Explosions on the rise


An oil field exploded in Basra Iraq [Iraq Oil Report ; Published September 20, 2011]; Comment by Starr DiGiacomo


List of comment about gas explosion, in order of posted time; as of 2011-09-01


1) SOMERVILLE, Ohio, US; "Investigation continues in house collapse"

2) BAKERSFIELD, Calif. US; "Bakersfield resident hurt in natural gas explosion"

3) Pompton Lakes, NJ, US; "Update: Suspected gas explosion levels home in Pompton Lakes [raw video]"

4) Brantford, Ontario, Canada; "Natural gas explosion levelled Brantford house: fire marshal"

5) Warren, MI, US; "City of Warren Home Explosion Underscores Need for Natural Gas Safety"

6) Castleford, West Yorkshire, UK; "Dramatic footage shows huge gas explosion at Yorkshire home"

7) Warren Park, Harare, Zimbabwe; "2 seriously injured in Warren Park gas explosion"

8) Logan City, south of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia; "Seven children killed in gas explosion at house"

9) Herscher, IL, US; Douglasville, GA, US; "This Week In Natural Gas Leaks and Explosions – Aug. 22, 2011"

10) "Seven children killed in gas explosion at house" [See 8)]

11) Lakeview, MI, US; "Explosion inside Lakeview house causes fire, couple escapes with minor injuries"

12) Newborough, Victoria, Australia; "Gas blast destroys Newborough garage"

13) Cato, Montcalm, MI, US; "Couple escapes house explosion"

14) Glenrock, Converse, WY, US; "Oilfield explosion claims three"

15) St. Augustine, Fla, US; "Gas Station Explosion Site in St. Augustine now 'Stable'"



* Comment by Starr DiGiacomo

We'll be seeing an uptick in unusual home and business gas explosions and I'm trying to locate specific ZT on the matter.  Below is a refresher for the many gas related news articles.



Fault lines, when adjusting, do not just rip apart one day during a dramatic earthquake. They most often creep. Laying gas lines along or across a fault line is asking for an accident of this sort. Fault lines are also seldom so clearly delineated that one can go a mile in this or that direction and avoid their action. Where a slip-slide fault such as the San Andreas will often leave a clear line on the surface, this is only the surface action, not what occurs in the rock layers on either side which can fracture for a long way to either side during any movement. The gas company, or the age of the pipes, will be faulted but in truth the finger should be pointed in many directions. The public, who insist on living at such a scenic spot, is to blame. Officials, who zoned for housing are to blame. The public utility company, for allowing gas lines in the area, is to blame. But this will change nothing, while man continues to live on the San Andreas, even as it awakens. EOZT



The danger from radon gas will not be increased as a result of the pole shift. Radon gas is emitted by rock containing uranium, which is degrading. In normal circumstances, where air can circulate, it is disbursed rapidly as is any methane created by decay of organic material. The danger from these gasses comes from confinement - being trapped in a mine, a basement, or beneath the permafrost. The dangers are well known. For methane, it is explosions. An accumulation of methane gas can be identified by the smell of rotten eggs, or as some have described it, dirty socks or cabbage soup. For radon gas the danger is lung cancer, from the continual exposure to the radioactive air. Radon gas is odorless, and cannot be detected except by specialized equipment not in the hands of the average person.

In that the pole shift, or the Earth changes preceding the pole shift, can fracture rock and release pockets of either gas, survivors should be cautious about huddling in bunkers. You are safer out in the open air, or in a trench you have dug that will allow the pole shift winds to pass over you, but nothing to fall on and crush you. The fact that both methane gas and radon gas can accumulate in the bunkers of the elite is one of the reasons we have stated that they have dug their own graves. EOZT



* Comment by Starr DiGiacomo


Anyone watching the news, for instance the news on the San Bruno explosion in a distribution line close to the San Andreas Fault line, knows that gas in any form is a danger. Oil and gas refineries explode when rigid piping cracks. Oil or gas wells explode when the ground around them moves. And the gas distribution lines running under cities are no exception. They likewise will explode. Gas lines, whether along the street or within a home, are rigid. In some cases automatic shutoff valves can limit the amount of gas available for an explosion by sensing a drop in pressure, but this is always after the fact. The explosion has already occurred. Utilizing gas on a planet prone to earthquakes was a mistake to begin with, but man never thinks of the consequences when striving for modern conveniences. We have advised turning off the gas at the street, though when the street explodes and your neighbor's homes are on fire you are not likely to escape the holocaust. A better alternative is to live in an area where gas is not available, as in your rural safe location where you will be doing a form of camping while gardening. A campfire at night, for cooking and washing and a bit of friendly light before bed. Nothing explosive. EOZT



* Comment by Starr DiGiacomo

SOZT Answer: It is no accident that the New Madrid fault lies under the Mississippi River near Memphis, as rivers form in lowlands created when land pulls apart, separating the rock fingers and weakening support for the land. Thus, the Ohio River bed also is an indication of where rock fingers will pull apart. Two adjustments in Kentucky, a day apart, are not an accident, but an indication of the speed at which the stretch zone is starting to adjust. Rail lines are frequently an early harbinger of such adjustments, as they run long distances, whereas structures within cities, such as tall buildings, take up relatively little space and have a small footprint. Our warning that imploding cities will be experienced, before the hour of the shift, are in this regard. Be warmed, it will not just be your rail lines and gas and water mains that will shatter and be pulled apart during the stretch. The foundations of your tall buildings will likewise be vulnerable.EOZT



[Original post on January 20, 2011]

Original title: Gas explosion kills 1, injures 5 in Philadelphia




  • The explosion occurred in Philadelphia's Tacony neighborhood
  • The blast killed one utilities worker and injured five other people
  • Some of the injuries are serious

(CNN) -- A gas main explosion in Philadelphia Tuesday evening killed one utilities worker and injured five other people, a fire department official said.

Philadelphia Gas Works employees were responding to a gas main break in the city's Tacony neighborhood when the explosion occurred, fire department spokesman Jim Smith said.

"They were trying to control it and found a source of ignition," according to Smith, who said four PGW employees and a firefighter were among the injured. He said some of the gas workers' injuries were serious.



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  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Explosion at Birmingham apartment complex kills one, sends 8 to hospital

    December 17, 2013 at 6:33 AM, updated December 17, 2013 at 11:38 AM

    A pre-dawn explosion rocked a Gate City apartment complex in Birmingham, Alabama Tuesday December 17, 2013 that sent 8 people to the hospital. Residents watched as a search continued through the rubble left from two five bedroom apartments that were destroyed in the explosion.

    BIRMINGHAM, Alabama -- A woman has been found dead in the rubble of this morning's Gate City explosion. She suffered crushing injuries and burns, and rescuers were unable to get a pulse from her at the scene.

    Just moments before, a man was pulled out alive in critical condition. He was taken to UAB Hospital. Birmingham Fire Chief Ivor Brooks said rescue teams sprang into action after hearing the man calling to them from under the rubble. 

    Workers began shouting to one another, "Hey, we got somebody, it's time to get busy," Brooks said.

    Earlier today, five children and two adults were taken to the hospital following the pre-dawn explosion apparently involving a gas line at Birmingham's Gate City apartments.

    "This explosion was a tragedy for the family and this community. It is really a Christmas miracle that we didn't experience an even greater loss of life,'' said Birmingham Police Chief A.C. Roper. "There are so many other things that could have gone wrong in the response and rescue effort but our public safety personnel really demonstrated their skill and expertise in this operation."

    BFD said they are packing up and turning the investigation over to Alagasco at this point. "It's up to Alagasco to clean up the rest," Birmingham Fire and Rescue Service spokesman C.W. Mardis said Tuesday morning. 

    Mayor William Bell visited the scene earlier this morning and prayed with victim's families, Mardis said.

    Mardis said the five children and two adults taken to the hospitals this morning had varying degrees of injury, but none were believed life-threatening. He said two, five-bedroom apartments were "literally destroyed." 

    A neighbor said debris from the blast showered other units with bricks and debris. Gate City resident Viola Bozelan said the explosion happened around 1:30 a.m.

    "It shook my house," Bozelan told AL.com. "I came out and the whole building was on fire."

    Bozelan said she and a friend once lived in the building that exploded."I thought an airplane had crashed down here," she said.

    Taris Richardson, who said he has lived in the community for 20 years, said the smell of gas has been a problem in the apartment complex going back three years, especially during the summer and at a building adjacent to one that exploded.

    "You can smell gas right there," Richardson said, pointing to the building.

