesses within 500 feet of the wreck late Sunday morning.

    A double stacked freight carrier derailed just in front of the US Bank on Grass Valley and Main streets at around 11 a.m. Sunday. The train was traveling from Chicago to Oakland when five of the 139 cars were derailed....

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Train derails and catches fire in Manchester

    An empty train has derailed and caught fire on Windsor bridge in Manchester city centre.

    4:45PM GMT 23 Jan 2013

    A train has come off the rails and caught fire. No passengers were on the train at the time and there are no reports of any injuries in the incident outside Manchester city centre.

    Fire crews were first called to the incident near Wilburn Street in Salford at 2.37pm today.

    The train is understood to have come off the tracks on the approach to Manchester city centre.

    Four fire crews are now in attendance.

    A British Transport Police (BTP) spokesman said: "BTP officers were called to the rail line close to Wilburn Street, Salford, following a report of a train carriage on fire.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Singapore-bound train derails in Malaysia, 5 injured

    Published on Jan 26, 2013
    7:42 PM

    JOHOR BARU: A Singapore-bound train derailed and landed on its side, trapping the driver and injuring about five passengers just before the Kempas train station here today, the New Straits Times reported.

    The KL Ekspres train left the Kulaijaya train station and was scheduled to reach the next station in Kempas at 3.30pm when the train derailed ten minutes before reaching the station.

    Fire and Rescue Services Department assistant director Mohd Rizal Buang said the captain, who is in his 50s, sustained leg injuries and was trapped in the wreckage.

    He said about five passengers suffered minor injuries

    Additional link with photo.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Mumbai train derailment, Jan 28 2013

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    High winds topple 48 train cars in Scott County

    Posted: Jan 30, 2013 7:20 AM AST

    High winds are suspected in causing four dozen train cars that overturned in Scott County near Rockview Tuesday night.

    Mark Davis with Union Pacific Railroad says 48 cars derailed around 9:20 p.m. near Hwy. M. He says the preliminary cause is high winds.

    Davis says the train was headed from Chicago to Mexico with three locomotives and 112 cars. It was carrying auto parts.

    No one was injured.

    About 800 feet of track will have to be replaced.

    Railroad crews are working to get the double stacked shipping containers back on the track.

    MoDOT workers are also on the scene to investigate the derailment.

    Missouri Department of Transportation is checking a bridge near the area for any damage.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    The derailed train near Bargoed

    Train derails near Bargoed after hitting landslip caused by flooding and snow thaw

    Published in News on Wednesday January 30th, 2013

    A train carrying eight passengers and two staff was derailed between Brithdir and Bargoed because of a landslip due to flooding and thawing snow, according to Network Rail.

    The 6.10am Rhymney to Barry Island service, the first of the day, was derailed just before 6.30am.

    The Network Rail spokesman said: “At 6.28am the driver of the 6.10am Rhymney to Barry Island service, formed by a two-car unit, reported that the train had struck a landslide, with fallen trees therein, and become derailed by the leading bogie.

    “The accident occurred on the single line at a location about 700 yards on the northern approach to Bargoed from Brithdir.”

    There were three reported injuries. Two people sustained bumps to the head and one person suffered shock. All injured persons were treated on the scene by ambulance crews and released.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Commuters injured after train derails at Brisbane railway station

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Tuesday storm derails train near Chaffee

    Thursday, January 31, 2013

    ROCKVIEW, Mo. -- High winds and heavy downpours that swept across the area Tuesday night are reported to have damaged property, blown two tractor-trailers over and caused several Union Pacific rail cars to derail near Chaffee.

    No local fatalities were reported.

    Trooper Clark Parrott, spokesman for the Missouri State Highway Patrol, attributes that to people being warned in advance of the approaching storm.

    "There were weather warnings issued almost all day before the storm arrived in the area," Parrott said. "I think a lot of people heeded those warnings and stayed inside. Otherwise, there may have been more serious injuries for us to report."

