Survivors, a Matter of Mindset: Reminder of ZetaTalk, from BBS Archives

For my understanding I made a chart from "Survivors, a Matter of Mindset" in BBS Archives.

Thank you very much, Nancy, for the excellent lecture!


BBS Archives

The Blog Radio lecture series on Nancy's The Connection radio show began Aug 1, 2005. The sessions were designed as a lecture series, a guided tour through the ZetaTalk and Troubled Times material. Archives are provided by the Blog Radio site, and linked directly by session below. Transcripts of the sessions are also available, below as scripts, in almost all cases. The 80 sessions compiled through the end of 2006 are also offered by Nancy on a twinset CD.


SURVIVORS, A MATTER OF MINDSET : Aug 31, 2005 [Script]


ZetaTalk: Machine Age, written on Apr 15, 1999.

Consider what is necessary to run the average manufacturing plant, which runs heavy machinery. … It's for these reasons that industry will not run, but will go idle. There are cities discovered in Central American and in China, found under the jungles or under the shifting sands, with no explanation for where the inhabitants went. These were great cities with grand steps. … These are remnants of pole shifts, where great civilizations have fallen in the past. The survivors wander, in search of a better life. They are often confused, as they don't know what has hit them. They are sure this is a local event and they are off to find out where the sun is shining and the grain is growing. They all wander. So your industries will be idle, for these reasons.



ZetaTalk: Rescue Expectations, written Feb 15, 2001

As the cataclysms draw near, those who have taken the ZetaTalk message about the coming pole shift seriously will make their plans. For many, when these plans fall short of their expectations for a standard of living, or comfort, or security - the gap is filled in with their rescue expectations. … As concern that the ZetaTalk message might be true, to distress when the predictions seem to be occurring in the time frame predicted, to anxiety that their personal plans will not meet their expectations, rescue expectations, a form of denial, rise up. What are these expectations, and how likely is rescue going into or during the pole shift, or shortly after in the Aftertime? 

The Lift … Government Operations … Space Brothers … Right Neighbors … 

So what is an anxious human to do? Since the soul lives on, while the human body dies, the spiritual aspects of survival and life during troubling times is more important than any physical comfort. … Put aside desperation and casting about for rescue, and think of how you can help others. This is your ticket to better times!



ZetaTalk: Survivors, written prior to July 15, 1995

The cataclysms will come quickly, and the great majority of deaths will be so instantaneous that there will be no time for anxiety. Concern should be for the survivors, who will be injured, in shock, hungry, and looking in desperation for their loved ones. … The grief that will result from the cataclysms will be no greater for any given human than the grief their normal life would sustain. … What will be different is that the anticipated assistance from wealthy countries or one's own government will not be available. … The cataclysms offer an opportunity, as does life in general, to be of service. These are times of great opportunity, to be greatly of service. These are times when one can grow, and discover strength within oneself previously unknown.



ZetaTalk: Starvation, written Dec, 2002

… What will this modern man find he has to EAT, after the shift, when the super markets are looted and no new distributions on the way? We will address this by population type, as the results vary: Those in the cities, … Those in the suburbs, … Those in the country, … Coastal survivors … 



ZetaTalk: Death Rate, written Dec 14, 2002

The 90% die-off that we have predicted, as we have stated, will not occur simply because of the shift. Most will die because of depression, failure to thrive, sitting down with a slight injury and not eating or drinking, as occurs after all calamities. … In short, the highest ratio of survivors will be in rural areas where there is a low ratio of human survivor to land. … 



ZetaTalk: Starvation, written Nov 25, 2003

Starvation is rampant around the world, in many countries indigenous, so it is only those in affluent environments who wonder such things. Those already starving know how these matters are settled. But the reaction to starvation differs immensely, based on spiritual orientation. Those in the Service-to-Self horde, jerk food from the weak and either sell it for whatever price the desperate market will bear or add it to their stores even if their stores are rotting for want of use. Those who have not decided their spiritual orientation dither between sharing a mouthful now and then with a friend or piteous soul, stuffing what they can hide in their pockets when around bullies, and otherwise wailing about the situation loudly expecting to be rescued. Those strongly in the Service-to-Others work more by plan, having sorted this out well ahead of time in previous lifetimes. … Given the situation where the culture is not highly Service-to-Other, but mixed, how then would a Service-to-Other leader proceed? … 