    Gary Williams, with the Salvation Army, said the organization is on site to provide snacks, water, coffee, or cook a meal for firefighters and those affected. "We're just going to do what it takes," Williams said.

    Residents in the immediate area have been complaining that water in the area is muddy and undrinkable. Mardis said that can happen when firefighting -- fire hoses pull a large volume of water and can stir up sediment in the system.

    "We will have some dirt in the lines," he said. He said Birmingham Water Works is "working feverishly" to fix that.


  • Tracie Crespo

    Girl Burned In North Richland Hills House Explosion 


    A family is in shock and a young girl is at Parkland Hospital after being badly burned in an explosion in North Richland Hills on Saturday afternoon.

    The explosion happened around 4:06 p.m. inside a home in the 7900 block of Harwood Road just east of Davis Road.

    Seven people were inside the house at the time of the explosion, but only one young girl was injured.

    Marvin Reinoshek says his eight-year-old niece Maya Javier was badly burned in the blast, but that she was talking and able to move after the explosion.
    "It just blew out all the windows," Reinoshek said. "I had to get the door--the bathroom door off of my niece then get her outside."
    Javier was visiting for what was supposed to be a happy holiday celebration for a few days, but instead four days before Christmas it's a family nightmare.
    "All I could do was hold her until they (paramedics) got there," Reinoshek said. "I didn't know what to do, I was in shock myself. I've never been through something like that."
    He says Javier went to use the bathroom and when she turned on the light, what may end up beign natural gas exploded.
    "We heard a boom and it knocked us on the floor, it knocked me on the floor," he said.
    And while the outside damaged doesn't look extreme, Reinoshek says the blast destroyed the family's home for the last decade.
    "It's in shambles, it's pretty bad inside there," he said. "The hallway is gone."
    Most concerning though is the injury to Javier, the only one injured.
    "She's burnt pretty good," her uncle said.
    North Richland Hills Fire estimates she has burns on 40-percent of her body. Reinoshek said she suffered second degree burns.
    "Any burn at this point in time, it's going to be hard on the victim," Assistant Fire Chief Kirk Marcum said.
    Marcum said there was little fire damage from the blast, but that it blew out the windows of the home. The Red Cross arrived to help get the family shelter for the night, but Reinoshek was mostly concerned for his niece.
    "Pray for her, that's all we can do now," he said.
    It appears that natural gas is the culprit behind the explosion. Two hours after the blast NBC 5 crews on scene could still smell natural gas.
    Chief Marcum said that as of 6:30 p.m. Atmos Energy had still not turned off the gas. Investigators from Atmos were on scene checking to determine the source of the blast and if there was indeed a natural gas leak.
    At mos evacuated homes on either side of the Reinoshek family home out of safety concerns. At one point firefighters went door to door at the Arts Apartment Complex across the street checking on residents to make sure none of them had any natural gas problems.
    “Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family affected by today’s events, especially the young girl who was injured” said Jennifer Ryan, Atmos Energy Spokesperson said in a press release. “It is too soon to tell what lead to this incident, but we can assure everyone that Atmos Energy has trained technicians on the ground tonight to make sure the neighborhood is safe.”
    Ryan told NBC 5 at the seen that Atmos would take care of the three effected homeowners with supplies and a place to stay as they continue to investigate.
    Fire officials have not said whether anyone could smell natural gas before the blast. Ryan says that if anyone does smell gas that they should immediately leave the area and call 911 or the At mos emergency line at 1.866.322.8667. Ryan says that turning on a light switch or even using your cell phone could ignite the gas.
    Javier is from Bridgeport. Her uncle says her mother is with her at Parkland Hospital.
    Earlier this week a woman's home exploded in Azle. No one was home or injured in that blast. However, the incident in Azle is distinctly different from what happened in North Richland Hills.
  • Howard

    Ohio Houses Leveled in Possible Natural Gas Explosion (Dec 20)
    Residents are shocked that two houses are now gone and amazed that no one was killed after an explosion rocked an Elyria neighborhood Friday night.

    Only piles of rubble remain of the two-story brick colonial house at 118 Columbia Avenue in Elyria.

    Michael and Diane Page live right next door.

    “It was the loudest explosion I have ever heard. I thought a plane crashed. My son thought a nuclear explosion,” Michael Page said.

    Investigators continue to search for the cause of Friday’s house explosion in Elyria, that could be felt and heard for miles.

    One of the possible causes that authorities are looking into, is a natural gas leak in the vacant home on Columbia Avenue.

    The blast also pulverized the home next door, where 56-year-old Christine Mickolick was watching television. Mickolick told FOX 8, “I was in the chair and when the explosion happened, there was just that loud roar and I became airborne with the chair, and was thrown about 20 feet across the living room.”

    Mickolick said the explosion next door was so powerful that it blew out the walls of her home, but somehow Mickolick and her son, who was upstairs at the time, walked away with minor injuries.

    “If anything happened to my son, that would be devastating to have to run up the stairs to find him, so the fact that his entire wall was blown out; so as he tried to scramble to his feet, all he saw were the flames, which were higher than our house, and so that side of the house was just a wall of flames,” she said.




  • Starr DiGiacomo


     Legacy Resources natural gas compressor explosion injured one at N...

    (Riverton, Wyo.) – An explosion and flash fire at a Legacy Resources Natural Gas Compressor Station at mid-morning Christmas Day injured one man. According to Fremont County Fire Protection District Trainer Dan Oakley who was at the scene, “there was an obvious explosion as the 30′x30′ compressor station’s windows and a large overhead door were all blown out, there was extensive damage inside the building but structurally, the building is still standing,” he said via phone from the scene. Oakley also said said someone, “and presumably the man burned in the fire,” had attempted to use a dry chemical fire extinguisher to put out the fire. “There was evidence that a fire extinguisher  had been used inside the building.”

    Oakley said the fire persisted from a pressurized natural gas line, and after the gas had been turned off by company personnel, county fire personnel went in to “cool off the regular combustibles” inside the structure.

    The fire occurred in Legacy’s North Alkali field, which sits about three to four miles east of the Sand Draw Road “at the corrals,” Oakley said.

    Devon Energy Riverton Manager Bill Skelton said several personnel from Devon’s Sand Draw location rushed to the scene to assist Legacy personnel after the explosion was first reported.

    Oakley said the man who was burned and taken to Riverton Memorial Hospital, “was from this incident.” The man’s condition is not known. Skelton said he had also heard the man had been burned, but did not know to what extent.

    A call to Legacy Resources’ headquarters in Texas had not been returned by mid-day on Christmas.

    Cause of the explosion is under investigation

    Original post:  

    (Riverton, Wyo.) –  An explosion and a fire at a natural gas compressor station about 10 a.m. Christmas morning east of the Sand Draw area in Central Fremont County has apparently injured one worker. Fremont County Fire District units are en route at this time. The injured worker was rushed to Riverton Memorial Hospital by private vehicle with burns to his hands and face, according to initial reports. Fire units had not yet reached the scene as of 11:40 a.m. which was reportedly five miles east of the Sand Draw Road.

    When contacted by phone this morning en route to the fire, FCFPD Trainer Dan Oakley said units had not yet arrived at the scene, but he said he understood that a compressor station was on fire. He said firefighters would wait for the compressor’s operator to arrive and shut down the natural gas flowing into the station. Operator of the compressor station was not immediately identified.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Four dead, scores injured as 'gas' explosions rip through Sichuan shopping mall

    picture link: http://english.cri.cn/11354/2013/12/27/2561s805367.htm

    Four people were killed and at least 37 others were wounded when a series of powerful explosions rocked a shopping mall in downtown Luzhou city, Sichuan province, on Thursday evening, scol.com.cn reports.

    The blasts, believed to have been caused by a gas leak at a restaurant, occurred at around 10.40pm at the Moer shopping centre in Jiangyang district.

    The gas reportedly leaked throughout the first and second floors, which caused the ensuing fires to spread quickly.

    The explosions caused the plaza’s second-floor ceiling and walls to collapse. The impact was so strong that neighbouring buildings’ windowpanes shattered and a nearby bus station collapsed, damaging three taxis, the report said.

    Witnesses said they saw smoke billowing from a building downtown and a section of road littered with shattered glass.

    The general labour union office building next to the mall was also engulfed in flames.