    Robert E. Wyatt of Dexter, Mo., received moderate injuries when wind blew his tractor-trailer off Highway 25 about one mile north of Delta. Parrott said another driver was uninjured when his tractor-trailer overturned on Highway 25 south of Bernie, Mo.

    There were no injuries involved in the derailment of Union Pacific rail cars in Rockview, Mo., in Scott County north of Chaffee, Mo. Nearly 50 rail cars were overturned by the winds, and approximately 800 feet of damaged track will need to be repaired or replaced. Mark Davis, a spokesman for Union Pacific, confirmed Wednesday that the railroad company's preliminary report on the incident will blame winds for the derailment.

    The cars were carrying auto parts. Davis said the engineer was slowing the train after hearing tornado warning reports from a dispatcher, and the emergency brakes were engaged.

    Weather might have contributed to an accident that shut down northbound Interstate 55 at Cape Girardeau when a tractor-trailer jackknifed and was hit by a car driven by Cape Girardeau County Judge Scott Lipke, but a police accident report wasn't complete Wednesday.

    The National Weather Service stayed busy Tuesday night, gathering information and issuing weather reports that at times included threats of tornadoes.

    "There were straight-line winds generated by the storm that blew between 60 to 70 miles per hour," said Christine Wielgos, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Paducah, Ky. "There were reports of funnel clouds in Southeast Missouri, but right now we have no confirmation of there being any actual tornadoes."

    Wielgos added that, to be sure, the National Weather Service had sent damage-assessment teams to hard-hit locations in Illinois and Kentucky to investigate if tornadoes had touched down.

    Cape Girardeau County Emergency Management reported roofs of many homes in the county lost shingles and barns collapsed in rural areas. Trees also were downed across the area, and many Ameren customers lost power Tuesday night.

    The storm's strength was evident in Delta, where the wind blew strips of metal and lumber from the roof of Delta One Stop, a grocery and general merchandise store, onto State Street and even into a nearby house.

    Article continues.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Train Derails At Ritter

    Date posted - January 31, 2013

    20130131_181449Ritter, Iowa — KIWA news has received reports of a train derailment near Ritter, or about four miles northeast of Sheldon.

    Reports from the scene indicate the derailment involves 16 empty grain cars.

    We have also been told the train is blocking the crossing at B14 — the Matlock blacktop, however Northwest Boulevard — Old Highway 60 — is open.

    According to the engineer, the train derailed due to a broken rail.

  • Howard

    Toxic Train Derailment Evacuates Hundreds in North Carolina Town (Feb 2)

    The town of Bladenboro is currently being evacuated following a train derailment.  Officials said 10 of the 105 cars overturned and one was full of ammonia.

    Emergency personnel say the derailment happened around 3:30 p.m. in the town south of Fayetteville.

    The train belongs to CSX. The transportation company is handling the draining of ammonia so that people can get back into their homes. At 9:45 p.m., the long process had not yet started.  

    Because moving the cars may be time consuming and hazardous, up to 400 nearby residents were forced to evacuate. All residents from Seaboard Street to Village Street were included in the evacuation.

    Those that did not stay with nearby family are staying at an emergency shelter at Bladenboro Middle School. Officials said there are more than 30 people staying at the school Saturday night.

    "We don't have a car we called the cops and told them and they sent an ambulance out there they picked us up and brought us here," said evacuee Rafael Masso

    Another evacuee told ABC11 her husband heard a loud sound about the same time the train derailed. About an hour later, a police officer was at their door.

    "He came and knocked on the door and then he had a bullhorn outside saying we had to evacuate," said evacuee Filicia Lilley McKee.


  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Freight train derails in Chicago, IL

    Updated at 05:16 PM today

    Hazmat crews were on the scene where a freight train derailed in Bellwood just before noon on Sunday.

    Five freight cars toppled over when the train was being pulled out of the yard.

    Several of the cars are reported to be leaking diesel fuel.

    No one was injured in the derailment.

