Space Force

President Trump has announced plans for the creation of an entirely new branch of the United States Military - the Space Force. It is anticipated that the United States Space Force will play a leading role in strategic and scientific efforts in space, including efforts to revisit the Moon and undertake missions to Mars. Do the Zetas have any comment on the new Space Force? What is the purpose of bringing matters of space within the control of the US Military? [and from another] President Trump officially directed the Pentagon to establish a sixth branch of the U.S. military in space. Mr. Trump called for a "space force" to ensure American dominance on the high frontier. The president also signed his administration's third Space Policy Directive, calling for establishment of new protocols and procedures to manage and monitor the increasing numbers of satellites in low-Earth orbit and the tens of thousands of pieces of space junk and debris that pose an increasing threat to costly spacecraft. [and from another] President Trump said on Monday that he would direct the Pentagon to establish a sixth branch of the armed forces dedicated to protecting American interests in outer space.  Last year, Congress punted on a decision to establish a space corps through the National Defense Authorization Act, and asked for an independent study on the issue. The creation of a sixth branch of the military to join the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard would require congressional authorization and approval. [and from another] Retired Nasa Astronaut Mark Kelly says Donald Trump's order to create a Space Force is a 'dumb idea'. The US president revealed plans for a service branch aimed at ensuring American dominance in space this week, but Kelly said that role was already covered by the US Air Force. Kelly was referring to the Air Force Space Command, a space-focused group that has come under a number of names over the years. Headquartered in Colorado, the agency supports military use of rocket launches, satellites and cyberwarfare operations. It also tracks decommissioned satellites and other space debris in orbit around Earth, a growing problem that could block rocket launches in future. [and from another] President Donald Trump signed his administration's first space policy directive today (Dec. 11, 2017), which formally directs NASA to focus on returning humans to the moon. NASA recently announced that for human astronauts, the path to Mars will include a stop at the moon, where the agency may build a facility currently being called the Deep Space Gateway.

Why is President Trump creating a new branch of the Defense Department? NASA, under contract to the US government, is in outer space and has been tasked with returning US astronauts to the Moon and eventually to Mars. The Air Force has a Space Command branch that covers the airspace closer to Earth, including satellite debris.  Why not simply expand NASA or the Air Force? NASA has been tasked with the cover-up over Nibiru for decades, and the Air Force was in charge of the Blue Bookcover-up over the alien presence. Could the Deep State be trusted to tell the truth about Nibiru? 

In that Congress must approve the formation of a new branch of the Defense Department, this new Space Force is not expected to be funded and in operation that quickly, if ever. But in the meantime, Dunford and the rest of the Junta can proceed to staff the fledgling branch, conduct studies, and issue press releases. Seeking funding from Congress while politicians posture and grand stand is expected to drag on while actual work progesses. During his dramatic press conference, Trump ensured the world was present when his new Space Force was born. Meanwhile, a Nibiru announcement or admission can be in new and trusted hands.'

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for June 30, 2018

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