    Firemen were able to quell the blaze on Friday morning, although traffic was still blocked at several main roads in the area.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    400-500 People Displaced after Gas Tank Explosion at Apartment Complex in Rogers


    Updated: 01/05/2014 3:31 PM
    Created: 01/05/2014 9:30 AM KSTP.com 
    By: Megan Stewart

    A gas tank explosion sent dozens of fireballs into the air behind an apartment building on Sunday morning in Rogers, police said.

    Large fireballs were reported by residents in Rogers at 13600 S. Commerce Blvd. near Diamond Lake Road at 8:40 a.m. Sunday.

    Fire Chief Brad Feist said there were no injuries and no damage to the apartments. He says the damage was confined to an outside propane generator.

    Approximately 400-500 residents living at the Preserve at Commerce apartment complex were immediately evacuated.  Residents were relocated to the Hampton Inn and the Rogers 18 Theatre.

    The American Red Cross, Salvation Army are helping victims displaced by the explosion.

    Bill Decowski said the first fireball shook his house. Then he said they felt dozens more.

    For Dillon Czanstaowski and Brian Dongoski, who live on the other side of the complex, they felt the explosion, before they saw it.

    "I thought it was a car that drove into the building, it shook the whole building, it was crazy," said Dillon Czanstaowski.

    "Suddenly it was just like, boom, and everything shook. It felt like somebody up on top of us in the apartment above, dropped something like a fridge or stove, hard," said Brian Dongoski.

    Besides the burned canopy roof, there's not a lot of surface damage to the apartment complex; mostly just blown out windows.

    "It was very scary, it's scary to think that if we would not have gotten up when we bed, all that glass, we would have been in bed, all the glass on our bed," said Laurie Peterson.

    The investigation is ongoing. First responders and crews are working through subzero temperatures.

    He estimated the balls shot up four to five stories in the air.

    Video provided by KSTP viewer Barry Nelson.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Pipeline Explosion Causes Large Fire Near Milfay

    Posted: Jan 06, 2014 12:58 PM ESTUpdated: Jan 06, 2014 6:47 PM EST

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Michael Winter, USA TODAY4:32 p.m. EST January 6, 2014

    Pedestrians scatter, workers evacuate high rise near Time Life Building, but no injuries.

    An underground transformer exploded and burned in Midtown Manhattan on Monday, sending pedestrians scattering and prompting the evacuation of about 1,500 people from a 26-story high rise, New York authorities said.

    No injuries were reported and power was not interrupted to the area.

    Black smoke billowed after the transformer blew up just after 2 p.m. ET near the Time Life Building, on West 51st street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues, according tonews reports.

    Buildings were shaken by loud explosions, according to videos shot by witnesses.

    The New York Fire Department reported the fire under control at 4:30 p.m.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Manhole explosions reported in Salem, Mass.

    January 7, 2014, 5:20 pm
    UPDATE (5:40 p.m.) - 300 customers are without power after manhole explosions in Salem, Mass.

    (NECN) - There have been several manhole explosions reported in the city of Salem, Mass. Tuesday afternoon.

    The Salem Fire Department says there were four explosions in at least two manholes on Central and Front Streets.

    The fires are out now and National Grid is on scene responding and dealing with the aftermath.

    There is no word on how many outages have been caused as a result.
  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Explosion at Japanese chemical factory causes multiple causalities

    Published time: January 09, 2014 07:05 
    Edited time: January 09, 2014 12:56
    An ambulance (C) parks at a plant of Japanese chemical company Mitsubishi Materials in Yokkaichi in Mie prefecture, central Japan on January 9, 2014 following an explosion that killed at least five people and injured a dozen more (AFP Photo / Jiji Press)
    An ambulance (C) parks at a plant of Japanese chemical company Mitsubishi Materials in Yokkaichi in Mie prefecture, central Japan on January 9, 2014 following an explosion that killed at least five people and injured a dozen more

    A powerful blast has struck a chemical factory in central Japan, killing at least five and leaving 17 injured, reports local press. Japanese police say the explosion was triggered by a chemical reaction inside the plant.

    The incident happened at a chemical plant owned by Mitsubishi in Yokkaichi, Mie Prefecture. The factory produces silicon materials for the international firm.

    "There was some explosion triggered by some sort of chemical reaction during plant operations," said a police spokesman in Mie, central Japan to AFP.

    Japanese Broadcaster NHK reported that at least five people had died in the blast at the Mitsubishi Materials Corp chemicals plant. The local fire department said they could not confirm any casualties, but did tell Reuters that 17 people had been injured, five of them seriously.

    Maintenance of a heat exchanger used in the production of silicon products was reportedly being carried out when the blast occurred.

    "Some 170 people were working at the plant," a Tokyo-based spokesman said. "Operation at the plant has been suspended. We still don't know the cause of the explosion."

    Twin explosions struck a chemical plant in south-west Japan in April 2012, killing one person and injuring another two. The blasts happened at Mitsui Chemicals in Yamaguchi prefecture after workers tried to shut down part of the plant following a problem in a different sector. The massive blast, which was caught on video, damaged hundreds of homes nearby.

  • Tracie Crespo

    Gas Line Explosion - January 10

    Flames shoot as much as a hundred feet into the sky after a massive gas line break in Enka, NC. It happened just before 4 p.m. Friday on Sand Hill Road near the Jacob Holms plant. The fire lead to evacuations and power outages. The Asheville Police Department helped the Asheville Fire Department with traffic control. Sections of Sand Hill Road and Sardis Road were closed off. Asheville Fire Department says it was a 12" gas line that exploded. They also say it was the main line, which is why there was a massive fire and threat to the community. Officials were going door to door to let people know if they needed to evacuate. The evacuees were taken to Enka Baptist Church. Nearly 1,000 power outages were also reported. At around 5:50 p.m., the Asheville Fire Department confirms that the fire was put out and the gas has been shut off in the area. PSNC Energy has begun to make repairs to the damaged 12-inch natural gas line. In an effort to avoid possible loss of residential gas service, PSNC Energy urges customers in the Western Buncombe, Madison, Swain, Jackson and Haywood counties to conserve gas use during the overnight repair period.
  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Tuesday, 14 January 2014

    Source: citifmonline.com

    Four injured in gas explosion

    About four students of the Nyaneba Health Assistant Training School in Tema are currently on admission at the Tema General Hospital after a gas explosion at the school.

    The five, according to reports, were badly burnt in the explosion which happened last night.

    An eyewitness who helped in taking some of the injured students to the hospital told Citi News that the timely intervention by the Ghana Fire Service helped the situation.

    Narrating the incident, he noted that “I was in my house, which is adjacent to the Nursing training school when I heard a voice over there screaming help me, help me! So I quickly went for a fire extinguisher and rushed to the building.”

    Meanwhile, the Ghana National Fire Service has launched investigations into the fire.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    6 dead in Vietnam coal mine explosion 
    Last updated: Thursday, January 16, 2014 12:10

    Rescuers at the site of a coal mine where a gas explosion killed at least 6 workers in the northern province of Quang Ninh on Jan 16 / PHOTO COURTESY OF QUANG NINH NEWSPAPER

    At least six workers were killed by what appears to have been a gas explosion at a coal mine in the northern province of Quang Ninh on Thursday morning.

    According to the Vietnam Coal – Mineral Industries Holding Corporation Limited, the accident happened at a coal mine run by its member Dong Vong Coal Co., Ltd in Uong Bi Town.

    All six of the victims’ bodies have been retrieved.

    But a fire sparked by the explosion is still blazing, the company reported, adding that rescue efforts are underway.

    Initial investigations showed that the accident was caused by a gas explosion, according to authorities.

    Related agencies are still investigating the cause of the accident.

    Since last year, 36 coal workers have been killed by mine accidents in Vietnam, according to Lao Dong (Labor) newspaper.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Four killed as explosions rip through plants in two US state

    January 21 2014

    Omaha: Explosions in two US states, one at an animal feed plant in Nebraska and another at a steel plant in Oklahoma, killed at least four people and injured almost a dozen on Monday, authorities said. 
    An explosion and fire flattened part of an animal feed plant in Omaha, Nebraska, killing two people and injuring at least 10 others, authorities said. 
    In the Omaha incident, about 38 employees were working at the International Nutrition plant at midmorning when there was an explosion and part of the building collapsed, interim Fire Chief Bernard Kanger told a news conference. 
    One body has been recovered and the other is expected to be recovered on Tuesday from the industrial accident, Kanger said. Of the 10 injured, four were in critical condition, he said. 

    All employees have been accounted for, but authorities are not sure if there were any visitors in the plant, he said.