ZetaTalk: Great Equalizer, written on Nov 15, 1995

Tumultuous times like the coming cataclysms are great equalizers. … Survival is to a great extent based on the ability to adapt, and in this way those on the bottom today have an advantage over those on the top. The coming pole shift will be a great equalizer.



ZetaTalk: Preexisting Health, written Mar 15, 2003

The shift will present many with preexisting health problems with challenges. At the same time, many will find their health improved, and be surprised by this. … 



ZetaTalk: What the Heart Seeks, written Jan 12, 2004

Forced separation will be one of the major reasons for mental breakdown, during the days of anguish leading up to the shift and in the weeks and months following. … In human cultures, expulsion from the group is considered a punishment known to bring pain. Exile. Excommunication. Divorce. Termination. These have impacts beyond the financial and convenient, the primary being emotional pain. … Beyond the worry for the other, is the anguish of separation, a matter not easily put to rest and properly grieved over as certainty is not at hand. Funerals are for the living, allowing them to come to terms with the death, the certain death, of a loved one, else the heart is trapped, suspended. What will occur in such instances? … Shelter and food are more easily gained than the connection, which when lost takes a period of grieving before substitutes are accepted, emotionally. Thus depression will be rampant, the sense of loss aggravated, the anguish unresolved. We have often stated that those heavily into the Service-to-Other orientation will be assisted, most often sight unseen, by guides in the Aftertime. This will include assistance in reuniting separated loved ones, if only via visits as contactees on space ships, for reassurance or closure, but often also as guided migration, to help the heart find what it seeks.



ZetaTalk: Shock, written Dec, 2002

Shock, from a situation unexpected, exists in human society today. … Nothing new, in human society. The pole shift will bring about such shock, in great numbers, but with a difference. none will be spared, and all will be facing the same situation. … The recovery from shock takes two routes, depending upon the nature and resolve of the person affected, and this cannot be changed by others as it is a personal decision. … Those who have dependents, children or the injured or oldsters, but remain in shock and refuse to adjust or take action, should have their dependents removed from them. Let the person who insists on remaining in shock sit there, in shock, until death if this is their decision. Put your energies into the living, those who have chosen life, instead.



ZetaTalk: Service-to-Others, written by Jul 15, 1995

Regarding what the future Service-to-Others Earth may appear to be, this will not be something strange. There are many groups on Earth already who operate in the Service-to-Others orientation. They share their resources, address the problems of each as though it were a problem for the many, sacrifice their own comfort for the better comfort of the many, and do not impede the growth or awakening to knowledge of each other. In the Earth of the future, these qualities will seem to increase in people, and groups will find less and less need for artificial controls on their behavior, and more and more allowance for trust among each other. There are no human societies, however, that exemplify the 4th Density spiritual Service-to-Others community. Human societies are, in the main, populated by the undecided. This colors the social structure, inevitably. … Thus, even in the average family, the Service-to-Others 4th Density spiritual existence cannot proceed. Thus, other than read what we have described as our existence, we cannot point to a human culture, a human philosophy, as a case in point.



ZetaTalk: Prison Gangs, written Mar 15, 2002

During the shift, prisons will spill out and prisoners escape. These will as expected become the primary Service-to-Self gangs in operation after the shift. … After the shift, supplies will run out quickly, and dead people offer no satisfaction to these marauders. They will quickly, as we have stated earlier, find themselves without the means to keep warm until the morning, and without anything but each other to eat. Weakened, and decimated by infighting, they will succumb to disease and defense by Service-to-Other communities who will give in return the aggression they sense in their attackers. … 