    Metra trains were briefly delayed just after the incident, but were back to normal a short time later.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Amtrak Train Derails Causing Local Delays

    The train that runs from San Diego to Oakland with a stop in Laguna Niguel, derailed near Union Station today.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    41 coal cars jump tracks near Fairbury

    10 hours 26 minutes ago

    The Union Pacific Railroad is cleaning up approximately 40 train cars that derailed early Sunday morning southeast of Fairbury.

    A Union Pacific spokesman and Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office said that at approximately 1 am Sunday, 41 coal cars on an eastbound train to St Louis, Mo jumped the tracks near the Fairbury Farmstead. The train was carrying 142 cars total. No one was injured in the incident.

    Law enforcement provided traffic control for a time after the crash but as of Sunday afternoon the scene had been turned over to Union Pacific engineers who worked with heavy machinery to clean up the crash. The cause for the derailment is still under investigation. It is not clear how long cleanup will take or what the estimated damage is from the crash.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Train derailment in Saginaw Township spills 5 cars of grain

    February 11, 2013 at 11:36 AM, updated February 11, 2013 at 11:37 AM" class="OAS_counter" id="StoryAd/MICHIGANLIVE/Spacer_MI_RoS_04/Spacer_SpanMJX.html" height="2" width="2"/>
    JNS.Derailment.JPG Crews continued to clean up after several train cars derailed spilling corn along the tracks east of South Center near Clunie in Saginaw Township Monday morning, Feb. 11. The derailment occurred over the weekend.  

    SAGINAW TOWNSHIP, MI — A train derailment near South Center and Clunie has scattered grain along the side of train tracks in Saginaw Township.

    About 1:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 9, five cars attached to a train owned by Saginaw-based Lake State Railway derailed, spilling grain which was being hauled from the Hemlock area toward Saginaw.

    According to Ed Wilson, Lake State's superintendent of transportation, it will take a contractor multiple days to clear the scene.

    Lake State has not yet determined the cause for the derailment, which has not blocked any roadways.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    JACKSON, MS (Mississippi News Now) -

    Eighteen Canadian National Railway train cars derailed off of the tracks in Jackson Friday morning, calling for heavy equipment crews to help clear the scene. The derailment occurred around 6:48 AM near McDowell Road, in south Jackson.


    Canadian National Spokesman Patrick Waldron says 17 of the derailed cars were filled with grain and the other was empty.

    Waldron says no one was injured, but the tracks between Jackson and New Orleans would probably be closed most of the day while crews worked to clear the derailed cars.

    That means a delay for the Amtrak's "City of New Orleans" which was scheduled to use that route this afternoon. It also means a delay for Canadian National freight shipments.

    Canadian National has not yet said how long it may take to repair the damage.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Coal train derails in New Madrid County, Missouri

    LILBOURN, Mo. - A train has derailed in the New Madrid County, Missouri, town of Lilbourn.

    The derailment happened just after 5 a.m.

    New Madrid County Sheriff's Department tells us it was a coal train owned by Union Pacific.

    Dispatch tells us there have been no reports of injuries at this time, but police blocked off three crossings in the town of Lilbourn.

    There's no timetable right now for when the area will be cleared and the cause of the derailment is still unknown.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    High speed bullet train derails in Japan, no injuries.

    A Japanese bullet train carrying about 130 passengers and crew derailed in heavy snow in northern Japan Saturday, although there were no reports of injuries, media reports said.

    The first car of the "Komachi" No. 25 bullet train came off the rails on the high-speed Akita Shinkansen line in Akita, Japan's national broadcaster NHK and other media said.

    But there were no reports of injuries or casualties following the accident, NHK said, showing footage of railway officials checking the wheels of the train bound for Akita station.

    NHK said the driver had brought the train to an emergency stop after hearing a loud noise.

    The cause of the derailment has yet to be confirmed, but heavy snow may have resulted in the accident, local media said.

    Immediate confirmation of the reports was not available. East Japan Railway, which operates the line, said on its website that bullet train services in the area had been suspended due to heavy snow.

    High-speed bullet train derails in Japan: Media
  • Starr DiGiacomo


    STERLING, Colo. - Authorities say an empty coal train derailed and sparked several small grass fires near Sterling in northeastern Colorado.