    In a separate incident, two workers likely "burned to death" when a furnace exploded at about 4 pm local time (2200 GMT) at an Oklahoma steel plant, a Marshall County Sheriff's Office dispatcher said.

    A third person was injured at Mid American Steel and Wire in Madill, Oklahoma, but treated for burns and released from a local hospital, said Madill Fire Department Fire Chief Keith Pruitt. 
    The identities of those killed and injured were not immediately known, the officials said. 
    The plant, which was established in 2004, according to its website, did not respond to requests for comment. It is about 120 miles (193 km) southeast of Oklahoma City. 
    Officials said investigations into the causes of both explosions and the fire would take days, if not weeks.
    In the Omaha, Nebraska incident, Forklift operator Kendrick Houston told the Omaha World-Herald newspaper he was returning to work from a break when the floor began to tremble. 
    "There was this real loud crackling sound and the lights went off," Houston was quoted as saying on the paper's website. "I saw a spark and there was a big ball of flame coming from the southwest corner of the building." 
    Houston said he fled the building. He then tried to go back in to find his co-workers, but heat and smoke forced him to turn back, he added. 
    Nate Lewis, a production line worker, told the newspaper that the building caved in from the third floor. He also said it turned pitch black inside the plant, and that he crawled through the rubble to safety. 
    About 50 Omaha firefighters battled the blaze and rescued five people from the rubble, Kanger said. 
    Representatives of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) were also at the scene. 
    The grain handling industry, which includes feed plants, is considered "high hazard," due partly to the risk of fires and explosions from the accumulation of combustible grain dust, according to the OSHA website. 
    OSHA, along with the Office of the State Fire Marshal, was also investigating the Oklahoma blast, Pruitt said. 
    Privately owned International Nutrition makes feed, vitamins and nutritional products for animals. 

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Explosion, fire hit Pickering waste water treatment plant

    No one hurt as crews quickly extinguish fire

    CBC News Posted: Jan 21, 2014 10:50 AM ET Last Updated: Jan 21, 2014 8:18 PM ET

    Pickering fire

    Pickering fire 1:57

    An explosion that levelled a building at a Pickering Water Treatment plant — only blocks away from the city's Nuclear power plant— east of Toronto is being investigated by the Ontario Fire Marshal.

    The explosion happened after 10 a.m. at the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant on MacKay Road, about 40 kilometres east of Toronto.

    Pickering water

    The area around Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant on MacKay Road, about 40 kilometres east of Toronto, affected by explosion. (Google/CBC)

    Images from the scene showed smoke in the sky above the plant. Firefighters were able to quickly bring the fire under control. There were no injuries.

    However, given the plant’s proximity to the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, the blast had a lot of people very shaken up.

    The loud explosion left Donnie MacCharles and Terry Weldanks, who work across the street from the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant, fearing for their lives.

    “We both looked back and saw a huge mushroom cloud,” Weldanks said.

    “We thought it was all over for us because it was so loud and so intense,” MacCharles added.

    The actual cause of the blast was likely a result of methane build up, according to Clifford Curtis,  Commissioner of Works for Durham Region.

    The explosion took place inside the odour control building, where emissions are treated before being released into the air. Luckily, the building was empty.

  • Starr DiGiacomo



    (WMC-TV) - The Mississippi Highway Patrol says the fire at the bio-diesel facility is still burning in New Albany. Action News 5 cameras captured the second explosion that happened at the plant Wednesday afternoon.

    Carl Harlin, the plant's manager, says the company converts chicken fat to alternative fuel. Despite the explosion being heard, seen, and felt for miles, nobody was injured.

    "I walked outside. I noticed every tree in my yard was glowing orange and then it hit me, I said, 'There's something going on,'" said neighbor Randy Whiteborn. "It always worried me being so close, but you never think anything like this is going to happen."

    The chemicals that posed a threat are in tanks that appear to be safe.

    "None of that's burning, none of those tanks were compromised," said Harlin.

    Bill Mattox lives a couple of miles from the facility.

    "I heard it at 5:30. It woke me up and kind of shook the house. So it was a pretty big show this morning. A lot of people around town saw it and heard it," he said.

    Two of Harlin's employees were at the facility at the time of the explosion.

    "He just grabbed the newer guy and said, 'Come on, let's go.' And they ran," said Harlin.

    Federal and state agencies are in Union County testing the air quality. So far, there are no reported problems.

    The explosion knocked out power to customers in the town of Blue Mountain, which is a few miles from the facility.

    First responders were unable to fight the fire for quite some time Wednesday for fear of additional diesel tank explosions. Afterward they said it is a difficult situation because it is hard to fight burning chemicals with just water.

    "The best thing we can do at this time, I just let the fire burn itself out, because we don't know which chemicals has [sic] leaked out and which has not," said Union County Emergency Management Director Curt Clayton.

    The tanks with substances inside have all exploded and fire crews are waiting for everything to burn out. The explosions also led to grass fires.

    The Red Cross provided help to first responders who were at the scene for about eight hours.

    Also, the Red Cross provided aid after a gas line not too far from New Albany ruptured Wednesday evening.

    First responders knocked on residents' doors on Old Highway 15, urging them to seek shelter at a Red Cross location at the Victory Life Center in New Albany on Denton Road.

    It was not a mandatory evacuation, but as the temperature drops and the bio-diesel continues to burn the smoke will settle, which creates possible danger to people.

    The New Albany school district canceled classes for Thursday due to the bio-diesel explosion.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Richfield Police: Large fire, gas well explosion in Boston Heights

    BOSTON HEIGHTS, Ohio - Crews are at the scene of reported gas well explosion Thursday morning in Boston Heights.

    Boston Heights Police dispatchers said the explosion happened around 10:15 a.m. behind a several houses located near Hines Hill Road and Brandywine Road.

    Witnesses tell NewsChannel5 at the scene that they heard an explosion and then saw flames shoot into the air.

    Fire crews have blocked off portion of Hines Hill Road as they work to extinguish the “large fire,” according to Richfield Police.

    Multiple fire departments are assisting at the scene.

    Dispatchers said crews are also attempted to cut off the gas in the area. No injuries were reported and everyone has been accounted for, according to dispatchers.

  • KM


    Natural gas pipeline explodes near Otterburne, Manitoba

    Emergency workers, Trans-Canada investigating cause of pipeline blast

    CBC News Posted: Jan 25, 2014 6:10 AM CT Last Updated: Jan 25, 2014 7:48 AM CT

    A pipeline fire in southern Manitoba was not expected to burn for long, RCMP said early this morning.

    A pipeline fire in southern Manitoba was not expected to burn for long, RCMP said early this morning. (Courtesy of Kurtis Bateman)

    A natural gas pipeline is on fire this morning after exploding overnight near Otterburne, south of Winnipeg.

    St-Pierre-Jolys RCMP responded around 1:05 a.m. to what they're calling a "loud explosion."

    "I was out for a dog walk and saw a huge fire ball-like burst of light to my south, and knowing that there's a gas relay station at the north end of Ile des Chênes, that seems the most likely candidate," said area resident John Sadoway.

    "It lit up the whole sky here for half an hour. The sky's still glowing, actually," said another resident, who only identified himself to CBC News as Tyler.

    Police have confirmed the fire is coming from the pipeline, but say the burning gas is non-toxic and no injuries are reported.

    The pipeline, which is owned by TransCanada PipeLines, has been temporarily shutdown according to a statement from a company spokesman. The statement also said that nearby roads have been closed, and that the company is not aware of any reports of injuries.

    However, five houses within the vicinity of the fire were evacuated by RCMP and St-Pierre-Jolys Fire Department.

    Police and fire officials, along with TransCanada Pipeline, are investigating the cause of the explosion.


  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Two hurt after gas explosion rocks Staten Island home

    Dongan Hills explosion

    DONGAN HILLS, Staten Island (PIX11) - Two people were injured Wednesday night after an explosion inside a Staten Island home, according to the FDNY.

    Firefighters were called to the scene around 5:02 p.m. by residents reporting a gas odor.  By the time they arrived, a fire had already started in the basement.

    Firefighters evacuated a three-block swath of the Todt Hill neighborhood around Overlook Ave. and Delaware St.

    The cause of the explosion is unclear, Nation Grid workers are currently digging in several locations to see if it is a natural gas leak.

    Both people suffered minor injuries in the explosion.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Three people injured in Gatlinburg after reported gas explosion

    Posted: Feb 01, 2014 8:56 PM EST

    GATLINBURG (WATE) – Three people have been injured after a reported gas explosion in Gatlinburg, according to Marci Claude, Gatlinburg's PIO.