ZetaTalk: Aftertime Raids, written by Jul 15, 1995

Regarding attacks on Service-to-Other groups by Service-to-Self groups in the Aftertime. … We have stated that the Service-to-Self humans will die out on Earth, and this is in part because they do not nurture their young, but primarily because those prone to this orientation will not reincarnate here. … But what about the interim, when various humans of mixed orientation or distinct Service-to-Self orientation look to the Service-to-Other communities and consider a raid. There will be assistance in these matters, from ourselves and others. Primarily this assistance will be in the form of blockage, where the Service-to-Self humans either cannot find the communities, cannot see them, or are distracted in some way. … The best defense is a well chosen location. It is also advisable to be selective on who is allowed into the community. … 



ZetaTalk: Survivor Allegiance, written Sep 2, 2003

Decisions will have to be made. In an ideal situation everyone is good hearted, everyone is reasonable, they all share. This is the optimal situation. But in reality, life will not be that dissimilar from today, when decisions are made. … In this matter, think more of those you are protecting, the little children in the group, those who roll up their sleeves and are willing to do whatever is required. They deserve equal time, so to speak, and consideration with this person who is threatening the group. In some cases, you will have to move, you will have to pick up and leave, even in the dead of night, with your dependents, to get away from a situation that is overwhelmingly bad. Think less of your sense of responsibility to those who are trouble makers, or thinking of themselves and trying to get their larger share, or dictate to or dominate the group. Think less of your obligation to them and more of your obligation to those who deserve your time and attention in these matters. This would be our advice on those ethical dilemmas.



ZetaTalk: Spontaneous Groups, written Dec 6, 2003

Distraught and frustrated at trying to convince family and friends that preparations for what seems to be surely upon mankind must be made, many wonder how they can join with others to enhance their survival possibilities when no one will listen. … Will everyone sincerely trying to join with others to form communities find they are standing alone, waving a flag, in the last days? … Existing CommunitiesPlanned CommunitiesSpontaneous Communities … 


ZetaTalk: Government Collapse, written prior to July 15, 1995

We are not describing a world where the established government is likely to continue as it was. We are describing a world where new forms of governing will emerge. The type will depend on the nature of the group of people. As we have detailed, there will be an increasing separation of Service-to-Other from Service-to-Self. Those groups oriented to Service-to-Other will not require the same controls that are required today. Rather than the problem of citizens stealing from each other, held in check only by the enforcement of law, these new communities will share. Consideration will be the rule, rather than the rule of law. … Any attempt to continue federal or state level government will in all likelihood be short lived. On the local level, there may be some continuance, according to the competence of the local government. Leadership will have to be earned.



ZetaTalk: Government, written during the October 19, 2002

The Aftertime will find most of mankind in a dearth of government directives. … In these situations, leadership arises from the needy, natural leaders emerging. Often they are children, to whom most of life is startling and strange, the unfamiliar presented almost daily. To the child, this is more an adventure, an opportunity to act without constant parental admonitions. They will make suggestions, and be allowed to proceed, and often lead their dazed and depressed parents and elders about like rag dolls. Beyond the children, who will be inventive and energetic in the main, women will assume command by doing daily chores. … In like manner, after the shift, women will wash and clean, gather and cook a meal, and thus be looked upon as someone who can direct activities. When the depression clears, and survivors begin looking about them, determining if they should seek out a government rep or make a report, perhaps seek help from their government, a different conclusion will arise. Each initiating, others observing and offering to help, and sharing, has taken place. This is the Service-to-Other society of your future, and once established by survivor groups, should not be supplanted by ego driven directive by the power hungry. Tell them to sit back down and fall silent, as you did so much better before they found their tongue.