    About 12 empty coal cars of the BNSF train derailed at about 8:40 a.m. Saturday. No injuries were reported but CDOT said Highway 138 was closed for a time at Logan County Road 43.  It reopened about six hours after the accident.

    Chief Kurt Vogel  of Sterling Fire Department told 7NEWS the fires were put out quickly.

    - See more at:

    Empty train derails near Sterling, sparks grass fires


    Derailed empty coal cars near Sterling.
    (Photo courtesy: Chief Kurt Vogel/Sterling Fire)

    Posted: 03/02/2013
    Last Updated: 21 hours ago

    STERLING, Colo. - Authorities say an empty coal train derailed and sparked several small grass fires near Sterling in northeastern Colorado.

    About 12 empty coal cars of the BNSF train derailed at about 8:40 a.m. Saturday. No injuries were reported but CDOT said Highway 138 was closed for a time at Logan County Road 43.  It reopened about six hours after the accident.

    Chief Kurt Vogel  of Sterling Fire Department told 7NEWS the fires were put out quickly.

    Sterling is about 130 miles northeast of Denver.

    - See more at:
  • Howard

    Rockfall Causes Derailment in Spain, 11 Injured (Apr 5)
    Spanish authorities say a rockfall has derailed a train, injuring 11 passengers after the first carriage partially plunged into a river just west of the northern city of Santander.

    Regional government spokeswoman Patricia Fernandez says three passengers were taken to hospitals in Santander and Torrelavega with serious injuries while eight received first aid for minor injuries.

    The first carriage left the tracks at Cabezon de la Sal, 450 kilometers (280 miles) north of Madrid, according to Adif, national operator of rail infrastructure.

    Divers were called to the scene Friday evening, but national train operator Renfe said all passengers had been accounted for and a search of the river had not been necessary.


  • Howard

    Train Derailed by Landslide in Central Italy, 25 Injured (Apr 8)

    A total of 25 people were injured Monday morning when two compartments of a passenger train veered off the tracks in central Italy due to a landslide, local media said.

    The train, which was traveling towards the town of Perugia in the Umbria region, derailed when it hit mud and debris on the tracks as it came out of a tunnel, officials said.

    Although the train conductor was able to swiftly brake, he could not avoid the accident, local television quoted railway authorities as saying.

    One of the two compartments overturned, hampering efforts by rescue teams to reach the passengers inside.

    The passengers, mostly commuters and students, were injured but not seriously. Some were rushed to a nearby hospital.

    One of the two compartments involved in the accident remained on the tracks while the other was lying on its side, according to media reports.

    Police and rescue teams were still working on the spot to ascertain the precise causes of the accident.


  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Amtrak train derails after mudslide

    Posted on: 10:47 pm, April 7, 2013

    EVERETTE, Wash. (KCPQ) — A mudslide derailed an Amtrak train in Washington state on Sunday.

    The train, traveling south from Everett to Seattle, ran into the mudslide and some dangerous debris around 8:30 Sunday morning.

    The crash knocked three cars off the tracks, but no one was injured.

    The derailed cars were disconnected, and the passengers were taken to Mukilteo, Washington where they were transferred to a bus bound for Seattle.

    The cause of the slide is under investigation.

  • Starr DiGiacomo

    Train carrying nearly 200 people derails near Oakland, but Amtrak says no injuries

    OAKLAND, Calif. — Amtrak says a passenger train carrying nearly 200 people has derailed near Oakland, but there were no injuries.

    Spokeswoman Christina Leeds says the train was en route from Los Angeles to Vancouver, Canada, when the front wheels of an engine went off the track about 9 p.m. PDT just north of Fremont, about 20 miles southeast of San Francisco.

    Leeds tells The Associated Press that the train was traveling very slowly and none of the 11 passenger cars derailed.

    She says there was “very minimal impact” to the train’s 164 passengers. There are also 14 crew members.

    Leeds says that the lead engine was removed and the train got under way again about 12:30 a.m. PDT Sunday, under power of the second engine.