    Police received a call at 7:15 p.m. to the Tree Tops Resort.

    A building suffered structural damage, but the fire has been extinguished.

    UT Lifestar flew one person to the hospital, Claude said. Two others were transported by ambulance.

    Claude did not release the extent of the victims' injuries. 

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    imageDERA MURAD JAMALI: An explosion causes suspension of gas supply to the local power plant in Nasirabad district.

    The district administration said that an explosion took place in the pipeline supplying gas from Sui to the local power plant in Nasirabad district. Resultantly, the gas supply to the gas supply to the power plant was suspended.

    The teams of experts of OGDCL has been called in for repairing of the affected pipeline.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Cause of Manhattan manhole explosions investigated

    Updated 3:53 am, Monday, February 3, 2014


    Explosion in Va. destroys home

    801 p.m. EST February 2, 2014

    FREDERICKSBURG, Va. -- An explosion in Fredericksburg, Virginia shook a neighborhood and destroyed a house under construction.

    The fire Marshal suspects a gas leak caused the explosion.

    People who live close to the house describe the loud explosion that rattled their home and their nerves.

    Stephanie Kim was at home around 9 Saturday night when she felt her house shake.

    "All of a sudden I heard this huge bang. I freaked out for a second and thought of my kids thinking there's no way they would do something that would make that loud of a noise. I looked out window and saw the roof on the ground and there was fire around the back of it," Kim said.

    Tom Hammond and his family felt the boom a quarter of a mile away.

    "My wife and I were in our bedroom watching TV. We got a shake that felt like the earthquake we had a few years ago," said Hammond.

    The Stafford County Fire Marshall was back out at the collapsed home, Sunday. The house that was unoccupied is located near route 17 in a brand new development at Stafford Lakes Village subdivision in Fredericksburg.

  • Tracie Crespo

    Explosion Levels Steel Plant Building - February 2, 2014


    A gas explosion has leveled a building on the grounds of a central Pennsylvania steel plant.

    Steelton Mayor Thomas Acri tells Pennlive.com that no one was hurt in the blast and subsequent fire at the ArcelorMittal plant Sunday afternoon.

    No one was inside the building when it exploded around 1 p.m. The cause of the gas leak remains under investigation.

    The fire brought more than 90 first responders to the grounds. Officials from UGI Utilities were there to investigate and help firefighters.

    The steel plant dates to 1867 and was formerly part of the Bethlehem Steel Corp. ArcelorMittal says the plant was the first built specifically for the production of steel in the United States.

  • KM


    How did anyone survive this? Neighbours describe pulling families from wreckage after two houses are flattened following huge gas explosion that left 10 injured

    • Residents of Clacton, Essex reported hearing a loud bang 'like a bomb going off' at 8.30am thanks to gas explosion
    • Four fire engines, five ambulances and two air ambulances called to scene and took 10 people to hospital
    • Passers-by who helped pull victims from the rubble said they were shocked to find residents still alive

    By Hugo Gye


    Bystanders who helped pull out a couple from the rubble of their home after a huge gas explosion have revealed their shock that anyone survived the blast.

    A man is in hospital with life-threatening injuries after the incident in Clacton, Essex, with two more people severely injured and seven left 'walking wounded'.

    The blast sent debris flying around the street, destroying two semi-detached houses and badly damaging another, and was described by locals as sounding 'like a bomb going off'

    Police and other emergency services - including four fire engines, five ambulances and two air ambulances - were called to the scene on Cloes Lane just before 8.30am today.

    Destroyed: Two houses were flattened by an apparent gas explosion in Clacton, Essex this morning

    Destroyed: Two houses were flattened by an apparent gas explosion in Clacton, Essex this morning

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    St. Louis firefighters respond to building explosion in Soulard

    St. Louis firefighters respond to explosion in Soulard

    ST. LOUIS • Firefighters have responded to an intersection in Soulard after an apparent natural gas explosion about 1:30 p.m. Wednesday.

    Authorities say a there was an explosion in a building at Shenandoah Avenue and Menard Street. Nobody was injured, according to St. Louis Fire Capt. Garon Mosby.

    It wasn't clear what caused the explosion, in a three-story building that houses a design studio. There was a strong odor of gas after the explosion, Mosby said, and some nearby buildings had been evacuated. Laclede Gas crews were on the scene, testing the air for gas levels, Mosby said.

    A Laclede Gas Co. spokeswoman could not immediately be reached for comment.

    Calls to the design business did not go through.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Elderly woman killed in building collapse in Italy

    ROME, Jan. 7 (Xinhua) -- An elderly woman died on Friday when a residential building collapsed due to a gas explosion in Italy's largest island Sicily.

    The blast occurred in Caccamo, a seaside town not far from the capital of the island, Palermo, in the early morning.

    Local media said the blast was triggered by a gas leak that eviscerated the two-floor building where 82-year-old Benedetta Sunseri had her apartment.

    The explosion also blew out windows in nearby buildings. Rescue teams which rushed to the spot found the body of the woman in the debris.

    "I was washing clothes as I often do in the morning, when I realized there was a strange smell in the air," a neighbor of the victim, whose house was also damaged by the explosion, said.

    "I heard a rubble and I had a handful of soil and sand, then a few pebbles in the face. After a moment of confusion, I tried to understand and I saw the debris," she said

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Published: Thursday, Feb. 6, 2014, 6:24 p.m.
    Updated 15 hours ago

    Justin Merriman | Tribune-Review
    Firefighters work outside of a home in the 4000 block of Tuxey Avenue in Brentwood after and explosion at the home on Thursday evening, Feb. 6, 2014.

    Investigators are trying to determine whether a natural gas leak caused an explosion on Thursday that injured the president of Brentwood's Emergency Medical Services and destroyed his home.

    Frank Mihalovich, 69, who owns and operates Frank's Guns in the basement of his home in the 4100 block of Tuxey Avenue, was taken to UPMC Mercy, Uptown, with burns to his back and head from the explosion and fire that occurred at 4:55 p.m., police Chief Robert Butelli said.

    “He said he was walking up the (basement) steps when there was an explosion,” Butelli said. “Natural gas is a possibility.”

    Gas company workers were going door to door in the neighborhood to make sure there were no other problems, fire Chief Dan Niecgorski said.

    Mihalovich, who was the only person in the house, was standing outside when firefighters arrived, Niecgorski said.

    The explosion probably occurred in the basement, because that's where there was the most damage, Butelli said.

    The flames began detonating ammunition, keeping firefighters at bay, Niecgorski said.

    “We never entered the area where the ammunition was stored,” he said.

    The four walls of the basement were buckled and cracked by the explosion, Butelli said. The blast caused part of the exterior brick facade to fall from the rear of the house, he said.

    “We have not been able to enter the house yet, because the building inspector said it is structurally deficient,” said Joseph Price, supervisory agent in charge of Pittsburgh's ATF office.

    ATF investigators, who were called because Mihalovich is a federally licensed gun dealer, will help determine what caused the explosion and make an inventory of and collect all the firearms in the house.

    “I was really upset when I heard the news,” Mayor Dennis Troy said. “I hope and pray he is going to be OK.”

    An Allegheny County Council Proclamation states that Mihalovich began as a volunteer at Brentwood EMS on May 4, 1980, and was honored at the organization's 28th Annual Anniversary Dinner on Dec. 10, 2005, for “25 years of distinguished service.”

    Thursday's explosion occurred five doors from a house that was destroyed by an explosion and fire on July 31, 2007. An occupant was accused of causing the explosion, but the charges were dismissed in Allegheny County Court.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Villages evacuated after gas pipeline explosion in RYK

    Updated at: Monday, February 10, 2014 12:51:17 AM

    Villages evacuated after gas pipeline explosion in RYK

    Staff Report

    RAHIMYAR KHAN: Several villages were evacuated after a fire broke out due to gas pipeline explosions in Rahimyar Khan on Sunday evening.

    The explosion happened just 50 kilometers from Rahimyar Khan city.

    According to report, the fire, which was raging, engulfed Yousufabad Rang Pura Village within no times.

    On the directive of DCO Rahimyar Khan, fire brigade teams and resceu workers reached the scene and started operation to extinguish the fire.

    DPO Suhail Zafar Chatha said that no loss of life was reported in the explosion.

    He said that efforts were under way to put out the blaze and it was premature to tell what caused the fire. 