ZetaTalk: Barter System, written Dec 15, 2001

We predict that long before the shift, a barter system will be replacing the current paper money system. … The common man will find they are pleased with themselves if they have had the foresight to secure goods of value, such as seeds or tools or dried food. … The value of items that can increase worth, such as a needle and thread which can repair clothing otherwise worthless, or a shovel that can create a garden otherwise a weed patch, will balloon. … We advise the common man, as we have in the past, to relieve themselves of stock and jewels and paper money that will fall in value, perhaps suddenly and without warning. Better to stock up on things that will have value, candles and matches, school books and a guitar, than what the rich treasure.  In that one's skill sets can be considered a bartering item, one should examine their own skill set by the following exam. … What we are telling you is that you should mentally put yourself in this setting, and you will have no difficulty determining what is useless or most worthwhile, in a skill set. … 



* Blogs of "a chart from ZetaTalk" in the Ning

1) The Council of Worlds; from ZetaTalk

2) Sociological Changes; from ZetaTalk

3) The Year Before The Shift; from ZetaTalk

4) Undergoing a subtle Transformation; from ZetaTalk

5) Characteristics - Separation by Orientation; from ZetaTalk

6) Sorted Out; from ZetaTalk

7) Small Groups; from ZetaTalk

8) Why live? - Pole Shift; Aftertime; from ZetaTalk

9) You Can Relieve the Pain of Others - Death Wish; from ZetaTalk

10) Why is the cover-up loosening? - Cover-up; from ZetaTalk


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Comment by Kojima on August 12, 2022 at 6:45am

* ZetaTalk for Material goods

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

written January 26, 2008 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

In the whole kindergarten scenario you have mentioned how does the Jesus "poverty will save you" thing work. I think poverty totally sucks. Like could there be a reason beyond "all suits are aresholes" that so many on planet earth are "without"

The message of Jesus was not to desire material goods more than caring for your neighbor. If the community can all become comfortable, where all enjoy all they need and have many luxury items - fine. There was no rule against this! It is not the material goods that are evil - it is gaining them on the backs of others that is the problem.

Comment by Kojima on July 13, 2022 at 4:58pm

* ZetaTalk for Any efforts you make will be helpful

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

written May 16, 2009 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

Do you think spreading the word through universities and schools is even close to being viable? I am planning on going to my ex high school when food shortages are rampant, and teaching them gardening. I want to sort of do that with my university as well. Could you say how severe food shortages will be. Will it not be enough for everyone to embrace gardening. I know you've said people would start gardening, but would the majority of cities already be embracing gardening before the last weeks or when PX is visible?

Any efforts you make will be helpful. We have said that starvation will be rampant, and this is primarily because half the worlds population is currently living in cities, or close to that percentage. Many city folk have no concept of gardening or hunting or fishing or raising flocks or herds. Even if they have a concept and some knowledge and skills, they have scant opportunity to create a survival situation. How would one raise chickens and have a family garden on Manhattan Island? Obviously, you cannot simply herd billions of people into the country and get them into gardening and saving seed in a few weeks. Legal issues would be raised, demands for social services would be make, and no progress would result. Those who are giving the Call and getting the word from their alien visitors are making preparations as it is possible to do so with their lives. They are relocating or finding rural contacts, for instance, and starting gardens, following Michelle Obama's example.

Comment by Kojima on July 11, 2022 at 3:05pm

* ZetaTalk for Better late than never

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

written May 24, 2008 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

In regard to the rationing of rice: I work in a store and as of late we are ordering rice and none is coming in. Some think "Oh, it's crap. They are just holding it. Theres plenty of rice". Thats so stupid. When will it hit? Which staples would have to - stage one be rationed and then disappear entirely off the shelves for weeks before people take notice something and that its not some marketing ploy or some other reason they are coming up with? Prices going way up is one thing, rationing another, then no supply is another. Its starting with rice right now.

The first stage is for prices to rise, as a shortage of supply causes this unless price controls have been instituted. The second stage is for supplies to simply not be available, or only periodically available. The reaction of the public is predictable. They moan about the high prices, then argue with the grocer when shelves are bare, and meanwhile anxiety grows. Hoarding starts, which is something we have long advised against. Those who hoard, especially after shortages start, will be identified and their goods taken from them if and when real starvation sets in. There may be mandated house to house searches, with any excess taken from those with a good stock. The proactive stance should be for almost every family to be gardening and keeping flocks and herds, which of course is impossible especially in cities. For many, this response will be started late, when starvation is knocking at the door, but better late than never. Meals will be simplified, obesity reduced with those who are overweight looked upon with disgust if they attempt to feed themselves, and tension and hostility will increase.