  • Tracie Crespo

    15 Hurt in Blast at New Hampshire Ball Bearings Factory

    collapse story

    An explosion Monday afternoon at a New Hampshire ball bearings plant injured 15 people, including at least eight seriously, authorities said.

    Fire officials said at least two of the injured were airlifted to hospitals, NBC station WMUR reported, though company officials said they were told the injuries were not life-threatening.

    Monadnock Community Hospital said it had received eight patients and sent two to another hospital. It said on person was treated and released.

    Aerial video showed windows blasted out of a long section of the sprawling building housing New Hampshire Ball Bearings in Peterborough. The police chief said the explosion occurred on the plant's first floor, WMUR reported.

    "It shook our building, shook the plate glass in our showroom," Steve Bourgeois of Peterborough Collision told WMUR. He said the shop was 200-300 feet away from the plant.

    The company says on its website that it manufactures ball bearings for the aerospace, defense, medical and technology industries.

    Peterborough is about 70 miles northwest of Boston.

    Image: First responders work around debris from an explosion at a plant in Peterborough, N.H. WHDH
    First responders work around debris from an explosion at a plant in Peterborough, N.H.
  • Starr DiGiacomo


    One Injured, One Missing at SW Pa. Gas Well Fire

    Posted: Feb 11, 2014 9:22 AM ESTUpdated: Feb 11, 2014 10:39 AM EST
    Photo Courtesy KDKAPhoto Courtesy KDKA

    DILLINER, Pa. (AP) - One worker has been injured and another is missing after a natural gas well explosion and fire in southwestern Pennsylvania, within miles of the West Virginia border.

    Chevron spokesman Trip Oliver says the fire was reported at about 6:45 a.m. at the Lanco 7H well in Dunkard Township, near Bobtown. That's about 50 miles south of Pittsburgh. Oliver says one person is reported hospitalized and another is currently unaccounted for.

    Oliver says Chevron personnel immediately responded to the fire and called in assistance from Wild Well Control.

    Ambulance and emergency medical crews have been summoned to the scene, and state police have reportedly set up a half-mile perimeter.

    Crews at the scene report that intense flames have kept them from getting too close to the well.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Natural gas explosion reported near Tioga

    A natural gas pipeline explosion and fire was reported Monday night south of Tioga said Tim Wiedrich, chief of the North Dakota Health Department's emergency preparedness and response section.

    Randall Pederson with the Tioga Fire and Ambulance Department said they were called to the scene at 9 p.m. No injuries were reported.

    Pederson said as they were responding they could see a large glow south of town so they knew it was a big blaze. Four fire trucks and an ambulance responded.

    Pederson said the fire department set up a perimeter about 1/2 mile north of the blaze to keep people from driving through the area. He said they were there for about one hour.

    The pipeline company, Hiland Partners, shut valves to keep any more gas from reaching the blaze and put it out. Pederson said the fire department never got close to the blaze and had no information about how it started.

    According to its website, Hiland Partners is a midstream energy company gathering, processing and marketing natural gas, natural gas liquids and crude oil.

  • Tracie Crespo


    Gas Pipeline Blast In Kentucky Burns Houses, Leaves Huge Crater

    A gas pipeline explosion in Kentucky shook the ground and catapulted rocks high into the air early Thursday, officials said.

    The blast and ensuing fire in Adair County destroyed three houses, two barns and several cars, Kentucky Emergency Management director Greg Thomas said.

    One person suffered burns and was taken to hospital.

    The pipeline was buried 20 feet into a mountainside near the rural community of Knifley. The explosion left a deep crater and flung “huge rocks” into the air, according to Thomas speaking from the scene.

    Some of these boulders were found blocking a road 150 yards away from the pipeline in what Thomas said was evidence of the blast’s ferocity.

    Michael Clinkscales, a student at Lindsey Wilson College in Columbia, Ky., said he saw the fire from his campus 20 miles away and posted a photograph on Twitter.

    "Calls came in from people saying there was an explosion and the ground was rocking," Thomas said. "People did not know what was going on."

    The explosion happened just after 1 a.m. locally and was still burning more than three hours later.

    Some 200 firefighters and other emergency service personnel from surrounding counties were at the scene at 4 a.m. and had managed to contain the fire.

    The operators of the pipeline, Columbia Gulf Transmission, had shut off the gas but the fire would continue to burn until all the gas left in the isolated section had burned out, Thomas said.

    The company, which is part of NiSource's Columbia Pipeline Group, said in a statement released at 6:30 a.m. ET that it did not yet know the cause of the explosion. It said its emergency response teams were working with local authorities to "to assure the safety and security of the area where the rupture occurred."

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Home up in flames after gas explosion north of Bath

    • An explosion and flames, apparently linked to a gas line, break out Friday night at a house in the Hickory Hills manufactured home park north of Bath.
    An explosion and flames, apparently linked to a gas line, break out Friday… (KEVIN MINGORA, THE MORNING…)
    February 15, 2014|By Frank Warner and Kevin Mingora, Of The Morning Call

    An explosion and flames linked to a gas line Friday night destroyed a house in the Hickory Hills manufactured home park north of Bath.

    A blast was reported 9:15 p.m. at 118 Hickory Hills Drive in Moore Township. Several fire companies were dispatched to the scene, as the fire swept through the home and burned it to the ground.

    An hour later, a flame continued to shoot from the ground, where the gas line fed it. Firefighters said there was no quick way to shut off the gas, so it burned about 2 hours.

    In the early moments of the fire, officials said they did not believe anyone was home when the gas exploded. Late Friday, Moore Townshp police Detective Sgt. Rick Knecht said it was unknown if anyone was home.

    A state police fire marshal from Monroe County was called to the scene to investigate.

    Three families on Donna Drive and Dianne Road heard the blast about a mile away, according to Edee Maurer of Dianne Road.

    "I was watching TV when I heard this," Maurer said. "I thought something blew in our pellet stove and I walked out in the room and everything was OK. Then my sister called me and said, did you hear that? She said her home shook."

    The fire produced large plumes of smoke, but the flames were confined to the lot of the one home, which appeared to be a double-wide prefabricated model. Police tape was strung around the ruins.

    Homes to the right and left of the destroyed house were not affected.

    Assisting Moore Township firefighters at the fire scene were Bushkill Township, Upper Nazareth Township, Lehigh Township, East Allen Township and Bath fire companies.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Gas explosion at Istanbul art gallery injures 4 people

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Explosion beneath pavement forces evacuation in north London

    Fifty people had to be evacuated from their homes and businesses this morning after an underground fire in Islington

    Firemen closed off Caledonian Road in Islington, north London after flames were seen coming from an electrical manhole cover.

    A bystander captured this footage of the blaze, which is believed to have started among power lines beneath the street around 9.30am.

    London Fire Brigade said fifty people were evacuated as a precaution. No one was injured in the incident.

    In April last year, a burst power cable was responsible for three explosions on a central London street. No one was injured in the blast.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Seven miners killed in Ukraine blast

    Kiev (AFP) - Seven miners were killed and nine injured when a gas explosion ripped through a state-owned coal mine in eastern Ukraine, officials said Tuesday.

    The blast occurred Monday evening at a depth of around 800 metres (2,600 feet) while some 90 workers were on shift at the mine in Makiyivka in Ukraine's mineral-rich Donetsk region.

    "Seven miners were killed and nine hospitalised," the emergency situations service said in a statement.

    The bodies of all the victims had been recovered by early Tuesday and work at the mine has been suspended, the statement said.

    Fatal accidents are a regular feature at Ukrainian mines, most of which are located in the country's industrial eastern region. Many of the mines are underfunded and poorly equipped, and safety violations are rife.

    In the worst accident of its kind in the country's post-Soviet history, more than 100 miners were killed in an explosion in 2007 at the Zasyadko mine, one of the three biggest in Ukraine.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    2 dead as gas pipeline explodes in Sindh

    February 19, 2014 - Updated 445 PKT

    GHOTKI: A 36-inch diameter gas pipeline from Qadirpur Gas Field caught fire after a huge explosion near Mir Kosh area in Ghotki district, police said on Wednesday.

    The police said that two people were killed and two others sustained injured in the explosion. They said that the dead and injured were shifted to a nearby hospital.

    According to reports, Guddu-Kashmore highway was closed for traffic as the gas pipe line exploded near the road linking Punjab and Sindh.

    Gas supply was suspended to different areas of Punjab and Sindh after the explosion.

    Official sources said that gas supply to power plants in Faisalabad and Kabirwala was suspended after the incident.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Northwood, Iowa, evacuated after explosion, fire at fertilizer plant

    NORTHWOOD — The cause of Thursday's explosion at Northwood AG Products fertilizer storage that contains sulfuric acid is undetermined, according to Worth County Emergency Management Director Ray Huftalin.

    The explosion, which forced the evacuation of Northwood's approximately 2,000 residents for most of the day, occurred around 7:30 a.m. Thursday.

    Residents were given the all-clear about 4 p.m. U.S. Highway 65 was re-opened at approximately 3:15 p.m.

    Considering the number of people involved, the evacuation went well, Huftalin said.

    Four Northwood residents were treated at Mercy Medical Center-North Iowa Thursday morning following the fire.

    The hospital was put on alert for the possibility of more people needing treatment.

    No additional patients had been admitted as of 3:40 p.m. Thursday, a Mercy spokeswoman said.

    The residents getting hospital treatment came in on their own, a hospital spokeswoman said.

    General symptoms of exposure to sulfuric acid are vomiting, nausea and respiratory problems. The spokeswoman said anyone experiencing symptoms should go to the main entrance of the emergency room. A medical team would be there to assist them.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    3 injured in methane gas explosion in C China
    2014-02-21 09:45


    Photo taken on Feb. 20, 2014 shows an explosion site on a road in Qiaokou District of Wuhan, capital of central China'a Hubei province. According to the local fire department, three people were injured in a methane gas explosion in Wuhan on Thursday, which collapsed an underground sewage pipe.


    Photo taken on Feb. 20, 2014 shows an explosion site on a road in Qiaokou District of Wuhan City, capital of central China'a Hubei province. According to the local fire department, three people were injured in a methane gas explosion in Wuhan on Thursday, which collapsed an underground sewage pipe.


    Photo taken on Feb. 20, 2014 shows an explosion site on a road in Qiaokou District of Wuhan City, capital of central China'a Hubei province. According to the local fire department, three people were injured in a methane gas explosion in Wuhan on Thursday, which collapsed an underground sewage pipe.


    Photo taken on Feb. 20, 2014 shows an explosion site on a road in Qiaokou District of Wuhan City, capital of central China'a Hubei province. According to the local fire department, three people were injured in a methane gas explosion in Wuhan on Thursday, which collapsed an underground sewage pipe.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Blast in Russia kills three, authorities suspect gas

    Reuters News | Feb 23, 2014

    MOSCOW (Reuters) - An explosion that investigators said may have been caused by gas killed three people at a shopping complex in Russia's remote Altai region in southern Siberia on Sunday, law enforcement authorities said.

    Russian authorities are on alert for any attacks during the 2014 Winter Olympics, which end on Sunday in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi. Initial reports gave no information about the cause of the blast, raising fears it could have been a bombing.

    But the federal Investigative Committee made no mention of any suspicion of a militant attack or foul play in the early morning blast that killed three female employees at the complex in the city of Biisk, more than 2,500 km (1,500 miles) east of Sochi.

    "According to preliminary information, a household gas explosion may have been the cause," it said, adding that the investigation was continuing and a criminal case on suspicion of lethal negligence had been opened.

    another link: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2014/02/23/Blast-at-Russian-...

    Blast at Russian mall kills three

    Feb. 23, 2014 at 9:39 AM

    BIYSK, Russia, Feb. 23 (UPI) -- At least three people died Sunday after an explosion at a mall in Siberia's Altai Republic, police said.

    The explosion took place at the Kalinka mall in central Biysk and killed three female shop assistants, RIA Novosti reported.

    Authorities were investigating the cause of the explosion.

    Police said it could have been caused by a gas leak, though the building is heated by coal.

    And another explosion: http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/gas-explosion-at-kemerov...

    Gas Explosion at Kemerovo Coal Mine Kills 2

    The Associated Press

    Russian officials say a methane gas explosion ripped through a coal mine late Wednesday and killed two miners.

    A total of 105 miners were in the Dzerzhinsky mine in the Kemerovo region of Siberia when the gas exploded just before 9:30 p.m.

    The regional administration said in a statement that two of the miners died, but the rest had made it out alive.

    The cause of the blast was unknown. The regional administration said an investigation was underway.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Twelve dead in Qatar restaurant gas explosion: news agency

    People stand amidst debris near a Turkish restaurant following a gas explosion in Doha February 27, 2014. Twelve people were killed, including two children, and about 30 wounded when a gas tank exploded at the Turkish restaurant in the Qatari capital off Doha on Thursday, authorities in the Gulf Arab state reported. 

    another link: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4493450,00.html

    12 dead in gas blast in Qatari capital Doha

    Published:  02.27.14, 16:07 

    Qatar's capital of Doha, killing 12

    by ABDULLAH REBHY., Associated Press - 27 February 2014 09:02-05:00

    DOHA, Qatar - An apparent gas explosion Thursday at a restaurant near a filling station in the Qatari capital killed 12 people and wounded several more, emergency services officials in the energy-rich Gulf nation said.


    Initial indications suggested a burst natural gas tank atop a Turkish restaurant was to blame for the blast, which happened shortly after 10 a.m. near the popular Landmark Mall shopping center in the capital, Doha.


    The force of the explosion caused the partial collapse of the Istanbul Restaurant and sent shrapnel flying as far as 50 meters  away, authorities said. Officials are treating the explosion as an accident, though it is unclear what ignited the tank.


    The 12 people reported killed were all Asian or Arab, said Maj. Gen. Saad al-Khulaifi, who heads the country's police force. He did not give further details on their identities or nationalities.


    He said 31 others were wounded, some seriously. He vowed authorities would conduct a full and transparent investigation. 

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    2 manholes explode in Hartsdale at East Hartsdale and Columbia avenues; knocks out power

    The explosions, caused by an underground Con Ed

    The explosions, caused by an underground Con Ed transformer fire, knocked out power to multiple buildings affecting about 1,000 residents.

    HARTSDALE - An explosion in two manholes has knocked out power to parts of Hartsdale, and police are fearful of more explosions.

    Police say two Con Ed manholes exploded at around 2:30 p.m. at East Hartsdale and Columbia avenues. 

    Cops cordoned off the area due to the possibility that other manholes may explode. Traffic is shut down from Central Avenue to East Hartsdale Avenue. 

    Read More:  Westchester Top Stories

    The explosions, caused by an underground Con Ed transformer fire, knocked out power to multiple buildings, affecting about 1,000 residents. Residents are being told to make other arrangements for tonight. The Greenburgh police chief says buses are acting as warming shelters, and emergency power stations are set up for those with medical equipment.

    One resident told News 12 it "sounded like someone dropped a bomb." No injuries have been reported yet.

  • KM


    Authorities respond to massive explosion in East Harlem

    By Ray Sanchez, CNN
    updated 11:20 AM EDT, Wed March 12, 2014

    (CNN) -- A massive explosion Wednesday injured at least 11 people and resulted in a building collapse and raging fire in Manhattan's East Harlem, authorities said.

    A Con Ed spokesman Bob McGee said the utility received a call of a gas leak at 9:13 AM. The call came from a resident at one of the newer building on Park Avenue. The utility dispatched a truck two minutes later but it arrived after the explosion, the spokesman said.

    Map: Explosion in HarlemMap: Explosion in Harlem

    Building collapses in Manhattan

    Clouds of dark smoke rose over the largely residential area of red-brick tenements and small businesses after the the 9:30 a.m. blast.

    Hundreds of firefighters responded, many spraying water on the roaring blaze from ladders, others furiously pulling bricks near the collapse.

    Metro North commuter rail service was suspended as debris from the explosion landed on the elevated tracks across the street, authorities said.

    "I heard an explosion," said a neighborhood resident named Angelica. "The impact of the explosion jammed the doors. I couldn't get out the house. It was so loud."

    The New York police bomb squad responded to the scene, according to a law enforcement source.

    "Two buildings have collapsed. I hope there is no one in there. It's just rubble," a worker at a nearby flea market said.

    Dark smoke could be seen billowing for a three-block radius as hundreds of rescue officials descended on the scene.

    CNN first learned of this story via Twitter.

  • Howard

    16-Inch Natural Gas Pipeline Explodes Near Fremont Nebraska (Mar 14)
    A 60-foot wall of flame erupted Friday morning from a ruptured natural gas pipeline along a rural road northwest of Fremont.

    An explosion shook houses and could be heard miles away, and the towering blaze that followed kept burning for much of the day, fueled by the contents of Northern Natural Gas' 16-inch pipeline.

    “It sounded like a jet,” said Wayne Francis, who lives about 2 1/2 miles away.