Comment by Kojima on July 6, 2022 at 10:49am

* ZetaTalk for Highly individualized decision

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

written December 29, 2007 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

I have seen a radical change in the behavior of people. Discovered that each person sees through his emotion. I have seen that many people in difficult times is showing human, benevolent and fraternal, others have shown unbalanced. Today we are entering a stage that will not return, and the time of occurrence arrive, or do not want, is a certain law, is not subject to change. Has redemption in physical body? It is important to be alive to help build the new world, or all we have from that?

Some have made the decision to die during the coming pole shift, and others are determined to survive and help others during the times that follow. This is a highly individual decision. Some have prepared in safe locations so as to provide survivors with knowledge, seeds and technical assistance. Others are determined to go into the worse hellholes to help those who will be trapped there. Some, even though very good hearted, have determined to die and assist during their next incarnation, knowing they have broken or aging bodies and will tend to be a burden on survivors rather than a help. It is a highly individualized decision.

Comment by Kojima on July 4, 2022 at 4:59am

* ZetaTalk for Empathy makes STS uncomfortable

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

written May 24, 2008 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

How are souls moved about from planet to planet? In a spaceship? How does this work if the soul is comprised of very fine high density "stuff" that can penetrate physical matter? Why would a STS soul ever board such a spaceship to a prison world?

All souls can penetrate physical matter. We have described the methods used by Spirit Guides as a "force of will", and as souls interact while in spirit form you can consider this a type of physical restraint. The more wise and massive soul overwhelms the immature soul so that it cannot function well, given the force of will, and it goes along with the program. Incarnations for immature souls are not chosen by the immature soul, but of their Birthing Guides, although the immature soul is party to the discussion on the nature of their next incarnation. Although we describe the horrors that can take place on the "prison planets", such as brutality to establish the pecking order, most Service-to-Self souls prefer such a place to living among the Service-to-Other. The reason is that they themselves are focused on rules and regulations, and feel more comfortable in a society where they do not have to be empathetic in order to understand what is expected of them. Empathy makes them uncomfortable, and pulls them into a gray area whereas they prefer black and white.

Comment by Kojima on July 4, 2022 at 4:55am

* ZetaTalk for Empathy

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

written April 5, 2008 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

Can the zetas comment on whether an angry response to poor customer service, or stupidity and apparent self-centeredness on the roads, is a valid response to those who appear to be very selfish and unthinking, or is this phenomenon more a matter of increasing absent-mindedness like the crane operators experienced in subconscious reaction to worries about the future? It just seems like so many people seem to lack common courtesy and good customer service the more time goes on.

We have given the analogy pertaining to human reaction to being trapped in a burning building. Babies are trammeled underfoot, and those pressed against the exit doors become smothered by the press of bodies so that the doors cannot be opened. In short, during the fear of being burned in fire, all empathy is put aside. Where concern over the current Earth changes such as flooding in the Midwest, or concern over the economy where jobs are disappearing and homes are losing their value, and concern over the price of basics such as food and fuel are rampant, empathy will likewise be put aside. This is what you are observing. Fear is just under the surface, and has not yet translated into an understanding of the circumstances of the approaching pole shift and the likelihood of death. It is then that empathy may return. As we have stated, "love may have a blooming going into the shift, as it ought, those with great love in their hearts responding to the realization that little else matters."

Comment by Kojima on July 4, 2022 at 4:53am

* ZetaTalk for In All guides are STO

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

written December 22, 2007 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

Do Service-to-Self individuals have Service-to-Self guides and Service-to-Other individuals have Service-to-Other guides? What motivates guides to hang around us frustrating people?

All guides are Service-to-Other. The Service-to-Self are not interested in the persistent attention that must be given to a soul from a Spirit Guide. They are, after all, dominated by self interest! The only counseling that is done by the Service-to-Self is on young planets such as Earth where they attempt to reap a large harvest for their "prison planets". Those doing the counseling are almost invariably low level peons who have been given orders to meet with their contactees and do whatever it takes to turn them to the faith, so to speak. They lie, as they can do nothing other than this, being forbidden by the rules the Council of Worlds lays down - they cannot harm or provide physical rewards for their contactees. Once a soul has turned to the Service-to-Self sufficiently to be taken to one of the prison planets, the other Service-to-Self souls they are residing with have no interest in them other than to try to dominate them or use them. Their Spirit Guides are very dedicated Service-to-Other entities who suggest a Service-to-Other alternative, and on occasion these Spirit Guides win! It is this possibility that keeps them interested in the job, and the occasional win that is their reward.

Comment by Kojima on July 1, 2022 at 3:53pm

* ZetaTalk for Soul do not choose their life circumstances

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

written May 3, 2008 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

I think the Zetas said something to the effect that everyone alive today, for the shift, chose to be here during this time. I appologize for not finding the link, but at the time, it took my breath away. What would cause a soul to return during such times. To help others? To deter the mean hearted? To help with the future of those who survive? I've often wondered why we are here (or still alive) during this era? I would like to think we'd be of assistance, but the youth of today are so fast and (many) seem so advanced, how can they possibly need us? They would prosper a million time over just being with the hybrids. Why us, who are just common?

Souls currently incarnated on Earth are aware of the coming pole shift if they have experienced a pole shift in their past, or if their current incarnation is concerned enough to give the Call and learn these facts from the alien visitors. Those who have experienced a pole shift in the past, or perhaps many such pole shifts, discussed the coming times with the Birthing Guides before their current incarnation and often have been placed in a setting that would facilitate whatever lessons were to be learned for that particular soul. A soul cannot simply decide not to incarnate until life might be better. This is not a decision of the individual soul, whatever nonsense might be claimed by others. Souls do not choose their life circumstances. The life circumstances are chosen for them. Why would any Service-to-Self leaning soul choose to be born into poverty or into a crippled body? He would not. The Birthing Guides chose those circumstances for his own soul's growth.

Comment by Kojima on July 1, 2022 at 3:53pm

* ZetaTalk for Incarnation’s circumstances

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

written April 5, 2008 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

Will mankind ever realize that every individual is responsible for attracting the circumstances and conditions they themselves are experiencing only because of the vibration of the thoughts they are offering?

This is not a true statement. Many incarnations are such that the incarnating soul and the human condition are fixed, such that no alteration can be made to the incarnation's circumstances. Take for instance a soul incarnated into poverty in a body afflicted by cerebral palsy - crippled, unable to speak or move, lacking education, and utterly unable to change the circumstances of the incarnation. Did this soul ask for this, or attract their situation? No. The Birthing Guides decided upon the poverty angle, for the soul to be able to address the lesson it needed to learn. The palsy was an accident of birth. In that the incarnated soul can communicate with others around it, projecting in this circumstance love and appreciation rather than resentment and hostility, the palsied child is affecting their life circumstance, however.

Comment by Kojima on July 1, 2022 at 3:53pm

* ZetaTalk for Soul knowledge of past pole shifts

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

written January 5, 2008 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

Has many people who are willing to drastic changes in their lives in those seasons. This would be on account of the events are coming? By knowing that their souls are knowing that their bodies could die? Excuse my English, is bad.

Many people have soul knowledge of past pole shifts, yes. They have lived through them, and remember the signs that preceded the great earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tidal waves. They have definite awareness on what caused their own death such as those who were perhaps washed away in a flood, or if they survived, what the factors were that made the difference in their survival. Many people, listening to their soul's warnings, are instinctively moving away from coastlines, and becoming survivalists, growing their own food or at least learning how to do this. They may not be consciously aware of why they are taking these actions, or may simply be having nightmares that motivate them, such as flood nightmares if they are continuing to live along coastlines.

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