    After the blast, he drove to the intersection closest to the fire, Dodge County Roads 20 and O, and got out of his pickup.

    "I could feel the heat," he said. "The fire was starting to burn in the corn stubble on the north side of the road. There was nothing else close that looked like it was going to burn.”

    Four nearby homes were evacuated, but nothing was damaged and no one was injured, officials said.

    As many as two additional explosions followed the first one, said Jerry Dillenburg, chief of the volunteer fire department in nearby Nickerson.

    “I know for sure there was another explosion once we got out here, but it was in the same area. What caused it, I don’t know. It wasn’t big like the original one,” he said.

    Workers from Omaha-based Northern Natural Gas closed off the section of pipe involved, but the remaining gas continued to burn into the afternoon. The company's nearby pipelines kept gas flowing to the Fremont and Hooper areas.

    Spokesman Mike Loeffler said it could take weeks to determine what caused the explosion.

    “They won’t know for sure until they can get in there and dig around and get the pipeline pulled up,” Dillenburg said.

    Northern Natural Gas operates 14,900 miles of pipe in several states, stretching from southwest Texas to the Great Lakes region, according to its website. Its lines cut across much of eastern Nebraska.

    Loeffler said he didn't know when the line was installed.

    Throughout the day Friday, firefighters and law enforcement held a steady stream of onlookers at bay, keeping them from getting too close in case of more fire.

    But plenty of folks could see it all from home.

    At about 8:30 a.m., Keith and Marcia Johnson were in bed in their home down the road when they heard the boom.

    “The house just shook,” Marcia Johnson said later Friday morning. “We looked out of our window and there was a huge ball of fire. We grabbed our clothes and ran out because our house is on the natural gas line. Keith doesn’t even have his shoes."

    Erin Teut was getting ready for work when she saw the explosion from about 2 miles away.

    "I just happened to be standing there looking out the window and I saw the explosion and felt it,” she said. “You just heard this roaring, it sounded like a jet had crashed.

    “You see this big massive explosion, and you can just feel the pressure in the air when it happened. ... We were far enough away, but from that far the sound was absolutely frightening."



  • Starr DiGiacomo

    LANCASTER COUNTY, SC (WBTV) - video link


    Officials: House exploded in Lancaster, damaged 5 other homes

    Posted: Mar 22, 2014 4:23 AM EDTUpdated: Mar 22, 2014 1:40 PM EDT

    Police told WBTV nobody was injured when a house exploded in Lancaster on Saturday morning on Cane Mill Road.

    Five other homes were damaged in the blast according to the Lancaster Police Department.

    Officials blocked off the area because firefighters were concerned about a second explosion.

    The Lancaster Fire Marshal said there is no official cause of the blast but it was most likely a gas explosion.

    Neighbors told WBTV the owners of the home left on Friday for a vacation in the mountains.

    The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division is investigating.

  • jorge namour

    Saturday March 22, 2014

    Confirm "total destruction" of plant that burns in YPF Malargüe- MENDOZA- ARGENTINA


    The larger tank structure yielded, as a result of temperature. A fire two oil tanks triggered the "total destruction" of a treatment plant oil company YPF in Cerro Divisadero, 20 kilometers from the city of Mendoza Bardas Blancas in Malargüe, where the situation was "review ". The company confirmed that 14 people were referred for minor injuries at various health facilities in the area, but none had life-threatening. The incident began in Mendoza midday Friday in one of the tanks, for reasons discussed, which generated a plume several meters high that could be seen for miles. However, in the morning, and as a result of temperature, yielded tank walls affecting the whole plant, including other similar container. Since the company confirmed to DyN that structure the largest oil tank ceded as a result of temperature, which burned oil spilled all over the floor, and hit the other reservoir. They also reported that the work being performed aimed to contain the fire to prevent it from spreading to other facilities that the company has in place, and the adjacent fields. Last year, the company suffered a similar incident in the plant having in Ensenada, on the day of the tragic flooding in the city of La Plata, which halted production for a long time


    For his part, Minister of Land and Environment Mendoza, Guillermo Elizalde, said the situation is "delicate," but said it is controlled. The official confirmed that the fire started in one of the tanks that YPF has in the area of ​​Cerro Divisadero, and spread to a second tank, after it took the whole plant, which was destroyed, said the official, speaking to TN. Continue...

    MAP: https://www.google.com.ar/maps/@-35.4721293,-69.5808716,5z

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Methane explosion causes extensive damage to Goshen water treatment plant

    Methane gas ignited Monday morning, March 24, causing extensive damage at Goshen’s wastewater treatment plant. Though glass was shattered 

    The Goshen Wastewater Treatment Plant, 1000 Wilden Ave., was the site of a methane explosion early Monday morning, March 24, 2014. (Angelle Barbazon/The Elkhart Truth)

    GOSHEN — A methane explosion at Goshen’s wastewater treatment plant early Monday morning, March 24, left extensive damage but did not affect operations.

    City utility engineer Dustin Sailor said methane gas ignited around 5 a.m. in the sludge thickener building connected to the plant’s administrative offices. No one was injured.

    “The damage is pretty extensive,” Sailor said. “When it ignited, it moved all four walls with the heaviest damaged to the west and north.”

    Glass was broken, and plastic and controls were also damaged, Sailor added.

    Sailor said the explosion was caused by methane that had built up in the thickener building.

    The explosion happened before staff was on site. An alarm inside the building, located at 1000 Wilden Ave., alerted city officials. Plant superintendent Jim Kerezman said an operator discovered the damage and called the fire department.

    “The fire department was here for a little while to make sure everything was OK,” Kerezman said.

    The city’s insurance adjuster advised Sailor to begin collecting quotes for the damage.

    “We’re still piecing it all together,” Sailor said.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Joliet home leveled by explosion

    Updated at 06:14 PM today
    Joliet home leveled by explosion

    A home was leveled by an explosion Monday afternoon in far south suburban Joliet.

    The home is in the 700-block of Lambeth Lane. No one was home when the house exploded, and no injuries were reported

    A family of five lived in the house, including 3 school-aged children. A relative said that had the explosion occured an hour later, all three of the children would have been home.

    Neighbors reported hearing multiple explosions at the house around 2:30 p.m. Monday, which were followed by a large fire. The Joliet Fire Department and Will County Sheriff's Department responded to the scene.

    The family that lived there is now staying with relatives.

    "Very distraught, very distraught. They can't believe that this happened, their house is just totaled, it's gone. There's nothing left," said Janice Wenzel, homeowner's sister.

    The cause of the explosion remains under investigation. A relative of the family said a new furnace was recently installed in the home.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    28 March 2014, 11:11

    Six people injured in Detroit gas explosion

    Six people injured in Detroit gas explosion

    Six people, including two children, harmed after a gas explosion in a dwelling in Detroit, US. Currently a two-year-old boy and a six-month-old girl are in a critical condition. The injured were urgently hospitalized.

    It is reported that the explosion was caused by a gas leak in the house. Other details of this incident in Detroit were not disclosed. The cause of the gas leak is not known yet. Firefighters are still trying to put out the fire. The incident took place in the north-eastern part of Detroit.

  • Starr DiGiacomo


    Fire, explosion at Williams natgas facility in Washington

    Published on Apr 01, 2014
    2:15 AM

    (REUTERS) - A fire broke out on Monday at a Plymouth, Washington, natural gas storage facility operated by Williams Partners, and was followed by an explosion, a local fire department official told Reuters.

    The fire started at the facility early on Monday and was followed by an explosion in one storage tank, said Ed Dunbar, a captain with the Benton County Fire District office.

    Messages left for Williams' officials were not immediately returned.

    Residents within a 3.2 km radius of the area were told to evacuate, Dunbar said.

    another link:


    Explosion risk remains near Washington LNG facility: emergency responders

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - Officials are responding to a liquefied natural gas leak from a tank at the Williams Cos Ins LNG facility in Plymouth, Washington, where an explosion occurred earlier on Monday and another is still a possibility, a local emergency responder said.

    Emergency responders are evacuating residents within a two-mile radius of the site to a shelter in Hermiston, Oregon, and established roadblocks on a nearby highway and an interstate artery, said Deanna Davis, a public information officer with the Benton County Emergency Management office.

    The evacuations are 95 percent complete and emergency responders are draining the LNG before taking a closer look at the damage, she added.

    A smaller tank exploded due to unknown causes at the facility earlier on Monday and shrapnel caused a leak on a larger tank nearby, Davis said.